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English For Academic

Disusun oleh :

Aulia Agisna Rahmatika (1705113685)






School : MTSN Andalan Pekanbaru

Subject : Mathematics

Class/Semester : VII/ 1

Time Allocation : 1 x 40 minutes

A. Standard Competence
3.8 Analyze comparable values and turn around values using data tables, graphs, and equations

B. Basic Competence

Use comparison for problem solving.

C. Learning Objectives
Students are to be able to

1. compare statements as comparisons of values rather than comparisons of values through

tables and graphs.

2. explain the turnover ratio.

D. Learning Materials
1. Get to know the approved agreement.
2. Know the replacement value.
3. Solve the problem resolved.

E. Learning Methods / Learning Models

a. Learning Approach: Contextual.
b. Learning Model: Discovery Learning.
c. Learning Methods: Discovery, group discussion, presentation, and
assignment of assignments
F. Learning Activity

Tahap Fase Kegiatan

Opening ( 10 minutes) With question and answer, students are

reminded of fraction counting operations
The teacher explains the benefits of
comparative material worth and reverses value
The teacher conveys the learning objectives

Inti (60 minutes) Fase 1. Stimulation The teacher asks students to form a group
Each group was asked to discuss the problems
contained in LK-1 about resolving the issue of
comparable value and turning values using
various methods (data tables, graphs, and

Fase 2. Problem Statement The teacher guides students to identify

problems in LK-1 about solving problems of
comparable value and turning values using
various methods (data tables, graphs, and

Fase 3. Data Collection The teacher gives LK-2 about problems related
to the comparison of values and turn around in
everyday life to student
In groups, students are asked to discuss it
The teacher guides students to gather
information in groups
Students are asked to look for information by
reading books to gain insight into the
comparison of values and turning values
Students submit the results of their discussion
The teacher facilitates class discussions about
comparisons of values and reverses values

Fase 4. Data Processing Students complete the LK-2 about problems

related to comparisons of grades and turn
around in everyday life to students
Fase 5. Verification Through presentations, the teacher guides
students to carry out careful examinations to
prove whether or not the answer is correct

Fase 6. Generalization The teacher guides students to conclude the

material they have learned using their own

Closing (10 Minutes) Students conclude about how the steps solve
problems related to the comparison of values
and turn around values
The teacher gives enrichment homework
about the material of comparable value and
reverses value.
The teacher ends the learning activities by
giving a message to students to keep studying
at home

G. Learning Resources

1. Abdur Rahman As'ari, M. T. (2016). Mathematics in semester VII SMP / MTs in class 2.
Jakarta: Center for Curriculum and Bookkeeping, Balitbang, Ministry of Education and
2. Student worksheets (LKPD)

H. Assesment
Technique: written test
Form of instrument: description test
Example of instrument

If the price of 5 notebooks is IDR 10,000, what is the price of 2 dozen notebooks?

Alternative Answers Score

It is known: the price of 5 books = Rp. 10,000 2

Asked: the price of 2 dozen books?

Many Books Book Price 4

5 pieces Rp 10.000
(2 x 12) pieces x rupiah
5 : 24 = 10.000 : x 4
5x = 24 x 10.000 8
24×10.000 10
x = 5
𝑥 = 48.000 4
So the price of 2 dozen of the notebook is Rp. 48,000 2

Total Score 34

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