(GR No. L-18994, Jun 29, 1963) Melecio R. Domingo V. Lorenzo C. Garlitos

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[ GR No. L-18994, Jun 29, 1963] pay to Mrs. Price the sum of P368,140.

00, and an
MELECIO R. DOMINGO v. LORENZO C. extract of page 765 of Republic Act No. 2700
GARLITOS appropriating the sum of P262.200.00 for the payment
This is a petition for certiorari and mandamus to the Leyte Cadastral Survey, Inc., represented by the
against the Judge of the Court of First Instance of administratriX Simeona K. Price, as directed in the
Leyte, Hon. Lorenzo C. Garlitos, presiding, seeking to above note of the President. Considering these facts,
annul certain orders of the court and for an order in this the Court orders that the payment of inheritance taxes
Court directing the respondent court below to execute in the sum of P40,058.55 due the Collector of Internal
the judgment in favor of the Government against the Revenue as ordered paid by this Court on July 5, 1960
estate of Walter Scott Price for internal revenue taxes. in accordance With the order of the Supreme Court
It appears that in Melecio R. promulgated July 30, 1960 in 106 Phil., 1138, be
Domingo vs. Hon. Judge S. C. Moscoso, 106 Phil., deducted from the amount of P262,200.00 due and
1138, this Court declared as final and executory the payable to the administratrix Simeona K. Price, in this
order for the payment by the estate of the estate and estate, the balance to be paid by the Government to her
inheritance taxes, charges and penalties amounting to without further delay." (Order of August 20, 1960).
P40,058.55, issued by the Court of First Instance of
"The Court has nothing further to add to its
Leyte in special proceedings No. 14 entitled "In the
order dated August 20, 1960 and it orders that the
Matter of the Inestate Estate of the Late Walter Scott
payment of the claim of the Collector of Internal
Price." In order to enforce the claims against the estate
Revenue be deferred until the Government shall have
the fiscal presented a petition dated June 21, 1961, to
paid its accounts to the administratrix herein
the court below for the execution of the judgment. The
amounting to P262.200.00. It may not be amiss to
petition was, however, denied by the court which held
repeat that it is only fair for the Government, as a
that the execution is not justifiable as the Government
debtor, to pay its accounts to its citizens-creditors
is indebted to the estate under administration in the
before it can insist in the prompt payment cf the letter's
amount of P262,200. The orders of the court below
account to it, specially taking into consideration that
dated August 20, 1960 and September 28, 1960,
the amount due the Government draws interests while
respectively, are as follows:
the credit due to the present estate does not accrue any
"Atty. Benedicto submitted a copy of the interest." (Order of September 28, 1960).
contract between Mrs. Simeona K. Price,
The petition to set aside the above orders of
Administratrix of the estate of her late husband Walter
the court below and for the execution of the claims of
Scott Price and Director Zoilo Castrillo of the Bureau
the Government against the estate must be denied for
of Lands dated September 19, 1956 and acknowledged
lack of merit. The ordinary procedure by which to
before Notary Public Salvador V. Esguerra, legal
settle claims or indebtedness against the estate of a
adviser in Malacañang to Executive Secretary De
deceased person, as an inheritance tax, is for the
Leon dated December 14, 1956, the note of His
claimant to present a claim before the probate court so
Excellency, Pres. Carlos P. Garcia, to Director
that said court may order the administrator to pay the
Castrillo dated August 2, 1958, directing the latter to
amount thereof. To such effect is the decision of this such jurisdiction continues until said properties have
Court in Aldamiz vs. Judge of the Court of First been distributed among the heirs entitled thereto.
Instance of Mindoro, 85 Phil., 228, Dec. 29, 1949, During the pendency of the proceedings all the estate
thus: is in custodia legis and the proper procedure is not to
allow the sheriff, in case of a court judgment, to seize
"* * * a writ of execution is not the proper
the properties but to ask the court for an order to
procedure allowed by the Rules of Court for the
require the administrator to pay the amount due from
payment of debts and expenses of administration. The
the estate and required to be paid.
proper procedure is for the court to order the sale of
personal estate or the sale or mortgage of real property Another ground for denying the petition of
of the deceased and all debts or expenses of the provincial fiscal is the fact that the court having
administration should be paid out of the proceeds of jurisdiction of the estate had found that the claim of
the sale or mortgage. The order for the sale or the estate against the Government has been recognized
mortgage should be issued upon motion of the and an amount of P262,200 has already been
administrator and with the written notice to all the appropriated for the purpose by a corresponding law
heirs, legatees and devisees residing in the Philippines, (Rep. Act No. 2700). Under the above circumstances,
according to Rule 89, section 3, and Rule 90, section both the claim of the Government for inheritance taxes
2. And when sale or mortgage of real estate is to be and the claim of the intestate for services rendered
made, the regulations contained in Rule 90, section 7, have already become overdue and demandable as well
should be complied with. as fully liquidated. Compensation, therefore, takes
place by operation of law, in accordance with the
"Execution may issue only where the
provisions of Articles 1279 and 1290 of the Civil
devisees, legatees or heirs have entered into possession
Code, and both debts are extinguished to the
of their respective portions in the estate prior to
concurrent amount, thus:
settlement and payment of the debts and expenses Of
administration and it is later ascertained that there are "Art. 1290. When all the requisites mentioned
such debts and expenses to be paid, in which case 'the in article 1279 are present, compensation takes effect
court having jurisdiction of the estate may, by order by operation of law, and extinguishes both debts to the
for that purpose, after hearing, settle the amount of concurrent amount, even though the creditors and
their several liabilities, and order how much and in debtors are not aware of the compensation."
what manner each person shall contribute, and
It is clear, therefore, that the petitioner has no clear
may issue execution if circumstances require' (Rule
right to execute the judgment for taxes against the
89, section 6; see also Rule 74, section 4; Italics ours.)
estate of the deceased Walter Scott Price. Furthermore,
And this is not the instant case."
the petition for certiorari and mandamus is not the
The legal basis for such a procedure is the fact proper remedy for the petitioner. Appeal is the remedy.
that in the testate or intestate proceedings to settle the
The petition is, therefore, dismissed, without costs.
estate of a deceased person, the properties belonging
to the estate are under the jurisdiction of the court and
Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Concepcion, Barrera, ISSUE: Whether or not the contention of Francia that
Paredes, Dizon, Regala, and Makalintal, JJ., concur. his tax delinquency of P2,400.00 has been
Reyes, J.B.L. in the result. extinguished by legal compensation is correct
claiming that the government owed him P4,116.00
when a portion of his land was expropriated on
RULING: This principal contention of the petitioner
G.R. No. L-67649, June 28, 1988 has no merit. We have consistently ruled that there can
be no off-setting of taxes against the claims that the
FACTS: Engracio Francia is the registered owner of a
taxpayer may have against the government. A person
residential lot and a two-story house located in Pasay
cannot refuse to pay a tax on the ground that the
City. On October 15, 1977, a 125 square meter portion
government owes him an amount equal to or greater
of Francia's property was expropriated by the Republic
than the tax is being collected. The collection of a tax
for the sum of P4,116.00. Since 1963 up to 1977
cannot await the results of a lawsuit against the
inclusive, Francia failed to pay his real estate taxes.
government. A claim for taxes is not such a debt,
Thus, on December 5, 1977, his property was sold at
demand, contract or judgment as is allowed to be set-
public auction pursuant the Real Property Tax Code in
off under the statutes of set-off, which are construed
order to satisfy a tax delinquency of P2, 400.00. Ho
uniformly, in the light of public policy, to exclude the
Fernandez was the highest bidder for the property.
remedy in an action or any indebtedness of the state or
Francia was not present during the auction sale since
municipality to one who is liable to the state or
he was in Iligan City at that time helping his uncle ship
municipality for taxes. Neither are they a proper
bananas. On March 3, 1979, Francia received a notice
subject of recoupment since they do not arise out of
of hearing “In re: Petition for Entry of New Certificate
the contract or transaction sued on.
of Title" filed by Ho Fernandez, seeking the
cancellation of TCT and the issuance in his name of a
new certificate of title. Upon verification through his
lawyer, Francia discovered that a Final Bill of Sale had
been issued in favour of Ho Fernandez by the City
G.R. No. L-67649 June 28, 1988
Treasurer on December 11, 1978. The auction sale and
the final bill of sale were both annotated at the back of ENGRACIO FRANCIA, petitioner,
TCT No. 4739 (37795) by the Register of Deeds. On INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT and HO
March 20, 1979, Francia filed a complaint to annul the FERNANDEZ, respondents.

auction sale. The lower court rendered a decision

against his favour. The Intermediate Appellate Court
EngracioFrancia is the registered owner of a
affirmed the decision of the lower court in toto. Hence, residential lot and a two-story house built upon it
situated in Pasay City, Metro Manila. On October 15,
this petition for review.
1977, a 125 square meter portion of Francia's property
was expropriated by the Republic of the Philippines
for the sum of P4,116.00 representing the estimated
amount equivalent to the assessed value of the MELECIO R. DOMINGO vs. HON. LORENZO
aforesaid portion. C. GARLITOS

Since 1963 up to 1977 inclusive, Francia failed to pay

his real estate taxes. Thus, on December 5, 1977, his
property was sold at public auction by the City G.R. No. L-18994, June 29, 1963
Treasurer of Pasay City pursuant to Section 73 of
Presidential Decree No. 464 known as the Real
Property Tax Code in order to satisfy a tax delinquency
of P2,400.00. Ho Fernandez was the highest bidder for
the property. FACTS: This is a petition for certiorari and mandamus
against respondent judge seeking to annul certain
orders of the court and for an order in this Court to
Francia contends that his tax delinquency of P2,400.00 direct respondent to execute the judgment in favor of
has been extinguished by legal compensation. He
the Government against the estate of Walter Scott
claims that the government owed him P4,116.00 when
Price for internal revenue taxes. It appears that in
a portion of his land was expropriated on October 15,
Melecio R. Domingo vs. Hon. Judge S. C. Moscoso,
1977. Hence, his tax obligation had been set-off by
G.R. No. L-14674, January 30, 1960, this Court
operation of law as of October 15, 1977. declared as final and executory the order for the
payment by the estate of the estate and inheritance
taxes, charges and penalties, amounting to P40,058.55,
ISSUE:WON there is legal compensation to off-set issued by the Court of First Instance of Leyte in,
Francia’s tax obligation to the government special proceedings No. 14 entitled "In the matter of
the Intestate Estate of the Late Walter Scott Price." In
order to enforce the claims against the estate the fiscal
RULING:No. There is no legal basis for the presented a petition dated June 21, 1961, to the court
contention. By legal compensation, obligations of below for the execution of the judgment. The petition
persons, who in their own right are reciprocally was, however, denied by the court which held that the
debtors and creditors of each other, are extinguished execution is not justifiable
(Art. 1278, Civil Code). The circumstances of the case
do not satisfy the requirements provided by Article
ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner has the clear
1279, to wit:
right to execute the judgment for taxes against the
(1) that each one of the obligors be estate of the deceased Walter Scott Price.
bound principally and that he be at
the same time a principal creditor of RULING: The petition to set aside the above orders of
the other; the court below and for the execution of the claim of
the Government against the estate must be denied for
xxx xxxxxx lack of merit. The ordinary procedure by which to
settle claims of indebtedness against the estate of a
(3) that the two debts be due. deceased person, as an inheritance tax, is for the
claimant to present a claim before the probate court so
that said court may order the administrator to pay the
xxx xxxxxx
amount thereof. Another ground for denying the
petition is the fact that the court having jurisdiction of
This principal contention of the petitioner has no the estate had found that the claim of the estate against
merit. We have consistently ruled that there can be no the Government has been recognized and an amount
off-setting of taxes against the claims that the taxpayer of P262,200 has already been appropriated for the
may have against the government. A person cannot purpose by a corresponding law (Rep. Act No. 2700).
refuse to pay a tax on the ground that the government Under the above circumstances, both the claim of the
owes him an amount equal to or greater than the tax Government for inheritance taxes and the claim of the
being collected. The collection of a tax cannot await intestate for services rendered have already become
the results of a lawsuit against the government. overdue and demandable is well as fully liquidated.
Compensation, therefore, takes place by operation of
law, in accordance with the provisions of Articles
1279 and 1290 of the Civil Code, and both debts are
extinguished to the concurrent amount. It is clear,
therefore, that the petitioner has no clear right to being used “exclusively” for educational purposes.
execute the judgment for taxes against the estate of the
Instead of perfecting an appeal, petitioner availed of
deceased Walter Scott Price.
the instant petition for review on certiorari with prayer
for preliminary injunction before the Supreme Court,
by filing said petition on 17 August 1974.
Abra Valley College v. Aquino

The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of

the CFI Abra (Branch I) subject to the modification
[GR L-39086, 15 June 1988] that half of the assessed tax be returned to the
petitioner. The modification is derived from the fact
that the ground floor is being used for commercial
Facts: Petitioner Abra Valley College is an educational
purposes (leased) and the second floor being used as
corporation and institution of higher learning duly
incidental to education (residence of the director).
incorporated with the SEC in 1948. On 6 July 1972,
the Municipal and Provincial treasurers (Gaspar Issue: Should there be tax exemption?

Bosque and Armin Cariaga, respectively) and issued a Interpretation of the phrase “used
Notice of Seizure upon the petitioner for the college exclusively for educational purposes”
lot and building (OCT Q-83) for the satisfaction of said
taxes thereon. The treasurers served upon the Section 22, paragraph 3, Article VI, of the then 1935

petitioner a Notice of Sale on 8 July 1972, the sale Philippine Constitution, expressly grants exemption

being held on the same day. Dr. Paterno Millare, then from realty taxes for “Cemeteries, churches and

municipal mayor of Bangued, Abra, offered the parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto, and all

highest bid of P 6,000 on public auction involving the lands, buildings, and improvements used exclusively

sale of the college lot and building. The certificate of for religious, charitable or educational purposes.” This

sale was correspondingly issued to him. constitution is relative to Section 54, paragraph c,
Commonwealth Act 470 as amended by RA 409
The petitioner filed a complaint on 10 July (Assessment Law). An institution used exclusively for
1972 in the court a quo to annul and declare void the religious, charitable and educational purposes, and as
“Notice of Seizure” and the “Notice of Sale” of its lot such, it is entitled to be exempted from taxation;
and building located at Bangued, Abra, for non- notwithstanding that it keeps a lodging and a boarding
payment of real estate taxes and penalties amounting house and maintains a restaurant for its members
to P5,140.31. On 12 April 1973, the parties entered (YMCA case). A lot which is not used for commercial
into a stipulation of facts adopted and embodied by the purposes but serves solely as a sort of lodging place,
trial court in its questioned decision. The trial court also qualifies for exemption because this constitutes
ruled for the government, holding that the second floor incidental use in religious functions (Bishop of Nueva
of the building is being used by the director for Segovia case).
residential purposes and that the ground floor used and
rented by Northern Marketing Corporation, a
commercial establishment, and thus the property is not
Exemption in favour of property used Director of petitioner school for residential purposes.
exclusively for charitable or educational purposes is He thus ruled for the government and rendered the
‘not limited to property actually indispensable’ assailed decision. Hence petitioner instead availed of
therefor but extends to facilities which are incidental the instant petition for review on certiorari with prayer
to and reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of for preliminary injunction before the Supreme Court.
said purposes (Herrera v. Quezon City Board of Adrian Avilado Antazo
Assessment Appeals). While the Court allows a more
liberal and non-restrictive interpretation of the phrase
“exclusively used for educational purposes,” Issue: Whether the Educational Institution Properties
reasonable emphasis has always been made that which is not exclusively used for educational purposes
exemption extends to facilities which are incidental to is not eligible for tax exemption.
and reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of
the main purposes. The use of the school building or
lot for commercial purposes is neither contemplated Held: Yes, Under the 1935 Constitution, the trial
by law, nor by jurisprudence. In the case at bar, the court correctly arrived at the conclusion that the school
lease of the first floor of the building to the Northern building as well as the lot where it is built, should be
Marketing Corporation cannot by any stretch of the taxed, not because the second floor of the same is
imagination be considered incidental to the purpose of being used by the Director and his family for
education. residential purposes, but because the first floor thereof
is being used for commercial purposes. However,
since only a portion is used for purposes of commerce,
Abra Valley College vs. Aquino, 162 SCRA 106 it is only fair that half of the assessed tax be returned
(1988) G.R. No. L-39086 June 15, 1988 to the school involved. Moreover, the exemption in
favor of property used exclusively for charitable or
educational purposes is ‘not limited to property
Fact: Petitioner, filed a complaint in the court a quo to actually indispensable’ therefor but extends to
annul and declare void the “Notice of Seizure’ and the facilities which are incidental to and reasonably
“Notice of Sale” of its lot and building located at necessary for the accomplishment of said purposes.
Bangued, Abra, for non-payment of real estate taxes But it must be stressed however, that while the court
and penalties. The “Notice of Sale” was caused to be allows a more liberal and non-restrictive interpretation
served upon the petitioner by the respondent treasurers of the phrase “exclusively used for educational
for the sale at public auction of said college lot and purposes”, reasonable emphasis has always been made
building, which sale was held on the same date. Dr. that exemption extends to facilities which are
Paterno Millare, then Municipal Mayor of Bangued, incidental to and reasonably necessary for the
Abra, offered the highest bid which was duly accepted. accomplishment of the main purposes. Otherwise
the respondent filed through counstel a motion to stated, the use of the school building or lot for
dismiss the complaint. Nonetheless, the trial court commercial purposes is neither contemplated by law,
disagreed because of the use of the second floor by the nor by jurisprudence, The lease of the first floor
thereof to the Northern Marketing Corporation cannot
by any stretch of the imagination be considered
ISSUE: Whether or not the properties of respondent
incidental to the purpose of education.
Roman Catholic Bishop should be exempt from

PROVINCE OF ABRA vs. HERNANDO RULING: Respondent Judge would not have erred so
grievously had he merely compared the provisions of
the present Constitution with that appearing in the
G.R. No. L-49336 August 31, 1981 1935 Charter on the tax exemption of "lands,
buildings, and improvements." There is a marked
difference. Under the 1935 Constitution: "Cemeteries,
FACTS: On the face of this certiorari and mandamus churches, and parsonages or convents appurtenant
petition, it clearly appears that the actuation of thereto, and all lands, buildings, and improvements
respondent Judge Hernando left much to be desired. used exclusively for religious, charitable, or
There was a denial of a motion to dismiss an action for educational purposes shall be exempt from taxation."
declaratory relief by Roman Catholic Bishop of The present Constitution added "charitable
Bangued desirous of being exempted from a real estate institutions, mosques, and non-profit cemeteries" and
tax followed by a summary judgment granting such required that for the exemption of "lands, buildings,
exemption, without even hearing the side of petitioner. and improvements," they should not only be
It was the submission of counsel that an action for "exclusively" but also "actually and "directly" used for
declaratory relief would be proper only before a breach religious or charitable purposes. The Constitution is
or violation of any statute, executive order or worded differently. The change should not be ignored.
regulation. Moreover, there being a tax assessment It must be duly taken into consideration.
made by the Provincial Assessor on the properties of
respondent, petitioner failed to exhaust the
administrative remedies available under PD No. 464 CALTEX PHILIPPINES VS CA
before filing such court action. Respondent Judge
G.R. 925585 MAY 8, 1992
alleged that there "is no question that the real
properties sought to be taxed by the Province of Abra Davide, J.:
are properties of the respondent Roman Catholic
FACTS: In 1989, COA sent a letter to Caltex directing
Bishop of Bangued, Inc." The very next sentence
it to remit to OPSF its collection of the additional tax
assumed the very point it asked when he categorically
on petroleum authorized under PD 1956 and pending
stated: "Likewise, there is no dispute that the
such remittance, all of its claims from the OPSF shall
properties including their procedure are actually,
be held in abeyance. Petitioner requested COA for the
directly and exclusively used by the Roman Catholic
early release of its reimbursement certificates from the
Bishop of Bangued, Inc. for religious or charitable
OPSF covering claims with the Office of Energy
purposes." For him then: "The proper remedy of the
Affairs. COA denied the same.
petitioner is appeal and not this special civil action."
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner can avail of the right Issue: Whether St. Catherine’s Hospital is exempt
to offset any amount that it may be required under the from reallty tax.
law to remit to the OPSF against any amount that it
Ruling: The admission of pay-patients does not detract
may receive by way of reimbursement.
from the charitable character of a hospital, if all its
RULING: funds are devoted exclusively to the maintenance of
the institution as a public charity. The exemption in
It is a settled rule that a taxpayer may not offset taxes
favour of property used exclusively for charitable or
due from the claims that he may have against the
educational purpose is not limited to property actually
government. Taxes cannot be the subject of
indispensable therefore, but extends to facilities which
compensation because the government and taxpayer
are incidental to and reasonably necessary for the
are not mutually debtors and creditors of each other
accomplishment of said purpose, such as in the case of
and a claim for taxes is not such a debt, demand,
hospitals — a school for training nurses; a nurses’
contract or judgment as is allowed to be set-off.
home; property used to provide housing facilities for
The oil companies merely acted as agents for the interns, resident doctors, superintendents and other
government in the latter’s collection since taxes are members of the hospital staff; and recreational
passed unto the end-users, the consuming public. facilities for student nurses, interns and residents.
Within the purview of the Constitution, St. Catherine’s
Hospital is a charitable institution exempt from
Herrera vs. Quezon City Board of Assessment taxation

G.R. L-15270
Facts: In 1952, the Director of the Bureau of Hospitals
GR 144104 June29, 2004
authorized Jose V. Herrera and Ester Ochangco
Herrera to establish and operate the St. Catherine’s En Banc, Callejo J:
Hospital. In 1953, the Herreras sent a letter to the
Quezon City Assessor requesting exemption from
payment of real estate tax on the hospital, stating that The lung center is a charitable institution within the
the same was established for charitable and context of 1973 and 1987 constitutions. The elements
humanitarian purposes and not for commercial gain. considered in determining a charitable institution are:
The exemption was granted effective years 1953 to the statue creating the enterprise; its corporate
1955. In 1955, however, the Assessor reclassified the purposes; constitution and by-laws, methods of
properties from “exempt” to “taxable” effective 1956, administration, nature of actual work performed,
as it was ascertained that out 32 beds in the hospital, character of the services rendered, indefiniteness of the
12 of which are for pay-patients. A school of beneficiaries, and the use occupation of properties. As
midwifery is also operated within the premises of the a gen. principle, a charitable institution doe not lose its
hospital. character as such and its exemption form taxes simply
because it derives income from paying patients, or Issue: can tax be subject for set-off?
receives subsidies from government; and no money
Ruling: No. tax cannot be the subject for compensation
insures to the private benefit of the persons managing
for simple reason that the government and the tax
or operating the institution.
payer are not mutual creditors and debtors of each
Issue: other. Debts are due in the government in its’ corporate
capacity while taxes are due to the government in its’
Whether or not the real properties of the lung center
sovereign capacity. A tax payer cannot refuse to pay
are exempt from real property taxes.
his taxes when they fall due simply because he has a
Ruling. claim against the government that the collection of the
tax is contingent on the result of the law suit it filed
Partly No. Those portions of its real property that are
against the government.
leased to private entities are not exempt from actually,
direct and exclusively used for charitable purpose.
Under PD 1823, the lung center does not enjoy any
property tax exemption privileges for its real
properties as well as the building constructed thereon.

The property tax exemption under Sec. 28(3), Art. Vi

of the property taxes only. This provision was G.R. No. L-17725, February 28, 1962
implanted by Sec.243 (b) of RA 7160.which provides
that in order to be entitled to the exemption, the lung
center must be able to prove that: it is a charitable FACTS: There are three causes of action in this case
institution and; its real properties are actually, directly in which the defendants admitted all these three
and exclusively used for charitable purpose. liabilities with an aggregate amount of P4, 802.37.
Accordingly, the portions occupied by the hospital Though such liabilities are admitted it interposed the
used for its patients are exempt from real property defence though exhibits that from July 31, 1948 to
taxes while those leased to private entities are not December 29, 1956, defendant Mambulao Lumber
exempt from such taxes. Company paid to the Republic of the Philippines
P8,200.52 for 'reforestation charges' and for the period
Philex Mining vs. CIR
commencing from April 30, 1947 to June 24, 1948,
GR 125704, August 28, 1998 said defendant paid P927.08 to the Republic of the
Philippines for 'reforestation charges'. These
Facts: Philex Mining Corporation assails the decision
reforestation were paid to the plaintiff in pursuance of
of the court of appeals which affirmed the decision of
Section 1 of Republic Act 115 which provides that
the court of tax appeals ordering philex to pay its
there shall be collected, in addition to the regular forest
excise tax liability philex refused to pay and contended
charges provided under Section 264 of
it has pending claims for vat input credit or refund
Commonwealth Act 466 known as the National
against the government which should be made
Internal Revenue Code, the amount of P0.50 on each
compensate or set-off its tax liability.
cubic meter of timber... cut out and removed from any
public forest for commercial purposes. The total
amount of the reforestation charges paid by Mambulao
Lumber Company is P9,127.50, and it is the
contention of the defendant that since the Republic of
the Philippines has not made use of those reforestation
charges collected from it for reforesting the denuded
area of the land covered by its license, the Republic of
the Philippines should refund said amount, or, if it
cannot be refunded, at least it should be compensated
with what Mambulao Lumber Company owed the
Republic of the Philippines for reforestation charges.

ISSUE: Whether or not the sum of P9, 127.50 paid by

defendant company to plaintiff as reforestation
charges from 1947 to 1956 may be set off or applied
to the payment of the sum of P4,802.37 as forest
charges due and owing from defendant to plaintiff.

RULING: The court find defendants claim devoid of

any merit. Note that there is nothing in the law which
requires that the amount collected as reforestation
charges should be used exclusively for the
reforestation of the area covered by the license of a
licensee or concessionaire, and that if not so used; the
same should be refunded to him. The general rule,
based on grounds of public policy is well-settled that
no set-off is admissible against demands for taxes
levied for general or local governmental purposes. The
reason on which the general rule is based, is that taxes
are not in the nature of contracts between the party and
party but grow out of a duty to, and are the positive
acts of the government, to the making and enforcing of
which, the personal consent of individual taxpayers is
not required.

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