Religions Chart UK

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CATHOLICISM (Italy, Spain, PROTESTANTS (Part of the Low Countries)

!!! Government Church above the State State above the Church Church = State

Good works irrelevant irrelevant

!!! Eucharist Transubstantiation: when Catholics took Consubstantiation: they did not believe in the symbolic remembrance
communion (=hostia) they believed in the transformation of bread and wine into the body
transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
and blood of Christ.

Sacraments They have 7 baptism, communion & marriage baptism & marriage

Communion People only take bread and the Archbishop take people took bread and wine as the Archbishop they did not believe in it
bread and wine

!!! Authority on The Pope (in Latin) the Bible: in Vernacular languages, original the Bible: vernacular languages (they were
earth language. People should interpret by against the Pope)
themselves. Individual Faith in God (they were
against the Pope)

Purgatory It existed, they were in favour. it did not exist, they were not in favour it did not exist, they were not in favour

Justification by good works by Faith (predestination in a way if they have Predestination


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