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Searching for spin-3/2 leptons

Mohammad Abdullah,1 Kevin Bauer,1 Luis Gutierrez,1 John Sandy,1 and Daniel Whiteson1
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697
A model of spin-3/2 vector-like leptons is introduced, which serve as an alternative probe of
possible lepton compositeness. Possible signatures at the Large Hadron Collider are explored, and
current data are used to constrain the masses of the hypothetical new leptons.

PACS numbers:

INTRODUCTION where D is the covariant derivative, ` can be either e, µ,

arXiv:1609.05251v2 [hep-ph] 1 Nov 2016

or τ and the ∗ denotes the spin-3/2 leptons. If we expand

A major open question in modern particle physics is the derivative term, the free part of the Lagrangian will
whether the standard model fermions are fundamental be
particles, or whether they are composite, such as stable
states of more fundamental particles [1][2][3][4][5].
1 µνρσ ∗+
Such compositeness could be identified by the observa- Lfree =  (`µ γ5 γσ ∂ν `∗− ∗ ∗
ρ + ν̄`µ γ5 γσ ∂ν ν`ρ )
tion of excited states, which has been studied in depth [6].
+imL `∗+ µν ∗− ∗ µν ∗
µ γ `ν + imL ν̄`µ γ ν`ν (3)
Here, we propose an alternative possibility, the exis-
tence of vector-like spin-3/2 copies of the standard model
Note that the charged and neutral components have
fermions, in which the left- and right-handed fermions
the same mass (mL ) due to SU (2) gauge invariance. Ex-
have identical charges.
panding the covariant derivative we get the interactions
In this paper, we propose such a model, discuss the
with the standard model vector bosons which, after elec-
potential signals at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
troweak symmetry breaking, look like
and apply existing LHC data to calculate constraints on
the mass of spin-3/2 leptons.

Lgauge = µνρσ [2ieW Wν+ ν̄`µ γ5 γσ `∗− − ∗+ ∗

ρ + Wν `µ γ5 γσ ν`ρ

THEORY ie(− 21 + s2W )

+ Zν `∗+ ∗−
µ γ5 γσ `ρ
sW cW
We assume that the new spin-3/2 lepton fields are ie ∗ ∗
+ Zν ν̄`µ γ5 γσ νlρ
charged identically to the standard model leptons but 2sW cW
are vector-like; specifically, the right- and left-handed + −ieAν `∗+ ∗−
µ γ5 γσ `ρ ] (4)
fields couple identically, for otherwise the model would
be heavily constrained by a combination of constraints where all couplings are well measured electroweak pa-
from electroweak precision data and Higgs boson observ- rameters given approximately by
ables [7]. This still leaves two options: the leptons can
be SU (2) doublets, which means they will couple to all

electroweak bosons, or SU (2) singlets, which means they e = 4πα ' 0.3
will only couple to photons and Z bosons. The doublet e
eW ≡ √ ' 0.2
model will be the focus of this work due to its richer sW 2 2
structure; we will supplement it with effective operators sW ≡ sinθW ' 0.5
that allow for decays. cW ≡ cosθW ' 0.9
The Lagrangian for such a model can be written as:
Next, we move to the effective operators without which
the new fields would be stable; note that the charged
L = Lfree + Lgauge + Lvector (1) and neutral components of the new leptons have identi-
cal masses. Since the compositeness scale is higher than
The first two terms contain the mass and kinetic terms the electroweak scale, it makes more sense to write down
and are given by operators that respect the underlying SU (2) symmetry
of the theory which reduces the number of allowed terms
1 µνρσ ∗ and parameters. For concreteness and simplicity we will
Lfree +Lgauge =  L̄µ γ5 γσ Dν L∗ρ +imL L̄∗µ γ µν L∗ν (2) assume only the following effective operators


i 1 µν ∗
Lvector = − B (L̄µ γν L + L̄γν L∗µ ) The production of the new fields is predominantly
2 ΛB through Drell-Yan pair production with electroweak
i 1 gauge bosons as mediators, and the cross sections are
+ W µνa (L̄∗µ σa γν L + L̄σa γν L∗µ )
2 ΛW fixed by standard model couplings for a given mass. As
i explained earlier, the couplings of the effective opera-
≡ − gB B µν (L̄∗µ γν L + L̄γν L∗µ )
2 tors are chosen to be small enough to contribute sub-
i dominantly to production even at the highest mass con-
+ gW W µνa (L̄∗µ σa γν L + L̄σa γν L∗µ ) (5)
2 sidered.

where ΛB and ΛW are scales generated by some UV

physics to which we are oblivious.
Other operators that we could have considered are
4-fermion operators involving both new and standard
model fields, in which case the final state leptons are
direct decay products of the spin-3/2 fields rather than
secondary particles making them easier to detect. Al- e*+
ternatively we could have chosen electroweak symmetry
breaking operators that lead to mass splitting between FIG. 1: Production modes of the spin-3/2 leptons via stan-
the neutral and charged fields allowing one to decay to dard model electroweak bosons.
the other. We leave an exploration of such possibilities
for future work. The pairs that can be produced are l∗+ l∗− , ν̄l∗ νl∗ ,
and l∗− ν̄l∗ , with the last two being the most com-
l∗+ νl∗ ,
mon since W production at the LHC is the larger of the
BOUNDS three bosons. As for decays, the effective operators open
up a variety of channels. The allowed decays are shown
in the table below.
Since the new fields are vector-like and do not couple
to the Higgs at tree level, their electroweak charge causes
no conflict with measurement of S, T, U parameters [8][9] TABLE I: Allowed decay modes for spin-3/2 leptons `∗ and
(or, effectively, the electroweak bosons’ self-energy). The
effective operators are, in principle, constrained by mea- `∗− Z`− γ`− W − ν` W − Zν` W − γν` W + W − `−
surements of the anomalous magnetic moment of charged ν`∗ Zν` γν` W + `− W + Z`− W + γ`− W + W − ν`
leptons, especially that of the muon [10]. Such con-
straints can easily be avoided if the couplings gB and
gW are sufficiently small. Ensuring that these couplings By contrived choices of gW and gB we can turn off
are small also ensures that the effective operators do not one of the decays in the first two columns. All the other
compete with the gauge interactions in the production of columns depend only on gW and can only be turned off
the new fermions. On the other hand, if the couplings by setting it to zero, in which case the decays in the first
are too small the new fields would correspond to parti- two columns must either be all on or all off. One good
cles with long lifetimes and would be severely constrained feature of this set of decays is that there will always be
by long-lived charged particle searches [11][12][13]. The some visible decay products, even if we produce a pair of
range 10−9 GeV−1 < gB , gW < 10−4 GeV−1 satisfies spin-3/2 neutrinos.
these requirements and we will assume such values for In this work will limit ourselves to 2-body decays in-
the remainder of the work. We emphasize that the exact cluding electron and muons, which results in promising
values are, for a given ratio of gB and gW , unimportant signals; we leave the photon channels for a future work.
since they modify neither the branching ratios nor the We will place the limits on the benchmark points listed in
production rate. Table II where the forbidden decay channel is indicated
Collider bounds on spin-1/2 vector-like leptons are po- in each case.
tentially applicable. However, due to different choices in
either the production or decay channels, none of the anal-
yses in the literature are directly applicable. Moreover, LIMITS FROM LHC DATA
it is possible that the difference in kinematics due to the
higher spin are significant enough to alter the limit, so it Assuming production via an intermediate electroweak
is worthwhile to study this particular case in addition. boson and the decays given in Table I, there are ten dis-

Benchmark Point gW : gB Forbidden Channels

1 1 : 1 None
2 cW : sW ν ∗ → γν
3 cW : -sW e∗ → γe 10

Fraction of events
4 sW : cW e∗ → Zν
5 sW : -cW ν ∗ → Zν
6 0 : 1 All decays including W’s −2

TABLE II: The ratios of gW and gB and the main decay

feature of each benchmark point

tinct production modes for the LHC: For l* = e* and ν * = ν e *

10− 4 l*, ν * mass = 200GeV
l*, ν * mass = 400GeV
l*, ν * mass = 600GeV
W → `∗ ν ∗ → Z`Zν, W νZν, W νW `, Z`W ` l*, ν * mass = 800GeV
−5 l*, ν * mass = 1000GeV
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Z → `∗ `∗ → Z`Z`, W νW ν, Z`W ν leptons
HT [GeV]

Z → ν ∗ ν ∗ → ZνZν, ZνW `, W `W ν 10

Fraction of events
which generate final states including many charged lep-
tons, which offer low background rates at the LHC. 10

We apply selections from the same-sign 2` [14] and

3` [15] searches at ATLAS. We provide a brief summary
below of the signal regions considered. 10

For the 2` search, the final states e± e± , e± µ± and

± ±
µ µ are considered in categories defined by the dilepton
invariant mass. −4 For l* = e*, µ * and ν * = ν *, ν µ *
10 e
For the 3` search, events are classified using the three l*, ν * mass = 200GeV
l*, ν * mass = 400GeV
highest-pT selected leptons, distinguishing between those l*, ν * mass = 600GeV
that do not contain an opposite-sign same-flavour pair l*, ν * mass = 800GeV
−5 l*, ν * mass = 1000GeV
(denoted no-OSSF) and those that do contain an OSSF 10

pair, which are further subdivided into on-Z and off-Z 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
HT [GeV]
based on the dilepton and three highest-pT selected lep-
tons invariant mass. For each category, there are sev- leptons
FIG. 2: Distribution of HT for simulated spin-3/2 lepton
eral signal regions used to characterize events based on leptons
samples; the selection required HT > 500 GeV. The top
the quantities: HTleptons , the scalar sum of the transverse
pane shows the case where only electrons are considered; the
momentum pT of the three leptons used to categorize the bottom pane shows the case where electrons and muons are
event; p`,min
T , the minimum transverse momentum pT of considered.
the three leptons used to categorize the event; ET ,
the missing transverse momentum; meff , the scalar sum
of ETmiss
, HTjets , and the
q pT of all identified leptons in second generation and allow `∗ = e∗ , µ∗ , ν ∗ = νe∗ , νµ∗ . For
the event; and mW
T = 2p`T ET
miss (1 − cos(∆φ)), defined both, we set me∗ = mve∗ = mµ∗ = mvµ∗ . We generated
only for on-Z events. For the transverse mass, p`T cor- samples of production cross sections and decay widths for
responds to the transverse momentum of the highest-pT a range of masses and combined them according to each
lepton not associated to a Z boson candidate and ∆φ of the six coupling benchmarks described in Table II.
is the azimuthal angle between the highest-pT lepton not From among the signal regions in the two ATLAS
associated to a Z boson candidate and the missing trans- searches described above, we choose the SR which gives
verse momentum ET miss
. the most powerful expected limits: HTleptons > 500 GeV
Simulated samples of spin-3/2 leptons were generated for OSSF off-Z. Distributions of HTleptons in simulated
with madgraph5 [16][17] and the decays were performed samples after all selection requirements are made are
through pythia [18] for a variety of `∗ and ν ∗ masses shown in Fig. 2. Selection efficiency is shown in Fig. 3.
under two scenarios. First, we consider the simple case Observed and expected limits are derived according to
in which `∗ = e∗ and ν ∗ = νe∗ ; second, we extend to the the prescription provided in Ref. [15] shown in Fig. 4

are ruled out at the 95% confidence level for masses up

to about 560 GeV for one new field with electron flavor,
and up to about 620 GeV for two new, mass degenerate
Total efficiency

fields, one with electron flavor and one with muon flavor.
We expect to get more stringent limits if we include the
photon channel.

10−2 For l* = e* and ν* = νe*
All decay channels open
ν* → γ ν decay forbidden The authors are grateful to Tim Tait, Bartosz For-
l* → γ l decay forbidden nal, and Jordan Smolinsky for helpful discussion and
l* → Z l decay forbidden
ν* → Z ν decay forbidden comments. MA is particularly thankful to Tim Tait for
Decays to Ws forbidden his guidance in constructing the model. This work is
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 supported in part by U.S. National Science Foundation
l*, ν* mass [GeV] Grant No. PHY–1316792.
Total efficiency

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Cross-section [fb]

Cross-section [fb]




For l* = e* and ν* = νe*, all decay channels open: For l* = e* and ν* = νe*, ν* → γ ν decay forbidden:
95% CL Expected limit 95% CL Expected limit
10−1 −1
95% CL Observed limit 10 95% CL Observed limit
Theoretical Prediction Theoretical Prediction

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
l*, ν* mass [GeV] l*, ν* mass [GeV]

Cross-section [fb]

Cross-section [fb]




For l* = e* and ν* = νe*, l* → γ l decay forbidden: For l* = e* and ν* = νe*, l* → Z l decay forbidden:
95% CL Expected limit 95% CL Expected limit
10−1 95% CL Observed limit 95% CL Observed limit
Theoretical Prediction Theoretical Prediction
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
l*, ν* mass [GeV] l*, ν* mass [GeV]

Cross-section [fb]

Cross-section [fb]


102 10



For l* = e* and ν* = νe*, ν* → Z ν decay forbidden: For l* = e* and ν* = νe*, decays to Ws forbidden:
10−1 95% CL Expected limit 95% CL Expected limit
95% CL Observed limit 95% CL Observed limit
Theoretical Prediction Theoretical Prediction
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
l*, ν* mass [GeV] l*, ν* mass [GeV]

FIG. 4: Observed and expected limits as a function of `∗ and ν ∗ mass, in the case of `∗ = e∗ , ν ∗ = νe∗

Cross-section [fb]

Cross-section [fb]



For l* = e*, µ* and ν* = νe*, νµ* ; all decay channels open : For l* = e*, µ* and ν* = νe*, νµ* ; ν* → γ ν decay forbidden:
95% CL Expected limit 95% CL Expected limit
95% CL Observed limit 95% CL Observed limit
Theoretical Prediction 10−1 Theoretical Prediction

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
l*, ν* mass [GeV] l*, ν* mass [GeV]
Cross-section [fb]

Cross-section [fb]



For l* = e*, µ* and ν* = νe*, νµ* ; l* → γ l decay forbidden: For l* = e*, µ* and ν* = νe*, νµ* ; l* → Z l decay forbidden:
95% CL Expected limit 95% CL Expected limit
95% CL Observed limit 95% CL Observed limit
10−1 Theoretical Prediction Theoretical Prediction

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
l*, ν* mass [GeV] l*, ν* mass [GeV]
Cross-section [fb]

Cross-section [fb]

103 102

102 10


For l* = e*, µ* and ν* = νe*, νµ* ; ν* → Z ν decay forbidden: For l* = e*, µ* and ν* = νe*, νµ* ; decays to Ws forbidden:
95% CL Expected limit 95% CL Expected limit
10 95% CL Observed limit 95% CL Observed limit
Theoretical Prediction Theoretical Prediction

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
l*, ν* mass [GeV] l*, ν* mass [GeV]

FIG. 5: Observed and expected limits as a function of `∗ and ν ∗ mass, in the case of `∗ = e∗ , µ∗ , ν ∗ = νe∗ , νµ∗

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