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Bachelor's Degree Programme

Library and Information Science

For July 2010 and January 2011

School of Social Sciences

Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
Dates for Submission of Assignments

For July 2010 Session 31st March 2011

For January 2011 Session 30th September 2011

Where to Submit the Assignments

Kindly submit your assignments at the concerned Study Centre
within the due date as mentioned above

December 2009
© Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2009
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeography or any
other means, without permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Further information on the Indira Gandhi National Open University courses may be obtained
from the University's Office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068 or visit our website
Printed and published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, by
Director, School of Social Sciences.
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Page Nos.
Instructions for Assignments .......................................................................................................... 4-5

BLIS-01 : Library and Society ............................................................................................................ 6

BLIS-02 : Library Management .......................................................................................................... 7

BLIS-03 : Library Classification Theory ............................................................................................ 8

BLIS-03P : Library Classification Practice ........................................................................................ 9

BLIS-04 : Library Cataloguing Theory ............................................................................................. 10

BLIS-04P : Library Cataloguing Practice .................................................................................... 11-14

BLIS-05 : Reference and Information Sources .......................................................................... 15-16

BLIS-06 : Information Services ........................................................................................................ 17

BLIS-07 : Information Technology: Basics ...................................................................................... 18

BLIS-07 : Information Technology: Basics (Computer Practical) ................................................... 19

1) As part of BLIS programme, each candidate has to do one assignment in each of the courses. In
BLIS-07, there will be a compulsory practical. Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) will be evaluated
by the counsellor. For the course BLIS-07, Computer Practical will also be evaluated by the
2) Assignments and Practicals carry 30% weightage in the continuous evaluation of a course. The
term-end examinations carry 70% weightage. Hence, the marks/grade you get in your assignments
and practical will be counted in your final result. Candidates are, therefore, advised to take
assignments and practicals seriously, complete and submit them in time.
3) You must remember that assignments and practicals are compulsory. You will not be allowed to
appear for the term-end examination for a course if you do not submit the specified number of
assignments and complete the practicals in time for that course.
1) The validity of the assignment is ONE YEAR. Those who take admission in January session
have to attempt the assignments of January session only. If they fail to submit their assignments
before the due date of the particular session, they are supposed to attempt the fresh set of
assignments of subsequent January sessions (e.g. if a student of January 2010 session fails
to submit her/his assignments till 30th September 2010, s/he will have to attempt the fresh
assignments of January 2011). Similarly, those who take admission in July session have to
attempt the assignments of July session only. If they fail to submit their assignments before
the due date of the particular session, they are supposed to attempt the fresh set of assignments
of subsequent July session (e.g. if a student of July 2010 session fails to submit her/his
assignments till 31st March 2011, s/he will have to attempt the fresh assignments of July
2) Write your enrolment Number, Name, Full Address and Date of Dispatch at the top right-hand
corner of the first page of your response (answer) sheet.
3) Write the Programme Title, Code, Course Title, Code, Assignment Number and Name and Code
of the Study Centre on the left-hand corner of the first page of your response sheet.

The top of the first page of your response sheet for assignment should be like this:
Programme Title/Code ..................................... Enrolment No. .......................................................
Course Title/Code ............................................. Name .....................................................................
Assignment Number ......................................... Address ..................................................................
Study Centre (Code) ......................................... . ..............................................................................
Study Centre (Name) ........................................ ...............................................................................
.......................................................................... Date .......................................................................

(Note: Candidates are required to follow this format strictly otherwise the assignments may not be

4) Your answer sheet should be complete in all respect. Make sure you have answered all the
questions in an assignment before you submit them. Incomplete answer sheets will bring you
poor grades/ marks.
5) Do not just reproduce your answers from the units. If you reproduce from units, you will get a
6) Do not copy from the response sheets of other students. If copying is noticed, the assignments
of such students will be rejected.
7) Typed and computer print assignments are not permissible.
8) Use only fullscape size paper for your answers,ordinary writing paper, neither too thick nor too
thin, will do.
9) Leave 3" margin on the left and atlest 4 lines in between each answer in an assignment. This
will enable your counsellor to write useful comments in appropriate places. Write question number
with each answer.
10) The evaluated assignments will be returned to you by the coordinator of your study centre. This
will also include a copy of assessement sheet containing global comments of the evaluator on
your performance in the assignments. This will enable you to improve in your future assignments
as well as in the term-end examinations.
11) The tutor marked assignments should be sent to the coordinator of the study centre allotted to
Instructions for Computer Practical in BLIS-07
The practical component of this course involves exposure of the candidates to the use of computers
by hands on experience of a software package and creation of databases by each individual using the
package Fifteen (15) hours of computer practical will be given for each student. Further details of
the practical assignment will be provided by co-ordinators of the study centres.



BLIS-01: Library and Society

Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-01

Course: Library and Society Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2010/Jan.2011
Unit: 1-16 Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

1.1 What are the dimensions of change occurring in the different facets of life in a modern society?
How do these changes get reflected in the expanding role of libraries? (20)
1.2 “Libraries contribute greatly to the society in the promotion of education both formal and non-
formal in many ways”. Discuss. (20)
2.1 Explain the implications of Five Laws in the wider context of documentation or information
work. (20)
2.2 Explain the characteristics and functions of a public library. Briefly describe the activities, and
services provided by special libraries. (20)
3.1 What is meant by ‘Library Legislation’ and why is it necessary? Discuss some of its significant
components. (20)
3.2 What are the Global Information Systems that were attempted for bibliographical control in
different disciplines? Explain briefly the services of INIS. (20)
4.1 What are the basic requirements of organising resource sharing in a library / information centre?
How does technology enable sharing of resources? (20)
4.2 Describe the prevailing library resource sharing network systems in India. (20)
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (20)
(a) Library and society
(b) Types of information centres
(d) Bibliographical services

BLIS-02: Library Management

Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-02

Course: Library Management Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2010/Jan.2011
Units: 1-17 Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

1.1 Discuss the principles which are essential for creating a good pattern of organisation structure
for a large library. Draw an organisational chart of a university library. (20)
1.2 What main points do you consider while planning a library building? Which type of furniture
is required in a library? (20)
2.1 Procurement of periodicals has always been a problem for libraries. Suggest a method which
ensures uninterrupted supply of periodicals in a big library. (20)
2.2 What do you mean by technical processing? Describe different procedures and routines which
fall under it. (20)
3.1 Do you think that ‘men are also the enemies of the documents they create’? Justify the statement
in connection with preservation of library materials. (20)
3.2 “Stock verification should be a continuous process in libraries”. Discuss this statement and
explain the prevalent methods for this purpose. (20)
4.1 Explain human resource development. Discuss its various components. (20)
4.2 Discuss the principles that govern financial management. Enumerate the characteristics of
service-oriented and not-for-profit organisations. (20)
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (20)
(a) Compact storage
(b) Library statistics
(c) SWOT analysis
(d) Dewey's principle of book selection

BLIS-03: Library Classification Theory

Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-03

Course: Library Classification Theory Assignment Code:AST/TMA/Jul.2010/Jan.2011
Units: 1-15 Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

1.1 Discuss the importance of technical terminology for the progress of scientific subjects like
library classification. Explain the contribution of Indian School of Thought in its development.
1.2 What are the different approaches adopted by the users to search documents in a library?
Explain the role of library classification in meeting the subject approach of users. (20)
2.1 Differentiate between the descriptive and dynamic theories of library classification. Explain
the contribution of Ranganathan towards the development of a dynamic theory of classification.
2.2 What do you understand by postulates? Explain the usefulness of postulation approach in
designing of an analytico-synthetic scheme for library classification. (20)
3.1 Describe Ranganathan's Principles of Facet Sequence. Illustrate their use in CC, DDC and
UDC. (20)
3.2 Bring out the difference between simple subject, compound subject and complex subject. How
are complex subjects treated in DDC 19th edn.? Illustrate your answer with examples. (20)
4.1 Describe briefly the concept of hospitality in array and chain. Discuss with the help of suitable
examples the use of various devices in CC for increasing hospitality in array and chain. (20)
4.2 Discuss the salient features of Dewey Decimal Classification scheme 19th edition and highlight
the changes made in the 20th and 21st editions. (20)
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (20)
(a) Disciplines and Subjects
(b) Systems Approach
(c) Fission and Fusion
(d) Types of Phase Relations

BLIS-03P: Library Classification Practice

Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-03P

Course: Library Classification Practice Assignment Code:AST/TMA/Jul.2010/Jan.2011
Units: 1-13 Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

I) Classify ANY 10 (out of 12 given titles) of the following titles using Dewey Decimal
Classification (19th edition). (50)
1. Oxford English - Hindi Dictionary.
2. Occurrence of Sanskrit words in Hindi language
3. Directory of medical libraries in North India
4. Diagnosing blood cancer
5. Architecture of Gurudwaras in Orissa
6. Indo- Sri Lanka foreign relations
7. Biography of Sachin Tendulkar
8. Maintenance of roads in Maharashtra
9. Banking law of Indonesia
10. Counselling the drug addicts : A bibliography
11. Cold storage of apples in Himachal Pradesh
12. Encyclopaedia of education
II) Classify ANY 10 (out of 12 given titles) of the following titles using Colon Classification
(6th revised edition). (50)
1. Classification of manuscripts in public libraries in Madhya Pradesh during 1980s
2. Handbook of industrial psychology
3. Propagation of audible sound levels
4. Rasidi Ticket (Autobiography of Amrita Pritam, a Punjabi novelist, born in 1919)
5. Storage of potatoes
6. Homeopathic treatment for ovary diseases
7. Bibliography of science books for college students
8. Inspection of medical colleges in Delhi: A report submitted in 2000
9. Hindu law
10. Audio visual method of teaching for school children
11. Difference between religion and philosophy
12. Nuclear energy
BLIS-04: Library Cataloguing Theory

Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-04

Course: Library Cataloguing Theory Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2010/Jan.2011
Units: 1-18 Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

1.1 “A library catalogue is a retrieval tool.” Discuss the statement and explain how a library
catalogue is different from a bibliography? (20)
1.2 Trace the development of the library catalogue codes during the 20th century. (20)
2.1 Name the various conventional and non-conventional physical forms of library catalogue. Which
form would you recommend for a research library? (20)
2.2 What is meant by inner forms of library catalogue? Discuss the features of different types of
such catalogues. (20)
3.1 Discuss the significance of ISBD in the standardization of bibliographic record format. Describe
the different areas of ISBD(G). (20)
3.2 Describe the concept of corporate authorship. Explain with examples the choice and rendering
of conference proceedings according to AACR-2R and Classified Catalogue Code. (20)
4.1 What do you understand by the term ‘subject heading’? Discuss the general principles that
guide the indexers in the choice and rendering of subject headings from a standard list of
subject headings. (20)
4.2 What is meant by OPAC? Describe the essential features of an OPAC along with its search
devices. (20)
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (20)
(a) Thesaurus
(b) Computer Aided Subject System (COMPASS)
(c) Cataloguing of Internet resources
(d) MARC II Project

BLIS-04P: Library Cataloguing Practice

Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-04P

Course: Library Cataloguing Practice Assignment Code:AST/TMA/Jul.2010/Jan.2011
Units: 1-17 Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

1) Catalogue the titles as per AACR-2R. All the added entries are to be provided. The answers
are to be worked out on paper only, marking out 5"×3" cards. All titles carry equal marks.
Title 1:
Principles of Auditing
Leslie R. Howard

Twenty -First Edition

Macdonald & Evans

Other Information:
Call No.: 657.45 HOW
Acc. No.: 9251
Pages: xv, 401 p
Size: 22cm
Title 2:
Poverty in America

Proceedings of a National Conference held at the

University of California, Berkeley, February 26-28,1965

Edited by
Margaret S Gordon

New York
Books for Library Press
Other Information:
Call No.: 301.441 POV
Acc. No.: 9146
Pages: 132 p
Size: 25 cm

Title 3:
History of Indian Philosophy

Eric Frauwallner

Translated by
V. M. Bedekar

Vol I: The Philosophy of Veda and of the Epic

Vol II: The Nature-Philosophical Schools and the Vaisesika System

Oxford University Press
Other Information:
Call No.: 181.4 FRA
Acc. No.: 16478-79
Size 24 cm
Title 4:
Indian Journal of Medical Sciences
Vol. No. 42 Issue No. 2, February 1989

Published By
Indian Journals of Medical Sciences Trust
Other Information:
Class No.: 610.5
First Issue Published in: 1947
Frequency: Quarterly
The library has volume no. 30 onwards
Title 5:
Handbook of Procedures
April 1998-March 1991

Import and Export Promotion

Ministry of Commerce
Government of India
New Delhi
Other Information:
Call No.: 382.60954 IND
Acc. No.: 55460
Pages: xi,240 p
Size: 24 cm
2) Catalogue the titles as per Classified Catalogue Code. All the added entries are to be provided.
The answers are to be worked out on paper only, marking out 5"×3" cards. All titles carry
equal marks. (50)

Title 1:
Textbook of Modern Inorganic Chemistry
V K Mehta
Rohit Mehta

College Edition
S Chand
New Delhi
Other Information:
Call No : E1 P06
Acc.No. : 1567
Series Information: Electrical Engineering Series, No2, Edited by B Sasikala.

Title 2:
Guide to Community Development
Ministry of Community Development
Government of India
New Delhi
Other Information :
Call No. : Y31:7:7.44 J7
Acc. No. : G - 564823

Title 3:
Journal of British Society for Microbiology
Vol. No. 1 Issue No.1

Sponsored by: British Society for Microbiology

Other Information:
Class No. : G91m56,N37
Acc. No. : Use inclusive notation for accession numbers
First Published : 1937
Frequency : Quarterly
Library Holdings : Volume no.1 to 20

Title 4:
Textbook of Electrical Technology
B L Theraja
S G Tarnekar
R S Sedha
S K Venkata Ram
Vol.1: Basic Electrical Engineering
Vol.2: AC and DC Machines
Vol.3: Transmission, Distribution and Utilisation
Vol.4: Electronic Devices and Circuits
Ane Books
New Delhi
Other Information:
Call No. : D65 P03.1 to P03.4
Acc. No : 132816-132819
Note : It is a four volume set. All the volumes are available in the library.

Title 5:
Indian Economy
Edited by
Rudder Dutt

Deep and Deep Publications

New Delhi
Other Information:
Call No. : X.44 P04
Acc.No. : 329801
Note: There are 20 contributions given in this book, out of which one is given below: “Indian
Agriculture Industries” by M P Singh, forming pages 38 to 55. Class no. for this portion is X8(J).44

BLIS-05: Reference and Information Sources

Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-05

Course: Reference and Information Sources Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2010-Jan.2011
Units: 1-16 Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

1.1 Which type of material is required in a good reference collection? Explain the role of computers
in providing various reference services by the library. (20)
1.2 Discuss the difference between indexing and abstracting periodicals. Write about their functions
and give examples of four indexing and abstracting periodicals at international level. (20)
2.1 What do you mean by ready reference source? Evaluate different types of directories as ready
reference sources of information. (20)
2.2 How does a dictionary differ from an encyclopaedia? Describe the types of dictionaries with
suitable examples. (20)
3.1 Define biography. Enumerate types of biographical information sources. Describe the criteria
for evaluation of biographical sources. (20)
3.2 Write a detailed note on statistics as a source of information. (20)
4.1 Describe the importance of institutions as sources of information. Explain the features and
characteristics of information institutions. (20)
4.2 What are the categories of human expertise? Explain human resources as source of information.
5.0 Answer any fourteen (14) questions choosing at least three (3) from each category. (20)
5.1 Give one example for each of the following categories:
(a) News Digest
(b) International Gazetteer
(c) Almanacs
(d) Citation Index
(e) Referral Centres

5.2 What information can be found in the following sources?
(a) Publishers Weekly
(b) World of Learning
(c) India Who's Who
(d) Guiness Book of World Records
(e) Index Medicus
5.3 Describe the scope of the following reference books:
(a) Commonwealth Universities Yearbook
(b) Africa Diary
(c) Imperial Gazetteer of India
(d) Humanities Index
(e) Current Biography
5.4 Name any one sources for answering each of the following questions:
(a) National Animal of India
(b) Climate of Shimla during winters
(c) Existing International Standards
(d) Life History of George Bush
(e) Name of the Vice-Chancellor of University of Delhi

BLIS-06: Information Services

Coverage: Course Code: BLIS - 06

Course: Information Services Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2010/Jan.2011
Units: 1-8 Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

1.1 Define information. Discuss how information is generated. (20)
1.2 What do you understand by value added information services? Explain how value addition to
information services is done. (20)
2.1 What are the different user approaches towards information? Discuss how the current awareness
needs of users can be fulfilled. (20)
2.2 Discuss the components and functional phases of a SDI system. (20)
3.1 What do you understand by literature search service? Discuss its need and the steps involved
in providing such a service. (20)
3.2 Define document delivery service. Discuss its recent trends. (20)
4.1 What are the functions of a documentation and information centre. Discuss the factors you
would keep in mind while planning such a centre. (20)
4.2 Discuss the growth and development of documentation centres in India. (20)
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (20)
(a) Information generation process
(b) Information source vs. resource
(c) Value of information services
(d) Methods for assessing information needs

BLIS-07: Information Technology: Basics

Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-07

Course: Information Technology: Basics Assignment Code:AST/TMA/Jul.2010/Jan.2011
Units: 1-13 Total Marks: 100

Answer all questions.

1.1 Information technology is a convergence of different types of technologies. Discuss. (20)
1.2 Describe the generations of computers based on their unique properties. (20)
2.1 Explain the meaning of the term ‘switching mechanism’ and its different techniques. (20)
2.2 Discuss the functions of an automated book acquisition system. (20)
3.1 Discuss the objectives and functions of a serials control system. (20)
3.2 Describe the databases available on CD-ROM. Discuss the criteria to be adopted in selection
and acquisition of CD-ROM databases. (20)
4.1 What is resource sharing? Describe the objectives and services of INFLIBNET. (20)
4.2 Write an essay on the resources and services available on Internet. (20)
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (20)
(a) Input Devices
(b) Features of CDS/ISIS
(c) Truncated Search
(d) Services of DELNET

BLIS-07: Information Technology: Basics
Computer Practical

Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-07

Course: Information Technology: Basics Assignment Code: AST/PRAC/Jul.2010/Jan.2011
Units : 1-13 Total Marks: 100

Create a database of 30 records using CDS/ISIS package and take a print out of main entries according
to AACR 2R. The index file should be created in FST using all the codes. (The details of the records
will be supplied by the counsellors.)
a) Securing minimum pass marks (40%) in this assignment is also compulsory for passing
BLIS-07 course.
b) The software will be provided by the study center.
c) For more details please contact the coordinator of your study center.


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