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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:

· classify modals by their functions
· make use of modals in different situations
· construct own sentences using the correct function of modals

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Modals
Reference: Essential English 8 (Worktext in Literature and Language), Estrella E. De Vera et. Al.
Materials: Laptop, Projector, PowerPoint Presentation, Speaker, Chalk and Chalkboard

III. Procedure

a) Classroom Management

a.a. Greet the students and ask about how are they doing.
a.b. Have the students pick up litters around them and throw it in the trash can.
a.c. Check the students’ attendance.
a.d. Ask the students to pass their assignments.

b) Review

Ask the students about the past lesson which is Linking Verb.

A linking verb connects the subject with a word that gives information about the subject, such as
a condition or relationship. They do not show any action; they simply link the subject with the rest
of the sentence. For example, in the sentence "They are a problem," the word "are" is the linking
verb that connects "they" and "problem" to show the relationship between the two words.

More examples:
 William is excited about his promotion.
 She appears upset about the announcement.
 The eggs smell rotten.
 He went red after tripping on the rug.
 Your plans for the wedding sound nice.
 You look exhausted after studying all night.

c) Motivation

Show to the students pictures of several objects and ask them to share their abilities by choosing
one picture which is related to their talent. For example, I chose the microphone because I can sing.

Ask questions about their abilities and how did they acquire them. Praise the students and
encourage them to continue honing their skills and talents. Ask them what words did they use to express their
abilities. Explain that that word is called Modals. Proceed to lesson proper.
d) Lesson Proper

Modals are auxiliary verbs that express ability, necessity, request, permission, advice, desire,
probability, etc.

Ability She can drive. I can speak Spanish.

Strong Necessity I must go. He needs to go.

Advice You should see him.

Request Could you find me something like this,


Permission You may visit her anytime.

Desire I would like to call her.

Possibility He might leave soon.

Strong probability. He must be at the mayor’s office now.

IV. Application

Ask the students to group themselves into two. Each group will perform a play that shows different
situation the modals can be used.

V. Generalization

Discuss again what is Modals and in what situation they can be used. Ask the students to give

VI. Evaluation

Construct 10 sentences that shows the correct functions of modals that were discussed.

VII. Assignment

Ask the students to answer the activities B to E on pages 208-214 in the book.

Prepared by:

John Vincent C. Oliveros

Checked by:

Prof. Bless Tiongson

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