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Professional Development 2019

Date Subject Explanation

11/2/19 Vision Australia Spoke about Elijah and how his vision impacts his daily life. Spoke about
& Guide Dogs the way we should treat Elijah with no difference to any other child, as he
Australia needs to learn to participate in daily life choices on his own. We
experienced what it feels like to be blind through wearing a blind fold and
using a Cain while being guided with a partner
8/3/19 Literacy CAFE Recapping café, understanding the purpose of what the program is and the
resources available for teachers in our school. Went over the reading
strategies and prompts we could say to assist learners. Need students to
model what silent reading is and what it isn’t as there is a lot of
researchers of how beneficial silent reading is. It benefits EAL children
with how important is read to’s are. Send parents a message about what
read: CAFÉ Menu and Emergent CAFÉ menu. Teachers sharing their
insights of how they use CAFÉ in their classroom. The importance of
setting up a CAFÉ wall.
14/3/19 Beginning Unpacking horizons of hope and how it relates to us personal. Creating an
Teacher Network action goal to improve in my practice
25/3/19 Introducing How to use makey makey in the space. What is a makey makey, where
makey makeys do they fit in the curriculum. What is fun theory- ways of making
unattractive objects/activities attractive so people will participate in them
rather then avoiding them. This is something we need to incorporate at
school. Fun can change the behaviour.

We got to explore how makey makeys work and we can introduce the
language to real life experiences for children. We connected plasticine to
the cords in order to play the keys from plasatcine to come out of the
computer app makey makey bongo. Learnt how a circuit needs to be
circuited but with connectives
26/4/19 Moving from  Watched Rita Pearson TED talk
Provisional to Full  Went through an introductory talk about the inquiry process
Registration  Talking about key points to include in inquiry presentation
 Inquiry question- using the SMART strategy
 Watched videos about teachers first years and discussed how
they met the standards and what evidence they had
1/5/19 PB4L  Explanation of what PB4L is
 Teaching the expectations of the desired behaviour rather than
 Teach classroom expectation within classroom routines
o These routines promote smooth operation of
classroom, especially in problematic areas or times
o Recognise students when they successfully follow
classroom routines with positive feedback
 Discussion how to introduce what the behaviour matrix is,
reward menu
6/5/19 Big Write and  Introduction of how VCOP and oracy skills came together and
VCOP formed this program
 Began the session with a game (games are important aspect to
warm our brains up, only quick 2mins)
o Game: How many alternatives for said do you know?
How many alternatives for went do you know? How
many alternatives for nice do you know?
 Setting up the VCOP display
o Punctuation is complete all the time (Preps should
know all the punctuation marks by the end of the year
o Colours are important- black background
 Sharing of resources
 One at a time you teach specific VCOP skills (2-3 weeks per
 Preps have a different assessment schedule compared to grade 1
 Games based on oral language
 Ros Wilson’s- The Writing Tool Kit
o 1st what: What is the text type?
o 2nd what: Stimulus –motivating students write in a
variety of ways
o 1st how: GhASP: Grammar, Handwriting, Spelling,
o 2nd How: VCOP- Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers,
 the 4T Model
o Target or goal: clear goals to the text type we are
o Teach: short sharp explicit teach
o Talk: students talk to each other about their
o Task : writing task
6/5/19 Understanding  Discussion about what a balanced reader is- comprehension,
Levelled Texts fluency, decoding, connections, expression
 Discussion on what each levels means and what you should be
 How to use the pm books to level students and they are to be
 Take home readers are to be 2 to 3 levels down below their
instructional level
16/5/19 Craig Cummings  Discussion of what an algorithm is and how it is linked to
Coding fro everyday things in school learning tasks e.g. cooking, writing a
beginners procedure text
 Difference between algorithm(specific steps) and code
(instructions for machines to execute)
 Exploration with Edison and Edmat
 Exploration of coding using Edblocks- using the computer to
program and transfer onto Edison to do
 Introduction to EdScratch
 How you can use EdScratch using a design brief and then
students have to make a code to reach the brief
14/8/19 5 Learning Areas  Brainstormed what ‘Catholicism’ is
of the RE  Then discussed the 5 learning areas of the RE curriculum and
curriculum placed our brainstorm cards under each of the headings
 Had to match the dot points to each learning area
 Write a 10 word definition about prayer and justice

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