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What are the itinerary schedules of places been visited by Ferdinand Magellan during

his first voyage around the world.

1.1 Significant historical event

1.2 Spot places

1.3 Person involve and contribution

2.For you, What is the most interesting in his voyage?

Magellan convinces

MARCH 22,1519 King Charles I of

Spain to support

his voyage to the

Spice Islands and

the King promises

Magellan one-fifth

of the profits from

the voyage to the

Spice Islands

The fleet sail

September 20, across the Atlantic

1519 Ocean to South

America and Rio de

Janeiro and then

start to search for a

passage to the

Pacific Ocean
The fleet anchor for

the winter at Puerto

San Julian in

March 1520 Southern Argentina

September 1520 A storm destroys

the Santiago and a

mutiny breaks out

October 1520 Ferdinand

Magellan and his

crew resume their

voyage on the

remaining ships

November 21, 1520 Enters the straits

which would be

named the

Magellan Straits

becoming the first

Europeans ever to

sail across the

Pacific Ocean

February 3,1521 Magellan reaches

the Equator

March 6,1521 Magellan reached

the Pacific island of


March 16,1521 Discovers the


April 27, 1521 Ferdinand

Magellan was killed

by natives on the

island of Mactan

September 6, 1522 The Victoria

reached Sanlucar

de Barrameda in

Spain with only 18


Ferdinand Magellan is best known for being an explorer for Portugal, and later Spain,

who discovered the Strait of Magellan while leading the first expedition to successfully
circumnavigate the globe. He died en route and Juan Sebastian del Cano complete it.

Ferdinand Magellan renounced his allegiance to the Portuguese crown and became a

Spanish subject because the Portuguese king had not rewarded his services to the

crown as officer and solider in the Portuguese possessions in India and Malacca,

persuaded Charles I of Spain that the Moluccas could be reached by sailing west and

that an Atlantic passage to the pacific could be found to achieve that goal. Accordingly,

Magellan received a royal commission from the king to head an expedition of five ships.

On September 20, 1519, Magellan set you to sea from San Lucas, Spain with a fleet of

237 men. Skirting the eastern coast of South America, he found and guided his ships

though the the tortuous passage that now bears his name, the Strait of Magellan. On

November 20, 1520, after losing two ships and putting down tha mutiny of captains, the

fleet reached that Pacific Ocean. After four months of incredible hardship, the three

ships crossed the Pacific Ocean. Magellan's miscalculation of the great distance of the

Pacific had brought him at the end of his journey a considerable distance father north of

the Moluccas. On March 17, 1521, the Spaniards sighted Samar, part of a group of

islands, they called the Archipelago of St. Lazarus. They weighted anchor in the islet of

Homonhon, and the first meeting between Filipinos and the Spaniards tool place when

some natives from the nearby island of Suluan greeted them cordially, a gesture

indicative of the fact that the Filipinos were accustomed to seeing strangers coming to

the Philippines.

The Spaniards then sailed to Limasawa, an islet south of Leyte, where they celebrated

the first Catholic mass in the Philippines on March 31, 1521, an Easter Sunday. Food

and provisions, however, were scarce and upon learning of better accommodations, in
Cebu, Magellan sailed for the island, arriving there on April 1. He established cordial

relations with its chief, Humabon and forthwith converted about 800 natives, including

Humabon, his wife and daughter. By converting them to Christianity, Magellan had in

fact reduced Humabon and his people to vassalage and placed the Cebuanos under the

aegis of Spanish crown.

Magellan, however, embroiled himself in the rivalries so characteristic of Filipino tribal

relations at the time. Lapu-Lapu, chief of Mactan and enemy of Humabon, was hostile to

the Spaniards. Magellan went to Mactan to force Lapu-Lapu to recongnize Spanish

sovereignty and pay tribute. The chieftain refused and in the ensuing skirmish on April

27, Magellan was fatally wounded with a poisoned arrow. His men, demoralized,

retreated. Since then, Lapu-Lapu has been considered the first Filipino to save

successfully repelled Spanish aggression.

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