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İngilis dili 8 – ci sinif KSQ - 4

Şagirdin adı, soyadı: ____________________________________________Tarix: ___________

1. Complete the sentence.

What should you do for a headache?
A) It'shelpful to get no medicine C) It's good to eat a lot
B) It's important to work much D) it's useful to have a cup of tea

2. Choose the natural plants.

1.willoow 2.water-lily 3.thymus vulgaris 4.bitter cola 5.coca cola
6.pillow 7.rosa canina 8.serpentine

3. Answer the questions.

1.How do you take care of your health?
2. How do you follow daily routine?
3.How would you like to protest your health?

4. Find the correct verb.

... statements, ... crafts, ... teeth, ... money
A) to take B) to do C) to make D) to build

5. Choose the correct word and complete the expression.

... are used for making teeth and bracelets.
A) tusks B) ornaments C) predators D) fur

6. Complete the sentence.

- is a park in which wild animals live and move around freely.
A) A safari park B) A zoo C) A museum D) A cave

7. Choose the correct tense form.

The travellers ... already ... for the trip by that time yesterday.
A) Have prepared B) are prepared C) prepared D) had prepared

8. The students ... a lot of money for a Peruvian Zoo before they ... there.
A) Have raised, went C) are raised, had gone
B) Had raised, went D) had raised, had gone

9. Complete the expression.

A flashlight means ...
A) Lightening B) an electric iron C) an electric clock D) a small electric lamp

10. Make Solutions on: “How to protests and animals?”

Müəllim: _______________________________________________________ Qiymət: ________

İngilis dili 8 – ci sinif KSQ - 4

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