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 Lee Kuan Yew’s World View  Wukan Revolt
1. Singapore’s place in the world  Local revolt that symbolizes Chinese desire
2. Human nature, Culture and Society for a democratic reform
3. Governance and Leadership  Lessons from Wukan
 Causes of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis 1. The Communist Party retains its hold. Order
1. Weak banking system is restored with the help of the party.
2. Investors’ Euphoria 2. How the party can use a mix of hard and soft
 Confucianism measures to keep peace.
 Asian Philosophy that guided Lee Kwan Yew  Communist Party of China
2. LEE KWAN YEW AND THE RULE OF LAW  Analogously considered as China’s
 Rule of Law Contemporary Emperor
 British Legacy that easily connected  Guanxi or connections
Singapore to the rest of the world  Nothing moves in China without it
 The Rule of law to be a tool for:  Language (Mandarin)
 The state may only exercise power in  Reason why China is a less effective magnet
accordance with the law, i.e. the procedures, of talent
principles and constraints in the law. 6. AMERICA
 Everyone is equal before the law, and equally  Open – Markets
subject to the law, and any citizen can find  America’s foreign policy theme that renews
redress against any other, including the the significance of the Asia-Pacific Region
government, for any act which involves a  Centers of Excellence
breach of the law. (EQUALITY)  A source of American competitiveness
 The purpose of the rule of law is to produce  Soft power
order and justice in the relationships between  Used by America to regain its status as the
man and man, and between man and the world’s fastest growing economy
state. (JUSTICE)  Quantitative Easing
 The rule of law (having these characteristics)  Aims for the expansion of the supply of
is an economic asset as it provides a stable money in times of financial crisis
and safe environment for foreign  Dynamic Economy
investments. (STABILITY)  Key to America’s success
 The rule of law is essential to the international  Education
order as it will prevent aggression against  One of the biggest challenges confronting
small and vulnerable states and there will be America
peaceful co-existence and stability in the  Self-reliant Attitude
international order. (INTERNATIONAL  American positive attitude amidst crisis
 Internal Security Act  Center of 2 world wars necessitating the need for
 Aim is to arrest and detain a suspect even economic integration
without a judicial trial  European Union
3. REASONABLE MEN ADAPT, UNREASONABLE MEN  An organization of 28-member countries
CHANGE THE WORLD  Treaty of Paris (1951)
 Culture of excellence  Established the European Coal and Steel
 Culture in the civil service that promotes “no Community
shortcuts and laziness”  Eurozone
 Orderly state  Region that uses the euro dollar as a
 Freedom could only exist in this kind of state common currency
 Well-ordered Society 8. JAPAN
 Eastern societies’ aim  Aging Demography
 Real wisdom  Japan’s most serious problem
 Know what advice to accept  Resilience
 Diplomacy  Notable Japanese attitude at times of
 Not about being nice, polite or agreeable but emergency or disaster
about protecting a country’s interest  Nikkeijin
 Very Determined  Pure ethnic Japanese from Latin America
 Means determination and willingness to see  Lost Decades
someone’s objective to its conclusion  Refers to the years when Japan’s economy
4. PLAYING CHESS became stagnant
 Two lessons Singapore learnt from Israel 9. NORTH KOREA
1. How to be strong  Known for its “Military First Policy”
2. How not to use strength  Peaceful Reunification
 International Order  Long term Goal of South Korea for the Entire
 Prerequisite for international law and Peninsula
organization  Two problems of South Korea
1. Low fertility rates
ONE MAN’S VIEW OF THE WORLD 2. Constant infighting
 Chaebols
 Known as South Korea’s conglomerates
 Two disadvantages of India
 Caste System
 Language Barrier
 1Malaysia
 Razak’s campaign slogan to win votes from
all races in Malaysia
 New Economic Policy
 Policy of Malaysia that led to brain drain
 French Government (Dual Executive)
 Lee Kwan Yew’s suggested model for
presidential government for Indonesia
 Wayang Kulit
 Means political theater in Indonesia
 Ganyang Malaysia (Crush Malaysia)
 Sukarno’s Slogan that was abolished by
 Language (Bahasa Indonesia)
 Sukarno’s legacy for nation building
 Riau Islands
 Indonesian Island that symbolized the
economic success of regionalization
 Thaksin Shinawatra
 Accused of competing with the Siamese
 Military Coup
 Institutionalized political mechanism of Thai
generals to change a regime that is not
friendly to the crown
 When it opened its economy for foreign investors, its
initial act was to squeeze anything from investors
 Reason for Lee Kwan Yew’s Support for the
Vietnam War
 Delay the Spread of communism in
Southeast Asia
 Doi Moi
 Vietnam’s policy to revive its economy
 Indonesia
 As suggested by Lee Kwan Yew, the country
Myanmar could have used as a model
 Aung San Suu Kyi
 Icon of democracy of Myanmar

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