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GEC1 - Understanding the Self Diseases Associated with the Reproductive

Escherichia Coli – spreads through digestive
- Self-Concept
tract; the sexually transmitted organisms
- Self/Me
- Identities  Syphilis
- Identity (Broader)  Gonorrhea
 Herpes Virus
Components of Empirical Self
 Yeast (Type of Fungus)
1. Material Self –
- Clearly an intimate part of who we These Vaginal Infections that is left
are untreated may spread throughout the
- Includes in our Psychological female reproductive tract that may cause
Ownership pelvic inflammatory disease and sterility.
- Bodily Self & Extracorporeal In Males Prostatitis, Urethritis and
2. Social Self – Epididymitis is the most common
- Refers to how we are regarded and inflammatory conditions.
recognized by others
- Relational Self STD – Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Self-affirmation Orchiditis – It is uncommon but serious
3. Spiritual Self – because it can cause Sterility (also Mumps)
- Refers to our self-perceived abilities,
attitudes, emotions, interests, Neoplasm – Major threat to Reproductive
motives, values, opinions, traits, etc. Organs. In Females, breast and cervix
cancer while in Males, prostate cancer.
Self-Affirmation – Giving motivation to
yourself The Reproductive Organs and Breasts
begins to atrophy or shrink if Estrogen is no
Health Benefits: longer released from the body.
- Reduce blood pressure Erogenous Zones – refer to parts of the
- Circulates blood body that one primarily receptive and
- Reduce Cancer increase sexual arousal when touched in a
CHAPTER II: UNPACKING THE SELF sexual manner. (Neck, Thighs, Abdomen
and Feet)
Human Sexual Behavior – defined as any
Puberty – The period of life, generally activity-solitary, between two persons, or in
between the ages of 10 to 15 years old. At a group that induces sexual arousal.
the age of 13 in male while in female is 11.
Testosterone – Male
Estrogen – Female
Types of Behavior Nervous System Factors
- Sexual response is dependent on the
Solitary Behavior –
activity of the nervous system.
Self-gratification, involving one only Hypothalamus and the limbic
individual like Masturbation to satisfy or system are the parts of the brain
pleasing oneself. believed to be responsible for
Sociosexual Behavior – regulating the sexual response but
there is no specialized sex center in
Involving more than one person. It is the human brain.
generally divided into;
Sexual Problems
 Heterosexual Behavior (Male with
Female) - Sexual problems may be classified as
 Homosexual behavior (Male with Physiological, Psychological and
Male or Female with Female) Social in origin.
Coitus – Sexual Intercourse Physiological Problems – People suffer
Physiology of Human Sexual Response from diseases that are due to abnormal
development of genitalia.
Sexual response follows a pattern of
sequential stages or phases when sexual Psychological Problems – It is caused by
activity is continued. socially induced inhibitions, maladaptive
attitudes, ignorance and sexual myths
1. Excitement Phase – Increased skin
temperature, flushing and swelling held by society. (being delusional in
of all distensible body parts, rapid ideals in coitus can cause negative
breathing, the secretion of genital emotions if doesn’t achieve)
fluids, vaginal expansion and a Premature Emission of Semen - refers
general increase in muscle tension.
to the persistent or recurrent discharge
2. Plateau – It is generally of brief
of semen with minimal sexual
duration. If simulation is continued,
orgasm usually occurs. stimulation before, on, or shortly after
3. Sexual Climax – Rapid increase in penetration, before the person wishes
pulse rate and blood pressure, it, and earlier than he expects it.
spasms of the pelvic muscle of Ejaculatory Impotence – inability to
vagina and ejaculation by male.
ejaculate in coitus. It appears to be
4. Resolution – It is the last stage
associated with ideas or contamination
(Males returns into normal even if
stimulation continues, but continued or traumatic experiences and memories.
stimulation can produce additional It can also be possibly expected with
orgasm to females) Females are older male who exceed their sexual
physically capable of repeated capacity.
orgasms without intervening “Rest
Vaginismus – Strong spasm of pelvic
Periods” required by male.
musculature because of sexual trauma.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) C. Basal Body Temperature
1. Chlamydia The basal body temperature method — a
2. Gonorrhea fertility awareness-based method — is a
3. Syphilis type of natural family planning. Your basal
4. Chancroid body temperature is your temperature
5. Human Papillomavirus when you're fully at rest. Ovulation may
6. Herpes Simplex Virus cause a slight increase in basal body
7. Trichomonas Vaginalis temperature. f you're hoping to get
pregnant, you can use the basal body
Natural and Artificial Methods of
temperature method to determine the best
days to have sex. Similarly, if you're hoping
Natural family planning method means that to avoid pregnancy, you can use the basal
it doesn’t involve any chemical or foreign body temperature method to help
body introduction into human body. determine which days to avoid unprotected
A. Abstinence – This natural method is
refraining from sexual intercourse; D. Cervical Mucus Method
this is the most effective natural
You have to feel and look at your mucus (or
birth control.
discharge) every, single day, and record
B. Calendar Method
what you notice on a special chart. You can
start tracking your mucus the day after your
period stops completely.
E. Symptothermal Method
This is basically the combination of Body
Basal Temperature and Cervical Mucus
Method. A woman will records her
temperature at the same time she also
Average cycle is 28 days. If bleeding begins checks her cervical mucus for changes.
again on any of these days, a new cycle has
begun; skip the rest of reads and start at F. Ovulation Detection
day 1. A kit that requires the urine of a woman to
If you’re hoping to get pregnant, have sex predict the ovulation through the surge of
regularly during fertile days. luteinizing hormone that happens 12 to 24
hours before the ovulation.
G. Coitus Interruptus can be effective for five to seven
The oldest method in which the male and
G. Chemical Barriers
female will continue the coitus but the male
Chemical barriers such as
will release his spermatozoa outside of the
spermicides, vaginal gels and
female vagina.
creams, and glycerin films are used
to cause the death of sperms before
they can enter the cervix and to
Artificial Methods
lower the Ph level of the female
A. Oral Contraceptives reproductive organ so it will not
Also known as the Pills to prevent become conducive for the sperm.
the pregnancy of women. On the other hand, these chemical
B. Transdermal Patch barriers cannot prevent sexually
The woman should apply one patch transmitted infection.
every week for three weeks on the H. Diaphragm
following areas; upper or outer arm, It is a circular, rubber disk that fits
upper torso, abdomen or buttocks. the cervix and should be placed
C. Vaginal Ring before coitus. Diaphragm works by
It releases a continuous dose of the inhibiting the entrance of the sperm
hormone’s estrogen and into the vagina and it works better
progestogen into the bloodstream when used together with the
to prevent pregnancy. spermicide.
D. Subdermal Implants I. Cervical Cap
A subdermal implant refers to a A cervical cap is made of soft rubber
body modification that is placed and fitted on the rim of the cervix. It
underneath the skin, therefore is shaped like a thimble with the thin
allowing the body to heal over the rim, and could stay in place for not
implant and creating a raised design more than 24 hours.
to prevent pregnancy for three to J. Male Condoms
five years It can prevent pregnancy at the
E. Hormonal Injections same time to transmit diseases such
The injection causes changes in the as STI or sexually transmitted
endometrium and cervical mucus infections.
and can help prevent ovulation. K. Female Condoms
F. Intrauterine Device It is like a male condom and it is pre-
It prevents fertilization by creating a lubricated by spermicides.
local sterile inflammatory condition L. Surgical Methods
to prevent implantation of the In which in male, vas deferens is
zygote. The IUD is fitted only by the then tied, cauterized, cut or plugged
physician and inserted after the to block the passage of sperm. While
woman’s menstrual flow. The device in female, it target the fallopian tube
for cutting, cauterizing or blocking to
inhibit the passage of both the
sperm and ova.

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