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Research methodologies: Ali’s example: During the short amount of time I had to work on

my research project, I encountered many difficulties trying to pick my research question

making it stressful and time consuming. Originally I began on what I thought would be a
topic of my interest which was broadly on ‘cars’ which later I refined to ‘what type of car is
the most environmentally safe and fuel efficient?’ After much brainstorming and further
planning towards improving my refined question, I decided to change my topic completely
because I still found the research question too broad. During this time of brainstorming
about cars, I was also considering a topic about sports related injuries as I suffer from one

Archival: Ali’s example: I began my research by analysing information from my secondary

resources about the most common sports that cause ACL injuries. As I was exploring
through my secondary resources I discovered that ice skating, indoor handball, basketball
and soccer were the most common causes of ACL. At this time, I was conscious of using all
four sports as a base of my research, due to the broadness of the question, the amount of
time and information involved. At this point of time, and after discussing with a specialized
Research Project teacher in the Learning Hub, how to go about narrowing down my
research question;
I began to realise that I would need to refine my research question. Therefore as my
personal interest is basketball, I decided to concentrate on basketball only.

I intend to explore secondary sources such as medical, sports and other appropriate
websites including YouTube clips of professional and amateur cases. I also hope to contact
specialised doctors by emailing specific questions relating to ACL injuries. For my primary
Folio: Proposal: To what extent does Anxiety impede an individual’s cognitive functions?

resource my plan is to interview a friend who suffers from ACL injuries and I will ask a series
of questions relating to his time as an athlete who suffers from ACL.

Initially Research project was an opportunity for me to explore the possible future pathways for myself. However,
through refinement it became more prominent that the specific topic for my Research Project should be in
regards to issues within the fields of my future pathway, which will also allow me to further develop my
capabilities. Through researching how Anxiety, a common disorder affects the cognitive function, it allows me to
explore the work required by medical practitioners (possible future pathway) whilst also allowing me to
investigate an issue that affects many individuals in modern society including myself.

Through research project two of my chosen capabilities will be further developed throughout; the two main
capabilities are Personal and Social Capability and Literacy capability.
Due to the topic being based around a possible future pathway for me, it allows me to develop a sense of
personal identity and review personal goals whilst also allowing me to establish and manage relationships in
personal and community life through the practical (Interviews) that will be conducted. Exploring topics regarding
science will enhance my abilities of communicating with a range of people in a variety of contexts whilst also
allowing me to understand the text types (e.g. website and articles), which will contribute to my ability of
accessing, analyzing and selecting appropriate primary and secondary sources.
Compose a range of texts—written, oral, visual and multimodal.

Research Processes:

Through planning the specific processes that will be conducted to obtain information, the research will be
organized and can be appropriately conducted. This will also prevent any changes that are made in the future to
affect the investigation. Hence, the research processes listed will be highly effective and appropriate for
generating valid data and information as it enlisted in an organized manner.

Web-based research (1-4 Weeks during holidays)

o Information in regards to Anxiety- Investigate primary causes of Anxiety, its effects and methods of
o Collecting primary and secondary sources for analysis
o Qualitative Research -Surveying individuals in regards to anxiety
o Quantitative Research- Gathering statistics to analyze the affect and significance of anxiety
o Archival sources-

Book based research (5th Week during holidays)

Consultation with experts (1-2nd Weeks during holidays)

Interviews: (5th week of term 1)

Ethical consideration:

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