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ARTICLE IV – A TEACHER AND THE Or in the other meaning paid occupation

But can we categorize that teachers are
Section 1. Every teacher shall actively insure working just for payment?lol anyways
that teaching is the noblest profession,
and shall manifest genuine enthusiasm 1. “A teacher is never an ordinary person.
and pride in teaching as a noble calling.
2. Teaching is the noblest among all the
Section 2. Every teacher shall uphold the
professions since all professionals
highest possible standards of quality
education, shall make the best underwent education with a teacher.
preparations for the career of teaching,
and shall be at his best at all times and in 3. Teaching is a very noble profession that
the practice of his profession. shapes the character, caliber, and future
of an individual
Section 3. Every teacher shall participate in
the Continuing Professional Education
(CPE) program of the Professional 4. Education sector is a highly specialized
Regulation Commission, and shall pursue field and hence requires a lot of
such other studies as will improve his comprehensive training to gain expertise
efficiency, enhance the prestige of the in the field. The fundamental qualities
profession, and strengthen his competence, needed are excellent communication
virtues, and productivity in order to be
skills along with the ability to inspire
nationally and internationally competitive.
confidence ability to hold the attention
Section 4. Every teacher shall help, if duly of young and dynamic minds and finally.
authorized, to seek support from the school, the ability to set an example through
but shall not make improper deeds and words
misrepresentations through personal
advertisements and other questionable
means. 5. Aristotle rightly said, “Those who
educate the children are more to be
Section 5. Every teacher shall use the honored than they who produce them;
teaching profession in a manner that makes for these only gave them life, those the
it dignified means for earning a descent art of living well.” So teaching is a
profession that provides an art of living.
It is not only a duty but a moral duty. It
is not a profession but a noble service to
Being a professional teacher is a serious matter. the world to create a more beautiful and
They must love and embrace their profession
peaceful world.
wholeheartedly. In addition to that, they must
be dedicated for it is part of their pride. Every
teacher must have this attitude of having an
open mind while being aware of continuous
growth for betterment.

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