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Two Voices of Verb

1. Active Voice
2. Passive Voice

Voice- is the form of a verb takes to indicate whether the subject.

Active- the subject of the sentences performs the actions.

Passive- the subject of the sentences receives the actions.

Active voice is more effective than passive voice because the subject performs the action.

 Structure of MRAD Model of Academic Text

I- Introduction

M- Methods and materials

R- Results

D- Discussion

Paragraph in own opinion

 A paragraph is composed of four to five sentences. It has indention. The sentences are related
with one another. These ideas can either fact or opinion.

Reaction paper

 is a type of written assignment which requires personal opinions and conclusion based on a
given article.
 Unlike a summary, a reaction paper should contain the writer’s own thoughts on the problem,
discussed in the original text.

Structure of a Reaction Paper

Part I: Summary of the work

To develop the first of a report

 Identify the author and title of a work and include in parentheses the publisher and
publication date.
 Write an informative summary of the material
 Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and keys supporting

Part I: Summary of the work

 Use direct quotations from the work to illustrate important ideas.

 Summarize the material so the reader gets a general sense of all key aspects of the
original work.

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