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"Building Program" Workbook Instructions and Overview

This workbook allows students to generate much of the basic data necessary to create a "Building
Program". The intent is to document the requirements for each major building system both at the
"General" and detailed room-by-room level.

Look for cell "comments" - indicated by the red triangle in the upper right corner. They will explain
something in more detail.

You are assumed to be familiar with the building systems and also with the use of Excel.
More particularly this worksheet takes advantage of several features of Excel:
- "Groups" of columns - to allow hiding and display of several columns of data
- Filtering of table - to allow selection of only those rows of particular interest (used in the Program
- Comments on Cells - Explains what should typically go in the cell. These can be edited. To see the
comments you just let your cursor fall over the cells with red triangles in the upper right.

Normal Use of the Workbook

- Read these instructions first
- Fill in the "General" worksheet to define the overall building parameters.
- Fill in the "Program" worksheet with one row for each room in the building. (note that I've filled in
the first two rows as an example. You will wish to modify or delete them.)
- Select the Groups and rows you wish to display to understand your building.
- Set up the "*Display" pages to display the program for each discipline - See the
"ArchitectureDisplay" comment for instructions on how to do so.

Possible Modifications & Improvements

- Adjust the columns widths for better display
- Add more columns of relevant data and more systems.
- Use the Table|Subtotal on the Program to display subtotals (note that this will probably modify your
- Improve the dispay
- Add graphs of space breakdowns
- Refine the "Circulation and Structure" allocation to the more standard "departmental" factor and then
a second "building" factor.

Misc. Notes
- I've used Columns that have white text in them to divide the columns for the various discipines in the
"program" workbook. This allows showi use of both the "filter" function and the "groups" to hide or
display the information in meaningful groups.
- The topmost line of totals above the columns in the "program" worksheet uses the "subtotal" function
so that what is displayed is the total for only those rows which are displayed. You have to display all rows
to get the grand total in that line - which will then match the total line below it.
- Creating Web Pages with only what is displayed on-screen showing is easy in Excel. Select the area
you wish to have displayed (groups and filtering work) and then save as a web page clicking the
"selection" check-box in the dialog box. Only what's on-screen will be on the websheet. Note that I would
expect that you'll use the "*Display" pages to create web pages rather than the master one.

12/30/2002 James E. Mitchell

- The topmost line of totals above the columns in the "program" worksheet uses the "subtotal" function
so that what is displayed is the total for only those rows which are displayed. You have to display all rows
to get the grand total in that line - which will then match the total line below it.
- Creating Web Pages with only what is displayed on-screen showing is easy in Excel. Select the area
you wish to have displayed (groups and filtering work) and then save as a web page clicking the
"selection" check-box in the dialog box. Only what's on-screen will be on the websheet. Note that I would
expect that you'll use the "*Display" pages to create web pages rather than the master one.

12/30/2002 James E. Mitchell

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that I've filled in

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"subtotal" function
to display all rows

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"subtotal" function
to display all rows

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General Parameters for the Building
Date: 1/6/2003

System Variable Variable Value

Client Cient Name Drexel University
Client Client Address 3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Client Project Title Building Template Example
Site Project Address San Juan, Puerto Rico - OceanFront lot
Site Setbacks Required 50' front, 10' side, 5' rear
Site Zoning Requirements C3 - Office and general commercial
Maximum height 60'
Site Soil type Sandy clay to bedrock at 30'
Site Soil Bearing Capacity 1000psf at surface, 9KSF at 30'
Site Site General Comment This is an oceanfront site which is exposed to
hurricanes with 120 mph winds regularly
Occupancy Building Purpose Office for Engineering firm specializing in
marine rescue
Occupancy User Description Home base for engineers (with support staff),
who regularly leave the office for extended
Occupancy Occupancy Type Office
Occupancy Hours of Operation 7:30AM - 9PM - Some spaces open on
Occupancy Number of Occupants 200
Occupancy Target Gross SF 30,000
Occupancy Target Cost $3,000,000
Occupancy Target SF/Occupant 150
Budget Budget per SF Overall $100
Architecture Arch. Ideal Bay Size 30'x30'
Architecture Circulation and Structure Pct 35%
Architecture Building Appearance Goal Extremely modern and durable
Architecture Construction Quality Extremely high
Architecture Arch. General Comment The image must be of durability and
competence. It is also important to take
maximum advantage of the view to the North
over the ocean and to the West to the old fort.
HVAC Winter Interior DB 76
HVAC Winter Interior RH <60%
HVAC Winter Ext. DB 40
HVAC Summer Interior DB 76
HVAC Summer Interior RH <60%
HVAC Summer Ext. DB 95
HVAC Summer Ext WB 85
HVAC CFM per Occupant 20
HVAC HVAC General Comment Comfort of the occupants is the highest
priority, with individual control for any group
of more than four people. Economy in
operation comes after that in importance.
Electrical Utility Voltage Available 13,200
Electrical Number of Services Available 2
Electrical Electrical General Comment Continuity of electrical power is essential even
through hurricanes and the too-frequent utility
Structural Site Wind Speed 120
Structural Site Snow Load na
Structural Site Seismic Zone 1
Structural Structural General Comment Low vibration and displacement are critical
Other Other Systems General CommentSecurity and fire protection are critical
Structural Desired Deflection Ration concerns 1/360
Units General Divider





Building Template Example
Subtotal Displayed 4 26 550 193 743 $124,300 1,486 1,891 3,377

Building Total 4 26 550 193 743 $124,300 1,486 1,891 3,377

Space Room Name Occupant

Number of
Proximity Room Architec Lightin Equip Lightin Equip Room Lighting Room Room

Ideal Floor

Net Area


Gross Area

Maximum No.

Circ. &

Normal No.
Type Architectural tural g W/SF & Misc g Watts & Misc Total Level FC Lighting Electrical
Comment Divider W/SF Watts Watts Comment Comment

Office President's Office President 1 6 3 300 1 300 105 405 $90,500 Secretary Modern feel, 2 3 810 1,215 2,025 50 Hidden Ready for
Great view, close change
CirculationLobby Receptionist 3 20 1 250 1 250 88 338 $33,800 Parking to VPs
Hi-tech 2 2 676 676 1,352 40 Display
Lot, Street, atmosphere with important
Elevators display of
company work.
Architectural Program Building Template Example
Arch. Ideal Bay Size 30'x30'
Circulation and
Structure Pct
Building Appearance
Extremely modern and durable
Construction Quality Extremely high
The image must be of durability and competence. It is
also important to take maximum advantage of the view to
Arch. General Comment
the North over the ocean and to the West to the old fort.

Maximum No.

Ideal Floor


Gross Area
Number of
Normal No.



Net Area

Circ. &
Space Proximit Room Architectural
Type Room Name Occupant y Comment
Subtotal 4 26 0 0 0 550 193 743
Building 4 26 0 0 0 550 193 743
Office President's Office President 1 6 3 300 1 300 105 405 Secretary Modern feel, Great view,
close to VPs
CirculationLobby Receptionist 3 20 1 250 1 250 88 338 Parking Hi-tech atmosphere with
Lot, display of company work.
Street, Security important

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