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The Effects of Gadgets to the Academic Performance of Grade11 Learners of M.I.


We all know that this generation , students have their own gadgets like laptop,smartphones,computer,netbook and

etc. Gadgets form an integral part of our lives . They are essentially small tools or rather machines intended to

perform a specific function. Many students are obsessed in using gadgets.They usually want to buy the latest release of

these gadgets to satisfy their desires in terms of entertainment. Students nowadays uses more time in using gadgets

than on studying on their studies . In today’s modern age gadgets has become way of life. Gadgets nowadays are basic

need for everyday lifestyle.Gadgets help students a lot by doing their projects more productive. Nowadays poor and

rich have gadgets. But gadgets can’t help us all the time , gadgets affect the academic performance of students in many

aspects . Using a gadget a student start becoming stupid, dependable, and do all his or her work with the help of

gadgets .” Do students still need textbooks? The modern gadgets have a great impact on the learners academic

performance. In the year where electronic gadgets are not yet invented like computers, students are not yet engage in

activities using technologies. Learners rely on books and visits library facilities to study. And now the gadgets are

available to all students,learners achieved low academic grades. As they go home, they don’t open their books, they

don’t open their homeworks and projects, they play games using computers, these games have effects on the learning

experiences of students.” (Capulong ,2018)

Gadgets make the world a great and easy place to live. The growth of gadgets of ever-increasing difficulty opens new

panorama for human ability. Gadgets provide a secure, at ease and well-nourished life for billions of human beings.

People need advanced technology to stay active and strong. Moreover, here a certain advantages and disadvantages of

gadgets in education.In the earlier times, people use to communicate by writing letters which used to take days or even

months to deliver; nevertheless, now E-mail has made things extremely easy.There are many gadgets that make life

easier.This technology helps the student to work efficiently. A student can complete their lengthy dissertation writing

tasks in less time period.If there are certain advantages of these gadgets, on the other hand there are disadvantages too

which are usually confronted by us. Have a look here:Most commonly seen, students gets addicted to gaming, texting

or talking on phone or online.It causes their learning and at home, they detract from their studies.Now everything is

dependent on the students themselves, whether they develop poor education habits and lazy attitude or learn useful

stuff available. Moreover, it also makes student forgetting their basic learning, they totally based on the internet

instead of books and take assist from their teachers. Most of them misspell words because they use spell checkers
Statement of the Problem

This study entitled “The Effects of Gadgets to the Academic Performance of Grade11Learnes of M.I.S” This study

sought to answer the following questions.


1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. Name

B. Age

C. Sex

D. Presence of internet

2. What are the gadgets used by the respondents?

3. How many hours do the respondents use in gadgets in a day?

4. How much does respondents spend in surfing and playing online games in their gadgets?

5. What are the effects of gadgets to the academic performance?

6. Is there a significant relation between academic performance on the number of hours using gadgets?

Scope and Delimitation

This study is to determine the Effects of Gadgets to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 of M.I.S. The

researchers delimited the Effects of Gadgets to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 of M.I.S to those who do have

their gadgets. The respondents of this research study are twenty five grade 11 gas and fifteen grade 11 stem.

Significance of the Study

The benefits of our study is to inform the readers about the effects of gadgets to the academic performance of Grade

11 of M.I.S . This study will help the teachers on how to limit their students to use their gadgets and this will give

awareness to teachers to guide students in using the gadgets.This study will help students to know how gadgets can

affect their studies and they will know the benefits of using gadgets in learning and help them study effectively .This

study is useful to the readers, teachers, and students.

Review of Related Literature

Ban Social Media and Electronic Gadgets In the last decade, social media has tremendously revolutionized the way

people socialize and communicate on the web. According to McCombs (2012), social media is a platform that allows

people to stay connected through internet. In essence, social media has had a considerable impact on businesses,

politics, family relations, and our culture. People are using social media to communicate with family members or their

acquaintances to catch up on the latest


Gadgets like portable games can have a negative impact on an individual's health.Technology is an integral part of our

day-to-day lives. People all over the world rely on it for things like communication, organization and employment. Not

a day goes by when you don't encounter someone talking on his cell phone, tapping away on a laptop or listening to an

MP3 player. While this technology is impressive, there are certain drawbacks in areas like health, public safety and

education that should be addressed. Being aware of these dangers can help diminish or reverse these

drawbacks.Addictions * It is easy to become addicted to gaming, texting, talking on the phone or socializing online.

Some students may attempt to do this in class, which disrupts their learning, and at home it detracts from study time.

Kids putting in long hours on their gadgets will give less attention to assignments and may be irritable when they are

away from their gadgets. They might also sleep less, which can slow down their thinking the next day. Creativity * In

the past, children and young people filled up their free time by reading books, socializing, or engaging in active,

creative play. A fixation on gadgets reduces participation in of all these, especially the aspect of creativity. Digital

worlds can be vast, but they are always structured, not requiring the imagination and inventiveness of unstructured

play. Some children become less creative and less able to entertain themselves. Health * Persistent use of high-tech

gadgetry can lead to a slew of health problems for young and old alike. A sedentary lifestyle discourages exercise and

encourages obesity. The back-lit screens used for computers, iPhones and video games can cause eye problems.

Walking around everywhere with music blaring directly into your ears brings on headaches and hearing difficulties.

Students tend to use up more time in using gadgets than on studying. This apparently affects the students studying

habits and academic performance.In todays modern age gadgets has become a way of life. Gadgets nowadays are a

basic need for everyday life style. It helps us a lot by doing things easier and faster. Gadgets help students a lot by

doing their projects more productive and progressive.It is a small thing that anyone could have. Having a gadget may

help ones be more productive and intellectual. Nowadays, poor and rich have gadgets like cell phones. A cell phone is

a wireless gadget that most people these days communicate with. Gadgets nowadays are a basic need for a student.

Gadgets gave a big impact into the history of humanity because of its use. The history of gadgets spans as far back as

humanity itself – since hominids began creating tools to make their lives easier. Humans have always created devices

and appliances with specific practical purposes that were initially thought of as novelties, due to unfamiliarity with and

initial unwillingness to accept the technology. Today, industry has augmented the creation of new gadgets.


Electronic gadgets offer many advantages to students: greater access to information, increased opportunities for

collaboration, independent learning and enhanced communication. However, the effects of gadgets on students are not

always positive. Overuse of technology through gadgets like smartphones, iPods and video games may interfere with a

student's attendance, ability and interest in learning.Effects of Gadgets on Learning A decreased attention span is one

of the negative effects of gadgets. Before smartphones and tablets were mainstream, the average attention span was

about 12 seconds. However, research suggests this has dropped to about eight seconds, which is a shorter attention

span than an average goldfish. If students struggle to concentrate in class, their grades may suffer.Research also

suggests that people who spend a lot of time on gadgets may be more easily distracted, meaning it's harder for them to

complete necessary tasks.

Students who become addicted to gaming, texting or social media may try to do this in class, which may disrupt their

learning and lead to disciplinary action. At home, it may interfere with their study time.Effects of Gadgets on

HealthThe negative effects of electronic gadgets on health are well-documented. Persistent use of gadgets encourages

a sedentary lifestyle and may lead to poor posture and weight gain. In extreme cases, this may cause obesity, neck and

back issues and wrist and hand pain.Also, the back-lit screens on computers, iPhones and video games can cause eye

problems and headaches, and put users at greater risk of macular degeneration, which is a leading cause of

blindness.Effects of Gadgets on SleepWatching TV or using a smartphone, tablet, laptop or other type of electronic
devices late at night may interfere with a student's sleep patterns. The artificial blue light emitted by electronic devices

suppresses the release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, which delays the body's internal clock and makes

falling asleep more difficult.A student who finds it difficult to switch off their gadget may delay her bedtime, which

decreases the amount of REM sleep (the restorative part of the sleep cycle) she gets and makes her less alert in class

the following day.


It is absolutely true that, nowadays, technology has been an integral part of our daily lives. People all around the globe

rely on gadgets for innumerable necessary reasons, such as communication, research, employment, etc. As the world is

developing, more gadgets are getting introduced, and more dependent people have become on them. On one side

technology has a remarkable positive role in our life, but on the other side it has negative impacts as well.Though

technology has brought a lot of ease and advancement to humankind, the student section of the society has been

adversely affected due to it. The young population that is in its growing age gets easily manipulated with the advanced

trending gadgets. Our dissertation team has enlisted a few consequences that affect the lives of students due to

excessive use of electronic devices.Children naturally replicate what they see. Hence, exposure to violence on

television, movies, and recent video games increases the risk of violent behaviour in teenagers. Also, with the

increasing use of mobile phones, text messages, e-mails, and chat rooms, these little youths have created new means of

social interaction in which aggression can occur abruptly and innocent kids might get victim of their own mind. Small

kids avoid physical activities once they have any gadget in their hands. Therefore, playing with electronic gadgets and

eating a lot of fast food without doing any physical activity, adds many pounds of weight. Children dont realise this in

the beginning but suffer throughout their life due to the same. This is one of the major reasons why children should not

have access to electronic gadgets until they reach a certain age.Besides, the blue light emitted by the super-sharp

display prevents the release of melatonin, an important sleep hormone. This, in turn, can lead to sleep impairments in

children. Electronic devices, such as mobile phones and computers are the main causes of eye problems in children.

The fluid present in eyes starts drying due to the overuse of these gadgets. Constant strain might also lead to this

situation. This, in turn, causes multiple eye infections and affects the vision as well.


Researchers were intrigued to find out more about whether advertisements on internet mass media that contain more

commercial advertisements and become part of economic activities can affect the behavior of students as teenagers

that can lead to consumptive nature that is used to be a lifestyle. The student's consumptive lifestyle as a result of

being hit by advertisements on the internet mass media is seen from the number of goods ownership such as female

students who have a number of beauty equipment with different brands and gadget more than one. And men are more

visible on gadgets alone, they are more likely to have more than one gadget, even though one of them can still be used.

( 2019)

They form an attachment with cell phone which molded their mind that they cannot function without their cell phone

on a day-to-day basis. The gadgets are very useful, they help us connect to each other, they make us learn new things

and discover new things/. The reason why computer technologies are invented is to help make people’s life easier

and to improve their way of life, especially the students. The gadgets make our life better in many ways. Let’s take for

example the cellphone, many of you are “lost” without it and when it comes to students this device is more than just a

cellphone, it is also a chat opportunity, an internet connection, a camera and more. Because mobile phone today have a

lot of features and they are not just devices made for communication between people. A negative effect of this gadgets

on students can be the fact that they can become obsessive and the students can neglect everything else, like their

social life, their family and friends. It is not a bad thing to have a computer, but it is a bad thing to spend all your life

in front of it pretending that everything else doesn’t exist. Otherwise, most gadgets have positive effects because they

enable us to do things faster and easier and they are also good when it comes to learning new things and let’s face

it,they make our life a lot easier.

Most of those who embracing much of the technology are the youth. They are fond of using computers, different

gadgets. Some spending most of their time in playing their gadgets but some are using their gadgets in a good way.

Students, one of the leading users of gadgets, want of course to excel on their academic areas and gadgets are on their

way to help them as they are now dwelling in the changing world. The relation between the students and gadgets are

very concrete, then. Most students make use of their gadgets for them to do their school works easier. It is so and more

convenient for them to do their assignments, projects, reports and many more by means of such gadgets. And with the

so intellectual mindset of such people, vast kinds of computers emblem. More and more local and international

companies and organizations come to pass as well as its demand is gradually up surging. Different variety of gadgets

were developed and different inimitable features were fostered by various corporations that students can choose from.

And from smallest to largest, from thinnest to thickest, from basic to most crucial, and from simplest to most complex

gadgets of different brand names with unique trademarks rendered and launched to the public, we can’t refute the fact

that innovation never stops.


Conceptual Framework

In order to have better understanding of the conceptual boundary of this study, the conceptual map is presented below

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

The Effects of Gadgets Academic Performance of Grade

11 Learners

Respondents spend in surfing Academic grades Education Habits

The concept map above shows the independent variable and dependent variable, where in the independent variable is

the effect of gadgets and the dependent variable is the academic performance of grade 11 learners and the dependent

variable shows the possible result or outcome.






 2019

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