Architecture Models, A Necessity or Luxury: A Case Study of Uet Architecture Department

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Yusra Ijaz
Department of architecture and planning, university of engineering and technology, Lahore


This paper covers the significance of architecture models and their impacts on architectural projects .In order to
represent different architectural ideas that originate in the mind of architects and designers. The physical
architectural models have served as great communication tools and better understanding of the project in
today’s architectural design activity. The discussion is based on materials and the methods related to make
models using them. Furthermore the study of their maintenance was done using different techniques. A
comparison was done on manual and software based methods and techniques of making models and their
benefits in the architectural world.
Key words: architectural models, maintenance, manual, software,

1. Introduction: 2. History of architectural models:

Models are the form of nonverbal communication, in The concept of model making exist from old time and
the world. Models create a vividly identified, it helps in better understanding of building design. The
powerfully structured, highly useful, mental image in concept of model making is first developed in china in
the mind of an observer, of what the actual structure is 4600 BC. The First model is made of soil due to lack
going to be. Models, either manual, or computerized, of material advancement.
plays an important role, in the design process, and
During 15th century, due to increase in the construction
through the investigations done, it can be found out,
techniques of building complexity, the architectural
which of the 2 ways is preferred.
models are used for the understanding of structures.
In every field, models plays their own vital role for the They make architectural models to make the building
understanding of the project. Like in field of electrical realistic.
engineering, students make models for the
The physical architectural models have served as
understanding of their circuits that used in field. Same
great communication tools in today’s architectural
with the mechanical engineers, they make models for
design activity. In order to represent architectural
the understanding of the machinery operations and
ideas that originate in the mind of architects, the
their working.
physical architectural models have served as great
The word model has its own importance in the field of communication tools in today’s architectural design play very important role in the activity. In simple terms, the architectural model is a
development of concept about any form, building and physical 3D artifact that results from working out
its structure that can stand or not. architectural ideas. It is also an object which is
created to show scale physical images of existing or
historical buildings.
In addition, the architectural model itself is an object consuming, as well as becoming more and
of beauty which can be appreciated by the observers. more financially
more quicker, and
challenging easier to manage
It is harder to edit the It is easier to erase the
models after they are previous work, to
3. Architectural Models:
built and erected. Not modify or alter the work
Architectural models can be, manual or computerized, many changes can be according to new
way of nonverbal communication, in the architectural made afterwards. requirements.
world. Architectural models are of many types, Usually clients don’t The rendered 3d
depending of purpose and need of students. Like want the model version, images, becomes a part
concept models, urban planning models, landscapes so these models are kept of the project folder,
models, building models, sketch models, and many in offices, where they and can easily be
other model. might take up a lot of managed, doesn’t
space. require any space at all.
Architectural models used for the presentation of the
Psychologically, man Clients, although
project which includes design of hotels, offices,
gets attached to physical intrigued, by the
houses, public and educational buildings.
form rather than an renders and the
The conventional method of model making, is the image, thus modelanimations created,
manual method. In this method, you have to cut the making gives the clients , don’t necessarily gets
material, (bleaching sheets, modelling sheets, thermo a sense of belonging attached to them
pole sheets, lasani wood, balsa wood etc.), to an It is easier to learn modelIt requires much more
appropriate scale, then piece them together to make making, maximum one time to learn different
one building, apart from this, you have to use fake month is required, to software’s. As new
grass, and trees to add landscape around the building. learn how to cut, paste, commands, new
make windows, doors , techniques are created,
Whereas with the advancement of modern
interiors etc. it becomes more and
technologies, the students prefer the modern method.
more difficult to keep
They used software’s, in which you extrude the plans,
them all in mind at
apply materials, and then render the whole thing. That
conclude whatever the condition the models are
Manual modelling, Computerized method,
necessary part in the modern era.
increases the speed of its improves the drafting
Architectural models play role as bridge between creator, and improves skills more than the
design process and design idea. Its help in the graphics skills graphics skills
understanding the flaws of building by removing them
that at which point building do not bear the load.

4. Comparison of manual and

computerized methods:
Manual method conveys Computerized method
the sense of depth, ideas conveys the materials,
and dimensions better to and colors better too the
the clients. clients
Some people believe this Software’s, with the
method to be more time- advancement, are
5. Materials and Methods: 7. Case study:(Uet architectural
Architectural models were made using different
materials. Materials used bleaching sheets, modelling In UET, the first year has a whole subject dedicated to
sheets, thermo pole sheets, lasani wood, balsa wood, manual Model making. Apart from this, the basic
foam, and plastic. design taught is all about lines, curves, and
Selection of materials is the major aspect of model dimensions. This is due to the reason believed that, we
making. Materials selection is not for the decorative can’t learn to structure creative and attractive 3ds of
purpose it full the need of technical issues related to the building, if we don’t learn them manually first. The
model making. We also check the material durability models created, are displayed, checked and graded
and its appearance. For the selection of material you according to the quality of cuts, the sharpness of the
must know the type of model like is its concept model edges, and the landscaping elements.
or landscape model. Then, in 2nd year, 4th semester, students are introduced
A number of companies produce ready-made pieces to the world of software’s, starting with AutoCAD 2d
for structural components (e.g. girders, beams), siding, drafting, then switching to Photoshop graphics, and
furniture, figures (people), vehicles, trees, bushes and finally 3d modelling of AutoCAD. There the student
other features which are found in the models. Features learns to create and explore, the wonders of the
such as vehicles, people figurines, trees, street lights artificial intelligence, and how it can help in our
and other are called "scenery elements" and serve not building. Here the students try to find realistic renders
only to beautify the model, but also to help the and models and try to achieve as near o the actual
observer to obtain a correct feel of scale and building as possible.
proportions represented by the model.

For example, concept models are easier than any other

model we just need to show the idea of our mind in the
form of 3d model. We can use the paper and light sheet A questionnaire was created for students of
to show the idea. architecture, of UET, to analyze the necessity and
importance of model making:

1. Are physical models necessary?

6. Maintenance Of Architectural 2. Should there be a physical model besides the
Models: 3d visualization?
With passage of time, physical models becomes more 3. In your opinion model is the essence of an art
fragile, due to natural decay, transport it from one design project?
place to another. This problem can overcome by 4. Do you keep your models after jury or just
different methods, by providing them proper discard them?
environment, by controlling pollution and by 5. If you discard them why so?
cleaning them. Assessing the air quality within the 6. If you keep them why so?
exhibition hall is also necessary. Adequate ventilation 7. Are they in good condition?
can lower pollutant concentrations. It is important to 8. Are they helpful in project understanding
make sure the displaying area is well ventilated. This 9. Are they just for presentation purpose?
can be done by incorporating air filtration equipment 10. Is there a lack of education in architecture
in the exhibit areas. schools related to model making?
11. Is there any need of seeking knowledge about
making models?
12. Is model making wastage of time and money? Bibliography
13. In your opinion what is the best material that Anon., 2015. Model Making Advice for Students. Model
can be used for models? makers.
14. Materials used in models should be recycled?
Anon., 5 Years ag. How does the act of physical model
15. Do cheap materials give an equally neat
making in architecture influence the design process and
output as expensive materials do?
impact the final outcome of the built environment?.
16. Do physical models create an additional Research Gate.
understanding of project?
17. Understanding of a normal person increases Anon., February 1, 2016. A Case for Building Architectural
with physical model or 3d? Models. Life of an Architect.

Anon., n.d. ARCHITECTURAL MODELS. RJ models.

Nguyen, M. P., August 24, 2015. The Importance of Hand

9. Findings: sketching and Model making in Architecture.
After conducting this survey from architecture
students the results showed that physical models are
of great significance. They are of equal importance in
comparison to 3D visualization. Different responses
were recorded on advantages and disadvantages of
making architectural models. Most responses showed
that 3D models are better for project understanding
and visual representation of the project. Moreover
study about different choices of the materials showed
the material used should be cheap and could be
recycled and maintained easily.

This paper covers the importance of models in the
architect’s career, the methods to pursue, the ease and
comfort of the client, and the surveys conducted to
deduct the results of better methods of model making.

The physical models are powerful and irreplaceable to

examine and express the idea of building design. Their
use varied for different type of choosing
model type, scale materials to make it distinctive.
Techniques and function also different.

Also it provide students better understanding and

There is a need to maintain them, because students
spend a lot of time for making physical models.

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