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2772-2774 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City 1300 Philippines

Different Sources of Stress among Grade 11 Stem Students of San Juan de Dios

Educational Foundation Inc. – College on First Semester

Academic Year 2018 – 2019

Datu- Imam, Janisa

Tulagan, Lovely Rose

Vasquez, Ella G.

Zipagan, Michelle M.



School education is a very important part in an individual’s life and is also a turning point
in their academic life. At this stage, the academic performance of a student plays a crucial role
in deciding the next stage of their education, which in turn shapes their career. An excess of
academic stress during this stage can result in adverse effects that are far-reaching and

In today’s highly competitive world, students face various academic problems including
exam stress, disinterest in attending classes and the inability to understand a subject. Academic
stress involves mental distress with respect to some anticipated frustration associated with
academic failure or even unawareness to the possibility of such failure. Students have to face
many academic demands, for example, school examination, answering questions in the class,
showing progress in school subjects. Understanding what the teacher is teaching, competing
with other class mates, fulfilling teachers and parents academic expectations. These demands
may tax or exceed available resources of the students. As a consequence, they can be under
stress, since the demand is related to achievement of an academic goal. So, academic related
to the achievement of an academic goal.

Excessive levels of academic stress can result in an increased prevalence of psychological

and physical problems like depression, anxiety, nervousness and stress related disorders, which
in turn can affect their academic results. Anxiety as a disorder is seen in about 8% of
adolescents and children worldwide. Anxiety and stress have a substantial negative effect on
their social, emotional and academic success. Depression is becoming the most common
mental health problem students suffer these days. It is also a reflection of an individual’s
academic frustration, academic conflict, academic anxiety and academic pressure. The four
components of academic stress usually identifiable in a student are academic frustration,
academic conflicts, academic anxieties and academic pressures.

Looking at these high levels of academic stress in students which can also lead to
psychological disorders, there is an urgent need to develop suitable interventions and solutions
to reduce this level of stress and psychiatric morbidity.


Most people encounter stress that lead them to rapid bodily changes such as feelings of
emotional unrest causing the body strains with body aches. With repeated stressful situations,
causes tension and pressures on the body that contribute to physical and psychological
problems (Dixon & Robinson, 2015). Defining stress from a medical dictionary dwells on any
situation that evokes negative thoughts and feelings among persons or groups. It means that

people who encounter stress will have different experiences in their feelings and thoughts
(D’Zurilla & Sheedy, 2014). This is imperative to the amount of stress involvement they
encounter when stressed. This can be influenced by individual’s ability to effectively cope with
stressful events and situations (Segal, 2016). Disclosed to this is when students meet such
nervous tension and is not dealt with effectively, they feel lonely and nervous with excessive
worrying due failure to cope with their negative feelings.

Senior High School students had almost the same patterns of encounters about stress
related problems (Gittins, 2017). This involves many factors such as interpersonal,
intrapersonal, academic and environmental. The 2015 National College Health Assessment of
the American College Health Association Report (2015) revealed that during the year 2010,
76% of students felt "overwhelmed" and 22% were unable to function as a result of depression.
This means that stress among college students caused body strains with body aches where they
are unable to normally function in times of stress.

Presnall (2018) conducted the Student Stress Survey that showed the students having
high stress on school related issues. Some of these pressures affected their emotional and
mental health. Furthermore, the survey polled 2,253 undergraduate students aged 18 to 24
randomly selected from schools nationwide and revealed that the primary sources of stress
were financial problems, relationship, family problems, and extracurricular activities. In the
outcomes of students who experienced stress, they considered alcohol drinking, wanting to use
drugs and going out with friends as their immediate solutions. Professional help from teachers
and counselors were also seen as a positive solution.

MacGeorge, Samter & Gillihan (2015) and Sasaki & Yamasaki (2017) said that
depression is a major problem. Intrapersonal and interpersonal factors were also traced by the
psychologists that exacerbate college stress and depression. This indicated that stress was a
normal part of their everyday life. In this study, Senior High School students face many unique
forms of stress and the most common was to get good grades, having to juggle schoolwork
with other responsibilities, making a decision about future career choice, and developing a
variety of new interpersonal relationships.

Furr, Westefeld, McConnell & Jenkins (2016) reported that 53% of 1,455 Senior High
School students labeled themselves as being depressed and are attributed to academic issues,
loneliness, financial difficulties and social relationship problems. Additionally, 9% of them
reported having suicidal ideation. Morris, Brooks & May (2016) stated that the perceived stress
and stressors unnecessarily consistent across all Senior High School students and have been
found to differ between traditional and nontraditional students. In the same manner, the present
study included the same attributes on academic issues, loneliness, financial and social
relationship problems.


Archer (2013) said that stress reactions to various situations affect the overall level of
a person’s health. One that they felt is always overwhelmed while they eat poorly, sleepless
and overwhelmed with stressful events. All the presented literature and studies that deal with
stress related to the present study in terms of the feelings and emotions of college students
about stressors and the result of these factors affecting them especially in family and peer
relationships, while meeting the demands of school related works. Preventive measures to the
suspended effects of the presented issues and concerns about students’ health and coping
mechanisms to stress made the presentation of the literatures and studies different in the present



- Academic performance
- Social relationship Academic Stress
- Time Management

Figure 1.1 Conceptual framework on Causes of Stress

The conceptual framework on causes of stress is showed in Figure1.1.

1. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: The stress caused due to academic performance tensions

is one of the most common causes of stress in senior high school student’s life. You join college
for learning and gaining knowledge. Practically the work of senior high students is very much
challenging and demanding. This stage of education is the toughest one and individual needs
to work hard give his/her fullest effort here. In senior high level, the studies become very highly
difficult and simultaneously the competition is also very high. In this competitive world, an
individual need to maintain good grades. Students who want to join and continue their career
need to prepare for the same. In this way, individual need to concentrate and maintain his/her
academic performance for good future and life. So, by maintaining all these situations and
concentrating on each causes academic performance stress.

2. SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS: Students find many relationships in School. The relationships

may be of friendship or love. In early stage of senior high student, individual may find difficult
to cope up and trust and find true friends. Due to this, few may get stressed and depressed. On
the other hand, individual faces many ups and downs in love relationship too. This causes
stress. Fights with partner or friend or any other issue with your close one or with any one in
school gives you stress. Also, individual gets introduced to new people, they become friends
and relation continues. Maintaining relation with these people can also cause stress.

3. TIME MANAGEMENT: Time management also pays an effective role as a stressor. Most
of the times, the senior high students feel lazy and thus they keep on postponing their tasks and
other works. While completing the work at the end, an individual feels the stress of doing the
entire task together. Here stress is caused due to not managing time in any of the situations
faced by a senior high student in day to day life.


General Problem: This study aims to identify the sources of stress among the grade 11 stem
students of San Juan De Dios Educational Foundation Inc. – College on first semester.

Specific Problem:

1. What are the factors affecting academic stress?

2. What are the effects of academic stress to the students?
3. What are the significance relationship of academic stress in academic goal of the


This study assume that the different sources of stress affects the academic goal of senior
high school stem students in San Juan De Dios Educational Foundation.


This study focuses on the different sources of stress in grade11 stem students. The data
collection will be conducted to grade11 stem students of San Juan De Dios Educational
Foundation Inc. - College year 2018-2019 who will represent the population. This study will
not cover other problems that are not consider as one of the sources of stress in grade 11 stem
students. The other students which do not fall as part of grade 11 stem students are not within
the scope of this research. The study would be done through the interview to the students as a

reference. By their strategy the researchers will be able to know the different sources of stress
of grade 11 stem students.


The findings which this study will reveal, may benefit certain groups and the benefits that
may gain are as follows:

This group may use this study as an example to bear in their mind they are more luckier
than those who are stressed even life is very struggling because of problems, they are still send
in the school to learn by their parents, thus will challenge to them and enabling them to perform
in class, study harder to upgrade their knowledge and intelligence so that the difficulties
experienced by their parents in sending them in school to attain their goals will not be in vain.

Future Researchers
Cute ni Mich……………………………………………………………………………

Researchers themselves
Cute ni Mich……………………………………………………………………………

Cute ni Mich …………………………………………………………………………...


Academic- Cute ni Mich …………………………………………………………………….

Stress- Cute ni Mich …………………………………………………………………………


Archer, James.Ph.D., Christina Carroll, Ph.D, Jaquelyn Liss Resnick, Ph.D. (2013). University
of Florida Counseling Center 301 Peabody Hall, Gainesville FL 32611 (352) 392-1575.

Dixon, Sarah K. and Kurpius Sharon Robinson E. (2015). Depression and College Stress
Among University Undergraduates. Journal of College Student Development pp. 412-424 |

Ellis, Albert and Robert Harper as cited by Laura Gittins (2017). College Life Stress. Tackling
your Dire Need for Approval. A Guide to Rational Living. USA: Albert Ellis& Robert Harper

Furr, R. S., Westefeld, S. J., McConnell, N. G., & Jenkins, M. J. (2016). Suicide and depression among
college students: A decade later. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 32, 97-100.

Morris, E., Brooks, P., & May, J. (2016). The relationship between achievement goal
orientation and copying style: Traditional vs. non-traditional college students. College Student
Journal, 37, 3-9.

Presnall Leslie (2018). School-related issues cause anxiety. The Daily Asureveille

Segal, Jeanne, PhD., Melinda Smith, MA, Lawrence Robinson, & Robert Segal, MA.
(December 2016). Stress at Work. Tips to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace

T. J D'Zurilla, and C. F. Sheedy (2014). Relation between social problem-solving ability and
subsequent level of psychological stress in college students. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology 61(5): 841-846.

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