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1. A ball rolls off the edge of a table top with an initial speed of 20.0 m/s. In one second, how far does it
travel (a) vertically, and (b) horizontally?

2. A rifle is aimed horizontally at a target 30 m away. The bullet hits the target 1.9 cm below the aiming
point. (a) What is the bullet’s time of flight? (b) What is the muzzle velocity?

3. In a local bar, a customer slides an empty beer mug on the counter for a refill. The bartender does not
see the mug, which slides off the counter and strikes the floor 1.40 m from the base of the counter. If the
height of the counter is 0.860 m, (a) with what speed did the mug leave the counter and (b) what was
the direction of the mug’s velocity just before it hit the floor?
4. A canon is fired from the top of a building at a speed of 80.0 m/s. Compute for the range of the
projectile if the building is 130 m high. Assume that propulsion is purely horizontal and the object is in
free fall.

5. A gun is fired at an angle such that its initial velocity in the vertical and in the horizontal are 100 m/s and
52 m/s, respectively. (a) How high does the bullet go? (b) How far does the bullet go?

6. The record for the Olympic javelin throw is 9.0 m. What initial speed is needed if it took 0.400 seconds
for the javelin to reach the maximum height?

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