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Lesson Plan

Lesson title: Reading Date: 21/5/18 Year level: Year 2

Topic: Reading compregension and compound sentences Duration of lesson: 45 mins
Learning areas Strands & sub-strands Content descriptors
Links to the Understand that simple connections can be made between
Australian English, Reading and Viewing Language, Expressing and Developing ideas by using a compound sentence with two or more clauses
Curriculum: Ideas usually linked by a coordinating conjunction (VCELA214)

Lesson rationale: N/A

Students background knowledge: Teacher focus:

Students last week learned about simple sentences. They are able to • Student engagement
identify the subject of the sentence and understand that a simple • Lesson delivery
sentence contains one clause/thought/idea. • Appropriate language conventions
Learning objectives: Learning environment and resources:
LI: to identify a compound sentence and what features are associated • Video:
with compound sentences • Poster:
SC: I know that a compound sentence contains two CKXB5rbRI3aqw3YFfCm7gmiBEEP7VH0
clauses/ideas/thoughts which is joined with a conjunction word
• Comprehension and grammar worksheets
SC: I know that the conjunction words “for, and, nor, but , or, yet and
so” are used to join two sentences to create a compound sentence • iPads
• Guided reading books for yellow and blue group

Assessment strategies:
• Marking comprehension activity
• Questioning
• Observations
• Marking grammar focus worksheet
Stage of lesson Time Pre-service teacher’s actions
Introduce grammar topic of compound sentences
Stage 1 Watch video: Strategy: Direct Instruc8on
and ICT - Video & audio
Introduction • Compound sentences video
15 mins • (only up to 1 min 40)

Introduce FANBOYS poster

• Give students examples of compound sentences
Explicit teaching
• Ask students if they can come up with a compound sentence
• Give students a sentence such as “The boy likes to play with the tennis ball and the soccer ball”. Why isn’t this a
compound sentence

Stage 2 Groups Rotation 1 - Monday Rota%ons are spread out over 4 days
Body of lesson
Yellow Comprehension based on Guided Reading
Complete levelled comprehension sheet that matches guided reader
LI- To understand what I have read and to use my Reading strategies to answer questions about
what I have read
SC- I have used my book to help me answer the questions and I have correctly answered the
questions about the text.
20 mins
Red ICT - Reading Eggs Strategy: Independent - ICT
Students complete a Reading Eggspress comprehension lesson set for them. interac8ve ac8vity
LI: To read and comprehend a text.
SC: I can read a text and answer the questions to show I have understood what I have read.

Green Grammar Focus Strategy: Independent ac8vity

Individual worksheet activity Differen8ated based on student needs and abili8es
LI: To understand how to express ideas using compound sentences and to understand how to
join simple sentences with conjunctions
SC: I can express ideas using compound sentences and I can join simple sentences with

Blue Teacher Group Strategy: Reinforcing reading

Guided Reading with group strategies through collabora8ve
LI: To read with fluency. learning
SC: I can read a text fluently.

Mul8ple exposures
Stage 3:
Conclusion 10 mins If there is time, read a story to the students.

Evaluation and self-reflection of the lesson:

• Students were engaged while watching the video.
• Stopping at different stages of the video to give further explanations gives the students an opportunity to reinforce the meaning of a compound
• Questioning the students as to why it was a compound sentence to help them identify what compound sentences are
Next time I could include a turn and talk, to make sure all students get a chance to think of a compound sentence
• Implemented some suggestions from previous lessons - getting students to pack up earlier, making sure all other students are focusing on their work.
• Some students repeatedly ignored other students who were speaking, these students could have been moved.

Mentor teacher comments:

PST: Alex Edwards
Date: 22/5/18
Lesson topic: Reading
Lesson duration: 45 minutes
• Students were very engaged in the warm up
• You explained that there was a new grammar focus and told them what it was
• You revisited last week’s focus (simple sentences) and then explained that this week we are working on this week’s focus
• You kept switching between the word ‘clause’ and ‘thought/idea’ so that the students understood that they are the same thing
• Used topic specific vocabulary such as “compound sentences, conjunctions, connecting clauses” and reinforcing this through questioning students and
making sure they use these terms in their answer
• You went through the FANBOYS poster and explicitly taught what conjunctions were
• You then got students to come up with compound sentences and gave feedback on their sentences
Guided reading:

• Tuned students into the book by predicting what the book will be about, using the front cover
• Gave students the definition of the word “scrambled”
• Helped students locate words/sentences by giving them the page number (took on advice from yesterday)
• Brought students attention back to the grammar focus for the week (compound sentences)
• Read a few pages altogether
• Helped Heather point to the words so she was at the correct words
• Modelled how you wanted them to read
• You have really built up your strategies to help the children read words:
o Get them to try again
o Have them sound them out
o Giving them clues as to what sounds the letters are making “that is making an e sound”
▪ Your knowledge of phonics is good – you can tell the students what sound each digraph/trigraph is making (digraph-2 letters that make
one sound. Trigraph-3 letters that make one sound)
o Ask them to use the pictures
o Give clues such as “what do you do on a bike?”
o Get them to read a whole sentence again to help them make meaning from it
o With Izzy you sometimes sounded out the words for her, so she could just focus on blending the sounds
Suggestions for next time:
• Don’t forget you can comment on how they are reading and ask them to read again if they were too slow, too fast, not enough expression

HITS (high impact teaching strategies) that you used:

• Explicit teaching

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