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Gender of victim per

form of abuse

Abuse form Boy Girl

Bullying 44% 56% 100%
Cyber bullying 32% 68% 100%
Domestic Violence 42% 58% 100%
Emotional 38% 62% 100%
Neglect 46% 54% 100%
Physical 43% 57% 100%
Sexual 27% 73% 100%
Unspecified / Other 42% 58% 100%
Witness to Violence 46% 54% 100%
41% 59% 100%

Contacts per form of

abuse per year
(2003 - 2012)

Form of abuse 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total
Bullying 70,360 67,142 88,809 56,619 56,532 101,406 79,110 103,861 117,672 134,673 876,184
Cyber bullying 0 24,237 3,848 28,085
Domestic Violence 11,042 38,285 0 8,687 9,884 19,243 15,327 53,314 21,847 13,690 191,319
Emotional abuse 34,901 17,501 25,178 28,066 32,757 45,749 33,033 38,756 46,480 26,861 329,282
Neglect 13,592 18,489 13,702 22,404 21,332 36,263 27,110 41,733 68,210 33,672 296,507
Physical abuse 96,847 45,549 108,895 60,662 63,635 103,809 82,472 164,318 108,205 71,285 905,677
Sexual abuse 77,761 29,472 36,530 40,704 41,214 63,264 55,203 76,922 72,748 47,790 541,608
Unspecified / Other 25,018 11,677 127,660 57,282 140,794 108,056 43,313 58,386 112,563 25,511 710,260
Witness to Violence 6,178 3,291 5,041 2,251 4,015 5,899 8,459 10,072 17,292 7,219 69,717
Total 335,699 231,406 405,815 276,675 370,163 483,689 344,027 547,362 589,254 364,549 3,948,639

Contacts per form of

abuse - all years
compiled (2003-2012)

Form of abuse
Bullying 876,184
Cyber bullying 28,085
Domestic Violence 191,319
Emotional abuse 329,282
Neglect 296,507
Physical abuse 905,677
Sexual abuse 541,608
Unspecified / Other 710,260
Witness to Violence 69,717
Total 3,948,639

Form of bullying
(2011 - 2012 data)
per gender of victim
- data from
European child

Gender of victims
Form of bullying Boy Girl Unknown Grand Total
Emotional 342 354 2016 2712
Exposure 24 27 38 89
Physical 430 220 377 1027
Theft 86 48 309 443
Grand Total 882 649 2740 4271

Involvement of
teachers in bullying
- per region (2011
and 2012 data)

Africa Americas and Caribbean Asia Pacific Europe Middle East and North Africa Grand Total
Other perpetrators 54% 97% 85% 96% 100% 73%
Teacher 46% 3% 15% 4% 0% 27%
Grand Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

involvement of
peers in bullying -
per region (2011
and 2012 data).

Africa Americas and Caribbean Asia Pacific Europe Middle East and North Africa Grand Total
Other perpetrators 92% 9% 67% 9% 61% 62%
Peers 8% 91% 33% 91% 39% 38%
Grand Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Source: Child
International http://www.childhelplineinternational.org/resources/news/bullying-in-schools-poses-a-significant-threat-to-child-well-being-as-calls-to-child-helplines-reach-more-than-1

• The numbers in the Excel files might slightly differ from the data in the thematic briefing paper. This is due to the fact that CHI are currently still
working on their data collection for 2012 and at the moment, are continuously updating the database. They assure us that "Overall, the proportions
Notes will not affected much".

• The category 'Unknown' is not included in the data on the involvement of peers and teachers as for the majority of contacts, the status of the
perpetrators is not known

• In the case of gender disaggregated data, the unknown category is also been left out for similar reasons as above.

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