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International Journal of Mathematics and M

Computer Science, 14(2019), no. 4, 833–847 CS

On a Subclass of Harmonic Univalent

Functions Involving a New Operator
Containing q-Mittag-Leffler Function

Suhila Elhaddad1 , Huda Aldweby2 , Maslina Darus1

Centre of Modelling and Data Science
Faculty of Science and Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
AL Asmaraya Islamic University, Libya

email: suhila.e@yahoo.com, hu.aldweby@gmail.com, maslina@ukm.edu.my

(Received May 31, 2019, July 1, 2019)


This article attempts to define a new differential operator involving

q-Mittag-Leffler function. Thus, a new starlike class of complex-valued
harmonic univalent functions is defined by means of the aforemen-
tioned differential operator. In addition to this, different properties
and characteristics were considered in the study for this class. Some of
these properties include a necessary and sufficient coefficient, growth
bounds and neighborhoods.

Key words and phrases: Harmonic univalent functions , q-Mittag-Leffler

function, differential operator, Growth bounds.
AMS (MOS) Subject Classification: 30C45.
ISSN 1814-0432, 2019, http://ijmcs.future-in-tech.net
834 S. Elhaddad, H. Aldweby, M. Darus

1 Introduction and preliminaries

Let SH denote the class of functions f = h + ḡ that are harmonic ,uni-

valent, normalized and sense-preserving within the open unit disk U =
{z ∈ C : |z| <1} , where h and g within the class A of all analytic functions
in U having the following form (See Clunie and Sheil-Small [19]):

X ∞
h(z) = z + an z , g(z) = bn z n , |b1 | < 1, (1.1)
n=2 n=1

where h is called the analytic part and g is called the co-analytic part of f .
Observe that, if the co-analytic part of the members of the class SH is zero,
then SH reduces to the class S of univalent functions .
The SH class, along with geometric subclasses of SH , was first examined
in the early 1980s by Clunie and Sheil-Small [19], whose introduction of
several properties for SH inspired further work on SH subclasses, (e.g. [1],
[6], [7], [19], [31], [32] and [40] ). These functions are significant because
of their application in researching minimal surfaces and a range of applied
mathematical problems.
Quantum calculus, or q-calculus is the subject of a range of research based
on the multiple applications identified for it across different mathematical
fields, in addition to significance to theoretical physics. The application of
q-calculus was initiated by Jackson [27],[28] first explored q-calculus appli-
cations, systematically developing q-derivative and q-integral. In addition
the Baskakov Durrmeyer operators q-analogue was put forward in [11],[12]
and [13], on the basis of the beta function q-analogue. Q-calculus has also
been generalised for complex operators with significant results in q-Gauss-
Weierstrass and q-Picard singular integral operators, as [8] and [10] discuss.
In addition, fractional q-derivative and fractional q-integral operators, among
other q-calculus operators, have been applied in [1], [2], [3], [4], [21] [23] and
[24]. On this basis, the derivation of q-analogues for operators within analytic
functions may have potential significance. Aral et al. [14] gives a thorough
discussion of q-analysis as applied within operator theory.
This study begins with definitions of the principal terms used and in-depth
concepts for the applications of q-calculus used. In this report, it is assumed
that 0 < q < 1. Definitions are first given for fractional q-calculus operators
in a complex-valued function f (z), as follows:
On a Subclass of Harmonic Univalent Functions... 835

Definition 1.1. Let 0 < q < 1 and define the q-number [n]q by

1 − qn

 (n ∈ C)
[n]q = 1−q
q k = 1 + q + q 2 + ... + q m−1 (n = m ∈ N).
 P

Definition 1.2. (see [27],[28]) The q-derivative (or the q-difference) opera-
tor Dq of a function f is defined by

 f (qz) − f (z)
(z 6= 0)
Dq f (z) = (q − 1)z (1.2)
f (z) (z = 0).
 ′

In case f (z) = z n for n ∈ N0 = {1, 2, 3, ...}, the q-derivative of f (z) is

given by
z n − (zq)n
Dq z n = = [n]q z n−1 ,
z(1 − q)
where [n]q defined in Definition 1.1.
We note from Definition 1.2 that
f (zq) − f (z)
lim− (Dq f )(z) = lim− = f ′ (z).
q→1 q→1 (q − 1)z

Recent attention has been drawn to Mittag-Leffer function research, as this

kind of function can be widely applied across engineering, chemical and bio-
logical sciences, physics and in applied science. Various factors in applying
such functions are evident within chaotic, stochastic and dynamic systems,
fractional differential equations, and distribution of statistics. The geometric
characteristics such as convexity, close-to-convexity and starlikeness, of the
functions investigated here have been broadly examined by many authors,
and direct applications from such functions can be seen for a number of frac-
tional calculus tools, including significant work by [9], [16], [18], [20], [23],
[26], [33], [34] , [38] and [39]. The Mittag-Leffer function Eσ (z) is named
after the Swedish mathematician who proposed it (as shown in [30]). It can
be defined as: ∞
X zn
Eσ (z) = . (1.3)
Γ(σn + 1)
836 S. Elhaddad, H. Aldweby, M. Darus

The initial two parametric generalisations for the function shown in (1.3)
were given by Wiman [41],[42]. It is defined in the following way:

X zn
Eσ,δ (z) = ,
Γ(σn + δ)

where σ, δ ∈ C , Re(σ)>0 and Re(δ)>0.

In 2014 Sharma and Jain [37] introduced the q-analogue of generalized Mittag-
Leffler function Eσ,δ (z; q)(σ, δ, γ ∈ C, Re(σ)>0, Re(δ)>0, Re(γ)>0), which is
defined by

X (q γ ; q)n zn
Eσ,δ (z; q) = . , (|q|<1])
(q; q)n Γq (σn + δ)

where Γq (z) is the q-gamma function and lim Γq (z) = Γ(z).

The q-analogue of the Pochhammer symbol (q-shifted factorial) is defined by
(see [25])

(1 − λ)(1 − λq)...(1 − λq n−1 ), n = 1, 2, 3, ...,

(λ, q)n =
1, n = 0.

Further, the q-gamma function Γq (z) satisfies the functional equation (see
[15], [25])
1 − qz
Γq (z + 1) = Γq (z) = [z]q Γq (z)
(1 − q)n Γq (λ + n)
(q λ , q)n = . (n>0)
Γq (λ)

We define the function Qγσ,δ (z) by

Qγσ,δ (z) = zΓq (δ)Eσ,δ

(z; q)

X Γq (δ)(q γ ; q)n−1
= z+ zn .
Γ q (σ(n − 1) + δ)(q; q) n−1

Now, for f ∈ A we define the following differential operator: Dλ,q (σ, δ)f :
A −→ A by
Dλ,q (σ, δ)f (z) = f (z) ∗ Qγσ,δ (z), (1.4)
Dλ,q (σ, δ)f (z) = (1 − λ)(f (z) ∗ Qγσ,δ (z)) + λzDq (f (z) ∗ Qγσ,δ (z)) (1.5)
On a Subclass of Harmonic Univalent Functions... 837

γ,m γ,1 γ,m−1
Dλ,q (σ, δ)f (z) = Dλ,q (Dλ,q (σ, δ)f (z)) (1.6)
If f ∈ A then from (1.5) and (1.6) we see that

X Γq (δ)(q γ ; q)n−1
Dλ,q (σ, δ)f (z) = z + [1 + ([n]q − 1)λ]m an z n .
Γq (σ(n − 1) + δ)(q; q)n−1
Note that
• If q → 1 and γ = 1, we obtain the operator in [22].

• If q → 1, σ = 0, γ = 1 and δ = 1, we obtain Al-Oboudi operator [5].

• If q → 1, σ = 0, γ = 1, δ = 1 and λ = 1, we obtain Sǎlǎgean operator

• If q → 1, m = 0 and γ = 1, we obtain Eσ,δ (z) [38].

In this paper, we define the operator Dλ,q (σ, δ)f (z) in (1.7) of harmonic
function f = h + g as
γ,m γ,m γ,m
Dλ,q (σ, δ)f (z) = Dλ,q (σ, δ)h(z) + Dλ,q (σ, δ)g(z) z ∈ U,


X Γq (δ)(q γ ; q)n−1
Dλ,q (σ, δ)h(z) = z + [1 + ([n]q − 1)λ]m an z n ,
Γq (σ(n − 1) + δ)(q; q)n−1

X Γq (δ)(q γ ; q)n−1
Dλ,q (σ, δ)g(z) = [1 + ([n]q − 1)λ]m bn z n ,
Γq (σ(n − 1) + δ)(q; q)n−1
for m ∈ N0 , λ ≥ 0.
Using the operator Dλ,q (σ, δ)f (z), we introduce the class of harmonic uni-
valent functions as illustrated below.
Definition 1.3. For 0 ≤ ϑ<1 , the function f = h + g is in the class
SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ) if satisfy the inequality
( γ,m γ,m
zDq (Dλ,q (σ, δ)h(z)) − zDq (Dλ,q (σ, δ)g(z))
Re γ,m γ,m
≥ϑ |z| = r<1.
Dλ,q (σ, δ)h(z) + Dλ,q (σ, δ)g(z)
838 S. Elhaddad, H. Aldweby, M. Darus

Note that SH (0, 0, 1, q, ϑ) = SH (ϑ) is the class of sense-preserving har-
monic univalent functions which are starlike of order ϑ in U defined by Ja-
hangiri [29].
γ,m γ,m
Let SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ) denote the subclass of SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ) consisting of
harmonic functions f = h + g, where h and g are of the form

X X∞
h(z) = z − |an |z , g(z) = |bn |zn , |b1 |<1.
n=2 n=1

2 Main Results
In our first result, we start with a sufficient coefficient condition for functions
f in SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ).
Theorem 2.1. Let f = h + g, where h(z) and g(z) are defined by(1.1). If
X [n]q − ϑ [n]q + ϑ 1+ϑ
|an | + |bn | Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ) ≤ 1 − |b1 |, (2.1)
1 − ϑ 1 − ϑ 1 − ϑ
where a1 = 1, 0 ≤ ϑ<1 and Θγ,m λ,q (σ, δ) given by

Γq (δ)(q γ ; q)n−1

γ,m m

Θλ,q (σ, δ) = [1 + ([n]q − 1)λ]
, (2.2)
Γq (σ(n − 1) + δ)(q; q)n−1
then f is sense-preserving, harmonic, univalent in U, and f ∈ SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ)
Proof. If |z1 | = 6 |z2 |<q, then
P∞ n n

f (z1 ) − f (z2 )
≥ 1−
g(z1 ) − g(z2 )
= 1−
n=1Pn (z1 − z2 )

h(z1 ) − h(z2 ) h(z1 ) − h(z2 ) (z1 − z2 ) + ∞ n n
n=2 an (z 1 − z2 )
P∞ γ,m
[([n] + (σ, − ϑ)]|bn |
n=1 [n] |b
q n | n=1 q ϑ)Θ λ,q δ)(1
>1− P ∞ ≥ 1− P ∞ γ,m ≥ 0,
1 − n=2 [n]q |an | 1 − n=2 [([n]q − ϑ)Θλ,q (σ, δ)(1 − ϑ)]|an |
which proves the univalence. Observe that, f is sense-preserving in U, be-

! ∞ γ,m
X X ([n]q − ϑ)Θ λ,q (σ, δ)
|Dq h(z)| ≥ 1 − [n]q |an ||z|n−1 > 1 − |an |
n=2 n=2
1 − ϑ
! !
([n]q + ϑ)Θλ,q (σ, δ) X∞
([n]q + ϑ)Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ)
≥ |bn | > |bn ||z|n−1
1 − ϑ n=1
1 − ϑ

≥ [n]q |bn ||z|n−1 ≥ |Dq g(z)|.
On a Subclass of Harmonic Univalent Functions... 839

Then we have lim[|Dq h(z)| ≥ |Dq g(z)|] = [|h′ (z)| ≥ |g ′(z)|].


Now, we show that f ∈ SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ). From (1.8), we can write

γ,m γ,m
( )
zDq (Dλ,q (σ, δ)h(z)) − zDq (Dλ,q (σ, δ)g(z))
Re γ,m γ,m
= Re ,
Dλ,q (σ, δ)h(z) + Dλ,q (σ, δ)g(z) E(z)


γ,m γ,m
C(z) = zDq (Dλ,q (σ, δ)h(z)) − zDq (Dλ,q (σ, δ)g(z))
X∞ ∞
= z+ [n]q Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ)an z n
− [n]q Θγ,m n
λ,q (σ, δ)bn z ,
n=2 n=1


γ,m γ,m
E(z) = Dλ,q (σ, δ)h(z) + Dλ,q (σ, δ)g(z)

X γ,m X ∞
= z+ n
Θλ,q (σ, δ)an z + Θγ,m n
λ,q (σ, δ)bn z .
n=2 n=1

Using the fact that Re(ω) ≥ ϑ if and only if |1 − ϑ + ω| ≥ |1 + ϑ − ω|,it

suffices to show that

|C(z) + (1 − ϑ)E(z)| − |C(z) − (1 + ϑ)E(z)| ≥ 0. (2.3)

840 S. Elhaddad, H. Aldweby, M. Darus

Replacing for C(z) and E(z) in (2.3), we get

|C(z) + (1 − ϑ)E(z)| − |C(z) − (1 + ϑ)E(z)|

X∞ X∞
= (2 − ϑ)z + ([n]q − ϑ + 1)Θγ,m (σ, δ)a z n
− ([n] + ϑ − 1)Θ γ,m
(σ, δ)b z n

λ,q n q λ,q n

n=2 n=1

X∞ X∞
− −ϑz + ([n]q − ϑ − 1)Θγ,m (σ, δ)a z n
− ([n] + ϑ + 1)Θ γ,m
(σ, δ)b z n

λ,q n q λ,q n

n=2 n=1

X ∞
≥ (2−ϑ)|z|− ([n]q −ϑ+1)Θλ,q (σ, δ)|an ||z| − ([n]q +ϑ−1)Θγ,m
γ,m n
λ,q (σ, δ)|bn ||z|

n=2 n=1

X ∞
−ϑ|z|− ([n]q −ϑ−1)Θλ,q (σ, δ)|an ||z| − ([n]q +ϑ+1)Θγ,m
γ,m n
λ,q (σ, δ)|bn ||z|

n=2 n=1

([n]q − ϑ)Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ)
≥ 2(1 − ϑ)|z| 1 − |an ||z|n−1

([n]q + ϑ)Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ)
− |bn ||an ||z|
( ∞  ! )
1+ϑ X [n]q − ϑ [n]q + ϑ
= 2(1−ϑ)|z| 1 − |b1 | − |an | + |bn | Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ) .
1−ϑ n=2
1−ϑ 1−ϑ

By using the enquiringly (2.1), we see that the last expression is non-negative.
This implies that f ∈ SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ).
Now, the necessary and sufficient condition for a function belongs to the class
SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ) is obtained.
Theorem 2.2. Let f = h + g . Then f ∈ SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ) if and only if
X [n]q − ϑ [n]q + ϑ 1+ϑ
|an | + |bn | Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ) ≤ 1 − |b1 |, (2.4)
1 − ϑ 1 − ϑ 1 − ϑ

where a1 = 1, 0 ≤ ϑ<1 and Θγ,m

λ,q (σ, δ) given by (2.2).
γ,m γ,m
Proof. Since SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ) ⊆ SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ), we only need to
prove the only if part of the theorem. To this purpose, for functions f ∈
SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ) , we notice that (1.8) is equivalent to
( γ,m γ,m
zDq (Dλ,q (σ, δ)h(z)) − zDq (Dλ,q (σ, δ)g(z))
Re γ,m γ,m
− ϑ ≥ 0.
Dλ,q (σ, δ)h(z) + Dλ,q (σ, δ)g(z)
On a Subclass of Harmonic Univalent Functions... 841

That is

" P∞ γ,m P∞ γ,m

n n
(1 − ϑ)z − n=2 ([n]q − ϑ)Θ λ,q (σ, δ)|an |z − n=1 ([n]q + ϑ)Θ λ,q (σ, δ)|bn |z
Re P∞ γ,m P∞ γ,m n
z − n=2 Θλ,q (σ, δ)|an |z + n=1 Θλ,q (σ, δ)|bn |z
≥ 0. (2.5)

The above condition must hold for all values of z in U. Upon selecting the
values of z on the positive real axis where 0 ≤ z = r<1, we should have

P∞ γ,m n−1

(1 − ϑ) − (1 + ϑ)b1 − n=2 Θλ,q (σ, δ) [([n]q − ϑ)|an | + ([n]q + ϑ)|bn |] r
γ,m ≥0
1 + |b1 | + ∞
P n−1
n=2 Θλ,q (σ, δ)[|an | + |bn |]r
If the condition (2.4) does not hold, then the numerator in (2.6) is negative
for r sufficiently close to 1. Hence there exist z0 = r0 in (0, 1) for which the
quotient of (2.6) is negative. Then, f ∈ SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ) and the proof is
complete .

Next, we determine the growth bounds for functions f ∈ SH (λ, α, β, q, ϑ).

Theorem 2.3. If f ∈ SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ) then

Γq (σ + δ) 1−ϑ 1+ϑ
|f (z)| ≤ (1+|b1 |)r+ − |b1 | r 2 , |z| = r<1,
[γ]q [1 + λ]m Γq (δ) 1+q−ϑ 1+q−ϑ


Γq (σ + δ) 1−ϑ 1+ϑ
|f (z)| ≥ (1−|b1 |)r− − |b1 | r 2 , |z| = r<1.
[γ]q [1 + λ]m Γq (δ) 1+q−ϑ 1+q−ϑ

Proof. The left-hand inequality was proved where as the proof for the
right hand Inequality will be omitted for being similar. Let f ∈ SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ).
842 S. Elhaddad, H. Aldweby, M. Darus

Taking the absolute value of f , we obtain

X∞ X∞
n n
|f (z)| = z − |an |z + |bn |z

n=2 n=1

≥ (1 − |b1 |)r − (|an | + |bn |)r n

≥ (1 − |b1 |)r − (|an | + |bn |)r 2
(1 − ϑ)Γq (σ + δ)
= (1 − |b1 |)r −
(1 + q − ϑ)[γ]q [1 + λ]m Γq (δ)
[γ]q [1 + λ]m Γq (δ) 2

X (1 + q) − ϑ (1 + q) − ϑ
× |an | + |bn | r
1−ϑ 1−ϑ Γq (σ + δ)
(1 − ϑ)Γq (σ + δ) 1+ϑ
≥ (1 − |b1 |)r − 1− |b1 | r 2
(1 + q − ϑ)[γ]q [1 + λ]m Γq (δ) 1−ϑ
Γq (σ + δ) 1−ϑ 1+ϑ
= (1 − |b1 |)r − − |b1 | r 2 .
[γ]q [1 + λ]m Γq (δ) (1 + q) − ϑ (1 + q) − ϑ
Thus, the proof is complete.
Subsequent to work performed by Avici and Zotkiewicz [17] and Ruscheweyh
[35], the q-neighborhood of a function f ∈ SH , ν ≥ 0 is defined herewith as
( ∞ ∞ ∞
Nνq (f ) = F = z + An z n + Bn z n : [n]q (|an − An | + |bn − Bn |) + |b1 − B1 | ≤ ν .
n=2 n=1 n=2

In our case, let us define the generalised q − ν-neighborhood of f to be the

 X∞ X∞ X∞
Nν (f ) = F = z + n
An z + n
Bn z : Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ)[([n]q − ϑ)|an − An |
n=2 n=1 n=2

+([n]q + ϑ)|bn − Bn |] + (1 + ϑ)|b1 − B1 | ≤ (1 − ϑ)ν .

Theorem 2.4. Let f ∈ SH . If satisfies the conditions

[n]q Θλ,q (σ, δ) ([n]q −ϑ)|an |+([n]q +ϑ)|bn | ≤ (1−ϑ)−(1+ϑ)|b1 |, 0 ≤ ϑ<1
On a Subclass of Harmonic Univalent Functions... 843

q−ϑ 1+ϑ
ν≤ 1− |b1 |
[2]q − ϑ 1−ϑ
then Nνq (f ) ⊂ SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ)
Proof. Let f satisfies (2.7) and

An z n + Bn z n

F (z) = z + B1 z +

which belongs to Nνq (f ), we observe that

(1+ϑ)|B1 |+ Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ) ([n]q −ϑ)|An |+([n]q +ϑ)|Bn |

≤ (1+ϑ)|B1 −b1 |+(1+ϑ)|b1 |+ Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ) ([n]q −ϑ)|An −an |+([n]q +ϑ)|Bn −bn |

+ Θγ,m
λ,q (σ, δ) ([n]q − ϑ)|an | + ([n]q + ϑ)|bn |
1 X γ,m
≤ (1−ϑ)ν+(1+ϑ)|b1 |+ [n]q Θλ,q (σ, δ) ([n]q −ϑ)|An |+([n]q +ϑ)|Bn | .
[2]q − ϑ n=2
≤ (1 − ϑ)ν + (1 + ϑ)|b1 | + [(1 − ϑ) − (1 + ϑ)|b1 |] ≤ 1 − ϑ.
[2]q − ϑ
q−ϑ 1+ϑ γ,m
Hence for ν ≤ 1− |b1 | , then F (z) ∈ SH (λ, σ, δ, q, ϑ).
[2]q − ϑ 1−ϑ

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