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September 2019

GPN/ExpRes Newsletter
UNDP Crisis Bureau

193 ExpRes consultants

23 Staff deployments
13 CO staff support
248 deployments 10 Stand By Partners
to 62 countries 9 UNV
in January - August 2019

Jan-Aug 2019 Jan-Aug 2019 Top COs
Top GPN/ExpRes Latin America receiving the highest
Profiles deployed: and the Caribbean no. of deployments:
Governance 39 Africa Mozambique 18

Rule of Law 33 Myanmar 15

Yemen 13
Disaster Risk Reduction
21 Arab States
and Recovery Ethiopia / Somalia 12
Conflict Prevention & India / Iraq / Lebanon 10

Early Recovery
Asia Pacific

Cyclone Idai and Support Plan for Sudan

Cyclone Kenneth Response (L2) Yemen protracted crisis (L3)
In response to political transition in Sudan, a
The devastating cyclone Idai that hit south-eastern UNDP mission comprising 4 members was
Africa in March 2019 may be the worst ever disas- deployed to Sudan in March 2019 to identify
ter to strike the southern hemisphere, affecting opportunities and entry points to position UNDP
Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. The dev- Sudan within the transition and post-transition
astating cyclone affected 3 million people, dis- context in Darfur. Based on the findings of the
placed 245,000 people and took over 1,000 lives. review mission, a series of deployments were
Between 9 and 19 March, the three Governments initiated in the first half of 2019 to strengthen the
declared state of emergencies and welcomed CO’s capacities and scale up its interventions in
international assistance. On 24 April 2019 cat 4 Darfur. To that extent, the Crisis Bureau facilitat-
Cyclone Kenneth hit Northern Mozambique. ed 7 deployments to Sudan, as part of the sup-
port plan: 4 GPN/ExpRes consultants, 2 SURGE
advisors, and 1 Stand By Partner deployment, in
the areas of Rule of Law, Livelihoods, HDP Nex-
us and others. Other deployments are planned
After more than two years of stalemate, the intra-
for the coming months to further reinforce the
Yemeni consultations held in Stockholm in
capacities of the Country Office.
December 2018 successfully concluded with
agreements on the redeployment of forces from
Hodeidah city and port, as well as a leading UN
role in oversight of the port management and
port resources. UNDP is playing a key role in the
civilian component of the implementation of the
Stockholm agreement, with a focus on Mine
UNDP supported the governments and partners to Action, Rule of Law and reconstruction.
conduct PDNAs in Mozambique and Malawi. Since January 2019, the Crisis Bureau facilitated
Since the crisis’s onset, the Crisis Bureau facilitat- 13 deployments to Yemen, in support of the
ed 24 deployments to the 3 affected countries: Stockholm agreement: 8 GPN/ExpRes consult-
11 GPN/ExpRes consultants, 5 SURGE advisors, ants, 4 SURGE advisors and 1 CO staff support,
5 deployments through SBP and 3 UNVs, as Early as CPR Senior Advisors, Communication
Recovery Coordinators, Debris/Waste Manage- Specialists, Stabilization advisors, Governance
ment Advisors, Disaster Risk Reduction advisors, and HDP Nexus advisors.
Communication Specialists, and others.
Snapshot of January– August 2019 GPN/ExpRes Deployments

Country of
Assignment title Job profile Duration

Senior Anti-Corruption Advisor Governance Myanmar 6 months

Early Recovery Advisor Beira Early Recovery Coordination Mozambique 3 months

Industrial Sector Development Specialist Livelihoods Iraq 6 months

Procurement Specialist Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Yemen 4 months

Senior Elections Expert Governance Ethiopia 3 month

Expert on Media, Elections and Political Parties Debates Governance Ecuador 3 weeks

Human Rights Programme Development Consultant Rule of law Malawi 3 months

Early Recovery Specialist Early Recovery Coordination Zimbabwe 5 months

Coaching Municipal Police Rule of Law Lebanon 1,5 months

Operations Advisor Operations support Bangladesh 2 months

Latest News

 The ExpRes Roster currently has over 3,000 pre-selected and technically vetted consultants, spread out across 23 profiles and 85 sub-
profiles to support the work of UNDP Country Offices/units and other UNDP partner agencies in the area of crisis prevention, recovery
and preparedness.

 @ExpResRoster Twitter group has reached over 1,350 followers! Stay informed and check out our Twitter page for new opportunities! If
you didn’t get the chance to do it by now, please follow our Twitter page at:

 UNDP places strong emphasis on a respectful working environment and on ensuring that we do not accept any form of discrimination,
harassment or abuse of authority. We encourage you to check the message on Sexual Harassment Helpline, and familiarize yourself with
the Prevention of Sexual Harassment page as well as with our policy on Protection against Retaliation and Prevention of Sexual Exploita-
tion and Abuse. All UNDP personnel, no matter the contractual modality, are required to complete the mandatory online courses on Sex-
ual Harassment (available in English, French and Spanish). Please take the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and
Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority e-learning courses on UNICEF's Learning Platform: Please
note that you need to register first and then you will be able to access the courses.

 UNDSS announced the launch of the new BSAFE online course. The BSAFE course replaces both Basic and Advanced Security in the
Field. There is no requirement to redo BSAFE once it has been completed. The course is accessible on the UNDSS training website: That means even if you have done the previous courses you must now do this new course in order to be de-
ployed in the field.

 Keep an updated CV/P11 on file on your profile, which you can access via MaxHire with the same username and password with which
you registered.

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