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© 2017 Allison, http://Leechiun.


7 Magical Reasons to Smile

How a Smile Can Transform Your Life

By Allison Chong Lee Chiun


My mission is to bless and touch as many lives as I can,

bringing hope, love and joy into their lives and transforming
into prosperous lives. I am granting you the rights to give
away this beautiful eBook (worth US$47) to anyone who
needs it- so long as you DO NOT change the content in any

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation
of this eBook, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any
time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication,
the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary
interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons,
peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of
income made/results. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about
their individual circumstances and act accordingly.

This eBook is for informational purposes only and is not intended for use as a source
of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek
services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields.

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I wanted to start by giving thanks to my coach group leader

Andrea Chua Ai Chia; she has been supporting me since day
one when I decided to write this eBook. Her love, care and
encouragement make me keep moving, and she constantly
reminded me of my dream, my goal and my purpose for doing
this. Without her, this eBook wouldn’t have been possible.

Special thanks to William Mok, the photographer of my eBook’s


I’m grateful for my mastermind group leader Eileen Tan- who is

kind enough to create a space for us to learn together.

To my lovely yoga teacher- Cheyenne and Yong Xian, thank

you for your patience and encouragement, and allowing me to
find the inner peace within me and be present.

And last- to my dear reader, thank you for downloading my 7

Magical Reasons to Smile. I believe this eBook will help you to
unlock your happiness and bringing you much joy and
transform your life.

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Table of Contents

My Story
Why This Book Is For You
First Smiling Boosts Your Mood
Second Smiling Reduces Stress
Third Smiles are Contagious
Fourth Smiling Increases Your Confidence
Fifth A Smile is the Key to Unlocking People’s Hearts
Sixth Smiling Makes You Look Younger & Healthier
Seventh Smiling Increases Your Productivity

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Hi, My name is Leechiun, but you can call me Allison. I am the

author of the eBook titled “7 Magical Reasons to Smile”. My
website is
We are a family of five, including parents Chai Ah Moi and
Chong You Fong, my younger sister Chong Lee Pin and my
two younger brothers Chong Wui Leong and Chong Wui Seng.
I am the eldest.
During our childhood, my parents had no time for us. They
were busy with their jobs to provide the basics for us. We
rented a small house at the shopping lot, near the market.
Since young we needed to be alert and get our important
documents in order. This is because we often heard about
various incidents in our area in the middle of the night- like a
fire, a murder case or like bomb scare. I have experienced a
few firemen knocking on our windows, calling us to run in the
middle of the night, and we just ran without hesitating. Once, a
petrol station near our home was bombed and a man died. We
heard a huge explosion. No doubt we are poor, but one thing-
we are happy.

My mom and I had many memorable moments together. She is

the most creative mom, and will try her very best to find
something to sell, earning extra cash to bring home that we
have enough to eat. I remember every night we would help her
to pour the Chinese herbal tea into the glass bottles and
refrigerate it. The next morning, she would bring them to the
market and supply them to the food stalls and bring back the
empty bottles to refill them again at night. During weekends,
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she would fry the banana which she had already sliced into
thinner pieces- forming banana biscuits- and we would help her
to pack these into small packets and put them inside the basket.
At night, she would bring out the packets with us and walk
about 2km to the cinema, to supply the banana biscuit to the
store in the cinema.
Our life improved after we moved into the new house.
In my teenage years, I was an introverted person. I did not
know how to communicate with people, I did not know how to
ask questions, and I did not have any confidence to talk to
people. After secondary school, I decided to take up Business
and Information in Computing Systems. This way I could find a
job and just work in front of the computer all day and would not
have to deal with people much. That was what I was thinking
then. However, I couldn’t find a programming job, or any job at
all where I could just work in front of the computer only. At that
time, I was desperately in need of a job. I managed to get a
coordinator job- which means I needed to talk to people to
coordinate with people from difference departments. But that
job lasted for only 8 months. After that, I’ve been headhunted
and move on to another company getting a better pay.
My new job even required even more communication, because
it’s a telesales job with one of the IT distributors. Every day,
from Monday to Friday, my phone would start ringing from 9am
nonstop until 7pm. The first few months I got annoyed because
I was shy and lacked confidence. However, after 1 year, I got
used to it and I began enjoying it too. I talk to my clients, inspire
them and motivate them. I have never met these clients before-
all communication is through phone calls. They started to like
me and gave us more business. Many years later, I received
compliments from my clients. They said my communication

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skills improved a lot, and I know how to joke with them. I know
how to make them happy, and sometimes they can even feel
my sincerity, happiness and energy.
They try to imagine, how I look. I even had clients wanting to
see my face; they purposely came to my office to see me. From
then onward, I knew that whenever we are happy or smiling
people from far away can feel it, although they cannot see it.
My diving instructor told me even when I was seated quietly
there, I can smile.

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Why This Book Is For You

We cannot be happy without smiling, but we can smile without
being happy.
Smiling is an expression from the face, and a sign of peace and
happiness from the heart. It’s also a universe language.

How often do we really smile?

"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”-
Mother Teresa.
How true the above quote until we practise it and experience it.
We are all born with the ability to smile; it's not something we
learn from others.
We were never taught how to smile in our mother's womb, but
the Creator has created the smile on our face and we are born
to smile. We have been smiling all our lives. And to some
degree, we already possess the inherent knowledge that
smiling not only feels good, but it actually does good too. When
we enter adulthood, we tend to have difficulty remembering to
put our smiles on. We are bothered by many things in our life.
Sometimes when we face the camera, we thought we were
smiling, but in actuality, we were not. Why we can't smile every
day? We have been affected by the external circumstances and
controlled by our emotions.
A smile triggers the muscles in your face and your brain,
releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are
responsible for making us feel happy. Besides, let’s what other
ways a smile can benefit us.

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1. Smiling Boost Your Mood

How this free gift given by
the creator can really help
us feel better without
paying a cent! And yet,
we have forgotten it most
of the time. Every day I
start my day by greeting
people with “good
morning” smiles;
sometimes I found it difficult, cause maybe the night before I
have not had enough sleep, or not sleep well or have some
argument with my sibling that morning. Or Sometimes I don’t
feel like greeting people or don’t feel it is important to do so. It
is absolutely Ok!
However, because of this sometimes I do and sometimes I
don’t. Throughout the day, I found out that when I greet people
with a Smile- I feel so much better than the day I don’t. This
effect is not just that moment; but it lasts for whole day.
When I keep doing that, I have an encounter, and the people
that I greet most of the time automatically will look into your eye
and smile with you too. Isn’t
this Awesome?!
Every day when I walk in to
my office in the morning, the
first person I greet is my
receptionist. For so many
years, she already get used
to it and whenever she saw
me walk in, we look at each

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other and greet with a big smile.

I am not making her day, but she makes my day better.

“Let Your Smile Change the world; but don’t let the world
change your smile” 

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Nothing will change, if we are waiting for
The Change starts with you
We might not able to change the world with our small little
strength; but we can start to change the world surrounding us,
and the people that we meet. Our colleagues, our boss, our
friends and our co-workers- you may not like them. Or you can
go further, a stranger on the street when you take the bus, take
the train or walk on the street.
Today you start to practise the change; greet someone you first
meet in the morning. It could be your spouse, your children,
your parents, your housemate, your course mate.
Let’s do it together!

Who have you greeted today, you may want to write their name

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2. Smiling Reduces Stress

What will you do, when you are stressed out? The majority of
the people will opt for good food, shopping, some may choose
sleeping or some may go for exercise.
It’s doesn’t matter what
method you use to de-stress.
But today I want you to
know that smiling also can
have de-stress function.
How does it work?
Smiling helps to reduce
stress. Many of us lead
hectic lives- juggling work,
family, and demanding
schedules. This can easily
increase one's stress level.
Whenever a person is under a great amount of stress, the body
releases high levels of stress hormones called Cortisol into the
blood stream. This hormone is produced by the adrenal gland,
which in turn increases blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Cortisol is the body's chief stress-fighting hormone produced by
the adrenal gland, and it is high during periods of stress.
However, it's low when one is relaxing. The decrease in
Cortisol is associated with an increase in serotonin and
dopamine. Whenever a person smiles, their body relaxes and
reduces the level of stress hormones or Cortisol in our blood
Without the anxiety but with your smile, you'll enjoy a great
amount of stress relief. You will be smiling much more, which
has been proven to reduce symptoms associated with anxiety.
By reducing stress, you may lower blood pressure, regulate
blood sugar, and even improve digestion. Not only will your
emotional health improve; but your physical health will increase
and your brain will be more productive and creative as well!
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Have you ever heard that smiling could help to boost the
immune system? It seems that our body works better when we
smile- which helps to boost our immune system. We've already
established that our stress hormones decrease when we smile.
Well, this also allows certain antibodies or immune cells to
increase too. Because of the increase in our immune cells, our
body is more able to fight off illnesses like the cold or flu.
If you ever start feeling a little under the weather- remember to
smile- because it could help you to recover faster. Besides, it's
been said that one of the best medicines is laughter.
With all the new technology and social media, your smiles don't
always have to be done in person. When communicating via
the web, there are emoticons and smileys you can use online.
They're a great way to convey the feeling of joy or happiness if
you are chatting on Facebook. Spread the virtual love. Choose
from a list of smileys. Share a smile in person as well as online,
and check out Facebook smileys.

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A Simple Can Release Your Anxiety

How can we able to smile- in spite of our heavy workloads, our

circumstances, or by the people surrounding us? How can our
smile shout out louder than our problems, our stress and our
You can go out from the house for a walk in the park and meet
people, you can go to see a comedy movie, meet good friends,
treat yourself to a nice dessert (which I always do, and I have
my favourite café that serve a variety of cakes), or meditation- I
will go for a yoga class, after a one hour class, I come out with
satisfied feeling!

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3. Smiles are Contagious

Have you experienced a contagious smile? Do you know how
powerful this smile is?
Do you know that a
contagious smile can spread
over the phone?
A few weeks ago, I make a
call to the American Express
call centre around 9.30pm.
It rang about 10-15 minutes,
then I get connected to one
of the customer service
Me: “Hello, I want to check
what happen to my points,
how can the web site
showed “0”? I remembered I
have about 6500 points.”
CS: (After all the verification done) “May I know what is your
Me: “Chong Lee Chiun”
CS: “Hi, Lee Chiun” (first time someone called me by my name),
“every month we will transfer your points to krisflyer.”
Me: (I Start Smiling..) “Oh. Sorry I am new to AMEX, I didn’t
know that it’s work that way.”
CS: (she start smiling tune ) “No worry Lee Chiun- have you
registered your krisflyer account yet? You want me transfer you
to a Krisflyer team? We have a team here to connect you to

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Krisflyer’s customer service, or you want to check from the web

site first?”
Me: “Never Mind, let me check the web site first. Thank you.”
CS: “Lee Chiun, thank you for putting the smile on my face. It is
a really long queue” (A lot of incoming call) “Thank you.”
(Both of us keep smiling on the phone, feeling like we’ve known
each other long)
That’s how powerful your smile is. I felt so good that night- that
I can make someone so happy for the rest of the night. And I
didn’t know that the small act can be so meaningful and release
someone stress.

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“Let’s Start a War: A War of Kindness!”
Let’s start with how practising kindness to other human beings
can help you. I know that it might sound strange to some;
however being a giving person can reward you in many ways.
The biggest and best reward is that ‘warm feeling’ that you get
and the knowledge that you have done something to make
someone’s day.
Today, let’s be kind to others. You might not know that your
kindness might help someone to overcome their difficulties at
that moment.

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4. Smiling Increases Your Confidence

My first hike to Annapurna range

How smiling can increase our confidence? Smiling is a bridge

to help each of us connected. Every time we smile, we not only
make others feel better- but our self-esteem will rise up and it’s
also developing our self-worth. When others connect with us,
they feel comfortable, trustworthy and confident to work with us.
You'll be able to fully be yourself once you don't have to hold
anything back. Not to mention that your big smile will be much
more attractive than your awkward close-mouth lip smile. Self-
consciousness is gone! You think you'll feel right and a great
smile can certainly lift your spirits.
When we smile, it does also help us to maintain a positive
attitude. It also will help us to build healthy relationships all
around us. And it is a long term confidence.

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Do you believe that someone who smiles often tends to attract

more good things and favours from the people surrounding us?
Personally experienced- when I visit my client in their office, I
only know one to two of them because we work together. But
their office has around 600 peoples. Every time I go to their
office, I saw their security guards, their receptionist, their plant
manager, their engineering department head etc.; and I will
give them a smile and nod my head to acknowledge them. Due
to smiling to them over the years, they start trusting me and
they introduce business dealings to me and they get their
vendor to use our services.
How can we do that? The only way you have ever known. Is to
smile more!

“Confidence is the effect of Smile“

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Let’s practice smiling in front of the mirror. Do
that every morning and you'll start to see a big
difference in your life.

Today….Start to smile at another person

Smile to waitresses who serve you
Smile to a bus driver who is waiting for you
Smile to a cashier
Smile to a restaurant Chef
Smile to the cleaner
Smile to the car washer
Smile to the promoter
Smile to anyone you meet today

“Let us always meet each other with a smile for the smile the
beginning of Love “- Mother Teresa

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5. Smiling is the Key to Unlocking Everybody’s


Smiling is the key to unlocking our hearts- so that we are able

to trust, to communicate, to love, to feel sympathy, to
understand others, to able to help, to be allowed to share, and

Smiling is a facial expression of invitation to tell people that you

are ready or willing to interact with them.

When our heart is open, it’s so much easier for us to work with
others, no matter what area of our life.

When we do that to others, we will receive the same response.

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It will allow us to be much more approachable, and indirectly it’s

helped us to connect to others better and easier for us to make

When we are approachable, people who are surrounding us will

feel more comfortable to communicate with us, and it’s also
building trust for us with others.

Trusting doesn’t come easily; it needs time to prove. But

smiling can do the best job. Participants from the University of
Pittsburgh study rated people who smiled as more trustworthy
than people with non-smiling faces.

My personal experience- sometimes when I went to a food stall

to order my food, I will give a smiling face to them when
specifying how I want my food cooked. Most of the time, they
won’t reject me but they will try their best. Sometimes, they
even give me extra food and I just pay the standard price.
That’s how I know our smile is so important, and can shorten
the distance between humans.

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How to make someone smile
1. Write an encouraging note to others that have encouraged
you or that need encouragement. Handwritten notes that are
given to encourage, not just for thanking someone for a gift, are
rare. That makes handwritten notes even more special. Start a
new practice of sitting down and writing an encouraging note on
a regular basis.
2. Take a friend out to lunch or invite her to your home and
cook for them. You will get to know each other even better than
you do right now.
3. Praise them, when they did a good job.
4. Deliver a drink or pastry or breakfast to someone who is
based in the office during working hours.
5. A Simple “Thank you” with a smile.

This is how I make someone happy.

Do it when you feel that you need it!

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6. A Smile Make You looks Younger & Healthier

My Aunty celebrates her 60th birthday in 2016

Have you had an experience before- when someone is

guessing your age- that the answer is younger than your actual
age? What do you feel? You will feel very happy the whole day.
Research proved that our facial expression has a big impact on

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how old we appear. Do you agree? Smiling can make you look
more youthful, beautiful and attractive.
I have been observing and seeing people all around me- those
who smile every day, they look much younger than the others
who have frowning faces. Their lives are full of energy to face
each day in life!
Since I took up hiking, I have this group of hiking friends, they
are mostly are retirees, and they retire not because they are
rich, but they have reached a certain age. You know how old
they are- they are older than me; and I am the youngest in the
group. But guess what- they have so much energy and strength
to pursue things that they can’t do in their younger age; and this
could be due to family and working issues.
But they have the “never give up” spirit, and indirectly they
inspired me. I remember when we were trekking the India
Nanda Dewi trek, on the 3rd day of trekking day, it was a long
day, and we had been walking for 7 hours plus, and we still
hadn’t reached our campsite. I’m so tired, and I wanted to find a
sleeping area. But we have a female friend; she had previously
injured her back and couldn’t walk as fast as we did- so she
had been assigned one porter to follow her pace. By the time
she reached the campsite, we had cleaned up and made dinner
and were ready to sleep. It was around 9pm when she walked
past my campsite; I only can hear her because she was talking
with her smiling face. She never complains, and that night I
suddenly felt that, the positive and “can do” energy, no matter
how tough the situation.

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That night onward, I told myself I want to be like her, have a
strong mind and positive energy to make my day. My day is not
defined by others. It is created by me; I need to take charge of
my own happiness and inner peace.

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Take charge of your day, you define your own
Anything that costs your peace is too expensive
Today, no matter what happens in your day, you just need to
tell yourself that you are in good hands. You do not need to
respond to the situation, or to people who are trying to insult
you, discourage you, or step on you. Don’t take it for yourself;
you just need a respond with a sweet smile. It’s ok, you can’t
control it for the first few times- but remember to start from a
small step, and change in small steps… one day you will be
able to see the bigger you.

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7. Smiling Increases Your Productivity

How Smiling can increase productivity?

Smiling can diminish negativity--revitalizing and boosting your
productivity. Studies have proved that a few minutes of smiling
and laughter motivates people to work harder and can even
enhance creativity
Smiling can give our brain a boost; positive attitude-prone
people often smile more. Smiling can increase our brain activity;
the more positive your thoughts- the more you smile and the
better your brain functions.
What happens when you smile and brain boosts?
1. You will be able to work better with others. People who
always smile, their energy level will increase, they are more fun
to work with and they have a better relationship with others.

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2. Happy people are more creative. They are able to come up

with more innovative ideas and designs. It also leads to more
flexible, fluent and original thinking.
3. Happy people fix problem easily and make better decisions.
When you are happy- your brain will have less tension and be
more active. Indirectly we will be able to think much deeper and
sharper in short spaces of time. This is because happiness
takes away our destruction and worries; allowing for more
narrowed focus.

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Surround Yourself with Happy people. If
you can’t find one- be the one!
Let’s do an experiment: try it yourself by smiling at people, then
check your mood, and check other peoples’ reactions and that
day’s productivity. Try this for one week, and I would love to
hear from you.

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Thank you for downloading this eBook. The Right Smile

Creates the Right Atmosphere.

Smile- as an act has much potential in it. It is not that

everybody does not like to smile – but it is that they do not
realize the value of a Smile. Either they are busy in their own
world of worries that they cannot smile; or it is that it does not
come in-built within their nature.

Smile is a natural gift for people who keep smiling always. To

have a smiling face means “no ill feelings”. To maintain the
purity of life as we were born; a smile is very essential in our

Smiling can build a bundle of joy and enhances happiness in

our lives. It is that one necessary thing that we do not forget “to
be happy”. And to be happy we must keep those smiles going

Smile is always a natural happiness and if you do not have this

quality in-built-adopt this as a hobby and I assure you that you
will definitely feel much better than earlier.

Smiles can make you feel free of your apprehensions. Your

little smile can make a huge difference for the people around
you. Even if someone is feeling vexed- they can forget

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about their problems (at least for a while) by seeing a cute little
smile on your face.

Smiles can give way to a lot of good things in life. It can build
good relations around you. The very moment that someone
looks at you, they can understand what kind of a person you
are and all about your nature. I feel it is a very great tool to
reduce stress.

 Smile in Joy & in Pain;

 Smile when sorrow pours like Rain;

Because a Smile has a healing touch!

Keep Smiling- that is the best thing one can give it to others.

We live this life for a very short period. So, make every
moment of your life a memorable one. Give happiness to
others and you will definitely receive the same. We do see
many ups and downs in this life – but we can make a change in
this lifestyle only if we strongly believe that we are born for
happiness. Smiling is the first and foremost step towards
achieving happiness.

Last, I would like to share my smile to you, and hope that my

smile can make you smile back and bring the happiness and
joy to you wherever you are.

Whatever you are facing now, don’t stop smiling. Choose the
best for yourself and your soul.
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Meditation – Meditation is for every one of us who require

an inner peace and focused mind. Meditation helps us to
quiet down our self and stay focused. You may not be able
to stay long for even 1 minute for the first time; but when
you keep practising, you are able to see your
transformation from frustration to a calm person, from a
negative to a positive person, and to attract abundance
and health towards your way. You might have doubt about
this method, but you can try it for free now.

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Millionaire Brain -What do Mark Zuckerberg, Richard

Branson, Elon Musk, and a rainbowfish have in common?
Their mind's eye focuses entirely on seeking out the exact
things that will make them rich. Everything else is simply a
distraction to them. Millionaires who have the ability to tap
into "whole brain thinking" often find success due to their
willingness to take calculated risks. Check it out- how
today you can switch your brain to a millionaire brain.

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SECRETS OF SUCCESS- Every one of us is finding

success: success in finances, success in relationship,
success in every area of our life. However at first, we
thought that success required “hard work”. What does the
Tesla code secret tell us about success? Check it out:

Secret Brain System-You brain literally has a Manifestation

Dial…And it’s either set to resist…Or receive abundance.

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Many of us are suffer from mental and emotional obstacles

that hold us back from financial success, this includes me.
But today, I want to tell you. You are Amazing; you will be
able to overcome your fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs. By
learning the steps by click this link

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