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#21 April Extension, Project 8, Quezon City, 1106 Metro Manila

Organic Insecticide


Clado, Sophia Faye

Damasco, Luis

Milan, Aidan

Grade 8

SY: 2019 - 2020


One of our biggest problems is Insects, usually found inside our home. This insect cause
diseases, we know that they are insecticides that are available in markets, but most of them are
expensive. The purpose of this is to lessen the cost of the products that you buy in markets. Our
group decides to make a product that can help us to destroys insects. We used material and
ingredients that are common and affordable, such as malunggay leaves, 2 big onions, 4 garlic,
20 red chili, jar, chopping board, knife and a piece of clothing. It’s a good thing that we are making
an organic product. The procedure that we used is just that we cut and crashed the ingredients
into pieces and we filtered it into the clothe thru the jar then we replace it into container that has
a sprayer. We tried to spray it into some kinds of insect and the insect died up to 5-6 minutes after
spraying 5 times on it. The ingredients we use have the characteristic properties so mixing them
causes a more effective result, and if you are going to use it every day you need more ingredients
or double the ingredients to have more effectiveness of it. That is the easiest way and the
cheapest way to kill insects and to lessen diseases such as flu and dengue. We need this because
this will make your life easier, this is DIY and homemade and you know the substances and it is
Table of Contents


1.1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Statement of Problem/Objectives

CHAPTER 1: Pest Insects
Pest insects can have adverse and damaging impacts on agricultural production and
market access, the natural environment, and our lifestyle. Pest insects may cause
problems by damaging crops and food production, parasitizing livestock, or being a
nuisance and health hazard to humans. Pest insects are very common in us

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