Message of Cosmic Awareness - Ascension

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This Awareness does indeed have an opening message at this crucial time in the
history of this world and in the history of humankind. The countdown has now begun
to that event that this Awareness has spoken upon many times before, that event of
Ascension. Now the energies are such that it is crucial for each and every individual to
start to see within them what must be seen and recognized as entanglements or
hindrances to one's growth and development. It is now time for the final purging, if you
will, of those dark energies that may have hooked into one, and may have attached to
one's being.
It must be understood and remembered that basically those who are in control are the
Orion/Reptilian beings. This has been so for many, many, thousands of years with
occasional glimpses into the Light and at what a government and leadership of Light
might look to be - but primarily the predominant force has been the Orion/Reptilians
who have controlled and created a world based on reptilian thinking, hierarchical order,
militaristic outlooks, a warrior mentality based on cruelty and suppression and
This period of time that is now unfolding, especially after December 21, 2011, will be
the last period of time before the event a year later in 2012 where the energies that will
be released will be the final energies to eject planet Earth from that form of containment
that has kept her bound to the reptilian energies, the dark energies. This year the
unfolding that has already commenced, is the period of time for each and every
individual to look within themselves to find those areas of their own darkness that may
exist within, without having been seen or recognized because it is so much part of their
char-acter, so much part of the norm of things.
It must be understood that the majority of those within the organization Cosmic
Awareness Communications, those who are the members, and who listen to this
Awareness and what It shares, are indeed Beings of Light, are Light Warriors, Seekers
of the Highest Truth - and are here because it was their choice to be here at this time.
This Awareness has called you Wanderers before and still calls you Wanderers of the
Divine, who go from place to place, time to time, to help with Ascension, help with the
raising of consciousness. This is one of those times again, but as many have lived many
physical lives on this planet they have immersed themselves in the ocean of
consciousness that exists which has been predominantly ruled by the Orions and the
This world is seen as a Reptilian/Orion world by the Galactic Federation and the other
forces of the universe. It is to be understood as a planet of darkness that has had Light
patches but is now seeking to break completely into the Light, and those many who
have come to assist at this time need to do the deepest work in their lives, both of this
life and other lives, so that they will be in the highest state of Light as they approach
Ascension. This Awareness many years ago spoke of the Garden. Each has the Garden
within, the Garden of Eden, the Garden of the Divine, and many have not visited their
Garden for many years, if ever, and the Garden has lain derelict, and has gone to seed.
Often garbage is thrown into one's Garden from outside. One may throw their own
garbage into this Divine Pool of Tranquility and Spirit, and others, society itself, may
also have thrown in much garbage into the Divine Garden. This garbage would be in
the form of attitudes and beliefs about reality that constitute what most believe to be
the real world. This Garden exists on the subconscious level but it exceeds the
subconscious lower levels and it exceeds the higher multidimensional levels as well. If
Garden is polluted and corrupted and tainted, if one's Garden has not been looked after
or even visited, this implies that the structure of beliefs and thoughts that govern life
have been imposed upon them or adopted by them, and that they fully subscribe to the
Orion/Reptilian order of things.
As this Awareness has said, the world itself is under this domination, the Elite and
those who serve the Elite with consciousness are aware of this fact, but the majority is
unconscious of this. They are unconscious of that which is their subterranean, inner
directed Divine Garden that would allow them to clean up their lives, to create an
amazing life in this physical reality, as well as provide them gateways into the higher
realms of consciousness, and that would allow them to visit the meta-consciousness that
is the God consciousness, where all can go and re-create themselves and redefine
This needs to begin with a rediscovery of the Garden or a reinvestigation of it to find
out the status of the Garden. Some have a wondrous Garden where there are many joys
and surprises of an amazing nature. These would belong to those who have long worked
at the deeper levels of their being, who have opened themselves up to God the Divine,
God the Almighty, the Essence of everything and All, and who have allowed the higher
levels of consciousness, their own multidimensional consciousness to guide them
forward, to help them see how to create this garden, how to keep it clean and pure, and
how to continue this work, moving themselves forward, ever forward in their pursuit of

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