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Summer Training Report On

Social Media Marketing

SharePost Advertising Media Pvt. Ltd.

Under the guidance of: Submitted by:

Ms. Suhani Arora Atul
Batch (2018-2020)

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SharePost Advertising Media Pvt. Ltd.

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Dr. Ajay Solkhe Atul
(Assistant Professor) MBA Final (B)
USM, KUK Roll No. 124

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Letter of Transmittal

The Director,

University School of Management

Kurukshetra University

Kurukshetra 136119

Subject: Submission of Internship report on Social Media Marketing of Panchkula.

Respected Sir

It is my immense pleasure that I am submitting my Internship report on “Social

Media Marketing” in Digital Marketing of SharePostAdvertising Media Pvt. Ltd.
I have invested my time, skills and hard work for preparing this Internship report
following my supervisor’s instructions and fulfil all the requirements of this
course. This gave me the opportunity to implement my theoretical knowledge
in practical work, which help in my future career. I would thank the whole team
of SharepostAdvertisingMedia.Com, Panchkula for giving me the opportunity to
work on this topic.

I will be very glad if the report can serve its actual purpose and I am ready to
explain anything to you if required. I pray and hope that you will appreciate my
hard work. Your kind advice will encourage me to do hard work in future.


PLACE: _________________

ROLL NO: Signature of Student

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The successful completion of this project was a unique experience and I
achieved a better knowledge about Social Media Marketing. The Experience
which I got by doing this project is essential for my future.

Partial knowledge is an important suffix to theoretical knowledge. Classrooms

makes the fundamental concept clear, but practical work in a company has
significant role to play in subject of management to develop managerial skills. It
is necessary that they combine their classroom’s learning with the knowledge of
the real industrial environment. It helped me to enhance my knowledge about
various roots of Social Media Marketing.

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Knowledge is an experience gained in life, it is the choicest possession, which
should not be shelved but should be happily shared with others. It is the
supreme art of teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. The
success of any project is the result of hard work & endeavour of not one but
many people and this project is no different. I take this as a prospect to vow that
it was an achievement to have succeeded in my project report, which would not
have possible without the guidance of –

Mr. Yogesh Sharma & Mr. Karran Jyot Singh Sethi– Director and Founder.

Ms. Suhani Arora HR Manager of the Sharepost Advertising Media Pvt Ltd. She
is having good experience in HR Profile. She Completed her MBA in 2017 with
Specialization of HR & Marketing from Maharishi Markandeshwar University
Mullana, Ambala.

Finally I thankful to entire “Sharepost Advertising Media pvt. Ltd.” team who has
given the full support in collecting the required information and continuous help
during the project.

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Table of contents Page No.
Letter of Transmittal 3
Preface 4
Acknowledgement 5
Chapter 1 Executive Summary 8-9

Chapter 2 Introduction 10-24

Chapter 3 Company Profile 25-32

Chapter 4 Swot Analysis 33-34

Chapter 5 Objectives/Need/Scope 35-37

Chapter 6 Research Methodology 38-39

Chapter 7 Conclusion & suggestion 40-42

Chapter 8 Annexure 43-

Chapter 9 References

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I, Atul Roll no. 5451614 student of MBA of University School of
Management: Kurukshetra University, hereby declare that the project
report on “Social media marketing” at Share Post Advertising Media
Private Limited. A business and career networking site is an original
and authenticated work done by me. The project was of 45 days
duration and was completed between 1st June to 15th July 2019.

I further declare that it has not been submitted elsewhere by any

other person in any of the institutes for the award of any degree.


MBA 2018-20


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Social Media Marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or
attention through social media sites. Indian marketers are moving at a fast
speed to tap the “new opportunity”. Social media has gone mainstream. And for
businesses it represents an unprecedented marketing opportunity that
transcends traditional middlemen and connect companies directly with
customers. Customer acquisition is the primary goal of marketers (59%).
According to leading marketers of India the top investment channels are Stock
market, Social media marketing, Facebook, Email marketing and Search
marketing. The top marketers of India said that it is extremely important to
integrate email marketing and social media. This is why nearly every business on
the planet is exploring social media marketing initiatives. The focus of marketers
is shifting from face to face to internet marketing. A shift from traditional
platform to an integrated multi-channels approach is helping the marketers
address the challenge of new consumers’ expectations across many device and
channels. Today’s marketers are leveraging the power of various
communication channels and technologies – be it Email, SMS or Social Media in
their Portfolio. Here we will see the main trend of social media marketing in
India, The scope of it, The future and will undergo a research to follow the
customer perception about social media.

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Social Media Marketing, is a form of internet marketing that involves creating
and sharing content on social media networks in order to achieve your
marketing and branding goals. It includes activities like posting text and image
updates, videos, and other content that drives audience engagement, as well
as paid social media advertising. It is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes
to reach prospects and customers. Your customers are already interacting with
brands through social media, and if you're not speaking directly to your audience
through social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, you're
missing out! Great marketing on social media can bring remarkable success to
your business, creating devoted brand advocates and even driving leads and

 It help with a number of goals, such as:

 Increasing website traffic

 Building conversions
 Raising brand awareness
 Creating a brand identity and positive brand association
 Improving communication and interaction with key audiences

The bigger and more engaged your audience is on social media networks, the
easier it will be for you to achieve every other marketing goal on your list.

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Social Media Marketing Tips

 Content Planning - Consider keyword research and competitive

research to help brainstorm content ideas that will interest your target
audience. What are other businesses in your industry doing to drive
engagement on social media?
 Great Social Content - Consistent with other areas of online
marketing, content reigns supreme when it comes to social media
marketing. Make sure you post regularly and offer truly valuable
information that your ideal customers will find helpful and interesting.
The content that you share on your social networks can include social
media images, videos, infographics, how-to guides and more.
 A Consistent Brand Image - Using social media for marketing enables
your business to project your brand image across a variety of different
social media platforms. While each platform has its own unique
environment and voice, your businesses core identity, whether it's
friendly, fun, or trustworthy, should stay consistent.
 For Content Promotion - Once you build a loyal following on social
media, you'll be able to post all your new content and make sure your
readers can find new stuff right away. Plus, great blog content will help
you build more followers. It's a.

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How can we use Social Media for Marketing?

 Facebook :-

Facebook’s casual, friendly environment requires an active social media

marketing strategy. Start by creating a Facebook Business Fan Page. You will
want to pay careful attention to layout, as the visual component is a key aspect
of the Facebook experience.

Facebook is a place people go to relax and chat with friends, so

keep your tone light and friendly. And remember, organic
reach on Facebook can be extremely limited, so consider
a cost-effective Facebook ad strategy, which can have a big impact on your
organic Facebook presence as well.

 Pinterest-
Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media marketing trends. Pinterest’s
image-centred platform is ideal for retail, but anyone can
benefit from using Pinterest for social media purposes
or sales-driving ads.

Pinterest allows businesses to showcase their product

offerings while also developing brand personality with eye-
catching, unique pin boards. When developing your Pinterest strategy,
remember that the social network's primary audience is female. If that's your
demographic, you need a presence on Pinterest.

 Twitter:-

Twitter is the social media marketing tool that lets you broadcast your updates
across the web. Follow tweeters in your industry or related fields, and you
should gain a steady stream of followers in return.

Mix up your official tweets about specials, discounts, and news with fun, brand-
building tweets. Be sure to retweet when a customer has
something nice to say about you, and don’t forget to answer
people’s questions when possible. Using Twitter as a social media
marketing tool revolves around dialog and communication, so be
sure to interact as much as possible to nurture and build your

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 LinkedIn :-
LinkedIn is one of the more professional social media marketing sites. LinkedIn
Groups is a great venue for entering into a professional dialog with people in
similar industries and provides a place to share content with like-minded
individuals. It's also great for posting jobs and general employee

Encourage customers or clients to give your business a

recommendation on your LinkedIn profile. Recommendations
makes your business appear more credible and reliable for new customers. Also
browse the Questions section of LinkedIn; providing answers helps you get
established as a thought leader and earns trust.

 YouTube :-
YouTube is the number one place for creating and sharing
video content, and it can also be an incredibly powerful
social media marketing tool. Many businesses try to
create video content with the aim of having their video
“go viral,” but in reality those chances are pretty slim.
Instead, focus on creating useful, instructive “how-to” videos. These how-to
videos also have the added benefit of ranking on the video search results of
Google, so don't under-estimate the power of video content.


 It can be used to provide an identity about the companies and the
products or service that they offer.
 Social media helps in creating relationships with people who might
not otherwise know about the products or service or what the
companies represent.
 Social media make companies “real” to consumers. If they want
people to follow them they need not just talk about the latest
product news, but share their personality with them.
 Social media can be used to associate themselves with their peers
that may be serving the same target market.

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1. It provides a window to marketers to not only present

products/services to customers but also to listen to customer’s
grievances and suggestions.
2. It makes it easy for marketers to identify various peer groups or
influences among various groups, who in turn can become brand
evangelist and help in organic growth of brand.
3. All this is done at nearly zero cost (as compared to conventional
customer outreach programmes) as most of the social networking
sites are free.

It helps in:

 Generating exposure to business.

 Increasing traffic/subscribers.
 Building new business partnerships.
 Rise in search engine rankings
 Generating qualified leads due to better lead generation efforts.
 Selling more products and services.
 Reduction in overall marketing expenses.

Why business need to consider social media marketing services?

1) Using social media for business boost your sites SEO.
2) It helps to find potential customer who don’t already know your brand.
3) A strong social media presence builds brand loyalty.
4) Social media posts provide an opportunity for the public to find your new
web content and click through to your website.
5) Social channels like Twitter and Instagram effective marketing tools is
the interaction you have with your customer base. By reading their
tweets and status updates, you’ll gain insights into their daily lives and
consumer behaviours, and answer questions such as:

 What products are they buying and why?

 What hobbies do they have?
 What kinds of posts do they love to share?
 What websites do they visit
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Strategies of Social Media Marketing

1. Set Relevant and Realistic Social Media Marketing Goals

One of the most significant problems faced by many businesses engaged in

social media is that they have never spent the time to set relevant and realistic
social media marketing goals. They know they need to be on social media, but
they have no idea why they are there.
Your social media marketing goals need to fit into your business planning as a

Make Sure Your Goals Are SMART

All too often people set woolly business goals that have little meaning if you
scrutinize them. Remember, you’re not creating goals merely for the sake of it.
You are building them to help you devise the most suitable social media strategy
for your business. Therefore, you will want to ensure that your goals are SMART:
 Specific
 Measurable
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 Attainable
 Relevant
 Time-bound

 The Smarter your goals, the more likely you will be able to meet them and
just as importantly, know that you are meeting them.
 While you want to challenge yourself, it is essential that you set
attainable, realistic goals. You might love to have one million Facebook
followers, but that is unlikely to be attainable within the next year for
most businesses, even those that perform exceptionally well.

Suitable Social Media Goals Your Business Could Set

Your goals will be personal to your business and complement your overarching
business goals. Social media goals you could consider include:
 Increasing brand awareness
 Achieving a set higher quantity of sales
 Improving your ROI
 Driving people to increase in-store sales
 Grow your fan base

2. Understand Your Social Media Audience

 Different types of people use social media in varying ways. If you’re going
to meet your goals, you need to be using the same social media networks
as your target audience. Similarly, if you intend to engage in influencer
marketing, you need to ensure that you engage influencers whose
audience matches your target market.
 You might be a middle-aged executive who uses Facebook. However, if
you don’t match the target market of your business, you can’t
automatically assume that your customers will also be spending their time
on Facebook. Sure, there may have been 2.27 billion monthly active
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Facebook users , but if you target a young demographic, you are far
more likely to reach them on Snapchat or Instagram. However, if your
business targets people aged 25 to 34, they make up 29.7% of Facebook
users, and are their most common age demographic.

3. Determine Your Most Relevant Metrics

 Too many businesses create a social presence and spend time and other
resources on using their social accounts, without ever establishing
whether they are seeing any success or not.
 Don’t be sucked in by easy-to-measure vanity metrics, such as the number
of followers somebody has. The existence of fake followers on any social
network means that follower numbers have little value as a metric.
 You should look at the marketing goals you set above, and determine
which metrics will provide you with the answer as to whether you are
meeting that goal. For example, if you have a goal that aims to increase
your brand awareness, then Post Reach is a relevant statistic. It will tell
you how far your content is spreading across social channels.

4. Investigate How Your Competitors Approach Social Media

 You will usually have competitors who will you will definitely need to
know what they are doing. What is their focus? Whom are they
targeting? What key phrases are they trying to dominate?
 A competitor analysis to help you better understand their strengths
and weaknesses. This should give you a better understanding of what
potential customers expect from businesses in your industry.
 You could use a tool like Buzzsumo to spy on your competitors and
discover their most successful social pieces of content. Once you know
what types of content resound for them on which social networks, you
can produce and share similar, but better, material.

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The types of content that perform well on social media may surprise you. One
of the five most shared posts on the Influencer Marketing Hub on Facebook this
year is How to Get a Crown on - An Influencer's Guide to,
which people have shared more than 450 times. This is surprisingly high for an
article about a niche social network.

5. Create Suitable Content to Share with Your Followers

 To be successful on social media, you will need high-quality content to
share. One of the biggest mistakes that businesses do is to share excessive
promotional material.
 Remember social networks are designed to be social – they were never
intended to be a marketplace for you to sell your products.

 There are four questions arises when creating content:

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 What is the optimal character count per social media channel?
 What is the number of hashtags for messages on each social channel?
 Should I be using emoji in my social media messages?
 What is the best content type for each channel?

6. Engage With Your Audience

 People don’t just go onto social networks to read, look at, or watch
content. They go online to interact with other people and to be social.
Successful businesses do not just broadcast to their social audiences. They
engage with them too.
 This is why you should not attempt to cover every social network unless
you have a very diverse target market and an army of personnel dedicated
to this task. By focusing your attention on the social networks your target
market frequents, you can use your resources efficiently.
 Some firms have found it very useful to create custom hashtags. Not only
can these encourage discussions and sharing, but they also make it easier
for you to search for posts that reference your business. You should
respond to all social mentions of your business and demonstrate that
customer care is a priority for you.

7. Establish the Best Times to Post and Set up a Content Calendar

 Most of the social networks now use some form of algorithm to filter the
results they give people. This means that if you post at a different time to
when your target audience is online, they may never see your content.

8. Track Your Results and Adapt

 No matter how much you plan your social efforts, there is no guarantee
that things will work as you expected. If you don’t track your results,
however, you will never know the success of your social campaigns.

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Pros and Cons of using social media for business

 Pros of social media:-

 Reduced marketing costs

 Increased sales
 Increased traffic to your website
 Improved ranking on search engines
 Greater customer engagement
 Greater access to international markets
 Improved networking opportunities with customers and other

 Cons of Social Media:-

 Not having a clear marketing or social media strategy may result in

reduced benefits for your business.
 Additional resources may be needed to manage your online presence.
 Social media is immediate and needs daily monitoring.
 If you don't actively manage your social media presence, you may not see
any real benefits.
 Risk of unwanted or inappropriate behaviour on your site, including
bullying and harassment.

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Mr. Yogesh Sharma and Mr. Karran Jyot Singh Sethi are the Founder
and Director of Sharepost Advertising Media Private Limited. Mr
Yogesh is Founder of 360 world online google street view and also
Founder and M.D. of . He completed his
MBA from Kurukshetra University from USM in 2015. Apart from this
he also worked as a Deputy Manager in ICICI Bank and Mr. Karran Jyot
is sales officer in LG electronics and also sales manager in Eureka
Forbes Ltd

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About Company
Leader in Virtual Tour
Leader in Website Development

Sharepost Advertising Media Private Limited is work in Digital marketing with
close with the customers, to ensure flexibility and cost effective web
development services. Companies web designers after a thorough analysis of
customer’s business and provide customized web designs and web development
solutions which match to the business requirement.

Web solutions team of a company help to find solutions that will meet
customers marketing goals and budget. The aim is to make sure that our

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customer’s website is top of the class with which customers attract and
retain. Sharepost Advertising Media private Limited is an IT Company.


Google Map Social
Design &
Virtual Media
Tour Promotion

Product Drone &

Shoot Areial View

Bulk Restaurant
SMS/Lead Mnagement
Generation System

1) Website Design and Development: - Expertise that stands

us apart to deliver ‘from concept to reality’ by developing robust web
portals, web-based software and web application solutions. Website
designed can be customized as per business requirements.
2) Virtual Tours: - Virtual tours are excellent marketing tools which
serves businesses by enhancing the perception of your business and enticing
prospective clients to take the next steps forwards an actual visit or making
a purchase.
3) Social Media Promotion: - In our social media services, we tailor
your management package and ensure that you are ahead of your
competitors with new concepts that will grow your customer base rapidly,
while having positive impact on your SEO.

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Other Projects Of Sharepost Advertising Media Pvt. Ltd.

Make Joyful Memories with our Marvellous Birthday Cakes & Gifts:-

 If you want to send a beautiful Happy Birthday cake to your close

friend or relative you can browse our birthday cakes section. We
have collection of fondant cakes, birthday balloon cakes, white rose
chocolate cake. The cakes are available in variety of flavours such as
black-forest, butterscotch, strawberry, pineapples etc.

 Online Flower Same Day Delivery to your loved ones:-

 Flower N Gifts offers fresh online flower & gifts delivery in India. It is
an online florist shop in which the user can browse our
fresh flower section according to colour such as pink, purple, red,
white and yellow flowers etc.

 At Just Call – Find the best Repair & Maintenance services of

all major brands –LG, Samsung, Daikin, Haier, Whirlpool,
Voltas, Hitachi & IFB and many more.

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 Currently we have been providing Appliance & Electronic
Repair, Pest Control, and Home Tutor Services. .
 we use only genuine parts
 Our techniques fix any appliance, regardless of what brand
you have.
 Customer satisfaction & service quality are our top priorities.

In our service Centre, our team is available 24/7 to give the proficient
and personal assistance you require throughout the repair service

 GhantaGharBistro

Cakes & Coffee: Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.

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Sharepost Advertising Media Pvt.Ltd - Google Street View Trusted Pros.

works with high morals and ethics. Our main activity is 360 degree virtual
tour developing and designing included the latest digital photo and 360
degree panorama.a pictures technology. We take Google’s Street View
technology right inside your business, allowing potential customers to
walk around and interact with your business interior from any mobile
device or computer. We believe in providing best possible services to the
clients on timely basis. The company serves in many sectors with the
services ranging from Website Development, Web Designing, SEO (Search
Engine Optimisation), Google Ad-Words, and Commercial Photography
which includes 360 Degree Virtual Tours too.


Industry IT Services

Company size 201-500 employees

Head-office Sco143, Ground Floor, Sector-5 MDC
Corporate Office W-200, Bread Jam Co-Working, PVC Market,
Jawala Puri, Guru Harkrishan Naga,
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi - 110087
Branch Office 203-206, Mittal Comerica, Sakinaka,
Hasan Pada Road, Mittal Industrial Estate,
Marol, Andheri East, Mumbai,
Maharashtra 400059
Type Private Company
Founded 2014

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 It includes expertise and experience in the company, as well as their
 A good track record is also count.
 List of current clients can contribute to the strengths as well. If a company
have low debt and a lot of borrowing power, count these as strengths, too

 Weaknesses can include a lack of clients, along with the loss of a partner
or major backer.
 For example, if you don’t have a strong graphic designer, this is a

 Examine opportunities that look like real possibilities for a company.
Perhaps reputation has grown to the point where to get meetings with
Fortune 500 companies.
 Look at all the opportunities for growth and expansion, particularly for the
next five years. SWOT analysis can help to address that time frame
 It Include the opportunity to attract new talent from other companies if
you think you have some important connections in that area. Also look at
opportunities to take on partners and form joint ventures.

 The analysis of possible threats should include competition.
 The mere existence of other Advertising agencies is not a threat in itself,
but if someone is doing what you do in the same market segment, that
can be a threat.
 It Include considerations about the economy, as well as a look at the
business climate in area of expertise.

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 To acquire through knowledge base on subject of Social Media Marketing.

 To study how Social Media marketing programs are undertaken in a
 To know the process of Social Media Marketing in
 To know how it helps to improve the customer businesses.
 To implement my theoretical knowledge in practical work.


 Social Media is the current big buzzword in the world of Internet

Marketing and with good reason.
 It is already such a big part of the internet culture. It is here to stay and
should be ignored by marketers, or indeed anybody, at their peril. It is
important to understand WHY people use these websites, as there is a
broad demographic on these sites.
 Some people use them for business purposes, to network and find new
deals. Then there are others who use social networking sites for purely
personal reasons and are totally obvious to the fact that there is a
business presence in the social networking environmental at all.
 It is fascinating to see that there are so many different things going on in
one place, and even more incredible that they seem to all work in

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 The study helps in analysing the benefits of promoting through Social

Media, identifying the benefits of branding and promoting via SNS.
 The study will help to formulate and implement Marketing strategies for
branding, Promoting and communicating the information to the
customers through SNS.
 The study would help in gathering the opinion of people or SNS, how do
they use it, what are the things they done on Social and professional
networking sites and how these sites help them in socializing with their
personal and professional contacts.

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To analyse and find the effectiveness of communications strategy in developing
brand, communication through social networking sites was done with the survey
method and content analysis in the research.

Methods of data collection: - This research study adopted survey and

content analysis in order to find the effectiveness and the impact of
communication in branding any product or the service among the target market
through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram.

Survey: - Survey was conducted by sending questionnaire to the staff of the

company and to their customers.

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Communication about the product or service provides a major
contribution to brand competition in the market. It not only provides
information about a product or service but also promotes creative
innovation. Besides advertising, it also facilitates consumer satisfaction.
The hidden fact is that no brand can progress without effective
communication strategy to attract their customers or users. Big and small
variety of brands now a days laid their base on Social network
communication to get recognized in the target market.

Social networking sites users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, have

become a personal product and corporate branding hub in India now a
days in digital era. Every brand that exits on Social networking sites has
the same core features and benefits, such as the ability to create a page,
share resources, add multimedia and much more. Social networking are
filled with potential users who are mainly young adults. They spend more
time in these networking sites due to heavy commercial contents,
entertainment and Social gathering. So, product or services
communicators through their ads in these areas with more and more
interactive and with fascinating factors so that their brand identity is
developed among the right choice of focused audience. Advertisers and
brands uses Social networking sites as the major resource for their
promotion and developing brand identity among the focused market.

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Communications should be more preferred than advertising: people do not
prefer buying products through Social networking sites. So, if the brand is
communicated well and remembered by the audience, then it is a greatest
success to the company for their promotion thorough Social media.

Promotional way of advertising is best: the usual banner ads and pop-up ads
make the users to ignore them. So, advertising must be interactive, promotional
and in innovative form to hold the audience. It should target the individuals than
the mass. If an ads is hosted for a group then that would be no advantage in
delivering specified information. Adding more multimedia elements to have
more interactive factors in pages and group would benefit the brand users.

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Dear Sir/Madam

I am a student of MBA, Kurukshetra University (Haryana) and presently doing a Project

on "Social Media Marketing". I request you to kindly fill the questionnaire below and I
assured you that the data generated will be kept confidential. If there is any problem
occur you can contact me. Email ID –

Q.1 Name


Q.2 Age

 Below 30
 30 – 40
 40 – 50
 Above 50

Q.3 Qualification

 Under graduate
 Graduate
 Post graduate
 Other

Q.4 Occupation

 Student
 Business
 Professional
 Service

Q.5 how often do you use internet?

 Once a week
 One or two hours a day
 2 or 3 days a week
 More than 3 hours
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Q.6 Are you aware of social networking sites?

 Yes
 No

Q.7 Is social Media Important to your business?

 Yes
 No

Q.8 Is your social media marketing effective?

 Yes
 No

Q.9 which of the following platforms do you actively use to market your

 Facebook
 Twitter
 LinkedIn
 You Tube
 Instagram
 Pinterest
 Other

Q.10 who manages your Social Media platforms?

 Marketing director
 Marketing Executive
 Intern
 PR agency
 Digital agency
 Advertising agency
 Other

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Q.11 Do you believe it is ethical to use social media influences to promote

 Yes
 No

Q.12 How many profile do you have on social networking sites?

 Facebook
 Instagram
 Twitter
 YouTube
 LinkedIn
 other

Q.13 Do you think social media marketing can help in the success of a company?

 Yes
 No

Q.14 which social media sites do you find most effective?

 Facebook
 Twitter
 LinkedIn
 Other

Q.15 what type of content do you like to see on social media?

 Health & lifestyle

 Nutrition
 Fitness
 Other

Q. 16 Do you use social media to promote your business?

 Yes
 No

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Q.17 which social media network you use for your business?

 Kitchen-sink networks : Twitter & Facebook

 Image based networks : Pinterest , Instagram , Tumblr
 Video networks : you tube , vimeo , vine
 Business-focused networks : LinkedIn
 Niche networks : Reddit
 Others

Q.18 On social media are you interested in:

 Product
 Service
 Support groups
 Promotion & offer
 General chat
 Others

Q.19 Rate Social Media Marketing for businesses out of 5.

 1
 2
 3
 4
 5

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Page | 44
DAN ZARELLA: The Social Media Marketing book
PHILIP KOTLER: Marketing 4.O (Moving from Traditional to

WEBER L: Marketing to the Social Web. JOHN WILEY AND


THOMPSON: Attitude Towards online Shopping and the


You Tube Videos

Social Media Sites: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, You Tube

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