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Department of Education

Region VI Western Visayas

Division of Iloilo City
District I- Iloilo City Proper
A.Bonifacio Integrated School
Ledesma St., Iloilo City

Subject: SCIENCE 7 Date: February 7, 2019

Time Allotment: 1 hour Quarter: 4th Quarter
Grade and Section: Grade 7- Aquarius


Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relation of geographical

location of the Philippines to its environment.

Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to analyze the advantage of the location of the
Philippines in relation to the climate, weather, and seasons.

Learning competency: The ABIS learners will be able to:

describe ways of using Earth’s resources sustainably. (S7ES-IVc-4)

Specific Objective:
1. identify effects of human activities on natural resources;
2. suggest ways of protection and conservation of natural resources;

3. feel the importance of protection and conservation of natural resources.


A. Topic: The Philippine Environment (Protection and Conservation of Natural Resources)

B. Materials: laptop, projector, powerpoint presentation, music video, cut-outs, cartolina, speakers, pentel pen

C. References: Science CG, Science 7 Learner’s Material, Science 7 Teacher’s Guide, Science Links 7 Worktext for
Scientific and Technological Literacy

D. Process Skills: Observing, Predicting, Communicating

E. Values Integration: Cooperation, Care for Nature


Prayer……. Ask for a volunteer to lead the prayer. If none,choose a learner to lead the prayer.

Greetings….. Good morning, Aquarius!

Check Attendance


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

(Two Kinds of Natural Resources on Earth)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Ans:Natural Resources






_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Ask: What are the examples of renewable resources?

Ask: What are the examples of nonrenewable resources?

Ask: What is the difference between these two kinds of resources?

Give me a (thumbs up) if you think renewable resources can become nonrenewable in the future?If yes, how?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Read and Post

Each set of learners (3-4members) will be given different pictures with a message to read. One representative will
post it on the instawall/wallgram/instastory of the day. The learners will then say something about the
message/quotation assigned to their row. Teacher will select 4-5 responses.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Group Activity

Each group will complete the different parts of the table “Ways People Destroy Natural Resources” for six minutes.
The group will choose a representative to report the assigned part to class.

Remind the class of the Group Mechanics

1. Work as a team.

2. Maintain orderliness within the group, class and learning area.

3. Follow the instructions.

4. Be time-conscious.

Human Activity Effects on Natural Resources

Group 1

1. When roads are built, mountains >

are blown off using dynamite

2. Rice fields are turned into

residential or commercial centers >

Group 2

3. People cut too many trees for >

lumber or building houses

4. More factories are being built


Group 3

5. Too much mining and quarrying for >

precious metals and stones

6. Use of too much fertilizer


Group 4

7. Burning of plastics and other >

8. Cars, trucks and other vehicles that
emit dark smoke

Group 5

9. Careless, irresponsible humans >

10. Crowded, overpopulated, urban >



D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Unlocking of terms

1. Sustainability- process of maintaining change in a balanced environment, in which the exploitation of resources,
the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in harmony
and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs

2. Conservation- sustainable use and management of natural resources including wildlife, water, air, and earth

3. Preservation- attempts to maintain the present condition of the areas of the Earth
4. Biodiversity- the variety of life forms

The forests are very rich in biodiversity. They provide us with the supply of food, fibers, medicines, and timber.
Forests also serve as habitats of plants and animals. When trees in a forest are cut, the soil quality changes and it
becomes susceptible to agents of erosion. The forest climate likewise changes since the area that has been cleared of
trees is exposed to intense sunlight. As a result, plants and animals may die, trees no longer grow, and habitats shrink.

Ask: Where do we get water?

The supply of fresh water for our daily use comes from watersheds that drain into streams, rivers, and lakes.
Excessive deposition of sediments at the bottom of lakes and rivers make them shallower, killing the plants and animals
inhabiting the environment.

Ask:What are the causes of pollution?

Pollution tremendously affects our life quality. Commercial or industrial establishments, and domestic or
household activities make nearby lakes and rivers as “waste sinks”. Wastes are dispose in the sewage system and end
up in bodies of water. Agricultural activities like the use of excessive fertilizers, pesticides and deforestation create a
surplus of nutrients which overfertilizes the land or water resource, a phenomenon called eutrophication. Sulfur dioxide
emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum from vehicles including cars, jeeps, motorcycles,
airplanes cause immense amount of air pollution. Improper waste disposal can result to land, water and air pollution.
Noise pollution affects plants and animals too, which can force species to abandon their habitat.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2

Ask:Can we do something to achieve sustainability of our natural resources?

What are the ways we can conserve and preserve our natural resources?

1. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Food for Thought: R R R

We need to know three sets of important R's. In the field of education, the 3 r's of Reading wRiting and
aRithmetic. In our personal lives and development, I think the 3 R's we need would be RESPONSIBILITY- within
ourselves, our family, to the community and to our creator. R for Rice or the food/nutrients that we need to fulfill
our responsibilities and duties, and lastly R for rest. We also need to relax at times for us to replenish our energy to
be able to perform the other R's in our lives..

2. Observe proper waste disposal

3. Plant more trees

4. Be involved in activities for the environment

5. Be a responsible human being

F. Developing mastery

( Leads to Formative Assessment)

Stand up and for pictures that show conservation or preservation of natural resources and remain
seated, raise your arms in position for pictures that show harm to natural resources.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Ask: What will happen if we do not conserve and preserve our natural resources?

Here are some problems and disasters that have become prevalent:

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Show music video from

Ask: After watching the music video and listening to the song masdan mo ang kapaligiran, what are your realizations?
What lessons have you learned?

We must not blame nature for the problems, calamities and disasters which resulted from careless,harmful human
activities and mismanagement of our natural resources.


I. Evaluating Learning

1-3 Multiple Choice

4-5 Short Answer/Enumeration Type

6-10 True-False Type

Read each question carefully then choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT a resource that humans need to conserve?

A. Water B. Trees C. Fossil Fuels D. None of the above

2. Which of the following describes a wise conservation of energy?

A. Constructing dams far from waterfalls C. using solar power panel to run electricity

B. Dumping of agricultural wastes in rivers D. making windmills

3. The three R’s of waste management is the suggested guidance for sustainability. The three R’s mean _________.

A. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle C. Reuse, Reduce, Repair

B. Reuse, Regain, recycle D. Read, Reuse, Recycle

4. Give one activity to be done on conserving water

5. Give one activity for protecting and conserving the forest

Draw a if the human activity shows protection and conservation of natural resources. Place an if the
human activity shows harm to natural resources.

6. Mangrove tree planting once a year

7. Burning of household garbage

8. Excessive mining

9. Practicing waste segregation

10. Smoke belching from vehicles and factories


J. Additional activities for application or remediation

1. Research on Philippine Republic Acts(RA) which are involved in the conservation and preservation of natural
resources/environment. Write the title of the republic act and a short description about the said RA. Place your answers
on your Science Notebook.

2. Think Act and Share- Think of a way that you can do to conserve/preserve the natural resources. Then, do it
today. Share it using your social media account and post #everydayisearthday. For those who do not have the social
media accounts, you may submit any mode of proof like a picture,video, a certificate, etc.

3. Group Performance Task- Each group will create an output showing conservation and preservation of
resources. The group may choose from role-play, poster, music video presentation, poem, song or dance number,
action plan for school/community to be presented/showcased on February 15, 2019 (Friday). Presentation of the
outputs must be 5-10 minutes only. You will be graded based on the rubrics below.

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score

Content/Informa Complete Substantial Some Missed key

tion understanding understanding understanding points on
on conservation on conservation on conservation conservation
and and and and
preservation of preservation of preservation of preservation of
natural natural natural natural
resources resources. resources resources

Accuracy All information Some Many Inaccurate

included in the information information information was
presentation were not were `not presented
was accurate accurate accurate

Creativity/Collab Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

oration was incredibly was creative and showed less showed no
creative with highlighted creativity and creativity and
nice visuals and information in learners’ efforts. learners’ efforts.
interesting an interesting Some members Only one
language. All way. Most of the contributed to member did the
members of the group members the output. output.
group contributed to
contributed to the output.
the output.

Presentation/Or 100% of the 80-99% of the 50-79% of the Only 50% or

ganization presentation presentation presentation below of the
was was was presentation
well-delivered well-delivered well-delivered was
and and and organized well-delivered
well-organized. well-organized. properly. and organized.
Time-limit was Exceeded 1 sec Exceeded more
Exceeded more
strictly followed. to 1 minute of than 2 minutes
than 1-2
the time. of the time.
minutes of the

Over-all impact Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

was very was interesting was interesting was
captivating,convi and convincing with little impact uninteresting
ncing and and no impact at
powerful all


Ask: Learners if they agree with the rubrics or any suggestions?


Mastery of Learning Instructional Decision

Prepared :


Teacher I



Principal III

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