Direct-Current Vacuum Circuit Breaker WithSuperconducting Fault-Current Limiter

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1, JANUARY 2018 5600108

Direct-Current Vacuum Circuit Breaker With

Superconducting Fault-Current Limiter
Kun Yang , Yi Yang , Muhammad Junaid , Siyuan Liu, Zhiyuan Liu, Senior Member, IEEE,
Yingsan Geng, Senior Member, IEEE, and Jianhua Wang , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The objective of this paper is to propose a dc current 31.5, 40, 50, 63, 75, 80, and 100 kA, for 1.5-kV dc systems
interruption technology for railway dc traction systems, consist- [7], which is well beyond that of high-voltage dc transmission
ing of a dc vacuum circuit breaker with a superconducting fault- systems. Currently, conventional air and SF6 switchgear sys-
current limiter (SFCL). To this end, a 1.5-kV dc circuit breaker
prototype is designed, involving a dc vacuum circuit breaker and tems are used commercially [8]–[10]. However, air switchgear
a resistive-type SFCL serially connected. The dc vacuum circuit systems experience issues with high noise, low current inter-
breaker is developed with a commutation circuit to generate a re- ruption times, and their large size. Alternative SF6 switchgear
verse injection current, and the resistive-type SFCL is composed implementations contribute to the greenhouse effect, with a poi-
of yttrium barium copper oxide superconducting tape. An LC cur- sonous arcing product, and due to the danger presented by SF6 ,
rent source tested the 1.5-kV prototype, showing that, when the
precharged capacitor voltage is 1.5 kV, the prospective current such systems are not recommended for low- and middle-voltage
is 47 kA increasing at a rate of 9.4 A/µs. The SFCL limits this applications.
current to ∼3 kA (peak value), and then, decreases the current to Hence, vacuum circuit breakers have received growing con-
2 kA after 6 ms, followed by successful clearance via the dc vacuum sideration as a promising substitute. Several research groups
circuit breaker. The proposed 1.5-kV circuit breaker will success- have investigated their potential as a replacement [11]–[15],
fully clear short-circuit faults up to 47 kA by first limiting the
prospective current and then interrupting it. accompanied by emerging commercialized designs [16]–[18],
since vacuum circuit breakers boast ecofriendly and low-noise
Index Terms—DC circuit breakers, dc power systems, supercon- qualities, while providing high insulation strength, space ef-
ducting fault-current limiter (SFCL), vacuum circuit breakers.
ficiency, simple maintenance, quick response times, and safe
I. INTRODUCTION interruption capabilities. This technology ensures safe interrup-
tion because decomposition products are not released outside of
AILWAY transportation has existed for the past two cen-
R turies [1], and modern systems employ electric traction in
their vital mission to develop and progress society. Electric trac-
the vacuum chamber. Yet, the fact that dc has no zero crossing
still limits commercial implementation of this kind of circuit
breaking technology. To mitigate this challenge, a reverse cur-
tion railways are one of the most convenient and cost-effective rent of greater amperage than the fault current must be injected
methods of travel. It can use both ac and dc voltage sources for in parallel to the protection system.
operation: ac traction utilizes 15 kV for a 16.7-Hz system or Prohibitively, dc vacuum circuit breakers need a large
25 kV for 50/60-Hz systems [2], [3], whereas dc traction re- precharging capacitor for inverse current injection, and they ne-
quires 600, 750, 1200, 1500, or 3000 V supplies to operate cessitate expensive saturable reactors to reduce di/dt around the
trams, light railways, subways, and fast trains [4]–[6]. zero-current point. During dc current interruption, an arrester
The power distribution lines for electric trains generally op- absorbs the high overvoltage, but this absorption can present
erate in open-air environments, and thus, are vulnerable to potential risks for explosion. Besides these dangers, the me-
potential faults. DC fault current has no zero-current point, chanical lifetime of this vacuum circuit breaker is rather low,
which makes dc interruption challenging. The standard rated reduced by the necessary high-speed repulsion mechanism.
short-circuit currents for railway dc switchgear systems are Alternatively, we investigate using a superconducting fault-
current limiter (SFCL) to first restrict the fault-current, fol-
Manuscript received March 2, 2017; revised August 31, 2017; accepted Oc-
tober 21, 2017. Date of publication October 27, 2017; date of current version lowed by interruption using a conventional dc breaker [19]–
November 20, 2017. This work was supported in part by the National Basic [21]. The best choice breaker for this approach is the vacuum
Research Program of China (973 Program) under Grant 2015CB251005, and in circuit breaker, given its many benefits [21]. By current limit-
part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51323012
and Grant 51221005. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor A. Po- ing, the capacitance value used in the LC commutation circuit
lasek. (Corresponding author: Zhiyuan Liu.) can be reduced significantly. This implementation avoids the
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation expensive saturable reactor and the less-reliable fast-operation
and Power Equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
(e-mail:;;; mechanisms (including the repulsion mechanism). Moreover,;;; breakers experience less overvoltage spikes. For these reasons, this dc current interruption technology is a viable option for rail-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at way traction systems, as proposed and described in this paper
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASC.2017.2767500 using a dc vacuum circuit breaker and an SFCL.

1051-8223 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


Manufactured by AMSC
Stabilizer Stainless Steel
Material YBCO
Width of the Superconducting Tape 12 mm
Critical Current 225 A at 77 K
Resistance at Room Temperature 0.11 /m

Fig. 1. Vacuum dc breaker with SFCL to interrupt the fault current.


The proposed technology includes two main modules: a dc
SFCL as the current limiting device and a dc vacuum circuit
breaker for current interruption. The circuit breaker consists of
a vacuum interrupter and a commutation circuit, comprised of a
capacitor, an inductor, and a vacuum switch for reverse current
injection. The proposed dc vacuum circuit breaker with an SFCL
is shown in Fig. 1.
When the current falls below the critical current of the SFCL,
the SFCL enters the superconducting state where the SFCL
conducts normal current without any loss. The current flow-
ing through vacuum interrupter also has negligible loss. It is
important to note that all current flows in the main current path.
When a fault occurs, its current increases to a value, which is Fig. 2. Structure of the 1.5-kV, 400-A SFCL prototype.
significantly greater than the critical current of the SFCL. Under
this condition, the SFCL transitions to the quenching mode, and TABLE II
its resistance increases rapidly. This quenched resistance limits SUPERCONDUCTING COIL PARAMETERS
the fault current.
When the fault is detected, a relay commands the vacuum Room Temperature Resistance () Inductance (μH)
interrupter to open its contacts, which draws an arc in the vacuum
A1 0.980 1.668
interrupter. Since there is no current zero in dc, the arc continues A2 0.985 1.736
to burn. A3 0.980 1.757
To generate a zero-current point, a reverse current is injected A4 0.979 1.629
A5 0.982 1.738
by the commutation circuit. When the vacuum switch closes, the A6 0.980 1.649
precharged capacitor generates a reverse current in the vacuum
interrupter, thereby generating an artificial zero-current con-
dition to extinguish the arc. Consequentially, the mechanism
interrupts the main current path. Six winding plates, denoted as A1 to A6 , were fabricated and
As the SFCL limits the fault current, there is no need to wound with the superconducting tape. Their parameters were
generate a high reverse current, and as a result, the capacitance measured by both a bridge-resistance meter and an inductance
of the precharging capacitor can be small. meter, with obtained characteristics presented in Table II. The
results show that the windings are quite similar, so they can be
used either in series or parallel, owing to their similar voltages
III. SFCL DESIGN or similar currents, respectively.
In this work, we adopt a high-temperature resistive SFCL Six winding plates were utilized to connect 54 m of super-
made of yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) superconducting conducting tape in the design of a 1.5-kV dc SFCL. They were
tape. YBCO superconducting tape uses liquid nitrogen as a divided into two parallel branches, and each branch contained
cryogenic medium to achieve the superconducting state. Table I three winding plates connected in series. The critical current
demonstrates the specifications of the SFCL superconducting of the SFCL was slightly lower than 450 A (2 × 225 A, see
tape. Table I) due to nonuniform current distribution. Therefore, it
Fig. 2 shows the design of the SFCL. The winding plates and satisfied the rating requirement for a nominal 400-A current,
spacers used were made of nylon, and it incorporates a pancake- which is an IEC standard for railway dc switchgear.
type winding design [22]. Nine meters of superconducting tape The SFCL experimental circuit is shown in Fig. 3. During the
were wound on each winding plate. Each winding can safely experiment, the capacitor C1 was set to 100 mF, and the inductor
operate up to 500 V, as long as the fault current flows for less L 1 was set to 0.101 mH. The resonant frequency of C1 and L 1
than 50 ms. was 50 Hz. When C1 is charged to 1500 V, the theoretical

Fig. 3. SFCL experimental circuit. C1 is 100 mF, L 1 is 0.101 mH, and S1 is

the main switch.

Fig. 5. Resistance curves for various prospective currents.

Fig. 4. Current limiting performance of the SFCL.

prospective current becomes 47 kA (peak value) with a rate

of increase around 9.4 A/μs. This configuration can imitate
the rising part of the dc fault current [18]. The total resistance
of the test circuit, including current source resistance, contact
resistance, and cable resistance, is estimated around 3 m. The
output current without SFCL is approximately 44 kA, which is
higher than the two IEC standard rated short-circuit currents, Fig. 6. Resistance curves for various durations of current flow.
31.5 and 40 kA. A Hall-effect sensor (IEFUL CS2500 HB) was
used to measure the current inside the superconducting tape, and
resistance, and the rate of increasing resistance is the slowest of
a high voltage probe measured the voltage across the SFCL.
the three periods.
Experiments were conducted with various system voltages,
Fig. 6 shows the resistance curves for different durations
150, 200, 500, 1000, and 1500 V, and the prospective fault
of current flow (5, 10, and 15 ms). As the duration increases,
currents were 4.7, 6.3, 15.7, 31.3, and 47 kA, respectively. All
so does the resistance. However, the prospective current has a
experimental results show that the designed SFCL can limit the
stronger influence on the resistance than the duration of current
fault current to 2 kA. Fig. 4 shows the SFCL prototype results
with 1500 V, where the current rises above the SFCL’s critical
current rapidly. The SFCL, then, quenches and limits the current
to ∼3 kA within 1 ms, and the current decreases to 2 kA at
5 ms, a mere 4.3% of the prospective current (47 kA). At 5 ms, To determine the design parameters of the dc vacuum circuit
the resistance of the SFCL is 0.7 . breaker assisted by reverse-current injection, the interruption
Fig. 5 shows the resistance curves for various prospective process was simulated, and the corresponding circuit is shown in
currents. The resistance curves during the quenching process Fig. 7. An LC circuit was used to imitate the rising short-circuit
can be divided into three periods. First, when the fault cur- current in a dc system, in which C1 was chosen at 100 mF and
rent reaches above the critical current, the superconducting tape L 1 was 0.101 mH to generate a sinusoidal current with a 50-Hz
starts to quench, as its resistance increases rapidly. Then, the frequency. The commutation-current frequency was selected to
superconducting tape reaches a mixed state where both the su- be 500 Hz, due to its strong capability of suspending current
perconductor and stabilizer determine the resistance at point A. while operating at this frequency [15]. The charging voltage of
Temperature is the main determinant of stabilizer resistance, C2 was set to the system voltage 1.5 kV. Apparent from the
which increases due to heat accumulation. This resistance con- experiment result in Section III, the SFCL is able to limit the
tinues to increase, but at a slower rate than the first period. Fi- 47 kA fault current less than 2 kA. The commutation-current
nally, the superconductor quenches completely at point B, since peak should be larger than the limited fault current. Accordingly,
it enters its normal, nonsuperconducting state. The resistance it was set to 4.7 kA, more than double the current limit set by
of the superconducting tape is, then, decided by the stabilizer the SFCL. According to (1) and (2), C2 was 1 mF, and L 2 was

Fig. 9. Experimental circuit for dc current interruption.

Fig. 7. Simulation model of the dc vacuum circuit breaker.

interrupter. The peak value of the reverse current was 4.7 kA,
which was more than double that of the limited current.
Initially, S1 is closed, and current in the vacuum interrupter
branch increases. When the current reaches above the critical
current of the SFCL, which is 450 A (2 × 225 A, see Table I),
the resistance of Sr increases from near zero to the 1- level,
representing the quenching resistance of the SFCL. As a result,
the peak value of short-circuit current is limited to 3.7 kA as
shown in Fig. 8. At 5.8 ms, the vacuum interrupter is opened,
and the switch S2 closes at 7.3 ms when i m is 1.75 kA. Then,
the precharged capacitor C2 discharges through L 2 , and i 2 is
injected into the vacuum interrupter branch. Thereafter, i 3 de-
creases rapidly as i 2 increases. At 7.4 ms, i 3 decreases to zero,
and the dc arc extinguishes. The source circuit and the commu-
tation branch thereby form a new circuit. At 9.9 ms, i 1 and i 2
decrease to zero at the same time, completing the interruption
The simulated voltage waveforms are also shown in Fig. 8.
The precharged voltage of C2 (u c ) is −1.5 kV, and the commu-
Fig. 8. Simulation results for the dc vacuum circuit breaker. tation current is injected at 7.3 ms when i2 is equal to 1.75 kA,
followed by an increase in u c . The current commutation process
between the vacuum interrupter and commutation branch ends
0.1 mH, at 7.4 ms when i 3 reaches zero, and finally at 9.9 ms, when the
I2 fault current is interrupted completely, u c stops increasing, and
C2 = (1) the vacuum interrupter receives a reverse voltage of 1.27 kV.
2π f U2
Initially, the voltage across the vacuum interrupter (u m ) is zero.
U2 When the vacuum interrupter opens at 5.8 ms, a vacuum arc is
L2 = . (2)
2π f 2 I2 drawn between the electrodes. After achieving zero current for
i 3 at 7.4 ms, u m and u c increase together. The source circuit
Wherein, I2 is the reverse-current peak, f is the frequency of current i 1 decreases to zero at 9.9 ms, after which u m and u c
the commutation current, and U2 is the charging voltage of C2 . both become 1.27 kV.
We investigated the following parameters: the source current Apparent from this simulation result, the SFCL limits the
(i 1 ), the commutation current (i 2 ), the vacuum interrupter current 47-kA fault current to 1.75 kA, which is less than 2 kA, well
(i 3 ), the commutation capacitor voltage (u c ), and the vacuum under the designed interruption capability of the dc vacuum
interrupter voltage (u m ). Two capacitors (Cpm and Cpc ) were circuit breaker. By achieving an artificial zero-current point, the
added in parallel with the vacuum interrupter, and S1 allowed design could successfully interrupt the necessary current.
simulation of the parasitic capacitors across the electrodes. Cpm
and Cpc were 20 and 5 pF, respectively. The SFCL was simu- V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
lated by a time varying resistor Sr according to its resistance
characteristic calculated from Figs. 4 and 5. A. Experimental Setup
The simulation result is shown in Fig. 8. The charging volt- A dc circuit breaker prototype was built for a dc voltage of
ages for C1 and C2 (see Fig. 7) were set to 1.5 and −1.5 kV, 1.5 kV, a short-circuit current of 47 kA, and a rated nominal
respectively. The capacitor C2 was set to 1 mF and the inductor current of 400 A.
L 2 to 0.1 mH. The resonant frequency of C2 and L 2 was 500 Hz. The experimental circuit is shown in Fig. 9. S1 is the main
As previously mentioned, these generate the necessary reverse switch, whereas S2 is for reverse current injection into the vac-
current to create an artificial zero-current point in the vacuum uum interrupter. The two switches and the breaker are controlled

Fig. 10. Experimental setup of the dc circuit breaker.


Rated voltage 12 kV
Rated current 630 A
Short-circuit current 25 kA
Average speed 1 m/s Fig. 11. Time evolution of the experiment.
Gap length 11 mm

interrupter (about 20 V), which is too small to appear in Fig. 11.

by three time-delay relays (t1 , t2 , and t3 ) connected to a control During this time, all the current is also flowing through the
desk. vacuum interrupter, again showing the same current as that of
Three Hall-effect sensors (IEFUL CS2500 HB) were used the source.
to measure the current in the vacuum interrupter, the reverse After a time delay, set by relay 3, S2 is closed, and the reverse
current, and the source current. A high voltage probe was used current generated by L 2 and C2 is injected. This time delay is
to measure the voltage across the vacuum interrupter. varied during the experiment. Once reaching the zero-current
The test dc vacuum circuit breaker with an SFCL is shown point in the vacuum interrupter current, its arc extinguishes.
in Fig. 10. The SFCL comprises 54 m of superconducting tape Then, the current in the vacuum interrupter decreases to zero,
wound around six winding plates, all placed in a Dewar vessel. and the current charges the capacitor C2. When the voltage in
The dc vacuum circuit breaker consists of two parallel C2 is equal to the system voltage, the source current decreases
branches: the vacuum interrupter and the commutation circuit. to zero to complete the interruption process.
The parameters of the vacuum interrupter are shown in Table III.
The commutation circuit includes a metallized film capacitor C. Interruption With Varied Time Delays
(1 mF, 3 kV), a multitap inductor (0.1 mH), and a vacuum
Interruption time is defined as the period between applying
switch (1.14 kV). The capacitor charging module consists of a
current (when S1 closes) and arresting the fault current (current
rectifier bridge and a voltage regulator.
in the vacuum interrupter reaches zero), as shown in Fig. 11.
Experiments with different interruption times were con-
B. Time Sequence ducted. The interruption time was varied by changing the time
The time sequence of switches S1 , S2 , and the vacuum in- delay of relay 3. As shown in Fig. 12, the main switch S1 closes
terrupter is set by the three time delays of the relays, and the at 0 ms, and then, the source current increases steeply. After
time sequence data are shown in Fig. 11. S1 closes first, and the quench of the superconductors, the peak source current is lim-
current flows from the source, L 1 and C1 . Initially, all current ited from 47 to 3.56 kA. Then, the source current decreases as
flows through the vacuum interrupter. Thus, the source current the resistance of superconductor rises. At 5.8 ms, the source
and vacuum interrupter waveforms match over this period. current decreases to 2 kA, and the vacuum interrupter opens. At
After the time delay set by relay 1 and relay 2, the vacuum 7.2 ms, the vacuum switch S2 in the commutation branch closes,
interrupter opens. For all experiments, the time delay is set to and the reverse current is injected while the source current is
6 ms. Since the current is dc, there is no zero-current point, 1.84 kA. Then, the current in the vacuum interrupter reduces
so after the opening operation of the vacuum interrupter, the zero quickly, and the vacuum interrupter arrests the fault cur-
arc keeps burning. There is an arc voltage across the vacuum rent within 7.2 ms. The voltage across vacuum reverses polarity,

Fig. 12. Experimental waveforms for the prospective fault current of 47 kA. Fig. 13. Experimental waveforms for the prospective fault current of 23.5 kA.


Prospective Increase rate Peak Value of Time for Interruption

Interruption Time for Interruption Residual Over-Voltage Current of Prospective Source Reaching 2 Current in
Time/ms Reaching 2 Current/kA Voltage of of Vacuum Peak/kA Current/A/μs Current/kA kA/ms VI/kA
kA/ms Source/kV Interrupter/kV
15.7 3.1 2.14 1.1 0.92
24.1 6.1 1.18 1.09 1.10 23.5 4.7 2.69 1.4 1.16
13.1 6.2 1.53 1.24 1.26 31.3 6.3 3.06 2.8 1.46
7.2 5.8 1.84 1.28 1.33 47 9.4 3.56 5.8 1.84

D. Interruption With Varied Prospective Currents

reaching –0.78 kV. At 9.9 ms, the source current and the commu-
tation current both decrease to zero, and the whole interruption Experiments with different prospective current levels were
process completes. The over-voltage and residual voltage of the also considered. The current was varied by changing the
vacuum interrupter are 1.33 and 1.28 kV, respectively. precharged voltage of C1 , with values of 500, 750, 1000, and
Experimental results with various interruption times are 1500 V. The corresponding prospective short-circuit currents
shown in Table IV. It becomes clear that as interrupting time were 15.7, 23.5, 31.3, and 47 kA, respectively. Accordingly, the
increases, the interruption current decreases since the resistance rate of increase for the currents was 3.1, 4.7, 6.3, and 9.4 A/μs,
of the SFCL increases with time. The increased resistance of respectively. The interruption time was set to 7.5 ms.
the SFCL also decreases the over-voltage of the vacuum inter- The implemented dc circuit breaker successfully handled
rupter. As the energy in C1 discharges, increasingly with longer many short-circuit currents. A typical experimental result with a
interruption times, the residual voltage is lower. prospective current of 23.5 kA and an increase rate of 4.7 A/μs
Longer interruption times reduce the interruption current and is shown in Fig. 13. The peak value of the source current is
energy in the vacuum interrupter, thus, reducing the interruption 2.69 kA. The SFCL limits the source current below 2 kA after
burden. However, the SFCL must absorb more energy, which the fault current flows for 1.4 ms. The interruption time of the
may require more superconducting tape and increase its cost. vacuum interrupter is 8.2 ms, at which time the reverse current
The residual source voltage is also lower and is detrimental is injected, and the current in the vacuum interrupter becomes
for dc systems. The optimized design must employ the shortest 1.16 kA.
possible interruption time to achieve the highest residue voltage The results for the prospective currents 15.7, 23.5, 31.3, and
for the source. The shortest interruption time is 7.2 ms in this 47 kA are compared in Table V. Table V shows that, when the
experiment, as the interruption of 2-kA dc is not challenging for prospective current increases, the peak value of the source cur-
the vacuum interrupter. rent also increases, as does the time required before the source
The maximum over-voltage of vacuum interrupter is current is limited to 2 kA. Interestingly, as the prospective-
1.33 kV. The SFCL shows adequate energy absorbing ability, current peak increases by a factor of 3.0 (from 15.7 to 47 kA),
and it suppresses the over-voltage of the vacuum interrupter, the peak value of the source current only increases 1.7 times
making the interruption easier and safer. (from 2.14 to 3.56 kA). The reason is that as the prospective

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Proc. 27th Int. Symp. Discharges Elect. Insul. Vac., Suzhou, China, 2016,
interrupt 2 kA, assisted by the SFCL. Therefore, the required vol. 2, pp. 300–303.
commutation circuit capacitance is quite low, and the rated cur- [22] K. Yang et al., “Design of superconducting tapes pancake type winding
rent interruption is maintained for small reverse currents. The dc according to heat diffusion ability,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 26,
no. 7, Oct. 2016, Art. no. 4902305.
vacuum circuit breaker is reliable and easy to design. Thus, a dc
SFCL combined with a dc vacuum circuit breaker is a suitable
combination for 750 V and 1.5 kV dc traction systems, and it
shows potential for use in higher dc-voltage systems.
Kun Yang was born in Xi’an, China, on August 7, 1989. He received the B.E.
REFERENCES degree in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China,
in 2012. Since 2012, he has been studying for the successive postgraduate and
[1] H. W. Dickinson and A. Titley, “Introductory,” in Richard Trevithick: The doctoral programs degrees in electrical engineering in Xi’an Jiaotong Univer-
Engineer and The Man. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010. sity, Xi’an.
[2] R. J. Hill, “Electric railway traction. Part 3. Traction power supplies,” His research interests include dc superconducting fault current limiter tech-
Power Eng. J., vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 275–286, Dec. 1994. nology and new dc interruption technology.

Yi Yang received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Xi’an Jiao- Zhiyuan Liu (M’01–SM’14) was born in Shenyang, China, in 1971. He received
tong University, Xi’an, China, in 2014, the French Engineer Degree (master’s the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Shenyang University
degree)from CentraleSupélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, in 2015. She is currently of Technology, Liaoning, China, in 1994 and 1997, respectively, and the Ph.D.
working toward the master’s degree in electrical engineering from the School degree in electrical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China,
of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. She also took part in the in 2001.
exchange program of double degrees with Supélec, Paris, France. From 2001 to 2002, he was in the General Electric Company Research
She did an internship from September 2015 to March 2016 in R&D Depart- and Development Center, Shanghai, China. Since 2003, he has been working in
ment, KEMA Laboratories, DNV GL, the Netherlands. She took part in high State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Department
voltage direct current system fault current project during that time. Her research of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an. He is currently a
interest includes dc interruption based on artificial current zero method. Professor in Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an.
Prof. Liu is a member of Current Zero Club and a member of CIGRE
Working Group WGA3.27 “The impact of the application of vacuum switchgear
at transmission voltages.” He is also a member of CIGRE Working Group
JWGA3/B4.34 “Technical requirements and specifications of state-of-the-art
Muhammad Junaid received the B.Eng. and M.S. degrees in electrical en- DC switching equipment.”
gineering from COMSATS institute of information technology with the spe-
cialization in power system engineering, in 2011 and 2015, respectively. He is Yingsan Geng (M’98–SM’14) was born in Henan Province, China, in 1963.
currently working toward the Doctoral degree in electrical engineering from the He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China, in 1984, 1987, and 1997, re-
He has also served as a Lecturer in power engineering in the Department spectively.
of Electrical Engineering, Sarhad University of Science and Information Tech- He is currently a Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insula-
nology, Peshawar, Pakistan. His research interests include key technologies for tion and Power Equipment, Department of Electrical Engineering, XJTU. His
fault current interruption using vacuum interrupters and cryogenic fluids. research interests include theory and application of low voltage circuit breaker
Mr. Junaid is an active member of IAENG Hong Kong, Pakistan Engineering and high voltage vacuum circuit breakers.
Council, and the Institute of Engineers Pakistan.
Jianhua Wang (SM’14) received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical en-
gineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China, in 1981 and
1985, respectively.
He is currently a Professor and the Director in the State Key Laboratory of
Siyuan Liu was born in Harbin, China, on May 31, 1990. He received the Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Department of Electrical Engineer-
B.E. degree in electrical engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology, ing, XJTU. His research interests include theory and application of intelligent
Harbin, in 2013. Since 2013, he has been working toward the Ph.D. degree electrical apparatus and systems, and CAD/CAE in electrical engineering.
in electrical engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Dr. Wang is the Chairman of the Professional Branch Committee on Intelli-
Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. gent Electrical Systems and their Applications of the China Electro-Technical
His research interests include dc circuit breaker with active injection and Society, and an Associate Council Member of the China Electro-Technical
vacuum arc theory. Society.

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