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Final Draft on:

Drug Addiction in colleges

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mr.Sanjay Singh Jinisha Bhatt

(Head of dept.) B.A.LL.B. (Hons.)


Lucknow. (Section-A)


This project highlights the prevalence and pattern of substance addiction among college students
and the associated risk factors. The meaning of drug addiction is explored through my study on
this project. The project founded out the major causes and effects of drug addiction and
identified types of drugs and substances addiction. It has also thrown light on the strategies to
use to help our youth come out from this menace. Drug addiction in colleges and the resulting
damage are recognized as significant global public health issues in society today and the loss in
terms of human potential is incalculable. There is a need to stem the tide of drug addiction.
Hence this study was done to evaluate the drug addiction pattern in youth.


Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and

addiction, and by long-lasting chemical changes in the brain. Some drugs are more addictive than
others; however, depending on an individual user’s propensity for addiction, someone can
become addicted to drugs very quickly. Drugs have been around for a long time and there are
many different reasons for them. In particular, they have been misused by teenagers over the
years, but today’s society drug use is at the highest level. The people who are more close to
these drug addicts like their loved ones and the people who care the most about them are hurt by
their conducts They have a negative impact on their personality too. Difficult family situations
often influence teens to search for other means of comfort and contentment. Drug addicts firstly
feel very excited and high but later realize the harsh consequences of their conducts which
become irreversible at that stage. The marked and felt velocity is continually highlighted in the
dailies since the major cause of concern is that a significant proportion of these young people
eventually get addicted posing a threat to their own health and safety, while creating difficulties
for their families and the public at large. In India 20 million children a year and nearly 55,000
children a day are drawn into a tobacco addition. The number is shocking when compared to the
3000 a day new child smokers in the US.1 Taking of drugs is a great evil. A number of causes are
responsible for the evil. In many homes, growing boys and girls do not get the love, care and

Ministry of Women and Child Development Report (2007-2012) 23.08.2012 from

attention which they should receive at this tender age. Often both the father and the mother are in
service and consequently have no time to look after their children. Deprived totally of parental
love and affection, they seek consolation elsewhere. They go astray. Their so called friends, who
are themselves drug-addicts, mislead them and induce them, at least, to have a taste of it. The
drug-sellers fully exploit them. Drugs are in the beginning provided to them quite cheap, but the
price goes on increasing as this evil habit takes hold of them and they can no longer do without
drugs. Some of the drugs commonly taken in colleges by students are :


Narcotics (such as heroin, morphine, OxyContin, etc.) are used to dull the senses and reduce
pain. Narcotics can be made from opium (from the opium poppy) or created in a laboratory
(synthetic and semi-synthetic narcotics).


Stimulants reverse the effects of fatigue on the body and brain.Sometimes they are referred to as
“uppers.” Cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine and Ritalin™ are stimulant drugs. Cocaine
is derived from the coca plant grown in South America. Nicotine (found in tobacco) is also a

Substances included in this category are tranquilizers, sedatives, hypnotics, anti-anxiety
medications and alcohol.

Cannabis Sativa L/Marijuana is usually smoked and the effects are felt within minutes.
Depending on the dosage and other variables, users can feel relaxed and have altered senses of
smell, sight, taste and hearing, distorted senses of time, shifting sensory imagery, rapidly
fluctuating emotions, fragmentary thoughts, impaired memory and dulling of attention. THC
(delta-9-tetrahydrocanabinol) is the psychoactive ingredient found in the marijuana plant. In the
1970’s, the average THC content of illicit marijuana was less than one percent. High doses of
marijuana can result in hallucinations. Marijuana smokers experience the same health problems as

tobacco smokers: bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchial asthma. Extended use is associated with
antimotivational syndrome, lung damage, and risk to reproductive systems.

Heroin is a narcotic which can be injected, smoked or snorted. It comes in several forms, the
main ones being “black tar” and white heroin. In the past, heroin was mainly injected. Because
of the high purity of the heroin, many users now snort or smoke heroin. All of the methods of use
can lead to addiction, and the use of intravenous needle scan result in the transmission of HIV.

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant derived from coca leaves. The most common method of use is
snorting the cocaine powder (Cocaine HCL). Its crack form is smoked (freebased). Cocaine is
usually distributed as white powder, of diluted (“cut”) with a variety of substances, the most
common being sugars and local anesthetics. Cocaine reaches the brain through the snorting
method in three to five minutes. Intravenous injection of cocaine produces a rush in 15-30
seconds, and smoking produces an almost immediate intense experience. These intense effects
can be followed by a “crash.” The cocaine manufacturing process takes place in remote jungle
labs where the raw product undergoes a series of chemical transformations.


A user should ask questions about drinking or drug use and assess how he/she feels when using.
“Am I losing control of my life? Am I giving up things I used to love because of drugs? Have
family and friends become less important? How do you know when you get addicted to
something? Is it a choice or just an effect? What most people do not understand, that no one
really chooses to be addict. More times than not, that escape is found in drugs or alcohol. The
substance allows a false reality to take place. They alter a person’s mind, and let the, believe, for
that five minutes or hour, that their problems are nonexistent. That “feel good” high makes a
person want more and they, in turn, become addicted to this substance because it is the only
thing that makes them feel good. What is the root of this effect, though? It can differ from
anything from having lost a loved one die, to just feeling left out in a group. This experience

change for the better. It doesn’t happen to be a choice, but drug addiction is not. It is an effect of
many misfortunes and problems that arise with an individual’s life especially in colleges. What is
much like a modern day coping mechanism, is more like a modern day rut. It has been famously
said that if one doesn’t want to go south, it is enough not to go to south. For south eventually
catch up with you. It is imperative thus to walk north. We are missing this very notion in our
dealings with our college students. Are we reaching out to the individual behind the student?
That is the Burning question. Parents who provide the funds for their children in college to
purchase alcohol and drugs and party at substance fueled spring breaks enable the college culture
of addiction. If parents cannot say no to children who want to go on such breaks, how can they
expect their children to say no to alcohol and marijuana? College students often forget why they
are supposed to be in school. Is the purpose of university life to party all the time or to get the
most out of the learning environment? Substance addiction can seriously affect academic
performance. Aside from long-term addiction (or possible emptying you bank account) it can
cause grades to plummet. How? Substance use affects you entire body, including your brain, in a
variety of ways. Judgment is often the first attribute to be affected. You may find it difficult to
make good decisions, to make them quickly or to be realistic when you make them. Does it seem
that you never have enough time to study or get your assignments done, yet you are always at
every party? You may want to consider how substance addiction could be affecting your
academic performance. Even if you are not addicted to drugs or alcohol at this time, your risk of
becoming addicted is significantly increased if you continue in your current pattern of substance
use. Don’t except appreciation from the student; you may have to wait sometime for your
concern to be fully valued. There is a similar ambiguity about those who ‘misuse’ drugs. It is
generally accepted that treating drug taking it solely as a crime will not solve the drug problem.
A more creative, accessible and integrated approach is required. Problem drug users need
support and help through the difficulties they face. It is estimated that, in India, by the time most
boys reach the ninth grade, about 50 percent of them have tried at least one of the substance of
addiction nature. Why do teens use drugs? Of course, peer pressure is a huge factor, but they
succumb to peer pressure for many other reasons. Low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, inability
to express feelings, lack of control, and feeling like they have to live up to unrealistic parental
expectations all contribute to the teen beginning to use drugs. Plus, many teens are affected by
watching their parents’ own addictive behaviors.


The material that is incorporated in the project is mostly based upon the observation made by the
Researcher and secondly through the various resources present on Internet and Law books. The
observation would be made through newspapers, television, various people at various places etc.
In this project every syllable of my personal experience has been explored. There has been a
field research in the assembling of this project especially the teenagers. There will be a survey of
people from other colleges and the passerby’s whom I have asked some questionnaires to obtain
their views on alcoholic and drug using persons and to find out how they see or perceive these
alcoholic persons in society.


Early use of drugs increases a person’s chances of developing addiction. Remember, drugs
change brains—and this can lead to addiction and other serious problems. So, preventing early
use of drugs or alcohol may go a long way in reducing these risks. If we can prevent young
people from experimenting with drugs, we can prevent drug addiction. Risk of drug abuse
increases greatly during times of transition. For an adult, a divorce or loss of a job may lead to
drug abuse; for a teenager, risky times include moving or changing schools. In early adolescence,
when children advance from elementary through middle school, they face new and challenging
social and academic situations. Often during this period, children are exposed to abusable
substances such as cigarettes and alcohol for the first time. When they enter high school, teens
may encounter greater availability of drugs, drug use by older teens and social activities where
drugs are used. At the same time, many behaviors that are a normal aspect of their development,
such as the desire to try new things or take greater risks, may increase teen tendencies to
experiment with drugs. Some teens may give in to the urging of drug-using friends to share the
experience with them. Students found to have violated their obligations as described above will
be subject to the following sanctions: censure, disciplinary probation, restitution, compensatory
service, suspension and dismissal. It is important for students to understand the many health risks
associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol. Those risks include but are not limited to:
addiction, violent flashbacks, permanent damage to the brain and central nervous system, liver
damage, heart disease, and potentially fatal overdose or withdrawal. Drug abuse causes many
struggles for families and communities. Addicts are often too sick, to function as normal, liable

members of a family or of society. For instance, they ruin their relationships with their families
and drain resources; especially if they require costly treatment or hospitalization. Addicts can
lose their jobs and, have no income to support themselves or anyone depending on them.
Children and teens who abuse drugs become more distant from their families and do not have a
healthy relationship with them. A second problem of drug abuse is the crimes committed by
addicts. Increased police time and effort are needed to fight smuggling and dealing illicit drugs.
Communities continue to fight to find ways to prevent drug abuse and to help rehabilitate
addicts. Dealing with drug problems takes up the police departments resources as well as the
communities'. Because many cities and communities are struggling financially, adding more
police protection puts a strain on the citizens through taxes. Despite these difficulties, drugs can
be fought. Education is our best hope and effort. Another approach to the problem of drug abuse
is to increase police resources enforce the law and stop. Although the problems of drug abuse
may seem impossible to eliminate or to even control, there are concrete steps that can be taken to
weaken the hold of drugs on families and on society. Parents, teachers, and communities must
take steps to educate children about the dangers of drug abuse and must offer safe, appealing
alternative for restless, inquisitive young people and programs and for those who are at-risk. In
addition, police departments must be provided with more manpower, resources, and community
support to combat drug-related crimes. If the war on drugs is to be won, everyone must realize
that he or she has a stake in the battle and in its outcome.


Drug addiction is a powerful demon that can sneak up on you and take over your life before you
know it has even happened. What started out as just a recreational lifestyle has overcome your
life and affected every single aspect of it. You don’t have to be caught up in the web of drug
addiction. There are so many things you can do to get yourself clean and sober, and there’s no
better time than the present. Overcoming drug addiction is a long and often painful process.
Leading a clean lifestyle is something that is well within your reach. You now have the tools you
need – go out and heal yourself. Remember that a thousand mile journey always begins with one
step and to take it one day at a time. It’s scary to think that our young people are being exposed to
drugs at a much earlier age, and they are much more susceptible to peer pressure. When their

friends offer up drugs, they often don’t have the strength to say no, so they begin the frightening
cycle of drugs. In recent years, much has been learned about the health effects of teen drug use.
Drugs are readily available to those who choose to use them in either an “experimental” way or to
those who are chronic drug abusers. The consequence of such use, even causal use, can be
devastating to both the user and to the user’s family members. But, teen drug use is costly to more
than just families. Risky drinking behavior may be the cause or important contributing factor in
many different academic, emotional, physical, social and legal problems experienced by
undergraduates. Indeed, the picture of extensive harm to at least a significant minority of students
on most campuses is clearly supported by the research. It is especially costly to our society as a
whole. Youth’s immature physical, emotional, and psychological development make them MORE
susceptible than adults to the harmful effects of drug abuse. Trying to deal with issues revolving
around the family upon such an escalated level proves extremely difficult when children of
alcoholic parents cannot even function normally regarding their own lives. This situation often
spawns a codependency syndrome that follows the child throughout his or her entire life;
codependency has long been found to be a significant indicator of alcoholism. Your first
inclination might be to get angry when you find out your teen is using drugs. This a normal
reaction, but please know that anger and yelling will just turn your teen’s ears to the “off”
position. There is an urgent need for parents, school teachers, and healthcare providers to be
familiar with the early signs and symptoms of drug and substance abuse to be able to implement
preventive measures. A comprehensive health approach that takes into consideration the
involvement of primary care practitioners needs to be adopted. Other equally important
considerations should include the special characteristics and vulnerabilities of special populations
at risk, family structures, social and demographic characteristics, poverty, and housing and living
conditions. Multiple avenues, including the internet, should be included in the larger prevention
and intervention protocols. To improve outcomes in identifying teens at risk of using illicit drugs,
we recommend that strategies be adopted and incorporated at the primary care level for
identifying and screening at-risk teenagers. Healthcare providers need to be routinely updated in
their knowledge and skills to identify the early warning signs of illicit drug use, especially within
this population. Parents and guardians of teens with risk factors for drug use need to be provided
with the information and tools to identify these signs and seek help promptly. Where the parent is
the drug user, every effort should be made to reduce the exposure and the impact of this behavior

on their teenager. The agencies saddled with the responsibility of addressing the issues of drug
use need to direct their energy and resources to measures and strategies that will curb exposure
and access to illicit drugs instead of focusing more on punishment and incarceration which have
failed to reduce the use of illicit drugs. College addiction is a complex topic. Reducing harmful
alcohol use among young adults calls for innovative approaches. Perhaps some of the best ideas
will draw on new technology or new research approaches. It’s too early to tell if these approaches
will prove useful in real-world campus settings, but they represent some unique prospects and are
worth watching. In spite of noble intentions and the expenditure of massive amounts of time,
energy, and money the best evidence shows that our current abstinence-oriented alcohol
education is ineffective. Simply doing more of what is not working will not lead to success; it is
essential that we re-think our approach to the problem. Our youth are too important and the stakes
are too high to so otherwise.


United Nations office on drugs and crime .project title: national survey on extent, patterns and
trends of drug abuse in India. 2003

Juyal R, R. Bansal, S. Kishore , K.S. Negi , R. Chandra , J. Semwal. Substance use among
intercollege students in District Dehradun. Indian J. Community Med. October-December, 2006;

Drug Facts: Marijuana." NIDA. December 2012. National Institute on Drug Abuse. 3 March,

BOTVIN, GILBERT J. 2000. "Preventing Drug Abuse in Schools: Social and Competence
Enhancement Approaches Targeting Individual-Level Etiological Factors." Addictive
Behaviors 25:887–897.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse - SCHOOL, COLLEGE - Students, Social, Programs, and Education -


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