A. Choose The Best Answer To Each Question!: Answer Key Grammar Review

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A. Choose the best answer to each question!

1. Good morning, everybody! Today, I am going to ________my journal report.

A. Presentate
B. Present
C. Presentation
D. Presenting

2. Carbon Dioxide is a major source of __________in the atmosphere.

A. Pollution
B. Polluting
C. Pollutate
D. Pollutation

3. I _______sleep late on the weekend.

A. Usual
B. Particular
C. Usually
D. Particularly

4. A habitat is the type of _____environment where a particular species of

organism lives.
A. Naturally
B. Nature
C. Naturalize
D. Natural

5. Every week, we _______ a practicum report.

A. Submitted
B. Submitting
C. Are submitting
D. Submit

6. Susi Pudjiastuti ________ as a Minister of Marine and Fisheries.

A. Serves
B. Serve
C. Served
D. Serving

7. Alexandra Sullivan _________about fisheries. She learns about farming.

A. Doesn’t learns
B. Doesn’t learn
C. Don’t learn
D. Don’t learns

8. Kawa: ____your parents_____about your bad grades.

Bjorka: No! They _______. I hope they never know.

A. Did know, did.

B. Did know, don’t.
C. Did know, weren’t.
D. Did know, didn’t.

9. Currently, some students from the faculty of agriculture ________ an

application to help farmers.
A. Are developing
B. Is developing
C. Are developed
D. Is developed

10. Thank God it ______________outside! Let’s take a walk!

A. Is raining
B. Is not raining
C. Rains
D. Does not rain

11. In December 2020, UNICEF____________ its expert team to observe the

increasing number of child abuse in Indonesia.
A. Are brought
B. Bring
C. Is bringing
D. Brings

12. Charlie: Where ____she_____ now?

Barbara: I don’t know. Maybe she is just wandering around.
A. Is going.
B. Are going.
C. Does go.
D. Has gone.

13. Joe, _______you already______your homework ?

A. Have finishing
B. Has finishing
C. Has finished
D. Have finished

14. According to Sri Mulyani, Google ____________their tax yet.

A. Has not paid
B. Does not pay
C. Is not paying
D. Have not paid

15. Since 2007, many farmers _____________3,500 plantains all over Mexico.
A. Have planted
B. Has planted
C. Plants
D. Planted

16. As a student of Agriculture, Hanung __________many achievements.

A. Had accomplished
B. Have accomplished
C. Has Accomplished
D. Accomplish

17. Mrs. Dahlia and Mrs. Astuti ____________to Scandinavia this month. They
have booked flight and hotel.
A. Is going to travel
B. Are going to travel
C. Going to travel
D. Will travel

18. Andien ________________at the Prambanan Jazz Festival since she’s still in
A. Are not going to perform
B. Are going to perform
C. Is not going to perform
D. Is going to perform
19. Chuck : Oh, The phone is ringing! _____________for me, Jonathan?
Jonathan : Sure! I will!
A. Will you pick it up
B. Will you picking it up
C. Are you picking it up
D. Are you going to pick it up

20. Do you think she _______ if she is unprepared?

A. Won’t succeed
B. Will succeed
C. Succeeding
D. Succeeds

21. Yesterday, we ___________to work on the event proposal.

A. Manage
B. Managed
C. Managing
D. Manages.

22. My mother __________ to Japan, when I________her yesterday.

A. Was traveling, calling
B. Was travelling, called
C. Travelled, calling
D. Travelled, called

23. _____your sister______ a swimming lesson at 4 pm yesterday?

A. Was taking
B. Was taken
C. Were taking
D. Were taken

24. Maudy Ayunda __________her chance to study at Harvard University. She

chose Stanford instead.
A. Didn’t took
B. Wasn’t take
C. Didn’t take
D. Wasn’t took

25. Alfred ______________when his mother _______him.

A. Was cooking, visits
B. Was cooking, visiting
C. Was cooking, visited
D. Was cooking, visit
B. Change these sentences into passive sentences or active sentences!
1. Julie rescued three kittens. Three kittens were rescued by Julie.
2. The technician has not repaired the air conditioner.The air conditioner has
not been repaired by the technician.
3. My sister studies poetry. Poetry is studied by my sister.
4. Handball is played by them. They play handball.
5. The window is being opened by Santi. Santi is opening the window.

C. Write the reported sentences of these sentences!

1. Hanif: “Type this document as soon as possible, Marie!”
Hanif asked Marie to type that document as soon as possible.
2. Mrs. Heni: “You need to read the fifth chapter of the book.”
Mrs. Heni said/told us that we needed to read the fifth chapter of the book.
3. Sasha: “Where is Bruce going?”
Sasha asked where Bruce was going.
4. Conan: “I have finished the book.”
Conan said/told me that he had finished the book.
5. Jordan: “I would love to try your food, Mom.”
Jordan told his mom that he would love to try her food.

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