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For centuries and still today, love is one of the most talked

about topics, from the media to our everyday lives. It is

described as being one of the best feelings on earth, and
one that many cannot live without. Being in love gives a
feeling of purpose; something to live and strive for.
Everyone in this world desires love in any form, whether it
is with family, friends, or a romantic partner. It is a basic
human need. Basic needs are said to motivate people
when they are essentially unmet. When love and affection
are missing from a person’s life they feel compelled to
create it in their lives. Humans tend to become fixated on
the powerful feeling of being in love. While some believe
that infatuation has no origin I conceive that in today’s
society, there are a couple factors that contribute to
becoming infatuated with an individual rather than being in
love. Love can mean different things to different people, but
above all, love is one of the deepest emotions known to
human beings. There are many forms of love, but most
people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a
compatible partner. For some, romantic relationships are
the most meaningful element in their lives. They provide a
source of fulfillment. The ability to have a healthy, stable,
and loving relationship is not innate. When it is truly love,
the person will feel good about themselves when they’re
with or without their romantic partner.
Intro to lit. 125 A Kind of Love Love is eternal. The boundary of love is not defined yet and can never be
defined. Love has created a wonderful cities and has also destroyed the wonderland. Some classify love as
something that you feel for some people sometimes. It is often linked or used interchangeably with lust.
Others feel that it is something that is constant and untouched by judgement and feeling. The true eternal
love is hard to find in this world and few lucky people.
Everyone has their own views on war and love. They also have
their own opinions on a way to go about these things. These two
subjects seem to be completely opposite of each other, but they
still manage to tie in together. They might not be the same thing
but in certain scenarios they can be viewed as the same thing. For
example, in some situations love can be considered the same as
war. However, love and war can contradict themselves at the
same time to. Sometimes, love can bring war, but war can also
lead people to love. It all depends on what the situation is and
how the whole thing plays out. It can be said that love and war
are not that different from each other. Both of them can cause a
change in personality, impaired visions, and…show more
Howells exclaims, “You thought it would be alright for my George, your George, to kill the sons
of those miserable mothers and the husbands of those girls that you would never see the faces of”
(Howells 1500). Here you can see that by wanting love, it turned everything into war. A literal and
figurative war to be exact. The tragedy of George’s death turned the love of his mother and
girlfriend into a war. Instead of grieving for the deceased man they turn the blame on each other,
which is a very common thing in war. As stated before, George was manipulated into enlisting in
the military by Editha. Although, he did give the greatest sacrifice one could ever do for a loved
one. George was never interested in joining the war, but Editha figured the only way she could
marry him was if he was to join and do something heroic for her. “Gearson is obviously troubled
when he comes to tell Editha that war has been declared. Puzzled by 'his want of seriousness about
it ' and by his ' making light of a cause so high and noble ', she fears that Gearson lacks
‘earnestness at the core of his being ', a defect she feels confident she can correct by her ' love.
Because Gearson is skeptical of the romantic justification of the war which Editha believes so
unquestioningly, he is paralyzed by uncertainty. He wants to act decisively but has no clear
position from which to act” (Crowley 210

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