Site Attributes: Site and By-Laws

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Neighborhood Site and By- Natural Man Made Human and

Location context laws features Features Climate History Resources Sensory cultural
Site location details existing buildings in Site boundary and Topography - What was the Circulation – how Orientation of the What was the Location of both Views – where are activities among
(road names, the neighbourhood dimensions contours previous use of the do site previous use of underground and the best views to people on the site
address, major site visitors/pedestrians the site ? above ground and from the site.
landmarks etc) /traffic to or near services: electricity,
the site flow around gas, water, sewer,
or within it. telephone.

Existing vehicle Buildable area of Vegetation – Any built items on Public transport Weather Are there existing Location of power poles.
What are the best culture of the area
movement patterns, the site landscaping, the site - close to the site buildings on the views of the site,
major and minor greenery, shrubs underground site ? and would these
roads, bus routes and and trees, open pipelines change in the long
stops. spaces. term?
Street lighting Setbacks Soil types Locations of best Temperature, When were they Drainage Areas creating -
access to site for Rainfall, humidity built ? noise, odour and
both vehicles and pollution

Sun and shade Any building height Wind Pattern Sub-stations

patterns during the restrictions

materials, Access to the site – sun path

architectural features car parking, bus throughout the
routes, train different times of
stations, cycle the year, and day.
routes, pedestrian

Any nearby historical

buildings, or buildings
of particular



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