Test Bank For Statistics For Business Economics 12e Chapter 02

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1. Geometric mean is a measure of

a. location
b. dispersion
c. variability
d. weight of items, when arranged in descending order
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

2. Growth factors for the population of Chattanoonga in the past two years has been 8 and 12. The
geometric mean has a value of
a. 20
b. square root of 20
c. square root of 96
d. 96
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

3. Growth factors for the population of Atlanta in the past five years have been 1, 2, 3, 4 , and 5. The
geometric mean is
a. 15
b. square root of 15
c. 120
d. fifth root of 120
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

4. Geometric mean of five observations is

a. the same as weighted mean
b. the same as mean
c. square root of the product of the 5 observations
d. fifth root of the product of the 5 observations
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

5. The nth root of the product of the n observations is

a. weighted mean
b. geometric mean
c. product deviation
d. the sum of squares
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

6. The measure of location which is the most likely to be influenced by extreme values in the data set is
a. range
b. median
c. mode
d. mean
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics
7. The measure of location which is the most likely to be influenced by extreme values in the data set is
a. range
b. median
c. mode
d. mean
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

8. The most important statistical descriptive measure of the location of a data set is the
a. mean
b. median
c. mode
d. variance
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

9. If two groups of numbers have the same mean, then

a. their standard deviations must also be equal
b. their medians must also be equal
c. their modes must also be equal
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

10. The mean of the sample

a. is always smaller than the mean of the population from which the sample was taken
b. can never be zero
c. can never be negative
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

11. When the smallest and largest percentage of items are removed from a data set and the mean is
computed, the mean of the remaining data is
a. the median
b. the mode
c. the trimmed mean
d. any of the above
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

12. Since the population is always larger than the sample, the value of the sample mean
a. is always smaller than the true value of the population mean
b. is always larger than the true value of the population mean
c. is always equal to the true value of the population mean
d. could be larger, equal to, or smaller than the true value of the population mean
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

13. Which of the following provides a measure of central location for the data?
a. standard deviation
b. mean
c. variance
d. range
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

14. When computing the mean of a set of values xi, the value of xi
a. can never be zero
b. can never be negative
c. must always be positive
d. can be any value
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

15. In computing the mean of a sample, the value of xi is divided by

a. n
b. n - 1
c. n + 1
d. n - 2
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

16. A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample, such as sample mean, is known as a
a. population parameter
b. sample parameter
c. sample statistic
d. population mean
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

17. Since the population size is always larger than the sample size, then the sample statistic
a. can never be larger than the population parameter
b. can never be equal to the population parameter
c. can be smaller, larger, or equal to the population parameter
d. can never be smaller than the population parameter
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

18.  is an example of a
a. population parameter
b. sample statistic
c. population variance
d. mode
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

19. The mean of a sample

a. is always equal to the mean of the population
b. is always smaller than the mean of the population
c. is computed by summing the data values and dividing the sum by (n - 1)
d. is computed by summing all the data values and dividing the sum by the number of items
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

20. The hourly wages of a sample of 130 system analysts are given below.

mean = 60 range = 20
mode = 73 variance = 324
median = 74
The coefficient of variation equals
a. 0.30%
b. 30%
c. 5.4%
d. 54%
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

21. The variance of a sample of 169 observations equals 576. The standard deviation of the sample equals
a. 13
b. 24
c. 576
d. 28,461
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

22. The median of a sample will always equal the

a. mode
b. mean
c. 50th percentile
d. all of the above answers are correct
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

23. The median is a measure of

a. relative dispersion
b. absolute dispersion
c. central location
d. relative location
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

24. The 50th percentile is the

a. mode
b. median
c. mean
d. third quartile
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

25. The 75th percentile is referred to as the

a. first quartile
b. second quartile
c. third quartile
d. fourth quartile
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

26. The pth percentile is a value such that at least p percent of the observations are
a. less than or equal to this value
b. less than this value
c. more than or equal to this value
d. more than this value
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics
27. The difference between the largest and the smallest data values is the
a. variance
b. interquartile range
c. range
d. coefficient of variation
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

28. The first quartile

a. contains at least one third of the data elements
b. is the same as the 25th percentile
c. is the same as the 50th percentile
d. is the same as the 75th percentile
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

29. When computing the mean, the smallest value

a. can never be negative
b. can never be zero
c. can never be less than the mean
d. can be any value
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

30. Which of the following is not a measure of central location?

a. mean
b. median
c. variance
d. mode
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

31. If a data set has an even number of observations, the median

a. cannot be determined
b. is the average value of the two middle items
c. must be equal to the mean
d. is the average value of the two middle items when all items are arranged in ascending order
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

32. Which of the following is a measure of dispersion?

a. percentiles
b. quartiles
c. interquartile range
d. all of the above are measures of dispersion
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

33. The value which has half of the observations above it and half the observations below it is called the
a. range
b. median
c. mean
d. mode
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics
34. The most frequently occurring value of a data set is called the
a. range
b. mode
c. mean
d. median
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

35. The interquartile range is

a. the 50th percentile
b. another name for the variance
c. the difference between the largest and smallest values
d. the difference between the third quartile and the first quartile
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

36. The weights (in pounds) of a sample of 36 individuals were recorded and the following statistics were

mean = 160 range = 60

mode = 165 variance = 324
median = 170

The coefficient of variation equals

a. 0.1125%
b. 11.25%
c. 203.12%
d. 0.20312%
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

37. The heights (in inches) of 25 individuals were recorded and the following statistics were calculated

mean = 70 range = 20
mode = 73 variance = 784
median = 74

The coefficient of variation equals

a. 11.2%
b. 1120%
c. 0.4%
d. 40%
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

38. The standard deviation of a sample of 100 observations equals 64. The variance of the sample equals
a. 8
b. 10
c. 6400
d. 4,096
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

39. The variance of a sample of 81 observations equals 64. The standard deviation of the sample equals
a. 9
b. 4096
c. 8
d. 6561
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

40. If index i (which is used to determine the location of the pth percentile) is not an integer, its value
should be
a. squared
b. divided by (n - 1)
c. rounded down
d. rounded up
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

41. When the data are skewed to the right, the measure of Skewness will be
a. negative
b. zero
c. positive
d. one
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

42. When data are positively skewed, the mean will usually be
a. greater than the median
b. smaller than the median
c. equal to the median
d. positive
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

43. Which of the following is not a measure of dispersion?

a. the range
b. the 50th percentile
c. the standard deviation
d. the interquartile range
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

44. The interquartile range is used as a measure of variability to overcome what difficulty of the range?
a. the sum of the range variances is zero
b. the range is difficult to compute
c. the range is influenced too much by extreme values
d. the range is negative
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

45. If the variance of a data set is correctly computed with the formula using n - 1 in the denominator,
which of the following is true?
a. the data set is a sample
b. the data set is a population
c. the data set could be either a sample or a population
d. the data set is from a census
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics
46. In computing descriptive statistics from grouped data,
a. data values are treated as if they occur at the midpoint of a class
b. the grouped data result is more accurate than the ungrouped result
c. the grouped data computations are used only when a population is being analyzed
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

47. The measure of dispersion that is influenced most by extreme values is

a. the variance
b. the standard deviation
c. the range
d. the interquartile range
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

48. When should measures of location and dispersion be computed from grouped data rather than from
individual data values?
a. as much as possible since computations are easier
b. only when individual data values are unavailable
c. whenever computer packages for descriptive statistics are unavailable
d. only when the data are from a population
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

49. The descriptive measure of dispersion that is based on the concept of a deviation about the mean is
a. the range
b. the interquartile range
c. the absolute value of the range
d. the standard deviation
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

50. The numerical value of the standard deviation can never be

a. larger than the variance
b. zero
c. negative
d. smaller than the variance
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

51. The sample variance

a. is always smaller than the true value of the population variance
b. is always larger than the true value of the population variance
c. could be smaller, equal to, or larger than the true value of the population variance
d. can never be zero
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

52. The coefficient of variation is

a. the same as the variance
b. the standard deviation divided by the mean times 100
c. the square of the standard deviation
d. the mean divided by the standard deviation
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

53. The variance can never be

a. zero
b. larger than the standard deviation
c. negative
d. smaller than the standard deviation
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

54. The sum of deviations of the individual data elements from their mean is
a. always greater than zero
b. always less than zero
c. sometimes greater than and sometimes less than zero, depending on the data elements
d. always equal to zero
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

55. Which of the following symbols represents the standard deviation of the population?
a. 2
b. 
c. 

ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

56. Which of the following symbols represents the mean of the population?
a. 2
b. 
c. 

ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

57. Which of the following symbols represents the variance of the population?
a. 2
b. 
c. 

ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

58. Which of the following symbols represents the size of the population?
a. 2
b. 
c. 
d. N
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

59. Which of the following symbols represents the mean of the sample?
a. 2
b. 
c. 

ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

60. Which of the following symbols represents the size of the sample
a. 2
b. 
c. N
d. n
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

61. The symbol  is used to represent

a. the variance of the population
b. the standard deviation of the sample
c. the standard deviation of the population
d. the variance of the sample
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

62. The symbol 2 is used to represent

a. the variance of the population
b. the standard deviation of the sample
c. the standard deviation of the population
d. the variance of the sample
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

63. The variance of the sample

a. can never be negative
b. can be negative
c. cannot be zero
d. cannot be less than one
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

64. The measure of dispersion which is not measured in the same units as the original data is the
a. median
b. standard deviation
c. coefficient of determination
d. variance
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

65. A numerical measure of linear association between two variables is the

a. variance
b. covariance
c. standard deviation
d. coefficient of variation
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

66. Positive values of covariance indicate

a. a positive variance of the x values
b. a positive variance of the y values
c. the standard deviation is positive
d. positive relation between the independent and the dependent variables
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

67. A numerical measure of linear association between two variables is the

a. variance
b. coefficient of variation
c. correlation coefficient
d. standard deviation
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

68. The coefficient of correlation ranges between

a. 0 and 1
b. -1 and +1
c. minus infinity and plus infinity
d. 1 and 100
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

69. The coefficient of correlation

a. is the same as the coefficient of determination
b. can be larger than 1
c. cannot be larger than 1
d. cannot be negative
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

70. The value of the sum of the deviations from the mean, i.e., must always be
a. less than the zero
b. negative
c. either positive or negative depending on whether the mean is negative or positive
d. zero
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

71. The numerical value of the variance

a. is always larger than the numerical value of the standard deviation
b. is always smaller than the numerical value of the standard deviation
c. is negative if the mean is negative
d. can be larger or smaller than the numerical value of the standard deviation
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

72. Since the median is the middle value of a data set it

a. must always be smaller than the mode
b. must always be larger than the mode
c. must always be smaller than the mean
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

73. In a five number summary, which of the following is not used for data summarization?
a. the smallest value
b. the largest value
c. the mean
d. the 25th percentile
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

74. The relative frequency of a class is computed by

a. dividing the midpoint of the class by the sample size
b. dividing the frequency of the class by the midpoint
c. dividing the sample size by the frequency of the class
d. dividing the frequency of the class by the sample size
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

75. During a cold winter, the temperature stayed below zero for ten days (ranging from -20 to -5). The
variance of the temperatures of the ten-day period
a. is negative since all the numbers are negative
b. must be at least zero
c. cannot be computed since all the numbers are negative
d. can be either negative or positive
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

76. Which of the following is not a measure of dispersion?

a. mode
b. standard deviation
c. range
d. interquartile range
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

77. If the coefficient of variation is 40% and the mean is 70, then the variance is
a. 28
b. 2800
c. 1.75
d. 784
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

78. Given the following information:

Standard deviation = 8
Coefficient of variation = 64%

The mean would then be

a. 12.5
b. 8
c. 0.64
d. 1.25
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

79. Since the mode is the most frequently occurring data value, it
a. can never be larger than the mean
b. is always larger than the median
c. is always larger than the mean
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

80. A group of students had dinner at a local restaurant. The total bill for the dinner was $414.70. Each
student paid his/her equal share of the bill, which was $18.85. How many student’s were at the
a. 4
b. 415
c. 19
d. 22
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

81. The standard deviation of a sample was reported to be 20. The report indicated that =
7200. What has been the sample size?
a. 16
b. 17
c. 18
d. 19
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

82. The variance of a sample was reported to be 144. The report indicated that = 7200. What
has been the sample size?
a. 49
b. 50
c. 51
d. 52
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

83. From a population of size 1,000, a random sample of 100 items is selected. The mean of the sample
a. must be 10 times smaller than the mean of the population
b. must be equal to the mean of the population, if the sample is truly random
c. must be 10 times larger than the mean of the population
d. can be larger, smaller or equal to the mean of the population
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

84. From a population of size 500, a random sample of 50 items is selected. The mode of the sample
a. must be 500
b. must be equal to the mode of population, if the sample is truly random
c. must be equal to the mean of the population, if the sample is truly random
d. can be larger, smaller or equal to the mode of the population
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

85. From a population of size 400, a random sample of 40 items is selected. The median of the sample
a. must be 200, since 400 divided by 2 is 200
b. must be 10, since 400 divided by 400 is 10
c. must be equal to the median of population, if the sample is truly random
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

86. The geometric mean of 2, 4, 8 is

a. 4.67
b. 5.0
c. 16
d. 4.0
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

87. The geometric mean of 1, 1, 8 is

a. 10.0
b. 2.0
c. 3.33
d. 3.0
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

88. The geometric mean of 1, 3, 5, and 6 is

a. 15.0
b. 5.0
c. 3.08
d. 3.75
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

89. The geometric mean of 1, 2, 4, and 10 is

a. 2.99
b. 4.25
c. 17.0
d. 4.0
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

Exhibit 3-1
The following data show the number of hours worked by 200 statistics students.

Number of Hours Frequency

0- 9 40
10 - 19 50
20 - 29 70
30 - 39 40

90. Refer to Exhibit 3-1. The class width for this distribution
a. is 9
b. is 10
c. is 11
d. varies from class to class
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

91. Refer to Exhibit 3-1. The number of students working 19 hours or less
a. is 40
b. is 50
c. is 90
d. cannot be determined without the original data
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

92. Refer to Exhibit 3-1. The relative frequency of students working 9 hours or less
a. is .2
b. is .45
c. is 40
d. cannot be determined from the information given
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

93. Refer to Exhibit 3-1. The cumulative relative frequency for the class of 10 - 19
a. is 90
b. is .25
c. is .45
d. cannot be determined from the information given
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

Exhibit 3-2
A researcher has collected the following sample data

5 12 6 8 5
6 7 5 12 4

94. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The median is

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

95. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The mode is

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

96. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The mean is

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

97. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The 75th percentile is

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

Exhibit 3-3
A researcher has collected the following sample data. The mean of the sample is 5.

3 5 12 3 2

98. Refer to Exhibit 3-3. The variance is

a. 80
b. 4.062
c. 13.2
d. 16.5
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

99. Refer to Exhibit 3-3. The standard deviation is

a. 8.944
b. 4.062
c. 13.2
d. 16.5
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

100. Refer to Exhibit 3-3. The coefficient of variation is

a. 72.66%
b. 81.24%
c. 264%
d. 330%
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

101. Refer to Exhibit 3-3. The range is

a. 1
b. 2
c. 10
d. 12
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

102. Refer to Exhibit 3-3. The interquartile range is

a. 1
b. 2
c. 10
d. 12
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

Exhibit 3-4
The following is the frequency distribution for the speeds of a sample of automobiles traveling on an
interstate highway.

Miles per Hour Frequency
50 - 54 2
55 - 59 4
60 - 64 5
65 - 69 10
70 - 74 9
75 - 79 5

103. Refer to Exhibit 3-4. The mean is

a. 35
b. 670
c. 10
d. 67
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

104. Refer to Exhibit 3-4. The variance is

a. 6.969
b. 7.071
c. 48.570
d. 50.000
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

105. Refer to Exhibit 3-4. The standard deviation is

a. 6.969
b. 7.071
c. 48.570
d. 50.000
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

Exhibit 3-5
You are given the following frequency distribution.

Class Frequency
10-14 1
15-19 2
20-24 5
25-29 8
30-34 4

106. Refer to Exhibit 3-5. The mean is

a. 500
b. 26.315
c. 30
d. 25
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

107. Refer to Exhibit 3-5. The variance is

a. 570
b. 5.477
c. 500
d. 30
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics
108. Refer to Exhibit 3-5. The standard deviation is
a. 570
b. 5.477
c. 25
d. 30
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

109. Refer to Exhibit 3-5. The coefficient of variation is

a. 25%
b. 21.91%
c. 5.477%
d. 30%
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

Exhibit 3-6
The closing stock price of MNM Corporation for the last 7 trading days is shown below.

Day Stock Price

1 84
2 87
3 84
4 88
5 85
6 90
7 91

110. Refer to Exhibit 3-6. The mean is

a. 84
b. 85
c. 86
d. 87
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

111. Refer to Exhibit 3-6. The mode is

a. 84
b. 85
c. 86
d. 87
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

112. Refer to Exhibit 3-6. The median is

a. 84
b. 85
c. 86
d. 87
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics
113. Refer to Exhibit 3-6. The range is
a. 7
b. 8
c. 9
d. 91
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

114. Refer to Exhibit 3-6. The variance is

a. 2.828
b. 8
c. 9
d. 81
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics


1. The closing stock price of Ahmadi, Inc. for a sample of 10 trading days is shown below.

Day Stock Price

1 84
2 87
3 84
4 88
5 85
6 90
7 91
8 83
9 82
10 86

For the above sample, compute the following measures.

a. The mean
b. The median
c. The mode
d. The variance
e. The standard deviation
f. The range

a. 86
b. 85.5
c. 84
d. 8.8888
e. 2.9814
f. 9

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

2. The hourly wages of a sample of eight individuals is given below.

Hourly Wage
Individual (dollars)
A 27
B 25
C 20
D 10
E 12
F 14
G 17
H 19

For the above sample, determine the following measures:

a. The mean.
b. The standard deviation.
c. The 25th percentile.


a. 18
b. 6
c. 13

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

3. In 2008, the average age of students at UTC was 22 with a standard deviation of 3.96. In 2009, the
average age was 24 with a standard deviation of 4.08. In which year do the ages show a more
dispersed distribution? Show your complete work and support your answer.

C.V. for 2008 = 18%, C.V. for 2009 = 17%
Therefore 2008 shows a more dispersed distribution.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

4. Consider the data in the following frequency distribution. Assume the data represent a population.

Class Frequency
2- 6 2
7 - 11 3
12 - 16 4
17 - 21 1

For the above data, compute the following.

a. The mean
b. The variance
c. The standard deviation


a. 11
b. 21
c. 4.58
PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

5. A private research organization studying families in various countries reported the following data for
the amount of time 4-year-old children spent alone with their fathers each day.

Time with Dad

Country (minutes)
Belgium 30
Canada 44
China 54
Finland 50
Germany 36
Nigeria 42
Sweden 46
United States 42

For the above sample, determine the following measures:

a. The mean
b. The standard deviation
c. The mode
d. The 75th percentile


a. 43
b. 7.56
c. 42
d. 48

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

6. In 2012, the average donation to the Help Way was $225 with a standard deviation of $45. In 2013, the
average donation was $400 with a standard deviation of $60. In which year did the donations show a
more dispersed distribution?

The coefficient of variation in 2012 was 20% (more dispersed).
The coefficient of variation in 2013 was 15%.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

7. The following frequency distribution shows the ACT scores of a sample of students:

Score Frequency
14 - 18 2
19 - 23 5
24 - 28 12
29 - 33 1

For the above data, compute the following.

a. The mean
b. The standard deviation

a. 24
b. 3.77

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

8. The following data show the yearly salaries of football coaches at some state supported universities.

University (in $1,000)
A 53
B 44
C 68
D 47
E 62
F 59
G 53
H 94

For the above sample, determine the following measures.

a. The mean yearly salary
b. The standard deviation
c. The mode
d. The median
e. The 70th percentile


a. 60
b. 15.8
c. 53
d. 56
e. 62

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

9. The ages of a sample of 8 faculty members selected from the School of Business Administration are
shown below.

Faculty Age
1 42
2 30
3 73
4 50
5 51
6 37
7 42
8 59

a. Compute the average age.

b. Determine the mode.
c. Compute the median age.
d. Compute the standard deviation.


a. 48
b. 42
c. 46
d. 13.5

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

10. The grade point average of the students at UTC is 2.80 with a standard deviation of 0.84. The grade
point average of students at UTK is 2.4 with a standard deviation of 0.84. Which university shows a
more dispersed grade distribution?

UTK's coefficient of variation = 35%. UTC's coefficient of variation = 30%.
Therefore, UTK has a more dispersed grade distribution.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

11. The following is a frequency distribution for the ages of a sample of employees at a local company.

Age Frequency
30 - 39 2
40 - 49 3
50 - 59 7
60 - 69 5
70 - 79 1

a. Determine the average age for the sample.

b. Compute the variance.
c. Compute the standard deviation.
d. Compute the coefficient of variation.


a. 54.5
b. 117.65
c. 10.85
d. 19.91%

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

12. A local university administers a comprehensive examination to the recipients of a B.S. degree in
Business Administration. A sample of examinations are selected at random and scored. The results are
shown below.


For the above data, determine

a. The mean
b. The median
c. The mode
d. The standard deviation
e. The coefficient of variation


a. 83
b. 86
c. 97
d. 14.01
e. 16.88%

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

13. The number of hours worked per week for a sample of ten students is shown below.

Student Hours
1 20
2 0
3 18
4 16
5 22
6 40
7 8
8 6
9 30
10 40

a. Determine the median and explain its meaning.

b. Compute the 70th percentile and explain its meaning.
c. What is the mode of the above data? What does it signify?


a. 19; approximately 50% of the students work at least 19 hours

b. 26; at least 70% of the students work less than or equal to 26 hours per week
c. 40; the most frequent data element

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

14. The frequency distribution below shows the monthly expenditure on gasoline for a sample of 14

Expenditure Frequency
55 - 59 2
60 - 64 3
65 - 69 4
70 - 74 3
75 - 79 2

a. Compute the mean.

b. Compute the standard deviation.


a. 67
b. 6.5

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

15. The average wage of Tennessee cashiers is $14 per hour with a standard deviation of $4.20. In
Georgia, the average wage of cashiers is $16 with a standard deviation of $4.40. In which state do the
wages of cashiers appear to be more dispersed?

The coefficient of variation in Tennessee = 30%. The coefficient of variation in Georgia = 27.5%.
Therefore, Tennessee shows a more dispersed distribution.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

16. A researcher has obtained the number of hours worked per week during the summer for a sample of
fifteen students.

40 25 35 30 20 40 30 20 40 10 30 20 10 5 20

Using this data set, compute the

a. median
b. mean
c. mode
d. 40th percentile
e. range
f. sample variance
g. standard deviation


a. 25
b. 25
c. 20
d. 20
e. 35
f. 128.571
g. 11.339

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

17. A sample of twelve families was taken. Each family was asked how many times per week they dine in
restaurants. Their responses are given below.

2 1 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 1 2

Using this data set, compute the

a. mode
b. median
c. mean
d. range
e. interquartile range
f. variance
g. standard deviation
h. coefficient of variation


a. 2
b. 1.5
c. 1.25
d. 2
e. 1.5
f. 0.75
g. 0.866
h. 69.28%

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

18. The following is a frequency distribution of grades of a sample of statistics examinations.

Grade Frequency
50 - 59 7
60 - 69 10
70 - 79 22
80 - 89 15
90 - 99 6

Compute the following measures:

a. The mean
b. The variance
c. The standard deviation
d. The coefficient of variation


a. 75
b. 130.25
c. 11.41
d. 15.22%

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

19. The following shows the number of job losses and gains (in thousands) between 2008 and 2009 for a
sample of seven cities.

Job Change
City (in thousands)
Memphis -11
Nashville -7
Atlanta -6
Chattanooga -5
Birmingham -5
Huntsville 0
Knoxville 6

a. Compute the mean.

b. Determine the mode.
c. Determine the median.
d. Determine the standard deviation.


a. -4000
b. -5000
c. -5000
d. 5,477 (rounded)

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

20. For the following frequency distribution,

Class Frequency
45 - 47 3
48 - 50 6
51 - 53 8
54 - 56 2
57 - 59 1

a. Compute the mean.

b. Compute the standard deviation. (Assume the data represent a population.)


a. 50.8
b. 3.06

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

21. Below you are given the ages of a sample of 10 college students who are enrolled in statistics.

20 18 20 22 18 20 22 17 19 24

a. Compute the mean.

b. Compute the variance.
c. Compute the standard deviation.
d. Compute the coefficient of variation.
e. Determine the 25th percentile.
f. Determine the median
g. Determine the 75th percentile.
h. Determine the range.


a. 20
b. 4.667
c. 2.16
d. 10.8%
e. 18
f. 20
g. 22
h. 7

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

22. A sample of 9 mothers was taken. The mothers were asked the age of their oldest child. You are given
their responses below.

3 12 4 7 14 6 2 9 11

a. Compute the mean.

b. Compute the variance.
c. Compute the standard deviation.
d. Compute the coefficient of variation.
e. Determine the 25th percentile.
f. Determine the median
g. Determine the 75th percentile.
h. Determine the range.


a. 7.56
b. 17.78
c. 4.22
d. 55.8
e. 4.0
f. 7.0
g. 11
h. 12

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

23. For the following frequency distribution (assume the data represent a population),

Class Frequency
70 - 79 5
80 - 89 9
90 - 99 11
100 - 109 9
110 - 119 6

a. Compute the mean.

b. Compute the standard deviation.


a. 95
b. 12.44 (rounded)

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

24. The starting salaries of a sample of college students are given below.

Starting Salary
(In $1,000) Frequency
20-24 1
25-29 3
30-34 7
35-39 6
40-44 2
45-49 1

a. Compute the mean.

b. Compute the variance.
c. Compute the standard deviation.
d. Compute the coefficient of variation.


a. 34
b. 35.26
c. 5.94
d. 17.46%

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

25. The following frequency distribution shows the time (in minutes) that a sample of students uses the
computer terminals per day.

Time Frequency
20 - 39 2
40 - 59 4
60 - 79 6
80 - 99 4
100 - 119 2

a. Compute the mean.

b. Compute the variance.
c. Compute the standard deviation.
d. Compute the coefficient of variation.

a. 69.5
b. 564.54
c. 23.76
d. 34.19%

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

26. The growth rate in thepopulation of Atlanta for the past five years are shown below.
Year Growth
1 1.0298
2 1.0270
3 1.0319
4 1.0258
5 1.0304

a. Compute the Geometric mean

b. What has been the percentage growth in the population of Atlanta?


a. 1.028977546
b. 2.8977%

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

27. The growth rates in the population of Dalton for the past three years are shown below.
Year Growth
1 1.0313
2 1.0429
3 1.0343

a. Compute the Geometric mean

b. What has been the percentage growth in the population of Dalton?


a. 1.036161368
b. 3.616%

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

28. A sample of charge accounts at a local drug store revealed the following frequency distribution of
unpaid balances.

Unpaid Balance Frequency

10 - 29 1
30 - 49 6
50 - 69 9
70 - 89 11
90 - 109 13
a. Determine the mean unpaid balance.
b. Determine the variance.
c. Determine the standard deviation.
d. Compute the coefficient of variation.


a. 74
b. 533.08 (rounded)
c. 23.09
d. 31.20%

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

29. The amount of time that a sample of students spends watching television per day is given below.

Student (In Minutes)
1 40
2 28
3 71
4 48
5 49
6 35
7 40
8 57

a. Compute the mean.

b. Compute the median.
c. Compute the standard deviation.
d. Compute the 75th percentile.


a. 46
b. 44
c. 13.5
d. 53

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

30. In 2012, the average donation to the Community Kitchen was $900 with a standard deviation of $180.
In 2013, the average donation was $1,600 with a standard deviation of $240. In which year do the
donations show a more dispersed distribution?

The coefficient of variation in 2012 was 20% (more dispersed). The coefficient of variation in 2013
was 15%.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

31. The following data represent the daily demand (y in thousands of units) and the unit price (x in dollars)
for a product.

Daily Demand (y) Unit Price (x)

47 1
39 3
35 5
44 3
34 6
20 8
15 16
30 6

a. Compute and interpret the sample covariance for the above data.
b. Compute and interpret the sample correlation coefficient.


a. -47. Since the covariance is negative, it indicates a negative relationship between x and y.
b. -0.922. There is a strong negative relationship between x and y.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

32. The following observations are given for two variables.

y x
5 2
8 12
18 3
20 6
22 11
30 19
10 18
7 9

a. Compute and interpret the sample covariance for the above data.
b. Compute the standard deviation for x.
c. Compute the standard deviation for y.
d. Compute and interpret the sample correlation coefficient.


a. 19.286 (rounded). Since the covariance is positive, it indicates a positive relationship between
x and y.
b. 6.32
c. 8.83
d. 0.345. There is a positive relationship between x and y. The relationship is not very strong.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

33. Compute the weighted mean for the following data.

xi Weight (wi)
9 10
8 12
5 4
3 5
2 3


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

34. Compute the weighted mean for the following data.

xi Weight (wi)
19 12
17 30
14 28
13 10
18 10


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

35. Jason, a freshman at a local college, just completed 15 credit hours. His grade report is presented

Course Hours Grades
Calculus 5 C
Biology 4 A
English 3 D
Music 2 B
P.E. 1 A

The local university uses a 4 point grading system, i.e., A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0. Compute

Jason's semester grade point average.


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

36. The following data show the yearly salaries of a random sample of Chattanooga residents.

Resident (In $1,000)
A 97
B 48
C 69
D 85
E 92
F 48
G 79
H 74

For the above sample, determine the following measures (Give your answer in dollars):

a. The mean yearly salary.

b. The standard deviation.
c. The mode.
d. The median.
e. The 70th percentile


a. $74,000
b. $18,423.59
c. $48,000
d. $76,500
e. $85,000

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

37. The following frequency distribution shows the yearly tuition (in $1,000s) of a sample of private

Tuition Frequency
12 - 16 5
17 - 21 4
22 - 26 3
27 - 31 2

For the above data, compute the mean yearly tuition. (Give your answer in dollars.)


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

38. The following data represent the daily supply (y in thousands of units) and the unit price (x in dollars)
for a product.

Daily Supply (y) Unit Price (x)

5 2
7 4
9 8
12 5
10 7
13 8
16 16
16 6

a. Compute and interpret the sample covariance for the above data.
b. Compute the standard deviation for the daily supply.
c. Compute the standard deviation for the unit price.
d. Compute and interpret the sample correlation coefficient.


a. 11.43 (rounded). The covariance is positive. Therefore, there is a positive relationship between
x and y.
b. 4
c. 4.175
d. 0.6844. There is a fairly strong positive relationship between x and y.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

39. The yearly incomes of the top highest paying professions in the United States are shown below.

Yearly Income
Profession (in $1,000)
Surgeons 136
Obstetricians 132
Anesthesiologists 130
Internists 126
Pediatricians 116
Psychiatrists 114
Dentists 110
General Practitioners 110
Chief Executives 107
Airline Pilots 99

For the above sample, determine the following measures (Give your answer in dollars).

a. The mean yearly salary

b. The standard deviation
c. The median
d. The mode


a. $118,000
b. $12,283.68
c. $115,000
d. $110,000

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

40. The population change between 2000 and 2010 for several small cities are shown below.

Population Change
City (number of residents)
Chattanooga 3083
Collegedale 1466
East Ridge -461
Lakeside 1113
Ridgeside -11
Signal Mountain 395
Soddy-Daisy 3290
Walden 437

For the above sample, determine the following measures.

a. The mean
b. The standard deviation
c. The median


a. 1,164
b. 1,385.51
c. 775

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

41. The Michael Painting Company has purchased paint from several suppliers. The purchase price per
gallon and the number of gallons purchased are shown below.

Supplier Price Per Gallon ($) Number of Gallons

A 23 700
B 25 200
C 29 100
D 27 200

Compute the weighted average price per gallon.


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

42. In the fall semester of 2009, the average Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) of the
students at UTC was 500 with a standard deviation of 80. In the fall of 2010, the average GMAT was
560 with a standard deviation of 84. Which year's GMAT scores show a more dispersed distribution?

The coefficient of variation in 2009 = 16%.
The coefficient of variation in 2010= 15%.
Therefore, 2005 had a more dispersed distribution.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

43. The following frequency distribution shows the starting salaries (in $1,000s) of a sample of business

Starting Salary Frequency

22 - 26 3
27 - 31 5
32 - 36 8
37 - 41 4

For the above data, compute the mean starting salary: (Give your answer in dollars.)


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

44. In the last month, Nancy purchased gasoline from four different gas stations. The following table
shows the price per gallon and the gallons of gasoline that she purchased.

Gas Station Gallons Price per

Purchased Gallon ($)
Texaco 20 3.95
Mobil 8 3.10
BP 18 4.80
Shell 12 3.99

Determine the average price per gallon that Nancy paid for the gasoline.

$4.10 (rounded)

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

45. The price of a selected stock over a five day period is shown below.

17, 11, 13, 17, 16

Using the above data, compute the mean, the median, and the mode.

Mean = 14.8
Median = 16
Mode = 17

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

46. Global Engineers hired the following number of Class 1 engineers during the first six months of the
past year. (Assume the data represent a sample.)

No. of Class 1
Month Engineers Hired
January 3
February 2
March 4
April 2
May 6
June 0

a. Determine the mean, the median, the mode, and the range for the above data.
b. Compute the variance and the standard deviation.
c. Compute the first and the third quartiles.
d. Compute the z-scores for the months of May and June.

a. Mean = 2.833 Median = 2.5 Mode = 2.0 Range = 6
b. S2 = 4.166
S = 2.041
c. First quartile = 2
Third quartile = 4
d. Z-score for May = 1.55 (rounded)
Z-score for June = -1.39 (rounded)

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

47. In a statistics class, the average grade on the final examination was 75 with a standard deviation of 5.
Use Chebyshev’s theorem to answer the following questions.

a. At least what percentage of the students received grades between 50 and 100?
b. Determine an interval for the grades that will be true for at least 70% of the students. (Hint:
First, compute the Z-score.)

a. 96%
b. 75  (1.826)(5) = 65.87 to 84.13

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

48. The flashlight batteries produced by one of the northern manufacturers are known to have an average
life of 60 hours with a standard deviation of 4 hours. Use Chebyshev’s theorem to answer the
following questions.

a. At least what percentage of flashlights will have a life of 54 to 66 hours?

b. At least what percentage of the batteries will have a life of 52 to 68 hours?
c. Determine an interval for the lives of the batteries that will be true for at least 80% of the
batteries. (Hint: First compute the Z-score.)

a. 56%
b. 75%
c. 60 + (2.236)(4). This indicates that at least 80% of the batteries will have lives of 51.056 to
68.944 hours.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

49. Consider a sample with the following data values.

Compute the Z scores for the above five observations.

Mean = 434
Standard Deviation = 112
X Z-Score
462 0.25
490 0.5
350 -0.75
294 -1.25
574 1.25

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

50. The standard deviation of a sample was reported to be 7. The report indicated that = 980.
What has been the sample size?


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

51. The variance of a sample was reported to be 81. The report indicated that = 972. What
has been the sample size?


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

52. The following data show the yearly salaries of a sample of EMBA graduates.

EMBA Student Salary (in $1,000)

A 88
B 97
C 90
D 110
E 114
F 98
G 92
H 95

a. Compute the mean yearly salary and give your answer in dollars.
b. Compute the standard deviation and give your answer in dollars.
c. Compute the 75th percentile and give your answer in dollars. Fully explain what the value
that you have determined indicates.

a. $98,000
b. $9,355.03
c. $104,000 Seventy percent of the observations are less than or equal to this value.

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

53. Descriptive statistics for the closing stock prices of two companies for several trading periods are
shown below.

Baba, Inc. Maman, Inc.

Mean 4.04 Mean 16.41

Standard Error 0.11 Standard Error 0.22
Median 4.07 Median 16.83
Mode 3.59 Mode 16.59
Standard Deviation 1.13 Standard Deviation 2.34
Sample Variance 1.28 Sample Variance 5.48
Kurtosis -1.10 Kurtosis 9.10
Skewness 0.04 Skewness -2.85
Range 3.98 Range 12.57
Minimum 2.00 Minimum 6.29
Maximum 5.98 Maximum 18.86
Sum 416.05 Sum 1919.63
Count 103 Count 117

a. Which company’s stock price has a more dispersed distribution? Explain. Show your
complete work and support your answer.
b. Compare the Skewness of the two and explain what is indicated.

a. Coefficient of variation for Baba, Inc = 27.97%
Coefficient of variation for Maman, Inc. = 14.25%
Therefore, Baba, Inc. shows a more dispersed stock price distribution.
b. Baba, Inc.’s price is skewed to the right (+ 0.04) and Maman, Inc.’s price is skewed to the left

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

54. The following frequency distribution shows the GMAT scores of a sample of MBA students.

GMAT Score Frequency

300 up to 400 1
400 up to 500 5
500 up to 600 9
600 up to 700 3
700 up to 800 2

For the above data, compute the mean GMAT score.


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

55. The last semester grades of Nancy, a freshman at a local college are shown below.

Course Credit Hours Grades

Physics 4 C
Calculus 6 A
Biology 3 B
Music 2 F
P.E. 1 A

The local university uses a 4 point grading system, i.e., A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0. Compute

Nancy’s semester grade point average.


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

56. The following data show the yearly salaries of a sample of MBA graduates.

MBA Student Salary (in $1,000)

A 78
B 87
C 80
D 100
E 104
F 88
G 82
H 85

a. Compute the mean yearly salary and give your answer in dollars.
b. Compute the standard deviation and give your answer in dollars.
c. Compute the 75th percentile and give your answer in dollars. Fully explain what the value
that you have determined indicates.

a. $88,000
b. $9,355.03
c. $94,000 Seventy percent of the observations are les

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

57. Descriptive statistics for the closing stock prices of two companies for several trading periods are
shown below.

Baba, Inc Maman, Inc.

Mean 4.00 Mean 15.91
Standard Error 0.11 Standard Error 0.29
Median 3.92 Median 16.59
Mode 4.19 Mode 15.58
Standard Deviation 1.12 Standard Deviation 3.21
Sample Variance 1.25 Sample Variance 10.31
Kurtosis -1.15 Kurtosis 3.52
Skewness 0.08 Skewness -2.09
Range 3.95 Range 13.45
Minimum 2.03 Minimum 5.55
Maximum 5.98 Maximum 18.99
Sum 436.32 Sum 1972.61
Count 109 Count 124

a. Which company’s stock price has a more dispersed distribution? Explain. Show your
complete work and support your answer.
b. Compare the Skewness' of the two and explain what is indicated.

a. Coefficient of variation for Baba, Inc = 28%
Coefficient of variation for Maman, Inc. = 20.18%
Therefore, Baba, Inc. shows a more dispersed stock price distribution.
b. Baba, Inc’s price is skewed to the right (+ 0.08) and Maman, Inc’s price is skewed to the left (-

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

58. The following frequency distribution shows the GMAT scores of a sample of MBA students:

GMAT Score Frequency

300 up to 400 2
400 up to 500 6
500 up to 600 10
600 up to 700 5
700 up to 800 2

For the above data, compute the mean GMAT score.


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

59. Last semester grades of Michael, a freshman at a local college are shown below.
Course Credit Hours Grades
Chemistry 5 C
Calculus 5 A
English 4 C
Music 3 F
P.E. 1 A

The local university uses a 4 point grading system, i.e., A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0. Compute

Michael’s semester grade point average.


PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

60. A recent survey of a local neighborhood measured the number of children per household. The results
are given below.

Household Children
1 2
2 0
3 1
4 6
5 2
6 2
7 3
8 1
9 2

For the above data compute the following measures. (Round to the nearest tenth, as needed.)

a. The mean
b. Then median
c. The mode

a. 2.1
b. 2
c. 2

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

61. The following data shows the number of students enrolled in various professors’ statistics classes.
Professor Enrollment
A 256
B 167
C 159
D 164
E 170
F 156

For the above sample, compute the following measures.

a. The variance
b. The standard deviation
c. If we consider professor A’s enrollment as an outlier, compute the variance and the standard
deviations, excluding Professor A’s class. (Round to the nearest hundredth, as needed.)

a. 1461.47
b. 38.23
c. 32.7

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

62. Below you are given a sample of ACT scores of 12 college applicants.

19 23 27 21 32 17 20 29 22 30 25 15

a. Determine the first quartile.

b. Determine the 75th percentile.
c. Determine the interquartile range.

a. 19.5 (average of 19 and 20)
b. 28 (average of 27 and 29)
c. 8.5

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

63. Below is a sample of scores from a professor’s most recent exam.

Student Score
1 83
2 91
3 79
4 99
5 88
6 81
7 95

Calculate the following.

a. The mean
b. The standard deviation
c. The 65th percentile (Round to the nearest hundredth, as needed.)

a. 88
b. 7.46
c. 91

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

64. Aubree, a college freshman, took 15 hours her first semester. Below is her grade report.

Class Credit Hours Grade

Physics 4 D
Biology 4 B
Statistics 3 B
Seminar 1 A
Macroeconomics 3 A

Aubree’s university uses a 4-point grading system, i.e., A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0.

a. Compute Aubree’s grade point average at the end of the semester.

b. The next semester, Aubree retakes physics and makes a B. If this B replaces her old grade
(D), what would her revised GPA be? (Assume the only class she took her second semester
was physics.) (Round to the nearest hundredth.)

a. 2.73
b. 3.27

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

65. The table below shows the population growth rate of a city for the years 2008 through 2012.
Growth Rate
2008 0.8923
2009 1.0587
2010 1.1934
2011 1.2345
2012 1.0995

a. Compute the geometric mean.

b. What has been the percentage growth in the population of the city between 2009 to 2012?

a.. Geometric Mean = 1.088808
b. 8.88%

PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics

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