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Embedded-Indirect Questions

Where’s the bank? Can you tell me

where the bank

33. Why wasn’t 34. Why
the restaurant shouldn’t they 35. Finish
open today? go out? Start again

32. Is there 31. Did

going to be a anybody here 30. Whose dog 29.
science quiz find a cell is that? Go back 5
tomorrow? phone? spaces

26. What did 27. What time 28. How often

25. we do in did the plane to does the ice
Go forward 3 English class Miami take off? cream truck
spaces yesterday? come by?

24. Where does 23. When is 22. Who was

Mr. Webster Santa Claus the third prime
21 .
work? going to come? minister of
Canada? Start again

18. Why were 19. How did 20. How much

17. Where is the the kids crying? she break her do eggs cost
cheese? leg? this week?

16. Has she ever 15. Did a man 14. How long
told him about with a big bag of have I been 13
that particular money run by here? Go forward 3
issue? here? spaces

10. Why did 11. Does this 12. Why would

9. Why won’t Roger leave bus go all the she say anything
they talk to us? work early way to the like that in the
today? airport? first place?

7. Can his 5. Why does she

8. Who did that girlfriend pick 6. have to make those
them up awful comments
to her? Go back 3
tomorrow night? all the time?

1. 2. Where did 3. Was the movie 4. How much

Sandra buy those they saw time will we
Start nice boots? yesterday boring? have to wait
You can cut out the little cards and put them face down, one set for each group and as they move along the board game
they can select a card and use it to make the sentence… Double click to edit the cards…

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