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World War II affected many countries from 1939 to 1945. The most significant achievements
were made by the Allies and Axis powers between 1942 and 1944, of which also sustained
great losses. The Battle of Midway which was won by the US in 1942 dismantled the
Japanese empire and ceased Japanese expansion in the Pacific. Two years later, the Japanese
were again defeated by the Allies at Kohima which ceased Japanese expansion to greater
Asia. The battle of Kohima and Midway were both significant victories for the Allies during
the conflict of WWII, both impacting the overall result of the war. However, the US win at
Midway would be considered the most crucial in my opinion for the dismantle of the empire.
Not only did the US manage to stop the Japanese from taking over a strategical location,
they also inflicted major damage on the Japanese Navy which weakened them significantly in
the Battle of Kohima.

The Battle of Kohima was fought between 8th March and 18th July 1944 and helped shape the
Japanese Emperor’s fall soon after their loss. At this time, the Nazis (part of Axis along with
Japan) in Europe had been defeated by the Soviet Union and the Allies. The fall of the Nazis
meant that Japan had no real support in war, but they continued their onslaught in India. The
defeat of the Japanese in north-east India had allowed the 14th Army to successfully re-claim
Burma. In March 1944, the Japanese 15th Army began advancing towards India’s north-east
border for an anticipated British invasion. They intended to capture the British supply bases
on the Imphal Plain and with Imphal under their control, it would give them a base to
conduct air attacks against India. Defeating would also allow the Japanese to invade and
capture landlocked countries in the Asia/ Pacific and thus extend the Japanese Emperor’s
power throughout the continent of Asia.

Approaching the conclusion of the battle, it came down to fighting in a tennis court size area
where supplies air dropped for the Allies, most of which the Japanese intercepted.
Conditions for fighting was very poor. The Japanese were starved of supplies such as food,
ammunition and just numbers in general. This allowed the Allies to hold them back for long
enough and then defeat them in the end. If the Japanese were to win at Kohima, it would
allow them to progress with the Thai- Burma railway which would in turn open a supply line
into India for the Japanese soldiers. A Japanese win would also release the 3 million soldiers
fighting in China to re-capture Asian territory, thus extending the duration of the war had it
occurred. For the Allies, the defeat of the Japanese crucial to begin the re-conquer of Burma.
In the aftermath, a total of 65,000 casualties had been reported. Nearly 82% of those
casualties are that of Japan’s. Most of this death was caused due to gunfire, while some
Japanese committed suicide to avoid capture. Winning the battle of Kohima was a significant
point in history as it ceased the extension of the Japanese Emperor’s power into greater Asia.
Prior to the Battle of Kohima, the United States defeated the Japanese in a decisive Pacific
Ocean naval battle on June 4th, 1942. The battle was an important turning point in the Pacific
campaign of which the victory allowed the United States and its allies to move into an
offensive position and ultimately defeat the Japanese in WWII.

For the Japanese, their plan on taking over Midway Atoll was to destroy the four US carrier.
Midway Atoll in their hands would allow them to expand the empire from the Pacific. For the
US on the other hand, the disallowing of a Japanese takeover would ultimately cease their
expansion of the Pacific. On June 4th, Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku chose a target relatively
close to Pearl Harbor to lure the American fleet into combat, calculating that when the
United States began its counter-attack, they would be able to destroy them. However, the
Japanese were unaware of the advancements in the intelligence of US code-breakers who
were intercepting the Japanese battle plans and acting accordingly. The United States was
able to inflict permanent damage on the Japanese Navy at the time of attack as a result of it.
Rear Admiral Clarence Wade McClusky, who was aboard the USS Enterprise and was called in
to attack the Japanese carriers near Midway however could not locate the enemy ships. He
then made a game changing decision that ultimately lead to the US victory in the Battle of
Midway. He decided to redirect his air group to where the enemy ships may have been
located while dangerously low on fuel. Upon his discovery of the enemy ships, his team was
able to destroy one of the four enemy ships while another fleet successfully destroyed the
other three remaining ships. When the battle ended on June 7th, a total of 2500 men, 292
aircrafts and 1 heavy cruiser was destroyed on Japan’s end. The US sustained a loss of 307
men, 145 aircrafts and two ships. The US victory in the battle of Midway was also a significant
point in history as it allowed them to ultimately defeat the Japanese from an offensive

While both battles have had significant effects on the outcome of the Allie’s fate, I believe
that the Battle of Midway would have been the most important of the two. If the Japanese
were to win at Midway, it would allow them to make an airbase right in the middle of the
Pacific. This in turn would allow them to attack Asia to the west and Australia to the south. It
would have also allowed them to replenish supplies for the Japanese Army who could then
attempt on recapturing Asia. Also, since the Battle of Kohima began two years before, the
Japanese could have sent forces from the west to India to assist the army fighting in the east,
surrounding India from all directions should they have conquered Midway Atoll. The
destruction of warships and carriers also weakened the navy significantly and destroyed any
chances of Japanese invasion from the sea. Therefore, the defeat of the Japanese at Midway
Atoll was significant for the US as it weakened and prevented the Japanese from further

World War II had brought chaos in many countries however it also marked major
accomplishments and achievements in countries such as India and the US. Advancements in
code-breaking and the cease of the construction of the Thai-Burma railway had allowed the
Allies to push back and suppress the expansion of the Japanese Empire from 1942 to 1944.
This meant that the empire could no longer take over greater Asia from India or countries
from Midway. Both sides sustained major losses however it is the Allies that would ultimately
make it to the history book. The battle of Midway was the most significant as it stopped the
Japanese expansion in the Pacific.

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