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Domestic Violence

Document Writer: Sana Mir (1911351)

Roll no. BBA-19-0648
Section F
Table of Contents
What is Domestic Violence? ...................................................................................................... 1

Forms of Domestic Violence: .................................................................................................... 1

Origin of Domestic Violence ..................................................................................................... 2

Physical Abuse ........................................................................................................................... 3

Dowry deaths......................................................................................................................... 3

Acid attacks ........................................................................................................................... 3

Honor killing ......................................................................................................................... 3

Victims of acid attacks ............................................................................................................... 3

Case no.1 .......................................................................................................................... 4

Case no.2 .......................................................................................................................... 5

Case no.3 .......................................................................................................................... 6

.......................................................................................................................................... 6

Psychological Abuse .................................................................................................................. 7

.................................................................................................................................................... 7

Sexual abuse .............................................................................................................................. 7

Economic or Financial Abuse .................................................................................................... 8

Effects of Domestic Violence on women abused ...................................................................... 9

Causes of Domestic Violence: ................................................................................................... 9

Steps taken to diminish Domestic Violence ............................................................................ 10

White Ribbon Campaign Pakistan ........................................................................................... 10

 Media for Change ......................................................................................................... 11

 Pledge Campaign .......................................................................................................... 11

 Observing White Ribbon Day ....................................................................................... 11

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is violence or any kind of abuse against one person by another in an

intimate relationship such as a marriage. There are various examples of domestic violence

such as attempt to assault, verbal abuse etc.

Forms of Domestic Violence:

 Physical Abuse

 Psychological Abuse

 Sexual Abuse

 Economic or Financial Abuse

Origin of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is not known to date. It has always been in the society since Pakistan came
into being. Human Rights Watch carried out a study in 2009 and found out that 20-30%
women have experienced some kind of violence. According to Tribune Express 90% women
face domestic violence in Pakistan.

In 2011, Thomson Reuter’s survey ranked Pakistan as the third most dangerous country in the
world for women.

-Source: 2012-13 Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey.

According to the survey women in KPK and Baluchistan have experienced more
domestic violence than women in others areas of Pakistan. Educated women
reported less as compared to uneducated but the number of educated women
reporting cases is not low either. Although the percentages are shockingly high,
however, they are not news to most in Pakistan. 2

Physical Abuse
It is reported that every year thousands of women are disabled in Pakistan due to physical

Dowry deaths

Women are often attacked or murdered as the dowry they received is considered as
insufficient by their in laws or husband. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan stated
that everyday 4 women are killed due to this reason by family members or husbands. A
survey was performed in 1988 showing that the number of women killed this way was about
800 which then rose to 1800 in 1990.

Acid attacks

Acid attacks were carried out on multiple women due to inappropriate dressing or rejecting
marriage proposals. The first ever acid attack was carried out in East Pakistan in 1967. In the
last 10 years, around 15,000 cases had been reported throughout the country.

Honor killing

Honor killing is basically the killing of a woman or a girl as she is said to have brought
shame or dishonor to the family. In most of the cases reported the killings are committed by
husbands. It is reported that around 2000 killings are committed every 4 years due to this

Victims of acid attacks

Some of the most prominent cases of acid attacks in Pakistan are:

Case no.1

12 years ago, aged 17 Irum was the victim of an acid attack as she rejected a marriage
proposal. She has gone plastic surgery 25 times but still lost one eye.

Case no.2

In 2008 at the age of 5 Najaf was burned by her father while she was sleeping because he
didn’t want another girl in the family. She became blind after the incident and was abandoned
by her both parents. She has gone plastic surgery 15 times to try to recover from her scars. 3

Check out the link for all three cases presented
Case no.3

In 2007 when Nasreen turned 14 her cousin poured a bottle of acid on her face while she was
asleep because he couldn’t stand other boys whistling at her when she went out. Now she is
completely blind.

Psychological Abuse

Psychological abuse, also known as

emotional abuse, includes the act of
yelling, insulting, threatening and
controlling behaviors. Also blaming,
shaming and name calling are a few ways used to emotionally abuse a person. The victim is
often manipulated, intimidated or criticized to diminish their self-esteem and peace of mind
resulting in severe psychological effects.

In Pakistan random married women were interviewed and 60.8% reported that they are being
severely psychologically abused currently with 15% being victims in the past. Most of them
even reported of being in a poor mental state.

Sexual abuse
Spousal sexual abuse is a form of domestic violence. It involves threats of unwanted sexual
contact by a woman’s husband. It can be classified as rape as it isn’t exactly consensual. A
study in Pakistan conducted that out of hundred 77.1% Pakistani men admitted engaging in
non-consensual sex with their wives.

Another study was carried, and it was concluded that in

Karachi 11% females were forcefully engaged in sexual
intercourse with their husbands. According to Human
Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) marital rape
was reported by 46.9% of the women interviewed out of

Sexual Abuse can take up many forms such as:

 Rape within marriage

 Forced prostitution
 Trafficking of women

Economic or Financial Abuse
Economic Abuse is when one partner in a marriage has control over other partner’s access to
economic resources in order to prevent them from supporting themselves forcing them to
depend on the abuser financially. It even includes preventing the victim from getting basic
education or obtaining a job.

In extreme cases the abuser keeps control over the victim’s money and forces the victim to
beg in front of them. Abuser often exploits the victim’s economic resources.

An Indian graduate of Sheffield Hallam University located in England, Punita Chowbey,

carried out a study in 2017 in which she spoke with 84 mothers with dependent children from
Pakistani Muslim background in Britain about their household finances. Out of 84 women, 33
reported economic abuse.

Iffat a Pakistani homemaker, received gold for her personal use as dowry by her parents and
in-laws, said she was asked to sell her gold to pay for the documentation of her husband’s
employment. She said he promised to return her the gold but instead he spent it on the woman
he had an affair with.

Another woman, Falak, who lives in UK, told how she was paying for everything and her
husband sent all her earnings to his parents in Pakistan and bought properties in his name and
never even discussed any financial issues with her.

Effects of Domestic Violence on women abused
 Women who are abused start facing extreme anxiety issues resulting in panic attacks,

sleeping disorders and depression in the long run.

 Death

 Many women who have been in an abusive relationship can have a heart disease or


 Most of them end up facing poverty as their access to their economic resources has been


 Self-harm is a very common effect of domestic violence as women abused feel they need

a way out and in extreme cases ending attempting suicide.

 Drug Abuse is often done to relieve all the stress they have faced.

 Birth of more abusers as teenage boys who witness their father assaulting their mothers

are seven times more likely to assault their wives in future.

 Domestic Violence has seriously affected self-esteem of a lot of women abused as they

end up questioning if they are good enough. 4

Causes of Domestic Violence:

 One partner often feels that he or she should have control over the other in a domestic
 Alcohol addiction is a contributing factor.
 Many are learned through observation.
 Patriarchal mindset.
 When one partner feels inferior of the other.
 People having unstable feelings or loss of control.5

Steps taken to diminish Domestic Violence
Various steps have been taken to in Pakistan to reduce domestic violence such as introducing
NGO’S and campaigns in every city:

o Sexual Harassment Watch (Islamabad)

o Aurat Foundation (Islamabad)

o War Against Rape (Karachi)

o Kiran Ahmed welfare association (Karachi)

o White Ribbon Campaign Pakistan (Lahore)

o All Pakistan Women Association -APWA (Peshawar)

White Ribbon Campaign Pakistan

W hite Ribbon out of all these has done the most significant job. It is a campaign run
by men and boys to end male violence against women. Their goal is to educate
men that masculinity can be used in a healthy and positive way. They are
supporting women rights and creating awareness by teaching women about consent, respect
and gender equality. In fact, they are fully welcoming men to join hands with them in saving
the female population from gender injustice.

 Youth Leadership Program
They involved students and the youth of our country to train them and educate them
to oppose domestic violence against women. They are targeting the younger
generations for the betterment of their future.

 Legal Awareness Program

Many new laws have been enforced at provincial and federal levels to counter attacks
against women like acid attacks, honor killings etc. A nationwide awareness program
is also organized for untrained and unaware stakeholders, lawyers and MLOs to help
them understand more about laws and procedures. It even includes legal assistance for
victims and awareness for women and communities at large.

 Media for Change

To bring change electronic and print media is also being used and journalists have
been hired form all over the country to keep them updated with cases. The main focus is to
promote women rights through articles, newspapers and reports.

 Pledge Campaign

White Ribbon is running the #Pledge campaign asking men to pledge their allegiance to
eradicate violence against women.

 Observing White Ribbon Day

White Ribbon Day is celebrated every year on 25th November to show support for women
facing domestic violence and to highlight the role of men in diminishing violence against


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