Sephirah Meltdown

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Sephirah Meltdown


Require of Sephirah Core Suppression.

Sephirah Meltdown is a 'Boss Fight' event which can be unlocked after completing all the missions of the determined departments, to fight their Sephirah. The player receives the conditions to open the Core
Suppression of the department after certain missions but can only be completed after certain days. Usually, it is needed to unlock the previous department's missions to unlock the next Core Suppression.
The Sephirah Meltdown of their respective layers/levels are unlocked at:
• Asiyah, Upper Layer: After Day 21
• Briah, Middle Layer: After Day 36
• Atziluth, Bottom Layer: After Day 41

Once done, the player can start the event by clicking the 'Sephirah Core Suppress' button at the top left of the department in the Deployment Phase. This button is locked when the day is before the required
day or when the day is during a Major Save Point or Memory Imprint day. It will also be locked after day 46 or the end game. After activating the Sephirah Meltdown, the department that is selected will have
all agents from that department moved out and that department will usually not be targeted by the Qliphoth Meltdown during the event. The player can check the information of the current event and the
requirements to pass the day and finish the event on the department.

Depending on the Sephirah Meltdown, the conditions to finish are different. Usually, to finish the player must collect all the energy and start a certain Qliphoth Meltdown level. Once the conditions are met in
the day, the day will end immediately.

The Sephirah takes new forms in these events, standing in the Main Room of their Department. They cannot be suppressed by agents, unless it is Disciplinary and Extraction Team's bosses, and
instead produce handicaps through the day which affect the facility, agents, and more to make the Management Phase more complex. Phrases appear through the facility, as do expressions from the Sephirah
during the event. They add more effects or trigger abilities after certain Qliphoth Meltdown.

During this events, the player will not get notified of any breaching Abnormalities or employees deaths or panics (Except in the Work log, at the bottom left of the screen). Only "trumpet" animation on the
corners of the screen will still appearing. The respective department of the Sephirah is not affected by the Qliphoth Meltdown during the event.

The player gets a permanent reward after completing the Sephirah Meltdown, which will make the current department immune to the effects of the Qliphoth Meltdown and add another reward depending on
the department; besides unlocking a part of the story and changing the appearance of the Sephirah to their 'real' form. When starting a new game, the upgrades will remain, as well with their changed

There are 9 boss events released for these departments: Control Team (Malkuth), Information Team (Yesod), Training Team (Hod), Security Team (Netzach), Central Command

Team (Tiphereth), Disciplinary Team (Gebura), Welfare Team (Chesed), Extraction Team (Binah) and Record Team (Hokma). After day 46 each day will be a final boss fight

for Architecture Team department.

Malkuth Meltdown

Malkuth is the Sephirah of the Control Team and the first Boss available. They can be triggered after day 21. During the Sephirah Meltdown, it takes the form of an amorphous dark being, with a single
yellow eye at the middle, and appendages holding parts of its robotic carcass and her notepad.
During their event, a green smoke or water-like filter surrounds the borders of the screen. It covers the screen completely for a moment after the day start and at Qliphoth Meltdown Level 2 and 4.

Their handicaps against the facility are the next:

• Day starts: Works done by employees can be randomly replaced by other type of work, even works unavailable like Attachment with Der Freischütz. This replacement order remains until the
last work of current Qliphoth Meltdown Level will be performed. The last work of each Qliphoth Meltdown Level will randomize the replacement order.
• After Qliphoth Meltdown Level 2: No visible changes beside of a blur at the start.
• After Qliphoth Meltdown Level 4: When the player order a work, they will be unavailable to cancel them by clicking the containment room.

To finish the event, the player must collect all the energy and reach the Qliphoth Meltdown Level 6.
After completing the day, Malkuth will reward the player with permanent upgrades: boosted Movement Speed for the employees, more LOB Points when ending the day and the department (

Control Team) will not be affected by the Qliphoth Meltdown.

Flavour Text
Overload Text
• Default(70%):
o "This is what you call an uncontrollable situation, manager."
o "Everything’s all jumbled up, messed up, flustered... hahaha."
o "Unpredictable, isn't it?"
• (level 1) "I could have done it." and "I only wanted to help."
• (level 2)
o "I knew I didn't have authority over this experiment, and that’s why I was so nervous."
o "Make sure you feel this horrible sense of helplessness."
• (level 3)
o "Please watch me, manager! Let me take care of this situation!"
o "I have lots of things to do, just take a look at my notebook, it’s all worn out...."
• (level 4)
o "Can't you hear the sound of it struggling? As if to say it cannot fall asleep like this."
o "Can I get a compliment now? So I feel proud."
• (level 5)
o "- It's really not that hard, looking back."
o "I understand now why looking down on someone can be quite fun, manager..."
• (End) "Oh, I couldn't do it..."

Control Team
"The Control Team monitors the employees and Abnormalities and plans the best course of action. They orders to other employees while watching the CCTV feeds. They tend to be bossy and assertive,
making them unpopular among the other employees."- Description
Office Worker Effect: Increase the Success Rate for all the employees.
Continuous Service: Increase Temperance of the employee.

The Control Team Department is the first unlocked Department that the player starts with, located in the upper layer, Asiyah. It contains a Main Room, 4 minor rooms, 2 elevators and 6 hallways. The

maximum amount of containment units that this department can have is 4. This department is above and connected to the Information Team Department. Malkuth is the Sephirah of this department.

The Main Room is the biggest one in the upper side of the department. Employees will start and wait there for instructions of the player and to heal any wounds.

The Agents will wear red shoulder bands with the 'M' letter on them. The Clerks will wear brown suits with yellow ties. The Team's main color is Light Yellow.
The Missions of this department are the most easiest of the game, with the researches giving basic functions for the game.
Department Functions
The Department Functions help in increasing the mobility of the employees in the facility.
Office Worker Effect: Increase the Movement Speed of all the employees in the facility by the percentage of Clerks alive and sane of the department. If all the Clerks of the department
are dead and/or panicking, the effects are negated.
Continuous Service: Increase the Movement Speed of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the Agent out or to another
department for a day.
Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one Agent can have it at the same time): Movement Speed increased by +10

Mission Name Description Goal Notes

"Manager, don't forget that your primary goal is harvesting "Complete

"You Can Do The player has to perform any type of work 3 times on any Abnormalities.
energy from the Abnormalities. It is the most important function Abnormality work 3
This!" This should go without problem.
of the company. Don't disappoint me!" times"

"Your job is not just keeping the Abnormalities in control. You "Complete work 4 The player has to complete 4 works with a Good result. The player
"Semper Fi" need to make them happy so they will produce as many as PE- times with a result of may want to do works that have a high Success Rate with the
Boxes. Everything else is secondary." Good or higher"
Abnormalities for higher chances of getting Good results.

The player will likely have to work some time after they fill
"As you may know, this facility isn’t that stable. We were only
"Complete a the Energy Quota to get enough Qliphoth Meltdowns, 8 times. An
able to contain Abnormalities in containment units because we
"Suppress Qliphoth Meltdown
momentarily released their suppressed power before the work employee must enter into a containment unit with a Qliphoth
Berserking" containment unit job
began. However, suppression becomes unstable as time goes by
8 times" Meltdown and finish the work. If the Qliphoth Meltdown fade, it will
and eventually some Abnormalities go into a meltdown."
not count into the progress of the mission.

"As the Deterrence of the facility becomes weaker and more

Abnormalities become agitated, Abnormalities called Ordeals
"Complete Ordeal of The Ordeals of Dusk only appear from Day 21 on, so this mission will
"At Dusk" that could not be held down will go into a rampage. Like now.
Dusk" likely be completed much later than the ones before.
Can you calm the employees down by suppressing one of
Ordeals that show up at dusk? I will go help you soon."

The Control Team has basic researches that allow better management, especially in the late-game. It possess 3 Researches:
TT2 Protocol: Unlock the 1.5x and 2x speed adjustment.
"You can speed up your management up to 2x using the TT2 Acceleration Protocol."
Joint Command: Allow Agents to work in other departments where they aren't initially assigned.
"Joint Command enables your to give cross-divisional work orders between departments."
Summon Call: Unlocks a button for each department, next to the Regenerator Healing Gauge, that when pressed, orders all Agents of that department to return to the main room. This current move orders to
those employees.
"Provide beepers to employees to have them return to their departments."

• In different monitors of several rooms, these may contain a picture from the teaser trailer of the game: the shadow of an employee in a destroyed elevator, with several Abnormalities around it, in a green
• In the background of the Main Room, there's a illustration of the Sephirot Tree or Tree of Life, a classic term for the central mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism.
Yesod Meltdown
Yesod is the Sephirah of the Information Team and the
second Boss available. During the Sephirah Meltdown, it takes
the form of a being covered on a brown substance, with a single
purple eye in the middle, with the substance branching to
upwards, holding parts of its robotic hull and with part of its
middle body covered on black bandages.
During their event, a static filter surrounds the borders of the
screen. It covers the screen completely for a moment after the
day start and at Qliphoth Meltdown Level 2 and 4.
Their handicaps against the facility are the next:
• Day starts: The HUD of the game is blurry and
pixelated. This include the energy quota bar, the Qliphoth
Meltdown counter, employees' stats, work and suppression
tasks, bullets' tab, Work log, Game Speed, Abnormality's
encyclopedia, pause screen and Management Report. The
names of the agents are invisible and breaching
Abnormalities and Ordeals don't possess HP bars.
• After Qliphoth Meltdown Level 2: The facility is
blurred and pixelated as well. This affect the
background, containment units, entities and particle
• After Qliphoth Meltdown Level 4: The screen color
becomes saturated and a bit scrambled.

To finish the event, the player must collect all the energy and
reach the Qliphoth Meltdown Level 6.
After completing the day, Yesod will reward the player with
permanent upgrades: PE-Boxes collected are increased by
25% at the end of each task, and the department (

Information Team) will not be affected by the Qliphoth


Flavour Text
Overload Text
• Default(70%):
o "What was I looking at?"
o "This impenetrable darkness is inexplicably lonely."
o "You can't see anything properly."
• (level 1)
o "What did we do wrong?"
o "Are we not even able to fall into despair?"
• (level 2)
o "To tell you the truth, I didn’t want to see any more deaths."
o "We created monsters that were not meant for this world. This sin can never be forgiven."
• (level 3)
o "You should know that all the information you just mindlessly read was from someone's dire sacrifice."
o "I'm from the Information Team. I take a great deal of pride in my team for obtaining information and deleting it as
• (level 4)
o "You’re unfit to be a manager since you can't even remember the rules."
o "Didn’t you see my rotting flesh, oozing with pus?"
• (level 5)
o "I have been in despair for such a long time."
o "I pretended that everything was okay, but in reality, it wasn't. I was dying in the inside."
• (End) "I was the one who was blind to what was in front of me..."
Information Team
"The Information Team analyzes the Abnormalities and profiles them. They are in charge of collecting, analyzing, and archiving valuable observation data. They are tasked to make the energy harvesting a
safer process."- Description
Office Worker Effect: Increase the Success Rate for all the employees.
Continuous Service: Increase Temperance of the employee.

The Information Team Department is the second Department that is unlocked at day 6, located in the upper layer, Asiyah. It contains a Main Room, 1 lower large room, 4 elevators, 4 hallways and 4

elevator hubs. The maximum amount of containment units that this department can have is 4. Above this department is the Control Team, to the left is the Security Team, to the right is

the Training Team, and below is the Central Command Team Department. Yesod is the Sephirah of this department.

The Main Room is the upper of the two large rooms in the department. Employees will start and wait there for instructions of the player and to heal any wounds.

The Agents will wear purple shoulder bands with the 'Y' letter on them. The clerks will wear purple suits with dark purple ties and white arms. The Team's main color is Purple.
The Missions of this department are centered in work performing, being simple missions, with the researches giving visual information and Fear Resistance in the Management Phase.

The Department Functions help in increasing the mobility of the employees in the facility.
Office Worker Effect: Increase the Movement Speed of all the employees in the facility by the percentage of Clerks alive and sane of the department. If all the Clerks of the department
are dead and/or panicking, the effects are negated.

Department Functions

The Department Functions help in increasing the Success Rate of the employees in the facility.
Office Worker Effect: Increase the Success Rate of all the employees in the facility by the percentage of Clerks alive and sane of the department. If all the Clerks of the department
are dead and/or panicking, the effects are negated.

Continuous Service: Increase the Temperance of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the Agent out or to another department
for a day.

Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one Agent can have it at the same time): Temperance increased by +10

Mission Name Description Goal Notes

"Our Information Team requires constant information on the "Complete an The player has to perform Instinct work 4 times in the same day.
"Yesod the
Abnormalities. First, we need data on the Instinct jobs. Instinct jobs are Instinct job 4 This should go without problem if it is not done on the wrong
for taking care of basic desires of Abnormalities." times" Abnormalities.

Similar to the previous mission, the player must do

"Insight jobs are for indirect management of Abnormalities. We need "Complete an
"Our Paths" to find out what Abnormalities like and dislike about the environment Insight job 5
of Containment Unit and manage accordingly." times" 5 Insight works. This one should also go without problem if it is
not done on the wrong Abnormalities.

Similar to the previous missions, but the player must

"Through Attachment jobs, we can build bonds with Abnormalities. "Complete an
"Why Won't It
Abnormalities with social desires tend to show their discontent even Attachment job 6
Rot?" do Attachment works 6 time in this mission. This should also go
with a full stomach or when the Containment Unit is clean." times"
without problem if it is not done on the wrong Abnormalities.

"The best we can do is taking care of things before they turn sour. All The player must complete the day without any work having
"Complete a job
"Boundary of will be taken care of if Abnormalities are managed properly. So be sure
without a Poor a Bad result. This should not cause too much trouble if only the
Perfection" to take care of everything carefully. As far as I know, this is the best
result" easiest Abnormalities to please are chosen.

Information Team have upgrades to visualize different gauges and values like the damage dealt at the moment, displaying HP bars on Abnormalities and Agents, as well upgrading the Fear
Level resistance of the Clerks. It possess 3 Researches:

G.O Visualization: Display HP/ SP bars on employees, above their heads and sharing the same bar of the name, and also display HP bars on breaching Abnormalities, including name and Risk
"Visualizes geometric biometric information of Abnormality and employees."

Normalization of Damage: Display the Damage Type and value dealt to Abnormalities and employees, including the resistance against said damage.
"Visualizes damage done by Abnormalities and employees."
Abnormality Countermeasure Manual: Reduce the Fear Level made by Abnormalities to Clerks, making them able to resist the sight of up to WAW Abnormalities.
"Reduce office worker's fear of Abnormality using thorough countermeasure manual."

• In the lower secondary room, there's a object which looks like a crescent moon surrounded by a cloud. This probably could be a controlled Abnormality or just an illusion or hologram of the facility
itself, but currently, is unknown what is and why is in there.

Hod Meltdown
Hod is the Sephirah of the Training Team and
the third Boss available. During the Sephirah
Meltdown, it takes the form of a entity of gray
substance, with an orange eye at the middle and its
robotic hull spread on it. It possess black gears
around its base and small mechanical legs. Two long
mechanical appendages come out from their left
side, rising up to the ceiling.
During their event, a filter similar to an old
transmission cover the screen. An expansive wave
comes from the Sephirah for a moment at Qliphoth
Meltdown Level 2 and 4.

Their handicaps against the facility are the next:

• Day starts: Every stats

from the agents in the facility are reduced
by -15. This also reduce the level of the agent's
stats. The minimum stats can't get lower than
10. The filter at this point are just darker
screen's corners.

• After Qliphoth Meltdown Level 2: The

stats decrease are now -25, the

screen gets a minor old transmission filter
and the music is replaced with a jazz-like or
Muzak song.

• After Qliphoth Meltdown Level 4:

Stats decreased are now -35, the screen filter gets major effects, distorting the
facility, entities and effects but not the HUD, and the music gets louder and distorted.

To finish the event, the player must collect all the energy and reach the Qliphoth Meltdown Level
After completing the day, Hod will reward the player with permanent upgrades: New hired

employees start with all their stats at Level 3 without extra cost, the player can

still reduce their level without extra costs, and the department ( Training Team) will not be
affected by the Qliphoth Meltdown.

Flavour Text
Overload Text
• Default(70%):
o "Well, shall we partake in an employee educational video together?"
o "Please do it right! All the employees will see this educational video and refer to it."
o "Ok, everyone. Look here and say cheese!"
• (level 1)
o "I want to assist and help as much as I can here."
o "I wish I was needed by everyone."
• (level 2)
o "Why does nobody understand my kindness?"
o "I'm the only one who cares about them, but why do they hate me?"
• (level 3)
o "Manager, you're not mad at me, right? Please don’t be angry, I'm a good Sephirah."
o "The number of surviving employees depends on my efforts. But does anyone thank me? No."
• (level 4)
o "Employees are suffering! Things aren't working out without me."
o "Where's Tiffany? It’s past her counseling appointment. Why isn’t she here?"
• (level 5)
o "Forgive me, manager. If you can’t forgive, then please forget."
o "You would all be dead without me! Every last one of you!"
• (End) "Maybe I wasn’t a good person from the beginning..."
Training Team
"The Training Team is in charge of preparing new employees for the tasks ahead of them. They also regulate company policies and managerial procedures."- Description
Department Functions
Office Worker Effect: Increase the growth rate for all the employees. Level: +1% / Level 2: +3% / Level 3: +5%
Continuous Service: Increase the growth rate of the employee. Level 1: +5% / Level 2: +10% / Level 3: +15%
Office Worker Effect: Increase the Growth Rate (Stat increase by works) of all the employees in the facility by the percentage of Clerks alive and sanity of the department. If all the Clerks of the department
are dead and/or panicking, the effects are negated.

The Training Team Department is one of the two Departments that can be unlocked from Day 11, located in the upper layer, Asiyah. It contains a Main Room, 3 elevator hubs, 2 elevators and 2 hallways.
The maximum amount of containment units that this department can have is 4. This department is connected to the right side of the Information Team Department. Hod is the Sephirah of this department.
The Main Room is the biggest one in the center of the department. Employees will start and wait there for instructions from the player and to heal any wounds.

The Agents will wear orange shoulder bands with the letter 'H' on them. The Clerks will wear orange colored suits with white shirts, black pockets, red short ties and black pants. The Team's main color
is Orange.
The Missions of this department require promotions of employees, suppression of Abnormalities and Agent's Levels.

Department Functions
The Department Functions improves the Agents' training rate to improve their stats through works.
Office Worker Effect: Increase the Growth Rate (Stat increase by works) of all the employees in the facility by the percentage of Clerks alive and sanity of the department. If all the Clerks of the department
are dead and/or panicking, the effects are negated.
Continuous Service: Increase the Growth Rate of the respective agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the Agent out or to another department for a
Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one agent can have it at the same time): Growth Rate increased by +20%

Mission Name Description Goal Notes

"I am from the Training Team. We make manuals and train employees when
"I Want To 2 Agents must be promoted in the same day. Is
needed. But for situations where the manual isn't enough, experience is the key. I "Promote 2 employees"
Help" more easy to promote low level employees.
am sure you will manage the people in your fold to survive."

"Unwanted "As you know, employees here are promoted solely based on their merit. You "Promote an employee to An Agent/Agents must be promoted to Level 4 or
Kindness" should focus on building up your crew for progressively harder jobs." level 4 or higher" 5.

The player must suppress 4 different

"Indirect experiences have a limit. At some point, employees need to learn from
"I Want To Be "Suppress different Abnormalities in the same day. Ordeals don't
their own experiences and mistakes. Unfortunately, not all employees survive
A Good Person" Abnormalities 4 times" count and the Abnormalities must be suppressed
their first few encounters with the Abnormalities."
by employees.

"Thanks to your excellent leadership, we now have more capable employees. If

"Finish a day after At least 5 Agents of Level 5 must be assigned into
they can demonstrate your perfect management and suppression skills to other
"Test Training" dispatching 5 or more the facility, along finishing the day to complete
employees, it’ll be more effective than any document or video... I’m sorry, I keep
level 5 employees" the mission.
hearing things..."

The Training Team has researches that improve the stats and growth rate of multiple employees. These are:
Supply Educational Manuals: All Agents can increase their stats through works more quickly.
"Supply Educational Manuals to help employees learn faster."
Reinforce Work Education: Improves the stats and equipment of Clerks.
"Reinforce work education of office workers so they can be prepared for various situations."
Reinforce Hiring Procedure: New hired employees have slightly better/higher stats.
"Reinforce hiring procedure to increase status of hired management employees."

• Like the Information Team lower room, the Main Room also has some sort of anomalous object or holographic image, which looks like a black hole surrounded by 2 golden rings, at the top of the

• In the background of the Main Room, on the left wall, there's an illustration of the Sephirot Tree or Tree of Life, similar to how the Control Team has one as well in its Main Room.
• The symbol for Mercury from the Solar System Symbols is engraved on the left door of the Main Room.
• Unlike the other departments of the same layer, Asiyah, this department seems to have more space than the others, with the Main Room showing to have more room, going deeper into the background
Netzach Meltdown

Netzach is the Sephirah of the Security

Team and the fourth Boss available. Hod
must have been defeated first before
triggering its event. During the Sephirah
Meltdown, it takes the form of a gray being
made of what seems to be stone, with some
green substances dripping from the body. It
possess a single green eye at the middle of a
spherical base, with the upper half of the
eye covered. An appendage branches from
the right side to upwards, holding different
robotic parts of its real form, with some of
them below its base too.
During their event, a green smoke or gas-
like filter covers the screen during the day.
Their handicaps against the facility are the
• Day starts:
Recovery system from the Main
Rooms are slower and employees

cannot be healed from any

sources except at the start of
each Qliphoth Meltdown.
• After each Qliphoth Meltdown: All
employees in the facility are

healed up to their Max HP and SP. Employees still cannot be healed by any other effects, even Main rooms.

To finish the event, the player must collect all the energy and reach the Qliphoth Meltdown Level 6.

After completing the day, Netzach will reward the player with permanent upgrades: The healing done by Main Rooms now work in the hallways of the department with 50% healing lower, and the

department ( Security Team) will not be affected by the Qliphoth Meltdown.

Flavour Text
Overload Text
• Default(70%):
o "No one is safe here. The Security Team is just for show."
o "It’s no use to extend unwanted death because what's there at the end?"
• (level 1)
o "One moment I woke up again in this place, and I met you, who I never wanted to see again..."
o "Why do I have to wake up and do things I don't want to do today?"
• (level 2)
o "You weren’t the one I wanted to put my trust into."
o "This place can be never safe."
• (level 3)
o "Abandon your sense of guilt. They couldn’t be saved anyway."
o "Since this place is always horrible, all that can be hoped for is a blissful end."
• (level 4)
o "I never wished to be in this position, ever."
o "In the end, the hope that somebody can live thanks to me is gone."
• (level 5)
o "Leave me alone, that’s what you’re best at."
o "I want to close my eyes and enjoy a good sleep just once."
• (End) "I stopped breathing, but if life calls me once again..."
Security Team
"The Security Team trains new employees and responds to potential threats to the company. They deal with escaped Abnormalities, panicking employees, or security breaches. They are meticulous and
punctual."- Description
Office Worker Effect: Increase the healing rate for all the employees.
Continuous Service: Increase the Fortitude and Prudence of the employee.

The Security Team Department is one of the two Departments that can be unlocked from day 11, located in the upper layer, Asiyah. It contains a Main Room, 3 elevator hubs, 2 elevators and 2

hallways. The maximum amount of containment units that this department can have is 4. This department is connected to the left side of the Information Team Department. Netzach is the Sephirah of
this department.

The Main Room is the biggest one in the center of the department. Employees will start and wait there for instructions from the player and to heal any wounds.

The Agents will wear green shoulder bands with the letter 'N' on them. The clerks will wear fern colored suits with white shirts, dark ties, black pants and green shoes. The Team's main color is Green.
The Missions of this department require employee management and survival.

Department Functions
The Department Functions improves the main gauges of the employees and their own healing.
Office Worker Effect: Increase the Healing Rate of all the employees in the facility by the percentage of Clerks alive and sanity of the department. If all the Clerks of the department
are dead and/or panicking, the effects are negated.

Level 3, 100% ~ 80% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: Healing Rate increased by +50%
Level 2, 79% ~ 50% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: Healing Rate increased by +30%
Level 1, 49% ~ 30% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: Healing Rate increased by +10%

Continuous Service: Increase the Fortitude and Prudence of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the Agent out or to
another department for a day.

Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one Agent can have it at the same time): Fortitude and Prudence increased by +10

Mission Name Description Goal Notes

"The Security Team is in charge of... the security of employees. You will Agents must not die in the day. Clerks aren't counted into
"Lethargic "Finish a day without
understand how hard it is to maintain the safety and security of this place this and panicked Agents will die if the day end without
Space" deaths"
once you experience it first-hand." them back to normal, making the mission fail if it occur.

"What's more important than just keeping the employees alive, is

"Beer Vending keeping them sane. Employees who lose sanity are permanently "Finish a day without Agents must not panic during the day. As before, Clerks
Machine" damaged and live a half-life. You'll find it's more difficult to maintain panicking employees" aren't counted in this mission.
the sanity of the employees than keeping them alive."

"I can’t believe you’re able to carry out your job without killing anyone
"Finish a day without
"An Impossible both physically and mentally. If you were so capable, why didn’t you Agents must not die or panic during the whole day. This is
deaths or panicking
Event" step in until now? Because you were unassigned? Then let me give you the previous missions, with their conditions combined.
another job."

"Finish a day after

"In order to prevent the deaths of many, I believe we should dispatch Each department must have 3 or less Agents assigned for
"Efficiency" dispatching 3 employees or
fewer employees. You know, to keep damages at a minimum." the day and pass it to complete the mission.
less in all departments"

The Security Team has researches that improve the healing done by the Main Room of the departments. These are:
Regenerating Mk2: Boost the amount of HP healing done by the Main Rooms.
"Upgrade regenerator so employees on hold can recover their HP faster."

Mental Corruption Neutralizing Gas: Boost the amount of SP healing done by the Main Rooms.
"Release Mental Corruption Neutralizing Gas to quickly recover SP of employees on standby."
Regenerator Distinguisher Modification: The Main Rooms continue to heal employees at a slower rate even when they are invaded by Abnormalities/Ordeals.
"Regenerator will be activated slowly even if department is invaded by dangerous units. Regenerator will continue to protect employees by distinguishing allies and enemies."

• The Security Team is more similar to a nursery with their multiple cross symbols and healing upgrades.
• In the description of the Security Team, is described that the employees from that team are 'meticulous and punctual', although their Sephirah, Netzach, is careless and 'lazy'.
Tiphereth Meltdown

Tiphereth is the Sephirah of the Central Command Team and the fifth Boss available. All the upper layer (Asiyah) must have been defeated first before triggering its event. During the Sephirah
Meltdown, the female Tiphereth takes the form of a circular golden substance with 2 long arms, wearing a brown ribbon on one side and having a singular yellow eye at the middle of its main body. It rest on
a mountain of different robotic carcass of Male Tiphereth, piled on each other, with their light green eyes moving and looking around. There are multiple pipes in a row behind them, 3 rows at each side,
moving along with Female Tiphereth's movement of their arms.

During their event, an old filter, with small black marks or spots, along with darker corners, cover the screen during the day. A light glow occurs during certain Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Their handicaps against the facility are the next:

• Day starts: Removes all the previous immunity against Qliphoth Meltdown of the other departments.
• After Qliphoth Meltdown 4: Background music is replaced by organ music.
• After Qliphoth Meltdown 7: The intensity of the music increases.

To finish the event, the player must reach the Qliphoth Meltdown Level 10.
After completing the day, Tiphereth will reward the player with permanent upgrades: The maximum amount of Bullets available is increased by 25%, unlocks the Pale Shield Upgrade Bullet, and the

department ( Central Command Team) will not be affected by the Qliphoth Meltdown.

Flavour Text
Overload Text
• Default(70%):
o "All containment units are under my control."
o "This song, Tiphereth's dirge, is for Tiphereth."
o "I hope this song will appease our souls."
• (level 1) "We are two, but we are one. Do you know what this means?"
• (level 2) "The Central Team is quite big. Everyone has their hands full."
• (level 3) "Is it time for another replacement? Time to go to storage..."
• (level 4) "Did Tiphereth get to what they wanted? No, what did you really want from the beginning?"
• (level 5) "Don't sit there looking at me like that, with that forlorn smile, I have already abandoned you."
• (level 6) "I wish to walk with you again with the sound of the waves in the background."
• (level 7) "If the song you are listening to now is a dirge..."
• (level 8) "Then could you show when Tiphereth returns how I've grown and strong I've been...?"
• (level 9) "You said there will only be happiness next time..."
• (End) "Was all of this worth it?"
Central Command Team
"Central Command represents the middle level of the Lobotomy facility. The upper and lower part of The Central Command take role of foundation stone, which allows the facility to expand upward and
downard. They also work as bridges that lead to upper and lower levels." – Description
Office Worker Effect: Increase the limit of Qliphoth Meltdown alert.
Continuous Service: Increase every ability of employee.

The Central Command Team Department is the fifth Department that can be unlocked from day 21, located on the middle layer, Briah. This department is below the Information

Team Department connected through an elevator, to the left is the Welfare Team Department and to the right is the Disciplinary Team Department. This department is slightly different of the others
because it come as 2 sections, upper section (Team 1) and lower section (Team 2), merged into one Department and starting with Team 1. It comes with 8 containment units, 4 per each team, 2 hallways per
team and different elevators. Unlike other departments, the player will get 2 Abnormalities per day (Second and Fourth selection always include 1 Tool Abnormality as the last selection) and will unlock
Team 2 at day 23 and the 5 slots to assign Agents are available from the start, once the respective teams are unlocked. Before the second section is unlocked, it will be inaccessible and covered by a yellow
mist. Tiphereth is the Sephirah of this department.

The Main Room is the biggest one in the center of the department, divided in 4 floors, and all 4 floors provide full healing from their generators, which is a single one and shared across all rooms.
The Employees will start on the top floors of each Team and wait there for instructions from the player and to heal any wounds. The top levels of each team are connected to the bottom levels
through the right side (Works like an elevator), the top level of Team 2 is connected to the bottom level of the Team 1 through the left side. Only the bottom levels of each Team are connected to hallways
through both sides.

The Agents will wear orange shoulder bands with the letter 'T' on them. The clerks will wear yellow suits and yellow pants, which vary between Teams: clerks of Team 1 has black lapels on suits and
wears white shirts, clerks of Team 2 has black tie-shawls and wears pink shirts. The Team's main color is Yellow.
The Missions of this department involves finishing the day before a certain level of Qliphoth Meltdown.

Department Functions
The Department Functions increases the time limit of Qliphoth Meltdown occurences.
Office Worker Effect: Increase the limit of Qliphoth Meltdown alert by the percentage of Clerks alive and sane of the department. If all the Clerks of the department are dead and/or panicking, the
effects are negated.
Level 3, 100% ~ 80% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: Qliphoth Meltdown time limit increased by 10 seconds
Level 2, 79% ~ 50% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: Qliphoth Meltdown time limit increased by 6 seconds
Level 1, 49% ~ 30% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: Qliphoth Meltdown time limit increased by 3 seconds

Continuous Service: Increase every Stat of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the Agent out or to another
department for a day.

Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one Agent can have it at the same time): Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance and Justice increased by +5

Mission Name Description Goal Notes

"The Central Team is holding the Abnormalities at a specific location. You just need to not work for too long and finish
"Proving Abnormalities become unstable over time and the Qliphoth Meltdown gauge "Finish a day with Qliphoth
Competence 1" you’ve seen displays this. We have our own limits, so please finish the job Meltdown level 8 or lower" the day before the Qliphoth Meltdown level
without any problems." gets the level 9.

"To prevent the meltdown, you must reduce the amount of work by giving Same as previous mission, but now you need to
"Proving "Finish a day with Qliphoth
orders in the most efficient way possible. If not, Abnormalities and other crises finish the day before the Qliphoth
Competence 2" Meltdown level 7 or lower"
will overflow." Meltdown level gets the level 8.

Same as previous mission, but now you need to

"Proving "If you look at the Sephirah Manual, capable managers have records of "Finish a day with Qliphoth
Competence 3" tremendous efficiency. Do you think you can beat it?" Meltdown level 6 or lower" finish the day before the Qliphoth
Meltdown level gets the level 7.

"Tiphereth is not in good shape, so I'm going to get tired for the time being. "Clear without containment To complete this mission you need to work with
"Proving every Abnormality that is affected by
Okay, it's the end. Take care of all the containment units that have run through. room's occurrence of
Competence 4"
If you do this, I will acknowledge your own abilities." Qliphoth Meltdown" a Qliphoth Meltdown without missing any.

The Central Command Team has researches that provides the Shields of the Bullet Research. These are:

Physical Intervention Shield: Unlocks the Red Shield bullets which absorb Red Damage. It can be applied to employees for an amount of time or until it breaks.
"Attaches a shield that absorbs R type attacks for a limited time. It has no effect against other types of attacks."

Trauma Shield: Unlocks the White Shield bullets which absorb White Damage. It can be applied to employees for an amount of time or until it breaks.
"Attaches a shield that absorbs W type attacks for a limited time. It has no effect against other types of attacks. It temporarily reduces the perception of the target, protecting it from spiritual attacks from the
Erosion Shield: Unlocks the Black Shield bullets which absorb Black Damage. It can be applied to employees for an amount of time or until it breaks.
"Attaches a shield that absorbs B type attacks for a limited time. It has no effect against other types of attacks. It seals vulnerable openings of a human, including spiritual ones to prevent the erosion thorn
from infiltrating deep into the target. One drawback, it can’t protect from damage taken within the shield."


• This is the first Department which came as two merged teams into one department and the one of two at the moment with most containment rooms, next being Architecture Team.
• Using the Summon Call return button to call the Agents back to the Department will call both Teams back to their respective sections, as there is only 1 generator.
Gebura Meltdown

Gebura is the Sephirah of the Disciplinary Team and the sixth boss available. All the upper layer (Asiyah) must have been defeated first before triggering its event. During the Sephirah Meltdown, its
appearance doesn't change much of its usual form, it possess a humanoid form, an armored body and a gray mask on its face. During the event, red lines effect covers the corners of the screen during the day.

Unlike previous fights, Gebura becomes a suppressible entity. It will not stay in the Disciplinary Team's main department room for too long, nor provides any handicaps. It will act like an Abnormality,

with its name changed to "The Red Mist" and classified as ALEPH. It has an immense amount of HP at 3000 and must be suppressed 4 times by depleting their HP bar to be defeated
completely, and its attacks and defenses will change each time is suppressed. Some text will appear next to it when about to attack. The Red Mist suffer double damage inflicted by Abnormalities.
(All damage values mentioned below is with ALEPH grade E.G.O. Suit. You will take 150%/200% more damage if you are using TETH/ ZAYIN E.G.O. Suit)
• Day starts (Phase 1): It has Penitence (One Sin E.G.O. Weapon) and Red Eyes (Spider Bud E.G.O. Weapon). Its mask remains closed.

o Gebura, now as The Red Mist, will appear in the upper level of the main room of the Disciplinary Team, spawning near a open machine. It will not move out of the room, roaming the room
until seeing a target.

o It will attack with either weapons to deal (30-35) Red or White damage respectively.

o When 1/3 of her HP is lost, it will use Gold Rush (King of Greed E.G.O. Weapon), creating portals in random places in facility and running through them, dealing (120) Red damage to
anyone in the way. The final portal leads to another main department room, where it shoots with Gold Rush, dealing a great amount of (300) Red damage on a small range. The Red Mist will
stay there until then. This ability happens twice.

o Its defenses are: Red: Endured (0.9) - White: Endured (0.9) - Black: Endured (0.9) - Pale: Normal (1.0).

• Suppressed once (Phase 2): Background music changes. Red Mist uses Gold Rush attack to move to another main department room and changes their weapons to Da Capo (Silent
Orchestra E.G.O. Weapon) and Mimicry (Nothing There E.G.O. Weapon). Its mask opens, revealing a small glowing red eye at the center.

▪ Fast attack with Da Capo, deals large (~150 total) amount of White damage in a quick succession.

▪ Heavy attack with Mimicry, deals great (150) amount of Red damage.
▪ It will often throw a bigger version of Heaven (Burrowing Heaven E.G.O. Weapon), dealing (100) Black damage to anyone in the way, piercing through the direction it was sent, through the whole
facility (Like Der Freischütz's bullet).

▪ When 1/3 of HP is lost, it will throws Da Capo to another main department room, which will fly towards the location and dealing little amount of White damage to anyone in the way. Then the
Red Mist will charge to that room after some moments, striking with a much bigger version of Mimicry and dealing heavy Red damage to anyone in the room. Happens twice.

o Their defenses change to: Red: Resistant (0.4) - White: Resistant (0.4) - Black: Weak (1.2) - Pale: Normal (1.0).

• Suppressed twice (Phase 3): It throws Da Capo and Mimicry away, dealing great (~160) ( Red or White) damage to anyone in the same elevation that it's currently in. Then equips
Smile (Mountain of Smiling Bodies E.G.O. Weapon) and Justitia (Bird of Judgement E.G.O. Weapon). The mask start to break, revealing red cracks around the eye.

▪ When it loses 1/3 of her HP, it performs Gold Rush attack. Happens twice.
▪ Can perform the previous Heaven attack.

▪ It charges (~0.8 seconds), and attacks with Justitia, creating a small wave that deals massive (~80) Pale damage to all employees in front it.
▪ It attacks twice with Smile. Its first attack will severely slow (95-99%) everyone in the room, but employees can still attack, and its second attack will deal constant Black damage to all employees
in the room (~200, Anyone with 0.5 Black resistance with ~110 SP will barely survive this). (This attack can be shielded mostly)

o Its defenses change to: Red: Normal (1.0) - White: Normal (1.0) - Black: Resistant (0.2) - Pale: Resistant (0.2).

• Suppressed thrice (Phase 4): Background music changes. Red Mist changes its weapon to Twilight (Apocalypse Bird E.G.O. Weapon). The mask opens, revealing a pitch black face, with the
pieces of the mask staying around its face, with some parts giving it the appearance of having horns, as well having a red gas-like aura around itself.
• The Red Mist will start to chase employees, not limiting itself to be inside main rooms anymore. At different intervals, an agent is randomly marked to be chased, similar to Little Red's contract's

mark (Using the same mark's appearance). Any other entity in its way will be attacked with a random Damage Type in a heavy amount. When reaching the agent, The Red Mist
will attack it with its weapon. If it doesn't reach the marked agent after some time, it will become tired and unable to move for a while, exposed to attacks before using another ability. Shoot it with
many Slow bullets will stop it where it is.
• It will create portals, like with Golden Rush attack, but instead it will throw Gold Rush into the portal in front of it, and then begins to chase it. Gold Rush deals great amount of Red damage to

anyone in the way while leaving a glowing golden trail behind and Red Mist deals normal amount of random attack type damage. When it arrives to another main department
room, it does a flurry of attacks with Twilight. Then becomes tired, being unable to attack or move, becoming exposed to attacks for a period of time.

• Once close to a target or marked agent, it will attack with Twilight, dealing a random attack type damage (~140).

• Its defenses change to: Red: Weak (1.5) - White: Weak (1.5) - Black: Weak (1.5) - Pale: Weak (1.5).

To finish the event, the player must defeat The Red Mist.
The side rooms of Control Team, as well as the lower part of Information Team aren't target from the Gold Rush attacks in Asiyah. Row 2 and 4 of the Central Command, as well as the top part of

the Disciplinary Team and Welfare Team aren't target from Gold Rush in Briah.
After completing the day, Gebura will reward the player with permanent upgrades: all E.G.O. Weapon and Suit maximum count will go up by one, but cannot exceed 5 in number (No other set of
most ZAYIN E.G.O. equipment will be granted. The E.G.O. equipment that granted after defeating Apocalypse Bird, Fiery Bird or WhiteNight are also an exception from the upgrade; you will not

receive an extra copy of the E.G.O. Weapon or the E.G.O. Suit even if you defeat corresponding abnormality again), and the department ( Disciplinary Team) will not be affected by the Qliphoth

Flavour Text
Overload Text:
Default (50%):
• "I want to destroy everything here."
• "What is there left for me; the one who failed to protect?"
• "How dare you think you can stop me, weaklings?"
• "Let me show you how to handle the E.G.Os."
Phase 1:
• "I have returned, red mist that has walked out from pain."
• "I'm not weak like I used to be. I can now replace any body part and recover from any damage."
Phase 2:
• "There were things that cannot be forgotten."
• "Toxic hatred destroys me, and makes me open my eyes again."
Phase 3:
• "Some things can stay warm even through the cold."
• "Monsters kill people. There is no end to this sin, and I have descended to bring upon the reckoning."
Phase 4:
• "The path is too far, I have too far to go. My heart is pulsing with anger, but I have to keep going."
Red Mist Suppressed:
• ”I can feel myself breaking... I will never lay down my sword even if I were to turn to dust..."
• "After all, with this power, I can not do anything."

Disciplinary Team
"The department's top tough team creates and punishes a variety of reasons, such as when an employee violates material rules, does not fulfill its obligations, neglects the job, damages the company
enormously, and so on. This department has the best ability to control and sanction the situation. Whether it's a Abnormality or an employee."- Description
Office Worker Effect: Increase the Attack Speed for all employees.
Continuous Service: Increase E.G.O attack rate of employee.

The Disciplinary Team Department is one of the two Departments that can be unlocked from Day 26 after getting a checkpoint, located on the middle layer, Briah. This department is connected to the

right side of the Central Command Team Department, connected to both of its floors. It is connected with Extraction Team through the elevator at the end of the right bottom hallway. It contains 1
Main Room, 1 elevator and 2 hallways. Gebura is the Sephirah of this department.
The Main Room is the left double floor room in the department. Employees will start in the bottom floor and wait there for instructions from the player and to heal any wounds. It contains two floors, both

providing full healing .

The Agents will wear red shoulder bands with the letter 'G' on them. The Clerks will wear red suits with light gray lines and red pants. The Team's main color is Red.
The Missions of this department are focusing on suppression of Abnormalities.

Department Functions
The Department Functions increases the Attack Speed of the employees.
Office Worker Effect: Increase the Attack Speed for all employees by the percentage of Clerks alive and sanity of the department. If all the Clerks of the department are dead and/or panicking, the effects are
Level 3, 100% ~ 80% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: Attack Speed increased by 5
Level 2, 79% ~ 50% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: Attack Speed increased by 3
Level 1, 49% ~ 30% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: Attack Speed increased by 1
Continuous Service: Increase E.G.O Weapon Attack Speed of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the agent out or to another
department for a day.
Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one agent can have it at the same time): E.G.O Weapon Attack Speed increased by +20%

Description Goal Notes

"If you want to last longer than a day

The player must suppress HE or lower level Abnormality or Abnormalities in the same day 5
here, you have to get used to suppressing "Suppress HE or
"Purpose times. It does not have to be different Abnormalities: the player can suppress the same Abnormality 5
those Abnormalities. Killing them needs lower Abnormality
of Pain 1" times. Ordeals and minions doesn't count and the Abnormalities must be suppressed by
to be like breathing for you. Also, I enjoy 5 times"
seeing them suffer." employees. WAW and ALEPH Abnormalities are also not counted.

"Never show your fear in front of the The player must suppress WAW Abnormality or Abnormalities in the same day 5 times. It does
"Suppress WAW
"Purpose dangerous ones. You just gotta rip and not have to be different Abnormalities: the player can suppress the same Abnormality 5 times. Ordeals
Abnormality 5
of Pain 2" break. Use any means necessary to kill and minions doesn't count and the Abnormalities must be suppressed by
WAW level ones in front of me." employees. ALEPH Abnormalities are also not counted.

"If you have done so far, you know what The player must suppress 3 different
"Suppress different
to do next? ALEPH Abnormalities are
"Proving ALEPH ALEPH Abnormalities in the same day. This time it must be different Abnormalities. Ordeals of
the most dangerous and hateful things
Power" Abnormalities 3 Midnight doesn't count and the Abnormalities must be suppressed by employees.
here. But the monster is a monster. The
times" Completing Apocalypse Bird event will clear this mission at once.
beings we have to get rid of..."

"We deal with our work. Because I know

"Our only how to handle these things. I can not "Complete Ordeal Because Ordeals of Midnight become available from Day 26 this mission can be done after receiving it.
work" tolerate others taking my stage. Let's tell of Midnight" Look Ordeals page for more information about Ordeals of Midnight.
these monsters. That we are enough."

The Disciplinary Team has researches that provides 'offensive' Bullets of the Bullet Research and unlocks the Rabbit Team. These are:

Execution Bullet: Unlocks Execution Bullets which instantly kill an employee(s), Clerk or Agent; in the area of the shot without pain and neither leaving a body. Has effect on possessed, infected
and panicked employees, but not transformed ones. This type of Bullet is usually not detected for conditions that trigger upon employees dying.
"A bullet to remove unstable elements. It activates the supplied ID card and E.G.O’s execution feature. Remove wild, uncontrolled employees or those who look like they could lose it at any moment."

Qliphoth Intervention Field: Unlocks Slow Bullets which can reduce the Movement Speed (-50%) of Abnormalities, Ordeals and panicked employees when applied on them, lasting for an amount
of time.
"Reduces the movement of the Abnormality for a limited time. It reduces the movement speed of an Abnormality up to 50% by overloading the Qliphoth control."

Rabbit Team: Unlocks the ability to call the Rabbit Team.

"We receive the Rabbit team support through agreement with R corporation. The Rabbit team quickly defeats hostile objects within the department. The safety of employees is not guaranteed during this


• This Department, along with the Welfare Team, come with their main room as two connected floors.

Chesed Meltdown

Chesed is the Sephirah of the Welfare Team and the seventh boss available. All the upper layer (Asiyah) must have been defeated first before triggering its event. During the Sephirah Meltdown, it takes

the form of a cross, having a gray body with a cyan eye at center, and with the cross having triangle shaped tips, each one representing one of the four damage types, from the top clockwise:
Red, White, Black and Pale. From center of the boss come out multiple arm-like black appendages, each holding part of it's robotic hull, except for one which holds a cup with the Lobotomy Corporation logo
on it. Another cross appears at the top of the screen with letters written on each tip for each damage type, exactly equal to the Sephirah, from top clockwise: R, W, B, P.

During the event, a rain effect is displayed which covers the whole screen when starting the fight and when going through phases.
• Day starts: One damage type becomes illuminated in the cross at the top of the screen. While it's illuminated, the corresponding type damage dealt to employees will be multiplied (~x4)
(Dealt by Abnormalities, Ordeals, etc).
• After each Qliphoth Meltdown: Boosted type of damage is changed.
• After Qliphoth Meltdown 2: Background music changes and 2 types of damage are boosted instead.
• After Qliphoth Meltdown 6: 3 types of damage are boosted instead.

To finish the event, the player must collect all the energy and reach the Qliphoth Meltdown Level 8.
After completing the day, Chesed will reward the player with permanent upgrades: instead of dying/panicking, an employee has a 25% to come back to life/sanity (once per employee, per day) and the

department ( Welfare Team) will not be affected by the Qliphoth Meltdown.

Flavour Text
Overload Text
• Default(50%)
o "You're very moody today."
o "Let my employees rest in peace."
o "Feel this vast pain..."
• (level 1) "Rain is falling. These are the tears of the employees. It will never stop."
• (level 2) "Pour the cold coffee down the sink, we need a new teacup."
• (level 3) "Do I still have a conscience left inside of me?"
• (level 4) "I envy you, manager. You can even forget about your most shameful moments."
• (level 5) "I shall commit sin and follow the words when Angela comes... There's no fig leaf left to cover my shame."
• (level 6) "It’s too late to repent."
• (level 7)
o "My friends are all gone, and I was waiting by myself for the dawn in the darkness."
o "I didn’t want to open my eyes again. I yearned to fall to the pit of hell, carrying my sins."
• (End) "Is my world... finally breaking?"

Welfare Team
"To prevent epidemics and secondary infections caused by illnesses, we carry out preventive measures and work on welfare such as physical fitness and mental health of employees. In-house welfare is the
best value Lobotomy pursues. We protect our valuable resources ... no employees' lives."- Description
Office Worker Effect: Increase the default amount of bullets.
Continuous Service: Increase E.G.O defense rate of employee.

The Welfare Team Department is one of the two Departments that can be unlocked from Day 26 after getting a checkpoint, located on the middle layer, Briah. This department is connected to the left

side of the Central Command Team Department, connected to both of its floors. It is connected with Record Team with elevator at the end of left bottom hallway. It contains of 1 main room, 1
elevator and 2 hallways. Chesed is the Sephirah of this department.

The Main Room is the only one in the department. Employees will start and wait there for instructions from the player and to heal any wounds. It contains of two levels, both are providing full
healing .

The Agents will wear blue shoulder bands with the letter 'C' on them. The Clerks will wear light blue suits with blue necktie and light blue pants. The Team's main color is Blue.
The Missions of this department are focusing on speeding through the day in a certain amount of time.

Department Functions
The Department Functions increases the amount of Bullets and defenses of the employees.
Office Worker Effect: Increase the default amount of bullets by the percentage of Clerks alive and sanity of the department. If all the Clerks of the department are dead and/or panicking, the effects are
Continuous Service: Increase E.G.O Suit Defenses of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the Agent out or to another department
for a day.
Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one Agent can have it at the same time): E.G.O Suit Defenses against all types of damage are increased by +20%

Mission Name Description Goal Notes

"The Welfare Team is always busy. They are working very hard while in a "Finish a day The time limit for day 26 will be 9 minutes 30 seconds (10
"For the
carefree environment, but the best method is to finish the job ASAP. This within the time minutes for day 27 - the minimum day for receiving this mission)
Aftermath 1"
ensures everyone to work more precisely and calmly." limit" and will be increased by 30 seconds after each day.

"Finish a day The time limit for day 26 will be 8 minutes (9 minutes for day 28
"For the "Better than I expected. How about raising the bar? I expect great results just
within the time - the minimum day for receiving this mission) and will be
Aftermath 2" like before."
limit" increased by 30 seconds after each day.

"Finish a day The time limit for day 26 will be 6 minutes 30 seconds (8 minutes
"For the "Preventing accidents and mopping up is our job. Finishing the job quickly
within the time for day 29 - the minimum day for receiving this mission) and will
Aftermath 3" means we have more time to mop up everything."
limit" be increased by 30 seconds after each day.
"I am sorry. I thought about the past. My request is always the same. Let me "Finish a day The time limit for day 26 will be 5 minutes (7 minutes for day 30
"For the
ask you a little bit harder to do with your ability. Yeah. I guess I can only within the time - the minimum day for receiving this mission) and will be
Aftermath 4"
stay in place like usual." limit" increased by 30 seconds after each day.

The Welfare Team has researches that provides Healing Bullets of the Bullet Research and its upgrade. These are:

HP-N Bullet: Unlocks HP Recovery Bullets which can heal an amount of HP to the employees in the area of the shot.
"Unlocks bullets with HP healing capabilities. The HP bullet manufactured by the Nano Technology Agreement with K Corp will speed up recovery of the physical body."

SP-E Bullet: Unlocks SP Recovery Bullets which can heal an amount of SP to the employees in the area of the shot. Has no effect on panicked employees.
"Unlocks bullets with SP healing capabilities. Applies weakened Enkephalin to any employee for a limited time. The carefully refined Enkephalin will heal the target’s mind without addiction."
Refine HP, SP Bullet: Increase the amount of healing done by the Healing HP and SP bullets.
"Increases the recovery amount of HP and SP Bullets. Recovery becomes more effective through the research for increasing the refinement purity of recovery bullets."


• This Department, along with the Disciplinary Team, come with their Main Room as two connected floors.
• Continuous Service bonus of this Department decreases the Absorb effect of The Silent Orchestra's E.G.O Suit and Gift. It is unknown if it is a bug.

Binah Meltdown
Binah is the Sephirah of the Extraction Team and the eighth
boss available. All the middle layer (Briah) must have been
defeated first before triggering its event. During the Sephirah
Meltdown, its appearance doesn't change much of its usual form, it
possess a humanoid form, an armored body with a coat and a dark
mask on its face.
During the event, dark corners and later on, a granulated effect
covers the screen during the day.
Similar to Gebura Meltdown, it becomes a suppressible entity. It
spawn in the main room of their department and doesn't provide
passive handicaps. It will act like an Abnormality, with its name
changed to "An Arbiter", classified as ALEPH. It has an

immense amount of HP at 4000 and must be suppressed 3

times by depleting their HP bar to be defeated completely,

and its behavior will change each time it is suppressed. Some text
will appear next to it when about to attack or do an action. An
Arbiter doesn't suffer damage made by Abnormalities.
• Day starts (Phase 1): An Arbiter summon
Special Qliphoth Meltdowns, Dark Meltdowns and
Golden Meltdowns. All departments possess Qliphoth
Meltdown Immunity against the Meltdowns given from
the Qliphoth Meltdown gauge, even if the department isn't immune.
o An Arbiter, will appear from their main room and will roam through the facility with a yellow aura, trying to get

into the upper departments. Their defenses start at Resistant (0.1) against all types of damage.
o Along with it spawning and summoning the Meltdowns, it will also raise dark spikes below the agents of the other
departments, dealing great Black Damage(~33-40) to anyone standing on its position, but take a short time to
o Upon seeing a target in the same room, An Arbiter will perform an attack. It will take pauses between attacks before
starting a new one.

Pillar Attack: It will charge a pillar in front of their direction, of a random damage type which can
be identify by their aura, and shoot it across the facility in a straight line, horizontally. It deals massive damage(~70-
84) of its damage type. Any containment units in the way of the pillar will get a Qliphoth Meltdown added.

Slash Attack: It will charge an aura on it hand of a random damage type and soon after, deal a
wave of slashes in front of its position, reaching the end of the room. It deals great damage(~220-300).
o Upon passing next to a containment unit, it will add a Qliphoth Meltdown to it, with dark effects on its containment
o Special Qliphoth Meltdowns: The meltdowns summoned by An Arbiter are different from the usual Qliphoth
Meltdown, but work similar to them and if the counter reaches 0, it will still add the penalty of the normal
Meltdown. It summons 6 Dark Meltdowns and 6 Golden Meltdowns. Working and removing a special Meltdown
will help to stop An Arbiter's power.
Dark Meltdown: A gray Qliphoth Meltdown. Abnormalities with this Meltdown will get a penalty addition of -

10% Success Rate. Upon removing them, a gray orb will be shot towards An Arbiter and upon removing all of

them in time, An Arbiter's defenses will decrease, becoming Vulnerable (2.0) against all the
Damage Types for a while, before decreasing to Endured (0.8).
Golden Meltdown: A gold Qliphoth Meltdown. Upon removing them, a golden orb will be shot towards An Arbiter and upon removing all of them in time, An Arbiter will be stunned, unable to
move and attack for a while, becoming open to attacks.
After a while, An Arbiter will summon her Special Qliphoth Meltdowns again if she is not pushed into the next phase in time, even if all of the Meltdowns are removed. As usual, The Spikes are
re-summoned as well during the reassignment of the meltdowns.

• Suppressed once (Phase 2): Background music changes. An Arbiter summon Special Qliphoth Meltdown again: Golden and Dark Meltdown, along another one, Meltdown of Waves.
o Their attacks remain the same, with their same behavior. Their defense return back to Resistant (0.1). As usual, when summoning the Meltdowns, dark spikes will raise below the agents position to
try to damage them with Black Damage.
o Meltdown of Waves: 5 purple Meltdowns that keep minor dark invulnerable creatures spawning across the facility. These beings act similar to King of Greed or the Ordeals of Amber, going

straight forward and dealing a considerable amount of Black Damage(~17-20) to the employees in its path. They move slowly and cannot be damaged, often burrowing and appearing in other
part of the facility. By removing all the Meltdown of Waves, the creatures will disappear. If the Meltdowns are or aren't removed, An Arbiter will summon them later.

• Suppressed twice (Phase 3): The screen filter change similar to a snow storm, dust particles or a granulated screen effect. An Arbiter will stop in its current position and summon 7 Meltdown
of Pillars and charge a special attack. Screen Filter changes. Stopping time is disabled.

o During this phase, An Arbiter will become Immune to damage and will charge pillars around itself in the cardinal directions, up to 8 pillars of random damage types.
o Meltdown of Pillars: 7 cyan Meltdowns will appear across the facility. They have an additional penalty of -20% Success Rate. Removing them will cause An Arbiter to stop their attack, not
using it, with its defenses decreasing to Endured (0.8) and moving to other spot, going to repeat its special attack once again and adding the Meltdowns of Pillars again. If not all the Meltdowns of
Pillars are removed in time, An Arbiter will shot the pillars to the direction that they are facing, dealing
massive damage of their type to any entity in its way and applying a normal Qliphoth Meltdown to the
containment units in the way. Afterwards, An Arbiter will add again the Meltdowns of Pillars,

To finish the event, the player must defeat An Arbiter.

After completing the day, Binah will reward the player with permanent upgrades: E.G.O. equipment will no longer

be lost when the employee wearing it dies and the department ( Extraction Team) will not be affected by
the Qliphoth Meltdown.

Flavour Text
Overload Text
• "Can you stop me with your own power now?"
• "Go ahead and stop me without her power."
• "This brings me back my senses."
• "This body can do this. Interesting, yet tenuous."
Phase 1
• "This body has too much limits."
• "If we knew what power this place holds, we could have used it."
• "You are being reckless again. You deceived the head."
Phase 2 and 3
• "If you can’t defeat me, you will be crushed by the head.
• "The cycle may be cut off, but it will return.
• "You can’t escape us.
• "What do you think you can do after escaping this prison?
• An Arbiter Suppressed:
• "You have proven yourself. I will watch you."

Spoken by An Arbiter
Phase 1
• Slash Attack:
o "Scatter"
o "Heed my words, fairies."
o "Analyze. Compress. Spread."
o (Finishing) "Do not stand before me."
• Constructing the Pillar:
o "Condensing the Key"
o "Focus"
o "Open"
• Releasing the Pillar:
o "Run rampant."
o "Come out."
o "Crumble."
• Making multiple Dark and Golden Meltdowns (and Meltdown of Waves):
o "Rise."
o "Fall."
o "Resonate."
• Golden Meltdowns
o (Successful to remove all) "Slumber is upon me."
o (Failure to remove all) "I cannot bend."
• Dark Meltdowns
o (Successful to remove all) "Weakening."
o (Failure to remove all) "You missed the chance."
• Phase 2
• Meltdown of Waves
o (Successful to remove all) "The waves shall rise again."
o (Failure to remove all) "You cannot stop the stream alone."
• Phase 3
• (On Pause) "You cannot stop the tide with hands." and "Try to stop me, with your own power."
• Meltdown of Pillars:
o "I will open the door."
o "Let us sink here together."
o (Successful to remove all) "Excellent."
o (Failure to remove all) "It is your immaturity."
Extraction Team
"Takes care of all physical materials in order to maintain the company. Plays a big role in maintaining the company by restoring collapsed facilities and extracting E.G.O. Arrangement and restoration of
Abnormalities are jobs of the Extractions Team as well. That’s why its employees are always facing something from the deep hole, and have an empty hole in their hearts as well."- Description
Office Worker Effect: Decrease the manufacture cost of all E.G.Os.
Continuous Service: Increase E.G.O defense rate and attack rate of the employee.

The Extraction Team Department is one of the two Departments that can be unlocked from Day 36 after getting a checkpoint, located on the bottom layer, Atziluth. This department is connected

with Disciplinary Team on top and with Architecture Team on bottom with elevators at the right side of the Main Room. From day 50 and onwards it will be connected with Carmen's Room at the

left end of the hallway, thus providing a shortcut to the Record Team. It contains 1 Main Room, 1 elevator and 1 hallway. Binah is the Sephirah of this department.
The Main Room is the only one in the department. Employees will start and wait there for instructions from the player and to heal any wounds.

The Agents will wear black shoulder bands with the letter 'B' on them. The Clerks will wear black suits and dark grey cloaks with gold hexagon patterns and black pants. The team's main color is Black.
The Missions of this department are focusing on extraction of E.G.O Equipment from Abnormalities.

Department Functions
The Department Functions decreases PE-Box cost of E.G.O Equipment and increases Attack and Defense ablilities of E.G.O Equipment.
Office Worker Effect: Decrease the manufacture cost of all E.G.Os by the percentage of Clerks alive and sanity of the department. If all the Clerks of the department are dead and/or panicking, the effects are
Level 3, 100% ~ 80% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: PE-Box cost of E.G.O Weapon and Suit decreased by 12%
Level 2, 79% ~ 50% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: PE-Box cost of E.G.O Weapon and Suit decreased by 8%
Level 1, 49% ~ 30% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: PE-Box cost of E.G.O Weapon and Suit decreased by 4%
Continuous Service: Increase E.G.O Weapon Attack Speed and E.G.O Suit Defenses of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the
Agent out or to another department for a day.
Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one Agent can have it at the same time): E.G.O Weapon Attack Speed and E.G.O Suit Defenses against all types of damage are increased by +20%
Level 3, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row: E.G.O Weapon Attack Speed and E.G.O Suit Defenses against all types of damage are increased by +10%
Level 2, Agent assigned for 3 ~ 6 days in a row: E.G.O Weapon Attack Speed and E.G.O Suit Defenses against all types of damage are increased by +6%
Level 1, Agent assigned for 1 ~ 2 days in a row: E.G.O Weapon Attack Speed and E.G.O Suit Defenses against all types of damage are increased by +3%

Mission Name Description Goal Notes

You need to buy 5 or more HE class

"Collecting "Let’s start with extracting E.G.O before we do anything else. The nature "Extract more than 5 E.G.O Weapons or E.G.O Suits. Note that you need to
Extracted of E.G.O and Abnormalities aren’t that different. They are both illusions E.G.O with HE or buy them during the day.
Specimens" extracted in the physical level. Bone for bone, blood for blood..." higher" Also you can use the Old Belief and Promise to destroy
the already purchased E.G.O Weapons to buy them again.

"Complete a day with 1 You must remember that E.G.O Gifts with the same slot
"Component of "You can take the word GIFT literally. It’s weaker than E.G.O, but it’s
or more employee that can be replaced by each other. The "GIFT Division"
self- part of their self-consciousness. Beware, though, taking self-
has 4 or more E.G.O upgrade will be useful if you don't yet have an Agent with
consciousness" consciousnesses of others may saturate yourself."
Gift." 4 E.G.O Gifts.

"E.G.O is borrowing the power of someone else’s self-consciousness.

Employees gain enormous power and strong body by donning a shell "Complete a day For this mission it is recommended to clear Gebura's Core
"Shell of self-
named E.G.O. Some like Red Mist took its power and claimed it possessing 8 or more Suppresion. ALEPH rated E.G.O Gifts are also
completely as their own but our employees can’t do that. The weaker the ALEPH level E.G.O" counted for this mission.
mind is, the more you want to hide behind someone else’s shell."

"As you know, abnormalities and ordeals are the things that came from "Complete a day with
human mind and took physical forms. That makes them possess maximum observation Quite simple mission if your goal is to learn everything
possibilities of past, present, even the future. They’re mystery and level on every about all Abnormalities that you have in the current
unstable. However, we humans have never stopped digging out truth. Not abnormality in the facility.
only abnormalities, we want to know and understand everything." facility"

The Extraction Team has researches that focused on E.G.O. Equipment and Abnormalities. These are:
E.G.O. Restoration: Gives a 25% chance to recover the E.G.O. Equipment (Weapon and Suit separated) when an employee dies.
"Reinforce the separation stability of E.G.O that has synchronized with an employee to lower the chance of losing the E.G.O."
Re-extraction: During the Abnormality Selection, a Re-Extraction Button will appear at the top of screen to get another selection of Abnormalities to pick. Once per selection.
"By implementing reversible extraction process, it allows you to re-extract an abnormality."
GIFT Division: E.G.O. Gift chance of being obtained is doubled.
"By dividing selection of abnormalities, it increases the possibility for employees to aquire E.G.O Gift."


• This Department, along with the Record Team, was the first department to be added after the Legacy version.
Hokma Meltdown
Hokma is the Sephirah of

the Record Team and the ninth

Boss available. All the middle layer
(Briah) must have been defeated
first before triggering its event.
During the Sephirah Meltdown, it
takes the form of a huge machinery
with different circular parts
resembling clocks, with a big one
of them at the middle, along with
clock handles and an eye at the
center. The machine rotates at
different intervals at random
directions. It is held by smaller
pieces near the base, which has the
remains of its original form.

During their event, the screen start

to lose color and enter into the gray
scale after some Qliphoth Meltdowns. It covers the screen completely with a static effect for a
moment after the day start and at Qliphoth Meltdown Level 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Their handicaps against the facility are the next:

• Day starts: Removes all the previous immunity against Qliphoth Meltdown of the other
departments, the player can no longer change the Game Speed (Stuck at 1x speed) and
pausing will cause 3-5 random agents to panic or die afterwards. Employees that
are Panicked or Invincible will not be selected to die from Hokma's Ability. The pause is
followed along with a screen breaking effect which last for some seconds. Trying to pause or
change the game speed will make a text show up on the screen for a moment.
• After Qliphoth Meltdown Level 7: The game speed will increase every meltdown until it
hits the max of 2.5 (1.5x speed, 1.7x speed, 1.9x speed, 2.1x speed, and 2.5x speed). This is
followed by a the sound that is related to time speeding up.

To finish the event, the player must collect all the energy, reach and complete the Qliphoth Meltdown
Level 10.
After completing the day, Hokma will reward the player with permanent upgrades: now the

maximum cap of stats is upgraded to 130, employees can be upgraded using Lob to
an additional stat level (EX or Level 6, but doesn't increase the employee's overall Level), and the

department ( Record Team) will not be affected by the Qliphoth Meltdown.

Flavour Text
Overload Text
• Default(50%):
o "Do we really need to change?"
o "Everyone who likes you is by your side now."
o "We will lose no one. It will only repeat."
• (level 1-6)
o "Why are you trying to let us go?"
o "I want to stay with you and everyone."
o "Please don’t take what’s left of my treasures."
• (Levels 7-10)
o "You never knew when to stop. I will stop you for sure this time."
o "I do not know. What more sacrifice will you make? What are you trying to achieve?"
o "I don’t want to change. I don’t want to forget. Let’s just stay."
o "I cannot understand. I cannot accept."
• (Increase, decrease or click the game speed) "Do not meaninglessly let the time flow." and "We must cherish each moment."
• (Pause) "A price follows a silence." and "I am always paying my price."
• (End) "You can advance…"

Record Team
"The department which records everything that happens in the company. There are endless pages but the last page is always empty. Employment and promotion of employees are decided by their records and
assessments. So employees always try to get on the good side of the Record Team since no one knows when [record deletion] will take place."- Description
Office Worker Effect: Increase every ability for all employees
Continuous Service: Increase every ability for the employee

The Record Team Department is one of the two Departments that can be unlocked from Day 36 after getting a checkpoint, located on the bottom layer, Atziluth. This department is connected

with Welfare Team on top and with Architecture Team on bottom with elevators at the left side of the Main Room. From day 50 and onwards it will be connected with Carmen's Room at the right

end of the hallway, thus providing a shortcut to the Extraction Team. It contains 1 Main Room, 1 elevator and 1 hallway. Hokma is the Sephirah of this department.

The Main Room is the only one in the department. Employees will start and wait there for instructions from the player and to heal any wounds.
The Agents will wear light gray shoulder bands with the letter 'H' on them. The Clerks will wear light gray suits with gray cloud pattern and dark gray pants. The Team's Main color is Gray.
The Missions of this department are focusing on training Agents with 100+ Stats.

Department Functions
The Department Functions increase every Stat for all employees.

Office Worker Effect: Increase every Stat for all Employees by the percentage of Clerks alive and sanity of the department. If all the Clerks of the department are dead and/or panicking, the
effects are negated.

% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance and Justice of all employees in the facility increased by +1

Continuous Service: Increase every Stat of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the Agent out or to another
department for a day.

Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one Agent can have it at the same time): Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance and Justice increased by +6

Mission Name Description Goal Notes

Send employees for Instinct work to

"The growth of all employees here are based on 4 virtues and these growths are
"Clear with 3 or more
"Virtue of directly applied in reality. I wonder where the limit lies? First, Fortitude comes
employees with 100 or increase Fortitude stat. Bonuses from
Protection" from a strong body and instinctive desire. Nobody knows if that desire will become
higher Fortitude"
a power to protect everyone or a weapon to satisfy one’s desires." E.G.O Gifts and department functions are also

"What is rationality? We see and analyze through the eyes of rationality. However, Send employees for Insight work to
"Complete a day with 5
"Virtue of its efficiency differs from people to people. A crude rationality blinds you,
or more employees with
Governance" excessive rationality becomes the knife that stabs you. We must be soundly rational increase Prudence stat. Bonuses from
100 or more Prudence"
to see this world and people." E.G.O Gifts and department functions are also

"All humans are born with desires. What’s important is how you control them. It’s
"Complete a day with 8 Send employees for Attachment work to
not just your problem. Your desires greatly affect how you treat the world and
"Virtue of or more employees with
people in it. Hearing only what you want to hear, and seeing only what you want to
Creation" 100 or more increase Temperance stat. Bonuses from
see. What’s really needed for humans is controlling these desires between oneself,
Temperance"" E.G.O Gifts and department functions are also
others, and the world. If it’s possible, we will be able to create great things."

"Do you believe the existence of soul? I do. I also believe that soul itself is the
reason of one’s existence. Then, is there a perfect soul? I do not think there is. "Complete a day with 10 Send employees for Repression work to
"Virtue of
However, one can endlessly get closer to perfection. The process of it is an endless or more employees with
Soul" increase Justice stat. Bonuses from
wave of agony. At the end of such effort, I expect that we will be able to make 100 or more Justice" E.G.O Gifts and department functions are also
valuations of everything correctly." counted.

The Record Team has researches that increases the maximum value of the Agent's Stats. These are:

Limit Break on Virtue of Protection: Limit on employee's Fortitude is increased to 120.

"Limit on Fortitude is released beyond records."

Limit Break on Virtue of Governance: Limit on employee's Prudence is increased to 120.

"Limit on Prudence is released beyond records."

Limit Break on Virtue of Creation: Limit on employee's Temperance is increased to 120.

"Limit on Temperance is released beyond records."


• This Department, along with the Extraction Team, was the first department to be added after the Legacy version.

• The Continuous Service bonus of this department is the same as Central Command Team's one but gives little better stats.

Kether Meltdown
There is no Sephirah for the Architecture Team. From day 46 to the final day (50), the player(X) is tested for his management abilities and is faced with harsh trails in a similar format to a Sephirah Core
Suppression. All four initial days(46-49) are unique but have two things in common:
• There will be only Ordeals of White instead of any other type of Ordeal
• Qliphoth Meltdowns will not appear in the Architecture department, however all the previous immunity against Qliphoth Meltdowns will be removed from the other departments.

Core Suppressions can not be done on days 46 and onward, as this is considered to be a forced core suppression by the game. If the Sephirah Core Suppresions in the corresponding days are not completed,
the player can not progress any further through the Trails and will be forced to reset back to day 1.

Proof (Day 46)

The Trails starts off at the beginning, Ordeals. This day is to show what is yet to come in the other three days that follows. This day consists of only what is said above and is the easiest day out of the four.
To finish this day the player must collect all the energy and suppress the Midnight of White, also known as "The Claw".

Fatigue and Waiting (Day 47)

During the event, it consists of the common effects said above and the inclusion of the Asiyah Sephirah bosses (Malkuth, Yesod, Hod, and Netzach).
The handicaps in this day are the following:
• Starting effect: Works done by employees are randomly replaced by another type of work every other Qliphoth Meltdown (Malkuth).
• Meltdown level 2: The UI will be pixelated and blured (Yesod).
• Meltdown level 3: Every stat from the Agents in the facility will be reduced by -50 (Hod).
• Meltdown level 4: When the player orders a work, they will not be able to cancel them by clicking the containment room (Malkuth). Employees cannot be healed from any sources except at
the start of each Qliphoth Meltdown (Netzach).
To finish this day, the player must collect all the energy and reach the Qliphoth Meltdown level 6. If the player doesn't complete all of the Asiyah Sephirah Meltdowns or fails the day, the player will receive
the ending A.

Regret and Atonement (Day 48)

This event consists of the common effects said above and the inclusion of only the Briah Sephirah bosses (Tiphereth, Chesed and later Gebura).
The handicaps in this day are the following:
• Starting effect: 2 types of damage will be illuminated on the cross at the top of the screen every Qliphoth Meltdown, increasing the damage type select by 4 times the amount(Chesed).
• Meltdown level 5: Chesed will be turned off and the Red Mist appears at Disciplinary Team main room. Phases of her suppression will be the same as during Gebura Core Suppression but

she has 1800 HP instead of 3000 HP, 40% less than the original .(Gebura).
• Meltdown level 8: Chesed will boot up again, illuminating 3 types of damage every Qliphoth Meltdown.

To finish this day, the player must either collect all the energy and reach the Qliphoth Meltdown level 10 or suppress the Red Mist. If the player doesn't complete all of the Briah Sephirah Meltdowns or fails
the day, the player will receive ending B.

Freedom and Redemption (Day 49)

This event consists of the common effects said above and the inclusion of only the Atziluth Sephirah bosses (Hokma, and later Binah).
The handicaps in this day are the following:
• Starting effect: the game speed will be set and locked at 1x speed. If the player attempts to pause the game, 1 employee will die or panic and it will increase the amount until every employee
dies or panics in the facility(Hokma).
• Meltdown level 5: An Arbiter appears at Extraction Team main room. Phases of her suppression will be the same as during Binah Core Suppression with two differences in the boss:

o An Arbiter has 2400 HP instead of 4000 HP, 40% less than the original.
o At the last phase: the player will be able to pause(although Hokma Suppression effect will still kill/panic random employees after pausing the game). (Binah)
• Meltdown level 9: The game speed will be set and locked at 1.5x. An Arbiter will be deactivated, won't add meltdowns, and will not be targeted by entities.
• Meltdown level 10: The game speed will be set and locked at 2.5x.

To finish this day, the player must either collect all the energy and complete the Qliphoth Meltdown level 10 or suppress An Arbiter. If the player doesn't complete all of the Atziluth Sephirah Meltdowns or
fails the day, the player will receive ending C.

Tree of Light (Day 50)

During this event there will be nor Ordeals neither Qliphoth Meltdowns. There is nothing majorly harmful on this day and the only thing that happens are visual facility effects. These effects are the following:
• 10%: rotates the facility by 36° • 70%: Increases the speed of the facility rising • 100%: The camera scrolls upward as Ayin speaks to
• 20%: rotates the facility by 72° • 80%: Increases the speed as the screen fades to X (Ayin). After the short talk, the credits roll. The
• 30%: rotates the facility by 108° white. The facility has reached the surface. player can't do anything else. Clicking the mouse or
• 40%: rotates the facility by 144° • 90%: The beam of light activates above the facility, pressing any buttons will speed up the credit.
• 50%: rotates the facility by 180° shining light over the world
• 60%: facility looks to be rises upward

The Silent Orchestra will not reduce the energy quota during the 4th movement on this day. Der Freischütz, Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary and Old Belief and Promise can.
Der Freischütz's bullets will be rotated according to the facility rotation.
The player can't drag a box, Order employees, click out of Employee's infos when the facility has rotated.
To finish this day the player must Collect all the Energy. If the player has 100% Abnormality Dissolution after completing the Day 50, the player will receive the 100% Seed of Light ending (also known as
True Ending). They will also get all bad endings before the 100% Seed of Light ending in the Story replay viewer. If not, the player can unlock it after reaching 100% Abnormality Dissolution during one of
the next runs.

Flavour Text
Fatigue and Waiting Overload Text
(Levels 1-2) ▪ "Everything we thought to be a hope turned out to be despair."
▪ "We did not know where to go. Do you think it’ll be any better from now? It won’t." ▪ "How do we get any better from this? It will only get worse and worse."
▪ "How do we move forward when we can’t even stand upright?."
▪ "Remember Elijah’s last. How he crawled before death’s face…" (Level 5)
▪ "It’s for everyone’s sake to return now. Who knows if our unforgivable sin gets a bit ▪ "I survived alone. I have lived day by day, fighting an uphill battle. Because I thought my
lighter if you do?" survival would somehow change the situation. How foolish I was."
▪ "Perhaps our souls have already died long time ago, just as Carmen feared."
(Level 3) ▪ "Going further than this is futile. Please, you have to just accept it."
▪ "Our hearts were overflowing with despair as we prepared for tomorrow as if nothing has ▪ "You told Giovanni that you could revive Carmen. But, think about it. Did you really lead
happened even after many of our comrade’s deaths." him to the eternal slumber because you believed so?"
▪ "The suppressed feelings were so severe that it felt like bugs were crawling on our skin."
▪ "But we had to do it. We had come too far. However, one failure lead to a complete (Level 6)
breakdown." ▪ "The world has abandoned us! We tried not to let it go but it threw us like a piece of
▪ "Obsession for rules, not letting an inch of sadness gets to us… we had no other way but garbage at the end."
these. Even you agreed." ▪ "I was too naïve. I realized what we have done after all these years."
▪ "A brief struggle has become forever. I just wish that you don’t fall into despair and anger
(Level 4) again."
▪ "Michelle was a young and timid employee. She chose to be a whistleblower out of fear to ▪ "You can overcome this if you wake up. You still have a chance. Please, listen to me."
the world. If we gave a bit more attention to her, she wouldn’t have run away."

Regret and Atonement Overload Text

Overload 1 ▪ "The things I let go has gone too far for me to take them in my hands again."
▪ "Only regret is waiting for you tomorrow. A well-deserved punishment for us.” ▪ "Why do I have to be abandoned by this world alone like this?"
▪ "We tried to don’t trust anyone. But we shamelessly woke up our comrades who fell
asleep…” Overload 4
▪ "Do not fear the sinking. Accept it. Let us sink with Carmen.” ▪ "Yes, there was only path of despair in the sky she looked up to."
▪ "Desires are void and meaningless. Can’t you hear it? The doors are closing. They will not
Overload 2 open again."
▪ "Don’t have hope for anything. For our employees who died hopelessly, at least." ▪ "I’m fine with my life expiring here now. Only stigma waits for those who do not
▪ "If the existence itself is an ailment to us, there’s only one way to cure it. Just close your overcome."
eyes, and never open them again." ▪ "It was my job protecting my employees and friends. But I couldn’t save even one
▪ "We broke everything with her warmth in our hands." person."
▪ "Tell me, what great purpose did we have in those actions?"
Overload 5
Overload 3 ▪ "The scene, the air, the pain of that day…It comes back no matter how many times I try to
▪ "You will never escape this guilt if you just stay that way. You will curse your existence, erase them. Tell me, how do I get away from this?"
you everyday will be painful." ▪ "Do we really deserve to exist? Stepping on all those sacrifices?"
▪ "Carmen has gone without a smile. As a nap under the warm sun will never return." ▪ "Let us just sleep peacefully… Let us sink and flow to the stream with Carmen, who must
▪ "You just have to let everything go. You don’t even have power to grab on anything…." have been lonely for so long…"

Freedom and Redemption Overload Text

Overload 1 ▪ "People had to give up on freedom and desires for life. But do you think they are truly
▪ "The path I took was riddled with thorns with no ends in sight." gone? They were merely waiting for the chance to rise again."
▪ "Thus, I have revealed myself. I, who do not cling on to mere past, regrets, and ▪ "The desires humanity has given up are floating under the deep stream. People shall be
memories." isolated from themselves and never be free and if they stay this way."
▪ "People live day by day looking up to the hope they cannot reach while shedding tears of ▪ "They thirst for pure desires. We shall fill their glasses with forbidden fruits."
pain. We have power to save them and we must rightfully use it."
▪ "They will perish in torment if a redeemer does not save them as mankind was saved from Overload 4
the great flood long time ago because of the ark." ▪ "A person needs to be free to be human."
▪ "The sky will fall, and people will be holy. They will search for the promised glory as they
Overload 2 change."
▪ "We must use the power if we have it." ▪ "I know you are not sure what’s ahead of you. The future you want might never come. I
▪ "You know how many sacrifices were made to come this far. We cannot let them in vain. can show the future in front of your eyes, instead."
Join me." ▪ "Let go of your fear and gain true freedom. It will also cure the disease she tried to heal."
▪ "We are all sinners. Our imperfect eyes could not see the world properly. It is time that I
cleaned them."
Overload 5
Overload 3 ▪ "You do not hear the trumpets."
▪ "People are too ignorant to see what’s going on to the world they’re stepping on. ▪ "How shameful. Do you truly want to people to suffocate, locked in their skin?"
However, ignorance is not a sin. Disbelief is." ▪ "They are moaning in agony even as of this moment. Why can’t you hear them?"
▪ "One bite of this sweet fruit will redeem all of them!"

Text spoken by Ayin

Start: "Let’s get to work. As we always have done."
1. "You might feel a bit dizzy, but it’s worth it. Just bear with it."
2. "I hope no one dies or suffer today."
3. "I’m so sorry that I have to make you do this again. But you’re not far from the end."
4. "You have been through so much. Today came before you realized as you have endured the pain."
5. "You made it this far. I know you will make it again. Let us face this day just like the other ones."

1. "It has been so long since I saw the light behind the mist."
2. "We were buried here for an immeasurable time."

1. "I haven’t been outside for ages. It seems nothing has changed much. The same glorious, mundane scenery."
2. "Let’s embrace this place with warmth. So everyone can shine like the stars in the sky."
3. "We will make human be human. What’s left for us after that is just to watch."

Shining light over the world:

1. "The energy you produced for the last 50 days is for this day. The moment we shine down the world."
2. "Let’s give them the answer we searched for eons."
3. "It is time for us to step down from the stage. We won’t be forgotten even if we scatter and fade into the light."

Before the credits:

• "A tree burst from the land. It scattered fruits onto the world from its branches."
"The tree grown from infinite possibilities and processes is closer to the sky and fierce more than anything else."
"The lines between past and future, reality and illusion, body and mind, space and time were being slowly fading away."
"They say that void awaits at the end,"
"but I know that it’s not just empty."
"You will be the infinite light."
"Your name is Ayin."
"Remember our names."
"Fade away."

Architecture Team
"Employees, abnormalities, Sephirahs, and the facility. The first will of everything. Orders that are meant to guide us to the righteous place stars from here and echoes to the entire facility. Infinite
possibilities will bloom by the will of the one who faces and the one who listens. Be prepared for the age of humans."- Description
Office Worker Effect: none
Continuous Service: Increase every ability for the employee.

The Architecture Team Department is the department that is unlocked from day 46 after getting a checkpoint, located on the bottom layer, Atziluth. This department is connected by elevators

with Record Team at the end of the left hallway and with Extraction Team at the end of the right hallway. It contains of 1 main room, 2 elevators and 2 hallways. The name of the Sephirah of this
department is not actually revealed in the Story Mode, but his name is seems to be Kether, based on the letter on the shoulder bands of agents and on the name of the last missing Sefirah from Kabbalah.
During the progress of the department, the player meets with individuals who are his past reincarnations, each of which has its own name.

The agents will wear white shoulder bands with the letter 'K' on them. There are no clerks in this department. The team's main color is white.
The main room is in the center of the department. Employees will start and wait there for instructions from the player and to heal any wounds. The room is changing its appearance from day 46 to
day 50:
• At day 46 the main room looks like an old-fashioned director's office with a large table on the left side with a computer and a large couch on the right side. In the center of the back wall of the room is
the Lobotomy Corporation logo.
• At day 47 it has the same appearance, but every object in the office seems to be melting.
• At day 48 the room has a completely melted view in a green tone. In the background, you can see different containers with organs and photos of the upper-level Sephirahs.
• At day 49 it has the same appearance as previous with addition of some machinery and slimy objects. Also the photos of middle-level Sephirahs can be found there.
• At day 50 and onwards it takes its final appearance. It will become white with black square spiral pattern. In the center there will be a column with an entrance, and on this column there will be portraits
of all Sephirah together with A (Binah's portrait will be blured).

Also at day 50 there will be a small room above this department and below the Central Command Team. This room doesn't belong to any department and has its own healing regenerator with power of

the main department room (although it doesn't show its gauge bar). It contains the nervous system of Carmen and is connected with Record Team at the left side and Extraction Team at the right

Department Functions
The Department Functions increases every ablilities of the employee.
Office Worker Effect: This department doesn't provide any Office Worker Effect because it doesn't have any Clerks.

Continuous Service: Increase every Stat of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the agent out or to another
department for a day.

Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one agent can have it at the same time): Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance and Justice increased by +7

• This department is the only one that changes its appearance in progress.

• This department along with Central Command Team Department is the one with the largest number of containment units.

o Unlike the Central Command Team you can assign only 5 agents to this department.

• The Continuous Service bonus of this department is same as Central Command Team's and Record Team's one but gives better Stats.

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