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R12 Asset Management

Fundamentals Ed. 1
Student Guide - Volume 2

m y
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c a
e A
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O ly
l & On
Edition 1.0
n a e
June 2007

t e r U s

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Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

This document contains proprietary information and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may copy and
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Gail D’Aloisio, Brent A. Bosin, and Paul Scott

Technical Contributors and Reviewers

Kathy Wohnoutka, Ruth Kukla, Jan Quist, JongSung Ahn, Chris Rudd, Som Viswapathy, and
Bruce Isner

oracletutor m y
This book was published using:

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Table of Contents

Overview of Oracle Asset Management.........................................................................................................1-1

Overview of Oracle Asset Management........................................................................................................1-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................1-4
Overview of Oracle Assets ............................................................................................................................1-6
E-Business Suite Integration..........................................................................................................................1-7
Implementation Considerations for Oracle Financials...................................................................................1-8
The Best Project Team for the Job ................................................................................................................1-9
Critical Implementation Issues ......................................................................................................................1-10
Oracle Assets Setup Steps .............................................................................................................................1-12
Oracle Assets Key Flexfields.........................................................................................................................1-13
Implementing Oracle Assets..........................................................................................................................1-14
Asset Books Positioning................................................................................................................................1-15
Asset Categories Positioning .........................................................................................................................1-17
Asset Life Cycle ............................................................................................................................................1-18
Adding Assets Manually ...............................................................................................................................1-19
Mass Asset Additions Process .......................................................................................................................1-21
Adding and Capitalizing a CIP Asset ............................................................................................................1-23
Acquire and Build CIP Assets .......................................................................................................................1-24
Asset Adjustments .........................................................................................................................................1-25
Asset Adjustment Overview ..........................................................................................................................1-26
Performing Physical Inventory ......................................................................................................................1-27
Elements of Depreciation ..............................................................................................................................1-29
Basic Depreciation Calculation .....................................................................................................................1-31
m y
d e
Tracking Asset Retirements...........................................................................................................................1-33
Assets Journal Entries Flow...........................................................................................................................1-34
Default Account Generator Process for Oracle Assets ..................................................................................1-36

c a
Reconciling Data in Oracle Assets ................................................................................................................1-37
Viewing Asset Information Online................................................................................................................1-38

Oracle Assets Reporting ................................................................................................................................1-39
Assets Reports Groupings..............................................................................................................................1-40
c l
Creating a Tax Book......................................................................................................................................1-41
Entering Information in Tax Books ...............................................................................................................1-42

r a
Transaction APIs ...........................................................................................................................................1-44
Business Events .............................................................................................................................................1-46

O ly
Asset Business Event Triggers ......................................................................................................................1-47

l & On
Asset Controls Setup .......................................................................................................................................2-1
Asset Controls Setup .....................................................................................................................................2-3

n a e
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................2-4

t e r U s
Oracle Assets Setup Steps .............................................................................................................................2-7
Setup Steps Flow ...........................................................................................................................................2-8

I n
Oracle Assets Key Flexfields.........................................................................................................................2-15
Setting Up Key Flexfields .............................................................................................................................2-16
Asset Category Key Flexfield........................................................................................................................2-17

l e
Location Key Flexfield..................................................................................................................................2-18

Asset Key Key Flexfield................................................................................................................................2-19

r aGuided Demonstration - Oracle Assets Key Flexfield Setup.....................................................................2-20

Creating Key Flexfield Combinations ...........................................................................................................2-22

O Guided Demonstration - Create a Location Flexfield Combination ..........................................................2-23

Practice - Create a Location Key Flexfield Combination ..........................................................................2-24

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Solution – Create a Location Key Flexfield Combination.........................................................................2-25
Specifying System Controls ..........................................................................................................................2-26
Guided Demonstration - System Controls Form .......................................................................................2-28
QuickCodes ...................................................................................................................................................2-29
Guided Demonstration - QuickCodes........................................................................................................2-31
Practice - Add QuickCode Values .............................................................................................................2-32
Solution – Add QuickCode Values............................................................................................................2-33
Defining Fiscal Years and Calendars.............................................................................................................2-34
Setting Up Fiscal Years .................................................................................................................................2-35
Setting Up Asset Calendars ...........................................................................................................................2-36
Guided Demonstration - Fiscal Years & Calendars...................................................................................2-37
Practice - Create an Oracle Assets Calendar..............................................................................................2-39
Solution – Create an Oracle Assets Calendar ............................................................................................2-40
Sharing Calendars..........................................................................................................................................2-42
Defining Price Indexes ..................................................................................................................................2-43
Profile Options...............................................................................................................................................2-45
Guided Demonstration - Oracle Assets Profile Options ............................................................................2-51
Asset Insurance..............................................................................................................................................2-52
Entering Asset Insurance Information ...........................................................................................................2-54
Guided Demonstration - Entering Asset Insurance Information................................................................2-55
Implementing Oracle Assets..........................................................................................................................2-57
Planning Implementation...............................................................................................................................2-58
Key Flexfields Planning Considerations........................................................................................................2-60
The Key Flexfields Planning Phase ...............................................................................................................2-62
Implementing Oracle Assets..........................................................................................................................2-64
Convert Existing Asset Information ..............................................................................................................2-66
Using the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS Table for Conversion ..........................................................................2-68
Implementing Oracle Assets..........................................................................................................................2-70
Post Conversion Reconciliation.....................................................................................................................2-71
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Other Conversion Issues................................................................................................................................2-72
Maintaining an Audit Trail ............................................................................................................................2-73

c a
Maintaining Audit Trails ...............................................................................................................................2-74
Defining Asset Warranties.............................................................................................................................2-76

Guided Demonstration - Define an Asset Warranty ..................................................................................2-77
Creating Leases .............................................................................................................................................2-78

c l
Guided Demonstration - Define a Lease....................................................................................................2-79

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Asset Books.......................................................................................................................................................3-1
Asset Books ...................................................................................................................................................3-3

O ly
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................3-4

l & On
Asset Books Positioning................................................................................................................................3-6
Asset Books Regions .....................................................................................................................................3-8

n a e
Calendar Region ............................................................................................................................................3-10
Accounting Rules Region ..............................................................................................................................3-12

r s
Natural Accounts Region...............................................................................................................................3-14

Guided Demonstration - Define an Asset Book.........................................................................................3-16
t U
Group Depreciation .......................................................................................................................................3-18

I n
Group Depreciation in the Global Market .....................................................................................................3-20
Group and Member Asset Rules....................................................................................................................3-21

l e
Set Up Group Assets......................................................................................................................................3-23

Assigning Member Assets to Group Assets ..................................................................................................3-25

r a
Group Asset Reserve Transfer.......................................................................................................................3-27
Practice - Set Up Group Assets..................................................................................................................3-28
Solution – Set Up Group Assets ................................................................................................................3-30

O Energy Assets ................................................................................................................................................3-32

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Security by Book ...........................................................................................................................................3-34
Organizations and Security by Book .............................................................................................................3-35
How Security by Book Is Used within Process Flow ....................................................................................3-36
Security by Book Setup Steps........................................................................................................................3-37
Guided Demonstration - Security by Book Setup (Optional) ....................................................................3-41
Practice - Review Security by Book Setup ................................................................................................3-44
Solution – Review Security by Book Setup...............................................................................................3-46
Troubleshooting Security by Book ................................................................................................................3-48
Implementation Considerations for Security by Book...................................................................................3-50
Asset Categories...............................................................................................................................................4-1
Asset Categories ............................................................................................................................................4-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................4-4
Asset Categories Positioning .........................................................................................................................4-6
Asset Categories Regions ..............................................................................................................................4-7
Asset Categories Setup ..................................................................................................................................4-8
Guided Demonstration - Define Asset Category Flexfield Values ............................................................4-10
Practice - Add Asset Category Key Flexfield Values................................................................................4-11
Solution – Add Asset Category Key Flexfield Values ..............................................................................4-12
Guided Demonstration - Define an Asset Category...................................................................................4-21
Practice - Define Asset Categories ............................................................................................................4-23
Solution – Define Asset Categories ...........................................................................................................4-24
Manual Asset Additions ..................................................................................................................................5-1
Manual Asset Additions ................................................................................................................................5-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................5-4

d e
Asset Life Cycle ............................................................................................................................................5-7
Adding Assets Manually ...............................................................................................................................5-8

c a
Asset Additions Required Data .....................................................................................................................5-10
Guided Demonstration - Add Assets Using QuickAdditions (Optional)...................................................5-14
Practice - Add an Asset Using QuickAdditions.........................................................................................5-16

c l
Solution – Add an Asset Using QuickAdditions .......................................................................................5-17
Detail Asset Additions...................................................................................................................................5-20

r a
Detail Additions - Asset Details Window......................................................................................................5-22
Detail Additions - Books Window.................................................................................................................5-24
Asset Cost Terminology ................................................................................................................................5-26
O ly
Accumulated Depreciation Considerations....................................................................................................5-27

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Depreciate Checkbox Actions .......................................................................................................................5-29
Detail Additions - Assignments Window ......................................................................................................5-30
Detail Additions - Source Lines Window......................................................................................................5-31
a e
Guided Demonstration - Add an Asset Using Detail Additions (Optional)...............................................5-32

e r
Practice - Add an Asset Using Detail Additions........................................................................................5-33

Manual Asset Additions Journal Entries .......................................................................................................5-37

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Mass Asset Additions.......................................................................................................................................6-1
Mass Asset Additions ....................................................................................................................................6-3

l e
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................6-4


r a
Mass Asset Additions Process .......................................................................................................................6-7
Using the Mass Additions Interface Table ....................................................................................................6-9
Adding Assets from Invoice Distribution Lines ............................................................................................6-10
O The Mass Additions Process..........................................................................................................................6-11

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Step 1 Mass Additions Create........................................................................................................................6-13
Requirements to Create Mass Addition Lines ...............................................................................................6-15
Tracking Expensed Items in Oracle Assets ...................................................................................................6-17
Guided Demonstration - Create Mass Addition Lines...............................................................................6-18
Practice - Create Mass Addition Lines ......................................................................................................6-21
Solution – Create Mass Additions .............................................................................................................6-23
Other Mass Additions Considerations ...........................................................................................................6-27
Step 2 Prepare Mass Additions......................................................................................................................6-29
Required Fields and Mass Additions .............................................................................................................6-30
Automatic Preparation of Mass Additions.....................................................................................................6-31
Automatic Preparation of Mass Additions Process .......................................................................................6-32
Guided Demonstration - Automatic Preparation of Mass Addition Lines.................................................6-34
Mass Addition Queues...................................................................................................................................6-43
Mass Addition Queue Names ....................................................................................................................6-44
Changing Asset Information..........................................................................................................................6-45
Changing Asset Information......................................................................................................................6-46
Merging Mass Addition Lines .......................................................................................................................6-47
Splitting Mass Addition Lines .......................................................................................................................6-48
Merging Then Splitting Functionality ...........................................................................................................6-49
Adding a Mass Addition Line to an Existing Asset.......................................................................................6-50
Guided Demonstration - Prepare Mass Addition Lines .............................................................................6-51
Practice - Prepare Mass Addition Lines.....................................................................................................6-53
Solution – Prepare Mass Addition Lines ...................................................................................................6-55
Accounting for Cost Adjustments Example ..................................................................................................6-61
Step 3 Post Mass Additions ...........................................................................................................................6-62
Effect of Post Mass Additions on Queue Names...........................................................................................6-63
Guided Demonstration - Post Mass Additions...........................................................................................6-64
Practice - Post Mass Additions ..................................................................................................................6-65
Solution – Post Mass Additions.................................................................................................................6-66
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Step 4 Delete Mass Additions........................................................................................................................6-68
Purge Mass Additions....................................................................................................................................6-69

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Future Transactions .......................................................................................................................................6-70
View Pending Transactions ...........................................................................................................................6-73

Guided Demonstration - Add a Future Dated Asset ..................................................................................6-74
Creating Assets Using Web ADI...................................................................................................................6-76

c l
Web ADI Upload to Oracle Assets................................................................................................................6-78
Guided Demonstration - Add Assets Using Web ADI ..............................................................................6-80

r a
Practice - Add Assets Using Web ADI......................................................................................................6-83
Solution – Add Assets Using Web ADI ....................................................................................................6-86

O ly
CIP Asset Additions.........................................................................................................................................7-1

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CIP Asset Additions ......................................................................................................................................7-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................7-4

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Adding and Capitalizing a CIP Asset ............................................................................................................7-6

r s
Acquire and Build CIP Assets .......................................................................................................................7-7

Automatically Adding CIP Assets to Tax Books .........................................................................................7-8
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Modifying the Cost of CIP Assets .................................................................................................................7-10

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Guided Demonstration - Create a CIP Asset and Build Costs ...................................................................7-12
Guided Demonstration - Transfer Invoice Lines .......................................................................................7-14

l e
Practice - Create a CIP Asset and Add Costs ............................................................................................7-16

Solution – Create a CIP Asset and Add Costs ...........................................................................................7-18

r aPractice - Transfer Invoice Lines...............................................................................................................7-21

Solution – Transfer Invoice Lines .............................................................................................................7-23
Recording a CIP Asset Addition....................................................................................................................7-27

O Capitalizing a CIP Asset................................................................................................................................7-28

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Reversing a Capitalized Asset .......................................................................................................................7-29
Guided Demonstration - Capitalizing a CIP Asset ....................................................................................7-30
Practice - Capitalize a CIP Asset ...............................................................................................................7-31
Solution – Capitalize a CIP Asset..............................................................................................................7-32
Updating Asset Fields When Capitalizing CIP Assets ..................................................................................7-34
Updating Transaction Types When Capitalizing CIP Assets ........................................................................7-35
Recording a Capitalization - Adding and Capitalizing in the Same Period ...................................................7-36
Recording a Capitalization - Adding and Capitalizing in Different Periods..................................................7-37
CIP Assets and Oracle Projects .....................................................................................................................7-39
Tracking Capital Projects in Oracle Projects .................................................................................................7-40
Capital Projects Flow Integration ..................................................................................................................7-41
Creating Mass Additions from Oracle Projects .............................................................................................7-42
Integrating Oracle Projects with Oracle Assets .............................................................................................7-44
Asset Adjustments and Maintenance.............................................................................................................8-1
Asset Adjustments and Maintenance.............................................................................................................8-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................8-4
Asset Adjustments .........................................................................................................................................8-7
Asset Adjustment Overview ..........................................................................................................................8-8
Single Asset Reclassification.........................................................................................................................8-9
Mass Reclassification ....................................................................................................................................8-10
Inheriting Depreciation Rules........................................................................................................................8-11
Copying Category Descriptive Flexfield Information ..................................................................................8-13
Mass Transactions Process ............................................................................................................................8-14
Recording a Reclassification .........................................................................................................................8-15
Adjusting Units..............................................................................................................................................8-16
Adjusting Financial Information....................................................................................................................8-17
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Choosing to Expense or Amortize Depreciation Adjustments ......................................................................8-18
Amortizing Adjustments Using a Retroactive Start Date ..............................................................................8-20
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Using Mass Changes .....................................................................................................................................8-21
Single Asset Transfers ...................................................................................................................................8-22
Mass Asset Transfers.....................................................................................................................................8-24

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Guided Demonstration - Perform Single Asset Adjustments ....................................................................8-26
Guided Demonstration - Perform Mass Transactions................................................................................8-28

c l
Practice - Perform Single Asset Adjustments ............................................................................................8-31
Solution – Perform Single Asset Adjustments...........................................................................................8-33

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Asset Revaluation ..........................................................................................................................................8-39
Scheduling Asset Maintenance......................................................................................................................8-41

O ly
Guided Demonstration - Schedule Asset Maintenance..............................................................................8-42
Performing Physical Inventory ......................................................................................................................8-43

l & On
Entering Physical Inventory ..........................................................................................................................8-45
Physical Inventory Comparison.....................................................................................................................8-46

n a e
Physical Inventory Reconciliation .................................................................................................................8-48
Guided Demonstration - Review a Physical Inventory..............................................................................8-49

r s
Integrating Web ADI with Physical Inventory ..............................................................................................8-50

Guided Demonstration - Create a Physical Inventory in Web ADI...........................................................8-52
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Depreciation .....................................................................................................................................................9-1

Depreciation ..................................................................................................................................................9-3

Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................9-4


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Elements of Depreciation ..............................................................................................................................9-6
Depreciation Setup Areas ..............................................................................................................................9-8

O Basic Depreciation Calculation .....................................................................................................................9-9

Depreciation Methods....................................................................................................................................9-11

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Using the Life-Based Method........................................................................................................................9-12
Life-Based Method Terms.............................................................................................................................9-13
Life-Based Method Example.........................................................................................................................9-14
Using the Flat-Rate Method...........................................................................................................................9-15
Flat-Rate Method Example............................................................................................................................9-17
Guided Demonstration - Create a New Depreciation Method ...................................................................9-18
Practice - Create a New Depreciation Method...........................................................................................9-19
Solution – Create a New Depreciation Method .........................................................................................9-20
Using the Units-of-Production Method .........................................................................................................9-22
Units-of-Production Method Example...........................................................................................................9-23
Entering Production Information...................................................................................................................9-24
Guided Demonstration - Enter Production ................................................................................................9-26
Units-of-Production Method Production Amount Restrictions .....................................................................9-27
Units-of-Production Method Restrictions......................................................................................................9-28
Units-of-Production Capacity Restrictions ....................................................................................................9-29
Prorate Conventions ......................................................................................................................................9-30
Guided Demonstration - Create a Prorate Convention ..............................................................................9-31
Practice - Create a Prorate Convention......................................................................................................9-32
Solution – Create a Prorate Convention.....................................................................................................9-33
Run Depreciation Process..............................................................................................................................9-35
Depreciation Program Processes ...................................................................................................................9-37
Rollback Depreciation ...................................................................................................................................9-38
Projecting Depreciation for an Asset ............................................................................................................9-40
Defining a Projection.....................................................................................................................................9-41
Guided Demonstration - Perform a Depreciation Projection.....................................................................9-42
Practice - Run a Depreciation Projection...................................................................................................9-43
Solution – Run a Depreciation Projection .................................................................................................9-44
Depreciation Forecasts ..................................................................................................................................9-46
Guided Demonstration - Perform a What-if Depreciation Analysis ..........................................................9-47
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Practice - Perform a What-If Depreciation Analysis .................................................................................9-48
Solution – Perform a What-If Depreciation Analysis ................................................................................9-49
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Using Depreciation Override.........................................................................................................................9-51
Useful Depreciation Reports..........................................................................................................................9-53

e A
Asset Retirements ............................................................................................................................................10-1

c l
Asset Retirements ..........................................................................................................................................10-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................10-4

r a
Tracking Asset Retirements...........................................................................................................................10-6

O ly
Overview of Retiring an Asset ......................................................................................................................10-7
Restrictions on Retirements and Reinstatements...........................................................................................10-8

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Fully Retiring Assets .....................................................................................................................................10-10
Guided Demonstration -Perform a Full Retirement and Undo Retirement................................................10-11

n a e
Partially Retiring Assets ................................................................................................................................10-12
Guided Demonstration - Process a Partial Retirement and Reinstate ........................................................10-14

r s
Mass Asset Retirements.................................................................................................................................10-16

Guided Demonstration - Perform a Mass Retirement................................................................................10-18
t U
External Retirements .....................................................................................................................................10-19

I n
Reinstating Retired Assets.............................................................................................................................10-21
Calculate Gains and Losses Program.............................................................................................................10-22

l e
Practice - Perform a Retirement and Reinstatement ..................................................................................10-23

Solution – Perform a Retirement and Reinstatement.................................................................................10-24

r a
Retirement Processing Flow ..........................................................................................................................10-27
Processing a Pending Retirement and Reinstatement ....................................................................................10-28
Calculating Depreciation for the Period Retired............................................................................................10-29

O Recording Retirements and Reinstatements ..................................................................................................10-30

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Recording Retirements ..................................................................................................................................10-31
Recording a Retirement on Multiple Accounts ............................................................................................10-33
Retirement Journal Entries Example .............................................................................................................10-34
Recording Prior Period Reinstatement Entries ..............................................................................................10-35
Retirement Reports ........................................................................................................................................10-36
Asset Accounting..............................................................................................................................................11-1
Asset Accounting...........................................................................................................................................11-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................11-4
Setting Up Asset Accounting.........................................................................................................................11-6
Assets Journal Entries Flow...........................................................................................................................11-8
Oracle Subledger Accounting........................................................................................................................11-10
Accounting Event Entities and Classes .........................................................................................................11-11
Create Accounting – Assets Program ............................................................................................................11-13
Guided Demonstration - Run Create Accounting ......................................................................................11-14
Journal Entries Created..................................................................................................................................11-15
Reconciling Data in Oracle Assets ................................................................................................................11-17
Generating Reports to Reconcile to the General Ledger ...............................................................................11-18
Reconciling an Asset Cost Account...............................................................................................................11-19
Reconciling Asset Cost Accounts..................................................................................................................11-20
Reconciling a CIP Cost Account ...................................................................................................................11-21
Reconciling a Reserve Account.....................................................................................................................11-22
Reconciling Depreciation Expense................................................................................................................11-24
Reconciling Mass Additions..........................................................................................................................11-25

Asset Inquiry & Reporting .............................................................................................................................12-1

Asset Inquiry & Reporting.............................................................................................................................12-3
m y

d e
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................12-4

c a
Viewing Asset Information Online................................................................................................................12-6
Types of Asset Inquiries ................................................................................................................................12-7

Asset Inquiry Options....................................................................................................................................12-8
iAssets Search for Assets...............................................................................................................................12-9

c l
Viewing Financial Information......................................................................................................................12-11
Viewing Transaction History.........................................................................................................................12-13

r a
Viewing Transaction Accounting ..................................................................................................................12-14
Viewing Subledger Accounting Transactions ...............................................................................................12-15
Guided Demonstration -Perform Asset Inquiries.......................................................................................12-16
O ly
Practice - Perform Asset Inquiries .............................................................................................................12-19

l & On
Solution – Perform Asset Inquiries............................................................................................................12-21
iAssets ...........................................................................................................................................................12-27
iAssets Setup Steps........................................................................................................................................12-28
a e
iAssets Setup Steps—Rules...........................................................................................................................12-30

e r
Guided Demonstration - iAssets Setup-Rules............................................................................................12-31

iAssets Setup Steps—Profile Options............................................................................................................12-34

t U
iAssets Setup Steps—User Responsibilities ..................................................................................................12-35

I n
Oracle Assets Reporting ................................................................................................................................12-36
Assets Reports Groupings..............................................................................................................................12-38

Variable Format Reports ...............................................................................................................................12-39

Assets Reports Using XML Publisher ...........................................................................................................12-40


r a
Tax Accounting ................................................................................................................................................13-1
Tax Accounting .............................................................................................................................................13-3
O Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................13-4

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Creating a Tax Book......................................................................................................................................13-7
Asset Books Regions .....................................................................................................................................13-8
Guided Demonstration - Create a Tax Asset Book....................................................................................13-10
Practice - Define a Tax Asset Book...........................................................................................................13-12
Solution – Define a Tax Asset Book .........................................................................................................13-15
Prerequisites for Setting Up Tax Book Asset Categories ..............................................................................13-18
Guided Demonstration - Add Asset Categories to Tax Book ....................................................................13-19
Practice - Add Asset Categories to a Tax Book.........................................................................................13-21
Solution – Add Asset Categories to a Tax Book .......................................................................................13-23
Entering Information in Tax Books ...............................................................................................................13-26
Populating the Tax Book by Initial Mass Copy.............................................................................................13-28
Populating the Tax Book ...............................................................................................................................13-30
Guided Demonstration - Perform an Initial Mass Copy ............................................................................13-31
Practice - Perform an Initial Mass Copy....................................................................................................13-32
Solution – Perform an Initial Mass Copy ..................................................................................................13-33
Populating the Tax Book by Periodic Mass Copy ........................................................................................13-35
Updating a Tax Book Manually ....................................................................................................................13-37
Guided Demonstration - Manually Add an Asset to a Tax Book ..............................................................13-38
Practice - Manually Add an Asset to a Tax Book......................................................................................13-39
Solution – Manually Add an Asset to a Tax Book ....................................................................................13-41
Tax Book Upload Interface ...........................................................................................................................13-44
Discussing Tax Rules ....................................................................................................................................13-46
Deferred Depreciation ...................................................................................................................................13-48
Calculating Deferred Depreciation ................................................................................................................13-49
Adjusting Accumulated Depreciation............................................................................................................13-50
Adjusting Depreciation Reserve for a Single Asset.......................................................................................13-51
Guided Demonstration -Adjust Depreciation Reserve...............................................................................13-53
Adjusting Depreciation Reserve for All Assets .............................................................................................13-54
m y
d e
Controlling Mass Depreciation Adjustment ..................................................................................................13-55
Calculating Mass Depreciation Adjustment ..................................................................................................13-56

c a
Automatically Adding CIP Assets to Tax Books .........................................................................................13-57
General Tax Reports......................................................................................................................................13-59

Special Tax Reports.......................................................................................................................................13-60
Depreciation Adjustment Reports..................................................................................................................13-61


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O ly
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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Before You Begin This Course

• Basic knowledge of business accounting concepts

• Familiarity with data processing concepts and techniques


• R12 Navigate Oracle Applications

• R12 eBusiness Suite Essentials for Implementers

How This Course Is Organized

This is an instructor-led course featuring lecture and hands-on exercises. Online demonstrations
and written practice sessions reinforce the concepts and skills introduced.

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R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Related Publications
Oracle Publications
Title Part Number
Oracle Assets User Guide B31177
Oracle iAssets User Guide B31179

Additional Publications

• System release bulletins

• Installation and user’s guides

• Read-me files

• International Oracle User’s Group (IOUG) articles

• Oracle Magazine

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R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions
Typographic Conventions in Text
Convention Element Example
Bold italic Glossary term (if The algorithm inserts the new key.
there is a glossary)
Caps and Buttons, Click the Executable button.
lowercase check boxes, Select the Can’t Delete Card check box.
triggers, Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger to the ORD block.
windows Open the Master Schedule window.
Courier new, Code output, Code output: debug.set (‘I”, 300);
case sensitive directory names, Directory: bin (DOS), $FMHOME (UNIX)
(default is filenames, Filename: Locate the init.ora file.
lowercase) passwords, Password: User tiger as your password.
pathnames, Pathname: Open c:\my_docs\projects
URLs, URL: Go to http://www.oracle.com
user input,
User input: Enter 300
Username: Log on as scott
Initial cap Graphics labels Customer address (but Oracle Payables)
(unless the term is a

proper noun)
Emphasized words Do not save changes to the database.
m y
and phrases,
titles of books and
For further information, see Oracle7 Server SQL Language
Reference Manual.
d e
Enter user_id@us.oracle.com, where user_id is the
name of the user.
Interface elements
with long names A
Select “Include a reusable module component” and click Finish.

that have only
initial caps;
c l
This subject is covered in Unit II, Lesson 3, “Working with
lesson and chapter
titles in cross-
r a
SQL column O ly Use the SELECT command to view information stored in the
names, commands,
functions, schemas,& On LAST_NAME
column of the EMP table.
table names

n a e
Menu paths
Key names

t e r
Key sequences
U s Select File > Save.
Press [Enter].
Press and release keys one at a time:

Plus signs I n
Key combinations
[Alternate], [F], [D]
Press and hold these keys simultaneously: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

c l e
r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions in Code
Convention Element Example
Caps and Oracle Forms When-Validate-Item
lowercase triggers
Lowercase Column names, SELECT last_name
table names FROM s_emp;

Passwords DROP USER scott

(OG_GET_LAYER (‘prod_pie_layer’))

Lowercase Syntax variables CREATE ROLE role

Uppercase SQL commands and SELECT userid
functions FROM emp;

Typographic Conventions in Oracle Application Navigation Paths

This course uses simplified navigation paths, such as the following example, to direct you
through Oracle Applications.

(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches Summary (M) Query > Find (B) Approve
m y
This simplified path translates to the following:
d e
1. (N) From the Navigator window, select Invoice then Entry then Invoice Batches
Summary. ca
e A

c l
(M) From the menu, select Query then Find.

3. (B) Click the Approve button.

r a
O ly
(N) = Navigator
l & On
(M) = Menu
n a e
(T) = Tab
t e r U s
(B) = Button
I n
l e
(I) = Icon

r a (H) = Hyperlink

O (ST) = Sub Tab

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Typographical Conventions in Oracle Application Help System Paths
This course uses a “navigation path” convention to represent actions you perform to find
pertinent information in the Oracle Applications Help System.

The following help navigation path, for example—

(Help) General Ledger > Journals > Enter Journals

—represents the following sequence of actions:

1. In the navigation frame of the help system window, expand the General Ledger entry.

2. Under the General Ledger entry, expand Journals.

3. Under Journals, select Enter Journals.

4. Review the Enter Journals topic that appears in the document frame of the help system

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R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

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R12 Asset Management Fundamentals Ed. 1 Table of Contents

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - Page 2

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Chapter 9 - Page 3

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Chapter 9 - Page 4

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Chapter 9 - Page 5
Elements of Depreciation

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Elements of Depreciation
e A
Defining Books
c l
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• Define corporate, tax, and budget asset books. Define the corporate book first to associate
it with multiple tax and budget books.
O ly
The setup of Asset Books is discussed in the Asset Books module of Release 12 Oracle Asset
Management Fundamentals.
Defining Depreciation Rules l & On
n a e
• Oracle Assets provides many standard depreciation methods. Set up additional methods if

t e r U s
• Prorate and retirement conventions determine how much depreciation expense to take in

I n
the first and last year of life, based on when you place the asset in service.
• Set up the depreciation expense and cost ceilings, as well as the investment tax credit
l e
rates and ceilings, if needed.
r a
• Because prorate conventions depend on the calendar, Oracle Assets does not predefine
any conventions. Define prorate conventions from the oldest date placed in service to the

O current fiscal year.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 6
• Define price indexes, if necessary, to report gains and losses for your retired assets by
using the revalued asset cost.
• If not previously done when implementing other Oracle application products, create units
of measure for use with assets depreciating under a units-of-production depreciation
Defining formula based depreciation methods, cost ceilings, price indexes and investment tax
credits are discussed in modules of the Release 12 Asset Management Advanced learning path.

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Chapter 9 - Page 7
Depreciation Setup Areas

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Depreciation Setup Areas
e A
Asset Books
c l
r a
Setup discussed in detail in module Asset Books of the Release 12 Oracle Asset Management
Fundamentals path.
Calendars O ly
Management Fundamentals. l & On
Setup discussed in detail in module Asset Controls Setup of the Release 12 Oracle Asset

Depreciation Methods
n a e
Prorate Convention
t e r U s
Setup discussed in more detail later in this module.

I n
Setup discussed in more detail later in this module.

c l e
Optional Elements
Units of Measure, Depreciation Ceilings, Investment Tax Credit and Price Indexes are

r a
discussed in the Asset Controls Setup of the Release 12 Oracle Asset Management
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 8
Basic Depreciation Calculation

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Basic Depreciation Calculation
e A
Prorate Date
c l
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• Oracle Assets prorates the depreciation taken for an asset in its first fiscal year of life
according to the prorate date.
O ly
• Oracle Assets calculates the prorate date when you initially enter an asset. The prorate

l & On
date is based on the date placed in service and the asset prorate convention. For example,
if you create a following month prorate convention, the prorate date would be the
a e
beginning of the month following the month placed in service.
Depreciation Rate

t e r U s
• Oracle Assets calculates depreciation using either the recoverable cost or the recoverable

I n
net book value as a basis.
• Oracle Assets uses the prorate date to choose a prorate period from the prorate calendar.

l e
• For table–based methods, the prorate period and asset age then determine which rate
Oracle Assets selects from the rate table. The depreciation program calculates asset age

r a from the date placed in service as the number of fiscal years that you have held the asset.

O • Flat–rate methods use a fixed rate and do not use a rate table.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 9
• For table–based depreciation methods, Oracle Assets uses the depreciation method and
life to determine which rate table to use. Then, it uses the prorate period and year of life
to determine which of the rates in the table to use.
• Flat–rate depreciation methods determine the depreciation rate using fixed rates,
including the basic rate, adjusting rate, and bonus rate.
Calculate Annual Depreciation
• Calculated and table–based methods calculate annual depreciation by multiplying the
depreciation rate by the recoverable cost or net book value as of the beginning of the
fiscal year.
• Flat–rate methods calculate annual depreciation as the depreciation rate multiplied by the
recoverable cost or net book value, multiplied by the fraction of year the asset was held.
Allocate Annual Depreciation Across Periods
• After calculating the annual depreciation amount, Oracle Assets uses your depreciation
calendar, the divide depreciation flag, and the depreciate when placed in service flag to
determine how much of the fiscal year depreciation to allocate to the period for which
you ran depreciation.
Spreading Depreciation Across Expense Accounts
• Finally, Oracle Assets allocates the periodic depreciation to the assignments you made
for the asset. Oracle Assets does this according to the fraction of the asset units that is
assigned to each depreciation expense account in the Assignments window.

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Chapter 9 - Page 10
Depreciation Methods

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Depreciation Methods
e A
(N) Setup > Depreciation > Methods
c l
r a
You depreciate assets by using several types of depreciation methods that Oracle Assets
supports. You also create periodic journal entries for each book to the general ledger. As an
O ly
asset depreciates, its net book value approaches the salvage value. Oracle Assets is delivered

l & On
with many seeded depreciation methods.

a e
• Depreciates the asset cost using an annual depreciation rate.
into one.
t e r U s
• For straight-line depreciation, the annual rate is calculated by dividing the life (in years)

I n
• For other life-based methods, Oracle Assets takes the annual depreciation rate from a rate
c l e
r a
• Depreciates the asset cost or net book value over time using a fixed rate.

O • Depreciates the asset cost by actual use or production for each period.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 11
Using the Life-Based Method

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Using the Life-Based Method
e A
c l
Use a life–based method to depreciate the asset over a fixed time using specified rates. There
are two types of life–based methods:
r a
• Table: Oracle Assets gets the annual depreciation rate from a rate table.
O ly
• Calculated: For straight–line depreciation, the depreciation program calculates the annual

l & On
depreciation rate by dividing the life (in years) into one. Calculated methods spread the
asset value evenly over the life.
a e
You can accommodate new depreciation methods using rate tables instead of formulas. Add
t e r U s
the appropriate rates to create a new method at any time.
Oracle Assets uses asset recoverable cost or net book value, salvage value, date placed in

I n
service, prorate convention, depreciation method, and life to calculate depreciation for life–
based methods. Oracle Assets, using rates from a table or calculated rates, depreciates assets

l e
with life–based depreciation methods to be fully reserved at the end of a fixed lifetime.

r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 12
Life-Based Method Terms

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Chapter 9 - Page 13
Life-Based Method Example

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Life-Based Method Example
e A
Finding the Annual Depreciation Rate
c l
r a
• The prorate date is the first day of the following month, 01-APR-YYYY.

O ly
• The prorate date falls into prorate period four, in the period APR-YY.
• Using the rate table, since this is the asset’s first year, the rate is 0.300.
Calculating Depreciation
l & On
a e
Annual depreciation amount = Depreciation rate × Recoverable cost

e r
Year 1 Depreciation = 0.300 x 50,000 = $15,000
Depreciation per period = Annual depreciation/Number of periods from Prorate Period to End
of Fiscal Year t U
I n
APR-YY Depreciation = 15,000/9 = $1,666.67

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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 14
Using the Flat-Rate Method

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Using the Flat-Rate Method
e A
c l
Flat-rate depreciation methods allocate the cost or net book value of an asset over time by

r a
using a fixed rate. The flat-rate methods that use the net book value as the depreciable basis are
also called diminishing-value methods. Using these methods does not fully reserve an asset,
O ly
but it decreases the annual depreciation expense over time.
Calculating Annual Depreciation

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• Determine the fraction of the year the asset was held by dividing the number of periods
a e
after the prorate period, by the number of prorate periods per year. Make this fraction
t e r
proportional by the number of days in each prorate period if dividing depreciation by

U s
I n
• Annual depreciation = Depreciation rate × [Asset cost or Net book value (less salvage
value)] × the fraction of the year the asset was held.

l e
• Use the Depreciate When Placed in Service flag to determine the manner in which

depreciation expense is spread across depreciation periods in the depreciation calendar.

r a
Adjusting Rate
In some countries, the flat–rate consists of a basic rate and an adjusting rate, or loading factor.
O These rates vary according to your reporting authority’s depreciation regulations.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 15
When you add an asset, you can select a basic rate and an adjusting rate. Oracle Assets
increases the basic rate by the adjusting rate to give you the adjusted rate. This is your flat–rate
for the fiscal year.
Depreciation Rate = Basic Rate x (1 + Adjusting Rate) + Bonus Rate
Bonus Depreciation
For reporting authorities that allow additional depreciation in the early fiscal years of an asset
life, you can assign an additional bonus rate on top of the flat–rate. Oracle Assets adds the
bonus rate to the adjusted rate to give you the flat–rate for the fiscal year.

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Chapter 9 - Page 16
Flat-Rate Method Example

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Flat-Rate Method Example
e A
Finding the Annual Depreciation Rate
c l
r a
• The prorate date is the first day of the following month, 01-MAY-YYYY.

O ly
• The prorate date falls into prorate period five, in the period MAY-YY.
• The fraction of year held is 8/12. (May through December)

l & On
• Since the truck has been depreciated when placed in service, the number of periods to

Calculating Depreciation
n a e
spread depreciation over is 9. (April through December)

e r s
Depreciation rate = Basic rate × (1 + Adjusting rate) + Bonus rate
t U
Depreciation rate = 0.10 × (1 + 0.10) + .05 = 0.16
I n
Annual depreciation = Depreciation rate × Net book value* × Fraction of year held

l e
Year 1 Depreciation = 0.16 × 6,000 × (8/12) = $640.00

Depreciation per period = Annual depreciation/Number of periods

r a
MAY-YY Depreciation = 640/9 = $71.11

O *Net book value = Recoverable cost – Accumulated depreciation

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 17
Guided Demonstration - Create a New Depreciation Method
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Setup > Depreciation > Methods

1. Perform the following queries in the Depreciation Methods form to demonstrate some of the
seeded methods. Select the (B) Rates where applicable to demonstrate the Depreciation
Rates form.

• Query 1 > Method = 150DB

• Query 2 > Method = NL FLAT RATE

• Query 3 > Method = UOP-HOURS

2. (I) New

3. Enter the following data:

Field Name Value
Demo for Class
m y
Life Years 3

d e
Prorate Periods Per Year 2

4. Accept the default values for the other fields.

e A
5. (B) Rates
c l
6. Enter the following data:
Year Period r a
O lyRate
1 1
l & On .5
2 1

n a e .2
e r U s .2
I n 2 .5

3 e 2

ra 4

(I) Save
2 0

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 18
Practice - Create a New Depreciation Method
In this Practice, you will create a new Depreciation Method.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision demonstration
database or comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Use the Oracle Assets seeded Responsibility > Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number
(for Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

Create a New Depreciation Method

m y
Your Company wants to use a custom, three-year accelerated depreciation method for some of
its assets. The name of the method should be XXDEP with the description 3-YEAR
d e
ACCELERATED VACRS. This depreciation method is a straight-line method with 3 Life Years and 12
Prorate Periods Per Year. The custom rates for this method are:
Year 1: Periods 1-4, 40%; periods 5-8, 30%; periods 9-12, 20%
e A
Year 2: All periods 30%
c l
Year 3: All periods 30%r a
O ly
Year 4:
& On
Periods 1-4, 0%; periods 5-8, 10%; periods 9-12, 20%

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Chapter 9 - Page 19
Solution – Create a New Depreciation Method
Create a New Depreciation Method
Responsibility = Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Navigate to the Depreciation Methods form.

• (N) Setup > Depreciation > Methods

2. Enter the following data:

Field Name Value

Method XXDEP
Straight Line Method Check box
Life Years 3
Prorate Periods Per Year 12

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3. Select (B) Rates.I n
c l e
Enter the rate data:

r a
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Chapter 9 - Page 20
Year Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 .4 .4 .4 .4 .3 .3 .3 .3 .2 .2 .2 .2
2 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3
3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3
4 0 0 0 0 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2

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e A
c l
Save your work by select (I) Save or CTRL + S key combination.

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Chapter 9 - Page 21
Using the Units-of-Production Method

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Using the Units-of-Production Method
e A
c l
Units-of-production depreciation methods allocate the cost of an asset by the quantity of

r a
resource extracted or used each period. This method differs from other methods because it
disregards the passage of time and bases depreciation on how much you use the asset.
Calculating Depreciation Rate O ly
l & On
Depreciation rate = Production this period/Capacity
Calculating Depreciation Expense per Period

n a e
Depreciation expense for the period = Depreciation rate × Depreciable basis of an asset

t e r U s
• Notice that this is the depreciation expense for a period and not for the fiscal year,
because depreciation is based on the production amount for a period.

I n
You cannot enter production amounts for an asset in the corporate book before its prorate date
or for a period in which you have run depreciation.

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r a
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Chapter 9 - Page 22
Units-of-Production Method Example

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Chapter 9 - Page 23
Entering Production Information

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Entering Production Information
e A
Manually (N) Production > Enter
c l
r a
Upload Program (N) Production > Upload

O ly
• Enter production information online, or load it automatically from a feeder system by
using the Upload Periodic Production program.

based on actual production.
& On
• Enter periodic production amounts more than once, if necessary, because depreciation is

Using Upload Production

n a e
t e r U s
You use the Upload Production program, which is run from the standard request submission, to
automatically upload production from a feeder system each period. Before performing the

I n
upload process, use a tool such as SQL*Loader to load the production information into the
production interface table called FA_PRODUCTION_INTERFACE.

l e
• If you have not yet run depreciation for a period, update or reload production amounts for
the same date ranges. Oracle Assets overwrites the production amounts with the new

r a production if you reload.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 24
• The capacity does not change when you partially retire a production asset or change the
unit of measure. Manually adjust the capacity in the Books window.

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Chapter 9 - Page 25
Guided Demonstration - Enter Production
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Production > Enter

1. In the Find Production form, enter the following data:

Field Name Value

Periods Leave blank
Asset Number 100447

2. Select (B) Find.

3. In the Periodic Production form, select (I) New to add a new record.

4. Enter the following data:

Field Name Value

m y
Asset Number 100447
d e
From Date
First day of the current open period in the OPS CORP Book
To Date
e100 A
Last day of the current open period in the OPS CORP Book

c l
5. Save your work.
r a
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Chapter 9 - Page 26
Units-of-Production Method Production Amount Restrictions

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Chapter 9 - Page 27
Units-of-Production Method Restrictions

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Chapter 9 - Page 28
Units-of-Production Capacity Restrictions

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Chapter 9 - Page 29
Prorate Conventions

m y
d e
Prorate Conventions
e A
c l
(N) Setup > Asset System > Prorate Conventions

r a
Prorate and retirement conventions determine how much depreciation expense to take in the
first and last year of life, based on when you place the asset in service. You set up as many
O ly
prorate and retirement conventions as you need.
Prorate Conventions
l & On
- The prorate convention determines the annual depreciation for the first fiscal year.

n a e
- The prorate date and the prorate calendar determine the prorate period.

t e r U s
- Enter the prorate date for each date-placed-in-service range.
- Specify whether to spread annual depreciation from the date placed in service or

I n
from the prorate date.

c l e
• Retirement Conventions
- If you use a different prorate convention for retirements than for additions, set up

r a retirement conventions to determine how much depreciation to take in the last year
of life, based on the retirement date.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 30
Guided Demonstration - Create a Prorate Convention
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Setup > Asset System > Prorate Conventions

1. In the Prorate Conventions form, enter the following data:

Field Name Value

Convention XX_DEMO
Description DEMO FOR CLASS
Fiscal Year Name ACCOUNTING (LOV)
From Date To Date Prorate Date
01-JAN-1993 31-MAR-1993 01-JAN-1993
(automatically fills in as
it’s the first day of the
defined Fiscal Year)

2. Tab through the next fields and notice that Oracle Assets completes the data automatically.

m y
3. After 01-OCT-1993 to 31-DEC-1993 is displayed, save your work.

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Chapter 9 - Page 31
Practice - Create a Prorate Convention
In this Practice, you will create a new prorate convention.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision demonstration
database or comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Use the Oracle Assets seeded Responsibility > Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number
(for Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

Create a New Prorate Convention

m y
You need to create a new prorate convention named XX_PRORATE where assets added on any
date in a month have a prorate date of the first day of the month. Your prorate convention should
d e
use the fiscal year named ACCOUNTING and be setup through December 1994.
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Chapter 9 - Page 32
Solution – Create a Prorate Convention
Create a New Prorate Convention
Responsibility = Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Navigate to the Prorate Conventions form.

• (N) Setup > Asset System > Prorate Conventions

2. In the Prorate Conventions form, enter the following data:

Field Name Value

Convention XX_PRORATE
Description SAME MONTH PRORATE (any description is OK)
Fiscal Year Name ACCOUNTING (LOV)
From Date To Date Prorate Date
01-JAN-1993 31-JAN-1993 01-JAN-1993
(automatically fills in as
it’s the first day of the
m y
defined Fiscal Year)

d e
3. Continuing tabbing through the fields until 01-DEC-1994 to 31-DEC-1994 is displayed.
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Chapter 9 - Page 33
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4. Save your work. ca
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Chapter 9 - Page 34
Run Depreciation Process

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Run Depreciation Process
e A
(N) Depreciation > Run Depreciation
c l
r a
Run depreciation to process all assets in a book for a period. Each asset book must have
depreciation run individually. If you have assets that have not depreciated successfully, these
O ly
assets are listed in the log file created by Oracle Assets when you run depreciation.
Suggested Prerequisites
l & On
Run the Assets Not Assigned to Any Cost Centers Listing and the Assets Not Assigned to Any
a e
Books Listing to ensure that all assets are assigned to expense accounts and books.
t e r
Closing a Depreciation Period

U s
• When you run depreciation, Oracle Assets gives you the option of closing the current

I n
period if you check the Close Period check box on the Run Depreciation window. If all of
your assets depreciate successfully, Oracle Assets automatically closes the period and

l e
opens the next period for the book.
• If you do not check the Close Period check box when you run depreciation, Oracle Assets

r a does not close the period.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 35
• Once depreciation has been processed for an asset in the current open period, you cannot
perform any transactions on those assets unless depreciation is rolled back or the current
period is closed.
• Note: Ensure that you have entered all transactions for the period before you run
depreciation. Once the program closes the period, you cannot reopen it.
Reporting Currencies
• If you are using Reporting Currencies, you must first run depreciation for each Reporting
Currencies reporting responsibility associated with an asset depreciation book, before
running depreciation for your standard Fixed Assets responsibility.
• When you run depreciation in a Reporting Currencies reporting responsibility, the
Calculate Gains and Losses program does not run automatically, since you cannot run the
Calculate Gains and Losses program in a Reporting Currencies reporting responsibility.

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Chapter 9 - Page 36
Depreciation Program Processes

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Depreciation Program Processes
e A
Generate Accounts
c l
r a
• Builds accounting combinations using Oracle Workflow. Discussed in more detail in
Release 12 Oracle Asset Management Fundamentals module Asset Accounting.
Calculate Gains and Losses O ly
l & On
• Calculate gains and losses resulting from retirements. Discussed in more detail in Release
12 Oracle Asset Management Fundamentals module Asset Retirements.
Depreciation Run
n a e
Reserve Ledger Reports e r U s
• Calculates depreciation expense.

I n
• Runs either the Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Report or Tax Reserve Ledger Report

c l e
depending on the type of asset book.

r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 37
Rollback Depreciation

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Rollback Depreciation
e A
(N) Depreciation > Rollback Depreciation
c l
r a
If you have run depreciation for a particular period, you can use the Rollback Depreciation
feature to restore assets to their state prior to running depreciation. For example, you may have
O ly
outstanding adjustments or transactions that you need to process for a period; however, you

l & On
have already run depreciation for that period. If the Close Period check box was not checked
when you ran depreciation, you can roll back depreciation to include these outstanding
n a e
t e r
You must run depreciation with the Close Period check box checked to open the next period.

U s
Handling Depreciation Processing Exceptions

I n
• When you run depreciation, Oracle Assets flags all exceptions and they appear in the Run
Depreciation log file.

l e
• You can review the log and make adjustments for all assets that did not depreciate

r a
• You can close the period when all exceptions have been processed successfully.

O Rolling Back Depreciation

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 38
• After running depreciation, you can roll back depreciation to restore assets to their state
at the beginning of the period before running depreciation.
• You can continue to add assets, perform transactions, and make corrections and
• You can roll back depreciation:
- For the current open period
- If you ran depreciation for the period and did not select the Close Period check box
• You can roll back depreciation only for the current open period.

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Chapter 9 - Page 39
Projecting Depreciation for an Asset

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Projecting Depreciation for an Asset
e A
(N) Depreciation > Projections
c l
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• You project depreciation for any asset in corporate, tax, and budget books to plan
spending based on expected depreciation expense.
O ly
• Include depreciation expense for the budget amounts in the projection for the budget
l & On
- You add the projection amounts for depreciation projections and for existing assets
a e
to determine total future depreciation.
t e r U s
• When entering budget information, you:
- Project depreciation and report on the major category level, or with full category

I n
flexfield combination.
- Project depreciation expense for amounts budgeted for each category each period,

c l e
using the category default depreciation rules from the associated corporate book.

r a
• You can project a maximum of four books at one time and all of them must use the same
Account structure. The fiscal year name for the Calendar and each Book must be the

O same.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 40
Defining a Projection

m y
d e
Defining a Projection
e A
c l
Not all transactions are included in a depreciation projection.
Transactions Included:
r a
O ly
• The depreciation projection is based on the financial information for your existing assets
at the start of the current period.

current period. l & On

• It includes additions, transfers, and reclassification transactions you perform in the

Transactions Excluded:
n a e
t e r U s
• It ignores other asset transactions you make in the current period, such as the depreciation
adjustment for retroactive additions and transfers you enter in the current period. It also

I n
ignores fully reserved and fully retired assets.
• If you do not start your projection beyond the current period, the projection does not
l e
include your most recent transactions (e.g. if the current period in your corporate book is
JUL–92, and you request an annual projection starting with JAN–92, Oracle Assets

r a projects depreciation expense based on the financial information for your existing assets
as of the start of January 1992.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 41
Guided Demonstration - Perform a Depreciation Projection
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Depreciation > Projections

1. In the Depreciation Projections form, enter the following data:

Field Name Value
Projection Calendar Monthly
Number of Periods 12
Starting Period Jan-YY
Report Detail checkbox Check Cost Center

2. (B) Run

3. Navigate to the View Requests form.

4. Select the FA Projections Report line.

5. (B) View Output

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Chapter 9 - Page 42
Practice - Run a Depreciation Projection
In this Practice, you will run a depreciation projection for a budget asset book.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision demonstration
database or comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Use the Oracle Assets seeded Responsibility > Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number
(for Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Replace any year references of YYYY and YY with the calendar year of your choice or
as directed by the Instructor (e.g. 2002 or Jan-02). Keep in mind that some transactions
require calendar dates and calendar periods be defined and enabled before hand in order
to be processed.
m y
d e
Run a Depreciation Projection
You have been asked to project depreciation for the OPS BUDGET asset book on a quarterly A
detail. c l
basis for 1 year starting with Qtr-1-YY. The projection should present results by cost center

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Chapter 9 - Page 43
Solution – Run a Depreciation Projection
Run a Depreciation Projection
Responsibility = Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Navigate to the Depreciation Projections form.

• (N) Depreciation > Projections

2. In the Depreciation Projections form, enter the following data:

Field Name Value

Projection Calendar Quarterly
Number of Periods 4
Starting Period Qtr-1-YY
Report Detail checkbox Check Cost Center

3. Select (B) Run.

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Navigate to the Requests form to review the report.

r a • (M) View > Requests

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 44
5. Select the FA Projections Report line and click (B) View Output

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Chapter 9 - Page 45
Depreciation Forecasts

m y
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Depreciation Forecasts
e A
(N) Depreciation > What-If Analysis
c l
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Using What-If Depreciation Analysis on Existing Assets

O ly
Without changing Oracle Assets data, What-If Depreciation Analysis:
• Forecasts depreciation for multiple scenarios using different depreciation criteria.

l & On
• Allows you to select assets using various selection criteria, and analyze the effects of

n a e
expensing or amortizing changes to depreciation information.
• Projects depreciation on existing assets before changing the depreciation rules.

e r s
• Helps select the best depreciation strategy for assets not yet added in the system.
t U
• If you are satisfied with the results of your analysis, you can enter the new parameters in
I n
the Mass Changes window to update your assets according to the parameters you

c l e
specified in the what–if analysis.
What-If Depreciation Analysis for Future Assets

r a
• Forecast different depreciation scenarios for assets not yet defined in Oracle Assets.
• Compare results of what-if depreciation profiles for a new asset.
O • Select optimal depreciation strategy prior to adding the asset.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 46
Guided Demonstration - Perform a What-if Depreciation Analysis
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Depreciation > What-If Analysis

1. In the What-If Analysis form, enter the following data:

Field Name Value
Start Period Jul-YY (must be a period after the current open period and all
projection periods must be defined)
Number of Periods 6
Asset Number 100111
Method STL
Life Years 15
Months 0

2. (B) Run

3. Navigate to the View Requests form.

m y
4. Select the RX-only: What-If Depreciation Analysis report line.
d e
5. (B) View Output
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Chapter 9 - Page 47
Practice - Perform a What-If Depreciation Analysis
In this Practice, you will perform a What-If depreciation analysis.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision demonstration
database or comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Use the Oracle Assets seeded Responsibility > Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number
(for Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Replace any year references of YYYY and YY with the calendar year of your choice or
as directed by the Instructor (e.g. 2002 or Jan-02). Keep in mind that some transactions
require calendar dates and calendar periods be defined and enabled before hand in order
to be processed.
m y
d e
Perform a What-If Depreciation Analysis
You have been asked what the depreciation effect would be if the depreciation method for allA
c l
assets in the COMPUTER-PC category in the OPS CORP asset book was changed to 150DB
with a 3 year life. The request asked for depreciation for 12 periods starting with period Jul-YY.

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Chapter 9 - Page 48
Solution – Perform a What-If Depreciation Analysis
Perform a What-If Depreciation Analysis
Responsibility = Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Navigate to the What-If Analysis form.

• (N) Depreciation > What-If Analysis

2. Enter the following data:

Field Name Value

Start Period Jul-YY (must be a period after the current open
period and all projection periods must be
Number of Periods 12
m y
Life Years 3
d e
3. Select (B) Run.
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Chapter 9 - Page 49
4. Navigate to the View Requests form. m y
d e
• (M) View > Requests

Select the What-If Depreciation Report line and click (B) View Output. ca
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Chapter 9 - Page 50
Using Depreciation Override

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Using Depreciation Override
e A
c l
Depreciation Override allows you to optionally override the depreciation amounts calculated

r a
by Oracle Assets. Using this feature, you can manually override the calculated default
depreciation amounts for standalone and group assets.
O ly
Before running depreciation or performing adjustments, you must provide the necessary

l & On
information in the Depreciation Override window or the FA_DEPRN_OVERRIDE table, and
indicate whether the override data is for depreciation or adjustments. When running

n a e
depreciation, the system will upload and use the depreciation amounts provided in the interface

e r s
If you do not use the Depreciation Override window to input the override amounts, you must
t U
first populate the FA_DEPRN_OVERRIDE table with the necessary depreciation data. Next,

I n
the feature uploads and overrides the system calculated depreciation amounts with the amounts

c l
you provided in the override interface table.

Set the profile option FA: Enable Depreciation Override to Yes.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Chapter 9 - Page 51
Note: For Reporting Currencies–enabled books, you do not need to provide the override
amounts for the reporting currency books. The system will derive the reporting book values
based on the ratio of asset cost in the reporting book to asset cost in the primary book.
Depreciation Override Process
To override the system calculated depreciation amounts using the Depreciation Override
(N) Depreciation > Override
1. Open the Depreciation Override window.
2. You can use the Find Assets window to find assets for which you want to change
3. If you did not use the Find Assets window, or query, to find the assets records you wish
to modify, enter the asset number, book, and period of the asset in the rows of
Depreciation Override window.
4. In the Depreciation field, you can enter the override depreciation amount.
5. In the Bonus Depreciation field you can enter the override bonus depreciation amount.
To override the system calculated depreciation amounts using the FA_DEPRN_OVERRIDE
1. Define the override data in the FA_DEPRN_OVERRIDE table. In the
FA_DEPRN_OVERRIDE table, enter all basic override depreciation information:
BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT and USED_BY. You can provide depreciation amounts for
depreciation expense and bonus expense separately using the columns:
m y
or ADJUSTMENT in the USED_BY column depending on your requirement.
d e
Note: You can assign multiple override data for each asset as long as PERIOD_NAME and
USED_BY do not overlap for records with a non–posted status.
2. Optionally run What–If Analysis or Projection to review the estimated depreciation
e A
amounts for that period.
c l
incorporate the override data.a
3. Run Depreciation or perform adjustments (single asset adjustment and mass change) to

O ly
4. If the override fails, the system will roll back the depreciation for the asset. You first need
to correct the override information in the interface table, then rerun depreciation. For

l & On
example, if any assets became over–reserved during the overriding process, the override

a e
will fail and the system will return an error.

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Chapter 9 - Page 52
Useful Depreciation Reports

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Chapter 9 - Page 53
Useful Depreciation Reports

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Chapter 9 - Page 56
Asset Retirements
Chapter 10

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 1
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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 2
Asset Retirements

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 3

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 4

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 5
Tracking Asset Retirements

m y
d e
Tracking Asset Retirements
e A
c l
• You retire an asset fully or partially when it is lost, stolen, damaged, sold, returned, or for

• You retire assets by units or cost.
any other reason that causes you to stop using it.

O ly
• You perform a mass retirement by retiring a group of assets.

l & On
• You can synchronize asset disposal information between Oracle Assets and external
systems via the Mass External Retirements interface.

n a e
• You can reinstate retired assets within certain limits.

fiscal year.
t e r U s
• You perform current and prior period retirements and reinstatements within the same

I n
• You create journal entries to separate accounts for each component of the gain or loss.

c l e
r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 6
Overview of Retiring an Asset

m y
d e
Overview of Retiring an Asset
e A
c l
(N) Assets > Asset Workbench (B) Retirements

r a
You can retire all or part of an asset when it is no longer in service. Oracle Assets continues to
track a fully reserved asset until you retire it. A fully reserved asset is a fully depreciated asset.
Full Retirement O ly
& On
• Retiring an entire asset including all of its units and cost.
Partial Retirement

n a e
• Retiring part of an asset by cost or specified units. The cost retired is distributed

t e r
Undo or Reinstate Retirements
U s
proportionately across the specified distribution lines.

I n
• Within certain restrictions, you can undo or reinstate an asset retirement, and Oracle

c l e
Assets will continue to track the asset and depreciate it if appropriate.
Retiring Separately Across Depreciation Books

r a
Retire an asset from any depreciation book without affecting other books. To retire an asset
from all books, retire the asset from each book separately or set up Mass Copy to copy the
O retirements to the other books in the Book Controls form.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 7
Restrictions on Retirements and Reinstatements

m y
d e
Restrictions on Retirements and Reinstatements
e A
Retiring Assets Restrictions
c l
r a
• You cannot retire an asset that you added in the current period.

O ly
- Instead, enter it as a prior period retirement after you close the current period.
- Optionally, select Edit–>Delete Record from the menu in the Asset Details window
& On
to delete the asset anytime in the period you added it.
n a e
- If an asset was erroneously added in a prior period, adjust the cost to zero and retire

t e r
Reinstating Assets Restrictions
U s
• The retirement date must be within the current fiscal year.

I n
• You can only reinstate assets retired in the current fiscal year.

c l e
• You can reinstate a partially retired asset only if you have not performed any transactions
on the asset since the partial retirement.

r a - Depreciation is not considered a transaction that affects the ability to reinstate a

partial retirement.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 8
• You can reinstate only the most recent partial retirement if you have performed several
partial retirements on the asset.

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 9
Fully Retiring Assets

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Fully Retiring Assets
e A
c l
(N) Assets > Asset Workbench (B) Retirements

r a
You fully retire an asset by retiring an entire asset including all of its units and cost.

O ly
• When entering the date of the retirement, it must be in the current fiscal year, and cannot
be before any other transaction on the asset.

l & On
• Oracle Assets lets you use a different prorate convention when you retire an asset than
when you added it. The retirement convention in the Retirements window and the Mass
a e
Retirements window defaults from the retirement convention you set up in the Asset
Categories window.

t e r U s
• If you perform a prior period retirement, Oracle Assets backs out the depreciation

I n
expense through the date of retirement. If you reinstate the asset, Oracle Assets catches
up depreciation expense through the end of the current period.

l e
• You can enter proceeds of sale and cost of removal amounts when you perform a

r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 10
Guided Demonstration -Perform a Full Retirement and Undo
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Assets > Asset Workbench

1. In the Assets form, find asset number 100111.

2. (B) Retirements

3. Enter the following data in the Retirements form:

Field Name Value
Retire Date Accept default date
Units Retired 1
Retirement Type Sale (LOV)
Proceeds of Sale 10,000,000

4. (B) Done
m y
5. Back in the Assets form, find asset # 100111 again.
d e
6. (B) Retirements
Query the retirement performed above by either going into query mode based on Reference

Number or performing a query all (CTRL + F11).

c l
(B) Undo Retirement. Confirm the Undo transaction.
9. (B) Cancel
O ly
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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 11
Partially Retiring Assets

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Partially Retiring Assets
e A
c l
(N) Assets > Asset Workbench (B) Retirements

r a
You can retire part of an asset by cost or by units in your corporate book.

O ly
• You cannot perform partial unit retirements in your tax books; you can only perform cost
retirements (partial and full) in your tax books.

l & On
• The procedure to partially retire an asset is identical to the procedure for fully retiring the
asset. The only difference occurs when you specify the cost or units to retire.

n a e
• If you perform multiple partial retirements on an asset within a period, you must run the

By Cost
t e r U s
Calculate Gains and Losses program between transactions.

I n
• Enter the cost to retire.

l e
• The cost change will not affect the unit amount. Oracle Assets distributes the cost retired
proportionally across all distribution lines.
r a
By Units
• Enter whole numbers for the number of units you want to retire.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 12
• Oracle Assets calculates the cost retired as the fraction of total cost for the units retired
relative to the total number of units.
By Source Line
• Select Source Lines to navigate to the Source Lines window.
• Choose the source line or enter the amount you want to retire.
• Select Retire to navigate to the Source Line Retirement window.
• Modify the necessary fields.
Note: You cannot modify units retired or cost retired. You must cancel out of the retirement
window before changing the units or cost information. You can change this information in the
Source Lines window. Source Line window changes are propagated to the Retire window
when you navigate to it.
• Select Done to save your work.

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 13
Guided Demonstration - Process a Partial Retirement and
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Assets > Asset Workbench

1. In the Assets form, find asset number 100077.

2. Select (B) Retirements.

3. Enter the following data in the Retirements form:

Field Name Value
Retire Date Accept default date
Units Retired 2
Retirement Type THEFT (LOV)

4. (B) Continue

5. In the Assignments form, enter –2 in the Units Change field.

m y
6. (B) Done
d e
7. Return to the Navigator.
(N) Depreciation > Calculate Gains and Losses
e A
c l
In the Parameters window, enter OPS CORP book and accept the default period.

9. (B) OK r a
10. (B) Submit O ly
l & On
a e
11. After the Calculate Gains and Losses program completes, navigate to:

(N) Asset > Asset Workbench

t e r U s
12. In the Assets form, find asset # 100077 again.

13. (B) Retirements I n

c l e
14. Query the retirement performed above by either going into query mode based on Reference

r aNumber or performing a query all (CTRL + F11).

O15. Use the down arrow to scroll down to the previous retirement.

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 14
16. Note the Gain/Loss field is now populated.

17. (B) Reinstate

18. (B) Cancel

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 15
Mass Asset Retirements

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Mass Asset Retirements
e A
(N) Mass Transactions > Retirements
c l
r a
Use the Mass Retirements window to retire a group of assets at one time. You specify selection
criteria, including asset category, asset key, location, depreciation expense account segments,
O ly
employee, asset number range, and date placed in service range, to select the assets you want to

l & On
retire. You can also elect to automatically retire subcomponents along with the parent asset.
When you define a mass retirement, you can choose to immediately submit the concurrent
a e
request to retire the selected assets, or you can save the mass retirement definition for future
concurrent request.
t e r
submission. You can change the details of any mass retirement before you submit the

U s
I n
When you submit a mass retirement, Oracle Assets automatically runs the Mass Retirements
Report and the Mass Retirements Exception Report. You can review these reports, perform a

c l e
mass reinstatement, or adjust an individual retirement transaction if necessary.
If you wish to simultaneously run this program in more than one process to reduce processing

r a
time, Oracle Assets can be set up to run this program in parallel.
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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 16
Oracle Assets does not retire the following types of assets, even if they are selected as part of a
mass retirements transaction:
• Assets added in the current period
• Assets with transactions dated after the retirement date you enter • Assets that are
multiply distributed and one or more values do not meet the mass retirement selection
• For reinstatements, assets retired during a prior fiscal year

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 17
Guided Demonstration - Perform a Mass Retirement
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Mass Transactions > Retirements > Create and Reinstate

1. In the Mass Retirements form, enter the following data:

Field Name Value
Retire Date Accept Default
Retirement Type Sale
Proceeds of Sale 5,000,000
Cost of Removal 50,000

2. (B) Create

3. Navigate to the View Requests form.

4. Select the Mass Retirements Report line.

m y
5. (B) View Output
d e
6. Close the View Output window and then close the Requests form.
7. Reopen the Mass Retirements form.

e A
c l
Query the mass retirement you just created.

9. (B) Retire
r a
O ly
10. Select the Mass Retirements Report line.

11. (B) View Output

l & On
n a e
12. Back in the Mass Retirements form, query the mass retirement you just performed.

13. (B) Undo

t e r U s
14. (B) OK I n
c l e
r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 18
External Retirements

m y
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External Retirements
e A
Mass External Retirements
c l
r a
(N) Mass Transactions > External Retirements

O ly
Oracle Assets allows you to perform mass retirements on a set of assets by populating an
external interface table with these assets and processing them in a batch.
Why Use Mass External Retirements
l & On
n a e
The Mass Retirements Oracle Assets form does not allow partial unit retirements. Partial unit
retirements can be done in mass for assets by using the Mass External Retirement feature.

t e r U s
Oracle Asset forms do allow for partial cost retirements.
Mass External Retirements Processing

I n
• First populate the FA_MASS_EXT_RETIREMENTS interface table with valid data.

l e
• The "Post Mass External Retirements" concurrent program that starts the retirement
processes for each asset is started from the Submit Requests form.
r a
• After the concurrent program has completed, view the output file from the request and
verify that no errors have been reported.

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 19
- If any errors are reported, correct them and reset status from "Error" to "Post" for
those assets in the Mass External Retirements form.
• After the Post Mass External Retirements concurrent program has finished, the gain/loss
program should be run.
Retirements and Reinstatements Application Program Interface (API)
Perform asset retirements, reinstatements, and their related undo transactions without going
thru the Asset Workbench. Use the Retirements API to submit your transactions using

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 20
Reinstating Retired Assets

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Reinstating Retired Assets
e A
c l
The effect of your reinstatement depends on the status of the retirement.
Reinstating with a PENDING Status:
r a
O ly
• Choose Undo Retirement to delete the retirement transaction.
• No journal entries are created, and there is no audit trail.

l & On
Reinstating with a PROCESSED Status:

a e
• Choose Reinstate to create the reinstatement transaction.

e r
• When you run the Calculate Gains and Losses program, Oracle Assets creates journal
entries to reverse the effects of the retirement.
Reversing a Reinstatement: U
I n
• If you decide to reinstate a retired asset, you can query the reinstatement by using the

c l e
original retirement number.
- Choose Undo Reinstatement

r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 21
Calculate Gains and Losses Program

m y
d e
Calculate Gains and Losses Program
e A
c l
(N) Depreciation > Calculate Gains and Losses

r a
Although the depreciation program automatically processes retirements, you can run the
Calculate Gains and Losses program several times during the period to reduce period end
processing time. O ly
l & On
Reporting Currencies Considerations
• If you are using Reporting Currencies, you can run the Calculate Gains and Losses
a e
program only from your standard Oracle Assets responsibility. You cannot calculate
t e r U s
gains and losses from a Reporting Currencies reporting responsibility.
- There is a standard program request called MRC: Calculate Gain Loss in All Sets of

I n
Books that can be run from the primary responsibility whereby Gain/Loss will be
calculated in all reporting books associated with the primary asset book.

l e
• When you run depreciation from an Reporting Currencies reporting responsibility, the
Calculate Gains and Losses program does not run automatically, as it does when you run

r a depreciation from your standard Oracle Assets responsibility.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 22
Practice - Perform a Retirement and Reinstatement
In this Practice, you will perform a partial asset retirement, run the Calculate Gains and Losses
program and then reinstate the retirement.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision demonstration
database or comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Use the Oracle Assets seeded Responsibility > Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number
(for Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Replace any year references of YYYY and YY with the calendar year of your choice or
as directed by the Instructor (e.g. 2002 or Jan-02). Keep in mind that some transactions
require calendar dates and calendar periods be defined and enabled before hand in order
m y
to be processed.
d e
Perform a Partial Asset Retirement

e A
the asset. c l
Part of the asset with the tag number XXBLDG has been destroyed. You need to retire half of

r a
Process Asset Retirements
O ly
& On
Run the appropriate program that will calculate gains and losses for the asset you retired.
Reinstate the Retirement
n a e
t e r U s
The XXBLDG asset has been rebuilt and the retirement needs to be cancelled.

I n
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r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 23
Solution – Perform a Retirement and Reinstatement
Perform a Partial Asset Retirement
Responsibility = Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Navigate to the Asset Workbench:

• (N) Assets > Asset Workbench

2. Click (I) Find.

3. In the Tag Number field, enter XXBLDG.

4. In the Book field, enter OPS CORP

5. Click (B) Find.

6. Select (B) Retirements.

7. Enter the following data in the Retirements form:

Field Name

m y
Retire Date Accept default date
d e
Cost Retired
Retirement Type
e A
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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 24

Select (B) Done.

Close the Assets window to return to the Navigator. m y

Process Asset Retirements d e
10. Navigate to the Calculate Gains and Losses program submission form. ca
e A

c l
(N) Depreciation > Calculate Gains and Losses

11. In the Parameters window, enter OPS CORP.
12. Select (B) OK then (B) Submit.
O ly
& On
13. View your request to ensure it completes normally:
• (N) Other > Concurrent
n a e
14. Click (B) Find.
t e r U s
I n
Reinstate the Retirement

l e
15. Navigate to the Asset Workbench and find the asset on which you performed the partial
retirement above.

r a • (N) Assets > Asset Workbench (I) Find

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 25
16. When the asset is displayed, select (B) Retirements.

17. Query the retirement you processed by entering CTRL + F11 in the Retirements form.

18. Note the Gain/Loss field has data. Select (B) Reinstate.

m y
d e
19. Confirm the reinstatement then select (B) Cancel. ca
e A
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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 26
Retirement Processing Flow

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Retirement Processing Flow
e A
Each retirement transaction has a status.
c l
r a
• A new retirement receives the status of PENDING.

O ly
• The depreciation program automatically processes retirements.
• After you run the depreciation or Calculate Gains and Losses program, the status changes
l & On
the status to REINSTATE. a e
• When you reinstate a retired asset with a status of PROCESSED, Oracle Assets changes

t e r U s
- After calculating gains and losses, the status becomes DELETED.
For books with a large volume of assets, run the Calculate Gains and Losses program several

I n
times during the period to reduce the time the depreciation program takes to run at the end of
the period.

c l e
r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 27
Processing a Pending Retirement and Reinstatement

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d e
Processing a Pending Retirement and Reinstatement
Processing Retirements with Status PENDING l
r a
• Oracle Assets calculates the gain or loss for a retirement and removes the asset cost and
accumulated depreciation from the appropriate accounts.
O ly
• It takes depreciation during the period of retirement according to the retirement

l & On
convention, and it takes any necessary ITC recapture.
• It updates the status of the retirement to PROCESSED.

n a e
Processing Reinstatements with Status REINSTATE

t e r U s
• Oracle Assets reinstates the cost and depreciation reserve to the appropriate accounts.
• It determines depreciation adjustment for missed depreciation.

I n
• It updates the status of the retirement to DELETED.

c l e
Running this process separately reduces the end-of-period processing time, because some
processing is done in advance.

r a
Partial unit retirements terminate the existing distribution and create a new distribution. Partial
unit reinstatements terminate the new distribution and recreate the old distribution.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 28
Calculating Depreciation for the Period Retired

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Calculating Depreciation for the Period Retired
c l
Calculating Depreciation for Current and Prior Period Retirements

r a
Oracle Assets calculates any depreciation for a current period retirement and automatically
backs out any excess depreciation resulting from a prior period retirement.
O ly
Specify whether to take depreciation in the year that you retire the asset for the depreciation

l & On
method (depreciate-in-year-retired flag).
Discussing Prorate Convention and Retirement Convention

n a e
• Oracle Assets uses the prorate convention to determine how much depreciation to take in

t e r U s
the first and last years of an asset’s life based on the asset’s date placed in service.
• Oracle Assets uses the retirement convention to determine how much depreciation to take

I n
in the year retired based on the retirement date.
• In the United States, the conventions are usually the same.

c l e
r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 29
Recording Retirements and Reinstatements

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Recording Retirements and Reinstatements
e A
c l
Oracle Assets creates different journal entries for each asset type.
For Capitalized Assets:
r a
O ly
• Charges or reverses depreciation for the year retired.
• Removes the asset cost and accumulated depreciation from the corresponding accounts.

l & On
• Clears the proceeds of sale and the cost of removal.

a e
• Recognizes gain or loss from the retirement.

t e r
For Construction-in-Process (CIP) Assets:
• Removes the asset cost from the CIP cost account.
I n
• Clears the proceeds of sale and the cost of removal.
• Recognizes gain or loss from the retirement.

l e
For Expensed Items:
• There are no journal entries for retirement

r a
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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 30
Recording Retirements

m y
d e
c a
Recording Retirements
e A
c l
Full Retirement with Multiple Retirement Accounts Dr Cr
Accumulated Depreciation
r a 2,750
Proceeds of Sale Clearing
*Cost of Removal Gain O ly 2,000

*Net Book Value Retired Gain & On 1,000

n a e
*Revaluation Reserve Retired Gain 250
Asset Cost

t e r
*Proceeds of Sale Gain
U s 4,000

I n
Cost of Removal Clearing
Full Retirement with a Single Gain or Loss Account

c l e
Accumulated Depreciation
Proceeds of Sale Clearing

r a Asset Cost 4,000

O Cost of Removal Clearing 500

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 31
*Gain or Loss 250
* Note the different components of the gain or loss amount.

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 32
Recording a Retirement on Multiple Accounts

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Recording a Retirement on Multiple Accounts
e A
c l
You can create journal entries to multiple accounts defined for the book.

r a
Identifying Separate Accounts for Each Component of Gain or Loss:
• Proceeds of sale
• Cost of removal O ly
• Net book value retired
l & On
• Revaluation reserve retired

n a e
e r
Separate Account Sets for Gains and Losses
• If the retirement results in a gain, Oracle Assets creates journal entries to the gain
accounts. t U
I n
• If the retirement results in a loss, Oracle Assets creates journal entries to the loss

c l e
• To use a single gain or loss account, enter the same account for each of the gain and loss

r a accounts.
- The net effect is a single gain or loss journal entry.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 33
Retirement Journal Entries Example

m y
d e
c a
Retirement Journal Entries Example
e A
Journal Entries Created by Oracle Assets
c l Dr Cr
Depreciation Expense
r a 250
Accumulated Depreciation
O ly
Proceeds of Sale (clearing account)

l & On
Removal Cost (clearing account) 500
Gain or Loss

n a e 250
Asset Cost

t e r s
Journal Entries Created by Oracle Receivables

I n
Accounts Receivable
Proceeds of Sale (clearing account)

c l e
Journal Entries Created by Oracle Payables
Removal Cost (clearing account) 500

r a Accounts Payable 500

O Note: A single gain or loss account was used in this example.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 34
Recording Prior Period Reinstatement Entries

m y
d e
Recording Prior Period Reinstatement Entries
e A
Qtr Asset Accum
c l YTD Depreciation
Year 1 Q1

$ 250 a Depreciation
$ 250
$ 250

Q2 $4,000 O ly
$ 500 $ 500 $ 250

Q3 $4,000
l & On
$ 750 $ 750 $ 250

Q4 $4,000
n a e
$1,000 $1,000 $ 250

Year 2 Q1 $
e r U$s 0 $ 250 $ 250

n 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0

c l eQ3 $4,000 $1,750 $ 750 $ 500

r a Q4 $4,000 $2,000 $1,000 $ 250

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 35
Retirement Reports

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Chapter 10 - Page 36
Retirement Reports

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Retirement Reports

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Asset Retirements
Chapter 10 - Page 40
Asset Accounting
Chapter 11

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Asset Accounting
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Asset Accounting

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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 5
Setting Up Asset Accounting

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Setting Up Asset Accounting
e A
Define Your Ledger
c l
In Oracle General Ledger:
r a
O ly
(N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups
In Oracle Assets:

l & On
(N) Setup > Financials > General Ledger > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups

n a e
You need to define at least one ledger before you can implement and use Oracle Assets. A
ledger includes an accounting calendar, a functional currency, and an account structure.

e r s
If the ledger has not been defined during Oracle General Ledger setup, complete as follows:
t U
• Define the chart of accounts using the accounting key flexfield. Oracle Assets requires
I n
the cost center qualifier to be designated in the accounting flexfield. The accounting key

c l e
flexfield is shared by all Oracle Applications.
• Define the general ledger accounting calendars and the accounting period types.

r a
• Enable the functional currency that you want to use with the ledger.
• Define, enable, and allow posting of values.
O • Define a ledger.
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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 6
• Assign the ledger to a responsibility.
You can use Oracle Assets with multiple ledgers within a single installation.
Define Additional Journal Entry Sources
In Oracle General Ledger:
(N) Setup > Journal > Sources
In Oracle Assets:
(N) Setup > Financials > General Ledger > Journal Sources
If you do not install Oracle General Ledger, use the Journal Entry Sources window in Oracle
Assets to define additional journal entry sources. Journal entry sources are used to identify the
origin of your journal entry transactions.
If you previously defined your journal entry sources while setting up Oracle General Ledger,
Oracle Assets will use those values as defaults.
Define Additional Journal Entry Categories
In Oracle General Ledger:
(N) Setup > Journal > Categories
In Oracle Assets:
(N) Setup > Financials > General Ledger > Journal Categories
If you do not install Oracle General Ledger, use the Journal Entry Categories window in Oracle
Assets to define additional journal entry categories. Journal entry categories describe the
purpose or type of your journal entries.
If you previously defined your journal entry categories while setting up Oracle General Ledger,
m y
Oracle Assets will use those values as defaults.
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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 7
Assets Journal Entries Flow

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d e
Assets Journal Entries Flow
e A
(N) Create Accounting
c l
r a
Oracle Assets creates journal entries for depreciation expense, asset cost, and other accounts.
Oracle Assets automatically creates transaction journal entries for your general ledger when
O ly
you run the Create Accounting program if you check the Create Journal Entries check box.

l & On
Otherwise, Oracle Assets will not create journal entries and you can run the Transfer Journal
Entries to GL – Assets concurrent program at a later time.
a e
Oracle Assets creates journal entries that summarize the activity for each account for each
transaction type.

t e r U s
• The general ledger period for which you want to create journal entries must be open or
future entry.
I n
• The period name used in the depreciation calendar assigned to the asset book must be the

l e
same as the period name in the general ledger calendar for the ledger you want to send

the journal entries to.

r a
• When you run the Create Accounting program, Oracle Assets sends entries directly to the
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 8
• Oracle Assets allows you to run the Create Accounting program multiple times before
closing the depreciation period.
- You can post journal entries to Oracle General Ledger for all transactions that have
occurred thus far in an open depreciation period.
- If additional transactions occur during the open depreciation period, you need to
rerun Depreciation, then you can rerun the Create Accounting program.
See the 12 Asset Management Fundamentals lesson Asset Books for more detailed information
on Asset Books setup requirements.

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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 9
Oracle Subledger Accounting

m y
d e
Oracle Subledger Accounting
e A
c l
Oracle Assets is fully integrated with Oracle Subledger Accounting for:
•Creating accounting entries
r a
•Transaction drilldown
•Reporting O ly
l & On
By default, Subledger Accounting is used to generate accounts.

n a e
•If the FA: Use Workflow Account Generation profile option is set to Yes, the account
generation rules set up in Oracle Workflow will be used.

t e r U s
I n
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r a
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 10
Accounting Event Entities and Classes

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d e
Accounting Events
e A
c l
Oracle Assets creates accounting events for every asset transaction that has accounting impact.

r a
The Create Accounting process creates subledger accounting entries for these accounting events.
Note: You do not need to run depreciation to process accounting for additions.
O ly
Oracle Assets groups all the accounting events classes into the following four event entities:

l & On
• Transactions: This event entity groups the following event classes: Additions,
Adjustment, Capitalization, Category Reclass, CIP Additions, CIP Adjustments, CIP
a e
Category Reclass, CIP Retirements, CIP Revaluation, CIP Transfers, CIP Unit
t e r U s
Adjustments, Depreciation Adjustments, Retirements, Retirement Adjustments,
Revaluation, Terminal Gain and Loss, Transfers, Unit Adjustments, and Unplanned
I n
• Depreciation: This event entity groups the following event classes: Depreciation and

l e
Rollback Depreciation.

• Inter Asset Transactions: This event entity groups the following event classes: Source

r a Line Transfers, CIP Source Line Transfers, and Reserve Transfers.

• Deferred Depreciation: This event entity groups the following event classes: Deferred
O Depreciation.

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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 11
Some event classes are divided into event types. For example, the Retirements event class is
divided into the Retirements and Reinstatements event types. Event classes are associated with
process categories using the Event Class options. Process categories allow you to run Create
Accounting for a specific process. For example, if you want to run accounting for the
Revaluation transaction then you can specify the Revaluation process category while running
Create Accounting program.

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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 12
Create Accounting – Assets Program

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Create Accounting – Assets Program
e A
c l
The Create Accounting – Assets concurrent program:

r a
• Creates journal entries for Oracle Assets transactions.

O ly
• Journal entries can be transferred to and posted to General Ledger.
• You can re-run the Transfer Journal Entries to GL – Assets concurrent program to post
& On
journal entries at a later time.
a e
• Submit the process from the Create Accounting Menu.

t e r U s
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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 13
Guided Demonstration - Run Create Accounting
1. Open the Submit Requests window.

• (N) Create Accounting

2. In the Parameters window, enter the following:

Field Value
Book Type Code OPS CORP
End Date Leave as the system date
Accounting Mode Draft
Errors Only No
Report Summary
Include User Transaction Identifiers No

Note: The Transfer to General Ledger and Post in General Ledger fields are disabled when
you run the process in the Draft accounting mode.


(B) Okay.

(B) Submit. m y
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Chapter 11 - Page 14
Journal Entries Created

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Journal Entries Created
e A
c l
The Create Accounting process creates journal entries for the appropriate general ledger set of

r a
books. You can review these journal entries in the general ledger and then post them.
• You can create journal entries for any general ledger. If you do not use Oracle General
O ly
Ledger, you can copy the journal entry information from the GL tables.
Adjusting Journal Entries
l & On
Oracle Assets creates adjusting journal entries to depreciation expense and accumulated
a e
depreciation accounts when you enter prior period additions, transfers, or retirements:
t e r U s
• For a prior period addition, Oracle Assets creates journal entries for the missed

I n
• For a prior period transfer, Oracle Assets reverses a portion of the depreciation expense
posted to the “from” depreciation expense account and posts it to the “to” depreciation

l e
expense account.
• For prior period retirements, Oracle Assets creates journal entries that reverse the

r a depreciation taken for periods after the retirement prorate date.

O Depreciation Adjustments

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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 15
Oracle Assets creates separate journal entries for adjustments to depreciation expense and
current period depreciation. You can review the effect of your adjustment transaction and your
current period depreciation expense separately in the general ledger.

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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 16
Reconciling Data in Oracle Assets

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Reconciling Assets Data
e A
c l
• To confirm data in reports, reconcile Oracle Assets to Oracle Payables and Oracle

r a
Projects, and to non-Oracle feeder systems.
• You use reports to reconcile journal entries that are sent to Oracle General Ledger.
O ly
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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 17
Generating Reports to Reconcile to the General Ledger

m y
d e
Generating Reports to Reconcile to the General Ledger
c l
When you run depreciation in Oracle Assets and then run Create Accounting, journal entries

r a
can be automatically transferred to the general ledger You can also choose to have journal
entries automatically posted to the general ledger when you run Create Accounting.
O ly
At the end of each period, use the Account Analysis Report in Oracle Subledger Accounting

l & On
(SLA) to reconcile journal entries with Oracle General Ledger’s Journals - General Report as

a e
• Use the Journals - General Report (parameter set to Unposted Journals status) to review
t e r
unposted journal batches and associated journals.

U s
- Use this information to trace transactions back to the original source.

I n
• Use the Account Analysis report to list all journal entry lines and detailed information on
the asset transactions.

c l e
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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 18
Reconciling an Asset Cost Account

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Reconciling an Asset Cost Account
e A
c l
• Use the Detail Trial Balance Report in Oracle General Ledger to reconcile asset additions

r a
imported into General Ledger from Oracle Payables.
• Use the General Ledger Report in Oracle General Ledger to list beginning and ending
O ly
account balances and all journal entry lines affecting each account balance in the

l & On
functional and foreign currencies.Use this report to review journal information and to
trace each transaction back to its original source.
a e
• Match the ending balance of the Cost Summary Report with the Cost Detail Report.
t e r U s
• Match the ending balance of the CIP Summary Report with CIP Detail Report.
• Match the ending balance of the Reserve Summary Report with the Reserve Detail
I n
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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 19
Reconciling Asset Cost Accounts

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Reconciling Asset Cost Accounts
e A
c l
Reconcile the following reports’ information to the Oracle Assets Cost Detail Report:

r a
• Asset Additions Report > Match the cost with match the additions column on the Cost
Detail Report.
O ly
• Cost Adjustments Report > Match the net change column with the adjustments column
on the Cost Detail Report.
l & On
• Asset Retirements Report > Match the cost retired column with the retirements column
on the Cost Detail Report.
n a e
t e r U s
• Asset Reclassification Reconciliation Report > Match the cost column (reflecting
transferred costs) with the reclass column on the Cost Detail Report. This report lists the

I n
reclassification of assets reflected in adjusting journal entries that were created when you
ran the Create Journal Entries program.

l e
• Asset Transfer Reconciliation Report > Match the cost column with the transfers column
on the Cost Detail Report.

r a
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Chapter 11 - Page 20
Reconciling a CIP Cost Account

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Reconciling a CIP Cost Account
e A
c l
Reconcile the following reports with the CIP Detail Report:

r a
• Asset Additions Report > Match the cost column with the additions column on the CIP
Detail Report for CIP assets.
O ly
• Cost Adjustments Report > Match the net change column with the adjustments column
on the CIP Detail Report.
l & On
• Asset Retirements Report > Match the cost retired column with the retirements column
on the CIP Detail Report.
n a e
CIP Detail Report.
t e r U s
• CIP Capitalization Report > Match the cost column with the capitalized column on the

I n
• Asset Reclassification Reconciliation Report > Match the cost column (reflecting
transferred costs) to the reclass column on the CIP Detail Report.

l e
• Asset Transfer Reconciliation Report > Match the assigned cost column with the transfers
column on the CIP Detail Report.

r a
• CIP Assets Report > Match the cost column with the ending balance column on the CIP

O Detail Report.

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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 21
Reconciling a Reserve Account

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Reconciling a Reserve Account
e A
c l
Reconcile the following reports to the columns in the Reserve Detail Report:
Match the following columns >
r a
O ly
Report Name and Column Name
l & On Reserve Detail Report Column
Asset Additions Report
-Accumulated depreciation column
n a e Additions column

Reserve Adjustments Report

-Reserve adjustments column e r U s Adjustments column

Asset Retirements Reportn Retirements column

l e
-Difference between Cost retired and Net book value
retired column
Asset Reclassification Reconciliation Report
-Accumulated depreciation column

Reclasses column

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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 22
Report Name and Column Name Reserve Detail Report Column
Asset Reconciliation Reserve Ledger Report Depreciation column
-Depreciation amount column

Asset Transfers Report Transfers column

-Accumulated depreciation column

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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 23
Reconciling Depreciation Expense

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Reconciling Depreciation Expense
e A
c l
• Use the Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Report to find out how much depreciation expense

r a
Oracle Assets charged to a depreciation expense account for any accounting period.
• Reconcile depreciation expense with the General Ledger Report or the SLA Account
Analysis Report. O ly
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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 24
Reconciling Mass Additions

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Reconciling Mass Additions
e A
c l
Use the following reports to track mass additions from the time you import them from the

r a
accounts payable system to the time you post them in Oracle Assets:
1. The Mass Additions Create Report provides a complete audit trail of the mass additions
O ly
created by Oracle Payables. The report shows all invoice line items that were split,

l & On
merged, deleted, placed on hold, and prepared for posting.
2. The Mass Additions Posting Report shows an audit trail of assets that were created from
a e
mass additions when you ran the Post Mass Additions to Oracle Assets program. Oracle
t e r
Assets posts mass additions with a POST status.

U s
3. The Cost Clearing Reconciliation Report shows all assets created or adjusted during an

I n
accounting period for which Oracle Assets creates journal entries to asset clearing
accounts. Use this report to reconcile clearing accounts between the general ledger and

c l e
Oracle Assets.
4. The Additions by Source Report shows posted mass additions and manual mass

r a additions, and should be reconciled with the Asset Additions Report and the Mass
Additions Posting Report. Its current cost column should match with the cost column on
O the Mass Additions Posting Report.

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Asset Accounting
Chapter 11 - Page 25
5. Oracle Assets creates journal entries for the general ledger.
6. Use the Mass Additions Status Report to review source lines by queue name in the Mass
Additions interface.

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting
Chapter 12

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 5
Viewing Asset Information Online

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Viewing Asset Information Online
e A
c l
You can view and query assets online to verify or research asset information:

r a
• Perform online inquiries to view the financial information about an asset

O ly
• Query all assets assigned to a general ledger account by asset detail, assignment, source
lines, and lease

& On
• Query all assets assigned to a depreciation account
n a e
• View the transaction, depreciation, and cost history of an asset
• View transactions for any depreciation book and accounting period

e r s
• View accounting lines for transactions
t U
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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 6
Types of Asset Inquiries

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Types of Asset Inquires
e A
c l
• To find an asset by detail, enter asset descriptive information, such as asset number,

r a
description, or category, as the search criteria.
• To find an asset by assignment, enter assignment information as the search criteria. If you
O ly
want to search using the expense account, enter a book first.

l & On
• To find an asset by source line, enter invoice information, such as supplier or invoice
number, or project information, such as project number or task number, as the search
n a e
t e r U s
• To find an asset by lease, enter lease information, such as the lessor, lease number, or
lease description, as the search criteria.

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 7
Asset Inquiry Options

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Asset Inquiry Options
e A
(N) Inquiry > Financial Information
c l
r a
Use the Financial Information windows to view descriptive and financial information for an
asset. You can review the transactions, depreciation, and cost history of the asset you select.
(N) Inquiry > Transaction History O ly
l & On
Use the Transaction History windows to review all the transactions for any book, accounting
period, transaction type, or range of assets.

n a e
You cannot update information from the asset inquiry forms.

t e r U s
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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 8
iAssets Search for Assets

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iAssets Search for Assets
e A
c l
Oracle iAssets includes a powerful search tool you can use to find any assets that are available

r a
in the Oracle Assets system. Oracle iAssets includes two types of search mechanisms:
• Simple Search: The Simple Search page allows you to search by asset number,
O ly
description, serial number, tag number, employee name, and location.

l & On
• Advanced Search: If you want to search using additional criteria, you can use the
Advanced Search. The Advanced Search page enables you to search for specific assets or
a e
for many assets containing the same criteria. By default, the Advanced Search page
t e r
allows you to search by asset number, description, tag number, and serial number. You
can add additional search criteria from a list of values.
I n
Note: The assets you can query are determined by your security options setup.
When you find assets, you have the option to add them to an asset list. You can search for more

l e
assets, save the asset list for later use, or use the asset list to create transfer requests.

Simple Search

r a
Use the Simple Search page to search for assets. You must enter at least one of the search
criteria listed on the simple search page, but can enter as many as you like. The more
O information you enter, the more precise your search results will be.

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 9
Advanced Search
The Advanced Search page enables you to enter more specific information about assets than
does the Simple Search page. You can search on any of the fields listed on the page, as well as
add additional fields on which to conduct your search by choosing additional fields from the
Add Another list. You can also narrow your search for each field. For example, if you search
by asset number, you can search for a specific asset number, or an asset number that contains,
starts with, or ends with a particular set of numbers.

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 10
Viewing Financial Information

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Viewing Financial Information
e A
c l
(N) Inquiry > Financial Information (B) Assignments

r a
• Displays the current assignment information for the asset.

O ly
(N) Inquiry > Financial Information (B) Source Lines
• If the asset was created from capital asset lines in Oracle Projects, Oracle Assets displays
& On
the Project Number and Task Number of the asset.
n a e
- Choose the Project Details button to view detail project information about the asset.
The Asset Line Details window includes the following project information for your

t e r U s
asset: expenditure type, item date, employee, supplier, quantity, CIP cost,
expenditure organization, non–labor resource, and non–labor organization.

I n
(N) Inquiry > Financial Information (B) Books
• The View Depreciation window shows each period’s depreciation amounts that are
l e
updated each time you run depreciation.
r a - Any unplanned depreciation amounts are included in the depreciation expense per
period for each asset and book.

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Chapter 12 - Page 11
• If you change any information such as the asset cost in the period that you added the
asset, Oracle Assets updates the original ADDITION transaction to ADDITION/VOID
transaction in the Cost History.
- Any unplanned depreciation amounts appear as ADJUSTMENT transactions.

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 12
Viewing Transaction History

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Viewing Transaction History
e A
(N) Inquiry > Transaction History
c l
To perform a transaction history inquiry:
O ly
1. In the Find Transactions window, enter search criteria for your inquiry. You must enter a
Book and Reference Number or Asset Numbers to query a transaction history. You can

l & On
optionally enter other search criteria, including Periods, Transaction Type, and Category.
2. (B) Find. You can see a summary of the transactions for the asset.

n a e
3. To view details, check an asset and then choose the Details button.

t e r U s
Note: You can view the detail accounting lines for the transaction in the form of a balanced
accounting entry (i.e., debits equal credits). You can also choose to view the detail accounting
as t–accounts.
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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 13
Viewing Transaction Accounting

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Viewing Transaction Accounting
e A
c l
In Oracle Assets, you can view detailed accounting information for asset transactions in the
following formats:
r a
• Accounting Lines - displays balanced accounting information in the form of debits and
credits. O ly
l & On
• T Accounts - displays underlying accounting information in graphical t-account format.
• Activity Summary - displays net activity for transaction and account balances.

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 14
Viewing Subledger Accounting Transactions

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Viewing Subledger Accounting Transactions
e A
c l
In Oracle Assets, you can view the following transactions in Oracle Subledger Accounting:
•Accounting Events
r a
•Journal Entries
•Journal Entry Lines O ly
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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 15
Guided Demonstration -Perform Asset Inquiries
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Inquiry > Financial Information

1. In the Find Assets window, enter 100111 in the Asset Number field and OPS CORP in the
Book field, and select (B) Find.

2. When the Find is complete, select (B) Assignments to view the assignment information for
the asset.

3. Return to the Assets form and select (B) Source Lines. Review the Source Line information
for the asset.

4. Return to the Assets form and select (B) Books. Review the Financial information for the

5. Select (B) Transactions and click on the ADDITION transaction type line.

6. Select (B) Details to review the detail information for the ADDITION.

7. Close windows until you return to the View Financial Information form. Select (T)
Depreciation and view depreciation history for the asset.
m y
8. Return to the View Financial Information form and select (T) Cost History. Review the d e
9. Go back to (T) Depreciation and select (M) Tools > View Accounting. Click (B) View

e A
Journal Entry. Select (B) T Accounts.

c l
r a
10. In the Options form, select (B) T Accounts and note the T Account presentation. Select (B)
Activity Summary and review the information.

11. Return to the Navigator. O ly

(N) Inquiry > Transaction History
l & On
n a e
Field Name
t e r
12. In the Find Transactions form, enter the following data:

U s Value
Asset Numbers I n OPS CORP
101125 - 101125

c l e
13. Select (B) Find.

r a
14. In the Transaction History form, select (M) Tools > View Accounting. Note the accounting
O data also is available in this type of inquiry.

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Chapter 12 - Page 16
15. Close all windows and return to the navigator.

(N) Inquiry > Subledger Accounting > Accounting Events

16. On the Accounting Events page, enter:

Field Name Value
From Transaction Date 01-Nov-2006
To Transaction Date 30-Apr-2007
Ledger Vision Operations (USA)

17. (B) Go.

18. Click Show on any transaction in the list of accounting events.

19. (B) View Transaction. The Transaction History window in Oracle Assets opens, displaying
information about the accounting event.

20. Close the Transaction History window.

21. Go back to the Accounting Events window (you may need to click (I) Back) and click (B)
View Journal Entries to view journal entries for this accounting event.

22. Click (B) View T-Account.

m y
23. In Oracle Assets on the Options window, click (B) T Accounts.
d e
24. Close all pages and forms.
(N) Inquiry > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entries
e A
c l
25. On the Subledger Journal Entries page, enter:
Field Name
r a Value
Ledger (is)
From GL Date (after) O ly
Vision Operations (USA)

l & On
26. (B) Go.

n a e
t e r U s
27. Click the Select check box next to the first two journal entries.

28. (B) Compare.

I n
c l e
29. Close the Subledger Journal Entries page.

(N) Inquiry > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entry Lines

r a
30. On the Journal Entry Lines page, enter:
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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 17
Field Name Value
Ledger (is) Vision Operations (USA)
Balancing Segment (is) 01

31. (B) Go.

32. Select one of the transactions.

33. Click (B) View Transaction.

34. Click (B) View Journal Entry.

35. Close the Subledger Journal Entry Lines window.

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 18
Practice - Perform Asset Inquiries
In this Practice, you will perform inquiries to obtain asset information.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision demonstration
database or comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Use the Oracle Assets seeded Responsibility > Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number
(for Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• The segment separator for the accounting flexfield may not be a dash “-“. Substitute the
applicable segment separator if necessary.

m y
Perform a Financial Information Inquiry
d e
You have been asked to provide the following information for OPS CORP book asset # 100081:
• Where was its last known location?
e A
• c l
What were the accounts used to record the original addition?

• r a
How much depreciation expense was recorded for the asset in the period JUL-96?
O ly
Investigate an Asset Transaction

l & On
n a e
You have been asked to find out information for an asset transaction and have only been given
the Reference Number. You’ve been informed the asset is in the OPS CORP book and the
Reference Number is 108.
t e r U s

I n
What is the Asset Number and Description?

c l e
Where is the asset located?

Perform Inquiries in Oracle Subledger Accounting
OFrom Oracle Assets, perform the following Oracle Subledger Accounting inquiries:

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 19
• Accounting Events – Find accounting events with a From Transaction Date of
November 1, 2006, a To Transaction Date of April 30, 2007, and the Ledger Vision
Operations (USA). View the transaction history and T-accounts for one of these
accounting events.

• Journal Entries – Find journal entries in the ledger Vision Operations (USA) The From
GL Date should be after December 31, 2006. Compare two journal entries from the list
of journal entries.

• Journal Entry Lines – Find journal entry lines in the Vision Operation (USA) ledger
with a balancing segment of 01. Select one of the journal entry lines and view the
transaction history and journal entry.

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 20
Solution – Perform Asset Inquiries
Perform a Financial Information Inquiry
Responsibility = Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Navigate to the Financial Information inquiry form:

• (N) Inquiry > Financial Information

2. In the Find Assets window, enter 100081 in the Asset Number field and OPS CORP in the
Book field and select (B) Find.

3. Select (B) Assignments and click in the Location field. Select (I) Edit Field. Note the
Location which is USA-CA-SAN FRANCISCO-NONE. Close the Assignments form.

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Select the (B) Books from the Assets form.
t U
I n
In the View Financial Information form, select (B) Transactions.

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Chapter 12 - Page 21
6. Select (M) Tools > View Accounting and note the accounts used to record the original
m y
• DR 01-740-1530-0000-000 30,000.00
d e
• CR 01-000-1570-0000-000 30,000.00
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Chapter 12 - Page 22
m y
7. Close windows until you return to the View Financial Information form. Select (B)
d e
In the Depreciation tabbed region, scroll down until you see the period JUL-96. Note thata
the depreciation expense for this period was 250.00.

e A
Close all windows and return to the navigator.
Investigate an Asset Transaction
r a
O ly
Responsibility = Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

l & On
10. Navigate to the Transaction History inquiry form:

n a e
(N) Inquiry > Transaction History

t e r U s
11. In the Find Transactions form, enter the Book OPS CORP and the Reference Number 108.
Select (B) Find.
I n
c l e
12. Note that the asset number is 100071 and the description is LAND.

13. To find the Location, select (I) Find.
O14. In the Find Transactions form, clear the Reference Number field and enter 100071 in the
Asset Numbers range field. Select (B) Find.
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Chapter 12 - Page 23
15. In the Transaction History window, click on the TRANSFER IN line and select (B) Details.

16. Click on the Location field in the Transaction Details form. Select (I) Edit Field and note the
Location is USA-CA-SAN FRANCISCO-NONE. Close all windows and return to the

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Perform Inquiries in Oracle Subledger Accounting

(N) Inquiry > Subledger Accounting > Accounting Events
c e
17. On the Accounting Events page, enter:
l Field Name Value

O ra From Transaction Date

To Transaction Date

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Chapter 12 - Page 24
Ledger Vision Operations (USA)

18. Click (B) Go.

19. Click Show on the first transaction in the list of accounting events.

20. (B) View Transaction. The Transaction History window in Oracle Assets opens, displaying
information about the accounting event.

21. Close the Transaction History window.

22. Go back to the Accounting Events window (you may need to click (I) Back) and click (B)
View Journal Entries to view journal entries for this accounting event.

23. Click (B) View T-Account.

24. In Oracle Assets on the Options window, click (B) T Accounts.

25. Close all pages and forms.

(N) Inquiry > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entries

26. On the Subledger Journal Entries page, enter:

Field Name Value
m y
Ledger (is)
From GL Date (after)
Vision Operations (USA)
d e
27. (B) Go. ca
e A
28. Click the Select check box next to the first two journal entries.

29. (B) Compare.
r a
O ly
30. Close the Subledger Journal Entries page.

& On
(N) Inquiry > Subledger Accounting > Journal Entry Lines
a e
31. On the Journal Entry Lines page, enter:
Ledger (is)
Field Name

t e r U s Value
Vision Operations (USA)

I n
Balancing Segment (is) 01

l e
32. Click (B) Go.
r a
33. Select one of the transactions.

O34. (B) View Transaction.

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35. (B) View Journal Entry.

36. Close the Subledger Journal Entry Lines window.

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Chapter 12 - Page 26

m y
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e A
c l
• Oracle iAssets is a web portal designed to help employees manage and access

r a
information about a company's capital assets, such as equipment and machinery.
• Oracle iAssets supports self-service transfer of assets, enabling employees to keep track
O ly
of equipment location and ownership.

l & On
- This enables companies to maintain an accurate account of their capital spending
necessary to support capital budgeting.
a e
- Tracking movements of assets is also crucial for planning maintenance services and
t e r U s
reducing resources for physical inventory.
• This self-service product automates approval and enforcement of business rules. Oracle

I n
iAssets offers real-time inquiries of information pertaining to your fixed assets.
• You can access financial and other supporting data about your assets for analysis and

l e
decision support.
r a
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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 27
iAssets Setup Steps

m y
d e
iAssets Setup Steps
e A
c l
Before you set up Oracle iAssets, set up Oracle Applications responsibilities and users for the

r a
implementation. Oracle iAssets provides Oracle iAssets responsibilities.
Set Up Underlying Oracle Applications Technology
O ly
• You need to set up underlying Oracle Applications technology, which includes the
following steps:
l & On
- Perform system–wide setup tasks such as configuring concurrent managers and
n a e
t e r U s
- Manage data security, which includes setting up responsibilities to allow access to a
specific set of business data and complete a specific set of transactions, and

I n
assigning individual users to one or more of these responsibilities.
- Set up Oracle Workflow

l e
Oracle Assets Setup Steps
r a• Before implementing Oracle iAssets, you must implement Oracle Assets.
Oracle Human Resources Setup Steps

O • Before implementing Oracle iAssets, you must implement Oracle Human Resources.

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Chapter 12 - Page 28
Oracle iAssets Setup Steps
1. Set up Rules
2. Set up Profile Options
3. Assign Rule Names to User Responsibilities

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Chapter 12 - Page 29
iAssets Setup Steps—Rules

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Asset Inquiry & Reporting

Chapter 12 - Page 30
Guided Demonstration - iAssets Setup-Rules
Responsibility: iAssets Setup Administrator
Set up Rules

To define self service asset transfer rules:

1. Open the Create Rule page.

Setup > Rules (B) Create New Rule

2. Enter XX_Demo in the Rule Name field.

3. Enter a description of the rule.

4. In the Corporate Book field, enter OPS CORP.

5. Determine whether users will be able to use self service transfer functionality.

6. The Enable Self–Service Transfer Functionality check box must be checked to enable users
to create transfer requests.

If you do not check this check box, users will only be able to search and view assets.
m y
7. Determine whether users will be able to enter a transfer effective date while requesting a
d e
e A
If you check the Allow user–enterable transaction date check box, users will be able to enter
the current date or any date within the current fiscal year. Users will not be able to enter
future dates.
c l
r a
If you do not check this check box, the transfer date is set to the date the transfer is
O ly
Approval Options
l & On
a e
Determine whether fixed asset manager (iAssets manager) approval is required before
applying any self service transfers.

t e r U s
If you check the Require iAssets Manager approval before applying any self–service

I n
transfers check box, then Oracle iAssets will require approval from the fixed asset manager.
The fixed asset manager can review the transfer lines from the iAssets Manager

l e
Responsibility and change the request status.
r a If you do not check the check box, after management approval, all transfer lines will be
transferred to Oracle Assets with a status of Post.
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Chapter 12 - Page 31
10. Determine the approval type that will be required for each transfer request.

Both Releasing and Destination approvals required: If you choose this option, an Approver
field appears for each asset selected for transfer on both the releasing and destination
information pages. Both of these fields are required. This option is the default approval type.

No approvals required: If you choose this option, all transfer requests will be automatically

Only Destination approvals required: If you choose this option, no Approver field will be
displayed on the releasing information page. The Approver field will appear on the
destination information page.

Only Releasing approvals required: If you choose this option, the Releasing Approver field
is required. No Approver field will be displayed on the destination information page.

11. Determine the approval method that will be required for each transfer request.

Cost Center–based approvals: If you choose this option, the default approver will be the cost
center manager.

Management hierarchy–based approvals: If you choose this option, the default approver will
be based on the employee hierarchy relationship. The employee is the person for whom the
transfer is requested. The approver defaults to the user who logs in. This option is the default
approval method.
m y
Security Options:
d e
12. Choose the accounting segments that will be displayed throughout Oracle iAssets.
13. Check the Enforce Security by Cost Center check box to allow users to view and perform A
transactions only on assets in their cost center.
r a
If you do not check this check box, users will be able to view and perform transactions on
assets in all cost centers.
O ly
Search Options:

l & On
a e
14. Determine whether users will be restricted to search only their own requests.

t e r U s
If you choose the Restrict users to only search for their saved requests check box, users will
be able to search only their saved requests. If this check box is not checked, users will be

able to query all requests on the system.
l e
Custom Options:

r a
15. Determine whether you want to add any company–specific instructions that users need to
follow before submitting a transfer. To add these instructions, you need to check the Enable

O custom text input check box, and enter the company–specific information in the Custom

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Chapter 12 - Page 32
Text box. This text is visible in the content container on the Create Transfer Request:
Request Details page.

16. (B) Finish

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Chapter 12 - Page 33
iAssets Setup Steps—Profile Options

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iAssets Setup Steps—Profile Options
e A
c l
Each rule must have a rule name defined in the IA: iAssets Rule Name profile option. Once the

r a
rule name is assigned to a responsibility, the responsibility is governed by the controls and
options set up in that rule. This profile option must be set at the responsibility level.
O ly
Note: The IA: Assets Rule ID profile option is automatically populated based on the value you

profile option.
l & On
enter for the IA: iAssets Rule Name profile option. You cannot update the IA: Assets Rule ID

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Chapter 12 - Page 34
iAssets Setup Steps—User Responsibilities

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iAssets Setup Steps—User Responsibilities
e A
c l
After defining rule names in the IA: iAssets Rule Name profile option, you must assign each

r a
rule name to a user responsibility. Every Oracle iAssets user responsibility and Oracle iAssets
approver responsibility must be assigned a rule name. Otherwise, when users log into an
O ly
Oracle iAssets responsibility, they will receive an error message and will be unable to proceed.

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Chapter 12 - Page 35
Oracle Assets Reporting

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Oracle Assets Reporting
e A
c l
• Use Oracle Assets standard reports and listings to keep track of your assets, and to

r a
reconcile Oracle Assets to your general ledger.
• Oracle Assets standard reports and listings include both standard fixed format reports and
O ly
standard variable format reports. You run standard reports and listings from Oracle

l & On
Assets or from the Oracle Report Manager.
Note: When you run reports for assets using bonus rules, the bonus depreciation is included in
a e
the depreciation expense column and the bonus reserve is included in the accumulated
depreciation column.

t e r s
To run a standard report, listing, or request set:
I n
1. Open the Submit Requests window.
2. Decide whether to run a request or request set, then select the request or request set you

l e
want to run.
3. Enter the request parameters.

r a
4. (B) Submit

O 5. Note the Request ID.

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Chapter 12 - Page 36
6. Review the status of your request.

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Chapter 12 - Page 37
Assets Reports Groupings

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Assets Reports Groupings
e A
c l
See the Oracle Assets User Guide Release 12 for detail information on all available reports.

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Chapter 12 - Page 38
Variable Format Reports

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Variable Format Reports
e A
c l
Many of the Oracle Assets reports are available as variable format reports, which means you

r a
can view and manipulate the report data in the desktop application of your choice. For
example, you can download the information into Microsoft Excel and sort, analyze, and
O ly
manipulate the report data using familiar spreadsheet features. You can also format the report

l & On
as an HTML file and place it on your Web server or directly into the database for general

n a e
To create a variable format report, an attribute set that contains formatting instructions is
applied to Oracle Assets report data. You also have a variety of options to publish your report.

e r s
In Oracle Applications, attribute sets are defined using the RXi Report Administration Tool.
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Chapter 12 - Page 39
Assets Reports Using XML Publisher

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Assets Reports Using XML Publisher
e A
• XML (eXtensible Markup Language).
c l
r a
• You can generate major asset transaction reports with XML Publisher.

O ly
• You can design and control how the report outputs are presented in separate template

published documents in PDF l & On

• XML Publisher merges your designed template files with the report data to create

n a e
• Reports support color, images, font styles, headers and footers, and other formatting.

t e r U s
• Create new report templates or modify existing templates to view your report output.

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Chapter 12 - Page 42
Tax Accounting
Chapter 13

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Tax Accounting

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 6
Creating a Tax Book

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Creating a Tax Book
e A
c l
• You create tax books before you add and depreciate assets.

r a
• You set up a new tax books to comply to tax laws and to take advantage of optimal tax
O ly
• You set up multiple tax books that are associated for each corporate book.

& On
• You define independent tax depreciation books for each reporting authority.
n a e
• You create a separate federal tax book and state tax book.
• You copy assets into each book and depreciate these according to each book’s
depreciation rules.
t e r U s
- Several authorities may be able to use the same book. For example, some states use

I n
information from the United States Federal tax book instead of requiring a separate

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 7
Asset Books Regions

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Asset Books Regions
e A
(N) Setup > Asset System > Book Controls
c l
r a
Before you can define an tax asset book, you must first setup the corporate asset book that the
tax book will be associated with. See the Release 12 Oracle Asset Management Fundamentals
O ly
module Asset Books for detailed information on setting up asset books.

l & On
You must complete each region for every tax book you define regardless of whether the
information will be used or not. For example, in defining a tax book, you must complete the
a e
natural accounts and journal categories regions even if you do not intend to generate journal
entries for the book.

t e r U s
Special considerations when setting up a tax asset book are as follows:
Calendar Region
I n
• Choose the Tax book class. You must associate a Tax book with a previously setup

l e
Corporate book.
• Your tax book must have the same account structure, general ledger calendar, and

r a functional currency as the associated corporate book. If you want to create journal entries
from your tax book, you must enter a different G/L set of books for your tax book then
O the associated corporate book. You can then Allow G/L Posting.

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 8
• Use the prorate calendar with the smallest period size or resolution you need for
determining your depreciation rate. For example, you may want to use a monthly prorate
calendar in a tax book that uses a quarterly depreciation calendar to allow finer control of
the annual depreciation amount for some monthly prorate/method combinations.
Accounting Rules Region
• Check Allow Reserve Adjustments if you want to allow changes to the accumulated
depreciation in your tax book.
• You can Allow Cost/Expense Ceilings in a depreciation book; however, you cannot apply
a cost ceiling and an expense ceiling to the same asset in a depreciation book.
• Check Allow CIP Assets if you want to be able to automatically add CIP assets to your
tax book when you add them to your corporate book.
• If you choose to Allow Mass Copy into this tax book, choose whether to copy additions,
adjustments, retirements, and/or salvage value.
- Corporate book periods must map exactly into tax periods for Mass Copy. For
example, three corporate months must fit into each tax quarter.

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 9
Guided Demonstration - Create a Tax Asset Book
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Setup > Asset System > Book Controls

1. Enter Book Name of DEMO TAX BOOK.

2. Change the Class to Tax.

3. Description should also be DEMO TAX BOOK.

4. Associated Corporate Book is OPS CORP.

5. For GL Set of Books, accept Vision Operations.

6. For both the Depreciation and Prorate Calendar choose Monthly from the LOV.

7. Current Period should be DEC-YY (use you own preferred year but it should be a closed
year in the OPS CORP Book in order to later perform an Initial Mass Copy).

8. Leave the Divide Depreciation field as is and let the Last Run Date for depreciation be the
default of today's date.
m y
9. Tab through the remaining fields in the Calendar region or click on the Accounting Rules
d e
10. Click the Allow Amortized Changes and Allow Mass Changes checkbox. Note that the ca
default for these checkboxes is unchecked.

e A
11. Accept the defaults for the Allow Revaluations section.
r a
12. In the Tax Rules section, check the Allow Reserve Adjustments and the Allow Expense
Ceilings checkboxes.
O ly
& On
13. Check the Allow Mass Copy checkbox and accept the default values displayed.
Accounts tab.
n a e
14. Tab through the remaining fields of the Accounting Rules region or click on the Natural

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15. Enter the following Natural Account values:
Gain Loss Clearing
Proceeds of Sale 7850 7851 1247
Cost of Removal 7852 7853 2240
Net Book Value 7854 7855
Reval Reserve Retired 7854 7855

Intercompany Receivables 1810

Intercompany Payables 2370
Deferred Depreciation Reserve 2540
Deferred Depreciation Expense 7860
Depreciation Adjustment 1690
Account Generator Defaults 01-000-9999-0000-000

16. Tab to the Journal Categories region.

17. Select from the LOV or enter Assets as the Journal Source.
m y
18. For the Journal Categories fields, choose from the LOV or enter the following values:
d e
Field Name
Field Name
CIP Additions

CIP Addition a
Adjustments Adjustment

CIP Adjustments
CIP Adjustment
Retirements Retirement

c l CIP Retirements CIP Retirement

Transfer r a CIP Reclass
CIP Transfers
CIP Reclassification
CIP Transfer
Revaluation Revaluation O ly
l & On

n a e Deferred Depreciation Deferred Depreciation

t e r U s Depreciation Adjustment Depreciation Adjustment

19. (I) Save

I n
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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 11
Practice - Define a Tax Asset Book
In this Practice you will define a tax asset book.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or
comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Use the Oracle Assets seeded Responsibility > Assets, Vision Operations (USA).

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Replace the year references of YYYY and YY with the calendar year of your choice or
as directed by the Instructor (e.g. 2002 or Jan-02). Keep in mind though, that some
transactions require calendar dates and calendar periods be defined and enabled in order
to be processed.
m y
• The segment separator for the accounting flexfield may not be a dash “-“. Substitute the
d e
applicable segment separator if necessary.
e A
Enter Book Header and Calendar Regions Information
r a
Go to the Book Controls form and enter the following Asset Book header and Calendar region
Field Name O ly Value
n a e Tax

t e r
Associated Corporate Book
I n Vision Operations

c l e
Allow GL Posting
Depreciation Calendar
No (unchecked)

r aProrate Calendar Monthly

O Current Period Dec-YY (Instructor will

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 12
Field Name Value
provide or use your own
preferred year)
Divide Depreciation (accept default)
Depreciate if Retired in First Year (accept default)
Last Depreciation Run (accept default)

Enter Accounting Rules Region Information

Enter the following data in the Accounting Rules region:

Field Name Value
Allow Amortized Changes Yes (check)
Allow Mass Changes Yes (check)
Create Intercompany Balancing Yes (check)
Allow Revaluations (accept default)

Enter Natural Accounts Region Information

Enter the following data in the Natural Accounts region:

Gain Loss Clearing
m y
Proceeds of Sale 7850 7851 1247
d e
Cost of Removal 7852 7853 2240
Net Book Value Retired
Reval Reserve Retired
e A
c l
Deferred Depreciation Reserve
r a 2540
Deferred Depreciation Expense
O ly 7860
Depreciation Adjustment
Account Generator Defaults
l & On 1690

n a e
t e r U s
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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 13
Enter Tax Rules Region Information

Enter the following data in the Tax Rules region:

Field Name Value
Allow Reserve Adjustments Yes (check)
Allow Mass Copy Yes (check)

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 14
Solution – Define a Tax Asset Book
Enter Book Header and Calendar Regions Information
1. Navigate to the Book Controls form.

(N) Setup > Asset System > Book Controls

2. Enter the Book Controls Header and Calendar Region data per Task instruction.

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Enter Accounting Rules Region Information
O ly
& On
Tab through all the fields of the Calendar region or click on the Accounting Rules tab.

a e
Enter the Accounting Rules region data per Task instruction.

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Enter Natural Accounts Region Information
5. Tab through all the fields of the Accounting Rules region or click on the Natural Accounts
m y
d e
6. Enter the Natural Accounts region data per Task instruction.
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Enter Tax Rules Region Information
10. Enter the Tax Rules region data per Task instruction.

m y
11. (I) Save
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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 17
Prerequisites for Setting Up Tax Book Asset Categories

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Prerequisites for Setting Up Tax Book Asset Categories
c l
(N) Setup > Asset System > Asset Categories

r a
Before you can add assets to a newly defined tax asset book, you must assign already existing
asset categories to the tax book. See the Release 12 Oracle Asset Management Fundamentals
O ly
module Asset Categories for detailed information on setting up asset categories.

l & On
Specific considerations when setting up asset categories for tax asset books are:
• You can optionally enter either a depreciation expense or cost ceiling.

n a e
• Check Straight Line for Retirements if you are setting up an asset category with a 1250

t e r U s
property class in a tax book. Oracle Assets uses a straight–line depreciation method in
determining the gain or loss resulting from the retirement of 1250 (real) property.

I n
- If you check Straight Line For Retirements, enter the straight–line depreciation
Method and Life you want to use for the Gain From Disposition of 1250 Property

c l e
Report. This is the default method for your asset in the Retirements window and in
the tax book if you use mass copy.

r a
• Indicate whether assets in this category are eligible for Investment Tax Credit (ITC), and
whether assets in this category Use ITC Ceilings.
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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 18
Guided Demonstration - Add Asset Categories to Tax Book
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Setup > Asset System > Asset Categories

1. In the Asset Categories form, go into query the existing BUILDING-OFFICE asset

2. After the record is retrieved, click in the Book field.

3. (I) New

4. From the LOV, select DEMO TAX BOOK for the Book field.

5. Enter the following GL Accounts data:

Asset Cost 01-000-1520-0000-000
Asset Clearing 01-000-1570-0000-000
Depreciation Expense Segment 7320
Accumulated Depreciation 01-000-1620-0000-000
Bonus Expense 7320
m y
Bonus Reserve 01-000-1620-0000-000

d e
6. (B) Default Rules
7. Enter the following Default Depreciation Rules:
Method STL
e A
Life Years 30
c l
Life Months 0
r a
Prorate Convention MONTH
O ly
Retirement Convention
& On

8. (I) Save
n a e
e r s
Close the Default Depreciation Rules form.
t U
I n
10. Back in the Asset Categories form, click in the Category field, enter query mode , and
retrieve the VEHICLE-OWNED STANDARD category.

c l e
11. After the record is retrieved, click in the Book field.

r a
12. (I) New

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Chapter 13 - Page 19
13. From the LOV, select DEMO TAX BOOK for the Book field.

14. Enter the following GL Accounts data:

Asset Cost 01-000-1550-0000-000
Asset Clearing 01-000-1570-0000-000
Depreciation Expense Segment 7350
Accumulated Depreciation 01-000-1650-0000-000
Bonus Expense 7350
Bonus Reserve 01-000-1650-0000-000

15. (B) Default Rules

16. Enter the following Default Depreciation Rules:

Method STL
Life Years 5
Life Months 0
Prorate Convention FOL-MONTH
Retirement Convention FOL-MONTH

17. (I) Save

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 20
Practice - Add Asset Categories to a Tax Book
In this practice you will add 3 asset categories to the XX_TAX BOOK you defined in the
previous practice.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision demonstration
database or comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Use the Oracle Assets seeded Responsibility > Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number
(for Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Replace any year references of YYYY and YY with the calendar year of your choice or
as directed by the Instructor (e.g. 2002 or Jan-02). Keep in mind that some transactions
require calendar dates and calendar periods be defined and enabled before hand in order
m y
to be processed.
d e

applicable segment separator if necessary. c a
The segment separator for the accounting flexfield may not be a dash “-“. Substitute the

e A
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Assign Asset Categories to the XX_TAX BOOK
O ly
In order to later perform a mass copy from the OPS CORP asset book to the XX_TAX BOOK,
you need to add the following existing asset categories to the XX_TAX BOOK. The asset
& On
categories and their applicable data are as follows:
n a e
Field Name
Category Name
t e r U s
Asset Category 1
Asset Category 2
Asset Category 3

Asset Cost I n 01-000-1560-0000-000

01-000-1550-0000-000 01-000-1520-0000-000

c l e
Asset Clearing 01-000-1570-0000-000 01-000-1570-0000-000 01-000-1570-0000-000

O raDepreciation Expense
01-000-7360-0000-000 01-000-7350-0000-000 01-000-7320-0000-000

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Chapter 13 - Page 21
Accumulated 01-000-1660-0000-000 01-000-1650-0000-000 01-000-1620-0000-000
Bonus Expense 01-000-7360-0000-000 01-000-7350-0000-000 01-000-7320-0000-000
Bonus Reserve 01-000-1660-0000-000 01-000-1650-0000-000 01-000-1620-0000-000
Life Years 5 10 40
Life Months 0 0 0

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 22
Solution – Add Asset Categories to a Tax Book
Assign Asset Categories to the XX_TAX BOOK
Responsibility = Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Navigate to the Asset Categories form:

• (N) Setup > Asset System > Asset Categories

2. In the Asset Categories form, start query mode (F11) and enter COMPUTER-PC in the
Category field. Execute the query (CTRL+F11).

3. Place the cursor in the Book field and select (B) New from the Toolbar.

4. From the List of Values for the Book field, choose XX_TAX BOOK.

5. Enter the GL Accounts data as requested.

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Chapter 13 - Page 23
6. Select (B) Default Rules.

7. Enter the default depreciation rules as requested.

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Save your work and close out of the Default Depreciation Rules form.
O ly
Back in the Asset Categories form, click in the Category field, enter query mode (F11) , and
retrieve the VEHICLE-OWNED HEAVY category.

l & On
10. After the record is retrieved, click in the Book field and select (B) New.

n a e
11. From the List of Values, choose XX_TAX BOOK for the Book field.

t e r U s
12. Enter the GL Account and Default Rules information as requested.

I n
13. When finished, save your work and close out of the Default Depreciation Rules form.

c l e
14. Back in the Asset Categories form, click in the Category field, enter query mode (F11) , and

r aretrieve the BUILDING-OFFICE category.

O15. After the record is retrieved, click in the Book field and select (B) New.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 24
16. From the List of Values, choose XX_TAX BOOK for the Book field.

17. Enter the GL Account and Default Rules information as requested.

18. When finished, save your work and close out of the Default Depreciation Rules form.

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 25
Entering Information in Tax Books

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Entering Information in Tax Books
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You can copy your assets and transactions from your corporate book to your tax books
automatically using Mass Copy.
r a
• You can create as many tax books as you need, maintain your asset information in your
O ly
corporate book, and then update your tax books with assets and transactions from your
corporate book.

l & On
• You must allow Mass Copy and choose whether to copy additions, cost adjustments,
a e
retirements, and salvage value for your tax book in the Book Controls window before you
can run mass copy.

t e r U s
• You also specify which corporate book mass copy uses as the source.

I n
• You cannot copy assets from one corporate book into another corporate book.
• If you choose to copy adjustments, Oracle Assets copies cost adjustments from the

l e
associated corporate book if the unrevalued cost in the corporate book before the
adjustment matches the unrevalued cost in the tax book. It copies both adjustments that

r a are ADJUSTMENT type in the tax book and adjustment transactions that create a new
ADDITION type and update the ADDITION/VOID in the tax book.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 26
• Use Initial Mass Copy to initially populate your tax book by adding existing assets to a
tax book.
• Use Periodic Mass Copy each period to keep your tax book up to date with your
corporate book.
You can also enter assets and transactions into the tax book manually.

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 27
Populating the Tax Book by Initial Mass Copy

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Populating the Tax Book by Initial Mass Copy
e A
(N) Tax > Initial Mass Copy
c l
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• Use Initial Mass Copy to initially populate your tax book by adding existing assets to a
tax book.
O ly
• Initial Mass Copy copies all the assets added to your corporate book before the end of the

l & On
current tax fiscal year into the open accounting period in your tax book.
• When using Initial Mass Copy for the first time in your tax book, you can run it as many
a e
times as necessary for the first period to copy all existing assets. When you rerun the
t e r U s
process, Initial Mass Copy only looks at assets which it did not copy into the tax book
during previous attempts, so no data is duplicated.

I n
• The current fiscal year in your tax book determines which assets Initial Mass Copy copies
into your tax book.

l e
- Example: If the current fiscal year of your tax book is 2001, Initial Mass Copy
c copies all assets into your tax book as they appeared at the end of 2001 in your

r a corporate book, even if 2002 is the current fiscal year of your corporate book.
- The fiscal year must be closed in the corporate book.
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Chapter 13 - Page 28
- Only run Initial Mass Copy for the first period of your tax book. For following
periods in your tax book, run Periodic Mass Copy.
• Initial Mass Copy does not copy assets retired before the end of that year or assets added
after the end of that year.
• You do not need to copy any adjustments or partial retirements you performed before the
end of the fiscal year.
• When you close this initial period, Oracle Assets calculates the net book value of your
assets that have zero accumulated depreciation in the tax book, and opens the next period.

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 29
Populating the Tax Book

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Populating the Tax Book
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• Depreciation information comes from the default category information for the tax book

r a
according to the asset category and the date placed in service. You must set up your asset
categories with default information for your tax book before you run Initial Mass Copy.
O ly
• Override default depreciation rules in the Depreciation Books form if necessary.

l & On
• Since tax books share the category and assignments with their associated corporate book,
you do not need to copy reclassifications or transfers from one book to another.
a e
• Tax books also share production amounts with their associated corporate books for assets
t e r U s
depreciating under units of production.
• For subcomponent assets, copy the parent asset first. Then copy the subcomponent asset,

I n
defaulting the asset life according to the subcomponent life rule you defined for the tax
category and the parent asset life. You must set up the depreciation method for the

l e
subcomponent asset life before you can use the method and life.

- If your subcomponent asset uses straight–line depreciation, Oracle Assets sets up

r a the depreciation method for the calculated life for you. If the depreciation method is
not straight–line, and not already set up for the subcomponent life rule default,
O Oracle Assets uses the asset category default life.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 30
Guided Demonstration - Perform an Initial Mass Copy
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Tax > Initial Mass Copy

1. In the Submit Request form, enter DEMO TAX BOOK as the lone parameter.

2. (B) Submit

3. Navigate to the View Requests form and select (B) View Output.

4. Review the results of the Initial Mass Copy.

Notice that there are assets that have the message "This asset's category is not set up for this
tax book" on the report. This is because we only assigned a few asset categories to the
DEMO TAX BOOK. There are other categories in the OPS CORP book that we did not set
up for the DEMO TAX BOOK. They will not copy, causing this message to display.

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 31
Practice - Perform an Initial Mass Copy
In this Practice, you will perform an Initial Mass Copy of assets from the OPS CORP Book to
the XX_TAX Book you previously defined.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision demonstration
database or comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Use the Oracle Assets seeded Responsibility > Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number
(for Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Replace any year references of YYYY and YY with the calendar year of your choice or
as directed by the Instructor (e.g. 2002 or Jan-02). Keep in mind that some transactions
require calendar dates and calendar periods be defined and enabled before hand in order
m y
to be processed.
d e

applicable segment separator if necessary. ca
The segment separator for the accounting flexfield may not be a dash "-". Substitute the

e A
c l
Perform an Initial Mass Copy for the XX_TAX Book
O ly
You need to copy assets from the OPS CORP book to the XX_TAX Book for the categories you
assigned to this tax book in a previous Practice.

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Chapter 13 - Page 32
Solution – Perform an Initial Mass Copy
Perform an Initial Mass Copy for the XX_TAX Book
Responsibility = Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Navigate to the Initial Mass Copy submission form:

• (N) Tax > Initial Mass Copy

2. Enter XX_TAX BOOK as the parameter for the request. Select (B) Submit.

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3. O ly
Navigate to the View Requests form:

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• (M) View > Requests

n a e
r s
For the Initial Mass Copy request line, select (B) View Output.

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Chapter 13 - Page 33
5. View the results of the Initial Mass Copy. Note that there are assets that have the message
"This asset's category is not set up for this tax book" on the report. This is due to you only
m y
assigning a few asset categories to the XX_TAX BOOK and the assets in the OPS CORP
book in categories other than what we set up for the XX_TAX BOOK will not be copied and
d e
therefore display this message.
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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 34
Populating the Tax Book by Periodic Mass Copy

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Populating the Tax Book by Periodic Mass Copy
(N) Tax > Periodic Mass Copy
c l
r a
• Use Periodic Mass Copy each period to keep your tax book up to date with your
corporate book.
O ly
• Oracle Assets copies new assets and transactions you made in your corporate book during

l & On
one accounting period in the current fiscal year into the open period of your tax book.
• You can run periodic mass copy on each tax book after you close each period in the
corporate book.
n a e
t e r U s
• The Periodic Mass Copy program copies addition, adjustment, retirement, and
reinstatement transactions to your tax book from the current period in the associated

I n
corporate book.
- Note: You can use Periodic Mass Copy to populate a new tax book if you added all

c l e
your assets to your corporate book in the period for which you are running Mass

r a
• Periodic Mass Copy copies all qualifying transactions for an asset one at a time. It does
not combine transactions, and only copies transactions from a closed accounting period in
O the associated corporate book.

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Chapter 13 - Page 35
• Because tax books share category and distribution information with the corporate book,
Periodic Mass Copy does not copy reclassifications or transfers.
- If two transactions in separate corporate periods fall into the same tax period,
Oracle Assets may copy them differently. For example, if you adjust an asset in the
period after you added it to the corporate book but the adjustment falls in the same
tax period as the addition, the tax addition becomes an Addition/Void, and the tax
adjustment is a new Addition transaction.
- If the second transaction is not allowed in the same period, such as a retirement in
the period of the addition, it is not copied.
• Oracle Assets prints all skipped transactions in the Periodic Mass Copy log file.
• In using Periodic Mass Copy, specify whether to copy retirements, adjustments, and
salvage value for the tax book in the Book Controls window.
• If a retirement is skipped, consider adjusting the cost to zero in the open period and
performing a prior-period retirement in the next period.

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 36
Updating a Tax Book Manually

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Updating a Tax Book Manually
e A
(N) Asset > Asset Workbench (B) Books
c l
r a
You may enter assets and transactions directly into the tax book. This is done by navigating to
the Books window for the asset and selecting the appropriate tax book. The financial
O ly
information can be changed as necessary.

l & On
If you manually adjust the cost in the tax book, Mass Copy will copy future transactions from
the corporate book if you set the FA: Copy All Cost Adjustments profile option to a Yes value.
a e
This will allow cost adjustments to be copied as an absolute value, not a proportion of basis.
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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 37
Guided Demonstration - Manually Add an Asset to a Tax Book
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Assets > Asset Workbench

1. From the Assets form, find asset number 100111.

2. (B) Books

3. In the Book field, select OPS FEDERAL from the LOV.

4. Tab to or click in the Current Cost field.

5. Change the Depreciation Life to 7 years 0 months.

6. (B) Done

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 38
Practice - Manually Add an Asset to a Tax Book
In this Practice, you will add a new asset using QuickAdditions and then manually add that asset
to the OPS FEDERAL tax asset book.

• If you are not attending training at an Oracle University or Authorized Partner
Education Center, you must have access to an Oracle Application Vision demonstration
database or comparable training test instance on which to complete this Practice.

• Use the Oracle Assets seeded Responsibility > Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

• Replace XX in the Practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number
(for Instructor Led Training classes, this number will be assigned to you). This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Replace any year references of YYYY and YY with the calendar year of your choice or
as directed by the Instructor (e.g. 2002 or Jan-02). Keep in mind that some transactions
require calendar dates and calendar periods be defined and enabled before hand in order
m y
to be processed.
d e
• The segment separator for the accounting flexfield may not be a dash “-“. Substitute the
applicable segment separator if necessary. c a
e A
c l
Add an Asset Using QuickAdditions
r a
O ly
You need to add a new asset using QuickAdditions to the OPS CORP book with the following

l & On
Field Name
n a e Value
Tag Number
t e r U s Brand New BMW

c l e OPS CORP

r aCost
Expense Account

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Chapter 13 - Page 39

Manually Add the BMW to a Tax Book

You need to manually add the Brand New BMW to the OPS FEDERAL book and change the
depreciation method to MACRS HY with a 5 year life.

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 40
Solution – Manually Add an Asset to a Tax Book
Add an Asset Using QuickAdditions
Responsibility = Assets, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Navigate to the Asset Workbench:

• (N) Assets > Asset Workbench (B) QuickAdditions

2. Enter a new asset using the following data:

Field Name Value

Description Brand New BMW
Tag Number XX_BMW
Cost 32,000
Expense Account 01-120-7350-0000-000
m y

d e
3. Select (B) Done.
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Manually Add the BMW to a Tax Book

m y
4. From the Assets form, select (I) Find.

d e

In the Find Assets form, enter either the asset number or tag number (XX_BMW).

Enter OPS CORP in the Book field and select (B) Find. ca
e A
Back in the Assets form with the BMW now displayed, select (B) Books.

Choose OPS FEDERAL from the list of values for the Book field.
O ly
Tab to or click in the Current Cost field. The asset information should now be displayed.

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10. Change the depreciation method to MACRS HY with a life of 5 Years 0 Months.
11. Select (B) Done.
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Chapter 13 - Page 43
Tax Book Upload Interface

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Tax Book Upload Interface
e A
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• The Tax Book Upload interface table enables you to enter tax information via SQL. Once

r a
the assets have been added into your tax books, you can change basic financial
information, such as year–to–date depreciation, accumulated reserve, cost, and salvage
O ly
value, for an unlimited number of assets in the tax books. You can use the Tax Book

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Upload interface table to enter tax information only in the period you added the assets to
your tax book. You can also use the Tax Book Upload interface table to upload short tax
year information.

n a e
• You can use the FA: Copy All Cost Adjustments profile option to allow the Mass Copy

e r s
program to copy all cost adjustments, even when the unrevalued cost is different in the
t U
corporate book and the associated tax books.

I n
Tax Book Upload Example

c l e
The following example shows how you can use the Tax Book Upload feature and the FA:
Copy All Cost Adjustments profile option to copy cost adjustments when the unrevalued cost

r a
in the corporate book is different from the unrevalued cost in the tax book:
1. You add an asset in the corporate book with an original cost of $100.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved.

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Chapter 13 - Page 44
2. After running mass copy, the asset now appears in your tax book with an original cost of
3. You want to change the original cost amount in the tax book to $80, so you execute the
following SQL script:
- insert into fa_tax_interface
- (asset_number, book_type_code, cost, posting_status)
- values (’12345’,’ABCTAX’,80, ’POST’);
4. You run the Upload Tax Book Interface program so that the asset in the tax book now has
an original cost of $80.
5. Next, you adjust the asset cost in the corporate book from $100 to $200.
6. You run the Mass Copy program to the tax book with the profile option FA: Copy All
Cost Adjustments set to Yes.
7. This adjustment is reflected in the tax book with a new cost of $180.
Note: If you have two different cost values for your corporate and tax books, and you want the
Periodic Mass Copy program to copy all cost adjustments to your tax books, you must set the
FA: Copy All Cost Adjustments profile option to Yes. If you do not set the FA: Copy All Cost
Adjustments profile option to Yes, you will not be able to take advantage of the Periodic Mass
Copy functionality that allows subsequent cost adjustments to be copied to the tax books.

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 45
Discussing Tax Rules

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Discussing Tax Rules
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You can set up and review your Investment Tax Credit (ITC) rates and recapture rates. Oracle

r a
Assets displays the rates in ascending order by year and life. Oracle Assets automatically
recaptures a portion of the investment tax credit for assets with ITC that you retire before they
O ly
are fully reserved. Once you set up your rates, you can claim ITC for an asset.

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Note: In the United States for federal income tax purposes, the investment tax credit applied to
assets placed into service prior to 1987.
Setup Investment Tax Credit:
n a e
t e r U s
(N) Setup > Depreciation > ITC Rates
(N) Setup > Depreciation > ITC Recapture Rates

I n
Apply ITC to an Asset:
(N) Tax > Tax Workbench (B) Investment Tax Credits

c l e
r a
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Chapter 13 - Page 46
Discussing Tax Rules

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Discussing Tax Rules
e A
Depreciation Ceiling
c l
r a
• The depreciation expense ceiling limits the annual depreciation expense amount. It is
applied to luxury automobiles in the United States.
O ly
• The depreciation cost ceiling limits the recoverable cost of an asset. It is commonly used

Capital Gain Threshold l & On

in countries outside the United States.

n a e
Capital gain threshold is the minimum time an asset is held before qualifying for capital gains

t e r
treatment upon retirement.

U s
• You specify a default capital gain threshold for a book, and override the default threshold

I n
for a particular category.
• If you hold an asset for at least as long as this threshold, Oracle Assets reports it as a
l e
capital gain on retirement.
r a
Adjusted Current Earnings (ACE)
Adjusted current earnings depreciation rules are for United States tax purposes. An ACE book

O is another type of tax book that you create and update according to ACE rules.

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Tax Accounting
Chapter 13 - Page 47
Deferred Depreciation

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Deferred Depreciation
e A
Defining Deferred Depreciation
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Deferred depreciation is the temporary difference in depreciation expense between the
corporate book and the tax book. FAS 109 determines how to account this difference between
O ly
the corporate and tax books in the United States.

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Estimating Deferred Depreciation Tax Liability
Project depreciation expense for the corporate and tax book. Determine permanent differences,
a e
such as salvage value in the corporate book or an investment tax credit, by running the
t e r U s
Recoverable Cost Report. Adjust depreciation expense for permanent differences.
Adjusted tax depreciation expense = Tax depreciation expense × (Corporate recoverable

cost/Tax recoverable cost)
c l e
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Chapter 13 - Page 48
Calculating Deferred Depreciation

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Calculating Deferred Depreciation
e A
(N) Journal Entries > Deferred
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Creating Deferred Depreciation Journal Entries

O ly
After closing the corporate and tax periods, create journal entries for the general ledger for the
actual deferred depreciation. Oracle Assets calculates deferred depreciation by comparing the

l & On
tax and corporate books, which must use the same depreciation calendar. The general ledger
period for which you want to create journal entries must be open or future entry.
a e
Creating Journal Entries from Tax Books
t e r U s
Create a corporate tax book and associate it with a set of tax books. Create journal entries for
the tax book from the set of tax books. Compare the corporate book with the set of tax books in
the general ledger.
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Chapter 13 - Page 49
Adjusting Accumulated Depreciation

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Adjusting Accumulated Depreciation
e A
c l
• You adjust the depreciation taken for a previous fiscal year in a tax book if an auditor

minimum and maximum amounts. r a

specifies a different depreciation amount or you need to adjust depreciation between the

O ly
• You adjust the depreciation taken for all assets in a tax book using the Mass Depreciation
Adjustment feature.

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Chapter 13 - Page 50
Adjusting Depreciation Reserve for a Single Asset

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Adjusting Depreciation Reserve for a Single Asset
c l
(N) Tax > Tax Workbench (B) Reserve Adjustments

r a
Adjusting Depreciation Reserve in a Tax Book

O ly
Adjust an asset reserve for a year only if you have not performed an amortized change since
that year.

& On
• Allow Reserve Adjustments for the tax book.
n a e
• Add assets to the tax book by using Mass Copy.
• Close the fiscal year you want to adjust.

e r s
- You cannot adjust the depreciation taken in a previous fiscal year for assets using a
t U
units-of-production method.

I n
- You cannot adjust depreciation for assets on which you have performed an

c l e
amortized cost adjustment since the end of the fiscal year you are adjusting.
Adjust a reserve in tax books only, because once depreciation is reported to shareholders, it

r a
cannot be changed.
Updating Subsequent Years
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Chapter 13 - Page 51
Oracle Assets automatically adjusts the life-to-date depreciation for all subsequent years to
reflect the adjustment.
• Updating a reserve in tax books does not change the depreciation expense taken.
• It creates journal entries to the accumulated depreciation and depreciation adjustment
• Use this feature only when a reporting authority specifies a different accumulated

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Chapter 13 - Page 52
Guided Demonstration -Adjust Depreciation Reserve
Responsibility: Assets, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Tax > Tax Workbench

1. In the Assets form, find asset number 100111.

2. (B) Reserve Adjustments

3. In the Tax Reserve Adjustment form, enter the following data:

Field Name Value
Comments Audit Results
Fiscal Year 2000
New Fiscal Year Depreciation 2,000,000

4. (B) Done

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Chapter 13 - Page 53
Adjusting Depreciation Reserve for All Assets

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Adjusting Depreciation Reserve for All Assets
(N) Tax > Mass Depreciation Adjustments
c l
r a
Oracle Assets can adjust depreciation for each asset between minimum and maximum amounts
by a factor that you enter. It determines the minimum and maximum amounts by comparing
O ly
the accumulated depreciation in the tax book, a control book, and the associated corporate
Preparing for the adjustment:
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a e
• Define the three books. The adjusted and control tax book must have the same associated
corporate book.

t e r U s
• Close the fiscal year in all three books.

I n
• Ensure that you have run depreciation to close the previous fiscal year for the tax book
you want to adjust, its associated corporate book, and the control tax book.

l e
• The current open period in the adjusted tax book must be the first period of the following
fiscal year with no transactions entered.

r a
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Chapter 13 - Page 54
Controlling Mass Depreciation Adjustment

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Controlling Mass Depreciation Adjustment
e A
c l
• Use the Status field to see the current status of the adjustment.

r a
• Select Preview, Run, or Review to specify the action that you want Oracle Assets to do.
Preview runs the Mass Depreciation Adjustment Preview Report.
O ly
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Chapter 13 - Page 55
Calculating Mass Depreciation Adjustment

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Calculating Mass Depreciation Adjustment
e A
c l
Oracle Assets calculates the adjusted depreciation for the fiscal year for each asset in the tax
book by the following formulas:
r a
• Adjusted depreciation expense = Minimum depreciation + [Adjustment factor (Maximum
- Minimum depreciation)] O ly
l & On
• Minimum depreciation = Minimum accumulated depreciation - Opening accumulated
depreciation in adjusted book
a e
• Maximum depreciation = Maximum accumulated depreciation - Opening accumulated
t e r U s
depreciation in adjusted book

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Chapter 13 - Page 56
Automatically Adding CIP Assets to Tax Books

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Automatically Adding CIP Assets to Tax Books
e A
c l
• After you set up Oracle Assets to automatically add CIP assets to your tax book, all CIP

same time. r a
assets you add to your corporate book will automatically be added to your tax book at the

O ly
• When you capitalize these CIP assets in your corporate book, the same assets will

different periods.
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automatically be capitalized in your tax book, even if the corporate and tax books are in

a e
• If you checked Allow CIP Assets and later you uncheck it, you may have CIP assets that
e r
were automatically added to the tax book while Allow CIP Assets was checked. Although
Allow CIP Assets is no longer checked, those CIP assets in the tax book will be
t U
automatically capitalized when the same assets are capitalized in the corporate book.

I n
• You cannot perform any transactions directly to CIP assets in tax books. You can only

c l e
perform transactions on CIP assets in your corporate book, and these transactions will
automatically be replicated to the tax book.

r a - Adjustments, retirements, reinstatements, and capitalizations must be performed on

CIP assets in the corporate book.
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Chapter 13 - Page 57
- These transactions are copied automatically to the related tax book. Cost
adjustments are copied as actual adjustment amounts, not as a percentage of the
- Example: The cost of Asset A in the corporate book is $1000. In the tax book, the
cost of Asset A is $1500 due to inflationary revaluation. If the cost of Asset A in the
corporate book changes by 30% to $1300, the actual adjustment is $300. In the tax
book, the cost adjustment amount of $300 will be copied, not the rate of the
adjustment (30% of $1500). The adjusted cost for Asset A in the tax book will be
$1800, not $1950.
• You cannot view CIP assets in tax books from the Asset Workbench. You can view this
information in the View Financial Information window.

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Chapter 13 - Page 58
General Tax Reports

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Chapter 13 - Page 59
Special Tax Reports

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Chapter 13 - Page 60
Depreciation Adjustment Reports

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