Energy Patrol Program: A Solution Towards Energy Conservation and Efficiency and Electrical Safety in Marcela T. Mabanta Memorial National Highschool

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In accordance with the Powering Down: A Toolkit for Behavior-Based Energy

Conservation In K-12 Schools, energy costs loom large in school district budgets,

comprising the second biggest operational expense after personnel. Energy is a vital

input in managing school buildings and optimizing the learning environment for

students. Ensuring that lighting, indoor air quality and other needs are well provided for

is essential. (Crosby, Kate, 2013) It is known that energy is part of the daily

consumption and is fundamental, especially for schools, since many school activities

such as the computer laboratories that includes computer tasks performed by the

students which necessarily needs electricity and also for school visual presentations

that shows the students visual learning. Electricity is one of the most used energy

resources in many establishments such as school, so it is important to utilize it in proper

way in order to save and the consumption will somehow decrease or reduce.

Academic institutions, such as public high schools, colleges or universities, which

are apparently under the responsibilities of the state or the government, have not realize

the necessity to supervise the amount of electrical power that they spend because of

the thought that the government shouldered this kind of problem. (J. Reyes) Even if the

government is responsible in providing the needs of the public institutions such as

schools, it is also must be considered that the school administrators should be

practically concern regarding energy consumption because when energy crisis is

encountered, it is not just the government who is greatly affected but also the public

schools themselves. Energy saving and efficiency are not the only concern, the safety

of the students and the teachers from any electrical equipment or anything that could

cause electrical harm must be paid attention. According to the electrical safety policy of

the Centre for Education and Finance Management (CEFM), All staff are fully trained in

the use of any electrical equipment they will be operating. Before working with any

electrical equipment which could give sizeable shocks and/or serious burns, pupils must

be given clear guidance by teachers and or technicians and must be closely supervised.

(Centre for Education and Finance Management, 2013) It was stressed in the policy that

every personnel is necessary to be knowledgeable in using any electrical apparatus so

that they could give precautions towards the students.

Consequently, an energy conservation and efficiency and electrical safety

program is needed to oversee the proper energy usage of the school by cutting huge

energy consumption for the school to save some budget from paying the school’s

electricity bill and in that way also, will insure the safety of the students, teachers and

staff. For this reason, the proponent proposes for the implementation of Energy Patrol

Program that will help the teachers to guide their students towards energy conservation

and efficiency and electrical safety. Under the program, advisers are asked to

recommend two responsible students in their class who can be trusted and need little

supervision in turning on and off the switches and appliances during recess time 9:15 –

9:30 in the morning, lunch time 11:30 – 12:30 noon and dismissal time at 3:30 in the

afternoon. In every level there is a Power Patrol Leader who will check and do their

rounds if the Power Patrol members perform their assigned tasks and keep records of
what classroom lights and appliances are on or off. These Power Patrol Group had

undergone lectures on Energy Conservation and Efficiency and Electrical Safety.

Awards or certificates can be presented to classes that have done a good job of

conserving energy.

Hopefully, the program will give a positive outcome in the energy conservation of

the Marcela T. Mabanta Memorial National Highschool as well as on the safety of the

teachers, students and all the staffs of the school. And it will greatly influence the

students to become a good leader and a citizen, in which they could share to the

community on what they have learned from the program about saving energy and the

safety precautions on electrical equipment that must be observed.


Energy is known to exit in a verity of different forms; among these are heat, light,

chemical, electrical, sound, mechanical and nuclear. As a general rule, energy changes

rather easily from on form to another. (Word Press, 2012) The steam driven turbine

generator of power plant is designed to convert heat energy into electrical energy. The

heating system of a building operates by converting the chemical energy of gas or fuel

into a usable form of heat. Electrical energy may also be converted into light, heat or

mechanical energy though the use of different equipment. The capacities of energy to

do work make all of this possible. Energy efficiency plays a critical role in energy policy

debates because meeting our future needs really boils down to only two options:

increasing supply or decreasing demand (kenneth gillingham, 2004). Energy is one of

the important sources around the world, both renewable and non-renewable energy. It
is inevitable to meet such energy crisis, so it must be prevented before it will arrive to

that situation. Since energy has a lot of uses, it must be important to use it correctly and

learned a proper way of energy consumption.

Regions in the world are also practicing electric energy savings education

throughout schools. Some countries, like the Philippines, are under the same process

Honduras, taking of decentralizing the electricity utility. With the purpose of awaking

competition of electricity generation and control the growing electricity demand, the

Philippine Congress has mandated under Republic Act 9136 to educate and protect end

users about the appearance of new providers of electricity, liberalization of the prices of

energy and save electricity in order to have a better control of the national demand.

(Martinez, 2006) Though energy-saving education was not officially discussed through

schools, yet the government wants to give information and for the people to understand

why restructuring the electric sector is important. And the government wants to

encourage and give the people an empowerment to participate regarding on how to

save energy resources, especially electricity. Several countries like Japan have had

experience with electric energy savings education in schools. Such as the Energy

Conservation Center from Japan (ECCJ), they started an Educational Program that

fosters energy conservation activities in their communities. In this program, the ECCJ

started at model schools as their target which these model schools came from their

selection throughout the existing nation-wide primary and junior high schools. What was

include in their activities are both the teachers and the students, these two participants

analyses the changes of their lifestyle over the years of having the availability of

electricity, analysis of local and national environmental problems and evaluating

themselves on how they were able to manage and save electricity on their own houses.

(Energy Conservation Center Japan, 2006)

According to the International Energy Statistics (IES) latest study on Philippine

energy consumption, the total energy usage of the country reaches roughly 1.260

quadrillion British thermal units (Btu). This amount shows that the country’s energy

consumption level is drastically low as it barely makes up 1 percent of the total 199 Btu

total energy consumed by Asia and Oceania. However in Southeast Asia, the

Philippines is positioned at the median of countries in terms of energy utilization

(Moraleda, 2015).

Figure No. 1 Energy Consumption of Establsihments

Accessed on August 12, 2017

As shown by the graph above, it was the result of the first National Statistics

Office (NSO) and Department of Energy (DOE) Survey of Energy Consumption of

Establishments (SECE) regulated on the year 2010, the establishments includes

educational institutions and the least of energy resources that was being consumed was

electricity that only reached 3,136.67 kToe (kilotonne of oil equivalent). It seems that the

most used energy sources are fossil fuels like coals and petroleum and the next one are

renewable sources such as fuelwood and charcoal. (Moraleda, 2015) Electricity may be

the least but it is the most used energy in several establishments such schools and

other institutions, since daily activities in schools such as electric fans which are needed

to cool the students, and also for televisions and computer labs for academic purposes.

It is important to consider the conservation and efficiency of energy and the

electrical safety for both the teachers and students. As what Merrilee Harrigan stated in

her article, a school-based energy efficiency program can capture students’ interest in

environmental concerns, and in so doing inspire students to learn while helping the

school reduce energy costs. Students can take on leadership roles as they partner with

faculty and staff to achieve energy savings, increasing students’ confidence and

enthusiasm for solving a real world issue in their school. (Harrigan, 2014) Substantially,

students must include in their discipline the conserving of energy and proper usage of it.

It is the role of the teachers to guide their students and assist them by teaching ways

about proper consumption of energy. Since electricity is the most used energy in a

school, electrical safety must be considered. Just as what the Business and Industry

Today stated in their article about Electrical safety in school that even though accidents

happens in school rarely yet such electrical accidents could happen and electrical

equipment mostly causes the fire or other that is related to electrical accident. (Business

and Industry Today, 2016) Like in computer laboratories, if there is a computer that was
not turned off or shut down, it might experience overheating and causes spark that will

eventually lead into fire, and also in science laboratories, pumps, ovens, power supplies

and other electrical devices can cause electrical shock, if not installed well or does not

have enough electrical maintenance and assistance, which triggers a spark and then

causes fire. As supported by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

(EEE), Human safety is an important aspect to be considered in industrial environment,

more particularly electrical safety. Electrical safety can be ensured only by proper

practices and requisite knowledge of the equipment used. To make aware of the various

safety regulations and standards that govern the use of electrical equipment and

industry is of paramount importance. (Department of Electrical

andElectronicsEngineering, 2017)


The main objective of the study is to identify the outcome of the Energy Patrol

Program towards the energy usage of Marcela T. Mabanta National Highschool. It aims

to answer the following questions:

3.1 What are the problems, regarding the usage of energy, that the Marcela T.

Mabanta Memorial National Highschool has/had encountered before?

3.2. How can the Energy Patrol Program be applied in the Marcela T. Mabanta

Memorial National Highschool?

3.3. What is the outcome of the Energy Patrol Program on the present energy

consumption result of Marcela T. Mabanta Memorial National Highschool?


 To know the importance of conserving energy and also to give awareness to

both the teachers and the students on the proper usage of energy in Marcela

T. Mabanta Memorial National Highschool.

 To examine the various causes of wasted energy and to prevent improper

usage of energy.

 To apply and imposed the Energy Patrol Program concerning energy

conservation and to ensure the safety of both the students and the teachers.

 To present the result of the methods of energy conservation and show the

comparison of the previous and the present energy consumption.


This study aims to determine the beneficial effects of the implementation of the

energy patrol program to the Marcela T. Mabanta National High School as means of

promoting energy conservation and efficiency and electrical safety. By disseminating

further knowledge about the importance of energy conservation and efficiency and

electrical safety to the particular school and to other schools, local communities, and/or

buildings that may be inspired to do the same; not only will this program contribute by
saving energy, but also by giving electrical safety measures towards the students and

the teachers. This program assists the students, faculty, and staff to practice proper

usage of energy, decreases the cost of electricity and, at the same time, provides safety

for everyone.


The study will be conducted within the vicinity of the Marcela T. Mabanta Memorial

National Highschool, (MTMNHS), Libertad, Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte The primary

aim for this study is to manage and supervise the power usage of the school and to

provide safety awareness to the teachers and students. In order to find out the effect of

the Energy Patrol Program on the total energy consumption of the school, it will

compare the previous electricity bill to the recent electricity bill when the program is

implemented. Under the program, there will be guidelines about the lightings,

temperature control, on the use of computer and other electronics, and lastly, electrical

safety tips. The Energy Patrol Program or EPP will start as soon as it is implemented.

The advisers and other staff would be held responsible in assisting the students

regarding the guidelines of the program.


Prior to the implementation of the program, a research proposal will be submitted

to the

Under the program, there will be a daily task given by the advisers of each year

level to the Patrol leaders along with their Patrol members. These students will do

rounds and checks if there is any lightings or appliances that is either on or off. And

there will be another two students at most, that will be assigned to turn off the lightings

and appliances during recess time. Below is the table showing the electricity bill of

Marcela T. Mabanta Memorial National Highschool from the three consecutive months

of June until August, 2017:

Table 1
Electricity Bill of the School

Electricity Bill of Marcela T. Mabanta Memorial National Highschool from June-

August 2017

Month Total Payment of Electricity Payment

June Php 5,974.38

July Php 8,871.70

August Php 12, 035.91

As presented by the table above, the electricity bill of the school increases from

June until August. Before the implementation, monthly energy consumption records

such as the electricity will still be recorded and the daily consumption of energy power in

the school such as the electricity will be observed.


The program will be implemented after the research proposal is officially approve

by the assistant secretary/assistant regional director. After the proposal has been

approved, the program will be imposed. But before the program would be implemented,

the outcome of the previous electric bills would be recorded and certain activities that

include energy consumption will be observed.

Figure 2 presents the Data Flow Diagram of the Research Procedure of this study.

Figure 2. Data Flow Diagram of the Research Procedure


The study requires quantitative, qualitative and comparative method. Since in this

study, quantitative method is apparent through the use of statistical analysis of data

while qualitative method will be utilized in collecting data by the observation towards the

students’ behaviour in following the guidelines that are given under the Energy Patrol

Program, if implemented.
The following are the different guidelines about Energy Conservation and Efficiency and

Electrical Safety:


1. Turn off lights during recess time, lunch time and at the end of the day.

2. Unplug equipment after use when applicable.

3. As much as possible, keep windows unobstructed to allow the entry of natural light.

Curtains or blinds may be partially opened to counteract the effect of heat from the sun.

4. Maximize the use of natural light. If sunlight is enough to illuminate the room, please

avoid using the overhead lights.

5. Report flickering or dimming light bulbs immediately to help ensure that all light

fixtures are operating at their full potential. Clean light bulbs and diffusers of dust and

cobwebs regularly to fully optimize expected illumination.

6. Use energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and light-emitting diode

(LED) bulbs.


1. Maximize the use of natural ventilation as much as possible. Open all windows during

regular hours.

2. Use less consumptive ways of cooling such as electric fans, whenever possible.

1. Use energy-saving settings for computers and other peripherals such as

photocopying machines, printers, scanners, etc. This will allow such equipment to

switch to power saving mode after long periods of inactivity.

2. Religiously practice CLAYGO for appliances


DAY. Most electronics still consume electricity even if they are turned off but remain


b. Make sure that all computers and LCD projectors are switched off and unplugged

when not in use for long periods of time.

3. Students are not allowed to charge their cellphones, tablets and laptops except if it is

needed for the use related to their studies.


1. Never stick your fingers or any object into an electrical outlet or light bulb socket.

2. Keep fingers and other objects out of small appliances, such as toasters, even if the

appliance is off.

3. Never use an appliance near a sink, bathtub or other source of water.

4. Keep electrical wires and appliance cords away from sources of heat.

5. Keep electrical cords away from sinks, bathtubs and other sources of water.
6. Never touch any electrical appliance or device, such as a light switch if you are

touching water.

7. Never pull an electric plug out of the wall outlet by yanking on the electric cord.

8. Unplug an electrical appliance before cleaning it.

9. Never use any electrical appliance if you are wet.

10. If you see a worn, frayed or damaged electrical cord, tell an adult immediately.

11. Do not climb trees that are near power lines or have power lines running through


12. If you are flying a kite, or have Mylar or helium-filled balloons on strings, make sure

to keep away from power lines. If the kite line or balloon strings are tangled in power

lines, the electricity can travel down the line and cause a shock or start a fire.

13. Never go swimming during an electrical storm.

14. If you see something stuck or tangled in a power line, have an adult call the power

company. Never try to remove the item from the power lines yourself.

15. Do not climb utility poles.

16. Keep away from electric substations.

17. Do not climb on fences around electric substations.

18. If you see a fallen electrical wire, stay away from it. Have an adult call the power

company to report the downed wire.

19. Be careful to avoid touching overhead electrical wires if you are carrying a long

object such as a pool skimmer or ladder.

20. Never throw objects, such as sneakers, at or onto electric power lines.

21. Never touch a power line with any part of your body or any object.

22. Never fly model airplanes or remote controlled airplanes or helicopters near

overhead power lines. Play with them in open areas such as parks or fields.

23. Never go into an electric substation for any reason. If a pet has gone into the area,

do not try to get it yourself. Have an adult call the power company.

24. Do not hang signs or banners on electric utility poles.

25. If a friend, family member or pet is in contact with a downed electrical line or any

type of electrical equipment, call the power company immediately.

26. If you are operating an electrical tool, using an electrical appliance or playing with an

electrical toy outside, stay at least 10 feet away from any wet surface or swimming pool.

27. Do not touch any electrical tools, appliances or toys if you are wet, standing in a

puddle or are in a pool


Table 2 presents the work plan of the research. It shows the objectives, activities,

time frame, persons responsible and output of the research.

Table 2
Work Plan of the Research


To determine the Citing the key Proponent Rationale of
key points which points which are the study
are the fundamentals of
fundamentals of the research and
the general the general
findings of the findings of other
research related studies
To formulate the Formulating the Proponent Research
research questions research questions
To determine the Determining the Proponent Scope &
scope & limitation scope & limitation of the
limitation study
To state the Stating the Proponent Research
research research methodology
methodology methodology
To record the Sampling/ Proponent Receipts of
previous monthly Presenting the electricity bills
electricity previous of the school
consumption electricity bill of
payment of the the school
To implement the Implementation Proponent Electricity bill
Energy Patrol of the EPP, an & all result during
Program intervention advisers and after the
of the program
To be able to Collecting the Proponent Data gathered
gather accurate data
To analyze the Analyzing the Proponent Results of the
data correctly data study
To conduct Conduct of Proponent Program/matrix
successful dissemination/ad
dissemination of vocacy
the research

XII. References:

Business and Industry Today. (2016, May 16). Electrical Saftey in Schools. Retrieved
August 17, 2017, from
Centre for Education and Finance Management. (2013, July). Electrical Safety Policy.
Retrieved August 24, 2017, from Centre for Education and Finance Management:
Crosby, Kate. (2013). Powering Down: A Toolkit for Behavior-Based Energy
Conservation In K-12 Schools. United States of America.
Department of Electrical andElectronicsEngineering. (2017, April). National Workshop
on Energy Conservation and Electrical Safety. Retrieved August 24, 2017, from
Energy Conservation Center Japan. (2006). Energy Conservation Center Japan.
Retrieved August 22, 2017, from
Harrigan, M. (2014, November 23). Southeast Education Network. Retrieved August 17,
2017, from
J. Reyes, M. R. (n.d.). How to Conduct an Energy Audit: A Short Guide for Local
Governments and Communities. New Jersey: Department of Environmental
Protection Division of Science, Research and technology.
kenneth gillingham, r. n. (2004). The Effectiveness and Cost of Energy Efficiency
Programs. RFF Resources, 22-25.
Martinez, J. J. (2006). Electric Energy-Saving Education Guidelines for Senior High
School Students in Honduras. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania.
Moraleda, J. (2015, February 6). Philippine Canadian Inquirer. Retrieved August 8,
2017, from
National Academy Press. (1995). Environmental Health and Safety. Retrieved August
17, 2017, from
Word Press. (2012, November 30). Directory Science. Retrieved August 17, 2017, from



A Research Proposal

Marcela T. Mabanta National High School

Libertad, Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte


Title Page i

Table of Contents ii

Introduction 1

Literature Review 3

Research Questions 7

Objective of the Study 8

Significance of the Study 8

Scope and Limitation 9

Research Methodology 9

Sampling 10

Data Collection 11

Plan for Data Analysis 11

Timetable/Gantt Chart 16

References 17

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