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Recalllllllllls 10 April 2019

1 -Tophi deposits in ...

2 - Mtx aspirin interaction

3- Not action of morphine :-

- relax sphincter of oddi
- release prostaglanidin

4 - compined oral contracepives :-

- decrease penetration of sperm
- inhibit folliclar growth and inhibit ovulatiin
- inhibit ovulation without inhibtion follecular growth
- inhibit uterine lining

5 - labetalol is alpha beta blocker

6 - Azathioprine and allopurinol :

- can't be used together at any dose
- may be used by reducing dose of azathioprine

7 - renal transplant patient taking immunosuppressant

- increase risk of skin cancer
- inc risk of skin cancer and other organ cancer
- no risk of skin cancer and other cancer
- inc risk of cancer other than skin

8 - methylparaben is ester of .....

9 - interaction between erythromycin and cyclosporin

10 - interaction between deltiazem and cyclosporin

11 - tetracycline not taken with food and antacid BECAUSE IT CHELATE METALS

12 - Broad spectrum antibiotic taken with food ...

- flucloxacillin
- amoxicillin

13 - Not characteristic of CHf

- nocturnal cough
- edema
- chest pain
14 - amphotericin against ..

15 - vancomycin is taken iv in MRSA

16 - vancomycin is formulated in liquid form with flavour because

- very irritant if taken iv
- not absorbed in ttt of pseudomembraneous colitis

17- Disulfuran action : Grisufulvin

18 - Metronidazole side effect

- Anemia
- neurotoxicity
- photosensitivity

19 - folic acid is resposiple for activation of

- deoxyridine
- idoxthemydlate

20 - sumatriptan is
A- used once in 24 hrs
B - maximum dose is 600 mg per 24 hrs
C - can only be usded if migraine attack recurrent within 8 hrs

21 - Norepinephrine is
A- pure alpha agonist
B - cause bronchoconstriction
C - cause vasoconstriction of skeletal blood vessels

22 - in anaphylactic shock use : Epinephrine

23 - Dobutamine
- beta agonist
- beta and alpha agonist
- alpha agonist

25 - cholramphenicole in conjunctivitis
- must be kept in refrige and discard after one month of opening
- used 4 times dailt for 7 days
- No restrictions in age

26 - inulin used in measurment of

- active tobular sec
- glomerular filtration

27 - ion trapping
- alkalinization of urine inc sec of weak base drug
- alkalinization of urine inc absorbtion of weak acid drug
- alkalinization of urine inc excretion
of weak acid drug

28 - clotting factors synsthesed by vit K ??

2 7 9 10

29- Cross sensitivity between penicillin and cephalosporin

- 4-10 %

30 - S isomer
- Rotate plane of polarized light to lift
- Rotate plane of polarized light to right
- racemic mix
- mirror image to R isomer of the correspoding cpd

31 - Isomers are
- same chemical structure
- same chemical properties
- same molecular weight

32 - sod lauryl sulfate is anionic surfactant

33 - Head lice
- black color have wings
- nits are about 6 mm for head might be invisible
- lice itself may not be seen because it cause openings in skin

34 - ttt of head lice

- Malathione is better for pregnant
- wet comb method is useful without using insecticide
- insecticide kill both lice and nits
- insecticide is used for prophylaxis

35 - can be used in lactation

- acitretin
- carbamazepine

36 - Must be absorbed from GIT to give action

- sulfathiazine
- methionine
- vancomycin

37 - Used in HTN and angine

- Nitroglycerine
- indapamide
- candesartan
- Nifidpine

38 - Used in hypertensive emergency as intravenous infusion

- Ramipril
- Deltiazem
- Diazoxide
- nifidipine

39 - Dixorubicin
- given by iv infusion for 2 to 15 mins
- given by iv infusion for 2 to 24 hrs

40 - Not increase myopathy effect of statins

All the options were enz inhibitors except CBZ

41 - in clindamycin topical preparation

- Mix with 15 ml water first then add alcohol
- Mix with propylene glycol the add water and alcohol

- mix with alcohol first then add water and propylene glycol

- mix with water and then add alcohol and propylene glycol

41 - preparation of potassium iodide and iodine , water ,pepperment oil and glycerine
- Mix kI first with water then add iodine then papperment oil and glycerine
- mix water with glycerine and pepperment oil then add ki and iodine
- mix iodine with glycerine then add water

42 - Tramadol warfarin interaction

43 - cyclosporin mech of action
- inh t cell production
- inhibit t cell activation
44- calcitriol is
- synthesed in liver
- activated by sun light
- active metabolite of vit D
- Metabolised to vit D

45 - Method of using Nystatin in oral fungal inf

- Rinse mouth only then
- Rinse and gargle
- Rinse and swallow

46 - Epoprostenol inhibit platlet aggregation

47 - dec theophylline level : Smoking i think

48 - Not inc risk of atherosclerosis

- osteoarthritis
- smoking cigarette

49 - Nicotenic acid used in hyperlipidemia

50 - Not inc risk of seizure

- light
- mental stress
- moderate exercise

51 - Omeprazole used otc in case of

- child more than 12 years a d adult less than 60 years with continous hyperacidity
- breastfeeding mother tried antacid and ranitidine with no benifit
-to treat side effects resulted from other drugs

52 - Dose of Hydrocortisone , Roxithromycin , lisinopril

53 - which cause hypothyriodism : Li

54 - side effect of acetazolamide : renal stone

55 - Most common cause of meningitis in children

- Nissaria meningitis
- H influenza

56 - Used in ttt of pneumonia jirovci

57 - Not used in community acquired pneumonia
- Amoxicilline
- Erythro
- Minocycline

58 - Drug used for gram -ve

- Minocycline
- Vancomycin
- fluocloxacillin

59 - Not symptom of serotonin syndrome

- tremors
- agitation
- constipation

60 - TCA
- Cause serotonin syndrome if used with each other
- dec orthostatic HYPERTENSION of methyldopa
- Cause serotonin syndrome if used with quitabine

61 - protein is not pass to nephron

62 - amount af cretinine excreted in urine
- 90 %
- 50 %
- 40 %

63 - side effect of amitryptaline in old patient ... severe urine retention

64 - Vassopressin when increased

- Inc water absorbtion in collecting tobule
- inc water absorb in loop of henle
65 - used in Iv bolus
- doxorubicin
- salbutamol
- vanco

66 - HIV material tansfer from

- RNA to DNA
- DNA to DNA

67 - Don't need withdrawal

- fluxitine
- paroxitine
- sertraline
68 - shortest washout period

69 - Clindamycin not active against clositridium difficle

70 - Hypermellose ( as i remember ) used in morphine tab to

- color
- to make it controlled release
- antioxidant

71- Drug t half 16 hrs . Howa long does it take to be at least 90 % excreted
- 48 hrs
- 64 hrs

72 - Dose of drug 500 micro . Assuming no elimination occur . Plasma conc is 2 micro/ ml and
plasma volum is 3 L
.. what is the proportion of total drug is found in plasma
- 1.2%
- 6.6 %

73 - worker with allergic rhinitis give him fexofenadine

74 - chronic renal failure anemia is normocytic normochromic

75 - Not metabolised by acetylation : Gentamycin

75 - Most cause digoxin tox

- Ca gluconate
- furesemide

76 - Digoxin is affected by
- Renal function
- Drygs that induce its metabolism

77 - Digoxin with amiodarone

- dec dose amiodatone to half
- dec dose digoxin to half

78 - contain aldehyde or ketone gp

- phenobarbital
- amitryptylline
79 - cyclosporin cause skin malignancy ???

80 - smoking is inducer for which ctychrome

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