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MAR 2013
Harmonized BSc Curricula | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Mar 2013


This Curriculum for BSc Degree in Mechanical Engineering is endorsed


Endorsing Body


First Endorsed 1997

Reviewed 2006,2007

Latest Revision June 2010 July 2010 Dec 2011

National wide

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Harmonized BSc Curricula | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Mar 2013


1. BACKGROUND OF THE DEPARTMENT .................................................................................... 1

2. OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................................... 1
2.1. VISION ................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2. GOALS .................................................................................................................................................... 2
3. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ........................................................................ 3
4. GRADUATE PROFILE OF A MECHANICAL ENGINEER.............................................................. 8
4.1. KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENT: ................................................................................................................... 8
4.2. ABILITIES AND SKILLS REQUIREMENT ...................................................................................................... 9
5. CURRICULUM .................................................................................................................................. 12
5.1. WHAT AILS THE PRESENT ENGINEERING EDUCATION IN ETHIOPIA?......................................................... 12
5.2. RATIONALE FOR CURRICULUM ................................................................................................................ 13
5.3. STRUCTURE OF CURRICULUM ................................................................................................................. 16
5.4. COURSE CODING AND NUMBERING ........................................................................................................ 22
5.5. MODULE CHARACTERIZATION ......................................................................................................... 23
ENGINEERING MECHANICS MODULE ..................................................................................... 23
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MECHANICS MODULE .............................................................................. 25
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS MODULE............................................................................................... 27
ENGINEERING THERMO-FLUIDS MODULE ........................................................................................ 33
HEAT TRANSFER MODULE............................................................................................................... 36
THERMO-FLUID LABORATORY MODULE ........................................................................................... 38
MACHINE DRAWING MODULE ......................................................................................................... 40
MACHINE ELEMENTS MODULE......................................................................................................... 42
INTEGRATED MACHINE DESIGN PROJECT MODULE .......................................................................... 44
INTRODUCTION TO FEM MODULE................................................................................................... 46
MANUFACTURING LABORATORY MODULE ........................................................................................ 49
ENERGY CONVERSION MACHINES MODULE ........................................................................................... 51
THERMAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING MODULE ..................................................................................... 54
MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING MODULE ............................................................................................ 58
INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP MODULE......................................................... 60
MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT MODULE................................................................................... 62
CONTROL ENGINEERING I MODULE................................................................................................. 63
CONTROL ENGINEERING II MODULE .............................................................................................. 65
MECHANICAL DESIGN ELECTIVES MODULE ...................................................................................... 69
THERMAL ENGINEERING ELECTIVES ................................................................................................ 71
MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING ELECTIVES MODULE....................................................................... 73
INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING-ELECTIVE MODULE ................................................................................ 75
RENEWABLE ENERGY ENGINEERING ELECTIVES MODULE ................................................................. 78
SUGAR ENGINEERING ELECTIVE MODULE ........................................................................................ 80
AGRO-MACHINERY AND PROCESSING FOCUS MODULE ............................................................................. 82
5.6. SCHEDULING OF COURSES ..................................................................................................................... 85
5.7. INDUSTRIAL INTERNSHIP ....................................................................................................................... 85
5.8. BSC. THESIS ......................................................................................................................................... 86
5.9. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 86
5.9.1. Admission requirements .......................................................................................................... 86
5.9.2. Graduation Requirements ....................................................................................................... 87
5.9.3. Duration of the program ......................................................................................................... 87
5.9.4. Degree Nomenclature .............................................................................................................. 87
5.10. TEACHING-LEARNING METHODS AND MATERIALS ................................................................................. 87
5.10.1. Teaching-Learning Methods and Materials ......................................................................... 87
5.10.2. Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 87
5.10.3. Skills to be developed in addition to technical core competencies ................................. 89

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5.10.4. Addressing learning needs of all students .......................................................................... 89

5.12. QUALITY ASSURANCE .......................................................................................................................... 94
5.13. GRADING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................... 94
5.14. THE EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM (ECTS) ............................................................................ 95
6. PROGRAMME COMPOSITION AND COURSE SCHEDULE ...................................................... 96
6.1. COURSE OFFERING SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................... 96
6.2. COURSE DESCRIPTION AND COURSE OUTLINES................................................................................ 100
CENG1061- ENGINEERING MECHANICS I – STATICS ................................................................................... 100
MENG 1062– ENGINEERING MECHANICS II –DYNAMICS ............................................................................. 104
MENG1081: STRENGTH OF MATERIALS I .................................................................................................... 106
MENG2082: STRENGTH OF MATERIALS II................................................................................................... 111
MENG2111– ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS I ........................................................................................ 115
MENG2113 FLUID MECHANICS ................................................................................................................... 121
MENG2112– ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS II ....................................................................................... 125
MENG2141: MACHINE DRAWING ............................................................................................................... 130
MENG2142: MACHINE DRAWING WITH CAD .............................................................................................. 134
MENG3121: HEAT TRANSFER ..................................................................................................................... 137
MENG3131: THERMO-FLUID LABORATORY.................................................................................................. 141
MENG2091: ENGINEERING MATERIALS I .................................................................................................... 144
MENG2092: ENGINEERING MATERIALS II................................................................................................... 147
MENG2093: MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY ........................................................................................... 150
MENG2151: MACHINE ELEMENT I .............................................................................................................. 152
MENG2152: MACHINE ELEMENT II............................................................................................................. 155
MENG3181: MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING I ........................................................................................... 158
MENG3182: MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING II .......................................................................................... 161
MENG3071: MECHANISMS OF MACHINERY.................................................................................................. 164
MENG3072: MECHANICAL VIBRATION ........................................................................................................ 168
MENG3161: MACHINE DESIGN PROJECT .................................................................................................... 171
MENG3201: TURBO-MACHINERY................................................................................................................ 174
MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT (MENG4251) ......................................................................................... 180
IC ENGINES AND RECIPROCATING MACHINES (MENG4202) ........................................................................ 182
FLUID POWER SYSTEMS (MENG4262) ........................................................................................................ 187
MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINEERING (MENG4221) ............................................................................................. 189
METAL FORMING, WELDING AND CASTING LABORATORY PRACTICE (MENG4192) ......................................... 191
IC ENGINES AND TURBO-MACHINERY LABORATORY (MENG4203) ............................................................... 193
WORKSHOP PRACTICE II (MENG4191)....................................................................................................... 196
INTERNSHIP (MENG4291) .......................................................................................................................... 198
POWER PLANT ENGINEERING (MENG5211) ................................................................................................. 201
INTRODUCTION TO FINITE ELEMENT METHOD (MENG5171) ....................................................................... 205
MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATION OF MACHINERY (MENG5231)................................................................. 208
REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (MENG5212) .............................................................................. 210
INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING ECONOMY (IENG5241) ......................................................... 215
ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR ENGINEERS (IENG5242) ...................................................................................... 221
REGULATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING (MENG5272) ............................................................................ 223
B.SC. THESIS (MENG5391) ....................................................................................................................... 227
MACHINERY DESIGN MENG5303 .............................................................................................................. 230
PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT MENG5301 .................................................................................... 232
INTRODUCTION TO TRIBOLOGY MENG5302 ......................................................................................... 235
ROTOR DYNAMICS MENG5304 ............................................................................................................... 237
MENG5223–COMPUTATIONAL HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID FLOW ............................................................... 240
MENG5224–GAS TURBINE AND JET PROPULSION ....................................................................................... 246
MENG5225- WASTE HEAT RECOVERY AND CO-GENERATION ....................................................................... 249
TOOLS JIGS AND DIE DESIGN MENG5323 ................................................................................................. 253
CAD/CAM AND CIM MENG5321 ............................................................................................................. 255
PROCESS PLANNING & PRODUCT COSTING MENG 5322 ........................................................................... 258

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METAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY MENG 5324 ........................................................................................ 260

OPERATIONS RESEARCH MENG5331 ...................................................................................................... 261
INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING MENG5334 .................................................................................... 265
QUALITY MANAGEMENT MENG 5332....................................................................................................... 268
PLANT LAYOUT & DESIGN MENG 5333 ................................................................................................... 270
RAIL WAY ELECTIVE COURSES .................................................................................................................... 273
RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY I MENG 4351 ..................................................................................... 274
RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY II MENG 4352 .................................................................................. 278
DESIGN OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS MENG 4353 ........................................................................... 282
INTRODUCTION TO SUGAR MANUFACTURING MENG 5281 ........................................................................ 285
MENG 5284: OPERATION OF POWER PLANTS IN SUGAR MILLS ................................................................... 291
AGRO-MACHINERY AND PROCESSING I MENG 5371................................................................................... 296
AGRO-MACHINERY AND PROCESSING II MENG 5372 ............................................................................... 298
AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY DESIGN MENG 5373 .................................................................................... 300
MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINEERING ELECTIVES .................................................................................................. 302

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Mechanical Engineering Department of Jimma University has been established in

September 1997, with the objective of responding to the need for rapid
industrialization and the changing societal needs of the country for sustainable
development. It has graduated five batches of engineers. The department believes
in cultivating the full potential of students, and the advancement of all forms of
knowledge keeping in pace with international standards of academic quality,
including the high skilled employment needs presented by a growing economy
operating in global environment.

Statistical data obtained from the Jimma University, shows that the total number
of mechanical engineers that graduated from the University with a B.Sc. degree
during the period 2002 to 2006 is about 137. Further examination of the data
shows that the number of graduates per year was increasing.


The objective of the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program is to provide

broad-based educational training in mechanical engineering and its applications
leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree. Its goal is to enable graduates to meet
the challenges of the engineering profession in a rapidly changing environment
that exists in a developing country like Ethiopia. These challenges require the
ability to apply existing knowledge in new ways thereby creating new systems and
opportunities as well as adapting existing technology to local production
conditions. These require the ability to manage service, maintain and improve
upon existing systems.

2.1. Vision

“To impart futuristic technical education and instill high patterns of discipline
through dedicated staff who shall set global standards, making our students
technologically superior and ethically strong, who in turn shall improve the quality
of life of human race in general and our own people in particular.‖

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2.2. Goals

 To Develop future professionals with problem identification/solving skills

and positive attitudes to serve the society
 To produce technically sound and practically competent engineers of global
 To train professionals equipped with relevant knowledge and skills, who
would contribute to the development of the country.
 To bring out professionals who are not mere government expectants for
jobs, but job creators.
 Reorient the education system to be more practical, research oriented and
problem solving.
 To address the demands of the new education policy of the country

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3. Professional Profile of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is a profession that deals with the design, manufacturing,

selection, installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of all forms of
machinery, equipment, and industrial systems. The profession plays a vital role in
the establishment and sustainable operation of a nation's manufacturing
industries, transport systems, power generation, construction, and mining

The work of mechanical engineers varies by industry and function. Large

number of mechanical engineers works in erection and commissioning
of industrial plants, production operations, maintenance, technical sales,
etc.; few are engaged in research, testing, and design work. Many are
administrators or managers while some work as consultants. Some of
the typical job profiles that Mechanical Engineers, in various capacities,
perform include:.
 design, development and manufacturing of products and machines for
industrial and consumer use
 industrial plant design, equipment selection, plant erection, commissioning,
operation and maintenance;
 installation of machinery and piping
 engineering material production and testing
 industrial gas- and water supply system/component design
 automotive and construction equipment design and maintenance,
 heating, refrigeration, air-conditioning and compressed air systems, water
supply systems design, installation, commissioning, operation and
 energy conversion system/component design, installation, commissioning,
operation and maintenance
 control of noise, vibration and environmental pollution
 industrial project design and evaluation
 project planning and total quality management

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 factory management in the capacity of general manager, technical

manager, operation manager, maintenance manager, quality controller and
sales manager
 Teaching. training, research and development
 appropriate technology solutions to address local community problems
 Agro machinery and processing
 Railway Systems Engineering
 Sugar manufacturing and processing
 Reverse engineering
 Procurement of equipment and machinery, etc.
 Spare parts management
 Specification development
The following are several examples of the types of systems for which mechanical
engineers are responsible:
 Refrigeration and air-conditioning systems
 Public utility systems
 Automotive and aerospace vehicles
 Hydraulics and fluid power systems
 Automation systems
 Heavy duty and earth moving Equipments
 Robotics
 Control systems
 Medical equipment
 Propulsion systems
 Power generating systems
 Energy conservation and production systems
 Agricultural equipments
 Transportation systems and logistics
 Lubrication and oil
 Mining Operation
 Fire and Safety Systems
 Installation and Commissioning

Mechanical Engineering profession can be acquired and mastered by graduates

who are well educated to enter into, and dedicated to continue growing in the
profession. An undergraduate Mechanical Engineering program meant to
produce such graduates must be designed to provide to the students a
sufficiently broad and deep base of mathematics, physical sciences, and
engineering sciences; broad knowledge of mechanical engineering systems,
machineries and control systems; excellent knowledge of design and
manufacturing theories supported by extensive laboratory exercises, workshop

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practices, and industrial internship; sufficient practices in the use of computers,

mechatronic devices and application of software related to the field; sufficient
knowledge of management concepts and communication skills, etc. In short, the
program should give due emphasis to the integration of knowledge and skill to
enable its graduates enter the profession. Due to the very broad nature of the
profession of mechanical engineering, the profession has numerous areas of
specialization at global level. In the current Ethiopian context, one could
specialize in any one of the following areas:

 Product Design and/or Applied Mechanics

This area of specialization focuses on the design of a product, starting from
the need analysis through three dimensional modeling, strength and
dynamic analysis up to prototype manufacturing and testing.
 Material Science
It deals with the study and application of materials used in mechanical
 Manufacturing Engineering/ Technology
It deals with the design of manufacturing processes (like casting, forming,
machining, joining, assembling, etc.) of an engineering product, starting
from its design to planning and management of the manufacturing
 Thermal and Power Plant Engineering
It deals with the design, selection, installation, commissioning, maintenance
and operation of energy conversion, heating, cooling systems and
equipment that utilize thermal primary energy resources.
 Fluid Machinery
It deals with the design, performance analysis, selection, installation,
commissioning, operation and maintenance of rotating machines such as
pumps, blowers, compressors and various types of turbines.
 Maintenance Engineering
It deals with systematic application of reliability theory, condition
monitoring and reconditioning techniques, and preventive maintenance
programs to increase plant or equipment availability.
 Automotive Engineering
It deals with the design and maintenance of a motor vehicle and its

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 Aeronautical Engineering
It deals with design and maintenance of an aircraft and its components.
 Mechatronics and/or Robotics
It deals with control of mechanical systems and interfacing of mechanical
system with electronic controllers and computer.
 Production Systems Management
It deals with optimal design of manufacturing plant and optimal
management of material, human and machine resources in manufacturing
operations to minimize production costs and maximize product quality.
 Sugar Engineering and manufacturing
It deals with the principles, operations and design of sugar processing
 Railway Systems Engineering
Railway Engineering is a profession that deals with management,
economics and engineering fields of specializations such as power supply
for electric traction, signaling and communications, design, manufacturing,
operation, control and maintenance of all forms of railway and related
equipments and industrial systems. The profession plays a vital role in the
establishment and sustainable operation of transport systems to boost the
economy of the country in all aspects.

 Agro machinery and processing

It deals with principles, operations and design of agricultural equipments
and agro processing equipments.
 Industrial Engineering
It deals with optimal design of manufacturing plant and optimal
management of material, human and machine resources in manufacturing
operations to minimize production costs and maximize product quality.

 Energy Technology/Engineering
It deals with principles, operations and design of renewable energy

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Depending on the engineering tasks one is undertaking or the position one

is holding, a professional mechanical engineer working in an industrial
facility can have professional titles and/or job specifications like Design
Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Maintenance Engineer, Installation
Engineer, Utilities Engineer, or Management title/job like General Manager,
Technical Manager, Operation Manager, Maintenance Manager, Sales
Manager, and rendering consultancy services in the field.

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4.1. Knowledge Requirement:

 Advanced mathematical techniques of calculus, differential equations and

numerical methods
 Fundamentals of Engineering Sciences, phenomena, and relationships of
solid mechanics and thermo-fluids, including their limitation
 Knowledge of Engineering Graphics and CAD
 Working knowledge of engineering materials
 Knowledge of machine elements and their respective design procedures
 Knowledge of metal fabrication processes and assembly processes
 Knowledge of designing and product development methods, usage, and
repairing of machines tools, material handling equipment, process
equipment, fluid machines, power generation systems, refrigeration, air
conditioning, steam generation systems, motor vehicles, construction
equipment and aircrafts (relevant to their job)
 Exposure to electrical and electronic circuits and machines.
 Principles of operation of control systems and their essential components
 Knowledge of relevant standards, codes, and regulations.
 Knowledge on the maintenance procedures of machinery
 Knowledge on the industrial principles of maintenance management
 Principles and practices of personnel management and supervision.
 Principles of plant lay-out design
 Basic concepts of technical management and accounting, including project
management and evaluation, material management and the like
 Basic concepts of product costing.
 Knowledge of appropriate technologies in the local context

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4.2. Abilities and Skills Requirement

a) Technical Abilities and Skills

 to analyze needs and requirements when designing products
 to design a system, component or process to meet user needs
 design, sequence and schedule production process of product
 to operate relevant computer software for design/analysis / optimization
 to determine the tools and equipment needed to do a job
 to interpret written directions, specifications, plans, and drawings
 to write specifications for mechanical and electrical equipment
 testing and inspection of products or processes, and evaluate quality or
 to determine compliance of products with specifications
 to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
 to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
 Engineering material identification/ prescription while differentiating availability
vis-à-vis suitability
 inspection and commissioning of equipment
 to plan , control equipment maintenance and determine life cycle costs
 to use fault diagnosis tools and NDT
 to estimate and analyze product or service costs
 Die and tool design skills
 Drafting skill
 recognize of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

b)Analytical/Computational skills
 to apply mathematical analysis and computational methods for solving
engineering problems
 to apply modeling, simulation and visualization techniques to mimic the system
behavior for predictive control and to test different solutions

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c)Reasoning and Problem Solving skills

1. Problem Identification through root-cause analysis
2. Problem solving using cause-effect relationships, logical thinking and with an open
mind (overcoming mental blocks)
3. to comprehend scheme of things when configured/reconfigured
assembled/disassembled by visualization
4. to group together things or actions in a specific order/pattern using a specific
rule/set of rules
5. Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future
problem-solving and decision-making
6. Deductive reasoning: The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to
produce reasonable solution
7. Inductive reasoning: The ability to combine pieces of information to form general
rules or conclusions
8. Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the
most appropriate one

d)Communicative English
 Language proficiency skills (oral & written)
 Technical reporting skills
 Professional Presentation skills
 Persuasive and vegetative skills

e)Managerial abilities/Behavioral skills

 to plan, organize, coordinate and control the work of subordinates
 to set priorities and assign work to other professionals
 to maintain records, prepare planning and performance reports
 to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong
 Identifying measures or indicators of system performance and the actions
needed to prove or correct performance, relative to the goals of the system
 Managing one's own time and the time of others
 Motivating, developing, and directing people as they work, identifying the best

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people for the job

 Determining how money will be spent to get the work done, and accounting for
these expenditures
 to work in team environment
 to satisfy customers
 Positive, flexible and forward-looking attitude

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5.1. What ails the present Engineering Education in Ethiopia?

On account of the interplay of different factors, such as financial constraints,

scarcity of qualified and experienced human resources and infrastructural
bottlenecks, some of the lacunae noticed in the present Engineering Education
scenario in Ethiopia can be stated as follows.
 Curricula with inadequate emphasis vis-à-vis relevance in the Ethiopian
 Learning in bits and pieces, without integration, affecting the
comprehensive vision required for new and innovative product development
in the local context
 Unabridged gap between concepts and implementation technicalities that
tend to bring in some sort of diffidence amongst students
 Little or no familiarity with industry norms/current practices due to the lack
of exposure on a continuous basis during the learning phase
 Limited avenues for the student to carry forward his creative ideas to
fruition, in a real sense, affecting the blossoming of talent to a great extent
 No attempts pertaining to assembling/disassembling of prototypes with
many components that can bring in consciousness related to meticulous
attention to minute detail in practice such as
fits/tolerances/sequencing/alignments etc.
 Practical instruction/demonstration being limited to laboratory practice (with
whatever equipment that is available)
 No or very little efforts aimed at imparting equipment maintenance/repair
 Differences in perceptions that continue to prevail concerning the
laboratory and real world work environment (Lab. Equipment being tailor
made and extensively instrumented, that too for the most part hidden, fail
to portray the resemblance with actual prototypes that one would actually
 Application skills, mostly limited to design (as such parameterization) of
components/systems with very little or no effort aimed at performance

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prediction of the designed component under part load or widely varying

operating conditions
 Missing links with regard to the access for latest information related to
design data, material criteria and lack of differentiation between what is
suitable vis-à-vis what is available.
 Very little exposure to scientific magazines/professional journals affecting
the future vision and strategic career planning
 Minimal use of teaching aids like wall mounted displays, audio-visuals and
their integration with ICT (for greater effectiveness and impact)

As of recent years, stakeholders and employers have expressed concerns

pertaining to
 Deficiency of the curricula in relation to the actual world of work and
practical/communication/managerial skills
 Deficiency of the curricula with respect to the new technological
developments and trends vis-à-vis local/regional needs
 Inappropriate methodology of education and training that mainly focuses
on theory and class room work
 Absence or inadequate link with industry, work places and stake holders
 Lack of periodic and continuous evaluation/updating of the teaching-
learning process

It is believed that this new revised curriculum developed has incorporated the
necessary changes that will address the issues raised by stakeholders and
employers as well as the specific objectives of the Department. The curriculum is
expected to give the student a strong broad based background in Mechanical
Engineering with focus areas in the local context and limited specialization in some
of the specific areas.

5.2. Rationale for Curriculum

Mechanical Engineering, with a diverse range of specializations, plays a leading

role in the technological development of a country. The objective of Mechanical

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Engineering Education up to now has been to educate trainable, broad based

mechanical engineers that can fit in to the different application areas of
mechanical engineering after on the job training for about an year.

The curriculum has been revised once, 4 years ago, after an internal SWOT
analysis and taking into consideration the laboratory facility and local recourses
available. Though there have been several attempts to accommodate the needs of
local industry, it was not done in a strategic way to fill the skill gap of the
graduates, mostly due to financial and human resource constraints. Electives were
introduced in the previous curriculum at the final year stage to sharpen the skills
in limited areas of specialization. In fact, it was supposed that the industries have
to streamline graduates to their particular area by giving them practical on-the-job
training for about one year.

However, the Department was able to recognize that most of the industries that
have been employing mechanical engineers are small and medium sized and do
not have senior engineers for coaching the new recruits. As a result, the
Department was convinced that it is necessary to make the education more
practice oriented and focused to the different areas of industrial applications in
order to make the engineers more productive. In recognition of this fact, the
range and scope of electives in this new curriculum have been enlarged while
retaining the broad based nature of educational training in Mechanical
Engineering. With the increasing number of graduates in mechanical engineering,
it is becoming inevitable that some shall be self employed. Therefore, the need for
training the graduates in entrepreneurship has become necessary.

On the other hand, the Government of Federal Republic of Ethiopia has demanded
the improvement of Engineering Education to make it more relevant to local
industries while having internationally acceptable standards. Therefore, the
Ministry of Capacity Building of Federal Republic of Ethiopia, in partnership with
the Federal Republic of Germany, launched Engineering Capacity Building
Program. Engineering Education reform/overhaul which is being carried out in the
College of Engineering and Technology is among the four tasks of this program.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and
Technology, Jimma University, working with the expert supplied by ECBP has

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developed this new curriculum. In general the curriculum was drafted with the
objective of meeting knowledge and skill requirement of Mechanical Engineers
stated in the professional profile. The draft curriculum was exhaustively discussed
in a workshop convened with stakeholders encompassing a wide spectrum and the
issues raised, feedback received and suggestions forwarded were deliberated and
incorporated in this final draft of the curriculum.

The major changes of the curriculum are including the following.

a) Courses are arranged in modules. One of the advantages of such an

approach is that a Professor can be made responsible for the management
of a module and decide on the matters pertaining to it.
b) More practiced oriented courses are added along with electives
c) The practical education aspect of each course, such as laboratory or
workshop exercises, project work and industrial visits, are enhanced and
made explicit in the program.
d) A six-month industrial internship was introduced in the 8th semester.
e) A new course on Mechatronics is included in the curriculum to introduce to
students PLC and computer based automation of machinery.
f) A course on Total Quality Management is introduced with the objective of
training engineers who will play important role in quality improvement of
manufactured products and/or technical services.
g) A new course in Entrepreneurship that has the objective of training
engineers for self-employment is introduced.
h) Courses that deal with appropriate technology for rural development are
added in the relevant focus areas in order to promote agricultural led
industrial development policy of the country.
i) Elective groups focused on specialized application areas are introduced in
the last four semesters. The advantages of grouping students in focus
areas are:
 the education is streamlined to different areas of employment;
 Convenient class size facilitates project and laboratory intensive
j) In order to accredit the program by European accreditation institution, the
introduction of European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) was necessary.

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ECTS credits are a value allocated to course units to describe the student
workload required to complete them. They reflect the quantity of work each
course requires in relation to the total quantity of work required to
complete a full year of academic study at the institution, i.e, lectures,
practical work, seminars, private work- in the library or at home- and
examinations or other assessment activities. Credits thus express a relative

5.3. Structure of Curriculum

Taking into account the present Ethiopian industrial scenario, this new curriculum
has been devised as a Broad-Based Mechanical Engineering program with a
limited degree of streamlining through the introduction of elective subjects. A
student can take a maximum of four electives in his area of interest so as to
acquire specialized knowledge. These electives have been framed keeping their
relevance and priority in the Ethiopian context. However, some element of
flexibility has been reserved for future, where in the extent of specialization can be
enhanced by enlarging the number and scope of elective subjects based on a
need assessment. It is then expected that Mechanical Design, Thermal
Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering and Sugar
Engineering might serve as focus areas for specialization or streamlining in the
broad area of mechanical engineering.

All the courses in the curriculum have been grouped under the following modules.
A module consists of a number of coherent courses, which are assembled together
to meet the objectives of the module. Such a module arrangement is envisaged to
be helpful in facilitating organization of resources and planning of staff
requirement in more structured way.

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Module Total Total Course Courses clustered under the Module

S.N. Module Name Cr.Hrs ECTS
Code Cr.hrs ECTS Code module Category

EnLa201 Communicative English Skills 3 5

Humanities and CvEt201 Civics and Ethics 3 5
1 MHuCm1011 12 20 Basic
Communications EnLa202 Basic Writing Skills 3 5
Phil201 Logic and Reasoning Skill 3 5
2 Introduction to Economics MEcon1021 3 3 Econ202 Introduction to Economics 3 3 Basic
Engg1031 Introduction to Engineering Skills 2 3
3 Basic Engineering Skills MMEng1031 7 11 MEng1032 Engineering Drawing 3 5 Basic
MEng1033 Basic Workshop Practice 2 3
Math131 Applied Mathematics I 4 6
4 Basic Eng'g Mathematics MMath1041 8 12 Basic
Math132 Applied Mathematics II 4 6
Advanced Eng'g Math331 Applied Mathematics III 4 6
5 Mathematics and MMEng2051 10 16 MEng1052 Computer Programming 3 5 Basic
Computations MEng2053 Numerical Methods 3 5
CEng1061 Engineering Mechanics I-Statics 3 5
6 Basic Engineering Mechanics MMEng1061 6 10 Engineering Mechanics II- Basic
MEng1062 3 5
MEng3071 Mechanisms of Machinery 3 5
7 Advanced Eng'g Mechanics MMEng3072 6 10 Core
MEng3072 Mechanical Vibration 3 5
MEng1081 Strength of Materials I 3 5 Core
8 Mechanics of Materials MMEng2082 6 10
MEng2082 Strength of Materials II 3 5
MEng2091 Engineering Materials I 3 4
9 Engineering Materials MMEng2092 6 9 MEng2092 Engineering Materials II 2 3 Core
MEng2093 Material Testing Laboratory 1 2

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Probability and Statistics for

3 4
Probalility and Research Stat262 Engineers
10 MMEng3101 5 7 Basic
Methodology Technical Writing and Research
MEng3102 2 3
MEng2111 Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 5
11 Eng'g Thermo-Fluids MMEng2112 9 15 MEng2112 Engineering Thermodynamics II 3 5 Core
MEng2113 Fluid Mechanics 3 5
12 Heat Transfer MMEng3122 3 5 MEng3121 Heat Transfer 3 5 Core
13 Thermo-fluid Laboratory MMEng3132 1 2 MEng3131 Thermo-fluid Laboratory 1 2 Core
MEng2141 Machine Drawing 3 5
14 Machine Drawing MMEng2142 6 10 Core
MEng2142 Machine Drawing with CAD 3 5
MEng2151 Machine Elements I 3 5
15 Machine Elements MMEng2152 6 10 Core
MEng2152 Machine Elements II 3 5
Integrated Machine Design
16 MMEng3162 3 6 MEng3161 Machine Design Project 3 6 Core
Project and CAD
17 Introduction to FEM MMEng5172 3 4 MEng5171 Introduction to FEM 3 4 Core
MEng3181 Manufacturing Engineering I 3 4
18 Manufacturing Engineering MMEng3182 6 8 Core
MEng3182 Manufacturing Engineering II 3 4
MEng4191 Workshop Practice II 2 3
19 Manufacturing Lab MMEng4192 3 5 Welding, Metal Forming and Core
MEng4192 1 2
Casting Laboratory Practice
MEng3201 Turbomachinery 3 5
IC Engines & Reciprocating
20 Energy Conversion Machines MMEng4202 7 12 MEng4202 3 5 Core
MEng4203 IC Engine and Turbomachine Lab 1 2
MEng5211 Power Plant Engineering 3 5
21 Thermal Systems Eng'g MMEng5212 6 10 Core
MEng5212 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 3 5
22 Motor Vehicle Engineering MMEng4222 3 4 MEng4221 Motor Vehicle Engineering 3 4 Core

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Maintenance and Installation of

23 Maintenance Engineering MMEng5232 3 4 MEng5231 3 4 Core
Industrial Management and
Industrial Management and IEng5241 3 4
24 MIEng5242 6 8 Engineering Economy Core
IEng5242 Entrepreneurship for Engineers 3 4
Materials Handling
25 MMEng4252 3 5 MEng4251 Materials Handling Equipment 3 5 Core
MEng3261 Instrumentation and Measurement 3 4
26 Control Engineering I MMEng4262 6 9
MEng4262 Fluid Power System 3 5
MEng5271 Introduction to Mechatronics 3 5
27 Control Engineering II MMEng5272 6 10
MEng5272 Regulation and Control 3 5
ECE3281 Basic Electricity and Elcetronics 3 4
28 Electrical Engineering MECE3282 6 8 Core
ECE3282 Electrical Machines and Drives 3 4
29 Industrial Internship MMEng4292 15 30 MEng4291 Internship 15 30 Core
MEng5303 Machinery Design 3 6
Mechanical Design MEng5301 Product Design and Development 3 5
30 MMEng5303 9 16 Elective
Electives MEng5302 Introduction to Tribology 3 5
MEng5304 Rotor Dynamics 3 5
MEng5313 Thermo-fluid System Design 3 6
MEng5311 Aerodynamics 3 5
31 Thermal Eng'g Electives MMEng5313 9 16 Computational Heat Transfer and Elective
MEng5312 3 5
Fluid Flow
MEng5314 Gas Turbine and Jet Propulsion 3 5
MEng5323 Tools jigs and Die Design 3 6
MEng5321 CAD/CAM/CIM 3 5
Manufacturing Eng'g
32 MMEng5323 9 16 Process Planning and Product Elective
Electives MEng5322 3 5
MEng5324 Metal Processing Technology 3 5

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MEng5333 Plant Layout and Design 3 6

MEng5331 Operations Research 3 5
33 Industrial Eng'g Electives MMEng5333 9 16 Elective
MEng5332 Quality Management 3 5
MEng5334 Industrial Systems Engineering 3 5
Fundamentals Of Rail Ways
MEng4341 3 5
Systems Engineering
Motive Power Design 3 5
34 Rail Way Eng'g Electives MMEng5343 9 16 a Elective
MEng5343 Rail Vehicle Design 3 6
Rolling Stock Design 3 5
MEng4351 Renewable Energy Technology I 3 5
Renewable Energy Eng'g MEng5352 Renewable Energy Technology II 3 5
35 MMEng5353 9 16 Elective
Electives Design of Renewable Energy
MEng5353 3 6
Introduction to Sugar
MEng4361 3 5
Operation of Boilers, Steam Power
MEng5363 3 6
36 Sugar Eng'g Electives MMEng5363 9 16 Plants and Energy Audit Elective
Fundaments Principles and
MEng5362 Maintenance of Sugar Milling 3 5
MEng4371 Agro Machinery and Processing I 3 5
Agro Machinery and
37 MMEng5383 9 16 MEng5372 Agro Machinery and Processing II 3 5 Elective
MEng5373 Agricultural Machinery Design 3 6

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Heavy duty and Construction

MEng5383 3 5
Motor Vehicle Eng'g
38 MMEng5383 9 16 MEng5382 Automotive Maintenance 3 6 Elective
Automotive Electical and Electronic
MEng5381 System 3 5
39 Bachelor Thesis MMEng5392 6 12 MEng5391 B.Sc. Thesis 6 12 Core
185 301 185 301

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5.4. Course Coding and Numbering

Every course has been given an identification tag, characterized by an

alphanumeric code. The set of alphabets preceding the numerals designate the
department offering the course. The first digit in the numeric code indicates the
year in which the subject is offered, the second and third digit conveys the module
to which the subject belongs to while the last digit represent the actual number
given to that subject in the module. The odd or even nature of the digit, in
addition, also imply the first or second semester in which that subject is offered
respectively. For example

Number given to the subject in the respective Module

Module number

Year in which the subject is offered (Year V)

Mechanical Engineering Department

N.B. The above coding is not be applicable to services courses offered by other
departments (such as economics, English, civics etc..) and course in community-
based module.

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5.5. Module Characterization


MODULE TITLE Basic Engineering Mechanics
Duration of the Two semesters
Total ECTS of 10
the module
Engineering is an application of pure sciences. Mechanical
Engineering applies mathematical and computational principles for
the design, analysis and modeling of mechanical systems, thus,
requires a basic understanding of basic principles of Science and
OF THE MODULE This module will enable students to attain good capability in :
 defining and solving problems,
 evaluating information critically,
 designing creative solutions to problems,
 applying scientific and mathematical principles.

The objective of this module is to introduce students:

 to basic mechanical engineering concepts of statics and dynamics

 to basic principles that govern motion of objects
 to mathematical models that represent physical systems
INTENDED At the end of this module students will be able to:-
LEARNING  understand and apply basic principles that govern the motion of
OUTCOMES objects
 develop appropriate mathematical models that represent physical
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng1061 Engineering Mechanics I – Statics 5
MEng1062 Engineering Mechanics II - Dynamics 5

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Total ECTS of the Module 10

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Advanced Engineering Mechanics Module

MODULE TITLE Advanced Engineering Mechanics
Duration of the Two semesters
Total ECTS of 10
the module
The function of machine, machine tool or any product is based on
the mechanism which makes that system. The performance of any
JUSTIFICATION mechanical system is greatly influenced by mechanical vibration.
OF THE Hence a study of the mechanism and mechanical vibration is of
MODULE paramount importance to mechanical engineers. This module
targets to provide the students an adequate exposure in the area
of mechanism and mechanical vibrations.
The objective of this module is:
 To explain different types of linkage mechanisms and their
layout used in mechanical design.
 To explain computational analysis kinematics and kinetic
 To explain the principles involved in assessing the
displacement, velocity and acceleration, the kinematics and
kinetic analysis and design of machinery.
 To provide knowledge on the cause for vibration and to
perform vibration analysis by developing a mathematical model
for vibration.
MODULE On completion of this module the student will be able to analyze
Competence the motion resulting from a specified set of linkages in a
mechanism and vibrations induced in a system and the means to
control it.
Mode of Courses in this module shall be delivered in semester wise
Learning-  Lecture supported by Tutorial

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Teaching  Assignment
Methods  Laboratory Exercise
Assessment  Continuous assessment including test, quiz, , seminar, etc
Technique  Final Examination
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng3071 Mechanisms of Machinery 5
MEng3072 Mechanical Vibration 5

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Mechanics of Materials Module


MODULE TITLE Mechanics of materials
Duration of the Two semesters
Total ECTS of 10
the module
Solid mechanics is one of the core modules of Mechanical
Engineering. It covers the understanding of how mechanical
machines operate starting from the basic principles of statics
and dynamics up to the complex interaction of machine
JUSTIFICATION components. The study of solid mechanics enables the
OF THE student to understand the different components and parts
MODULE of machines and the interaction between them.
Mathematical computations required to model components,
assuring the safety or estimation of the life of the
components and design components to satisfy given
specification are covered in this module.

The objectives of this module are:

 To familiarize students with basic concepts of

equilibrium, laws of motion and principles of energy
AIMS  To provide students with the basic principles required for
understanding the relation between forces,
deformations, strains and stresses,

 To provide students practical methods to measure

forces, deformations, strains and stresses employing

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different experimental instruments,

 Introduce students to basic principles required to

understand, analyze and design mechanisms of
machines, main components and systems of mechanical

 To provide students with the basic principles and

theories required to assess the safety of mechanical
components and the mathematical calculations to
estimate operational life of components under static,
dynamic and cyclic loading conditions,

 To provide students the capability to design simple

machines and systems from their understanding of basic
courses by involving the students in practical design

 To provide students the capability to design special

mechanical components and systems employing
international standards and codes by involving the
students in practical design projects,
Introduce students to basic understanding of the theory and
application of finite element method in solid mechanics.
INTENDED At the end of this module students will be able to:
LEARNING  Demonstrate a basic understanding of the laws of motion
OUTCOMES and principles of energy conservation as applied to
structures and different types of mechanical components,

 Demonstrate basic practical skills in measuring and

analyzing forces, deformations, strains and stresses
employing force transducers, displacement transducers,
photo elasticity method and strain gauges.

 Demonstrate understanding of different mechanisms of

machines such as links, cams, governors, gear trains,
flywheels etc.,

 Demonstrate an understanding of analyzing and designing

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various mechanical components such as various types of

joints, power screws, springs, shafts, keys, couplings,
clutches, brakes, bearings, power transmission systems,
pressure vessels etc.,

 Demonstrate the capability, with minimum support from

the instructor, to conduct and submit a comprehensive
report on design projects assigned to the student based
on a terms of reference (technical specification) of simple
machines or/and special mechanical components,

 Demonstrate an understanding of the theory of finite

element method and the capability to model structures
and solid mechanics problems employing finite element
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng1081 Strength of Materials I 5
MEng2082 Strength of Materials II 5
Total ECTS of the Module 10

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Engineering Materials


MODULE TITLE Engineering Materials
Duration of the Two semesters
Total ECTS of 9
the module
Every field of engineering greatly depends on proper
selection of material, control of corrosion, the limiting
deformation and the method of heat treatment of
material. Therefore sound knowledge on material
engineering is essential for selection of material for
different engineering application. This module is prepared
with the intention of providing the above knowledge. On
completion of this module the student will be in a
position to select material for different practical
applications with good strength and wear resistance and it
forms the base for selection of material in Machine
element design, Machine design and Product design
Objectives of the Module:
• To introduce the main concept of engineering
materials and the influence of crystalline structure on
the properties of metal.
• To inform the type of defects and their influences
on the properties of crystals and the main types of
plastic deformation
• To impart knowledge on the main causes for failure,
types of failure and methods to overcome it.
• To educate different types of mechanical testing
of materials, main concepts of phase and phase
transformation, crystalline changes and their

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influences on properties of metals.

• To inform the basic methods of iron and steel
production, properties and applications of steels and
alloyed steels, cast irons, non ferrous metals, non
metallic materials and plastics
• To inform the types of heat treatment process;
• To impart knowledge on causes of corrosion and theirs
INTENDED  On completion of this module the student will be in
LEARNING a position to select material for different practical
OUTCOMES applications with good strength and wear resistance and
it forms the base for selection of material in Machine
element design, Machine design and Product design
Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng 2091 Engineering Material I 4
MEng 2092 Engineering Material II 3
MEng2093 Material Testing Laboratory 2

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Probability and Research Methodology Module

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Engineering Thermo-Fluids Module

Module Number 11 MODULE LEVEL N/A
Module Code MMENG2112
Module Title Engineering Thermo-Fluids
Total ECTS of 15
the module
Duration of the Two Semesters
Mechanical engineers use the principles of energy, materials, and
mechanics to design and manufacture machines and devices of all
types; create the processes and systems that drive technology
and industrial development. This module is, therefore, designed
in such a way that it will give mechanical engineers deep
understanding of the basic knowledge of thermodynamics, fluid
mechanics, turbo-machineries, and on energy conversion,
generation, utilization and environmental consequences.
The purpose of this module is
 to impart the basic concepts of engineering thermodynamics
and to explore its wide range of applications covering energy
usage, conversion and the limitations on efficiency
 to provide students with the basic principles required for
understanding the main concepts, and problems and their
solutions encountered in engineering practice both in fluid
static and dynamics,
AIMS  to teach students the fundamentals, operations, and
performance of internal combustion engines and their
different types and to provide students with the theoretical
and experimental ability to operate, analyze, and design
internal combustion engines
 introduce students to basic fundamentals required to
understand, analyze and design the main components
commonly used in fluid power systems and major turbo-

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 introduce and teach students the basic principles, types and

application of refrigeration systems for domestic and industrial
 introduce students to basic principles of thermal environment
engineering, psychometrics and air conditioning calculation,
components design and applications of the basic principles in
analysis and design of thermal systems
INTENDED At the end of this module students will acquire the capability to:
LEARNING  demonstrate a basic understanding of the nature of
OUTCOMES thermodynamic processes for pure substances and ideal gases,

 demonstrate ability to evaluate the thermal performance of

different heat engines and refrigeration cycles,

 demonstrate basic understanding of fluid properties and the

main concepts of fluid statics, fluid kinematics and energy
conservation principles

 Demonstrate a basic understanding of different types of

internal combustion engines and their operations,

 Understand the main components and operation of pumping

systems and turbomachines,

 Understand the different sources of energy and their

conversion to useful form of energy and identify environmental
impact of energy conversion so as to control or minimize their

 Understand different types of thermal power systems and their

components, ability to analyze and evaluate the performance of
thermal power plants, ability to select and rate the different
components of a thermal power plant.
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng2111 Engineering Thermodynamics-I 5
MEng 2112 Engineering Thermodynamics-II 5
MEng 2113 Fluid Mechanics 5

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Total ECTS 15

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Heat Transfer Module

Module Number 12 MODULE LEVEL N/A
Module Code MMENG3122
Module Title Heat Transfer
Duration of the One Semester
Total ECTS of 5
the module
The knowledge of heat transfer is becoming increasingly important
since it plays a vital role in the design of power plants, vehicles,
refrigerators, and other thermal systems like HVAC systems.
Therefore this module is designed in such a way that it will give
mechanical engineers deep understanding of the basic knowledge
of heat transfer and heat transfer equipments.
The purpose of this module is

 To provide students with a clear and through presentation

of the basic concepts of heat and mass transfer and their

 To develop understanding of the coupling of fluid

mechanics and thermodynamics.

 To provide an understanding of fundamental concepts of

heat fluxes.

 Apply principle of conservation of energy.

 Apply numerical techniques for heat transfer methods

INTENDED At the end of this course, students will be:
LEARNING  Equipped with the basic principles required for
OUTCOMES understanding conduction, radiation and convection heat
 Able to apply the basic principles of heat transfer in the
analysis and design of engineering systems.
Courses of the Module

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Course Code Course Name ECTS

MEng 3131 Heat Transfer 5

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Thermo-Fluid Laboratory Module

Module Number 13 MODULE LEVEL N/A
Module Code MMENG3132
Module Title Thermo-Fluid Laboratory
Duration of the One semester
Total ECTS of 2
the module
This module is designed to help the student acquire a practical
JUSTIFICATION knowledge for reinforcing the concepts learnt in the area of
OF THE thermo-fluids for application in real life situations involving energy
MODULE conversion and utilization via heat and fluid flows under different
loading conditions namely hydraulic and thermal.
 To test important concepts learned in the subjects of
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
 To familiarize with the techniques of measurement of static
and stagnation pressures, humidity, dry bulb, wet bulb
AIMS temperatures, lift and Drag forces, volumetric and mass
flow rates, velocities and operating speed etc.
 To feel for students the way the flows are established and
simulated in the test equipment and how exactly they are
regulated or controlled.
INTENDED At the end of this module students will acquire the capability
OUTCOMES To setup procedures and conduct experiments related to
Engineering Thermo-Fluid areas for accurate measurements
and their interpretation in the physical world.
 Of correlating between the theoretical knowledge they
acquire with the practical aspect (world) of engineering.
 Visualize different mechanisms of fluid mechanics
parameters measuring technique.

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 Calibrate hydraulic measuring devices like pressure gauge.

 Determine the different empirical constants in fluid
mechanics analysis like coefficient of discharge, pipe friction
(roughness) coefficient, equivalent minor loss coefficient,
lift and drag coefficients; plot the relationship between
these empirical constants and other fundamental parameter
using MatLab or their concept of Numerical methods.
 Justifiably decide an appropriate selection of pump or
turbine for a given working condition by plotting their
performance – characteristics curves.
Course Number Course Name ECTS
Thermo-Fluid Laboratory 2

Total 2

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Machine Drawing Module

MODULE TITLE Machine Drawing
Duration of the Two semesters
Total ECTS of 10
the module
A mechanical engineer must have the knowledge and skill needed
for describing an object/machine by means of graphical
representation or drawing. The skill is absolutely necessary to
effectively and efficiently exercise the profession, for example,
during design and/or production activities of machines and
equipment. Efficient and effective communication between
JUSTIFICATION designers, manufacturers, etc. is possible thanks to Drawing. Also,
OF THE as a student of the profession, the skill plays an important role in
MODULE the teaching learning processes. After all, leave alone a well
prepared drawing, a simple sketch describes an object much
better than thousands of words. This module is designed and
included in the program to train students so that they could
correctly represent/describe machines and equipment by
drawings, and as well read & comprehend a given machine
The purpose of this module:
 to impart knowledge and skill of representing/describing
graphically objects, machines and equipment, and of
reading/understanding machine drawings;
 to impart the competency of use of softwares for the
production of machine drawings
INTENDED After completion of the module students will acquire the ability
LEARNING and skill of:
OUTCOMES  Representing/describing machines they design using manually

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drawn assembly and parts drawings, consisting of appropriate

details like specifying dimensions, fits and tolerances, and
giving parts list in accordance with standard practices.
 Producing (assembly and parts) drawings of machines using
Computer Aided Drafting software, according to standard


Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng 2141 Machine Drawing 5
MEng 2142 Machine Drawing with CAD 5
Total 10

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Machine Elements Module

MODULE TITLE Machine Elements
Duration of the Two semesters
Total ECTS of 10
the module
During the career of mechanical engineers they are expected to
perform a machine design task irrespective of what field they belong
to. The major challenge during this task is designing the machine
elements for an identified strength without failure before its expected
life. Insufficient knowledge in selecting a proper factor of safety,
establishing fatigue strength, cause for stress concentration,
procedure for design etc. may lead to a catastrophic failure leading to
human and property losses. Bearing this justification in mind this
module has been developed with two courses which provide enough
information about the above subject matter.
The objective of this module is:
To select proper safety factor to avoid failure before the expected
life of the component;
• To establish the fatigue life and fatigue strength of machine
• To find the causes of stress concentration in machine elements;
MODULE • To analyze the strength of bolted, welded, riveted and interference
OBJECTIVE fitted joints;
• To analyze the strength of pressure vessels, valves and sealing
• To design machine elements; keys, splines, pins, springs, shafts,
couplings, clutches, brakes, bearings;
• To design drives; Friction Drives, Belt Drives, Chain Drives and Gear

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MODULE After completion of this module the student will have familiarity in
Competence evaluating the shape and dimensions of a component to satisfy
functional and strength requirements.
To learn to use standard practices and standard components.
• To synthesize the knowledge of machine element
• The design of products /components and or systems
Mode of Courses in this module shall be delivered in semester wise
Learning-  Lecture supported by Tutorial
Teaching  Assignment
Assessment  Continuous assessment including test, quiz, seminar, etc
Technique  Final Examination
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng2151 Machine Elements I 5
MEng2152 Machine Elements II 5

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Integrated Machine Design Project Module

MODULE TITLE Integrated Machine Design Project
Duration of the One semesters
Total ECTS of 6
the module
The student should be exposed to the realistic and feasible design
and analysis of mechanical assemblies by using the knowledge
assimilated by them in courses such as strength of materials,
machine elements, mechanics etc. To meet this they must be
directed to plan and execute areal, feasible mechanical design
At the end of the course, students would be able to know:
• The different types of machine design methodologies and apply
it in designing car jacks (scissor jack,
bottle jack etc.) and unfired pressured vessels (lateral support,
saddle support, bottom legs etc.).
• Design procedures of machinery and equipment,
• Specifications of machineries and equipment, Documentation of
machine design reports.

MODULE The outcome of this course is that the student gets the expertise
Competence to design mechanical components and assemblies and expertise
on compiling the documentation of mechanical design projects.
Mode of Courses in this module shall be delivered in semester wise
Learning-  Lecture supported by advising
Teaching  Individual or group project work
Assessment  Project work , presentation, etc

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Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng3161 Machine Design Project 6

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Introduction to FEM Module

MODULE TITLE Introduction to FEM
Duration of the one semesters
Total ECTS of 5
the module
This module is designed to enable students to apply the engineering
fundamentals to develop an understanding of how economically
feasible solutions can be obtained through proper design and use of
Computer Aided Design, analysis and optimization procedures using
Finite Element Method. The module enables students to understand
finite element methods of solving engineering problems.
This module facilitates the knowledge transfer pertaining to
 Design procedures of machinery and equipment,
 The general procedures of the design of power transmission
elements and their integration
 Specifications of machineries and equipment
 The utility and the powerful role of Computer Aided Design and
Computer Aided Manufacturing in product design and
development in the present day context
 Need for Finite Element Analysis in the broader context of
product design, development, optimization and virtual reality

INTENDED At the end of this module, students would be able to

LEARNING  Carry out full fledged design of a particular component or a system
OUTCOMES using standard practices and codes
 Apply the principles of solid modeling and Finite Element Analysis
for product design, development and testing
 Write the requisite codes for producing simple components on CNC

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machines for Computer Aided Manufacturing

Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng 5171 Introduction to FEM 5

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Manufacturing Engineering Module

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Manufacturing Laboratory Module

MODULE TITLE Manufacturing Lab
Duration of the Two semesters
Total ECTS of 5
the module
All Mechanical Engineering students should be provided with hands-
on training based on the theoretical principles they have acquired in
manufacturing of simple parts using different manufacturing processes
such conventional machines, metal joining processes (welding),
JUSTIFICATION casting process, and metal forming processes. Creating simple parts
OF THE using different manufacturing methods and assemblies using their
MODULE own hand builds confidence and creativity among the students.
Hence this module facilitates this need and provides adequate basic
knowledge in manufacturing processes for producing different parts
and making unit assembly.

Objectives of the Module:

The main objective is to provide advanced practical training
to the student by requiring them
AIMS  to produce simple parts like shaft, gear
 to produce simple parts using sheet metal products,
 to produce different profiles using casting process
 to make different joint using different welding process
INTENDED On completing this module the students will be in a position to
LEARNING produce simple components, capable of measuring of dimensions
OUTCOMES during production and making unit assemblies.
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng 4191 Workshop Practice II 3
MEng 4192 Metal forming process, Welding and Casting 2

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Laboratory Practice

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Energy Conversion Machines Module

MODULE NAME Energy Conversion Machines
Total ECTS of 12
the module
MODULE This module contains three courses in title Turbo-Machinery,
DESRIPTION I.C.Engines and Reciprocating machines, and I.C.Engine and
Turbo-Machine Laboratory. Principle of operation of Turbo-
Machine, Losses in Turbo-Machine, Performance characteristics of
Turbo-Machine, Regulation of Turbo-Machine,and Preliminary
design of the rotor and housing of a Turbo-Machine shall be dealt
in Turbo-Machinery.Basic cycle analysis and engine types,
fundamental thermodynamics and operating characteristics of
various engines are analyzed; combustion processes for spark and
compression ignition engines, fuels, cooling and lubrication systems
are evaluated. All the laboratory activities related with Turbo-
Machinery and I.C. Engines and Reciprocating Machines courses
shall be covered in I.C.Engine and Turbo-Machine Laboratory.
Energy conversion equipment plays a vital role in keeping the plant
systems and processes ticking and becomes essential in a wide
spectrum of engineering applications. This module helps in
understanding the working principles of such equipment
encompassing a wide spectrum of machines, both roto-dynamic
and positive displacement types, meant for converting different
forms of energy to mechanical and vice-versa employed in different
application areas. Laboratory practice covering this range of
equipment makes the student familiarize with their operating
characteristics under widely varying loading conditions vis-à-vis

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capacity and efficiency.

The purpose of this module is to make the student grasp the
principles, constructional features, working and operational control
 Power producing, power absorbing and power transmitting
type turbo machines as well as to envision the range of their
MODULE applications
OBJECTIVE  Positive displacement machines such as I.C. Engines and
reciprocating compressors and their suitability for different
 The machines mentioned above, through hands on working
practice to infer their behavioral characteristics.

At the end of this module, students will acquire the capability

 Tocarry out a preliminary design of different categories of
energy conversion equipment such as turbines (steam-,
water-, gas-, wind-) compressors blowers, fans, pumps and
I.C. Engines
 Toselect the appropriate machine for a given application as
well as to fix the required operating condition for higher
 To safely and efficiently operate different types of energy
conversion machines

Mode of Courses in this module shall be delivered in semester wise

Learning-  Lecture supported by Tutorial
Teaching  Assignment
Methods  Laboratory Exercise
Assessment  Continuous assessment including test, quiz, laboratory report,
Technique mini project, seminar, presentation, etc
 Final Examination

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Course code Course Name ECTS

MEng3201 Turbo-Machinery 5
MEng4202 I.C.Engines and Reciprocating machines 5
MEng4203 I.C.Engine and Turbo machine Laboratory 2

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Thermal Systems Engineering Module

MODULE TITLE Thermal Systems Engineering
Duration of the one semester
Total ECTS of 10
the module
Energy conversion equipment plays a vital role in keeping the plant
systems and processes ticking and becomes essential in a wide
spectrum of engineering applications. This module helps in
understanding the working principles of such equipment
JUSTIFICATION encompassing a wide spectrum of machines and power generation
OF THE facilities, meant for converting different forms of energy to
MODULE mechanical and vice-versa employed in different application areas.
Laboratory practice covering this range of equipment makes the
student familiarize with their operating characteristics under widely
varying loading conditions vis-à-vis capacity and efficiency.

System design enables a student to build on the component design

to create new products and processes. Systems engineering as
such calls for synthesis of the knowledge acquired in different
subjects, to achieve a stated objective in a coordinated and
efficient manner. Plant engineering requires integration of different
equipment and subsystems appropriately to enhance productivity
levels. This module assumes significance on this count, in imparting
practical knowledge to the student from a holistic perspective while
drawing profusely from the conceptual background acquired
through the Engineering Thermo-fluid module taken earlier, by the

INTENDED The purpose of this module is to make the student grasp the

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LEARNING principles, constructional features, working and operational control

to transfer knowledge and competencies required for design,
installation, maintenance and sustainable operation of steam
generation systems, power plants, ventilation, refrigeration
and air-conditioning systems, energy recovery equipment
and heat exchangers
to make the student familiarize with the intricacies involved in
the systems engineering involving production of electric
power from different forms of energy, HVAC plant and an
At the end of this module, students will acquire the capability
to carry out a preliminary design of different categories of
energy conversion equipment such as boilers, heat
exchangers, steam turbines and other components of a
power plant.
to select the appropriate machine for a given application as
well as to fix the required operating condition for higher
to safely and efficiently operate different types of energy
conversion machines
to figure out the need for specific systems and subsystems and
to assess/select the layouts of different types of power plants,
refrigeration and air conditioning plants.
to give students a more focused training in courses related to
Thermal Engineering with some depth in the treatment in
concept, definitions, and methods of air-conditioning,
designing of air conditioning systems, and equipments.
Selection of suitable air conditioning equipments for different


Course Number Course Name ECTS

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Meng 5211 Power Plant Engineering 5

Meng 5212 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 5
Total 10

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Motor Vehicle Engineering Module

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Maintenance Engineering Module

MODULE TITLE Maintenance Engineering
Duration of the One semester
Total ECTS of 4
the module
Maintenance of machineries and plant equipment contribute to a
greater extent to the cost of the product and down time of
machines. Knowledge of these areas is very much essential to
students of Mechanical Engineering. This module exposes the
student to theoretical and practical aspects of maintenance practice
in industrial setup.
Understand theoretical and practical aspects of maintenance
practice in industrial setup;
Understand basics of damages of typical components of
Realize the use of the concepts of reliability, maintainability
and availability in maintenance technology which are helpful
in the prediction of plant performance;
 Understand the organization of a maintenance department,
maintenance planning and decision making processes;

INTENDED After completing this module the student will be able:

LEARNING To select and design the correct and effective maintenance
OUTCOMES procedure for a particular application;
To implement the concepts of reliability, maintainability and
availability in the industrial setup to increase the
efficiency of Maintenance Department.
Course Code Course Name ECTS

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MEng5231 Maintenance and Installation of Machinery 4

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Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship Module

MODULE TITLE Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship
Duration of the One semester
Total ECTS of 8
the module
Globalization, in the context of free market economy, is driving
companies all over to remain competitive in terms of price and
quality. Better industrial engineering practices involving man
power, production and quality management is now a day‘s found to
be crucial to the company's bottom line by increasing product
quality, machine reliability, and defect reduction. Decisions
JUSTIFICATION regarding the marketability and viability of products need to be
OF THE taken after a careful assessment of the investments and projected
MODULE returns involved by the application of principles of engineering
economics. In view of this, this module lays a special emphasis on
the role of industrial engineering and management on economic
development. Considering the low level of industrialization in
Ethiopian context and hence the need for private sector and
business development through entrepreneurship, it is noted that
this module assumes a lot of significance.
 Make the students acquire the necessary managerial skills in
the context of demand driven industrial development
 Highlight the need to maintain economic viability of products
and systems for affordability
 To lay emphasis on entrepreneurship and orientation for self
employment desperately needed in Ethiopian context by
weaning away graduates so as to make them job creators
rather than mere job seekers
INTENDED At the end of this module, students will be in a position to

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LEARNING  Demonstrate proficiency in project management, economic

OUTCOMES analysis, and life cycle costing for making sound decisions,
weigh the option of entrepreneurship for business
development as an alternative.
Course Code Course Name ECTS
IEng5241 Industrial Management and Engineering Economy 4
IEng5242 Entrepreneurship for Engineers 4

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Materials Handling Equipment Module

MODULE TITLE Materials Handling Equipment
Duration of the One semester
Total ECTS of 5
the module
Material handling of raw materials, in-process materials and
JUSTIFICATION finished products contributes to a greater extent to the cost of the
OF THE product and down time of machines. Knowledge of these areas is
MODULE very much essential to students of Mechanical Engineering. This
module exposes the student to the principles of material handling.
To identify the different kinds of materials handling
equipment, procedures for selection of material handling
AIMS equipment for a specific purpose, steps in the design of
hoisting & conveying equipment.

INTENDED On completing this module the student will be able to select and
LEARNING design material handling equipment for a particular application.
Course Code Course Name ECTS
MEng4251 Materials Handling Equipment 5

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Control Engineering I Module

Module Number 26
Module Title Control Engineering I
Rationale In the context of mechanical controls giving way to electrical and
electronics, this module emphasizes the need for mechanical
engineers to broaden their understanding of control engineering
related aspects for efficient operation and control of
products/gadgets/devices/automated production systems/
processes. The synthesis of mechanical/hydraulic/pneumatic
systems with instrumentation and their integration/interfacing
with electrical control systems and computers, is transforming
the environment in which mechanical engineers used to work
earlier. Although mechanical engineers may occasionally work
alone on a small project, they are more likely to be working on
large, multi-disciplinary projects, liaising with specialists from
other areas. This module is, thus, devoted to imparting an
interdisciplinary approach to problem solving.

The objectives of this module include:

 Sensing, conditioning and acquiring signals through
Aims calibrated instrumentation and measurement for different
process variables
 Actuating (moving, pressurizing,…)common systems and
Controlling electromechanical systems using PLC or simple
passive circuits
 Understand the fundamental concepts ,trace and analyze
circuit diagrams of hydraulic and pneumatic systems
 Recognize component symbols used in pneumatics/
hydraulics and their construction, functioning and

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At the end of this module students will acquire the capability

 To design and operate pneumatic and hydraulic circuits
for a specified function
 To work in collaboration with electrical, electronics and
Computer engineers in design and operation of
equipment, with attendant development of a habit of
concurrent engineering
 To simplify mechanical designs by introducing a modern
means of control

Total ECTS 9
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng 3261 Instrumentation and Measurement 4
MEng 4262 Fluid Power System 5

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Control Engineering II Module

MODULE TITLE Control Engineering II module
Duration of the Two semester
Total ECTS of 10
the module
The integration of electronic engineering, electrical engineering,
computer technology and control engineering with mechanical
engineering are increasingly forming a crucial part in design,
manufacturing and maintenance of wide range of engineering
products and processes. In order to help for the proper
functioning of a mechanical system, electrical systems are usually
incorporated in mechanical systems, especially to control the
system. Starting from measurement to control, there is an
JUSTIFICATION interaction between the two systems.
OF THE The consequence of this interaction of disciplines is the need for
MODULE mechanical engineers and technicians to adopt interdisciplinary
and integrative approach. The term electromechanical systems are
used to describe this integrated approach for engineers.
Mechanical engineers need to be capable of operating and
communicating across a range of engineering disciplines as the
modern machinery and pieces of equipment today are produced
by means of concurrent engineering. This module is designed in
such a way that it gives students an insight to electro-mechanical
The objective of the module is to:
• Acquaint students with the basics of electric circuits and
• Enable students differentiate the types, applications and
operating principles of electrical machines and be able to select
one as well,

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• Enable students identify the functions, parameters and

characteristics of the elements of the measurement systems
and to understand the general considerations for the analysis
and data acquisition systems
• Help create individuals who are well aware of concurrent
engineering and can solve design and maintenance problems
associated with electromechanical and control systems.
• introduce students to different real-world electromechanical
systems and to modeling and simulation of their control
INTENDED At the end of this module students will be able to:
LEARNING • awareness of current engineering methodologies in modern
OUTCOMES design approaches, by working in collaboration with
electrical and computer engineers in design of equipment,
• ability to simplify mechanical designs by introducing modern
means of control,
• capability in troubleshooting and maintaining problems
associated with electromechanical systems,
• practical exposure by hands-on-experience of
electromechanical systems,
Course Number Course Name ECTS
Meng 5271 Regulation and Control Engineering 5
Meng 5272 Introduction to Mechatronics 5
Total 10

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Electrical Engineering Module

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Industrial Internship Module

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Mechanical Design Electives Module

MODULE TITLE Mechanical Design Electives
Duration of the One semesters
Total ECTS of 16
the module
Any developing nation must have professionals with skill of
problemsolving teamwork, especially for rural development. In
addition engineers must put their effort to innovate new, innovative
and ideal agricultural machines to make ease the agricultural methods
that will change the agricultural scenario of the country. This module
is thus justified.
This module contains the courses which are electives of Mechanical
Design Electives and Provides the necessary tools to perform
advanced 3D Modeling using a Commercial Software, Managing
Projects for Product Development with a rational
sense of copyrights and intellectual property.
A student who selects courses in this module will be versed with:
• To change the traditional energy utilization
• To increase availability of potable and irrigation water
• To impart practical skills, knowledge and experience in the
commercialization of new technological inventions;
• The impart skill to involve in problem-solving teamwork,
prototype development, fabrication and assembly routes,
materials procurement.
• Product design and development methodology
• Comprehending different aspects of machine/rotor dynamics
• Tribology related aspects in the operation of machines and systems

MODULE At the end of this module, students will be in a position to

Competence • Mechanical design of products with requirements of customers using

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dedicated applications that enhance productivity and reduce time-to-

• Develop expertise in identifying appropriate technologies, material
procurement, develop prototype etc. They will contribute greatly to
the Ethiopian Rural development.
Tribology systems;
• Model common physical systems;
• Formulate and solve model of dynamic systems by means of
analytical and numerical methods for equilibrium position and forced
Mode of Courses in this module shall be delivered in semester wise
Learning-  Lecture supported by Tutorial
Teaching  Project work
Methods  Laboratory Exercise
Assessment  Continuous assessment including test, quiz, , seminar, etc
Technique  Final Examination
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng5303 Machinery Design 6
MEng5301 Product Design and Development 5
MEng5302 Introduction to Tribology
MEng5304 Rotor Dynamics 5

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Thermal Engineering Electives

MODULE TITLE Thermal Engineering Electives
Duration of the Three semesters
Total ECTS of 16
the module
To cater to the needs in specific industries and sectors, as has been
felt in the local Ethiopian context, the curriculum offers the student
a choice to specialize to a limited extent in the form of electives.
The acquisition of specialized knowledge helps not only in reducing
on-the-job training requirements of graduates but also to pursue
further self- learning as per his aptitude and based on the
requirement. This module fulfils that need in the focus area of
Thermal engineering.
Students should take three courses with total ECTS of 16 with a
mandatory design course.
The aim of this module is
 to impart specialized knowledge for students wishing to
AIMS branch into the areas of Aerospace Engineering,
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Energy conservation
and management
INTENDED At the end of this module, students will (based on their choice)
LEARNING  Acquire the capability to carry out design and computer
OUTCOMES based performance simulation/optimization of thermo-
fluid systems, using computational techniques and
 Have a good conceptual background in the working
principles of aerodynamics and aircraft engines/ jet
propulsion systems
 Assimilate energy conservation and management
approaches for affecting energy efficiency and

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cogeneration in process industries

Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng Thermo-fluid System Design 6
MEng Aerodynamics 5
MEng Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow 5
Gas Turbine and Jet Propulsion 5
Waste Hear Recovery and Cogeneration 5
Total mandatory credit 16

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Manufacturing Engineering Electives Module

MODULE TITLE Manufacturing Engineering Electives
Duration of the Two semesters
Total ECTS of 16
the module
The Manufacturing Electives module is an advancement of the
Manufacturing Engineering module. It consists of specialised elective
courses in manufacturing, which are designed for students who intend
to specialise in the area of manufacturing. The courses offers students
the opportunity to study the concepts and principles Tools, jigs and Die
JUSTIFICATION Design; application of computer-integration in the processes of
OF THE manufacturing; and to understand the fundamental concepts in process
MODULE planning and product costing of manufactured products. The courses
contained in this module are expected to broaden the scope of the
students and to further prepare them for standard modern practices in
manufacturing. This module will no doubt set the students to face the
challenges, practices and expectations of sophisticated manufacturing
industries and technology.
The overall focus of this module is to ensure that students
 Basic principles of Tool, jigs and Die Design,
 The link between individual manufacturing processes,
 The automation and integration of manufacturing processes to
AIMS achieve the ultimate efficiency of an organization's
manufacturing resources,
 Issues of precision in CAD/CAM systems,
 The fundamental concepts in process planning and product
 How to plan processes of manufactured products,

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 How to determine the cost of manufactured products.

INTENDED At the end of this module the students will be able to:
LEARNING  Design Tools jigs and Die and prescribe specifications for
OUTCOMES making formed products,
 Effectively apply the tools of CAD/CAM , model construction
and product design, CIM models and architecture,
fundamentals of robotics, control of actuators, robotic sensory
devices, function programming philosophies, computer vision,
control methods, dynamic modelling of electromechanical
systems, Efficiently carry out production process planning, and
product costing.
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng5323 Tools jigs and Die Design 6
MEng 5321 CAD/CAM/CIM 5
MEng5322 Process Planning and Product Costing 5
MEng5324 Metal Processing Technology 5

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Industrial Engineering-Elective Module

MODULE TITLE Industrial Engineering-Elective Engineering
Duration of the Two semesters
Total ECTS of 16
the module
This module contains the courses which are electives of Industrial
Engineering and it is intended to help the student develop skills in
the solution of problems from industry or government applying
operations research modeling using algorithms work, modeling
processes and computed solutions. Also, it deals with optimal
design of manufacturing plant and optimal management of
material, human and machine resources in manufacturing
operations to minimize production costs and maximize product
JUSTIFICATION quality and it describes special topics such as modeling and
OF THE simulation, test and evaluation, development and production,
MODULE human systems integration, and supportability and logistics and
how they relate to the systems engineering viewpoint.
The current practice of implementing quality concepts in any
industry is to practice International Standard Organization‘s
specified standards such as ISO standards. To get international
accreditation for any industry the conformity to theses standards is
mandatory. In addition any engineering student must be capable of
organizing and managing an Industry. The courses under this
module provide such knowledge to the students.
To apply knowledge in the solution of problems from industry
or government applying operations research modeling using
AIMS algorithms work, modeling processes and computed
To introduce students with the TQM concepts, techniques and

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various process analysis tools, international standards;

To expose students to organizational wide continuous quality
To design and implement various types Systems and plant
To understand the principles of systems design

INTENDED At the end of this module, students will be in a position to:

LEARNING use appropriate numerical and computational methods for
OUTCOMES solving problems of industry;
be capable of designing a plant layout for a particular
be capable of implementing ISO standards in their
be able to develop organizational structure, manage and
allocate resources in the most economical way


Course Code Course Name ECTS
MEng5331 Operations Research 5
MEng5332 Quality Management 5
MEng5333 Plant Layout and Design 6
MEng5334 Industrial Systems Engineering 5

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Rail Way Engineering Electives Module

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Renewable Energy Engineering Electives Module

MODULE TITLE Renewable Energy Engineering focus area
Duration of the Two semester
Total ECTS of 16
the module
Nowadays, the globe is facing two challenges, namely: energy
depletion and environmental pollution. These are the result of the
natural phenomenon of increase in population and population
dynamics, urbanization, industrialization, and commercialization.
Conservation, proper and efficient utilization of energy resources
should be the thinking of any end user. Apart from this there
should be a proper design for sustainable development of energy
from other energy sources such as: renewable energies. This
module enables Mechanical engineers deal with development of
renewable energy conversion technologies.
This module is, therefore, designed in such a way that it will give
mechanical engineers deep understanding of the basic knowledge
on energy conversion, generation and utilization of renewable
energy sources. The main objectives of this module are:-
• Provide students with concepts and principles of renewable
energy conversion, generation, utilization, and their
environmental impact.
AIMS • Introduce students to new ideas in the area of renewable
energy technologies.
• Enable students to adapt technologies that can harvest
renewable energy resources.
• Enable Mechanical engineers to make professional
contribution to the country‘s energy development program
and ensure its transition towards sustainable and renewable
energy applications.

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INTENDED At the end of this module students will be able to:

LEARNING • Students will be able to know concepts and principles of
OUTCOMES renewable energy conversion, generation, utilization, and
their environmental impact.
• Will understand new ideas in the area of renewable energy
• Be acquainted with knowledge to adapt technologies that can
harvest renewable energy resources.
Course Number Course Name ECTS
Meng 4351 Renewable Energy Technology I 5
Meng 4352 Renewable Energy Technology II 5
Meng 4353 Design of Renewable Energy Systems 6
Total 16

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Sugar Engineering Elective Module

MODULE TITLE Sugar Engineering
Duration of the Two semesters
Total ECTS of 16
the module
This module contains three elective courses set as a requirement
to achieve Sugar Engineering stream. All students who are
selecting sugar engineering as their stream has to complete all the
courses in this module. Students of this module are expected to
have one semester long internship at any sugar manufacturing
The module has following objectives and learning outcomes.
 To assimilate the principles, working and operational
control of a range of energy conversion equipment in
sugar mills
 To comprehend and familiarize with the role and
integration of energy conversion devices/systems vis-à-
vis sugar process engineering requirements
 To ascertain the scope for improvements on energy
efficiency and conservation through energy audit on the
entire gamut of plant operations
 To understand basics about electricity and
instrumentations used in sugar industries.
 Understand the fundamental concepts of maintenance
of sugar milling machineries
 Understand Maintenance of the Milling plant
 Understand mill gearing and construction
 Understand the maintenance of electrical equipment in
sugar factory

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 Understand about the basic sugar manufacturing

INTENDED Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to
LEARNING  grasp the intricate issues associated with economical
OUTCOMES operation and efficient control of energy conversion
systems (heat/mechanical/electrical) in sugar mills
 analyze the existing bagasse, steam and energy
consumption trends versus the sugar industry norms
 assess the impact of equipment malfunction on
downstream system performance for different
utilization pathways covering process heat, motive and
electric power
 acquire specific information on methodology to conduct
energy audit on sugar mill power plant operations
 identify energy conservation opportunities for
implementation to raise plant productivity
 explore other technological options vis-à-vis the existing
ones for suitability and up gradation of plant drives and
systems including cogeneration options, if needed
 Understand basics about electricity and instrumentations
used in sugar industries.
 Acquire skills and knowledge on sugar equipment
 Understand the basic sugar manufacturing process.
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng Introduction to Sugar Manufacturing 5
Operation of Boilers, Steam Power Plants and Energy 6
Fundaments Principles and Maintenance of Sugar 5
Milling Machineries
Total 16

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Agro-Machinery and processing focus Module

MODULE TITLE Agro-Machinery and processing focus area module
Duration of the Two semester
Total ECTS of 16
the module
Ever since humankind went from hunting and gathering to
cultivating plants for a stable food supply, people have been
looking for ways to make the job easier. The world today is
dependent on biological and agricultural systems in the production
of food, feed, fiber and the conservation of our natural resources.
Today's engineering and technology must contribute to the rapidly
expanding technology base and to play an integral part in the
decision-making process.
Module on Agro-Machinery and Processing integrates engineering
analysis and design with applied biology to solve problems in
production, transportation and processing of agricultural products.
It includes designing machinery, processes, and systems for
managing a productive plant and animal culture, including
environment, nutrient, and waste.
This module is designed in such a way that it will give mechanical
engineers a deep understanding regarding agricultural machinery,
precision agriculture, processing agricultural products, and
modelling and simulation. It provides students with the
fundamental principles of agricultural production and a broad
background in mechanical engineering.
The module envisages
• To meet the critical manpower requirement at technical level
AIMS of the agro-industry,
• To equip students with practical and theoretical know-how of
agricultural processes and design, maintenance and repair

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of the tools and machines related to agriculture and

• To familiarize student with equipment which are used for
harvest of agricultural products,
• To equip students with functions and design the agricultural
• To introduce students to processing methods of agricultural
products that transforms raw agricultural products into
finished goods,
• To introduce students with precision agriculture which is a
tool to handle the spatial and temporal variability and
creates a framework to understand and control the (local)
processes in the field.
INTENDED At the end of this module students will be able to:
LEARNING • Understand working principles, energy requirements,
OUTCOMES operation calibration, and environmental considerations, of
agricultural machinery and tillage systems.
• Understand the basics of mechanized agricultural
technologies in agriculture, hydraulic and pneumatic
machinery, electronic systems, and agricultural machinery
technical servicing.
• Understand processing agricultural product that includes
engineering aspects of design and development of process
and equipment for use in the agricultural processing
• Understand precision agriculture technology which utilizes
information technologies such as global positioning systems
(GPS) and geographic information system software (GIS) to
gather, store, view, and analyze vast amounts of data -
which can then be converted into usable knowledge to
make better farm management decisions for crop
production and food production methods.

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Course Number Course Name ECTS

Meng 5371 Agro-Machinery and Processing I 5
Meng 5372 Agro-Machinery and Processing II 5
Meng 5373 Agricultural machinery Design 6
Total 16

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5.6. Scheduling of Courses

In the new Mechanical Engineering curriculum, all students will take similar
courses in the first six semesters from the following modules
 Engineering Mathematics and computing skills,
 Humanities and Communication skill module,
 Applied Sciences for Mechanical Engineering module
 Core Mechanical Engineering Module

Starting from the seventh semester, students will take packed electives mainly
from one of the following modules with the objective of giving streamlined
education to the different sectors of the industry.
 Mechanical Design Module
 Thermal Engineering Module
 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Module
The description of each of the above mentioned modules is as follows

5.7. Industrial Internship

During industrial internship, students will have a chance to work on practical

industrial problems full time for six months. Besides having the required exposure,
he/she will have an overview of the industrial environment in Ethiopia and the
existing state of affairs, the scope for further improvement and the underlying
bottlenecks retarding the growth. This real world experience will help the student
to link theoretical concepts and implementation technicalities with actual practice
and to have a vision of the range of skills, discipline and ethics as demanded by
the industrial setup. It integrates both training and performance evaluation as part
of the program requirements. This internship allows students to gain valuable
insight through on-the-job training.

The specific goals of the industrial internship programme are to

 Enable students to acquire practical problem solving skills by working on
real life problems during this period

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 Instill in students the right kind of work attitude and professionalism

through interaction with people and organizations and observation of their
future roles in the industry
 To facilitate students to learn more than what is taught in University
 Make the students acquire team spirit and to prop them to realize their
innate creative potential in the work place setting
 Reduce on-the-job training requirements so that they can become effective
and productive to their respective organizations much sooner than is usual
for fresh graduates

5.8. BSc. Thesis

The B.Sc thesis is the final element of the study program. Each student will work
on an individual thesis topic under the supervision of faculty advisor or/and
professional advisor from the industry. The B.Sc. thesis will help the student to
integrate what he has learned in five years to solve a real world problem while
bringing in his creative abilities and problem solving skills. Besides solving a
particular problem, the student will acquire skills in general problem solving
methodology using data collection and protocol development via literature survey,
research tools and interpretation techniques. The experience will also enhance the
skill of graduates in report writing, and documentation and presentation.

5.9. Program Requirements

5.9.1. Admission requirements

a) Regular students who fulfill the following criteria are eligible for admission to
the Department:
- Preparatory complete with a pass in the national examination
- Above average grades in Technical Drawing, Physics and Mathematics
- Good performance in the assessment semester.
b) Students who complete 10+3 TVET programs related to mechanical
engineering with very good performance and who have attended a bridging
programme in physical sciences can be also be considered for admission,
although their acceptance will depend on availability of space.

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5.9.2. Graduation Requirements

A student is required to take courses that will bring the total credit hours to 173 
3 (Total ECTS 300  3). A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 is
required in all courses taken. In addition, a minimum grade point average of 2.00
is required in the core courses of the Department. Other requirements are same
as those of Jimma University graduation requirements.

5.9.3. Duration of the program

The duration of the program to successfully complete the study is five years for
generic students.

5.9.4. Degree Nomenclature

The degree awarded to students who successfully complete the minimum

requirements is the labeled in English & Amharic.
―Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering‖
¾dÃ‖e v‹K` Ç=Ó] uS"‘>"M UI‖Ée―

5.10. Teaching-Learning Methods and Materials

5.10.1. Teaching-Learning Methods and Materials

The core philosophy of the teaching-learning process would be focused at

producing a graduate who is
 Sensitized towards community problems and who can bring about a
palpable change
 Employable
 Problem solver through knowledge application in the real life setting
 Tuned towards continuous self learning, and
 Geared up to meet challenges and to carry forward the task of
industrial and national development

5.10.2. Methodology

The teaching-learning methods to be adopted, for the transfer and/or acquisition

of knowledge and skill development includes

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- Classroom Lectures backed up by Course-Work Projects, Tutorials and

- Lectures by Industry professionals and resource persons on a periodic basis
- Interactive based ―Blended E-Learning‖ and other such self learning
- Workshop Practice and Laboratory Exercises,
- Practical Demonstrations,
- Audio-Visual teaching materials,
- Cut-Sectional Model Studies,
- Wall mounted display charts
- Field visits related to community development/intervention
- Industrial visits.
- Practical and development oriented design projects
- Individual and group seminars/Presentations
- Group tasks/discussions/Case studies
- Brain storming sessions
- Assembling/disassembling of real world prototypes

Taking a cue from the dictum of learning which says ―You may hear and forget,
you may see and remember but you do and learn‖, action oriented and
student-centered learning would be emphasized as the modus operandi while
underlining the significance of inducing curiosity for continuous self learning as the
catalyst for effective assimilation of knowledge and its application in concrete
o Black boards
o White Pen boards
o Over head Projectors
o LCD Projectors
o Audio-visual equipment
o ICT related peripherals and softwares

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Most of the lectures requiring graphical display of constructional features in

minute detail shall be conducted using LCD projectors. Animation is to be
employed where applicable for better impact and visualization. Textbooks and
references are available in the Technology Faculty library. A computer center of
the department having a modest number of computers is available for any
problem solving that requires computers. A design room with 40 computers and
the requisite software shall be established during implementation.

5.10.3. Skills to be developed in addition to technical core competencies

Due emphasis would be given in the teaching-learning process, not only towards
the building of technical and professional core competencies but also for imparting
and developing the following:
 Practical problem solving skills,
 Analytical and modeling skills,
 Computer-related skills
 Reasoning skills,
 Fault diagnosis-repair and maintenance skills,
 Innovative product design and development skills,
 Drafting skills
 Reporting /Communicative English
 Managerial/Organizational skills
 Behavioral and interpersonal skills

5.10.4. Addressing learning needs of all students

An objective of education should be to help students build their skills in both their
preferred and less preferred modes of learning. Learning style models that
categorize these modes provide good frame works for designing instruction in
engineering education with the desired breadth. Four different learning style
models like; The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Kolb‘s Learning Style Model
(KLSM), Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) and Felder-Silverman

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Learning Style Model (FSLM) have been used effectively in engineering education
in this regard. A learning style model is useful if balancing instruction on each of
the model dimensions meets the learning needs of essentially all students in a

i. Different Learning Styles

The MBTI model classifies students either as extraverts or introverts, sensors or

intuitors, thinkers or feelers and judgers or perceivers. These MBTI preferences
can be combined to form 16 different learning style types. The KLSM categorizes
students as having a preference for concrete experience or abstract
conceptualization and active experimentation or reflective observation. The HBDI
method classifies students in terms of their relative preferences for thinking in four
different modes based on the task-specialized functioning of the physical brain.
For example, left brain, cerebral denoting logical, analytical, quantitative, factual
and critical; left brain, limbic relating to sequential, organized, planned, detailed
and structured; right brain, limbic pointing to emotional, interpersonal, sensory,
kinesthetic and symbolic; right brain, cerebral identifying with visual, holistic and
innovative. The FSLM demarcates the students either as sensing or intuitive
learners, visual or verbal learners, inductive or deductive learners, active learners
or reflective learners, sequential learners or global learners.

ii. Paradigm Shift

When one takes a closer look at some of the lacunae noticed in the present
practice of engineering instruction, the need for a paradigm shift to remedy the
situation becomes essential. For the past few decades, most engineering
instruction has been heavily biased toward intuitive, verbal, deductive, reflective
and sequential learners. However, relatively few engineering students fall into all
five of the abovementioned categories. Thus most engineering students receive an
education that is mismatched to their learning styles. This could hurt their
performance in tapping their creative potential and their attitudes toward their

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courses as well their career. Teaching students about learning styles helps them
learn the course material because they become aware of their thinking processes.
A variety of teaching methods such as group problem solving, brainstorming
activities, creative and innovative design projects and writing exercises in addition
to formal lecturing would greatly help in this regard. HBDI also can serve several
important functions that include: helping students gain insight into their learning
styles and formulate successful learning strategies, helping instructors understand
student‘s questions, comments and answers in the context of their thinking
preferences, helping instructors and students form whole-brain teams for optimum
problem solving and assessing the influence of curriculum changes on individual
and collective student thinking skills.

iii. Strategies

Instructors could greatly improve engineering instruction by increasing the use of

methods oriented toward active learners (participatory activities, field related
assignment works, team projects), sensing learners (guided practice, real-world
applications of fundamental material), and global learners (providing the big
picture, showing connections to related material in other courses and to the
students‘ experience). It is noted that presenting facts and familiar phenomena
first and then to theories and mathematical models rather than always using the
―fundamentals, then applications‖ approach makes it much more effective. Greater
emphasis on active learning experiences in class, replacing formula substitution
problems with open-ended questions and problem formulation exercises, usage of
extensive cooperative learning and to get the students to teach one another rather
than rely exclusively on the instructor can lead to improved student learning,
satisfaction with their instruction as well as self confidence that can do wonders to
their morale.

iv. Interactive based Blended e-learning

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The more the learner gets involved in the learning process, the better he will be
able to absorb, process and retain the information and make use of it in concrete
situations. In the active mode of knowledge and competence construction, the
learner is supported by the teacher- and also by means of targeted and structured
technical impulses The knowledge has a generally higher relevance as regards the
implementation in practice- the transfer turns out to be easier and the learner
experiences learning as a process that he himself can control and steer in steps.
In this context, the potential of blended e-learning (integration of traditional and
e-learning) can be exploited and hence is to be practiced, to the extent possible,
by the use of media and a Learning Management System (LMS). This can be done
by supporting the students to acquire learning contents themselves and by
assisting them as a mentor -not only in situations of physical presence in the class
room, but also outside the class room in the computer lab using the University‘s
own intranet or may be in the internet or even in a field setting. A teacher can
develop new and more interactive learning methods through the use of LMS and
e-learning platforms, depending on the scope and content of his own specific
subjects. Concerted efforts would be made by one and all concerned for its

v. Development of learner’s initiatives through project studies

Through these project study courses, the learner‘s initiatives are expected to be
developed for use in the world of work. Students would be required to identify the
actual problems during the course of their industrial internship, analyze them
exhaustively for proposing and developing viable solutions for their ultimate
implementation. This exercise is meant give the much needed boost to augment
their real life problem solving skills desperately needed in the present local
context. The scope of these project studies would be so formulated as to create
avenues for the learner to realize his innate creative potential through self learning
and testing, either in physical or virtual reality as may be applicable. In the end,
learners would acquire the confidence of practicing what they have learnt. This
can act as stepping stone for him to attempt and launch developmental endeavors
in the long run.

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vi. Community as a setting for participatory based learning

The learning activities would be extended in to the local communities for making
the education not only learner-centered but also participatory in nature. Teachers,
students, community, governmental and non-governmental /developmental
organizations would all be involved as stakeholders to empower people and affect
development in real terms. Students would be required to identify problems
affecting assigned communities, prioritize them for development of action plans
and for implementation and evaluation, adopting all the while an interdisciplinary
approach. Apart from honing their application and problem solving skills, this
would also enable the students to imbibe a sense of professional commitment to
mitigate the suffering of their fellow citizens, while using technology as a driving
force for development. The whole exercise is meant to integrate educational
training, research and service, both for achieving professional relevance as well as
to carry forward the task of development in the local context

vii. Assessment and review of teaching-learning process

To achieve quality assurance and to make the system self-correcting type in

nature, a series of checks and counter checks would be in-built. Periodic
assessment and updating of the teaching-learning methodologies for their impact
and effectiveness would be undertaken through independent evaluation schemes
involving all of the stakeholders. This also includes assessment of course outlines
and the standard of their content in view of the rapid technological advances, the
evolving trends of the labor market and a demand driven industrial environment.
Achieving close relevance in the Ethiopian context and cost effectiveness of the
methodologies/tools being employed, while fulfilling the requirements for
international accreditation would be used as the guiding principles in this regard.

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5.12. Quality Assurance

The quality of the programme offered by the Department is assessed by the

performance of its graduates and the impact they bear on the industrial sector of
the country. The quality assurance methods adopted by the Department include
the following:
- in line with the University policy, student evaluations regarding the
teaching-learning process are taken at the end of each semester;
- Feedback from employers and stakeholders is obtained through personal
contacts formally and/or informally;
- Former graduates of the programme;
- Students who go for higher studies in foreign institutions.
The current curriculum reform, though demanded by the Ministry of Capacity
Building, is part of an ongoing practice in quality assurance.

5.13. Grading System

Students are evaluated based on a continuous assessment principle and grading

will be on a fixed scale method as per the harmonized system;

scored out Grade
Letter Grade of 100 Point

I Incomplete
NG No Grade

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5.14. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

The conventional credit system used in higher education systems is mainly based
on student contact hours in class and laboratory sessions. A new system of credit
system is introduced that takes the extra hours a student spends for the course in
addition to lectures, tutorials, and laboratory practical. In ECTS credits are values,
allocated to course units, to describe the student workload required to complete a
course including attending lectures, seminars, independent and private study,
preparation of projects and examinations. In this revised curriculum, the ECTS
equivalent of the old credit system has been estimated and shown for each course
in the course breakdown.

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6.1. Course Offering Schedule

Year I
Semester I
Course Lab
Course Title Cr. hr ECTS Lec. Tut. H.S
Code P.
EnLa201 Communicative English Skills 3 5 32 48 0 55
Introduction to Engineering
Engg1031 2 3 32 0 0 49
MEng1032 Engineering Drawing 3 5 32 48 0 55
CEng1061 Engineering Mechanics I -Statics 3 5 32 48 0 55
Math131 Applied Mathematics I 4 6 48 48 0 66
CvEt201 Civics and Ethics 3 5 48 0 0 87
Total Semester Cr. 18 29 14 12 6 24

Year I
Semester II
Course Lab
Course Title Cr. hr ECTS Lec. Tut. H.S
Code P.
Engineering Mechanics II-
MEng1062 3 5 32 48 0 55
MEng1033 Basic Workshop Practice 2 3 16 0 48 17
MEng1081 Strength of Materials I 3 5 32 32 16 55
Math132 Applied Mathematics II 4 6 48 48 0 66
EnLa202 Basic Writing Skills 3 5 48 0 0 87
Econ202 Introduction to Economics 3 3 48 0 0 32
Phil201 Logic and Reasoning Skill 3 5 48 0 0 87
Total Semester Cr. 21 32 16 9 6 28

Year II
Semester I
Course Lab
Course Title Cr. hr ECTS Lec. Tut. H.S
Code P.
MEng2111 Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 5 32 48 0 55
MEng2091 Engineering Materials I 3 4 32 48 0 28
MEng2141 Machine Drawing I 3 5 16 96 0 23
MEng2082 Strength of Materials II 3 5 32 32 16 55
Math331 Applied Mathematics III 4 6 48 48 0 66
Introduction to Computer
MEng1052 3 5 16 96 0 23
Total Semester Cr. 19 30 13 21 0 26

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Year II
Semester II
Course Lab
Course Title Cr. hr ECTS Lec. Tut. H.S
Code P.
MEng2092 Engineering Materials II 2 3 32 0 0 49
MEng2112 Engineering Thermodynamics II 3 5 32 48 0 55
MEng2151 Machine Elements I 3 5 32 48 0 55
MEng2042 Machine Drawing II with CAD 3 5 16 96 0 23
MEng2053 Numerical Methods 3 5 32 0 48 55
MEng2093 Material Testing Laboratory 1 2 0 0 48 6
MEng2113 Fluid Mechanics 3 5 32 48 0 55
Total Semester Cr. 18 30 15 14 8 30

Year III
Semester I
Course Lab
Course Title Cr. hr ECTS Lec. Tut. H.S
Code P.
MEng3071 Mechanisms of Machinery 3 5 32 32 16 55
MEng3121 Heat transfer 3 5 32 48 0 55
Probability and Statistics for
Stat 262 3 4 32 48 0 28
MEng2152 Machine Elements II 3 5 32 48 0 55
MEng3181 Manufacturing Engineering I 3 4 32 48 0 28
MEng3131 Thermo fluid Laboratory 1 2 16 96 0 50
ECE3281 Basic Electricity and Electronics 3 4 16 16 32 17
Total Semester Cr. 19 29 192 336 48 288

Year III
Semester II
Course Lab
Course Title Cr. hr ECTS Lec. Tut. H.S
Code P.
Meng3201 Turbomachinery 3 5 32 48 0 55
MEng3072 Mechanical Vibration 3 5 32 32 16 55
ECE3282 Electrical Machines and Drives 3 4 32 16 32 55
Instrumentation and
MEng3261 3 4 32 0 48 28
MEng3161 Machine Design Project 3 6 16 96 0 50
MEng3182 Manufacturing Engineering II 3 4 32 48 0 28
Technical Writing And Research
Meng3102 2 3 16 48 0 17
Total Semester Cr. 20 31 12 19 10 24

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Year IV
Semester I
Course Lab
Course Title Cr. hr ECTS Lec. Tut. H.S
Code P.
MEng4251 Material Handling Equipments 3 5 32 48 0 55
IC Engines and Reciprocating
MEng4202 3 5 32 48 0 55
MEng4262 Fluid Power Systems 3 5 32 16 32 55
MEng4221 Motor Vehicle Engineering 3 4 32 0 48 55
Welding, Metal Forming and
MEng4192 1 2 0 0 96 0
Casting Laboratory Practice
IC Engine and Turbomachine
MEng4203 1 2 0 0 48 6
MEng4191 Workshop Practice II 2 3 0 0 6 0
Elective I
MEng 3 5 32 48 0 55
Total Semester Cr. 19 31 160 160 230 281

Year IV
Semester II
Course Lab
Course Title Cr. hr ECTS Lec. Tut. H.S
Code P.
ENGG 4291 Internship 15 30 0 0 640 35
Total Semester Cr. 15 30 0 0 30 4
*The Holistic Examination has its own regulation described in this curriculum as‖
Holistic Examination‖

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Year V
Semester I
Course Lab
Course Title Cr. hr ECTS Lec. Tut. H.S
Code P.
MEng5211 Power Plant Engineering 3 5 32 48 0 55
Introduction to Finite Element
MEng5171 3 4 32 16 32 28
Maintenance of Machinery and
MEng5231 3 4 32 16 32 28
Refrigeration and air
MEng5212 3 5 32 48 0 55
Elective II
MEng 3 5 32 48 0 55
Elective III
MEng 3 6 16 96 0 50
Total Semester Cr. 18 29 176 272 64 271

Year V
Semester II
Course Lab
Course Title Cr. hr ECTS Lec. Tut. H.S
Code P.
Industrial Management &
IEng5241 3 4 32 48 0 28
Engineering Economy
MEng5271 Introduction to Mechatronics 3 5 32 16 32 55
IEng5242 Entrepreneurship for Engineers 3 4 32 48 0 28
Regulation and Control 3 5 32 16 32 55
MEng5391 B.Sc. Thesis 6 12 0 96 192 36
Total Semester Cr. 18 30 128 224 256 202

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6.2. Course Description and Course Outlines

CEng1061- Engineering Mechanics I – Statics
Department of Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology, XXX University
Course Code CEng1061
Course Title Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
Degree program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Engineering Mechanics
Module coordinator
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours(Per Lectures Tutorials Practices/laboratory Home
Semester) Study
32 48 0 55

Course Objective & The course enables students to:

competences to be appreciate how physical bodies interact with their
acquired surrounding and attain a state of rest.
know how to isolate a structure or part of it and show
the forces acting on it
apply the principles of force systems for analyzing of
interpret the concept of c.g, c.m and centroid as applied
to distributed forces
 know section properties of members of
a structure which are measures of stiffness
understand the nature of friction and quantify it
This course presents the fundamental physical concepts,
laws and principles which are essential for solving
Course Description engineering problems. As it is a pre-requisite to the senior
engineering courses, students are expected to grasp the
basics of the courses through discussion, reading and

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1. Basics of Statics
Course outline 1.1. Introduction
1.2. Basic Concepts in Mechanics
1.3. Scalars and Vectors
1.4. Newton‘s Laws
1.5. Free Body Diagram
2. Force systems
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Coplanar Force Systems (2-D)
2.2.1. Resolution of a Force
2.2.2. Moment, Couple & Force-Couple systems
2.2.3. Resultants
2.3. Non-Coplanar Force Systems (3-D)
2.3.1. Resolution of a Force
2.3.2. Moment, Couple & Force-Couple systems
2.3.3. Resultants
3. Equilibrium
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Equilibrium in Two-Dimensions
3.3. Equilibrium in Three-Dimensions
4. Analysis of structures
4.1. Introduction
4.2 Trusses
4.2.1. Plane Trusses Method of Joints Method of Sections
4.3. Pin-ended Multi-Force Structures
4.3.1. Frames
4.3.2. Simple Machines (optional)

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5. Distributed forces
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Center of Gravity, Center of Mass & Centroid
5.3. Composite bodies
5.4. Theorem of Pappus (optional)
5.5. Beams-External effects (optional)
6. Area moments of inertia
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Composite Areas
6.3. Product of Inertia
6.4. Transfer of Axes
6.5. Rotation of Axes (optional)
7. Friction (optional)
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Types of Friction
7.3. Dry Friction
Pre-requisite None
Semester/Year Year I, Semester I
Course Status Compulsory
Teaching & Lectures supported by tutorials
Learning Methods
Evaluation & Continues Assessments 60%
grading Systems Final exam 40%
Attendance Minimum of 85% attendance during lecture& tutorials

Literatures Merriam, J. L.―Engineering Mechanics (Statics)‖, 6th ed.,

J. L. Meriam & L. G. Kraige, Engineering mechanics:
Statics, Fifth Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
J. Shelly, Solved problems in vector Mechanics for

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Engineers, Volume I & II

K.M Walker, Applied Mechanics for engineering
Joseph F. Shelly, Schaum‘s solved problem serious, 800
solved problems in vector mechanics for
Joseph. F. Shelley, Engineering Mechanics, 1998

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MEng 1062– Engineering Mechanics II –Dynamics

Department of Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology, XXX University
Course Code MEng 1062
Course Title Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Engineering Mechanics
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Practice or
Lecture Tutorial Home study
Hours(Per Laboratory
Semester) 32 48 0 55
Course The course enables students to:
Objectives: Understand and apply basic principles that govern the motion
of objects.
Develop appropriate mathematical models that represent
physical systems.
Select appropriate coordinate systems for physical systems and
analyze motion variables such as position, velocity, and
Derive equations of motion that relate forces acting on systems
and the resulting motion.
Course Basic equations of motion; Kinematics of particles and rigid
Description: bodies; Kinetics of particles and rigid bodies

Course Outline: 1. Introduction: Basic concepts; equations of motion;

2. Kinematics of particles: rectangular motion; plane
curvilinear motion; coordinate systems; relative motion;

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constrained motion
3. Kinetics of Particles: Newton‘s second law; Work Energy
equation; Impulse and Momentum; Impact
4. Kinematics of rigid bodies: Fixed axis rotation; Absolute
motion; relative motion.
5. Kinetics of rigid bodies: General equations of motion; Work
Energy method; Impulse and Momentum
Laboratory Exercises using Static and Dynamic Balancing Apparatus,
Exercises Centrifugal Force Apparatus, Rolling Disc on Inclined Plane,
Critical Speed Investigation Apparatus.
Pre-requisites: CEng 1061 Engineering Mechanics I (Statics);
 Applied Mathematics I
Semester/ Year Year I, Semester II
Status of Course: Compulsory
Teaching and  Lectures supported by tutorials
Learning methods
Assessment/ Continues Assessments 60%
evaluation & Final Examination 40 %.
Grading Systems
Attendance Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours; and
Requirement: 100% attendance during practical work sessions.

Literature: Textbook:
Meriam J.L., Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, 6th ed., 2003.

1.Hibbeler, Rusel M., Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics,10th

ed., 2003
2.Beer, Johnston, Clausen, Eisenberg, Cornwell, Vector
Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 9th ed., 2004.

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MEng1081: Strength of Materials I

Department of Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology, XXX University
Course code MEng1081
Course Title Strength of Materials I
Degree Program BSc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Mechanics of Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or practice Home
semester ) study
32 32 16 55
Course Objectives
 To analyze the behavior of solid bodies subjected to
various types of loading, such as axially loaded
members, shafts in torsion, beams, and columns, as
well as structures that are assemblies of these
 To provide the students with the foundation of design
Course Objectives &
 To develop the students the ability to analyze a given
Competences to be
problem in a simple and logical manner and to apply
fundamental principles to its solutions
 To expose students the basic concepts of mechanics of
materials that will help them to understand the relation
among bodies, properties of materials, stress, strain
Student Learning Outcome
 Students will be able to make stress and strain analysis
of components

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 Students will be able to measurements of deflection,

stress and strain
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Forces and Stresses
1.3 Axial Loading; Normal Stress
1.4 Shearing Stress
1.5 Bearing Stress in Connections
1.6 Application to the Analysis of Simple Structures
1.7 Stress on an Oblique Plane under Axial Loading
1.8 Ultimate and Allowable Stress: Factor of Safety
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Normal Strain under Axial Loading
2.3 Stress-Strain Diagram
2.4 Hooke's Law; Modulus of Elasticity
2.5 Elastic versus Plastic Behavior of a Material
Course Description/Course
2.6 Deformations of Members under Axial Loading
2.7 Statically Indeterminate Problems
2.8 Problems Involving Temperature Changes
2.9 Poisson's Ratio
2.10 Multi axial Loading; Generalized Hooke's Law
2.11 Shearing Strain
2.12 Discussion of the Deformations under Axial
Practical: Tensile testing to study the stress strain
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Deformations in a Circular Shaft
3.3 Stresses in the Elastic Range
3.4 Angle of Twist in the Elastic Range
3.5 Statically Indeterminate Shafts

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3.6 Design of Transmission Shafts

Practical: Experiments to determine angle of twist and
shear stress
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Prismatic Members in Pure Bending
4.3 Deformations in a Symmetric Member in Pure
4.4 Stresses and Deformations in the Elastic Range
4.5 Deformations in a Transverse Cross Section
4.6 Bending of Members Made of Several Materials
4.7 Eccentric Axial Loading in a Plane of Symmetry
4.8 Unsymmetrical Bending
4.9 General Case of Eccentric Axial Loading
Practical: Experiments on bending of beams
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Transformation of Plane Stress
5.3 Principal Stresses; Maximum Shearing Stress
5.4 Mohr‘s Circle for Plane Stress
5.5 Application of Mohr's Circle to the Three-
Dimensional Analysis of Stress
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Basic Considerations for the Design of Prismatic
6.3 Shear and Bending-Moment Diagrams
6.4 Relations among Load, Shear, and Bending
6.5 Principal Stresses in a Beam
6.6 Design of Prismatic Beams
7.1 Introduction

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7.2 Deformation of a Beam under Transverse Loading

7.3 Equation of the Elastic Curve
7.4 Statically Indeterminate Beams
7.5 Method of Superposition
7.6 Beam deflection by Integration method
7.7. Beam deflection by moment area method
Practical: Experiments on deflection of beams
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Stability of Structures
8.3 Euler's Formula for Pin-Ended Columns
8.4 Extension of Euler's Formula to Columns with Other
End Conditions
8.5 Design of Columns under a Centric Load
8.6 Design of Columns under an Eccentric Load
Pre-requisites CEng 1061, Math 131
Semester Year I, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
 Lectures
Teaching & Learning
 Tutorials and laboratory exercises
 Assignments
Assessment/Evaluation &
Continuous assessment--%
Grading System
Final examination --%
Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours, and 100%
Attendance Requirements attendance during practical work sessions, except for some
unprecedented mishaps.
1. Ferdinand P. Beer, Jr., E. Russell Johnston, and John T.
DeWolf, Mechanics of Materials, Jan 20, 2005
2. Popov, E.P., Mechanics of Materials(SI Version), 1978.
(Old but still a good one.)
3. Beer, F.P. and Johnston E. Russell, Mechanics of
Materials, 2005.

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4. Robert L. Mott, Applied Strength of Materials, 2001.

5. Hearn, E.S., Mechanics of Materials, Aug. 1997
6. Andrew Pytel and Ferdinand L. Singer, Strength of
Material, 1987
7. Nash, W.A., Strength of Materials (Schaum‘s Outline
Series), July 1, 1998

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MEng2082: Strength of Materials II

Department of Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology, XXX University
Course code MEng2082
Course Title Strength of Materials II
Degree Program BSc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Mechanics of Materials
Module Coordinator N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or practice Home study
semester) 32 32 16 55
Course Objectives
 To extend the principles of mechanics of materials
thereby, to prepare the students for the basic
understanding and application of these principles in
mechanical design.
Course Objectives & Student Learning Outcome
Competences to be  Students will be able to understand energy methods for
Acquired the analysis of loads in determinate and indeterminate
 Students will be able to analyze curved beams, circular
plates, rings, and cylinders.
 Students will be able to conduct experiments on impact
loading, stresses in thin and thick cylinders
1. Deflection of Beams: work and Energy method
Elastic Strain Energy.
 Uni-axial stress
 Pure bending
 Shear stress
 Torsion

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 Multi axial stress

2. Statically indeterminate problems
 Introduction
 Elastic methods of analysis
 Two basic methods for elastic analysis
 Force method
 Displacement method
3. Unsymmetrical Bending
 Bending about both principal axes
 Elastic bending with axial loads
 Bending of beams with unsymmetrical
cross sections
 Bending of curved beams
4. Torsion of non-circular and thin walled sections
 Torsion of non-circular cross sections
 Torsion of thin walled cross sections
5. Strains beyond the elastic limits
Ultimate load capacity of members
 Axially loaded
 Plastic bending
Moment curvature relation
 Plastic hinges
 Determination of the collapse load
6. Thin and thick cylinders
Thin cylinders and shells
Thick cylinders
Practical: Laboratory visits on thick and thin cylinders
7. Rings, Discs and cylinders subjected to rotational
and thermal gradients
Rotating thin cylinders and rings
Rotating thick cylinders (hollow shafts) and/or solid shafts
8. Pressure Vessels

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Classification of pressure vessels

Stress in cylindrical shells due to internal pressure
Changes in the dimensions of cylindrical shells
Stress in compound cylindrical shells subjected to internal
Cylindrical heads and cover plates
Introduction to pressure vessel codes and standards
9. Theories of Elastic Failure:
Maximum principal stress Theory
Maximum shear stress theory
Total strain shear stress theory
Distortion energy theory
Mohr‘s modified shear stress theory for brittle materials
Pre-requisites MEng 1081
Semester Year II, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
 Lectures
Teaching & Learning
 Tutorials and Laboratory exercises
 Assignments
Continuous assessment--%
& Grading System
Final examination --%
Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours, and 100%
attendance during practical work sessions, except for some
unprecedented mishaps.
1. Ferdinand P. Beer, Jr., E. Russell Johnston, and John T.
DeWolf, Mechanics of Materials, Jan 20, 2005
2. Popov, E.P., Mechanics of Materials (SI Version), 1978.
(Old but still a good one.)
3. Beer, F.P. and Johnston E. Russell, Mechanics of
Materials, 2005.
4. Robert L. Mott, Applied Strength of Materials, 2001.
5. Hearn, E.S., Mechanics of Materials, Aug. 1997

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6. Andrew Pytel and Ferdinand L. Singer, Strength of

Material, 1987
7. Nash, W.A., Strength of Materials (Schaum‘s Outline
Series),Jul y1, 1998

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MEng2111– Engineering Thermodynamics I

Course Code MEng2111
Course Title Engineering Thermodynamics I
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Engineering Thermo-fluid
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 5
Course Objectives
 Provide students to understand the basic concepts
under thermodynamics
 Familiarize students to understand relationship
between internal energy, heat and work as expressed
by the First Law of Thermodynamics;
 Apply the conservation of energy to thermodynamic
 State and explain the Second Law of
Course Objectives & Thermodynamics
Competences to be  Explain how the Carnot cycle applies to heat engines
Acquired and refrigeration cycles
 To prepare the student to effectively use
thermodynamics in the practice of engineering
 To provide a comprehensive study of gas and vapor
power cycles and systems
Student Learning Outcome
 Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of
the nature of the Thermodynamic processes for pure
substances and ideal gases.
 Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of

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the first law of Thermodynamics and its applications

to systems and control volumes.
 Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the
second law of Thermodynamics and its applications
to systems and control volumes.
 Students will demonstrate ability to use the first law
of Thermodynamics for energy conservation analysis
of different Thermodynamic processes of systems
and control volumes.
 Students will demonstrate ability to use the second
law of Thermodynamics for entropy balance analysis
of different Thermodynamic processes of systems
and control volumes.
 Students will demonstrate ability to evaluate the
thermal performance of different heat engine cycles
through the calculation of their thermal efficiency or
coefficient of performance.
 Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of
Thermodynamic relations, and apply first and second
law of Thermodynamics to equipment and processes,
power cycles
 Students will demonstrate ability to apply first and
second law of Thermodynamics to perform
parametric studies to power cycles and systems with
and without computer softwares.
 Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of
irreversibility and availability, power cycles
 Students will demonstrate the ability to give a
professional and well-organized presentation of their
design and analysis through the use of written report

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Course Thermodynamic notions and systems; Fundamental

Description/Course concepts; Pure substances; Vapor pressure curves; Steam
Contents tables; Phase diagrams of steam; First law of
Thermodynamics: closed and open systems, enthalpy;
Second law of Thermodynamics: Reversible and irreversible
processes; Carnot cycle; Entropy; Availability;
Course Contents 1. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions
 Thermodynamics and Energy
 Note on dimensions and units
 Closed and open systems
 Forms of energy
 Properties of system
 State and equilibrium
 Process and cycles
 The state postulate
 Pressure
 Temperature and the zeroth law of thermodynamics
2. Properties of a Pure Substance
 Pure substance
 Phases of a pure substance
 Phase-change processes of pure substance
 Property diagrams for phase-change processes
 Vapor pressure and phase equilibrium
 Property tables
 The ideal gas equation of state
 Compressibility factor- a measure of deviation from
ideal gas behavior
3. Work and heat
 Definition of work
 Units of work
 Work done at the moving boundary of a simple
compressible system

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 Other systems that involve work

 Definition of heat
 Heat transfer modes
 Comparison of heat and work
4. First Law of Thermodynamics
 Introduction to the first law
 Definition of heat
 Heat transfer modes
 Work
 Mechanical forms of work
 The first law of thermodynamics
 Specific heats
 Internal energy, enthalpy, and specific heats of ideal
gases, solids, and liquids
 The first law of thermodynamics for control volume
5. Second Law of Thermodynamics
 Introduction to the second law of thermodynamics
 Thermal energy reservoirs
 Heat engines
 Refrigerators and heat pumps
 Reversible and irreversible processes
 The carnot cycle
 The carnot principles
 The thermodynamic temperature scale
 The carnot heat engine
 The carnot refrigerator and heat pump
 Second law analysis for a control volume
6. Entropy
 Entropy
 The increase of entropy principle
 Entropy change of pure substance
 Isentropic processes
 Property diagrams involving entropy

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 The T ds relations
 Entropy change of liquids, solids, and ideal gases
 Reversible steady-flow work
 Minimizing the compressor work
 Reducing the cost of compressed air
 Isentropic efficiencies of steady-flow devices
 Entropy balance
7. Availability and Irreversibility
 Available energy, reversible work, and irreversibility
 Availability and second law efficiency
 Exergy balance equation
Pre-requisites Applied Mathematics I
Semester 3rd
Status of Course Core
Teaching & Lectures supported by tutorials, and Assignments.
Learning Methods
Assessment/Evaluat  Assignments 10%
ion & Grading  Group Assignment 10%
System  Quiz 10%
 Mid-semester Examination 20%
 Final Examination 50%.
Attendance Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours, and
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature Textbook:
Cengel Y A.,Bole M A., Thermodynamics – An Engineering
Approach, Sep 22, 2006.
1. Sonntag R.E.,‖ Fundamentals of Thermodynamics‖,
Sept 13, 2004.
2. Michael J. Moran, H.N. Shapiro, ―Fundamentals of
Engineering Thermodynamics‖, Mar 9, 2007.
3. Eastop T.D and McConkey A., Applied

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Thermodynamics, Feb 29, 1996.

4. Wark K.Jr, Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers,
Sep. 1994.
5. ASME Steam Tables (Crtd), Jun 30, 2006.

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Meng2113 Fluid Mechanics

Course Code MEng2113

Course Title Fluid Mechanics
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Engineering Thermo-fluid
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 5
Course Objectives & The course enables students to:
Competences to be  Assimilate concepts, principles, laws, observations,
Acquired and models of fluids at rest and in motion,
 Grasp the basis for understanding fluid behavior for
engineering design and control of fluid systems,
 Acquire competence with mass, energy and
momentum balances for determining resultant
interactions of flows and engineered as well as
natural systems,
 Develop the basis for correlating experimental data,
designing procedures, and using scale models of fluid
flows, Newtonian and non- Newtonian flows,
 Comprehend the nature of rotation, circulation,
resistance (viscous, turbulent), boundary layers, and
separation with applications to drag and lift on
objects, and
 Learn methods for computing head losses (major &
minor) and flows in simple pipes and channels.
 Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
involving compressible fluid flows
 Understand the principles of operation of flow

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measuring instruments, conduct measurements,

evaluate the data and draw conclusions
Course Description Introduction to Fluid Mechanics; Hydrostatics pressure in
Fluids; Flow Classification; Properties of flows; Viscous fluid
flows Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows; Turbulent flow
in pipes. Dimensional analysis, Lift and Drag on aerofoils,
Two-dimensional potential flow theory
Detailed Course 1. Introduction
Contents Relevance and significance in engineering
applications, Definitions, Fluid Properties, Flow
Analysis Techniques, Flow Patterns
1. Fluid Statics
Introduction, Pressure specifications, Hydrostatic
pressure distributions, Manometry, Hydrostatic
Forces on plane surfaces, Hydrostatic forces on
curved surfaces, Buoyancy and Stability, Pressure
variation with rigid body motion
2. Integral Relations For A Control Volume
Introduction, physical laws of fluid mechanics, the
Reynolds transport theorem, Conservation of mass
equation, Linear momentum equation, Angular
momentum equation, Energy equation, Bernoulli
3. Differential Relations For A Fluid Flow
Introduction, Acceleration field, Conservation of
mass equation, Linear momentum equation, Energy
equation, Boundary condition, Stream function,
Vorticity and Irrotationality
4. Dimensional Analysis And Similitude
Introduction, Dimensional homogeneity, Buckingham
pi theorem, Non dimensionalization of basic
equations, Similitude, Significance of non-
dimensional numbers in fluid flows

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5. Boundary Layer Concept

Introduction, Reynolds number and geometry
concept, Momentum integral equations, Boundary
layer equations, Flow over a flat plate, Flow over
cylinder, Pipe flow, fully developed laminar pipe
flow, turbulent pipe flow, Losses in pipe flow
6. Compressible Flow
Introduction, Speed of sound, Steady flow, Flow with
area change- Nozzles and Diffusers, Normal shock
wave, Duct flow with friction
7. Introduction to 2D-Potential Flow Theory
Introduction, Plane potential flow, Superposition of
plane-Flow solutions, Plane flow past closed-body
shapes, Aerofoil theory (optional)
Pre-requisites Math231(Applied Mathematics III)
Semester 2nd
Status of Course Core
Teaching &  Lectures supported by tutorials, and
Learning Methods  Audio-visual CD-ROMs
 Group tasks
 Seminar presentations
 Assignments (course project).
Assessment/Evaluat  Tutorial Activity:5%
ion & Grading  Assignments =15%,
System  Quizzes: 15%,
 Test: 15%,
 Seminar presentations: 10%
 Final Examination: 40%.
Attendance Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours, and
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature Textbook:
Frank M. White, Fluid Mechanics with Student CD

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(McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering), Oct 17,

1. Yunus A. Cengel and John Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics,
Jan 31, 2005.
2. Robert L Mott, Applied Fluid Mechanics SI Version, May
31, 2006.
3. Iain G. Currie, Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, Third
Edition (Mechanical Engineering (Marcell Dekker)), Dec
12, 2002.
4. Donald F. Young, Bruce R. Munson, Theodore H.
Okiishi, and Wade W. Huebsch, A Brief Introduction to
Fluid Mechanics, Jan 22, 2007.
5. Bruce R.Munson, et al, Fundamentals of Fluid
Mechanics, 2005.
6. Krishnamachar, P & Manohar, M, Fluid Mechanics I, 4Th
Edition, 2004.
7. Krishnamachar, P & Manohar, M, Fluid Mechanics II, 2nd
Edition, 2004.

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MEng2112– Engineering Thermodynamics II

Course Code MEng2112
Course Title Engineering Thermodynamics II
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Engineering Thermo-fluid
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 5
Course Objectives & The course enables students to understand:
Competences to be  The basic principles involved in mixture of ideal gases
Acquired and gas-vapor mixtures.
 The types of fuels and their combustion attributes.
 Apply thermodynamic concepts to describe the
performance of the individual components of an
engineering system, e.g. a power plant, a jet engine,
etc., and then relate that information to the overall
performance of the entire system.
 The basic principles of refrigeration.
Course Ideal gases and their mixtures, gas-steam mixtures, wet
Description/Course air, psychometric charts and air conditioning process. Vapor
Contents power and refrigeration cycles. Air standard cycles.
Thermodynamic relations. Combustion. Phase equilibrium.
Introduction to refrigeration processes.
Course Contents 1. Ideal gases and their mixtures
Composition of a Gas Mixture: Mass and Mole
Fractions, P-v-T Behavior of Gas Mixtures: Ideal and
Real Gases, Properties of Gas Mixtures: Ideal and Real
2. Gas-steam mixtures and air conditioning

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Dry and Atmospheric Air, Specific and Relative
Humidity of Air, Dew-Point Temperature, Adiabatic
Saturation and Wet-Bulb Temperatures, The
Psychrometric Chart, Human Comfort and Air-
Conditioning, Air-Conditioning Processes:-Simple
Heating and Cooling, Heating with Humidification,
Cooling with Dehumidification, Evaporative Cooling,
Adiabatic Mixing of Airstreams, Wet Cooling Towers
3. Air standard cycles:
basic Considerations in the Analysis of Power Cycles,
The Carnot Cycle and Its Value in Engineering, Air-
Standard Assumptions, An Overview of Reciprocating
Engines, Otto Cycle: The Ideal Cycle for Spark-Ignition
Engines, Diesel Cycle: The Ideal Cycle for
Compression-Ignition Engines, Stirling and Ericsson
Cycles, Brayton Cycle: The Ideal Cycle for Gas-Turbine
Engines, Development of Gas Turbines, Deviation of
Actual Gas-Turbine Cycles from Idealized Ones, The
Brayton Cycle with Regeneration, The Brayton Cycle
with Intercooling, Reheating, and Regeneration, Ideal
Jet-Propulsion Cycles, Modifications to Turbojet
Engines, Second-Law Analysis of Gas Power Cycles.
4. Vapor power cycles:
The Carnot Vapor Cycle, Rankine Cycle: The Ideal
Cycle for Vapor Power Cycles, Energy Analysis of the
Ideal Rankine Cycle, Deviation of Actual Vapor Power
Cycles from Idealized Ones. Increasing the Efficiency
of the Rankine Cycle: - Lowering the Condenser
Pressure, Superheating the Steam to High
Temperatures, Increasing the Boiler Pressure. The
Ideal Reheat Rankine Cycle, The Ideal Regenerative
Rankine Cycle, Open Feedwater Heaters, Closed

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Feedwater Heaters, Second-Law Analysis of Vapor

Power Cycles, Cogeneration, Combined Gas–Vapor
Power Cycles.
5. Refrigeration Cycles
Refrigerators and Heat Pumps, The Reversed Carnot
Cycle, The Ideal Vapor-Compression Refrigeration
Cycle, Actual Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle,
Selecting the Right Refrigerant, Heat Pump Systems,
Innovative Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Systems.
6. Thermodynamic relations
Partial Derivatives and Associated Relations, The
Maxwell Relations, The Clapeyron Equation, General
Relations for du, dh, ds, Cv, and Cp, The Joule-
Thomson Coefficient, The Δh, Δu, and Δs of Real
7. Combustion:
Fuels and Combustion, Theoretical and Actual
Combustion Processes, Enthalpy of Formation and
Enthalpy of Combustion, First-Law Analysis of
Reacting Systems, Steady-Flow Systems, Closed
Systems, Adiabatic Flame Temperature, Entropy
Change of Reacting Systems, Second-Law Analysis of
Reacting systems
8. Phase equilibrium
Criterion for Chemical Equilibrium, The Equilibrium
Constant for Ideal-Gas Mixtures, Some Remarks about
the KP of Ideal-Gas Mixtures, Chemical Equilibrium for
Simultaneous Reactions, Variation of KP with
Temperature, Phase Equilibrium, Phase Equilibrium for
a Single-Component System, The Phase Rule, Phase
Equilibrium for a Multicomponent System.
Pre-requisites MEng2111 (Thermodynamics I.)
Semester 4th

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Status of Course Core

Teaching &  Lectures supported by tutorials, and
Learning Methods  Assignments.
 Steam Power Plant Experiment
Assessment/Evaluat  Assignments 10%,
ion & Grading  Group Assignment 15%,
System  Quizzes 10%,
 Mid-semester Examination 20%,
 Final Examination 50%.
Attendance Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours, and
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature Textbook:
Cengel Y A.,Bole M A., Thermodynamics – An
Engineering Approach, Sep 22, 2006.
1. Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A. Boles,
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach
with Student Resource DVD, Sep 22, 2006.
2. Eastop & McConkey, Applied Thermodynamics for
Engineering Technologists (5th Edition), Feb 29, 1996.
3. Sharpe G. J., Applied Thermodynamics and Energy
Conversion, Aug. 1987
4. Wark K. Jr, Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers,
McGraw-Hill, Sept 1, 1994
5. ASME Steam Tables (Crtd), Jun 30, 2006.
6. Sonntag R.E.,‖ Fundamentals of Thermodynamics‖,
Sept 13, 2004.
7. Michael J. Moran, H.N. Shapiro, ―Fundamentals of
Engineering Thermodynamics‖, Mar 9, 2007.
8. Eastop T.D and McConkey A., Applied
Thermodynamics, Feb 29, 1996.
9. Wark K.Jr, Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers,

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Sep. 1994.

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MEng2141: Machine Drawing

Department of Mechanical Engineering
(All Government Ethiopian Universities)
Course Code MEng2141
Course Title Machine Drawing
Module Machine Drawing module
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(5)
Contact Hours (per 135(16+96+0+48)
Course Objectives & Course Objectives
Competences to be  Give complete practice on drawings of various machine elements
Acquired and their assemblies.
 Introduce the students to various types of detailed and assembled
drawings of simple machines.
 Make them practice the use of machine tolerance allowance,
surface texture symbols
 Teach them how to assemble and visualize machine components
Competences (Learning Outcomes)
 Acquire the knowledge and ability of visualizing different
mechanical components
 Communicate with others through standard works
 Prepare exploded view and spare part drawings of a task
Course Course Description
Description/Course Types of machine Drawings; Conventional representation of
Contents Fasteners such as screw threads, rivets and welds , Bearings, Seals,
Gears, Springs and Shafts; Welded Connections, Systems of Fits and
limits, Tolerance and Allowance , Surface Texture, Geometric
Tolerance; Exercises using simple units such as check valves,
workshop jacks, vises, hand pumps, hand grinders, hand drills, and

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so forth. Detail parts and assembly drawings of machines.

Course Contents 1.Fundamentals of Machine Drawing: Standardization; Paper

size; Scales; Title block; Lettering; Bill of materials
2.Types of Machine Drawing: Assembly drawings; Part drawings;
Shop drawings; Catalogue drawings; Schematic representations;
Patent drawings
3.Dimensioning: Size dimensions; Location dimensions; Rules in
dimensioning; Dimensioning of standard features
4.Temporary Fasteners: Bolted joint; Riveted joint; Pinned and
keyed joints; Circlip
5. Bearings and Seals: Bearings; Seals
6. Gears: Spur gears; Bevel gears; Worm gears and worm
7. Springs: Compression springs; Tension springs; Torsion
8. Shafts: Splined shafts; Serrated shafts
9. Welded Connections: Types of welded joints; Conventional
10. Fits and Tolerance
11. Surface Texture
12. Geometric Tolerance
13. Working Drawing: Detail drawings; Assembly drawings
Pre-requisites MEng1032 (Engineering Drawing)
Status of Course compulsory
Teaching &  Lectures supported by class exercises,
Learning Methods  Assignment Common for all the students, and
 Individual Assignments, which is not same for each student.
Assembled units and cut section models

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 Reading and understanding technical drawings, drawing

 Dimensioning Exercises, Measuring of parts
 Familiarization with individual parts and modules
 Planning assembly processes
 Assembly exercises, complete assembly
 Assembly project spur gear
 Assembly check Valve
 Assembly Project Piston Compressor
 Assembly project warm gear
Assembly Project Worm Gear, Parts Set
Assessment/Evaluat  Continuous assessment 60%,
ion & Grading Final Examination 40%.
Attendance Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours, and 100%
Requirements attendance during practical work sessions, except for some
unprecedented mishaps.
Literature References:
1. Cecil H. Jensen, Jay D. Helsel, and Dennis Short, Engineering
Drawing And Design, Aug 17, 2007
2. David, Allan Low, Manual of Machine Drawing and Design
- Mechanical Drawing, Jun 1, 2006
3. Singh S., & Sah, P.L., Fundamentals of Machine Drawing,
Printice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003
4. Frederick E Giesecke, Alva Mitchell, Henry C Spencer, and Ivan
Leroy Hill, Engineering Graphics (8th Edition), Aug 12,
5. Sidheswar, N., Machine Drawing, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New York, 1989
6. Frank M., Fredrick D., Edwin T., Michael J., & John T.,
Engineering Graphics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989
7. Thomas French, Charles Vierck, and Robert Foster,
Engineering Drawing and Graphics Technology, Jan 1, 1993.

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8. Sidheswar, N., Machine Drawing, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing

Company Ltd., New York, 1989

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MEng2142: Machine Drawing with CAD

Department of Mechanical Engineering
(All Government Ethiopian Universities)
Course Code MEng2142
Course Title Machine Drawing with CAD
Module Machine Drawing module
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(5)
Contact Hours (per 135(16+0+96+23)
Course Objectives & Course Objectives
Competences to be To equip students with the most common engineering graphics
Acquired software (AutoCAD) and help them practice on it.
Complete practice on detail and assemble drawings of various
mechanisms of simple machines is done using this tool
Give complete practice on drawings of various machine elements
and their assemblies.
Make them practice the use of machine tolerance allowance, surface
texture symbols
Teach them how to assemble and visualize machine
Competences (Learning Outcomes)
Acquire the knowledge and ability of visualizing different mechanical
Communicate with others through standard works
Prepare exploded view and spare part drawings of a task
Course Introduction to representing of drawing primitives on a computer;
Description/Course CAD
Contents hardware and software; Basic commands of drawing and drawing
settings, editing, dimensioning, text annotations of a CAD software;
Project work of two-dimensional mechanical drawing with CAD

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Introduction to three dimensional drawing and parametric design.

Course Contents 1. Introduction to Basic CAD software: CAD window; Setting up

of a new drawing; Working with an existing CAD files; Hardware
and Software tips
2. Basic Drawing & Editing Commands: Drawing Lines; Drawing
circles and circular arcs; Drawing ellipse and elliptical arcs;
Drawing polygons; Drawing Curves (Sketch); Creating regions;
Hatching areas
3. Drawing Precision in CAD: Using Object Snap; Making
changes in a drawing; advanced editing commands; Changing an
object's length; Blocks; Attributes.
4. Text Annotation and Dimensioning: Adding text to drawing;
Adding Dimensions
5. Introduction to 3D Drawings: Working in 3D; Solid modeling;
Visualization techniques (Rendering Concepts)
6. Introduction to parametric design (Pro Engineer)
Pre-requisites Meng1032 (Engineering Drawing)
Status of Course compulsory
Teaching & i. Projects will be given to the students first the minor and after its
Learning Methods completion, the major project will then be given. Regular
Checkups and progresses of the projects should be considered
to finally evaluate the students‘ performances.
Assessment/Evaluat  Minor project 25%
ion & Grading  Major project 45%
System  Progresses of the project 10%
 General Examination with content AutoCAD
Attendance 100% attendance during working sessions, except for some

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Requirements unprecedented mishaps.

Literature 1. Cecil H. Jensen, Jay D. Helsel, and Dennis Short, Engineering
Drawing And Design, Aug 17, 2007.
2. Singh, s., & Sah, P.L., Fundamentals of Machine Drawing,
Printice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003
3. Raisor E. Max, Engineering Graphics Principles With
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Feb 2002.
4. David, Allan Low, Manual of Machine Drawing and Design -
Mechanical Drawing, Jun 1, 2006.
5. James D. Bethune, Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD(R)
2006, Jul 1, 2005.
6. Earl J.H., Graphics For Engineers with CADKEY, Addison-
Wesley Publishing Company, New York, 1991
7. Frank M., Fredrick D., Edwin T., Michael J., & John T.,
Engineering Graphics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989
8. Sidheswar, N., Machine Drawing, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New York, 1989
9. Spencer, H.C., Technical Drawing, The Macmillan Company,
New York, 1949
10. Vaishwanar, R.S., Engineering Drawing and Graphics, Kumar
Offset Press, New Delhi, 1993
11. Frederick E Giesecke, Alva Mitchell, Henry C Spencer, and Ivan
Leroy Hill, Engineering Graphics (8th Edition), Aug 12,

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Meng3121: Heat Transfer

Course Code Meng3121
Course Title Heat Transfer
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Engineering Thermo-fluid
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 5
Course Objectives & Course Objectives
Competences to be  To provide students with a clear and through
Acquired presentation of the basic concepts of heat and mass
transfer and their applications.
 To develop understanding of the coupling of fluid
mechanics and thermodynamics .
 To provide an understanding of fundamental
concepts of heat fluxes.
 Apply principle of conservation of energy.
 Apply numerical techniques for spatial discretization:
finite difference method.
Student Learning Outcome
 Students who successfully complete this course will
be able to:
o Develop the fundamental heat transfer
equations in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical
o Develop the students' abilities to model and
analyze thermal systems.
 Develop experience in the application of thermal
analysis to elementary problems in engineering

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Course Steady heat conduction: One and two dimensional
Description/Course applications; Analytical and numerical solutions; One
Contents dimensional transient heat conduction: Analytical, numerical
and graphical solutions; Convective heat transfer: Forced
and natural with laminar and turbulent flows; Boiling and
condensation heat transfer coefficients; Dimensionless
parameters; Radiation: Basic definitions; Black body
radiation; Radiation of technical surfaces in the presence of
absorbing and emitting gases; Heat exchangers: parallel,
counter and cross flow.
Outline 1.1. Conduction heat transfer
1.2 Convective heat transfer
1.3 Radiation heat transfer
1.4 Diffusion mass transfer
2.1 The heat diffusion equation
2.2 The plane wall
2.3 Thermal resistance and the overall heat transfer
2.4 Radial systems
2.5 Conduction with thermal energy generation
2.6 Heat transfer from extended surfaces
3.1. Mathematical analysis
3.2. Finite difference method
4.1. The lamped capacitance method
4.2. Transient heat flow in a semi-infinite solid
4.3. Convective boundary condition
4.4. Multidimensional systems

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4.5. Finite difference method

5.1. The convection boundary layers
5.2. Laminar and turbulent flow
5.3. Laminar boundary layer in a flat plate
5.4. Energy equations of the boundary layer
5.5. The relation between fluid friction and heat transfer
5.6. Turbulent -boundary layer heat transfer and
boundary layer thickness
5.7. Heat transfer in laminar tube flow
5.8. Turbulent flow in A tube
5.9. Forced – convection heat transfer
5.10. Free convection
6.1. Fundamental concepts
6.2. Black body radiation
6.3.surface emission, absorption, reflection and
6.4. Kerchief‘s law
7.1. Types of heat exchangers
7.2. Fouling factors
7.3. Heat exchanger analysis: use of the log-mean
temperature difference
7.4.Heat exchanger analysis: use of the effectiveness-
NTU method
7.5. Compact heat exchangers
7.6. Analysis for variable properties
7.7. Heat exchanger deign considerations
8.1. Boiling modes
8.2. Condensation mechanisms
Pre-requisites MEng 2112(Engineering Thermodynamics II),

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Math 331 (Applied Mathematics III)

Semester 5th
Status of Course Core
Teaching &  Lectures supported by tutorials,
Learning Methods  Laboratory Exercises and
 Assignments.
Assessment/Evaluat  Tutorial Activity:5%
ion & Grading  Assignments =15%,
System  Quizzes: 15%,
 Test: 15%,
 Seminar presentations: 10%
 Final Examination: 40%.
Attendance  Minimum of 75% attendance during lecture hours;
Requirements and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions,
except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature Textbook:
Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt, Theodore L.
Bergman, and Adrienne S. Lavine, Introduction to Heat
Transfer, April 7, 2006.
1. Frank P. Incropera and David P. DeWitt,
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th
Edition, Aug 9, 2001.
2. Yunus A. Cengel, Heat and Mass Transfer: A
Practical Approach w/ EES CD, Jan 4, 2006.
3. Holman J P, Heat Transfer, Oct 10, 2001.

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Meng3131: Thermo-Fluid Laboratory

Course Code Meng3131
Course Title Thermo-Fluid Laboratory
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Thermo-Fluid Laboratory
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 1
Contact Hours (per 2
Course Objectives &  To test important concepts learned in the subjects
Competences to be of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Acquired  To familiarize with the techniques of measurement
of static and stagnation pressures, humidity, dry
bulb, wet bulb temperatures, lift and Drag forces,
volumetric and mass flow rates, velocities and
operating speed etc.
 To feel for oneself the way the flows are established
and simulated in the test equipment and how
exactly they are regulated or controlled.
Course The design, execution, and evaluation of physical
Description/Course experiments in the areas of thermodynamics and fluid
Contents mechanics
Contents/List of 1. Measurement of dispersion around
Experiments turbulent jet
2. Measurement of velocity profile and
boundary layer growth over a flat plate-
effect of smooth/rough surface and
favorable/adverse pressure gradient
3. Measurement of drag and lift of an

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aerofoil at different angles of attack

4. Assessments of the variance of lift and
Drag on an aerofoil via flaps and slats
5. Finding pressure distribution over an
aerofoil at different velocity and angles
6. Verification of Bernoulli‘s equation
7. Testing of pressure distribution over a
cylindrical tube under cross flow
8. Comparison of losses in nozzle and
diffuser type duct flows
9. Reynolds‘s experiment
10. Measurement of Specific Heat Cp of air
11. Evaluation of heat exchanger performance
under parallel and counter flow
12. Investigation of pressure drop
characteristic of a finned tube heat
13. Demonstration of Flow visualization
patterns over a cylinder and aerofoil
14. Measurement of Drag on a cylinder by
different methods- (a)Mechanical
15. Determination of CD and comparison of CD
for Orifice and Venturimeter
16. Measurements on Free vortex flow
17. Observations on Forced Vortex flow
Pre-requisites Engineering Thermodynamics II (MEng2112)
Fluid Mechanics (Meng2113)
Semester 5th
Status of Course Professional Compulsory
Teaching &  Lectures
Learning Methods  Demonstrations, and
 Laboratory exercises.

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Assessment/Evaluat  Attendance, Inquisitiveness, Originality,

ion & Grading Punctuality, team work, etc 15%
System  Laboratory report 25%
 Practical Examination 30%
 Written Examination 15%
 Oral Examination 15%
Attendance 100% attendance, except for some unprecedented
Requirements mishaps.
Literature Textbook: Laboratory manuals
1) Standard text books on Fluid Mechanics and
Thermodynamics already referred by you in the
earlier courses
2) Lab equipment supplier handouts/manuals.

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MEng2091: Engineering Materials I

Course Number MEng2091
Course Title Engineering Materials I
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Material Science
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Practi
Semester) Lecturer Tutorial ce or Home
Labor study
32 48 0 55
Course Objectives & The course enables students to understand:
Competences to be  The main concept of engineering materials
Acquired  The influence of crystalline structure on the
properties of metal.
 Will acquire knowledge about type of defect and their
influences on the properties of crystals.
 How deformation will takes place and will know the
main types of plastic deformation
 The main causes for failure and types of failure.
Methods to overcome it.
 Will acquire knowledge about mechanical testing of
 Main concepts of Phase and phase transformation,
crystalline changes and their influences on properties
of metals.
Course Description Classification of engineering materials; Fundamental theory
of engineering materials: atomic structure, bonds,
crystalline structure; Defects in crystalline structures and

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dislocation theory; Deformation in solids; Failure and

mechanisms of fracture; Mechanical properties and testing
of metals; Phases and phase transformations.
Course Contents 1. Introduction
Historical perspective, Materials Science and Engineering,
Classification of Materials
2. Atomic structure and bonding
Fundamental concepts, bonding force and energies,
primary inter atomic bonds and secondary bonding,
3. Imperfections
Imperfections in solids, point defects, impurities in solids,
Miscellaneous imperfections (linear defects, interfacial
defects, bulk or volume defects), Atomic vibrations,
4. Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms
Characteristics of Dislocations, Slip Systems, Slip in Single
Crystals, Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials,
Mechanisms of Strengthening in Metal, Recovery,
recrystallization and Grain Growth.
5. Failure
Fundamentals of fracture, ductile fracture, brittle fracture,
fracture mechanics, Impact Fracture Testing , Cyclic
Stresses, Crack Initiation and Propagation, creep.
6. Mechanical Properties of Metals
Concepts of Stress and Strain, Stress—Strain Behavior,
Anelasticity, Elastic Properties of Materials, Tensile
Properties, Hardness, Design/Safety Factors
7. Phase Diagrams
Solubility Limit, Phases, Microstructure, Equilibrium Phase
Diagrams, Interpretation of phase diagrams, The Iron–
Iron Carbide (Fe–Fe3C) Phase Diagram, The Influence of
Other Alloying Elements, Phase Transformations in

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Semester 3rd
Status of Course Professional Compulsory
Teaching & • Lectures supported by tutorials,
Learning Methods • Assignments

Assessment/Evaluat Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum of

ion & Grading 50% continuous assessments)
Attendance Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours, and
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature References:
1. A. Flinn and Paul K. Trojan, Engineering Materials
and their applications, Dec 12, 1994
2. Michael Ashby, Hugh Shercliff, and David Cebon,
Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing
and Design, Mar 30, 2007
3. Yu Lakhtin, Engineering physical metallurgy & heat
treatment, 1990.

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MEng2092: Engineering Materials II

School/Department of Mechanical Engineering xx University
Course Number MEng2092
Course Title Engineering Materials II
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Engineering Materials
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours (Per Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home study
semester) 32 0 0 49
Course Objectives & The course enables students to understand:
Competences to be  Basic methods of iron and steel production;
Acquired  Properties and applications of steels and alloyed
 Heat treatment process;
 Properties and applications of different cast irons
and non ferrous metals;
 Causes of corrosion and theirs protection;
 Properties and applications of non metallic
materials and plastics
Course Production of iron and steel steels alloy steels; Effect of
Description/Course alloying elements and heat treatment of steels, cast
Contents irons; Families of cast iron production, properties and
applications; Non Ferrous metals; Corrosion; Inorganic
non metallic materials organic materials.
Course Contents 1. STEEL
Effect of alloying elements on steel - (Mn, Si, Cr,
Mo, Ni, V, Ti & W) – method of production -
Detailed discussion on compositional factors,
mechanical and physical properties, corrosion and

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oxidation resistance of the following class of steels:

carbon steel , stainless steel, tool steels, HSLA,
maraging steels - heat treatment processes
hours Cast iron – method of production - types of
Cast Iron – Gray CI, White CI, Malleable CI, Nodular
CI- alloy cast-iron – micro structure, properties,
composition, advantages, and applications – heat
treatment of CI
Aluminium and its alloys – production, classification,
properties, and applications - Magnesium –
production, properties and uses of Magnesium alloys
- Titanium - Unique characteristics of the metal – α,
α-β and β Titanium alloys
Copper and Copper alloys – Brass, Bronze and
Cupronickel compositions, characteristics and uses -
Cu-Al. Cu-Si. Cu-Mn composition, properties and
applications- Al-Cu – precipitation strengthening
Organic materials – definition , properties and uses –
In organic non metallic materials – Ceramics -
Properties and applications of Al2O3, SiC, Si3, N4, PSZ
and Sialon – Plastics – Types and properties
Pre-requisites MEng (Engineering Materials I)
Semester 4th
Status of Course Professional Compulsory
Teaching & Learning  Lectures supported by tutorials,
Methods  Assignments,
Assessment/Evaluation Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum

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& Grading System of 50% continuous assessments)

Attendance Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours, and
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature References:
1. A. Flinn and Paul K. Trojan, Engineering Materials
and their applications, Dec 12, 1994
2. Michael Ashby, Hugh Shercliff, and David Cebon,
Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing
and Design, Mar 30, 2007
3. Yu Lakhtin, Engineering physical metallurgy & heat
treatment, 1990.

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MEng2093: Material Testing Laboratory

School/Department of Mechanical Engineering xx University

Course Number MEng2093

Course Title Material Testing Laboratory
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Engineering Materials
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 2
Contact Hours (Per Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home study
semester) 0 0 48 6
Course Objectives & To develop practical skills in:
Competences to be  Identification and determination of microstructure
Acquired and grain size of different kind of alloys;
 Selection and conduction of adequate test methods
for determining different properties of materials:
hardness, tensile and torsion tests.
 Selection, conduction and control of adequate heat
treatment processes for ferrous and non ferrous
Course Destructive and non-destructive tests. Practical
Description/Course metallographic. Conduction and control of heat
Contents treatments. Micro structural analysis. Mechanical
properties tests. Examination of damages and failures.
Advanced techniques for materials examination.
1. Destructive and non-destructive tests.
2. Practical metallographic.
3. Conduction and control of heat treatments.
4. Micro structural analysis.
5. Mechanical properties tests.
6. Examination of damages and failures.

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Advanced techniques for materials examination

Pre-requisites MEng1081( Engineering Materials I),

MEng2091(Strength of Materials I)
Semester 4th
Status of Course Professional Compulsory
Teaching & Learning  Laboratory practical skills.
Methods  Assignments.
Assessment/Evaluation Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum of 50%
& Grading System continuous assessments)
Attendance  100% attendance during practical work sessions,
Requirements except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature Textbook:
Laboratory manuals.
1. Standard text books on Engineering Materials already
referred by you in the earlier courses
2. Lab equipment supplier manuals/handouts

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MEng2151: Machine Element I

Department of Mechanical Engineering/XX Technology
XX University
Course Number MEng2151
Course Title Machine Element I
Degree Program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Machine Elements
Module Coordinator NN
Lecturer NN
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory/Practice Home
Semester) Study
32 48 0 55
Course Objectives
This course enables the student to understand:
• Identification or selection of proper safety factor to avoid
failure before the expected life of the component;
Course Objectives & • Fatigue life and fatigue strength of machine elements;
Competences to be • Causes of stress concentration in machine elements;
Acquired • Analysis of the strength of bolted, welded, riveted and
interference fitted joints;
• Design of keys, splines and pins;
• Analysis of pressure vessels, valves and sealing mechanisms;
• Design of springs.
Introduction: allowable stresses, engineering materials, safety
factors, mechanical models and machine elements. Stress
calculations for static, dynamic and varying loads. Joints,
Course Description strength calculations and dimensioning. Bolted joint, riveted
joints welded and glued joints. Torque transmission joints:
keys, spline joint, pin joint, interference fits. Pressure vessels,
pipes, pipe connections (joints), valves. Gaskets and sealing.

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1. Introduction: Allowable Stresses; Engineering Materials;
Safety Factor; Machine Elements
2. Stress Calculation: Design for static Load; Design for
fatigue Load
3. Strength Calculation and Dimensioning of Joints:
Course Out line
Bolted Joints; Riveted Joints; Welding Joints
4. Torque Transmitting Joints: Keys; Spline Joints; Pin
Joints; Interference Fit
5. Pressure Vessels
6. Springs
MEng2141 (Machine Drawing),
MEng2082 (Strength of Materials II)
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of Course core
Lectures supported by tutorials;
Teaching & Learning
• Assignments; and
• Demonstration of machine elements.
Continues assessments
Assessment/Evaluation Minimum of (50%)
& Grading System Final examination

Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours;

Attendance • 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for
Requirements some unprecedented mishaps; and Presence during industrial
Textbook: Shigley and Mischke , Mechanical Engineering
Design, 7th ed., 2003
Literature 1. Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M. Marshek, Fundamentals of
Machine Component Design, Aug 2, 2005
2. Joseph Shigley, Charles Mischke, and Thomas H.Brown,
Standard Handbook of Machine Design, Jun25, 2004.

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3. Robert L. Norton, Machine Design: An Integrated Approach

(3rd Edition), May 10, 2005.
4. Arthur H. Burr & John B. Cheatham, Mechanical Analysis
and Design (2nd Edition), Mar 2, 1995
5. Coulson and Richardson‘s , Chemical Engineering Design,
Volume 6, Second Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 1996
6. Juvinal R.C.: Fundamentals of Machine Components Design,
John Wiley & Sons, 4th ed., 2005.

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MEng2152: Machine Element II

Department of Mechanical Engineering/XX Technology
XX University
Course Number MEng2152
Course Title Machine Element II
Degree Program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Machine Elements
Module Coordinator NN
Lecturer NN
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory/Practice Home Study
Semester) 32 48 0 55
Course Objectives
The course enables students understand basic principles of
Course Objectives &
design in the design and analysis of typical machine
Competences to be
elements with particular focus on: Shafts, Couplings,
Clutches and Brakes; Drives: Friction Drives, Belt Drives,
Chain Drives and Gear Drives; and Bearings.
Shafts and Rotors; Couplings and Clutches; Starting Process
of Machine Plants Consisting Friction Clutches; Bearings:
Rolling and Sliding; Drives: Friction, Flat and V-Belt Drives;
Course Description
Rope and Chain Drives; Gear drives: Spur, Helical, and Bevel
Gear Drives; Geometry and Dimensioning on Strength;
Worm Gear Drive.
1. Shafts: Types of shafts; Shaft design: Shaft design on
the bases of strength, rigidity and vibration.
2. Coupling and Clutches: Coupling: Rigid couplings and
Course outline flexible couplings; Clutches: Positive clutches and friction
3. Brakes: Materials for break lining; Types of breaks:
Single block or shoe brake, Double block or shoe brake,

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Band brake, Internal expanding brake, Disc brake.

4. Drives: Friction drives; Belt drives: Flat belt drive, V-belt
drive and rope drive; Chain drives; Gear drives:
Introduction, Classification of gears, Gear geometry, Law of
gearing, Tooth profile, Interference in involutes gears, Gear
material, Design consideration for a gear derive, Types of
gears, Design calculation of gears for strength and wear.
5. Bearings: Sliding contact bearing; Rolling contact
6. Lubrications.
Pre-requisites MEng2151 Machine Elements I
Semester Year III, Semester I
Status of Course core
Lectures supported by tutorials;
Teaching & Learning
• Assignments; and
• Demonstration of machine elements.
Continues assessments
Assessment/Evaluation Minimum of (50%)
& Grading System Final examination

Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours;

Attendance • 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
Requirements for some unprecedented mishaps; and Presence during
industrial visit/visits.
Textbook: Shigley and Mischke , Mechanical Engineering
Design, 7th ed., 2003
1. Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M. Marshek, Fundamentals of
Literature Machine Component Design, Aug 2, 2005
2. Joseph Shigley, Charles Mischke, and Thomas H.Brown,
Standard Handbook of Machine Design, Jun25, 2004.
3. Robert L. Norton, Machine Design: An Integrated
Approach (3rd Edition), May 10, 2005.

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4. Arthur H. Burr & John B. Cheatham, Mechanical Analysis

and Design (2nd Edition), Mar 2, 1995
5. Coulson and Richardson‘s , Chemical Engineering Design,
Volume 6, Second Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 1996
6. Juvinal R.C.: Fundamentals of Machine Components
Design, John Wiley & Sons, 4th ed., 2005.

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MEng3181: Manufacturing Engineering I

School/Department of Mechanical Engineering xx University
Course Number MEng3181
Course Title Manufacturing Engineering I
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Manufacturing Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (Per Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home
semester) study
32 48 0 28
Course Objectives & Course Objectives:
Competences to be The course enables students to understand:
Acquired  Basic traditional machining processes, their principles,
tool geometry, wear of tools, force and power on
traditional machine tools and measures to achieve
 Basic nontraditional machining operation and their
 Basic concept of casting process, design of cast,
casting defect and their remedies.
Course Systematic survey on the most important production
Description/Course processes in the metal-working industry; Traditional
Contents machining processes: Selected process principles,
kinematics, geometry, forces and power, tool wear and tool
life, productivity, optimization; Non-traditional machining
processes: Introduction to electric discharge machining,
chemical machining, electrochemical machining, abrasive
flow machining, abrasive jet machining, and ultrasonic
machining; Fundamentals of casting processes: types and

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classification, Patterns; Moulding materials; Moulding sand

properties; Core sands; Elements of gating systems; Casting
Design (gating systems: risers, runners, etc); Melting
practice; Cupola furnace; Special casting processes; Defects
in castings.
Course Contents 1. Systematic survey on the most important
production processes in the metal-working
2. Traditional machining processes: Selected
process principles, kinematics, geometry,
forces and power, tool wear and tool life,
productivity, optimization
3. Fundamentals of casting processes: types
and classification, Patterns; Molding
materials; Molding sand properties; Core
sands; Elements of gating systems;
Casting Design (gating systems: risers,
runners, etc); Melting practice; Cupola
furnace, Defects in castings
4. Special casting processes: Expendable
mold casting processes like- Sand mold,
Shell, Expendable pattern, Plaster,
Ceramic, and Investment casting
processes. Permanent mold casting
Processes like- Slush, Pressure, Die casing,
Centrifugal, Squeeze and Semisolid metal
5. Non-traditional machining processes:
Introduction to electric discharge
machining, chemical machining,
electrochemical machining, abrasive flow
machining, abrasive jet machining, and
ultrasonic machining

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Pre-requisites MEng2091 (Engineering Materials I)

Semester 5th
Status of Course Professional Compulsory
Teaching & Learning  Lectures supported by tutorials,
Methods  Assignments,
 Industrial visits.
Assessment/Evaluation Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum of 50%
& Grading System continuous assessments)
Attendance  Minimum of 75% attendance during lecture hours;
Requirements and
 100% attendance during tutorial sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature References:
1. Serope Kalpakjian & Steven R. Schmid, Manufacturing
Engineering and Technology (4th Edition), Jun 15,
2. Hwaiyu Geng, Manufacturing Engineering Handbook,
Mar 1, 2004.
3. James G. Bralla, Handbook of Manufacturing
Processes - How Products, Components and Materials
Are Made, Jan 15, 2007.
4. John A. Schey, Introduction to Manufacturing
Processes (McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical
Engineering & Materials Science), Mar 1, 2000.
5. Winkelmann, Manufacturing Engineering (Teaching
materials), Technical University of Dresden, 1982
6. Beddoes J., Principles of Metal Manufacturing
processes, John Wiles & Sons Inc . New York , 1999
7. Rao P.N. , Manufacturing Technology , second edition
, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited , New
Delhi , 1998

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MEng3182: Manufacturing Engineering II

School/Department of Mechanical Engineering xx University
Course Number MEng3182
Course Title Manufacturing Engineering II
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Manufacturing Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (Per Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home
semester) study
32 48 0 28
Course Objectives & The course enables students to understand:
Competences to be  Basic principles and mechanisms of shearing and
Acquired metal-forming process of selected processes;
 Material consumption, forces and work done on
selected machines and die design;
 Principles of assembly and joining process in
 Principles and operation of arc, gas, resistance, and
other welding and joining processes.
Course Fundamentals of shearing and metal-forming process;
Description/Course Mechanism in the material; Selected process principles;
Contents Force and work; Material consumption; Machinery; Die
design; Principles of selected joining and assembling process
especially; Welding.
Course Contents 6. Fundamentals of shearing process,
Fundamentals of cutting, Types of chips
produced in Metal-Cutting, Cutting
Forces and Power, Tool life wear and
failure, Tool geometry, Material removal
Rate, Surface Finish, Machinability,
Mechanism in the material; Selected

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process principles; Force and work;

Material consumption
7. Material-Removal Processes and
Machines: Turning, Milling, Drilling,
Shaper, Planer, Slotter, Broaching,
8. Fundamentals of metal-forming process;
Forming and Shaping Processes and
Equipment, Rolling of Metals, Forging of
Metals (including Die design), Extrusion
and Drawing of metals and Sheet-Metal
Forming Processes
9. Principles of selected joining and
assembling process especially; Welding,
Joining Processes and equipment, Oxy-
fuel Gas Welding, Arc Welding
Processes: Consumable Electrode:
(SMAW, SAW, MIG), Arc Welding
Processes: Non-Consumable Electrode
(TIG welding, and Plasma arc welding
PAW), Thermit Welding (TW), Electron-
Beam Welding (EBW), Laser-Bear
welding (LBW), Oxy-fuel Gas Cutting
and Arc-Cutting, Brazing and Soldering
and Welding safety.
10. Solid-State Welding Processes:
Resistance Spot Welding (RSW),
Projection welding, Seam Welding,
Friction Welding (FW) and Friction Stir
Welding (FSW)(Latest trends)
Pre-requisites MEng3181 (Manufacturing Engineering I)
Semester 5th
Status of Course Professional Compulsory

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Teaching & Learning  Lectures supported by tutorials,

Methods  Assignments, and
 Industrial visits.
Assessment/Evaluation  Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum of
& Grading System 50% continuous assessments)
Attendance  Minimum of 75% attendance during lecture hours;
Requirements and
 100% attendance during practical work sessions,
except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature References:
1. Serope Kalpakjian & Steven R. Schmid, Manufacturing
Engineering and Technology (4th Edition), Jun 15,
2. Hwaiyu Geng, Manufacturing Engineering Handbook,
Mar 1, 2004.
3. James G. Bralla, Handbook of Manufacturing Processes
- How Products, Components and Materials Are Made,
Jan 15, 2007.
4. John A. Schey, Introduction to Manufacturing Processes
(McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering &
Materials Science), Mar 1, 2000.
5. Winkelmann, Manufacturing Engineering (Teaching
materials), Technical University of Dresden, 1982
6. Beddoes J., Principles of Metal Manufacturing
processes, John Wiles & Sons Inc . New York , 1999
7. Rao P.N. , Manufacturing Technology , second edition ,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited , New
Delhi , 1998

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MEng3071: Mechanisms of Machinery

Department of Mechanical Engineering/XX Technology
XX University
Course Number MEng3071
Course Title Mechanisms of Machinery
Degree Program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Advanced Engineering Mechanics
Module Coordinator NN
Lecturer NN
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory/Practice Home Study
Semester) 32 32 16 55
Course Objectives
The course enables students to understand:
• The different types of linkage mechanisms used in mech.
Course Objectives & • The kinematic and kinetic analysis and design of machinery;
Competences to be • Computer method for kinematic and kinetic analysis of
Acquired mechanisms;
• Design and analysis of cams, universal joints, governors,
trains, flywheels and gyroscopes; and
• Balancing of rotating and reciprocating machines.
Introduction; Transmission of motion; Linkages; Kinematics
analysis of linkages; Introduction to computer methods for
kinematic analysis of linkages; cam design; Joints; Governors;
Course Description Gear Trains; Introduction to synthesis; Force analysis of
machinery; Engine torque fluctuation; Balancing of rotating
reciprocating masses; Gyroscopes.
Course outline 1. Introduction: Basic definitions; Motions; Coordinate

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systems; Degree of freedom.

2. Linkages: Four-bar linkage; Slider crank mechanism;
Scotch yoke; Quick-return mechanism; Toggle mechanism;
Straight line mechanisms; Parallel mechanisms; Intermittent
motion mechanisms; Steering gear mechanisms.
3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages: Velocity analysis by vector
mathematics; Velocity analysis using equations of relative
motion; Velocity analysis by using complex numbers;
Analysis of velocity by instant centre method.
4. Acceleration Analysis of Linkages: Acceleration analysis
by vector mathematics; Acceleration analysis using equations
of relative motion; Acceleration analysis by using complex
5. Introduction to Computer Methods for Kinematics
Analysis of Multi-body Systems: Types of pairing
elements; Coordinate systems; Constraint equations;
Kinematics analysis: methods for solving the position; velocity
and acceleration equations.
6. Cams: Classification of followers; Classifications of cams;
Graphical design of cams curves; Nomenclature; Displacement
diagram; Types of follower motions; Analytical cam design;
Tangent cam with reciprocating roller follower.
7. Universal Joints: Velocity ratio of shafts; Polar angular
velocity diagram; Coefficient of speed fluctuation; Angular
acceleration of driven shaft; Double Hooke‘s joint.
8. Governors: Classification of governors; Governor
characteristics; Porter governor; Hartnel governor; Centrifugal
shaft governor; Inertia governors.
9. Gear Trains: Angular velocity ratio; Types of gear trains;
Reverted gear train; Planetary gear trains; Methods of analysis
of planetary gear trains; Automotive differential; Planetary
gear trains with two inputs.
10. Introduction to Synthesis: Graphical dimensional

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synthesis of a four-bar function generating mechanism;

Synthesis of a four-bar mechanism using analytical method.
11. Force Analysis of Machinery: Inertia force and inertia
torque; Dynamic equilibrium; linkage force analysis: force
determination, linkage force analysis by superposition method,
radial and transverse components, linkage force analysis by
virtual work method; Engine force analysis: dynamically
equivalent masses, gas forces, inertia forces in a
single-cylinder engine, force acting on the connecting
rod,crank and frames, bearing loads in single-cylinder engines,
multi-cylinder engines; Cam forces.
12. Introduction to Computer Methods for Dynamic
Analysis of Multi-body Systems: Equations of motion;
Planar equations of motion; Vector of forces; Reaction forces
of constraint; Equations of motion for planar multi-body
13. Flywheels: Flywheel size; Engine output torque.
14. Balancing of Rotating and reciprocating Masses:
Static balance; Static balancing machines; Dynamic
unbalancing; Balancing of different masses lying in the same
transverse plane; Balancing of different masses rotating in
different planes; Balancing of reciprocating masses; Balancing
of single-cylinder engines; Balancing of multi-cylinder in-line
engines; Balancing of V-engines; Balancing of four-bar
15. Gyroscopes: Precession motion; Gyroscopic couple;
Precession motion of a thin rod rotating in the vertical plane
about a horizontal axis through its centre; Body rotating and
accelerating simultaneously about each of the principal axes;
Typical examples of the application of precession motion
Laboratory 1. Computer simulation lab for kinematics analysis of linkages
Demonstration: 2. Static and dynamic balancing laboratory equipments
3. Whirling Shaft Apparatus, Gyroscope, Governor Apparatus.

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4. All types of linkage apparatus.

Pre-requisites MEng1062
Semester Year III, Semester I
Status of Course core
• Lectures supported by tutorials,
Teaching & Learning
• Assignments, and
• Demonstration and Industrial visits.
Continues assessments
Assessment/Evaluation Minimum of (50%)
& Grading System Final examination

• Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours;

Attendance • 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for
Requirements some unprecedented mishaps; and
• Presence during industrial visit/visits.
Alem Bazezew, Mechanisms of Machinery, Addis Ababa
Press, 2001
1. Uicker, John J.,Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 3rd
2. Erdman, Arthuer G. and Sandor, George N., ―Mechanism
Design: Analysis and Synthesis‖, Prentice Hall
International,Inc.,2ed 2001
3. Norton, Robert L.,‖Design of Machinery‖, WCB/McGraw-
4. Meriam, J.L.., ―Engineering Mechanics- Dynamics‖, John
Wiley and Sons, 1992

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MEng3072: Mechanical Vibration

Department of Mechanical Engineering/XX Technology
XX University
Course Number MEng3072
Course Title Mechanical Vibration
Degree Program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Advanced Engineering Mechanics
Module Coordinator NN
Lecturer NN
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory/Practice Home Study
Semester) 32 32 16 55
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, students would be able to:
• Make vibration analysis,
• Know the different causes of vibration,
Course Objectives &
• Know the three types of vibrations (transversal, axial and
Competences to be
• Develop a model for vibration analysis,
• Make transient and steady state vibration analysis of single
and multi degree of freedom systems, and
• Develop the necessary skills required to control vibrations.
Introduction to mechanical vibration; Modeling of dynamic
systems; Single-degree of freedom system; Multi-degree of
freedom system; Whirling of shafts; Torsional vibrations;
Course Description
Causes of vibrations; Introduction to vibration control and

1. Introduction: Why we study vibration?; Kinematics of

Course outline vibrations
2. Introduction to Modeling: Mechanical modeling;

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Mechanical elements; Continuous system elements

3. Single Degree of Freedom System: Undamped free
vibration; Damped free vibration: Viscous damping; Columb
damping; Hysterisis damping (optional)
4. Forced Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom
System: Mechanical models and equations of motion; General
solution of the equation of motion; Application of SDOF system
5. Two Degree of Freedom System: Free undamped
vibration; Free vibration with damping; Forced vibration
6. Multi-Degree of Freedom System: Generalized
coordinates; Derivation of the equations of motion; Free
undamped vibration; Forced vibration; Approximate methods:
Rayleigh method, Dunkerly‘s method, Holzer‘s method, Matrix
iteration method(Optional), Jacobi‘s method (optional)
7. Whirling of Shafts
8. Torsional Vibration
9. Causes of Vibration and Control: Causes of vibration;
Vibration control
Laboratory Exercises using Torsional Vibration Apparatus, Free and Forced
Exercises Vibration Apparatus, Whirling of Shafts apparatus
Pre-requisites MEng3071
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of Course core
Teaching & Learning • Lectures supported by Lab, Assignments, and Tutorials,
Methods • Project work.
Continues assessments
Assessment/Evaluation Minimum of (50%)
& Grading System Final examination

Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours; and

• 100% attendance during project work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature Textbook: Palm II , Wiallim J., Mechanical Vibration, 2006.

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1. Rao, S.S, Mechanical Vibrations, 4th ed., 2003.
2. Thomson, E.S., Theory of Vibrations with Applications,
5th ed., 1997.
3. Leul, F., Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations, Addis
Ababa University Press, 1996

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MEng3161: Machine Design Project

Department of Mechanical Engineering
/XX Technology
XX University
Course Number MEng3161
Course Title Machine Design Project
Degree Program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Integrated Machine Design Project
Module Coordinator NN
Lecturer NN
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory/Practice Home Study
Semester) 16 96 0 48

Course Objectives
At the end of the course, students would be able to know:
Course Objectives &
• The different types of machine design methodologies,
Competences to be
• Design procedures of machinery and equipment,
• Specifications of machineries and equipment, Documentation
of machine design reports.
Conceptual Design; Embodiment Design. Design procedures
and special calculation methods related to the design projects;
Course Description Practical design of typical machine assemblies; Simple machine
units and elements; Design project: Unfired pressure vessels
and jacks (Bottle, Scissor, Fiat Type, Service, etc.)
Project work will be given after providing a discussion on
Course content machine design methodology and design procedures specific to
the projects.
Pre-requisites MEng2151,MEng2092
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of Course core
Teaching & Learning Lecture supported by tutorials associated with project

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Methods exercises with individual advising.

Project Work:
Project-I: Design of unfired pressure vessels (lateral support,
saddle support, bottom legs, etc.)
Project-II: Design of car jacks (scissor jack, bottle jack, etc.)
Assessment/Evaluation -Project-I 40%, and
& Grading System -II 60%.
Attendance Lecture and Lab attendance (80%)
1. Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M. Marshek, Fundamentals of
Machine Component Design, Aug 2, 2005
2. Joseph Shigley, Charles Mischke, and Thomas H. Brown,
Standard Handbook of Machine Design, Jun 25, 2004.
3. Robert L. Norton, Machine Design: An Integrated Approach
(3rd Edition), May 10, 2005.
4. Arthur H. Burr & John B. Cheatham, Mechanical Analysis
and Design (2nd Edition), Mar 2, 1995
5. Coulson and Richardson‘s , Chemical Engineering Design,
Volume 6, Second Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 1996
6. Avallon, E.A., Marks‘ Standard Handbook for Mechanical
Engineers, Tenth Edition, MacGraw-Hill, 1997
7. Coulson and Richardson‘s , Chemical Engineering Design,
Volume 6, Second Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 1996
8. Gill, S.S., The Stress Analysis of Pressure Vessels and
Pressure Vessel Components, Pergamon Press, 1970
9. Harvey, J.F., Theory and Design of Pressure Vessel, Second
Edition, 1991
10. Hessen, H.C. and Rushton, J.H., Process Equipment
Design, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1945
11. Joshi, M.V., and Mahajiani, V.V., Process Equipment
Design, Third Edition, Macmillan, 2004
12. Juvinal, R.C., Fundamentals of Machine Component Design
13. Perry, R.H., Chemical Engineering Hand Book, Six Edition,

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14. Philips, A.L., Welding Handbook
15. Spence, J., and Tooth, A.S, Pressure Vessel Design
Concepts and Principles
16. Smithells, Metals Reference Book, Seventh Edition, 1992

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MEng3201: Turbo-Machinery
Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Code MEng3201
Course Title Turbo-Machinery
Degree Program B. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Energy Conversion Machines
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial/Seminar Lab/workshop Home
semester) practice Study
32 48 0 55

Course Objectives

 To introduce, through the law of Fluid Mechanics

and Thermodynamics, the means by which the
energy transfer is achieved in the chief types of
turbomachine together with the differing behavior of
individual types in operation.

 To introduce basic principles and equations

Course Objectives & governing the steady and unsteady compressible
Competences to be fluid flow associated with the Turbomachinery,
Acquired fundamental needs to solve Turbomachinery
problems are given and practical applications, design
aspects of the Turbomachinery parts and the
methods to analyze the flow behavior that depends
on the geometric configuration of the
turbomachines, machine produces or absorbs work

 Introducing the basic principles underlying all forms

of pumping machinery.

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 Conducting a full analysis of the performance

characteristics of various types of pumps, fans, and
compressors including the operational-type

 Introducing the main design aspects of various types

of pumps, fans, and compressors.

Competence to be Acquired

 Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of

laws of compressible flow in association with the

 They are equipped with the technical knowledge to

design components of axial, radial and centrifugal
flow turbines (Steam, gas, hydraulic, etc).

 Understanding the main components and operation

of pumping systems.

 Basic understanding of main principles of energy

transfer in dynamic pumps.

 Basic understanding of various types of losses and

factors causing deviation from theoretical

 Understanding the main principles of energy transfer

in fans and compressors and also their performance
characteristics in addition to various methods of flow
rate control

 To develop the ability for conducting a full analysis

of a pumping system and for solving a wide range of
operational-type problems.

 To demonstrate the ability to carry out a laboratory

experiment for obtaining the performance
characteristics of a given pump.

 To develop the ability for selecting the proper pump

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for a specific application and also to select the

proper method for flow rate control.

 To demonstrate the ability for introducing design

modifications for changing the performance
characteristics for a given pump.

 Ability to conduct a performance analysis of a

centrifugal compressor and to solve various
operational-type problems.

 Understanding the common problems in the

operation of dynamic pumps and different methods
of flow rate control.

 Understanding the main design considerations for

radial-, mixed-, and axial-flow pumps.

 Students will be to carry out various design tasks

related to pumping systems and also to select the
proper pump for a specific use.

 Demonstrating the ability for solving a wide range of

problems that may arise in related engineering
1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Classification of Turbomachinery
1.3. Application
1.4. Thermodynamics
Course 1.4.1. Basic thermodynamics
Description/Course 1.4.2. Adiabatic flow through nozzles
Contents 1.4.3. Adiabatic flow through diffusers
1.5. Compressible flow
1.6. Basic relations
2. Centrifugal pumps and fans
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Impeller flow

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2.3. Efficiency
2.4. Performance characteristics
2.5. Design of pumps
2.6. Fans
3. Centrifugal compressors
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Impeller design
3.3. Diffuser design
3.4. Performance
4. Axial-flow pumps and fans
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Stage pressure rise
4.3. Losses
4.4. Pump design
4.5. Fan design
5. Pump selection guidelines and pump system design
5.1. Cavitation and water hammer problems in pump
5.2. Special problems in pump design and applications
6. Axial-flow compressor
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Basic theory
6.3. Cascade tests
6.4. Performance
7. Gas turbines
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Basic theory
7.3. Design
7.4. Radial-flow turbines
8. Steam turbines
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Impulse turbines
8.3. Reaction turbines

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8.4. Design
9. Hydraulic turbines
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Pelton wheel
9.3. Francis turbine
9.4. Kaplan turbine
9.5. Cavitation
Pre-requisites Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics II
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
 Lectures (32hrs)
Teaching & Learning  Tutorials on lectures (48hrs)
Methods  Home study including Project, Field Visit, Personal study
and assignments (55 hrs)

Written Examination
 Final examination 50%
Continues assessments 50%
Assessment/Evaluation  Class activity
& Grading System  Assignments
 Surprising quiz
 Seminar presentation
 Project work

Grading system As per the nationally harmonized grading scale

 Lecture attendance 80%

Attendance  Assignment Submission 100%
Requirements  Laboratory Practice 100%
 Surprising quiz 100%
1. S. M. Yahya, ―Turbines Compressors and Fans‖, Second
Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2002

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2. Earl Logan, ―Turbomachinery, basic theory and

application‖, Marcel dekker, New york and basel
3. F. M. White, "Fluid Mechanics", 3rd, 4th or 5th Ed.,
McGraw-Hill 1994
4. Cohen & Rogers, ―Gas turbine theory and practice‖
5. W. J. Keartin, ―Steam Turbine theory and practice‖
6. Karassik, Pump Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1985
7. S. L. Dixon, Fluid Mechanics Thermodynamics of Turbo-
machinery, Pergamon Press, 1994.
8. R. K. Turton, Principles of Turbomachinery, Chapman
and Hall, 1995.
9. R. I. Lewis, Turbomachinery Performance Analysis,
Arnold, 1996.
10. Fluid mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbo
Machinery – S.L.Dixon, Butterworth Heinemann, Feb
23, 2005
11. Rama S.R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Turbomachinery:
Design and Theory (Mechanical Engineering
(Marcell Dekker)), Aug 12, 2003.
12. Logan, Handbook of Turbo machinery, 2nd 2003.

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Material Handling Equipment (MEng4251)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Code MEng 4251
Course Title Material Handling Equipment
Degree Program B. Sc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Material Handling Equipment
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Home Total
& & Study
Contact Hours / Seminars Workshop
Semester 32 48 Practice
0 55 135
At the end of the course, students would be able to:
Know the different kinds of materials handling equipment,
Course Objectives
Know the procedures for selection of material handling
& Competences to
equipment suitable for a specific purpose, and
be Acquired
Know the steps in the design of hoisting and conveying
Introduction; Main groups and regular types of material
handling equipment; Hoisting equipment: Flexible hoisting
appliance, Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums, and Load Handling
Course Description Attachments, Arresting Gears and Brakes, Hoisting and
Traveling Gear; Conveying Equipment: Belt Conveyor,
Oscillating Conveyors, Chain Conveyors, Bucket Elevators,
Screw Conveyors, and Pneumatic Conveyors.
1. Introduction: Basics of Materials Handling Equipment.
2. Hoisting Equipment: Theory of Hoisting Equipment;
Flexible Hoisting Appliances; Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums,
and Load Handling Attachments; Arresting Gears and
Course Content
Brakes; Hoisting and Traveling Gear.
3. Conveyors: Belt Conveyor; Oscillating Conveyors; Chain
Conveyors and Bucket Elevators; Screw Conveyors;
Pneumatic Conveyors.
Pre-requisites Machine Elements II
Semester VII
Status of Course Core
Teaching &
Lectures, Laboratory exercises, discussions & assignments
Learning Methods
Assessment/Evalua Assignments, Quizzes & Projects 50 %,

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tion & Grading  Final Examination 50 %.

Attendance 90% attendance during lectures & discussions,
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps; and Presence during
industrial visit/visits; except for some unprecedented
Literature Textbook: Daniel Kitaw, Materials Handling Equipment,
Addis Ababa University Press,2003
1. Rudenko, N., Materials Handling Equipment, Peace
Publishers, Moscow
2. Spivakovisky, A., & Dyachkov, V., Conveyors and Related
Equipment, Peace Publishers, Moscow,

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IC Engines and Reciprocating Machines (MEng4202)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Code MEng4202
Course Title IC Engines & Reciprocating Machine
Degree Program B. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Energy Conversion Machines
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial/Seminar Lab/workshop Home
week) practice Study
32 48 0 55

Course Objectives

 To teach students the fundamentals, operations, and

performance of internal combustion engines and
their different types.

 To introduce students different types CI engines and

their working principles

 To provide students with the theoretical and

Course Objectives &
experimental ability to operate, analyze, and design
Competences to be
internal combustion engines.
 To teach students the fuel metering systems and
assembling and dismantling internal combustion

Student Learning Outcome

 Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of

different types of internal combustion engines and
their operations.

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 Students will demonstrate the ability to calculate the

effect of design and operating parameters on the
performance of SI and CI engines.

 Students will demonstrate the ability to apply

Thermodynamic laws in determining the thermo-
chemistry of combustion.

 Students will demonstrate the ability to determine

the properties and composition of unburned and
burned combustion mixtures in 4-stroke engines.

 Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze the

ideal models of engine cycles.

 Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze

scavenging processes in 2-stroke engines.

 Students will demonstrate the ability to understand

the effect of supercharging and turbo-charging on
engine performance.

 Students will demonstrate the ability to understand

fuel-metering systems: carburetors and fuel
injectors, in SI and CI engines.

 Students will have hands-on experience in operating,

assembling and dismantling internal combustion

1. Heat Engine,
2. Brief Historical Development of IC Engines
3. Engine Components and Basic Engine
4. IC Engine Classification, Four stroke Cycle SI engines
5. four stroke CI engines, and two stroke Engines
2.Thermodynamics of IC engines
1. Introduction
2. Air standard cycles

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3. Fuel-air cycle
4. Actual Cycles
3.Performance equations and engine characteristics
1. Measurement and testing
2. Performance parameters
3. Efficiencies
4. engine performance characteristics
4.Fuel for IC engines
1. Introduction
2. fuels for SI engine
3. Diesel Fuels
4. Alternative fuels and Additives
5.Combustion and Combustion Chamber Design
1. Introduction
2. Homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture
3. Combustion in SI engine, Combustion chamber for SI
4. Combustion in CI engine and Combustion chamber
for CI engines
6.Valve gear and valve timing
1. Introduction
2. Valve gear
3. valve operating system
4. valve timing
7. Fueling system of SI and CI engines
1. Carburetion
2. fuel injection system
3. Electronic fuel injection System
8. Ignition Systems
1. Energy requirement
2. Ignition fundamentals
3. Ignition system
4. Requirements of ignition system

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5. Types of Ignition system (battery, Magneto, modern

ignition system)
6. Injection systems (Reciprocating individual pump and
Rotary distributing pump)
7. Firing order
8. Ignition timing and engine variables
9. ignition timing and exhaust emissions
9. Emission control systems
10. Engine Friction and Lubrication System
11. Engine Cooling system
12. Turbo charging and Supercharging
1. introduction
2. turbo charging and supercharging in SI engines
3. turbo charging and supercharging in CI engines
13. Two-stroke engine
1. introduction
2. types of two stroke engines
3. scavenging process
4. advantages and disadvantages of two stroke engine
14. Reciprocating Compressors
Pre-requisites Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics II
Semester Year IV, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
 Lectures (32hrs)
Teaching & Learning  Tutorials on lectures, (48hr)
Methods  Home Study: including Project, Field Visit, and Personal
study and Assignments (55hrs)


Assessment/Evaluation Written Examination

& Grading System  Final examination 50%
Continues assessments 50%
 Class activity

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 Assignments
 Surprising quiz
 Seminar presentation
 Project work

Grading system As per the nationally harmonized grading scale

 Lecture attendance 80%

Attendance  Assignment Submission 100%
Requirements  Laboratory Practice 100%
 Surprising quiz 100%
1. C. R. Ferguson and A. T. Kirkpatrick, ―Internal
Combustion Engines, Applied Thermo science‖, 2nd
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2001
2. V. Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engines, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 1994, New Delhi
3. J. B. Heywood, ―Internal Combustion Engine
Fundamentals‖, international Edition, McGraw-Hill,
Singapore, 1988
Literature 4. H. F. Atkinson, ―Mechanics of small Engines‖, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1999
5. Richard Stone, ―Introduction to Internal Combustion
Engines‖, 2nd Edition, Macmillan, Honk Kong, 1992
6. Barry Wellington & Alan Asmus, ―Diesel Engines and
Fuel System‖, 4th Edition, longman, Melbourne, 1995
7. Mathur and Sharma, ―A course in Internal Combustion
Engine‖, 7th edition, Dhanpat rai publications, New

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Fluid Power systems (MEng4262)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course code MEng 4262
Module number 26
Course Title Fluid power systems
Degree Program BSc in mechanical Engineering
Module Control Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 5
Course Objectives & The course is intended to enable the student to:
Competences to be  Understand the fundamental concepts of hydraulics and
Acquired pneumatics;
 Recognize component symbols and their construction,
functioning and applications;
 Trace and analyze circuit diagrams of hydraulic and
pneumatic systems.
Course Introduction to Principles of Hydraulics and Pneumatics;
Description/Course Components and Design of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems;
Contents Electrical and Electronic Control Devices
Pre-requisites MEng 2123 (Fluid Mechanics), MEng 1062 (Engineering
Mechanics II (Dynamics))
Semester 8th
Status of Course Professional Compulsory
Teaching &  Lectures supported by tutorials
Learning Methods  Individual/Group project work
 Individual assignment

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 Laboratory exercises
 Industrial Visits
Assessment/Evaluat  Individual Assignment: 10 %
ion & Grading  Mid-semester Exam: 30 %
System  Individual/Group Project: 20%
 Final Examination: 40 %
Attendance  Minimum of 75% attendance during lecture hours
Requirements  Presence during industrial visit sessions
Literature References:
1. Eaton Fluid Power Training and Eaton Fluid Training,
Industrial Hydraulics Manual, Jan 1, 2007.
2. Andrew Parr, Hydraulics and Pneumatics: A Technicians and Engineers

Guide, Mar 8, 1999.

3. Ian Turner and Institution of Plant Engineers, Engineering

Applications of Pneumatics and Hydraulics, Dec 22, 1995.

4. Harry L. Stewart, Pneumatics and Hydraulics, Oct 1984.

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Motor Vehicle Engineering (MEng4221)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Number MEng4221
Course Title Motor Vehicle Engineering
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module 22
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours Practice or
Lecture Tutorial Home study
32 0 48 28
Course Upon completion of the course, students will have:
• Sufficient knowledge on operating principles, theory and
design of motor vehicles,
• Sufficient knowledge on design of vehicles, assembly and
Course Introduction; Pneumatic tires and wheel; Suspension systems;
Vehicle stability; Power train; Vehicle road performance; Braking
system; Steering system.
Course Outline: 1.Introduction: Classification of motor vehicles; Transmission
of motion to wheel
2. Pneumatic Tires and Wheels: Radial and bias Tires; Radial
and transversal stiffness of a tire; Roiling resistance; Slip angle
and cornering moment; Wheels design for 2WDF; 2 WD R and
Wheel drive vehicles
3. Suspension Systems: Springs and shock absorbers;
Suspension systems classification; Configuration and roll centers
of dependent and independent; Suspension Systems; Stability of
motor vehicles; Vibration model of motor vehicles
4. Power Train: Clutch; Sliding mesh and synchromesh gear
box; Differential gearbox and transfer case; Planetary gearbox;

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Automatic transmission
5. Road Performance of Motor Vehicles: Resistance force on
motor vehicle; Tractive force diagram of motor vehicle; Steady
motion performance; Acceleration performance
6. Braking system: Hydraulic braking system with and without
booster; Braking moments for shoe and disc brakes; Antilock
braking system; Distance travelled during braking
7. Steering System: Kinematics condition for Steering and
Steering mechanism; Steering Gear box; Power assisted
steering; Kinematics conditions of steering with side slip;
Steeribility of motor vehicles without and with trailers.
8. Vehicle Frame Construction
Pre-requisites: None
Semester: 7th
Status of Course: Core
Teaching and Lectures
Learning methods Laboratories
Project Work, and
Industrial visits.
Laboratory exercises:
1. Suspension models study
2. Power train models study
3. Braking models study
4. Steering model study

evaluation &
Grading Systems
Attendance  Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours;
Requirement:  100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps; and
 Presence during industrial visit/visits.
Literature: Referance
1.Heisler, Heinz, Advanced Vehicle Technology
2.John Fenton. “Vehicle Body layout and analysis ‗
Mechanical Engg Publication Ltd. London 1982

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Metal forming, welding and Casting Laboratory Practice (MEng4192)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Number MEng4192
Course Title Metal forming , welding and Casting Laboratory Practice
Degree Program BSc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Manufacturing Laboratory
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 2
Contact Hours Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home study
(Semester) 0 0 48 6
Course Objectives & The course is intended to give the student hands on
Competences to be practice on Metal forming, welding and Casting
Acquired Laboratory.
Course Molds and pattern making; Sand casting of lights metals,
Description/Course Sand casting of ferrous metals; Centrifugal casting, metal
Contents forming operations and welding processes
Course Contents 1. Molds and pattern making, Sand casting of lights
metals, Sand casting of ferrous metals and
Centrifugal casting.
2. metal forming like product from sheet metals,
bending, Rolling, shearing, blanking, forging, etc
3. practicing different welding processes like Arc
Welding, Gas welding etc
Pre-requisites MEng (Manufacturing Engineering I and II)
Semester 7th
Status of Course Basic
Teaching & Learning
Methods  Workshop projects
 Industrial visits
Assessment/Evaluation  Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum

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& Grading System of 50% continuous assessments) and Evaluation of

project work
Attendance  100% attendance during workshop sessions
Literature Reference:
1. John Campbell, Castings Practice: The Ten Rules of Castings,

May 13, 2004.

2. C. W. Ammen, The Complete Handbook of Sand Casting, Mar
1, 1979.
3. Serope Kalpakjian & Steven R. Schmid, Manufacturing

Engineering and Technology (4th Edition), Jun 15, 2000

4. Hwaiyu Geng, Manufacturing Engineering Handbook, Mar 1,

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IC Engines and Turbo-Machinery Laboratory (MEng4203)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Code MEng4203
Course Title IC Engines and Turbo-Machinery Laboratory
Degree Program B. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Energy Conversion Machines
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial/Seminar Lab/workshop Home
week) practice Study
0 0 48 23

Course Objectives

The IC Engines and Turbo-Machinery Laboratory exercise is

about the practical (experimental) approach for the
fundamental principles in the courses of Turbo-Machinery
and I.C. Engines and Reciprocating Machines.

Laboratory experiments include: tests of performance

characteristics of pumps, blower, and turbines; valve timing
Course Objectives & investigation, firing order, engine performance test, and
Competences to be determination of fuel properties.
Acquired Student Learning Outcome

By the end of the course students shall be able to:

 Determine the performance characteristics of

different pumps, blowers and different turbines.
 Determine induced indicative and braking torque,
fuel consumption, friction torque measurement and
overall performance of an IC engine (both spark
ignition and compression ignition (variable

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compression ratio)).
 Perform I.C. Engine performance testing
 Understand the different types of fuels for
combustion and their heating value.

1.Testing the performance characteristics of:

1. Pumps

2. Blower

3. Pelton turbine

4. Francis Turbine

5. Steam Turbine

2.Valve timing using timing diagram and dial gauge

Course 3.Determination of rotation and firing order with the help of
Description/Course valve overlap
Contents 4.Influence of valve clearance to valve timing and engine
5.Valve clearance adjustment
6.Engine testing
7.I.C. Engine Test Stand
8.Determination of fuel properties (calorific value, density,
viscosity, specific gravity, firing point, cloud point, etc))

Pre-requisites Turbo-Machinery
Semester Year IV, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning  Laboratory Practice, (48hr)
Methods  Home Study: (23hrs)

 70 % assessment of the laboratory report paper
& Grading System  20 % oral examination for individual student

 10 % attendance and laboratory participation

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Grading system As per the nationally harmonized grading scale

Attendance 85% of the experiments (at least) have to be submitted.

- Laboratory manuals inside Turbo-Machinery, and I.C.
Engines and Reciprocating machines laboratory.
- Any books related with inside Turbo-Machinery, and
I.C. Engines and Reciprocating machines laboratory

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Workshop Practice II (MEng4191)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Number MEng4191
Course Title Workshop Practice II
Degree Program BSc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Manufacturing Lab
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home study
Semester) 0 0 96 -
Course Objectives & The course is intended to give advanced practical training
Competences to be to the student by requiring the production of simple parts
Acquired and unit assembly using conventional machines.
Course Manufacturing simple assemblies (e.g. lock, parallel or
Description/Course toolmaker‘s clamp or wheel puller, gear-shaft assembly,
Contents etc.); Gear cutting; Measuring and testing; Assembly of
Course Contents 1. Manufacturing simple assemblies (e.g. lock, parallel
or toolmaker‘s clamp or wheel puller, gear-shaft
assembly, etc.)
2. Gear cutting
3. Measuring and testing
4. Assembly of units
Pre-requisites MEng 1032 (Basic Workshop Practice)
Semester 6th
Status of Course Basic
Teaching & Learning  Demonstration
Methods  Group advising on project work

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 Workshop project to be submitted by the end of

the course
Assessment/Evaluation  Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum
& Grading System of 50% continuous assessments) and Evaluation of
project work
Attendance  100% attendance during workshop sessions
Literature Reference:
Harold Hall, Lathework: A Complete Course (Workshop

Practice), Jun 30, 2003.

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Internship (MEng4291)
Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Number MENG4291
Course Title Internship
Degree Program BSc in mechanical Engineering
Module Industrial Internship
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 30
Contact Hours (per Industry working hours plus 6 hrs of reading at home.
Course Objectives & This course gives an opportunity for the students to stay in
Competences to be the industrial environment, trained while working for the
Acquired whole semester. This is practical industrial training where
the student will have the opportunity to see industrial set
ups (or layouts) used to add value to raw materials, and the
opportunity to link the theoretical concepts learnt in classes
and the practice. The student will improve his technical skill,
communication skill, confidence, discipline and ethics etc.
The student will learn various production processes,
machineries, material handling equipments and systems,
time scheduling, maintenance scheduling, utilization of man-
power, Energy utilization, product/process costing, etc.

After completion of the Internship, the student will acquire:

- practical knowledge on how machines and equipment,
together with the necessary manpower and energy
inputs, are organized and managed for adding value to
raw materials and produce products useful for the

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- practical knowledge on internal components of machines

and on how they function;
- knowledge and understanding on the roles played by,
and the importance of other engineering professions
(e.g., electrical, chemical) needed in the industry in
parallel with her/his future profession of mechanical
- some practice/experience in her/his future profession;
- an understanding on the importance of team work in
At the end, the student is required to produce a
comprehensive report on the observations, findings,
problems identified during the stay, proposed solutions to
the problems identified etc.
Course The nature of industrial internship is somewhat different
Description/Course from the standard courses and, hence, has no specific
Contents course description. This is because transfer of knowledge
from the industry to the student takes place through the
activities like:
- day-to-day follow-up and participation in industrial
activities (operation, production, maintenance, repair,
and, if opportunity exists, installation and commissioning
of machines and equipment),
- day-to-day follow-up and critical analysis on how the
machineries, human resource, infrastructure and other
inputs (e.g., energy, raw material, products) are
managed to meet the objectives of the industry,
- through attending trainings, lectures and seminars
delivered by senior technical personnel from the
- through interaction, discussions and interviews of
technical people working in the industry, and
- from the advice and guidance of her/his personal/group

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internship advisor assigned by the department.

Pre-requisites Successful completion of the 7th Semester.
Semester 8th
Status of Course Professional Compulsory
Teaching &  Observations, critical evaluation of the observations,
Learning Methods exposure to industry technical documents,
 Participation in the industrial activities,
 Interaction (discussion, interview) with the technical
personnel in the industry
 Lecture/training from the host industry
Assessment/Evaluat  Evaluation from the immediate work manager
ion & Grading  Report and Presentation
Attendance 100% attendance
Literature N.N.

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Power plant Engineering (MEng5211)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Title Power Plant Engineering

Course MEng5211
Degree Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Module Thermal System Engineering
ECTS/Credit 5/3

Lecture tutorials/seminar lab./workshop Home study Total

Contact 2 3 0 5 10
Course The course enables students to understand:
Objective The basic principles involved in steam power cycles.
The types of fuels and their combustion attributes.
The various types of steam generators (boilers) and methods used in the
determination of the performance of boilers.
The combustion mechanisms of different fuels, combustion equipment and
firing methods.
The types and performance evaluation methods of steam turbines.
Internal combustion power generators.
The types of renewable energy resources, the greenhouse effect and

Course Analysis of steam cycles; Fuels and combustion; Steam generators (Boilers);
Description: Combustion mechanisms, Combustion equipment and Firing methods; Steam
turbines; Steam condensers, Condensate-feed-water and circulating water
systems; Internal combustion power plants; Miscellaneous topics; Engineering

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1.Introduction: Raw energy resources; Direct energy conversion systems;

Indirect energy conversion power plants

2.Analysis of Steam Cycles: Introduction; Rankine cycle; Reheat cycle;

Regenerative cycle; Reheat-Regenerative cycle; Feed- water heaters;
Binary vapor cycle

3.Fuels and Combustion: Introduction; Classification of fuels; Analysis of

coal; Combustion stoichiometry; Experimental determination of products
of combustion; Enthalpy of formation; Adiabatic flame temperature;
Heating values of fuels; Experimental determination of heating values of
fuels; Dissociation and equilibrium constant

4. Steam Generators (Boilers): Introduction; Classification of boilers; Types

of boilers; Boiler mountings and accessories; Performance of boilers;
Boiler draught
content 5. Combustion Mechanism, Combustion Equipment and Firing Methods:
Introduction; Fuel bed combustion; Mechanical stokers; Pulverized coal
firing; Fuel-oil firing; Gas firing; Combined gas fuel-oil firing

6. Steam Turbines: Introduction; Impulse turbine; Reaction turbine;

Velocity diagram for impulse turbine blade; Steam turbine blade-
efficiency; Axial thrust on rotor; Effect of friction on blade efficiency;
Performance of steam turbines; Governing of steam turbines

7. Steam Condensers, Condensate-Feed-water and Circulating Water

Systems: Steam condensers; Condensate feed-water systems;
Circulating water systems

8.Internal Combustion Power Plants: Introduction; Diesel engines; Internal

combustion engine power plants; Supercharging; Diesel engine plant
layout; Modifications of gas turbine cycles

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9.Miscellaneous Topics: Introduction; Solar energy and photovoltaic power

generation; Hydro-power generation; Geothermal power generation;
Wind energy power generation; Biomass power generation; Nuclear
power generation; Greenhouse effect; Pollution and its control

10.Power Plant Economy: Introduction; what is economics? Principles of

Engineering economy; Concepts of cost and benefit; Financial Analysis;
Indicators of financial performance; Economics of power generation

Prerequisites Thermodynamics II; Fluid Mechanics ; Heat Transfer

Literature  Abebayehu Assefa: Power Plant Engineering, Addis Ababa University,
April 2004.
 P.K.Nag, Tata McGrawhill, Power Plant Engineering, 2nd edition, 2006.
 R.K. Rajput, Power Plant Engineering (3rd Edition), 2005
 Larry Drbal, Kayla Westra, and Pat Boston, Power Plant Engineering, Dec 31,
 Power Plant Engineering – Black and Veatch, ITP-Thomson Science,
 Power Plant Engineering – Wolfgang Scheer, AAU, 1989
 Power Plant Technology – M.M.Wakil, McGraw Hill, 1985
 Modern Power Plant Engineering – J.Weisman & R.Eckert, 1985.
 Sharma P.C.,A Text of Power Plant Engineering.
Teaching  Lectures supported by tutorials,
Methods  Assignments,
 Class presentations, and
 Industrial visit
Visits; fire tube boiler plant, water tube boiler plant, diesel generator
Assessment  Quiz & Assignments 30%;
/ Evaluation  Reports/Projects 20%;
 Final examination 50%.
Attendance  Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours;
Requirement  100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some
unprecedented mishaps; and

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 Presence during industrial visit/visits.

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Introduction to Finite Element Method (MEng5171)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Number MEng 5171
Course Title Introduction to Finite Element Method
Degree Program
Module Introduction to FEM
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home study
semester) 32 16 32 55
Course Objectives & The course enables students to understand finite element
Competences to be methods of solving engineering problems. At the end of the
Acquired course, students should be able to:

 Understand the theory of formulation of the FEM & its

application for stress & dynamic analysis
 Using of Finite element software packages
Course Description introduction to FEM, basic energy & stiffness concepts, Deriving
an element stiffness matrix, Bar & beam elements, Two
dimensional problems, FE modeling & solution techniques,
Finite Element application software package
Course Contents
1. Introduction to FEM, Computational Modeling
2. Fundamentals for Finite Element Method
3. FEM for Trusses
4. FEM for Beams
5. FEM for Frames
6. FEM for Two-Dimensional solids
7. FEM for Plates and Shells

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8. FEM for 3D solids

9. FEM for Heat transfer problems
10. Modeling Techniques and FEM software
packages (Algor, Ansys or SolidWorks)
application on engineering problems
Pre-requisites MEng (Numerical Methods)
MEng (Design of Machine Elements II)
MEng (Mechanisms of Machinery)
Semester 9th
Status of Course Professional Compulsory
Teaching & Learning  Lectures supported by tutorials
 Assignments

 Lab demonstration

 Individual/Group project work

Assessment/Evaluation  Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum of 50%

& Grading System continuous assessments)
Attendance  Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours
Requirements  100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps

Literature References:
1. Daryl L. Logan, A First Course in the Finite Element Method, Jul 25,
2. O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method Set,

Sixth Edition, Sep 19, 2005.

3. J. N. Reddy, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method (Mcgraw Hill

Series in Mechanical Engineering), Jan 11, 2005.

4. Darrell W. Pepper and Juan C. Heinrich, The Finite Element
Method: Basic Concepts and Applications (Series in Computational and

Physical Processes in Mechanics and Thermal Sciences), Oct 31, 2005.

5. Kenneth H. Huebner, Donald L. Dewhirst, Douglas E. Smith,

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and Ted G. Byrom, The Finite Element Method for Engineers, Sep 7,
6. Roger T. Fenner and Roger T Fenner, Finite Element Methods for

Engineers, 1997.

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Maintenance and Installation of Machinery (MEng5231)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Code MEng 5231
Course Title Maintenance and Installation of Machinery
Degree Program B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Maintenance Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 4
Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Home Total
& & Study
Contact Hours / Seminars Workshop
Semester 32 16 Practice
32 28 108
The course is intended to enable the student to:
 Understand theoretical and practical aspects of
maintenance practice in industrial setup;
Understand basics of damages of typical components of
machinery and thereby help the student realize the
state of damage of machinery;
Course Objectives Realize the use of the concepts of reliability,
& Competences to maintainability and availability in maintenance
be Acquired technology which are helpful in the prediction of plant
Understand the organization of a maintenance
department, maintenance planning and decision making
 Develop practical skill by providing some practical work of
Damages and their causes; Damages of typical machine
components; Determination of the state of damage of
equipment; Elements of maintenance technology; Maintenance
Course Description
Planning and Organization; Reliability, Maintainability and
Availability; Spares Provisioning; Networking; Reconditioning
1. Introduction
2. Fundamental Theories of Damages
Course Content 3. Typical Damages of Machine Parts
4. Determination of the State of Damage
5. Elements of Maintenance Technology

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6. Decision Making
7. Basic Probability Concepts
8. Reliability, Maintainability and Availability
9. Maintenance Planning
10.Organization of Maintenance Planning
11.Spares Provisioning
12.Network Analysis for Planning and Control of
Maintenance Work
13.Reconditioning Processes
Pre-requisites None
Semester IX
Status of Course Core
Teaching &
Learning Methods Lectures, Laboratory exercises, discussions & assignments

Assessment/Evalua Assignments, Laboratory exercise & projects 50 %,

tion & Grading  Final Examination 50 %.
Attendance 90% attendance during lectures & discussions,
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps; and Presence during
industrial visit/visits; except for some unprecedented
Literature Textbook:
Teaching Material on ―Maintenance of Machinery‖ prepared by
Dr. Alem Bazezew
1. Gopalakkrishinan, P., Banerji, A.K., Maintenance and
Spare Parts Management, Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, New Delhi - 110001, 2002.
2. ececioglu, Dimitri, Maintainability, Availability, and
Operational Readiness, Vol. I, Prentice - Hall PJR, Upper
Saddle River, NJ, 1995.
3. Kelly, A., Harris, M.J., Management of Industrial
Maintenance, Butterworths & C. (Publishers) Ltd.,
London, 1978.
4. Moubray, John, Reliability - Centered Maintenance, 2nd
ed.,Industrial Press Inc., NY, 1997.
5. Neale, M. J., the Tribology Handbook, 2nd ed.,
Butterworths - Heinmann Publishing Ltd., 1995.

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Refrigeration and Air conditioning (MEng5212)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Code MEng 5212
Course Title Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Module Thermal systems Engineering
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(5)
Contact Hours (per 135(32+32+16+55)
Course Objectives & Course Objectives:
Competences to be The aim of the course is to introduce and familiarize students with
Acquired the basic fundamental principles of refrigeration and air conditioning
systems. This course will introduce students with basic analysis,
design and selection of refrigeration and air conditioning systems and
equipments applicable for different purpose. The course will provide
students with a working knowledge of computer-aided calculations of
thermal loads and their use in design of RAC systems.

Competences (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of the course the students:-

 will have a sound understanding of the basic principles and
concepts on the design and thermodynamic analysis of different
refrigeration cycle/systems including the vapor compression
refrigeration system, vapor absorption system, gas cycle systems,
steam-Injection refrigeration systems, and ultra-low temperature
refrigeration (cryogenics)
 will demonstrate the operation and analysis of several key
components/equipments (refrigeration compressors, refrigeration

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condensers, expansion devices and evaporators) in a refrigeration

 will demonstrate their ability and knowledge in mathematical and
thermodynamic to for the proper selection of components and
maximize the performance of refrigeration systems
 will be able to understand the different types of air conditioning
systems and their components
 will be able to demonstrate their ability and knowledge in
mathematics, thermodynamics and heat transfer to analyze,
model and design or select a suitable air conditioning system
and/or components
 will able to utilize psychrometric chart to represent different AC
processes and obtain thermodynamic calculations for them
 will able to develop skill and knowledge in inside and outside
design condition analysis and selection, heating and cooling load
calculations for a given location
 will able to select suitable components (cooling coils, humidifiers,
dehumidifiers, chillers, heaters, filters, fans) for typical AC system
 will have a sound understanding of the air distribution systems
and duct design. They will understand the different methods of
duct design and selection of air distribution and space diffusion
systems like fans, diffusers, grilles etc for different particular
application of the air conditioning system
 The students will understand the basic elements for designing of
an energy efficient building
Course Part I: Refrigeration.
Description/Course Basic concepts – Reversed Carnot Cycle and its limitations – Actual
Contents Refrigeration systems – Vapour Compression cycle and its equipment:
Effect of Pressure, Superheating, Sub cooling and Regenerative heat
exchanger on cycle performance. Gas cycle refrigeration
Properties of Refrigerant
Vapour absorption systems – Maximum COP – Actual cycle
calculations. Steam Jet Refrigeration – Water as refrigerant –

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Principle and analysis of steam ejector. Heat Pumps – Comparison

with electric resistance heaters: Cryogenics – Cycles and comparison;
Applications of refrigeration in food preservation.
Part II: Air-Conditioning.
Psychrometry – Properties of moist air – Psychrometric chart
preparation for any place and its application for air conditioning
processes: heating, cooling, mixing and drying
Air Conditioning equipment – Cooling, Heating and Dehumidifying
coils- Sensible heat and bypass factors; Air Washer and its
Load calculations – Solar heat gain – Heat transfer through building
structures – Internal heat gains – Occupancy, Lighting and Appliances
load, Process load, System heat gains and Cooling loads. Effective
Sensible Heat Factor
Selection of Air Conditioning apparatus for Cooling and
Design conditions – Choice of inside and supply design conditions.
Comfort & Effective temperature
Simple air conditioning system and mass rate of supply air - summer
air conditioning system – apparatus dew point – role of bypass factor;
Winter air conditioning and system calculations for design: Basic
aspects of transmission and distribution of air as well as refrigeration
and air conditioning control
Course Contents 1.-

Pre-requisites Thermodynamics II and Fluid Mechanics

Semester 9th
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching &  Lectures supported by tutorials
Learning Methods  Assignments,

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 Laboratory exercises, and

 Industrial visits.
 Seminar
Design Project
Assessment/Evaluat  Continuous assessment 40%
ion & Grading  Design Project 20%,
System Final Examination 40%.
Attendance  Minimum of 75% attendance during lecture hours;
Requirements  100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps; and
 Presence during industrial visit/visits.
1. Industrial Refrigeration plant of beverage plant
2. Cold store
3. Building Air-conditioning Systems
Literature 1. Bill Whitman, Bill Johnson, and John Tomczyck, Refrigeration and Air

Conditioning Technology, 5E, Oct 13, 2004.

2. Dick Wirz, Commercial Refrigeration for Air Conditioning Technicians, Oct 31,
3. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute and Larry Jeffus,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: An Introduction to HVAC (4th Edition), Dec
23, 2003.
4. William C. Whitman, William M. Johnson, and John Tomczyk,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology: Concepts, Procedures, and

Troubleshooting Techniques, Jan 2005.

5. C.P.Arora Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill,
6. Thomas Kuehn, James w. Ramsey and James L. Threlkeld,
Thermal Environmental Engineering –Prentice Hall, 1998.
7. Jan F. Kreider, Handbook of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

(Mechanical Engineering Series), Dec 26, 2000.

8. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute and Joseph Moravek,
Conditioning Systems: Principles, Equipment, and Service, Sep 13, 2000.

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9. Billy C. Langley, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Troubleshooting Handbook,

Aug 15, 2002.
10. Edward G. Pita, Air Conditioning Principles and Systems: An Energy Approach

(4th Edition), Jun 28, 2001.

11. ASHRAE, Air- Conditioning Systems Design Manual.
12. ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals (2001), Systems & Equipment
(2000), Applications (1999), Refrigeration (1998).
A.C Bryant, Refrigeration equipment: a servicing and installation
handbook –, Butter worth –Heinemann, 1999

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Industrial management and Engineering Economy (IEng5241)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Code IEng 5241
Course Title Industrial Management & Engineering Economy
Degree Program B. Sc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 4
Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Home Total
& & Study
Contact Hours / Seminars Workshop
Semester 32 48 Practice
0 28 108
The course enables students to understand basic
principles/concepts of:
Course Objectives Industrial management and organization;
& Competences to Industrial plant design;
be Acquired  Effective material management;
Management and resource allocation; and
Engineering economy.
Basic management concepts and industrial organization; Work
environment; Plant design; Materials management; Forecasting
Course Description
techniques; Basics of accounting principles; Project
management; Financial evaluation.
1. Basic Management Concepts and Industrial
Organization: Introduction to management; Functions
of management; Organizational structure; Basics of
2. Forecasting: Meaning and use of forecasting;
Forecasting techniques
3. Plant Design: Basics of Plant Layout; Study of Plant
Layout; Ergonomics and Industrial Safety
Course Content
4. Materials Management: Purchasing; Inventory control
5. Project Management and Resource Allocation:
Work breakdown structure; Project organization,
Network scheduling; Projects crashing; Resource
allocation, Project risks
6.Investment Evaluation: Total investment costs;
Projects financing; Financial evaluations
7. Basic Accounting Principles & Budgeting

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Fundamentals: Classification of accounts; Accounting

concepts; Accounting statements; Budgets and
budgetary control
Semester X
Status of Course Core
Teaching &
Learning Methods Lectures, discussions & assignments

Assessment/Evalua Assignments, exercise, quiz & projects 50 %,

tion & Grading  Final Examination 50 %.
Attendance 85% attendance during lectures & discussions,
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps; and Presence during
industrial visit/visits; except for some unprecedented
Literature Textbook:
Daniel Kitaw, Industrial Management and Engineering
1.Heizer, Jay and Render, Barry: Operation Management,
8th ed, 2006.
2.Kurtz, Max P.E., Hand Book of Industrial Management,
New York: McGraw Hill Inc., 1984.
3.Peter Atrill & Eddie McLaney, Accounting and Finance for
Non –specialist, New Delhi:, Prentice Hall of India, 2001
4. Mikell P. Groover, Automation, Production systems, and
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing , 2nd Edition, Asia,
PearsonEducation, 2001
5. Moore, James M. Plant Layout and Design, New
York,Macmillan Company, 1962

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Introduction to Mechatronics (MEng5271)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Code MEng5271
Course Title Introduction to Mechatronics
Module Control Engineering Module
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(5)
Contact Hours (per 135(32+48+0+55)
Course Objectives & Course Objectives
Competences to be Mechatronics, as an engineering discipline, is the synergistic
Acquired combination of mechanical engineering, electronics, control
engineering, and computers, all integrated through the design
process. It involves the application of complex decision making to the
operation of physical systems. Mechatronic systems depend for their
unique functionality on computer software. This course studies
mechatronics at a theoretical and practical level; balance between
theory/analysis and hardware implementation is emphasized;
emphasis is placed on physical understanding rather than on
mathematical formalities.

A case-study, problem-solving approach, with video hardware

demonstrations, is used throughout the course. The course of studies
should enable students to analyze complex physical-technical
combinations and to describe, to model, to simulate and to develop
Mechatronics systems using the methods of mechanical engineering,
electrical engineering and computer science. Students‘ central task is
the optimal configuration of the complete system.

Competences (Learning Outcomes)

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After completion of this course students will

• Understand the importance of the integration of modeling and
controls in the design of mechatronic systems.
• Understand the dynamic system investigation process and be able to
apply it to a variety of dynamic physical systems.
• Understand the importance of physical and mathematical modeling
(both from first principles and using system
• identification experimental techniques) in mechatronic system
design and be able to model and analyze mechanical, electrical,
electromechanical, fluid, thermal, chemical, and multidisciplinary
• Be able to develop a hierarchy of physical models for a dynamic
system, from a truth model to a design model, and understand
the appropriate use of this hierarchy of models.
• Become proficient in the use of MatLab/Simulink to model and
analyze nonlinear and linear mechatronic systems.
• Understand the key elements of a measurement system and the
basic performance specifications and physical/mathematical
models of a variety of analog and digital motion sensors.
• Understand the characteristics and models of various
electromechanical actuators (brushed dc motor, brushless dc
motor, and stepper motor) and hydraulic and pneumatic
• Understand analog and digital circuits and components and
semiconductor electronics as they apply to mechatronic systems.
• Understand and be able to apply various control system design
techniques: open-loop feedforward control, classical feedback
control (root-locus and frequency response), and statespace
• Have a general understanding of more advanced control design
techniques: cascade control, inferential control, model predictive
control, adaptive control, fuzzy logic control, and multivariable

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• Understand the digital implementation of control and basic digital

control design techniques.
• Be able to use a microcontroller as a mechatronic system
component, i.e., understand programming and interfacing issues.
Be able to apply all these skills to the design of a mechatronic
Course Course description:

Course Contents Chapter 1: Mechatronics, Introduction

1.1 Review of Measurement systems
1.2 Review of control systems
1.3 Review on Mechatronics system Modeling
1.4 Design Project proposal
Chapter 2: Actuation Systems for Mechatronics
2.1 Electrical Actuation Systems
2.2 Pneumatic & Hydraulic Actuation Systems
2.3 Mechanical Actuation Systems
Chapter 3. Semiconductor Devices and motor Controlling
Chapter 4: Sensor communication Design
Chapter 5. Digital Logics
Copter 6 Microcontrollers and Microprocessors
Chapter 7. Programmable Logic controllers (PLC)
Chapter 8. Micro sensors and Micro Actuator in Mechatronics
Chapter 9 Fault Finding in Mechatronics
Pre-requisites Basic electricity and electronics, Theory of machines and mechanisms
Status of Course Core
Teaching & • Lectures
Learning Methods • Tutorials
• Laboratory exercises

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• Case studies
• Assignments
Assessment/Evaluat o Written Examination
ion & Grading • Mid-term examination
System • Final examination
o Case study reports
o Presentations
Attendance • Lecture and tutorial attendance (at least 80% of the classes
Requirements should be attended)
• Laboratory exercise reports (all should be submitted)
• Case study reports (all should be submitted)
• Presentation (all should be attended)
Literature 1. Sabri Cetinkunt, Mechatronics, Jan 23, 2006.
2. Robert H. Bishop, Mechatronics: An Introduction, Sep 13, 2005.
3. K.K. Appukuttan, Introduction to Mechatronics, Jun 30, 2007.
4. Edward J. Carryer, Thomas W Kenny, and Matt Ohline,
Introduction to Mechatronics, Jul 1, 2007.
5. Bolton, W.: Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical
and Electrical Engineering (3rd Edition), Mar 19, 2004
6. Frank D. Petruzella, Programmable Logic Controllers, Mar 2, 2004
7. E. A. Parr, Programmable Controllers: An Engineer's

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Entrepreneurship for Engineers (IEng5242)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Code IEng5242
Course Title Entrepreneurship for Engineers
Degree Program B. Sc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Research Methods & Entrepreneurship
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 4
Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Home Total
& & Study
Contact Hours / Seminars Workshop
Semester 32 48 Practice
0 28 108
Course Objectives & After the completion of this course, students will be able to:
Competences to be Describe the process of innovation, technology transfer &
Acquired entrepreneurship as an activity originating from
market need;
Understand how innovation and competitive advantage
contribute value to new business products and
Understand the entrepreneurial traits and skills needed in
entrepreneurial ventures; and
Through the development of a business plan, evaluate
the opportunities of a selected venture idea along with
the constraints on its feasibility.
Course Description Introduction to entrepreneurship development, and
/Course Contents commercialization of technology-based innovation in existing
firms; and the formation, development, and growth of
technology-based new enterprises. Integration of important
tools and skills necessary to create and grow a successful new
venture. The real life activities of entrepreneurs in the start-
up stage of a new venture, Development of a new venture
concept for existing matured products or services.
1. The Entrepreneur and the Entrepreneurial Venture
Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship, The Concept of
Entrepreneurship, The Entrepreneur as an Individual,
Creativity and Innovation
2. Creation of New Ventures
Developing the Entrepreneurial Plan, Ideas versus
Opportunities, Commercialization of technology-based
innovation, Formation, development, and growth of
technology-based new enterprises

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3. International Technology Transfer and

Enterprises, innovation
Technology usage and adoption by SMEs, Promotion of
technological development, Public regulation of technology
transfers, Diffusion and Mechanisms of Technology Transfer,
Intellectual Property Rights and the Appropriability of
4. Assessing the Feasibility of a New Venture
Assessment and Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities,
Structuring the New Venture, Legal Structures and Issues,
Sources and Types of Capital, Buying versus Starting a
5. Growing the New Venture
The Management Team, Strategic Planning, Managing
Growth, Financing Growth, Developing a Team of Advisors
6. Risk and insurance of Business enterprises
Definition of Risk, The process of Risk management,
Classifying risks by Type of Asset, Insurance of the Small
7. Project work
Feasibility Study and Business Plan
Pre-requisites None
Semester X
Status of Course Core
Teaching & Learning
Methods Lectures, Discussions, Assignments & Project work
Assessment/Evaluat Assignments, Quizzes, Project Work: 50%;
ion & Grading  Final Exam: 50%
Attendance Minimum of 90% attendance during lecture hours; and
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature 1. Kishel, Gregory F. and Kishel, Patricia G. How to Start,
Run, and Stay in Business , 4th ed. 2005.
2. Shukla, M.B., Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Management, 2005.
3. Blawatt, Ken R. Entrepreneurship: Process and
management, 1998

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Regulation and Control Engineering (MEng5272)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Code MEng5272
Course Title Regulation and Control Engineering
Module Control Engineering Module
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(5)
Contact Hours (per 135(32+48+0+55)
Course Objectives & Course Objectives
Competences to be To introduce students the fundamental theories of control
Acquired engineering, which have a wide application in industries. The
course mainly covers the classical control theories that are still the
foundation in control systems of electrical and mechanical
To introduce theoretical and applied modeling techniques to
characterize physical systems.
To instruct students in the use of feedback control to modify
behavior of dynamic systems
To help students to analyze dynamical systems, understand their
performance as well as dynamical limitations.
To teach students how system characteristics: such as stability,
transient response and steady state error may be changed
through dynamic compensation
 To help students design basic controllers to enhance the
performance of systems in both the frequency domain and the
time domain.
To introduce students on how to implement controllers and are
aware of standard industrial practices. Student Learning Outcome

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Analysis Ability: Students will demonstrate how to analyze a system

based on the stability and the response characteristics for both
representations, namely, transfer function and state-space
Design Ability: Based on the performance criteria (i.e., desired
behavior of the system), students will demonstrate the ability of
designing a controller for a system by using (i) conventional
control design methodologies (Root-Locus, Bode, and Nyquist
methods), (ii) modern control design methodologies (pole
placement technique).
Course Course description:

Course Contents 1. Introduction to automatic control system

a)Control System
b)Open-Loop Control System
c)Closed-Loop Control System
2 Mathematical modeling of physical system
a) Modeling of Mechanical Systems
b) Equation of Electrical Networks
c) Transfer Functions
d) Block Diagram and Signal Flow Graph
3) Feedback and its properties
e) Types of Feedback Control Systems
f) Importance of feedback
4) Time Response Analysis of Control Systems
a) Test Signals
b) System Response of 1st and 2nd Order System
c) Time Domain analysis of 1st and 2nd Order System
d) Time Response Specifications
e) Steady State Error
5) Stability of Control Systems

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a) The Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion

b) Root-Locus Techniques
c) Nyquist Plot
6) Frequency Response Method of Control Systems
a) Frequency Response
b) Frequency Response from Pole-Zero Plot
c) Frequency Response for series elements
d) Bode Plot
e) Experimental Determination of Transfer Functions
7) Controllers
a) Types of Controllers
b) Ziegler-Nichols method for tuning PID
c) Lead/Lag controllers
8) Control system design and compensation techniques
a) Using Root-Locus
b) Using Frequency-Response methods
9) Simulation of Mechanical Control Systems Using
Pre-requisites Basic electricity and electronics, applied mathematics III
Status of Course
Teaching & • Lectures
Learning Methods • Tutorials
• Laboratory exercises
• Case studies
• Assignments
Assessment/Evaluat o Written Examination
ion & Grading • Mid-term examination
System • Final examination
o Case study reports
o Presentations
Attendance • Lecture and tutorial attendance (at least 80% of the classes
Requirements should be attended)

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• Laboratory exercise reports (all should be submitted)

• Case study reports (all should be submitted)
• Presentation (all should be attended)
Literature 1. Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 4th, 2003.
2. Norman S. Nise, Matlab 6.1 Supplied to accompany Control
Systems Engineering, 3rd 2002.
3. Benjamin C. Kuo and Farid Golnaraghi, Automatic Control Systems,
Sep 6, 2002.
4. Savanandam, S.N., Control Systems Engineering, 2001
5. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 4th, 2001.
6. Roland S. Burns, Advanced Control Engineering, 2001.
7. James R. Carstens, Automatic Control Systems and Components,
Dec 1, 1989.
8. Batson, Introduction to Control Systems Technology.
9. Dorf and Bishop, Modern Control Technology
10. U Nagrath and M Gopal, ―Control System Engineering‖
11. Katsuhiko Ogata, ―Modern Control Engineering‖, 3rd or latest
12. W. Bolton, ―Control Engineering‖
13. G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell and A. Emami-Naeini, ―Feedback
Control of Dynamic Systems‖, Third Edition, 1994.
14. Dorf, and R. H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 8th Edition,
15. B. C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall,
International Edition, 1991

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B.Sc. Thesis (MEng5391)

Department Mechanical Engineering
XXX Technology
XXX University
Course Number MEng5391)
Course Title BSc Thesis
Degree Program BSc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module B.Sc. Thesis Module
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 12
Contact Hours (per
Course Objectives & The thesis aims at making the student demonstrate
Competences to be his/her
Acquired ability to conduct independent research. The expected
outcomes may be contribution to knowledge,
incremental improvement in an area of knowledge, or
the application of known techniques in a new area. To
carve out professionals who will be responsive to the
needs of the society and to enhance problem solving
skills, all students must carry out an independent (to the
possible extent) research project. The study should be
i) Problem oriented
ii) Community based
iii) Scientifically and ethically acceptable
iv) Feasible, and
v) Action oriented
Course An individual and non-strictly supervised project, where
Description/Course only light consultative help is offered by the project
Contents advisor. The project is assigned by the department and
can be connected to any of the major subjects already

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taught. The subject of the research preferably considers

the needs of the country.
 Data collection & interpretation 1
 Literature survey 1
 Define project scope and deliverables 1
 Contrive several implementing schemes 2
 Evaluate schemes approximately 1
 Experiment with several promising
schemes(virtual reality) 2
 Make design drawings for most promising
Scheme 1
 Examine controls/sensors 1
 Select materials 1
 Construct prototype(where applicable) 1
 Test prototype ½
 Evaluate prototype performance ½
 Review design 1
 Evaluate economics 1
 Write and present final dissertation report 1

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To be able to manage time judiciously, the student must
prepare GANTT chart & CPM/PERT Network.
Pre-requisites All senior standing courses
Semester 10th
Status of Course Professional Compulsory (Graduation requirement)
Teaching & Learning  Consultation with advisor
Methods  Standard research methods
 Data collection & interpretation
 Problem formulation
The assessment of project work will be based on the
Assessment/Evaluation following criteria.
& Grading System  Mid term review as assessed by others
 Assessment by your advisor
 Quality and originality of work as
assessed during final presentation,
 Question-Answers/Defense of your work,
and Presentation quality
 Project report
Attendance  To report to project advisor, during allotted
Requirements hours, for progress appraisal on a continuous
Literature 1. Mauch, Guide to Successful Thesis and Dissertation,
5th Edition, 2003.
2. Rahim, F. Abdul, Thesis Writing Manual for all
Researchers, 2004.

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Machinery Design MEng5303

Department of Mechanical Engineering/XX Technology
XX University
Course Number MEng5303
Course Title Machinery Design
Degree Program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Mechanical Design Electives
Module Coordinator NN
Lecturer NN
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory/Practice Home Study
Semester) 16 96 0 50

Course Objectives

Course Objectives & At the end of the course, students should be able to know:
Competences to be • The general procedures of the design of transmissions,
Acquired • Specifications of transmissions, and

• Documentation of machine design reports.

Guidelines for design procedures and special calculation

related to: Couplings, Clutches, Spur gears, Helical gears,
Course Description
gears and Work gear boxes (including precision calculation of
teeth geometry, dimensioning and strength calculations).
Project work will be given after conducting lectures on
transmission design methodologies and design procedures
Course outline
to the projects.
Pre-requisites MEng3161, MEng2152
Semester Xx(Year III, Semester II)
Status of Course core
Teaching & Learning Lectures supported by tutorials with individual advising, and

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Methods • Industrial visits (if it is necessary).

Project Work:
Project-I: Design of flexible couplings and disc clutches.
& Grading System
Project-II: Design of gearboxes
Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours; and
• 100% attendance during project work sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps.
3. Juvinall, R.C., Fundamentals of Machine Component Design,
John Wiley and Sons, 1991
4. Myatt, D.J., Machine Design Problems, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, inc., 1959
5. Shigley, J.C., Power Transmission Elements: A Mechanical
Design Work Book,

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Product Design and Development MEng5301

Department of Mechanical Engineering/XX Technology
XX University
Course Number MEng5301
Course Title Product Design and Development
Degree Program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Mechanical Design Electives
Module Coordinator NN
Lecturer NN
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory/Practice Home Study
Semester) 32 48 0 55

Course Objectives

The course is intended to provide the students the following

 Awareness of the role of multiple functions like marketing,
finance, industrial design, engineering and production in
Course Objectives & creating a new product;
Competences to be  Competence with a set of tools and methods for product
Acquired design and development;
 Confidence in abilities to create a new product;
 Ability to coordinate multiple, interdisciplinary tasks in order
to achieve a common objective.
Reinforcement of specific knowledge from other courses
through practice and reflection in an action-oriented setting.
Product Design and Development is a project-based course
that covers modern tools and methods for product design and
development. The cornerstone is a project in which teams of
Course Description management, engineering, and industrial design students
conceive, design and prototype a physical product. Topics
include identifying customer needs, concept generation,
product architecture, industrial design, and design-for-

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1. Product Concept Design
Understanding customer needs – Product function
modeling – Function trees and function structures –
Product tear down methods – Bench marking – Product
port folio – concept generation and selection.
2. Design Methods
Creativity and Problem Solving –Creativity methods-Theory
of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) – Conceptual
decomposition-Generating design concepts-Axiomatic
Design – Evaluation methods-Embodiment Design-Product
Architecture-Configuration Design- Parametric Design. Role
of models in design-Mathematical Modeling – Simulation –
Geometric Modeling –Rapid prototyping- Finite Element
Analysis– Optimization – Search Methods.
Course outline
3. Product Design Tools & Techniques
Design for product life cycle, Design for environment,
Design of reliability FMEA – QFD – Poka Yoke - DOE –
Taguchi method of DOE – Quality loss functions
4. Product Data Management
Product Data Management – concepts – Collaborative
product design and commerce – Information Acquisition –
Sourcing factor – manufacturing planning factor –
Customization factor – Product life cycle management.
5. Material Selection Processing and Design
Role of Processing in Design – Classification of Manufacturing
Process – Design for Manufacture – Design for Assembly –
Designing for castings, Forging, Metal Forming, Machining and
Pre-requisites MEng3161
Semester Xx(Year III, Semester II)
Status of Course Professional Elective
Teaching & Learning  • Lectures supported by tutorials;

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Methods  Individual assignments;

 Group project work;
Practical project work
Continues assessments
Assessment/Evaluation Minimum of (50%)
& Grading System Final examination

Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours; and

• 100% attendance during project work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps.
1. Karl T. Ulrich, Product Design and Development, Jul 13,
2. Michael Ashby and Kara Johnson, Materials and Design:
The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product
Design, Dec 2002.
3. Kai Yang and Basem S. EI-Haik, Design for Six Sigma : A
Roadmap for Product Development, May 21, 2003.
4. George, E. Dieter, Engineering Design, a Material and
Processing Approach, McGraw - Hill Inc., 2000.
G. Phal and W.Beitz, Engineering Design, a Systematic
Approach, 2nd Edition, 1996.

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Introduction to Tribology MEng5302

Department of Mechanical Engineering/XX Technology
XX University
Course Number MEng5302
Course Title Introduction to Tribology
Degree Program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Mechanical Design Electives
Module Coordinator NN
Lecturer NN
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory/Practice Home Study
Semester) 32 48 0 55

Course Objectives

The is intended to introduce the student to the concept of

Course Objectives &
Competences to be • interfaces between two or more bodies in relative motion
Acquired • geometric, chemical, and physical characterization of
• friction and wear mechanisms
Tribological systems: the interfaces between two or more
bodies in relative motion; Geometric, chemical, and physical
characterization of
Course Description surfaces; Friction and wear mechanisms for metals, polymers,
and ceramics, abrasive wear, delamination theory, tool wear,
erosive wear, wear of polymers and composites; Boundary
lubrication and solid-film lubrication; Rolling contacts.
1. Introduction to Tribology
2. Chemical and Physical State of the Solid Surface
3. Friction
Course outline
4. Analysis of Large Plastic Deformation of Elasto-plastic Solids
5. Introduction to Wear
6. Response of Materials to Surface Traction

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7. Wear Mechanisms
8. Boundary Lubrication
9. Hydrodynamic Lubrication
10.Design of Seals
11.Erosive Wear
Pre-requisites Senior standing course
Semester Xx(Year III, Semester II)
Status of Course Elective
Teaching & Learning Lectures
Methods • Assignments
Continues assessments
Assessment/Evaluation Minimum of (50%)
& Grading System Final examination

Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours; and

• 100% attendance during project work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps.
Suh, N. P. Tribophysics. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,

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Rotor Dynamics MEng5304

Department of Mechanical Engineering/XX Technology

XX University
Course Number MEng5304
Course Title Rotor Dynamics
Degree Program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Mechanical Design Electives
Module Coordinator NN
Lecturer NN
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory/Practice Home Study
Semester) 32 48 0 55

Course Objectives

Upon completion students should be able

 To formulate physical and mathematical models of complex

Course Objectives & rotor - bearing - foundation systems.

Competences to be  Solve the mathematical model by means of analytical and

Acquired numerical methods for equilibrium position and forced

Assess stability of solutions. Understand the dynamic
phenomena that can be encountered in the rotating
Modeling of shafts, rigid and elastic elements, bearings and
foundations; composition of mathematical model of rotor
systems; condensation techniques; analysis: equilibrium
position, response to the external excitation, free vibration,
Course Description
stability of equilibrium position; influence of the internal and
external damping; influence of the gyroscopic effect and rotor
with non-circular cross-section; passive and active control of

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1. Introduction to Rotor Dynamics.

2. Discussion of Journal bearings: Motion of

shafts in bearing, Basic Vibration Principles
and Definitions, Bearing stiffness and
damping coefficients.
3. Entering the World of Rotor Dynamics:
Rotor supported on rigid supports, Rotor
supported on flexible supports, rigid and
elastic elements, modeling of shafts,
bearings, and foundations.
4. Rotor Dynamic Analyses: Composition of
mathematical model of rotor systems,
Course outline Undamped critical speed analysis,
Unbalance response analysis, Damped
eigenvalue analysis, Stability analysis,
Technologies to Improve the Stability of
Rotor-bearing Systems.
5. Condensation techniques; analysis:
equilibrium position, response to the
external excitation, free vibration, stability
of equilibrium position.
6. Influence of the internal and external
damping; influence of the gyroscopic
7. Rotor with non-circular cross-section

8. Passive and active control of vibrations

Pre-requisites MEng3072
Semester Xx(Year III, Semester II)
Status of Course Professional Elective
Teaching & Learning • Lectures supported by Lab, Assignments, and Tutorials,
Methods • Project work.

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Continuous assessments
-Minimum of (50%)
& Grading System
Final examination
Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours; and
• 100% attendance during project work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps.
1. Agnieszka Muszynska, Rotordynamics (Mechanical
Engineering (Marcell Dekker)), May 20, 2005.
2. Giancarlo Genta, Dynamics of Rotating Systems
(Mechanical Engineering Series), April 22, 2005.
3. Robert B. McMillan, Rotating Machinery: Practical Solutions
to Unbalance and Misalignment, Dec 2, 2003.
4. Rotating Machinery Vibration, M.L. Adams jr, Marcel Dekker
Inc., 2001
5. Handbook of Rotordynamics, F.F. Ehrich, Krigeer Publishing
Company, 1999
Rotor Dynamics, Rao,J.S., New York: J. Wiley 1983.

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MEng5223–Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow

Jimma University
Jimma Institute of Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Program Regular
Course Title Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
Course Code MEng5222
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Name and Thermal Engineering Electives, ___
Module Coordinator N.N
Course Instructor N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 5
Lecture/Contact 2 hours lecture, 3 hours tutorial
Days, Hours and
Target Group Mechanical Engineering students
Year/Semester 5th
Prerequisite MEng3111– Fluid Mechanics,
MEng3113 (Heat Transfer),
MEng2092 (Numerical Methods)
Status of the course Elective
Course Objectives & The course is intended to
Competences to be Develop students' ability to obtain numerical solutions to
Acquired engineering problems by choosing the appropriate finite
difference technique.
Enhance students' ability to obtain numerical solutions with
efficiency and accuracy.
Formulate a general numerical method of prediction (Finite
Control Volume) for heat and mass transfer, fluid flow, and
related processes

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Enable the student to acquire hands on experience with

commercial software like FLUENT & ANSYS to solve
practical problems
Course Description Comparison of experimental, analytical and numerical
methods; governing partial differential equations-
generalization and normalization of governing equations
and boundary conditions; discretization; methodology
formulation; convection and diffusion; SIMPLE algorithm,
calculation of flow and temperature field in 2-d;
programming for simple problems involving heat transfer
and fluid flow; Usage of commercial codes to deal with real
life problems.
Week Cont Chapters Reading Remark
act Materials
1st, 2nd 10 Introduction Text Book,
Experimental, analytical and Pages 3-7.
numerical methods of Reference 4,
prediction; Advantages of Pages 6-13
numerical methods;
methodologies for Finite
Difference Method, Finite
Element Method and Finite
Volume Method

3rd, 4th, 15 Governing equations Text Book,

Detailed Course Contents

Governing differential Pages 11-22.

equations of physical
phenomena – conservation of
mass, momentum, energy
and chemical species – Time
averaged equations for
turbulent flow; General

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differential equation; One-

way and two-way
coordinates; Coordinate
transformation; types of
boundary conditions
6th, 7th, 15 Discretization Text Book,
8th Methods of discretization, the pages 25-39.
four basic rules; Convection
and diffusion – up winding,
exponential, hybrid and
power law schemes; Proper
view of false diffusion use of
staggered grids for physical
9th, 10 SIMPLE Algorithm Text Book,
10th The SIMPLE algorithm; Pages 126-
Calculation of flow field and 129.
temperature field for a simple
2-D problem
11th, 10 Consistency, Accuracy, Reference 5,
12th Stability and Post pages 331-
processing 349.
Consistency requirements; Reference 6,
Accuracy of Descretisation; pages 163-
Stability Analysis, successive 187.
over relaxation; checking of
results for physical realism
and post processing for
interpretation in a customized
13th, 10 Programming Reference 7 As
14th Development of Python required
programs to handle practical for a

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problems involving 2-D finite specific

difference technique problem
15th, 10 Practice on Commercial ANSYS
16th codes FLUENT
Laboratory practice with tutorial
hands on experience on manual (Fluid
commercial software like Flow and Heat
Multiphysics Mixing Elbow,
Periodic Flow
and Heat
Radiation and
Final Exam Date In the 17th or 18th week as per schedule set by department
Delivery Mode Semester based
Teaching & Class room lectures

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Learning Methods Tutorials/Assignments

Laboratory exercises on computers
Project work (Software practice with ANSYS FLUENT and
COMSOL Multiphysics)
Assessment/Evaluat Assignments: 10%
ion & Grading Mid Term Exam; 20%
System Project work: 30% (continuous assessment)
Final Exam: 40%
Course Policies
Attendance Minimum attendance required to be permitted to
Requirements examination:80%
100% attendance during laboratory sessions
Literature Textbook:
Sukas V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid
Flow (Series in computational methods in
mechanics and thermal sciences), Jun 1980.
K. Muralidhar and T. Sundararajan, Computational Fluid
Flow and Heat Transfer, Mar 30, 2003.
John Tannehill, Computational Fluid Mechanics and
Heat Transfer, Second Edition (Series in
Computational and Physical Processes in Mechanics
and Thermal Sciences), April 1, 1997.
H.K. Versteeg and W.K.Malasekara – An Introduction
to Finite Volume Method, Pearson Prentice Hall, Essex,
T. J. Chung- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Second
Edition, 2010
J. Blazek- Computational Fluid Dynamics: Principles
and Applications, 2001
Harvard Lomax and Thomas H. Pulliam- Fundamentals
of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 1999.

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Hans Petter Langtangen-A Premier on Scientific

Programming with Python, Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg, 2009.
ANSYS FLUENT documentation.
COMSOL Multiphysics documentation.

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MEng5224–Gas Turbine and Jet Propulsion

Jimma University
Jimma Institute of Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Course Title Gas Turbine and Jet Propulsion
Course Code MEng5223
Degree Program
Module Name Thermal Engineering Electives
Module Number MEng5223
Team Leader
Course Instructor
Contact hour per 6hrs (3hrs lecture and 3hrs tutorial)
Contact Days( time
and room)
Target Group Mechanical Engineers
Prerequisites MEng4151 (Turbo machinery)
Status of the Professional Elective
Course Description Introduction to the principles of operation of jet propulsion
engines; A brief review of: compressible flow through nozzles,
compressors and gas turbines; Components of aircraft gas
turbine engines; Parametric analysis of the ideal and real cycles
of the engines; Analysis of overall performance of the engines.
Course Objective At the end of this course students would:
Know the principles of jet propulsion.
 Gain the experience of applying the thermo-fluid dynamics
concepts they learnt earlier to solve compressible flow

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 Know the components of gas turbine engines and their
respective functions, and be able to analyze and evaluate
the performances of these components
 Be able to analyze and evaluate the ideal as well as real
cycles of gas turbine engines
 Be able to analyze and evaluate the overall performance of
a gas turbine engine
 Know the auxiliary components (e.g., sensors of control
systems) of gas turbine engines and their respective

Detailed Course Schedule: Contact time, topics and reading materials

Week Contac Topic/Subtopic/Chapter Reading Remarks
t Hour Materials
1st , 2nd 10 hrs Introduction to the principles Ref 1, pp 33-60
of operation of jet propulsion
3,4th 10 hrs A brief review of: compressible Ref 1, pp 114-
flow through nozzles, 206
compressors and gas turbines
5,6th 10 Ref 1, pp 213-
Aircraft gas turbine engine
7,8th 15 hrs Components of aircraft gas Ref 1, pp 346-
turbine engines 369
9th -11th 10 hrs Parametric analysis of ideal Ref 1, pp 240-
cycles of the engines 337
12th – 15 hrs Parametric analysis of real Ref 1, pp 371-
14th cycles of the engines 453
15th –16th 20 hrs Analysis of overall Ref 1, pp 461-
performance of the engines 605
Final Exam Date
Teaching  Lectures supported by tutorials,

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Methodology  Assignments, and

 Laboratory exercises.
Assessment  Assignments 10%,
Methods  Mid-semester Examination 30%,
 Final Examination 60%.
Course Policies  Minimum of 75% attendance during lecture hours; and
 100% attendance during practical laboratory sessions,
except for some unprecedented mishaps.
References Reference:
1. Jack D. Mattingly and Hans von (FWD) Ohain, Elements
of Gas Turbine Propulsion (Aiaa Education Series),
Aug 1, 2005.
2. Jack D. Mattingly and Hans von Ohain, Elements of
Propulsion: Gas Turbines And Rockets (AIAA
Education) (Aiaa Education Series), Aug 30, 2006.
3. Nicholas Cumpsty, Jet Propulsion: A Simple Guide to
the Aerodynamic and Thermodynamic Design and
Performance of Jet Engines, Sep 15, 2003.
4. Ronald D. Flack, Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion with
Applications (Cambridge Aerospace Series), April
25, 2005.
5. Klaus Hunecke, Jet Engines: Fundamentals of
Theory, Design and Operation, Dec 21, 1997.

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MEng5225- Waste Heat Recovery and Co-generation

Department of Mechanical Engineering/ ------- University

Program Regular
Course Title Waste Heat Recovery and Co-generation
Course Code MEng5225
Degree Program BSc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Name Thermal Engineering Elective
Module Number
Team Leader
Course Instructor
Contact hour per 5 (2 Lecture and 3 Tutorial)
Contact Days( time
and room)
Target Group Graduating Class
Semester 10th
Prerequisites MEng2073 (Engineering Thermodynamics II),
MEng 3114 (Fluid Mechanics),
MEng3113 (Heat Transfer)
Status of the Professional Elective
Course Description Role of energy efficiency, energy conservation and energy
management; Cogeneration and evaluation of cogeneration
schemes; waste heat recovery schemes and equipment; Energy
auditing; Ethiopian energy scenario
Course Objective The course is intended to give the students:
 An overview of combined Heat and Power (Cogeneration)
and its role in energy efficiency, conservation, auditing and
 Familiarity with regard to the energy conservation
opportunities in different sectors, of the economy and means

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of implementation through different waste heat recovery

 Ability to deal comprehensively with design details of waste
heat recovery schemes
Capacity to integrate energy economics with the assessment of
waste heat recovery and cogeneration schemes
Detailed Course Schedule: Contact time, topics and reading materials
Week Contact Topic/Subtopic/Chapter Reading Remarks
Hour Materials
Chapter 1: Introduction
Energy efficiency, energy
1,2nd conservation and energy
8 hours management-scope and relevance
in the present context; Combined
heat and power; Trigeneration
Chapter 2: Energy management
3th, Energy resources classification;
4th primary, intermediate and
secondary forms; future energy
security for sustainable
development; fossil based and
renewable energy resources;
12 energy consumption patterns and
hours changing trends; forecast of energy
demand; energy monitoring and
target setting; ;supply side and
demand side energy management
perspectives; Energy pricing;
energy productivity; Ethiopian
energy scenario
5th Chapter 3: Energy Conservation
6th & Energy conservation strategies and
7th opportunities for different sectors

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12 like domestic, industrial

hours transportation and agriculture
sectors; Power factor correction;
Energy efficient drives and
equipment; Energy efficient controls
8th Chapter 4: Cogeneration
9th & 15 Co-generation-topping and
10th hours bottoming cycles, applications of co-
generation in sugar, paper and
textile industries; Economic
assessment of cogeneration
10, Chapter 5: Waste Heat
11th Recovery
& Waste heat recovery and utilization,
12th 15 pinch point; Heat recuperators,
hours Regenerators, Heat pipes, Heat
pumps and waste heat recovery
boilers and related equipment;
Refuse derived fuels and usage;
economics of waste heat recovery
14 Chapter 6: Energy storage
Sensible, latent, chemical, electrical
8 hours and compressed air storage; Recent
15th 10 Chapter 7: Energy Auditing
& hours Energy audit and its methodology;
16th Use of Sankey diagrams; case
studies in process industries
Final Exam Date
Teaching  Class room lectures
Methodology  Tutorials/Assignments
 Demonstrations

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 Laboratory exercises
 Project work
Assessment  Assignments: 10%
Methods  Mid Term Exam: 20%
 Project work: 30%
 Final Exam: 40%
Course Policies  80% Minimum attendance required to be permitted to
 100% attendance during laboratory sessions
References Reference:
1. Linnhoff,,User Guide on Process integration for the
efficienct use of energy, Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1982.
2. T.D.Eastop and D.R.Croft, Energy Efficiency, Longman, 1990
3. P.W.O‘Callaghan, Design and Management for Energy
Conservation, Pergamon Press, 1981
4. T.D.Eastop and A.McConkey, Applied Thermodynamics for
Engineering Technologists, Longman, 1998
5. Handbook of Energy Conservation, vol.1 & Vol.2, 2003

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Tools jigs and Die Design MEng5323

School/Department of Mechanical Engineering xx University

Course Number MEng5323

Course Title Tools jigs and Die Design
Degree Program BSc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Manufacturing Electives
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home
week) study
32 48 0 82
Course Objectives & The course is intended to:
Competences to be  Identify types of jigs and fixtures, locators and supports,
Acquired and various work holders
 Understand the procedure of Tool Design;
 Bring together the skills learned in above objectives and
design jigs and fixtures for specific tasks;
 Understand the procedure and purposes of Die Making and
Die Design.
 Design simple dies.
Course Jigs and Fixtures types and design; Tools classification and
Description/Course design; Punching, bending and, drawing and forging dies
Contents design; Blow and injection molding dies design; Individual
Course Contents 1. Introduction to Tool Design
2. Jigs and Fixtures, Types and Functions
3. Design of simple Jigs
4. Design of fixtures for lathe and milling
5. Tools classification and design of tools
6. Design of punches, bending dies, drawing
dies and Forging Dies

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7. Design of injection molding dies

8. Design of blow molding dies
Pre-requisites MEng (Manufacturing Engineering II)
Semester 9th
Status of Course Professional Elective
Teaching & Learning  Lectures supported by tutorials
Methods  Individual Design Project
 Industrial/Agricultural Site Visits
Assessment/Evaluation  Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum of
& Grading System 50% continuous assessments) and Evaluation of project

Attendance 75% lecture attendance and 100% of others

Literature Reference:
1. David Spitler, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Jeff
Lantrip, and John G., Fundamentals of Tool Design, Fifth
Edition, May 2003.
2. J Paquin and Robert Crowley, Die Design Fundamentals, Jan
1, 1987.
3. Corrado Poli, Design for Manufacturing: A Structured
Approach, Aug 31, 2001.
4. Vukota Boljanovic, Sheet Metal Forming Processes and Die
Design, Jul 2004.
5. Edward G. Hoffman, Jig and Fixture Design (4th Ed.), 1980

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CAD/CAM and CIM MEng5321

School/Department of Mechanical Engineering xx University

Course Number MEng5321

Course Title CAD/CAM and CIM
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Manufacturing Engineering Electives
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home
(Semester) study
16 0 96 23
Course Objectives & The course enables students to understand the fundamental
Competences to be concepts in computer-aided design; computer aided
Acquired manufacturing and Computer Integrated Manufacturing

 Understand developing computer solid modeling

 Understand tool path control systems
 Write manual NC programs for the milling and lathe
machines based on given part drawings,
 Understand the link between individual manufacturing
 Understand the automation and integration of
manufacturing processes to achieve the ultimate efficiency
of an organization's manufacturing resources;
 Grasp issues of precision in CAD/CAM systems.
Course An introduction to CAD/CAM, Manual NC programming;
Description/Course CADCAM systems for programming; CNC basics, solid modeling
Contents & CAD/CAM interface, Industrial robotics: and CIM overview;
CAD/CAM & CAE; Model construction and product design; Data
exchange and protocols; CIM models and architecture;
Fundamentals of robotics, control of actuators, robotic sensory
devices; Function programming philosophies, computer vision,

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control methods; Dynamic modeling of electromechanical

systems; Data communication and networking; Data base
management systems; Artificial intelligence in CIM.
Course Contents 1. Introduction to CAD/CAM, Programmable
2. Fundamentals of CAD, Hardware in CAD and
Computer Graphics Software and Data Base
3. Model construction and product design
4. Data exchange and protocols
5. CIM models and architecture
6. Fundamentals of robotics, control of actuators,
robotic sensory devices; Function programming
philosophies, computer vision, control methods;
Dynamic modeling of electromechanical
7. Data communication and networking; Data
base management systems
Pre-requisites MEng (Numerical Methods)
MEng (Design of Machine Elements II)
MEng (Mechanisms of machinery)
Semester 9th
Status of Course Professional Compulsory
Teaching & Learning  Lectures supported by tutorials
Methods  Assignments; and
 Lab demonstration
 CAM Software (Master CAM) practice
Assessment/Evaluation  Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum of
& Grading System 50% continuous assessments) and Evaluation of project

Attendance  Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours

Requirements  100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps

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Literature Reference:
1. Farid M. Amirouche, Principles of Computer Aided Design
and Manufacturing, Second Edition, Sep 15, 2003.
2. Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk, and Hsu-Pin Wang,
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (3rd Edition) (Prentice Hall
International Series on Industrial and Systems Engineering),
Jun 27, 2005.
3. Nicholas M. Patrikalakis and Takashi Maekawa, Shape
Interrogation for Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
(Mathematics and Visualization), Mar 22, 2002.
4. James A. Rehg and Henry W. Kraebber, Computer
Integrated Manufacturing (3rd Edition), Mar 30, 2004.
5. Mikell P. Groover, Automation, Production Systems, and
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (3rd Edition), Jul 13,

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Process Planning & Product Costing MEng 5322

School/Department of Mechanical Engineering xx University

Course Number MEng 5322
Course Title Process Planning & Product Costing
Degree Program BSc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Manufacturing Engineering Electives
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home study
semester) 32 48 0 55
Course Objectives & The course enable students to:
Competences to be  Understand the fundamental concepts in process
Acquired planning and product costing;
 Plan process of manufactured products;
 Determine cost of manufactured products.
Course Process flow of products; Production process planning;
Description/Course Automated process planning systems; Manufacturing cost
Contents items; Principles of cost accounting; Traditional product cost
accounting; Activity based product cost accounting.
Course Contents 1. Introduction to Process Planning 10 hours
2. Process flow patterns 10 hours
3. Automated process planning systems - 10 hours
4. Manufacturing cost elements, 15 hours
5. Cost estimation for various processes
6. Principles of cost accounting; Traditional 5 hours
product cost accounting; Activity based
product cost accounting
7. Cost analysis and Break-even analysis 10 hours
Pre-requisites MEng (Manufacturing Engineering II)
Semester 10th

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Status of Course Professional Elective

Teaching & Learning  Lectures supported by tutorials
Methods  Individual Design Project
 Industrial/Agricultural Site Visits
Assessment/Evaluation  Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum of
& Grading System 50% continuous assessments) and Evaluation of
project work
Attendance 75% lecture attendance and 100% of others
Literature Reference:
1. Peter Scallan, Process Planning: The
design/manufacture interface, Aug 25, 2003.
2. Jerry Clement, Andy Coldrick, and John Sari,
Manufacturing Data Structures: Building Foundations
for Excellence with Bills of Materials and Process
Information, Mar 1995.
3. James A. Brimson, Activity Accounting: An Activity-
Based Costing Approach, Jul 7, 1997

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Metal Processing Technology MEng 5324

School/Department of Mechanical Engineering xx University

Course Number MEng 5324
Course Title Metal Processing Technology
Degree Program BSc. in Mechanical Engineering
Module Manufacturing Engineering Electives
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Practice/lab Home study
week) 32 48 0 55
Course Objectives & The course enable students to:
Competences to be Identify raw materials, equipment and process and finished
Acquired products of different metal processing industries;
Specify raw materials and finished products of metal
Understand the design aspect of roll passes, sheet metal
rolling processes;
Understand finishing methods and their processes.
Course Introduction to metal processing; Technology of equipment,
Description/Course raw materials used and finished products for production of:
Contents rods, solid sections, tubes, hollow sections; Aluminum
profiles; Surface treatment of steel products.
Course Contents 1. Introduction to Metal Processing
2. Material characteristics and their affects
on metal processing,
3. Raw materials and semi finished products
for the production of rods, solid sections,
tubes, hollow sections
4. Technology and equipment
5. Rolling, and shape rolling ring rolling
6. Design of roll passes in shape rolling

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7. Extrusion-Extrusion of Aluminum profiles

8. Forging processes and Wire and bar
9. Sheet metalworking processes
10. Surface treatment of steel products
Pre-requisites MEng 2092 (Engineering Materials II)
Semester 9th
Status of Course Professional Elective
Teaching & Learning Lectures supported by tutorials
Methods Individual Design Project
Industrial/Agricultural Site Visits
Assessment/Evaluation Refer universities Harmonized curriculum (minimum of 50%
& Grading System continuous assessments) and Evaluation of project work
Attendance 75% lecture attendance and 100% of others
Literature Reference: (Recent Lit.: NOT found)
1. Robert W. Cahn, Materials Science and Technology,
Materials Science and Technology A Comprehensive
Treatment - Volume 15: Processing of Metals and
Alloys Cahn,R.W.(ed.)/Haasen,P.(ed.)/Kramer,E.J.(ed.)
and Technology: A Comprehensive Treatment), Dec 16,
2. Robert W. Chan, Materials Science and Technology: A
Comprehensive Treatment: Processing of Metals and
Alloys (Materials Science and Technology), Sep 1991.

Operations Research MEng5331

Course Code MEng5331

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Course Title Operations Research

Degree Program B. Sc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Industrial Engineering - elective
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Home Total
& & Study
Contact Hours / Seminars Workshop
Semester 32 48 Practice
0 55
The course is intended to enable the student to
Understand the major capabilities and limitations of
operations research modeling as applied to problems in
industry or government;
Be able to recognize, formulate and, using prepared
computer packages, solve allocation models of static or
Course Objectives
dynamic type;
& Competences to
Understand the reasons why the applicable algorithms
be Acquired
work, and the effects on the computed solutions of
variations in the data or in the assumptions underlying
the models;
Be able to communicate the results of the modeling
process to users who are not operations research
Linear programming; Transportation, assignments, and
transshipment problems; Integer linear programming; Network
Course Description models; Conditional probability; Markov chain; Waiting line
models; Decision analysis; Multi-criteria decision problems;
Dynamic programming
1. Introduction of Operations Research
2. Introduction to Linear Programming: Application
Course outline
and Model formulation; The Graphical solution method;
The Simplex solution Method; Duality and sensitivity

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3. Integer Programming: The integer programming
model; Total integer programming model; A 0-1 integer
programming model; Mixed integer programming
4. Decision Analysis and Game Theory: Decision
making under certainty; Decision making under
uncertainty; Game Theory.
5. Markov Analysis: Characteristics of Markov analysis;
Application of Markov analysis; State and transition
6. Non linear and Dynamic programming: The
Dynamic programming solution approach; Non linear
programming model and solution methods.
7. Network Models: Introduction to Networks; The
transportation Model and solution methods; The
Assignments model and solution methods; Shortest
route problem and solution approach; The minimal
spanning tree problem and solution approach; The
maximal flow problem and solution approach.
Status of Course Elective
Teaching &
Lectures, Laboratory exercises, discussions & assignments
Learning Methods
Assessment/Evalua Assignments, exercises, quizzes 50 %,
tion & Grading Final Examination 50 %.
Attendance 90% attendance during lectures & discussions,
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps; and Presence during
industrial visit/visits; except for some unprecedented

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Literature 1. Taylor, Bernard W., Introduction to Management Science,

5th ed., Prentice Hall, NJ, 1996.
2. Sharma, J.K., Operations Research, Macmillan India Ltd,
Delhi, 1997.
3. Hamdy A. Taha, Operations Research: An Intro., 6th
Ed., N. Delhi: Prentice-Hall India

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Industrial Systems Engineering MEng5334

Course Code MEng5334

Course Title Industrial Systems Engineering
Degree Program B. Sc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Industrial Engineering-Elective
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Home Total
& & Study
Contact Hours / Seminars Workshop
Semester 32 48 Practice
0 55
This course is intended to help the student to
Understand the systems engineering method with respect
to the various phases of the systems engineering life-

Understand the role and activities of a systems engineer

within the total system project organization;
Course Objectives
Discuss special topics such as modeling and simulation,
& Competences to
test and evaluation, development and production,
be Acquired
human systems integration, and supportability and
logistics and how they relate to the systems
engineering viewpoint.

 Address typical systems engineering problems in a

collaborative environment that highlight important
issues and methods of technical problem resolution.

System modeling; Elementary constructs and principles of

Course Description
system models including discrete-time, discrete-state sy-stem

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theory; Finite state machines; Modeling components,

coupling, modes, and homeomorphism system design; Re-
quirements: life-cycle, performance measures and cost
measures, tradeoffs, alternative design concepts, testing plan,
and documentation; Applications and case studies from
1. Understanding Systems Engineering: Introduction
to systems engineering; Major components of system;
System design
2. Discrete Dynamic Systems Modeling: Introduction
to the modeling of dynamic systems; Linear and
nonlinear systems and linearization; Discrete time
system formulation
3. Continuous Dynamic Systems Modeling: Systems
with many variables; Vector-matrix representation and
state variables; Continuous time systems; Block
diagrams and signal flow graphs; Systems behavior;
Discretization and computational methods
4. Systems Design: Systems engineering design and
integration; Formulation and analysis of physical design
5. Systems Methods: Analysis methods of system
engineering design and management; Decision analysis,
economic models and evaluation; Optimization in design
and operations, probability and statistical methods
6. Discrete Systems Modeling and Simulation:
Modeling complex discrete systems by computer
simulation; Monte-Carlo methods; Discrete-event
modeling; Specialized simulation software
7. Systems Engineering Management: Basics of
systems engineering

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Status of Course Elective

Teaching &
Learning Methods Lectures, tutorial exercises , discussions & assignments

Assessment/Evalua Assignments, exercises, quizzes 50 %,

tion & Grading  Final Examination 50 %.
Attendance 90% attendance during lectures & discussions,
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps; and Presence during
industrial visit/visits; except for some unprecedented

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Quality Management MEng 5332

Course Code MEng 5332

Course Title Quality Management
Degree Program B. Sc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Industrial Engineering-elective
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Home Total
& & Study
Contact Hours / Seminars Workshop
Semester 32 48 Practice
0 55
The objective of the course is to introduce the student to
 Quality control concept and techniques;
Course Objectives
 The procedures for implementing quality engineering
& Competences to
tools in industrial applications;
be Acquired
Basic metrology and applied statistics for quality control
applications in discrete-item manufacturing systems
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control; Theory of Control;
Course Description Charts Acceptance Sampling; TQC and TQM; Strategies for
Implementing Quality Systems; Reliability Study and Analysis
1. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control:
Applications, organization, cost aspects
2. Theory of Control Charts: Control charts for
attributes; average run length for chart performance.
3. Acceptance Sampling: Multiple and sequential
Course Outline
sampling plans; Acceptance sampling by variables.
4. TQC and TQM
5. Strategies for Implementing Quality Systems:
General implementation strategies; The Malcom
Baldridge Award; ISO 9000; The Deming Prize; Quality

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Function Deployment; Other strategies; ISO-14000.

6. Reliability Study and Analysis: Design for reliability

Status of Course Elective
Teaching &
Learning Methods Lectures, discussions & assignments

Assessment/Evalua Assignments, projects, presentation 50 %,

tion & Grading  Final Examination 50 %.
Attendance 90% attendance during lectures & discussions,
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps; and Presence during
industrial visit/visits; except for some unprecedented
Literature 1. Montgomery, D.C, 2001, Introduction to Statistical Quality
Control, 4th edition, John Wiley and Sons
2. Farnum, Nicholas R., Modern Statistical Quality Control
and Improvement.
3. Daniel Kitaw, Industrial Engineering, AAU
4. Feigenbaum A., Total quality control, Mc GrawHill Inc.,
5. Juran J M, Quality control Hand Book, McGraw Hill
company, London

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Plant Layout & Design MEng 5333

Course Code MEng 5333

Course Title Plant Layout & Design
Degree Program B. Sc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Industrial Engineering - elective
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 6
Lectures Tutorials Laboratory Home Total
& & Study
Contact Hours / Seminars Workshop
Semester 32 48 Practice
0 82
The objective of the course is to enable students to:
Learn the methodologies of developing efficient layouts for
various production /service systems, focus on modern
plant layout and material handling practices;
Understand the importance of interrelationship with
management planning, product and process
engineering, methods engineering and production
Course Objectives control;
& Competences to Understand how to integrate current topics such as supply
be Acquired chain management, JIT, agile manufacturing,
automated systems, industrial ergonomics and quality
into facilities planning;
Understand quantitative approaches in developing
alternatives of facilities planning and material handling
Become skilled in using computer software in computer-
aided layout.
Work area layout, equipment specifying, assembly charting,
Course Description
machine load and labor calculating and plant services; Facilities

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design procedure; Material handling and flow methods and

equipment; Relationships between plant services and
production; A facilities area relationship and allocation method;
Layout construction techniques; Evaluation techniques;
Material flow analysis techniques; CAD as a facilities design
tool; Computerized layout planning; Configuring the production
and service facilities.
1. Plant Design: Facilities design procedure and planning
strategies production; Activity and materials flow
analysis; Space requirements and personnel services
design considerations.
2. Layout Construction Techniques: Systematic layout
planning; Activity relationship analysis, Pair-wise
exchange, graph-based construction algorithmic;
Course Outline
Computerized layout and analytical methods: ALDEP,
3. Warehouse Operations: Function; Storage
4. Manufacturing Operation: JIT; TQM; AM; CIM; SCM;
Facility systems. Quantitative Models: Layout model;
Waiting line; AS/RS; Simulation model, etc.; Assessment
and evaluation of layout alternatives.
Semester X
Status of Course Elective
Teaching &
Lectures, exercises, discussions ,assignments, project
Learning Methods
Assessment/Evalua Assignments, Laboratory exercise & projects 50 %,
tion & Grading Final Examination 50 %.
Attendance 90% attendance during lectures & discussions,
Requirements 100% attendance during practical work sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps; and Presence during

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industrial visit/visits; except for some unprecedented

Literature 1. James M Moore, Plant Layout and Design, MacMillan
2. Denial Kitaw, Industrial management and Engineering
Economy, AAU Press

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Rail Way Elective Courses

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Renewable Energy Technology I MEng 4351

Department of Mechanical Engineering

(All Government Ethiopian Universities)
Course Code MEng 4351
Course Title Renewable Energy Technology I
Module Renewable Energy Engineering Module
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(5)
Contact Hours (per 135(32+48+0+55)
Course Objectives & This course is an introduction to the Renewable Energy Technology
Competences to be basics and discusses the principles and technologies of the major
Acquired renewable energy players in the energy field: solar energy and
To analyze the potential of using renewable energy technologies as
a complement to, and, to the extent possible, replacement for
conventional technologies, and the possibility of combining
renewable and non-renewable energy technologies in hybrid
Presenting Strategies for enhancing the future use of renewable
energy resources.
Student Learning Outcome
This course aims to provide an insight in the renewable energies
wind energy, solar energy and biomass. These renewable energies
are seen as important players in the energy future following the
compromises from different countries to reduce the emission of
greenhouse gases.
At the end of the course, the students should be able to analyze
energy systems to supply the electricity/heat/cooling requirements
using renewable sources.

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Course Course description:

Description/Course Introduction to Renewable Energy Technology, Solar Energy, Solar
Contents Thermal Energy applications, Photovoltaic and Grid integration
Biomass Energy, biomass characterization Biomass Conversion
Technologies Biomass conversion processes modeling and simulation
Course Contents Part I
Introduction to Renewable Energy Technology (10h)
1 Definition of Renewable
2 Definition of Non-renewable
3 World Energy Outlook
4 Renewable Energy
• Hydropower
• Biomass
• Wind Energy
• Solar Energy
• Geothermal Energy
• Tidal Energy
• Wave Energy
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)

Part II
Solar Energy
Chapter 1: Solar Energy
Chapter 2: Solar thermal applications
Design of flat plate collectors for water heaters and air heaters. Solar
cookers, solar ponds, Central receiver plants, line and point focus
collectors, solar refrigeration systems;
Chapter 3: Solar photovoltaic
Sizing of solar photovoltaic panels and their connections in series and
parallel for different applications like solar lanterns, street lights,
primary health center use and rural electrification systems

Part III

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Biomass Energy
Chapter 1: Biomass and biomass characterization
Chapter 2: Biomass Conversion Technologies
Chapter 3: Design and development of Biomass conversion
Chapter 4: Introduction to biofuel production
Pre-requisites Engineering Thermodynamics II, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
Status of Course
Teaching &  Class room lectures
Learning Methods  Presentations
 Laboratory Work
 Videos
Project Work
Assessment/Evaluat Assessment:
ion & Grading • Continues assessments (quiz, assignment, seminar) 60%
System • Final-term examination 40%
Attendance 80% Minimum attendance required to be permitted to examination
Literature 1. Martin Kaltschmitt, Wolfgang Streicher, and Andreas Wiese,
Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environment,
May 2007.
2. Desmond Hislop, Energy Options: An Introduction to Small-Scale
Renewable Energy Technologies, Nov 1991.
3. Abbasi & Abbasi, Renewable Energy Sources and Their
Environmental Impact, 2004.
4. Garg & Prakash, Solar Energy Fundamentals and Application,
5. Lonnie Wibberding, Basics of Energy Efficient Living: A
Beginner's Guide to Alternative Energy and Home Energy
Savings, Jul 21, 2006.
6. National Renewable Energy Laboratory and U. S. Department of
Energy, Manual for the Economic Evaluation of Energy Efficiency

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and Renewable Energy Technologies, Mar 30, 2005.

7. Daniel D., The solar house: passive heating and cooling, 2002.
8. Magal, Solar Power Engineering, 2004.

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Renewable Energy Technology II MEng 4352

Department of Mechanical Engineering

(All Government Ethiopian Universities)
Course Code MEng 4352
Course Title Renewable Energy Technology II
Module Renewable Energy Engineering Module
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(5)
Contact Hours (per 135(32+48+0+55)
Course Objectives & This course is an introduction to the Renewable Energy Technology
Competences to be basics and discusses the principles and technologies of the major
Acquired renewable energy players in the energy field: Wind Energy,
Hydropower, geothermal energy and other alternative energy
To analyze the potential of using renewable energy technologies as
a complement to, and, to the extent possible, replacement for
conventional technologies, and the possibility of combining
renewable and non-renewable energy technologies in hybrid
Presenting Strategies for enhancing the future use of renewable
energy resources.
Student Learning Outcome
This course aims to provide an insight in the renewable energies
wind energy, solar energy and biomass. These renewable energies
are seen as important players in the energy future following the
compromises from different countries to reduce the emission of
greenhouse gases.
At the end of the course, the students should be able to analyze

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energy systems to supply the electricity/heat/cooling requirements

using renewable sources.
Course Course description:
Description/Course Wind Power, Hydropower Energy, Small and medium scale
Contents hydropower plants, Geothermal Energy, Fuel cell
Course Contents Part I
Wind Power
Chapter I: Introduction to Wind Power Technology
Chapter 2: Wind resource assessment and mapping
Chapter 3: Wind Energy production and Electrical aspects of wind
Chapter 4: Wind farm and Economics

Part II
Hydropower Energy
Chapter 1: introduction to hydropower generation
Introduction to Hydropower, Hydropower, Hydropower Resources,
Hydroelectric Power Plants, System Components, Applications,
Economics, Environmental Considerations, Future Trends

Chapter 2: Small and medium scale hydropower plants

Small-scale Hydropower, Historical Background, Nature of the
Resource, System Components, Technological Overview, Description
of Turbines
Chapter 3: Design and development of small scale hydropower plant

Part III
Geothermal Energy
Chapter 1: introduction to geothermal applications
Chapter 2: System components of geothermal power plant
Chapter 3: Design and development of conversion Technologies and
plant components

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Part III
Other Alternative energy sources
Chapter 1: Ocean Energy
Chapter 2: Fuel cell
Pre-requisites Renewable energy technology I [MEng 4351]
Status of Course
Teaching &  Class room lectures
Learning Methods  Presentations
 Laboratory Work
 Videos
Project Work
Assessment/Evaluat Assessment:
ion & Grading • Continues assessments (quiz, assignment, seminar) 60%
System • Final-term examination 40%
Attendance 80% Minimum attendance required to be permitted to examination
Literature 1. Martin Kaltschmitt, Wolfgang Streicher, and Andreas Wiese,
Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environment,
May 2007.
2. Desmond Hislop, Energy Options: An Introduction to Small-Scale
Renewable Energy Technologies, Nov 1991.
3. Abbasi & Abbasi, Renewable Energy Sources and Their
Environmental Impact, 2004.
4. Garg & Prakash, Solar Energy Fundamentals and Application,
5. Lonnie Wibberding, Basics of Energy Efficient Living: A
Beginner's Guide to Alternative Energy and Home Energy
Savings, Jul 21, 2006.
6. National Renewable Energy Laboratory and U. S. Department of
Energy, Manual for the Economic Evaluation of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy Technologies, Mar 30, 2005.

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7. Daniel D., The solar house: passive heating and cooling, 2002.
8. Magal, Solar Power Engineering, 2004.

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Design of Renewable Energy Systems MEng 4353

Department of Mechanical Engineering

(All Government Ethiopian Universities)
Course Code MEng 4353
Course Title Design of Renewable Energy Systems
Module Renewable Energy Engineering Module
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(6)
Contact Hours (per 162(16+0+96+50)
Course Objectives & This is a project oriented course to help student design renewable
Competences to be energy utilization devices in the local context. The scope can cover
Acquired solar based conversion technologies such as photo voltaic, solar
cookers, solar water heaters and biomass based conversion
technologies such as biogas plant, biomass gasifier and biomass
stoves for heat and power applications and is aimed at harnessing the
locally available renewable energy resources for sustainable
The course is intended to provide the students the following
Knowledge, skills, and abilities:
 Understand the principles of operation of simple renewable energy
conversion equipment/machines such as wind mill, micro hydro
turbines, solar water and air heaters, ram pump, hand pumps,
cooking stoves, etc.
 Gain the experience of designing the equipment/machines that
could be manufactured locally, and from locally available
 Acquire the experience of preparing workshop drawings.
 Know how these equipment/machines could be manufactured.
 Ability to estimate the material and manufacturing cost.

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Course Course description:

Description/Course Design project on solar energy based conversion technologies such as
Contents photo voltaic, solar cookers, solar water heaters and biomass based
conversion technologies such as biogas plant, biomass gasifier and
biomass stoves for heat and power generation applications and is
aimed at harnessing the locally available renewable energy resources
for sustainable development.
Course Contents Project I
Design project on Solar energy based technologies
Design project of solar cooker
Design project on solar water heater
Design project on PV systems

Part II
Design project on Biomass energy based technologies
Design project of household biogas plant
Design project on biomass stoves for house hold application
Design project on gasifier stoves

Pre-requisites Renewable energy technology I [MEng 4351]

Status of Course
Teaching &  Class room lectures
Learning Methods  Presentations
 Laboratory Work
 Project work presentation
Assessment/Evaluat Assessment:
ion & Grading • Continues assessments of Project works 100%
Attendance 100% participation is required to be permitted to pass the project
Requirements work
Literature 1. Martin Kaltschmitt, Wolfgang Streicher, and Andreas Wiese,
Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environment,

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May 2007.
2. Desmond Hislop, Energy Options: An Introduction to Small-Scale
Renewable Energy Technologies, Nov 1991.
3. Abbasi & Abbasi, Renewable Energy Sources and Their
Environmental Impact, 2004.
4. Garg & Prakash, Solar Energy Fundamentals and Application,
5. Lonnie Wibberding, Basics of Energy Efficient Living: A
Beginner's Guide to Alternative Energy and Home Energy
Savings, Jul 21, 2006.
6. National Renewable Energy Laboratory and U. S. Department of
Energy, Manual for the Economic Evaluation of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy Technologies, Mar 30, 2005.
7. Daniel D., The solar house: passive heating and cooling, 2002.
8. Magal, Solar Power Engineering, 2004.

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Introduction to Sugar Manufacturing MEng 5281

Course Number MEng 5281

Course Title Introduction to Sugar Manufacturing
Degree Program BSc. in Mechanical Engineering in Sugar Engineering Stream
Module Sugar Engineering Electives
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 2 Lecture hrs and 3 Tut./Lab. hrs
Course Objectives & The course is intended to
Competences to be Introduce the processes in sugar manufacturing;
Course This course gives basic understanding about the sugar
Description/Course manufacturing processes.
Course Contents 1.Introduction and Juice Heating
Introduction to different operations of the factory.
Screening of juice – DSM Screening, rotary screening,
weighing and measurement of juice and water. Mill
sanitation – its importance and chemicals used. Juice
heating – Primary and secondary heating,
construction and working of tubular heater, direct
contact heater and plate heater, vapour line &
dynamice juice heater, removal of condensate and
non condensate gases, pressure and vacuum
equalization, scaling of tubes, cleaning and testing of
2.Production of Lime and SO2
Preparation of milk of lime using rotary lime slacker,
types of classifiers, storage of lime in tanks, pumping
of milk of lime , specification of burnt lime, storage of

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burnt lime. Production of SO2 gas – Combustion of

sulphur, construction and working of continuous
sulphur burner/film type sulphur burner,
scrubber/after burner, cooling arrangement, air
blower and compressor, automation of sulphur
burner, specification of sulphur, storage of sulphur.
3.Liming and Sulphitation
Composition of cane juice, effect of heating, liming &
sulphitation on different constituents of cane juice,
defecation and carbonation. Liming and sulphitation
vessels – different designs.
Principles of subsidation, floc formation, flocculants,
significance of PH- temperature retention time on
reducing sugar, effect of cane quality on clarification,
importance of clarification. Velocity of juice
importance of flash tank, utilisation of flash vapour,
construction and working of multitray clarifier(Dorr)
and sort retention time calrifiers, preservation of juice
during shut down, clear juice heating and filtration of
clear juice, juice and mud withdrawal arrangement.
5.Filtration of Mud
Importance of mud filtration, preparation of mud,
description and working of rotary vacuum filters,
washing of cake, creation of vacuum – baby
condenser, vacuum pump, filtrate clarification
system, mud decanters.
6.Treatment of Syrup
Characteristics of syrup, sulphitation of syrup,
construction and working of syrup sulphiter, syrup
clarification by phosflotation. Temperature and brix of
treated syrup, reheating of syrup – syrup
concentrator. Clarification of sugar melt by different

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7.General Aspects of Sugar Technology
Flow chart of sugar manufacture; general description
of machinery and equipments, crushing of sugarcane,
pan boiling, 3-boiling scheme, crystalization,
centrifugation, drying, grading and bagging of sugar,
storage, sugar standards. By products of sugar
industry, Role of sugar industry in the social and
economical growth of society.
Pre-requisites Senior standing
Semester 9th
Status of Course Professional Elective
 Lectures supported by tutorials
Teaching &  Assignments,
Learning Methods  Laboratory exercises, and
 Industrial visits.
 Seminar
Assessment/Evaluat  Assignments & Surprise Test 10%,
ion & Grading  Mid Term Exam 15%
System  Seminar 5%
 Design Project 20%,
 Final Examination 50%.
Attendance  Minimum of 75% attendance during lecture hours;
Requirements  100% attendance during seminars and presentation
sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature Reference:
1. Cane Sugar Engineering, E. Hugot
2. Cane Sugar Engineering, Peter Rein [ISBN: 978-

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MEng 6283– Fundamental Principles and Maintenance of Sugar Milling Machineries

Course Number MEng 6283

Course Title Fundamental Principles and Maintenance of Sugar Milling
Degree Program BSc
Module Sugar Engineering module
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 5
Course Objectives & The course enables students to
Competences to be  understand the fundamental concepts of maintenance of
Acquired sugar milling machineries

 Understand Maintenance of the Milling plant

 Understand mill gearing and construction

 Understand the maintenance of electrical equipment in
sugar factory
Course Feeding of mills and conveying of Bagasse, Roller grooving,
Description/Course Pressure in milling, Mill speeds and Capacity, Mill Setting,
Contents Power requirements of mills, Mill gearing and construction, and
milling control

Course Contents
8. Feeding of mills and conveying of
Feed plate to crusher, feed hopper between
crusher and first mill, intermediate carriers,
delivery plate at last mill, feeding
arrangements, bagasse conveyors
9. Roller grooving

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Circumferential grooves, Messchaert grooves,

chevrons, Kay grooving, wear of rollers
10. Pressure in milling
Hydraulic pressures, pressure considered from
the operating point of view, pressure in mills,
11. Mill speeds and Capacity
Linear speed and speed of rotation, Maximal
speeds employed, Speed in general
practice, factors influencing capacity,
capacity formulae proposed, capacity
formulae, Relation of capacity of fiber
loading and Tonnage records
12. Mill Setting
Feed and delivery openings, measure of the
openings, Java method, Method of
calculating operating openings, delivery
openings and fiber loading, effect of
inclined housing, setting empty and
openings in operation and Trash plate
13. Power requirements of mills
Factors influencing power requirements,
General formula for power consumption,
general relationships, Electric drive of mills,
system of electric drive for mills, mill drive
by steam turbine, turbines for mill drive
14. Mill gearing and construction
Speed reduction, drive to the rollers,
housings rollers, measure of efficiency of
milling work, factors in efficiency of mills,
sanitation at the mills.
15. Milling control
Extraction by dry crushing, Brix graphs,

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basic equation for mill control, Brix of

absolute juice, fiber, various relationship in
milling, special use of for factory control
Pre-requisites Introduction to Sugar Manufacturing (MEng 5281),
Maintenance of Machineries(MEng 4171)
Semester 10th
Status of Course Professional Elective
Teaching &  Lectures supported by tutorials
Learning Methods  Assignments; and
 Sugar factory visiting

Assessment/Evaluat  Assignment/Quiz: 10 %
ion & Grading  Mid-semester Examination 30 %,
System  Final Examination: 60%
Attendance  Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours
Requirements  100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps
Literature Reference:
6. F. MAXWELL, modern milling of sugar cane, Norman
Rodger, London
7. L.A Tromp machinery and equipment of the sugar cane
factory, Norman, Rodger, London
8. P.Honig, principle of sugar Technology, vol 1 Elsevier,
9. G.p Meade, cane sugar handbook 9th edition, Wiley, New

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MENG 5284: Operation of Power Plants in Sugar Mills

Course Number MENG 5284

Course Title Operation of Power Plants in Sugar Mills
Degree Program B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering
Module Sugar Engineering
Module -
Instructor/s -
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours / 5
Course Objectives Objectives
& Competences to  To assimilate the principles, working and operational
be Acquired control of a range of energy conversion equipment in
sugar mills
 To comprehend and familiarize with the role and
integration of energy conversion devices/systems vis-à-
vis sugar process engineering requirements
 To ascertain the scope for improvements on energy
efficiency and conservation through energy audit on the
entire gamut of plant operations
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to
grasp the intricate issues associated with economical
operation and efficient control of energy conversion
systems (heat/mechanical/electrical) in sugar mills
analyze the existing bagasse, steam and energy
consumption trends versus the sugar industry norms
assess the impact of equipment malfunction on downstream
system performance for different utilization pathways
covering process heat, motive and electric power
acquire specific information on methodology to conduct

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energy audit on sugar mill power plant operations

identify energy conservation opportunities for
implementation to raise plant productivity
explore other technological options vis-à-vis the existing
ones for suitability and up gradation of plant drives and
systems including cogeneration options, if needed

Course Course Outline

Description/Course Chapter 1: Introduction
Contents Energy conversion modes and constraints; review on vapor
power cycle and cycle performance impacts; Sugar process
requirements and engineering systems; Characterization of
sugar cane and bagasse as a renewable fuel resource-
Proximate and ultimate analysis, Cane milling and bagasse
production rates, Combustion properties of bagasse and
bagacillo; Combustion temperature and excess air requirements,
Flue gas analysis and monitoring; Effect of bagasse drying on
energy conversion efficiency: Bagasse feeding systems, Bagasse
presses and storage. Bagasse drying.

Chapter 2: Steam Generation

Types of furnaces and their constructional features – Step grate,
Horse shoe, Ward and Spreader-stoker; Furnace performance-
Grate area versus bagasse combustion rates, draught and
Types of boilers, disposition of heating surface in relation to
grate area-evaporator tubes, super heaters, economizer and air
preheater, desuperheater; Boiler mountings, Utilization of
condensate and feed water treatment/management ; Measures
for control of corrosion
Boiler performance-sources of losses,, thermal efficiency,
equivalent and actual evaporation rates, Regulation of draught
and boiler instrumentation for operational control;

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Installation and operation of Steam traps, accumulators,

pressure regulators and stop valves

Chapter 3: Steam Usage for Process Heat

General arrangement of steam cycle in a sugar mill; choice of
steam pressure and associated considerations
Constructional features and operational details of Juice heaters,
multiple effect evaporators, and vacuum pans: Types; Economy
affected by vapor bleeding and thermo-compression in multiple
effects; head and heat losses, Degree of super saturation,
Distribution of pans between massecuites, effect of circulation,
Instrumentation for pan control-BPR etc, maintenance of
vacuum; Cleaning of vacuum pans for incrustation,

Chapter 4: Steam Usage for Motive Power-Turbines&

Steam Turbines-Impulse and reaction; Pass out, condensing,
condensing cum extraction
Arrangements; Turbines for mill drives ,Turbines for electric
power generation and their governing for requisite performance;
Alternators and operational variable settings
Types of condensers-barometric, jet and ejector driven,
installation and operation, vacuum gauging and control;
Condensate usage and condensate flashing
Cooling water system-Operation of spray ponds/cooling towers

Chapter 5: Sugar plant auxiliaries

Types pumps-installation and safe operation; Regular and
standby feed water pumps with turbine and electric drives; Fans
and variable speed drives; Air compressors and ducting system;
Electric motors-types and load characteristics
Constructional features and working details of Centrifugals,
Crystallizers and Dryers

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Chapter 6: Cogeneration
Cogeneration and its significance for sugar mills; Cogeneration
schemes and advantages of combined heat and power, Capital
requirements for retrofitting/modernization Expected returns,
payback period and impact and on plant productivity; Fuel
requirements for non-crushing season and management;

Chapter 7: Energy Audit in Sugar Mills

Assessment of power requirements for mill drives, conveying
and feeding systems; steam balance for various process heating
operations and compilation of specific steam consumption rates,
bagasse to steam ratio, steam to sugar recovery rates;
Comparison of plant working parameters with current industry
Losses in boiler house, selection/sizing of steam pipes and
insulation, steam quality and condensate recovery
Electrical energy survey and power factor management, causes
of low power factor and its effects, power factor improvement
and its economics; Use of VFDs against damper controls

Chapter 8: Energy Conservation

Comparative assessment of turbine, hydraulic and electric drives
for milling operations; Role of continuous vacuum pans.
Condensate flashing, adsorption chillers for water temperature
reduction, Retrofitting of energy efficient devices and controls;
Boiler tuning and up gradation to high pressure operation,
Identification and implementation of energy conservation
opportunities, Waste heat recovery and usage, Energy
monitoring and target setting, role of organizational energy
committee, Liaison with management for effective enforcement
of conservation measures

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Pre-requisites Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Turbo

machinery and Heat Transfer, Power Plant Engineering
Semester 1st
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Lectures
Learning Methods Field visits to sugar plants
Demonstrations, Presentations and
Case studies on cogeneration &RETSCREEN Software.
Assessment/Evalua Attendance, Inquisitiveness, Assignments 20%
tion & Grading Mid term examination 20%
System Surprise Tests 10%
Seminar 10%
End semester Examination 40%
Attendance 80% attendance.
Literature 1) E.Hugot and G.H.Jenkins, Handbook of Cane Sugar
Engineering, Elsevier, 3rd Edition, 1986.
2) Black and Veatch, Power Plant Engineering, ITP-Thomson
Science, 1996
3) Albert Thumann, D.Paul Mehta, Handbook of Energy
Engineering, 5th Edition, 2002.
4) C.M.Gottschalk, Industrial Energy Conservation, John Wiley
and Sons, 1996.
5) P.O.Callaghan, Energy Management, McGraw Hill, 1993.
6) Sugar Technology Reviews.
Consultation Hours -

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Agro-Machinery and processing I MEng 5371

Department of Mechanical Engineering
(All Government Ethiopian Universities)
Course Code MEng 5371
Course Title Agro-Machinery and processing I
Module Agro-Machinery and processing Module
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(5)
Contact Hours (per 135(32+48+0+55)
Course Objectives & Course Objectives
Competences to be The main objective of the course is:
Acquired  Introduce the students to various types of agricultural processes
and machines,
 Make them practice the use of machine tolerance allowance,
surface texture symbols
 Teach them how to assemble and visualize machine components

Competences (Learning Outcomes)

 Acquire the knowledge and understanding of agricultural
 Familiarity with the various agricultural machinery
 Understand the basic principles in the design of such components
 Familiarize student with the different food processing industries.
Course Course description:
Description/Course Introduction to Agricultural Machines, Ploughing /Soil-Cultivating
Contents Machine. Sowing Machines, Harvesting Machines, Threshing
Machines, Design of a Particular Agricultural Machine

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Course Contents Course description:

1. Introduction to Agricultural Machines
2. Ploughing /Soil-Cultivating Machines
3. Sowing Machines
4. Harvesting Machines
5. Threshing Machines
6. Design of a Particular Agricultural Machine
7. Fruits and vegetable processing
8. sugar processing plants
9. cottage processing plants
10. small scale processing plants
Pre-requisites None
Status of Course
Teaching &  Class room lectures
Learning Methods  Presentations
 Laboratory Work
 Project work presentation
Assessment/Evaluat Evaluation system
ion & Grading Assignment and class follow ups 30%
System Individual design project 30 %
Final-semester exam 40 %
Attendance 90% of all the course sessions (lectures, practice, and project work)
Literature 1. Peter Whiley, Farm Machinery Maintenance PB, Jan 1, 1997.
2. Gary Krutz, Design of Agricultural Machinery, April 25, 1984.

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Agro-Machinery and processing II MEng 5372

Department of Mechanical Engineering

(All Government Ethiopian Universities)
Course Code MEng 5372
Course Title Agro-Machinery and processing II
Module Agro-Machinery and processing Module
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(5)
Contact Hours (per 135(32+48+0+55)
Course Objectives & Course Objectives
Competences to be The main objective of the course is:
Acquired  Introduce the students to various types of agricultural processes
and machines,
 Teach them necessary processing components and steps

Competences (Learning Outcomes)

 Acquire the knowledge and understanding of agricultural
 Familiarity with the various agricultural processing plant and
 Understand the basic principles in the operation of such
processing plants
 Familiarize student with the different food processing industries.
Course Course description:
Description/Course . Introduction to Agricultural processing, Fruits and vegetable
Contents processing, sugar processing plants, cottage processing plants, small
scale processing plants, Design of a Particular small scale Agricultural
processing plant

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Course Contents Course description:

1. Introduction to Agricultural processing
2. Fruits and vegetable processing
3. sugar processing plants
4. cottage processing plants
5. small scale processing plants
6. Design of a Particular small scale Agricultural processing plant
Pre-requisites None
Status of Course
Teaching &  Class room lectures
Learning Methods  Presentations
 Laboratory Work
 Project work presentation
Assessment/Evaluat Evaluation system
ion & Grading Assignment and class follow ups 30%
System Individual design project 30 %
Final-semester exam 40 %
Attendance 90% of all the course sessions (lectures, practice, and project work)
Literature 1. Peter Whiley, Farm Machinery Maintenance PB, Jan 1, 1997.
2. Gary Krutz, Design of Agricultural Machinery, April 25, 1984.

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Agricultural Machinery Design MEng 5373

Department of Mechanical Engineering

(All Government Ethiopian Universities)
Course code MEng 5373
Course Title Agricultural Machinery Design
Module Agro-Machinery and processing Module
Module Coordinator
ECTS Credits 3(6)
Contact Hours (per 162(1+0+96+65)
Course Objectives & Course Objectives
Competences to be The main objective of the course is:
Acquired  Introduce the students design procedures of agricultural
 Make practice of design of small scale agricultural machineries

Competences (Learning Outcomes)

 Will be able to apply design procedures on the design of small
scale farm technologies
 Will be able to design small scale agricultural machinery
Course Course description:
Description/Course Design project on small scale agricultural machineries such as
Contents Ploughing /Soil-Cultivating Machine, Sowing Machines, Harvesting
Machines, Threshing Machines
Course Contents Design project on agricultural machineries
Design project of Ploughing /Soil-Cultivating Machine,
Design project of Sowing Machines,
Design project of Harvesting Machines,
Design project of Threshing Machines
Design project of Small scale edible oil extractors

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Pre-requisites None
Status of Course
Teaching &  Class room lectures
Learning Methods  Presentations
 Project work presentation
Assessment/Evaluat Assessment:
ion & Grading • Continues assessments of Project works 100%
Attendance 100% participation is required to be permitted to pass the project
Requirements work
Literature 1. Gary Krutz, Design of Agricultural Machinery, April 25, 1984.

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Motor Vehicle Engineering Electives

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