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Advances in Economics and Business 1(1): 1-5, 2013

DOI: 10.13189/aeb.2013.010101

Importance of Online Product Reviews from a

Consumer’s Perspective
1;2 1;2; 1
Georg Lackermair , Daniel Kailer , Kenan Kanmaz

1Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany TU
Dresden, Germany
Corresponding Author:

Copyright c 2013 Horizon Research Publishing All rights reserved.

Abstract Product reviews and ratings are popular tools aggregated to feedback pro les and published [11]. Such
to support buying decisions of consumers. These tools bi-directional communication models are described by
are also valuable for online retailers, who use rating the term Web 2.0 as de ned by O’Reilly [5,6]. Popular
systems in order to build trust and reputation in the online examples of shopping websites containing user
market. Many online shops o er quantitative ratings, generated reviews and ratings are Amazon and eBay.
textual reviews or a combination of both. This paper Due to the ubiquitous nature of product reviews, an
examines the acceptance and usage of ratings and interesting question is how customers actually use this
reviews in the context of e-commerce transactions. A source of information for their buying decision. To an-
survey among 104 German online shoppers was swer this question, a survey was conducted among 104
conducted to examine how consumer reviews and rat- German online shoppers. The study was carried out in
ings are used to support buying decisions. The survey 2011 as part of a student’s nal project. The lead-ing
shows that reviews and ratings are an important source question of this work was: ,,How are user generated
of information for consumers. However, qualitative product reviews used for online transactions and what is
feedback from the survey indicates that the perceived their perceived importance for consumers?".
helpfulness of rating systems varies. Especially the Before answering this question, a short literature re-
comparison of user reviews is a very time consuming view in Section 2 will outline some aspects of previous
process for the customer, because of the unstructured research in the area of product reviews. Afterwards the
nature of textual user reviews. In this paper we concept and results of this empirical study will be pre-
summarize similar problems and show corresponding sented in Section 3 and 4. As the results of the survey
examples to them. This will give new insight for future will show, product reviews are an important source of in-
research in the area of user ratings and reviews. formation for customers. However, qualitative feedback
on the survey indicates that the perceived helpfulness of
Keywords Product review, Rating, Empirical study, rating systems varies and that especially the compari-son
Comparability, Acceptance of user reviews is di cult. Therefore we will discuss some
problems of product reviews in Section 5.

1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
Nowadays, more and more e-commerce platforms
of-fer product reviews or product ratings. In literature, Textual product reviews are often analyzed in text
the terms review and rating are often used mining. Popescu and Etzioni [12] studied the extrac-tion
interchangeably, but for our work it is important to of semantic orientation and product features from such
distinguish these two terms. A product review is a textual product reviews. Constant et al. [10] on the other
textual review of a customer, who describes the hand studied the use of expressive content in various
characteristics (e.g. advan-tages and disadvantages) languages based on Amazon product reviews. The e ects
of a product. A product rating on the other hand of Word-Of-Mouth (WOM) in online mar-kets were also
represents the customer’s opinion on a speci ed scale. studied by various works. Dellarocas [11] discussed
A popular rating scheme in online shops is the star- promises and challenges of online WOM net-works.
rating, where more stars indicate better rat-ings. Chevalier and Mayzlin [9] studied the e ect on sales of
Product reviews and ratings are generated by the user WOM-processes based on online book reviews.
(i.e. the customer of an online shop) and published on The distribution of rating scores is also the subject of
the website of the retailer. Additionally, the ratings are interesting research. Chevalier and Mayzlin [9] cal-
2 Importance of Online Product Reviews from a Consumer’s Perspective
Table 1. Questions of the survey and their related constructs and hypotheses

Construct Hypothesis Question item Choices

Trust 1 Q1: How important are online product reviews for your buying unimportant, rather unimpor-
decision? tant, neutral, rather impor-
tant, important
Decision 2 (a) Q2: Which typical sources of information do you use before Open question
making you buy a product online?
2 (b) Q3: How often do you read product reviews before you buy a never, rarely, sometimes, regu-
product online? larly, often
2 (c) Q4: Do you usually compare positive and negative reviews? yes, no
2 (d) Q5a: Was a single negative review ever the reason for you not yes, no
to buy a product?
Q5b: Was a single positive review ever the reason for you to yes, no
buy a product?
Contribution 3 Q6a: Have you ever written an online product review? yes, no
Q6b: If yes, what was the overall rating of your review? positive, neutral, negative

culated the distribution of ratings in online book re- Thus, an important aspect for reviews and ratings is
views from Amazon, Barnes and Noble. The result-ing con-sumers’ willingness to contribute.
data shows an asymmetric bimodal distribution (J-
The main research question for the survey was: ,,How
shaped distribution), whereas the most reviews are
are user generated product reviews used in online trans-
posi-tive. Hu et al. [4] also calculated a J-shaped
actions and what is their perceived importance for con-
distribution of Amazon product reviews in three other
sumers?". To gather data about consumers’ habits re-
product cat-egories. They explain that this distribution
garding online shopping, an online questionnaire was de-
is driven by self-selection bias { purchasing bias and
veloped. The questionnaire design is summarized in Ta-
under-reporting bias. Li and Hitt [7] studied the e ect
ble 1 and includes the relationship between the questions
of self-selection bias on purchase decisions based on
and their assigned constructs and hypotheses.
a set of Amazon product reviews.
Question item Q1 was included to nd out whether
online product reviews a ect the buying decision of con-
3 Methodology sumers. If consumers nd reviews important or very im-
portant, they are more likely to trust a vendor if product
To understand how consumers use product reviews reviews are present. The question items from Q2 to Q5
before buying online, a survey was conducted among are connected to Hypothesis 2 and relate to the actual
104 German online shoppers. The study was carried use of reviews. Question item Q2 was designed as an
out in 2011 as part of a student’s nal project. The open question to determine the typical sources of infor-
leading question of this work was: ,,Which role do mation that consumers use before buying online. Ques-
user generated product reviews play in online tion item Q3 intends to nd out how often consumers read
transactions and what is their perceived importance product reviews before buying online. Question item Q4
for consumers?". To answer this question we derived determines whether participants compare pro-duct
several hypotheses for our survey. reviews with each other. The question items Q5a and
Q5b try to capture the consequences of positive and
Hypothesis 1 Online reviews increase trustworthi- negative reviews. Finally, the question items Q6a and
ness: Consumers consider the sole availability of user Q6b determine whether the participants create online
generated reviews and ratings as an important reviews and what ratings they use.
criterion for their evaluation of product attributes and The questionnaire was completed by 104
the trust-worthiness of a vendor. participants, where 53.85% were female and 45.19%
were male. The remaining participants (0.96%) were
Hypothesis 2 Reviews are an important source of in- not willing to share their gender. The age of the
formation for online transactions: Consumers embrace participants is distributed among ve groups:
reviews and ratings in the process of selecting products
and vendors. For the indication of importance we used 15{18 years old (2.88%)
19{26 years old (65.38%)
the following aspects: (a) awareness: users are aware of
reviews and ratings and use the information purposely in 27{37 years old (24.04%)
36{50 years old (0.96%)
their selection process; (b) frequency: online shop-pers
do frequently use reviews and ratings as source of Not willing to share their age (6.74%)
information; (c) comparison: importance is indicated if The participants where invited via email and online so-
consumers read reviews carefully and compare them cial networks. The demographics of the sample re ect the
with the opinion of other users; (d) e ect: reviews and rat- fact that the participants where acquired among the
ings can be considered important, if they a ect the pro- investigator’s colleagues, fellow students and friends.
duct selection.

Hypothesis 3 Users are willing to contribute: Accord-ing 4 Results

to O’Reilly’s [6] de nition of Web 2.0, user gen-erated
reviews and ratings can be classi ed as services, whose The results of the survey are summarized in Table 2. The
quality improves as the contributions of users rise. answers given in the questionnaire are aggregated as
Advances in Economics and Business 1(1): 1-5, 2013 3

relative frequency. Online reviews are rated as impor- we will therefore demonstrate on an exemplary use
tant or very important by 74.04% of the participants, case, that current rating systems are not very e cient
whereas 4.80% think that reviews are rather unimpor- for the comparison of user reviews.
tant or not important. The open question about the In our opinion there are two aspects of user reviews
sources of information users seek before making a that play an important role. The rst aspect regards the
pur-chase, was answered di erently. The answers helpfulness of a written review. Customers read a full
indicate that most of the participants seek for advice user review and expect to nd something like a
online. Common answers include ,,search engine" pro/con-list of features or opinions about a given
(28%), ,,con-sumer reviews" (12%), ,,online shops" product to sup-port their buying decision. Customers
(14%) or ,,other online sources" (35%). Other online can often rate a review as helpful or not helpful. An
sources include blogs for example. example for this is shown in Figure 1, which shows an
85.57% of the participants stated that they read re- excerpt of a user re-view from and the
views often or very often before they purchase online. Of rated helpfulness of the review.
the participants who read reviews, 83.65% compare
positive and negative reviews with each other. 11.54%
stated that a single negative review was the reason for
not buying and 18.27% stated that a single positive re-
view was the reason for buying a product. Among the
participants, 57.69% have at least once written an online
product review. 76.92% of these reviews were positive, Figure 1. Rated helpfulness of an review
10.77% were negative and 12.31% had a neutral rating.

Table 2. Answers of the survey with their relative frequency

Question Answer Relative frequency

Q1 very important .3077
important .4327
neutral .2115
rather unimportant .0192
not important .0288
Q2 search engine .2800
retail .1200
consumers’ reviews .1200
online shops .1400
portals .0900
family and friends .1500
other online sources .3500 Figure 2. Decision making process, which displays the gap be-
reviews in media .0700 tween user ratings and user reviews
commercials .0200
no investigation at all .0500
not speci ed .1400 A lot of research is done to predict the helpfulness
Q3 very often .3942 of reviews, for example by Liu et al. [1], who built and
often .4615
sometimes .0865 eval-uated algorithms for predicting the usefulness of
rarely .0365 IMDB movie reviews. Another study of Pan and Zhang
never .0096 [3] showed that the perceived helpfulness of a review
Q4 yes .8365 pos-itively correlates with the length of the review,
no .1635 which means that a long review text is usually more
Q5a yes .1154 helpful than a short review text. But this also means
no .8846
that a potential customer has to read more text to nd
Q5b yes .1827
no .8173 help-ful information. This brings us to the second
Q6a yes .5769 aspect, namely the e ciency of user reviews. Long
no .4135 reviews with a lot of information can be helpful, there
not speci ed .0096 is no doubt, but they are not always e cient for the
Q6b positive .7692 customer. This is es-pecially true for goal-oriented
neutral .1231
negative .1077
customers. Furthermore, it can also be very di cult to
compare long product re-views.
We argue that the decision making process is divided
into several phases. In an early phase, the customer
wants to narrow down the products to get an overview of
5 Discussion the potential products that match his requirements. We
further argue that reading a lot of user reviews for several
The results in the previous section demonstrated that products is not very e cient in this early phase. This
user reviews are very important for the decision making opinion was also con rmed by the qualitative feed-back of
of customers. But the more interesting and surprising the participants of our survey. Customers need compact
nding was that a lot of customers compare positive and and concise information about the products. In a later
negative reviews with each other. In this section phase, when there are only a few potential pro-
4 Importance of Online Product Reviews from a Consumer’s Perspective

Figure 3. Selected product reviews from that contain the search term ,,running"

ducts left, the full user reviews can be used to get In the academic world, Vig et al. [2] provided a possi-
more details about the concrete products. ble solution to above problem, called tag expression. Tag
For the customer, a rst indicator in the decision mak- expression combines tags and ratings and allows users
ing process is often the user rating of a product, which is to apply a ect to tags. For every tag, users can state if
frequently expressed as a notation of stars, where more they like, dislike or are neutral about it. These tag
stars indicate better ratings. If a product has for ex-ample expressions were tested with MovieLens , a movie rec-
100 user ratings with an average of 1 out of 5 stars, it is ommendation website. The drawback of this approach is
not very likely that the customer would even click on the that only negative, neutral and positive ratings are
product. But once customers enter the pro-duct page, possible. A more detailed rating, like the previously
they are dependent on reading user reviews to nd out if mentioned star-rating, needs also be tested with this ap-
the product matches their requirements. Therefore we proach. Furthermore the study only concentrated on a
argue that there is a gap in current rating systems speci c class of items (in their case movies). Therefore it
between the user product rating and the user review, needs to be evaluated whether an online shop with
which is shown in Figure 2. typical consumer products (like could also
pro t from this approach. Another consideration must be
As we will see later, several approaches exist that are
the review comparison feature, which was stated as
trying to bridge this gap. But at rst we will look at an
important by the participants of our study, but was not
example to illustrate the problem of this gap. For a
examined in the work of Vig et al.
demonstration, we will look at a use case where a cus-
tomer wants to buy an MP3-Player that is suitable for Another related research area is text mining, where
sports, especially for running purposes. Let us assume product features and user opinions are extracted from
that the customer has found some MP3-Players with user reviews in order to support buying decisions. But
good ratings. The only way to nd out if these pro-ducts t opinion extraction is still a hard problem not least be-
his purpose is to read the according reviews and see if cause of the intrinsic complexity of languages [8]. One
any review mentions the running capabilities of the MP3- problem with opinion extraction is the mapping from
Player. Some sites may o er the possibility to search the an extracted opinion to a concrete rating value. For
reviews for a speci c text. This is shown in Figure 3, exam-ple, is the extracted opinion ,,This MP3-Player is
where product reviews from were searched great for running." equal to a 4 or 5 star rating? This
for the word ,,running". But this search mech-anism only question can’t be answered by only extracting the text.
shows where the word ,,running" appears. It is not very
helpful for the user, because the results don’t explicitly The examples show that existing rating systems do
show whether the product is recommended for running or not support the decision making process seamlessly
not. and force the consumers to read a lot reviews upfront.
New approaches are needed to enable an easier
Some sites try to overcome this issue by o ering a
summariza-tion and comparison of product reviews.
more detailed product rating, compared to a single rat-
ing value as used by (see Figure 3). The As our study shows, it is important for the major-ity
online shopping portal Ciao for example uses multiple (about 83%) of the surveyed participants to compare
ratings as shown in Figure 4. Besides the main rating positive and negative reviews. Comparing long and
there are speci c rating items that are common for a un-structured user reviews is a very time consuming
speci c product group. In this case the detailed ratings process and therefore also limiting the e ciency of the
are speci c for an MP3-Player. Although this approach is decision making process. Comparing a more detailed
more useful, it is still very limited, because the rating rating like the one in Figure 4 would be more helpful,
items are xed (i.e. de ned by the online store). This isn’t but isn’t perfect, as we discussed earlier in our MP3-
helpful for the use case above, where the customer is Player use case.
looking for a suitable MP3-Player for running.

Ciao: 2
Advances in Economics and Business 1(1): 1-5, 2013 5

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