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Detailed Lesson Plan

English Grade IV

I. Objectives :At the end of the period, students are expected to:
a. identify the meaning of unfamiliar words through structural analysis
using prefixes ( un-, im-, dis-, re-).
b. place the appropriate prefix in every root word that being used in a
sentence in order to change and complete its message.
c. value the importance of basic prefixes in reading, conversation and
II. Subject Matter: Identifying the meaning of unfamiliar words through
structural analysis using prefixes (un-, im-, dis-, re-).
 Reference: P. E. L. C 3.1.1, Skill Builders for Efficient Reading 5
 Materials: Charts, Pictures.
Values Integration: Build a good and smooth communication.
III. Developmental Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Pre – activities

Good morning class.

Good morning teacher.
Kindly stand – up and let’s pray.
Students are praying.

You may now sit down.

Thank you teacher.
Who are absents today?
Jones, Teague, and
Ok. Before anything else, who can give me
the meaning of L and B?
Lim: listen
Carl: behave
Very good! I will expect that.

1. Drill

Locate the letters in the box to coincide

the words above.


Mark: Undead
Sherwin: Untold
Joshua: Disobey
Carl: Renew
Jenephine: Immoral

2. Review

What was our previous lesson?

Wallace: Our previous
lesson was all about
Good! What is a preposition?
Rasheed: Preposition
connects a noun or
Very good! Who can enumerate
the prepositions that we discussed ?
Mico: in, or, over, under.
Do you know how to use them?
Yes teacher!
Sure? Jenephine, use preposition “in”
in a sentence.
Jenephine: She lives in
Very good! How about “on”?
Erica: She lives on Acacia
Very good! How about “over”?
Dion: The fox jumps over
the fence.
Awesome! How about “under”?
Danilo: The cat hides
under the table.
Very good! Class, you clap your hands
for yourself.
Students are clapping.
You really understand our previous lesson.
3. Motivation

What have you seen in the screen?

Maron: Airplane.

Very good! Have you actually seen an

Yes teacher.
Can you describe it?
Mark: Sir, it was so big
and huge.
Really? Where is the landing field of an
airplane in Butuan City?
Jenephine: In Bancasi.
Exactly! Have you seen the Butuan airport?
Erica: Yes teacher.
Butuan airport is clean
unlike NAIA.
Ok. What are the advantages of an airplane to
other means of transportation?
Kent: Airplane can fly
and it can reach its
destination in a short
period of time, unlike
the other means of
Erica: It can fly high.

Very good! How about the disadvantages?

Ivan: Airplane cannot fly
when the weather is
unclear or if there is a
Ian: It cannot carry
heavy items.

Good explanation! Airplane transports

passengers safety. Also, airplane can reach
its route for about hour/s or minutes.
Do you want to go to America, London, France,
Africa riding in airplane?
Yes teacher!
You study hard so that you can fulfill your dreams
to travel around the world.
Yes teacher!

4. Unlocking of difficulties

Let’s define the synonyms of the following

terms by using them in a sentence.
Unable, Imperfect, Replaced, Impossible, Unhappy

1. I was unable to sleep, because of my toothache.

a. Fail b. Perfect c. Successful
Boogans: a
Correct! The synonym of unable is fail.
2. Dr. Nore’s inventioned was imperfect.
a. Defective b. Successful c. Perfect
Kent: a
Correct! The synonym of imperfect is defective.
3. They replaced the old designed.
a. Change b. Fix c. Perfect
Diaw: a
Correct! The synonym of replace is change.
4. It was impossible for the plane to fly high.
a. Positive b. Irreparable c. Sure

Mico: b
Correct! The synonym of impossible is irreparable.
5. Bryan becameunhappy.
a. Positive b. Lonely c. Lucky
Renz: b
Exactly! The synonym of unhappy is lonely.

5. Presentation

Class, I will give you a text and you read it silently.

The title of the text is “The First Plane”. I will give you
5 minutes to read.

The First Plane

The first plane was designed by Wilbur and Wright.
The day they flew it, it was unable to fly high.
They knew that designed was imperfect.
The brothers were unhappy, but they also knew
that flying was impossible. They replaced their old
designed with a new one, and it proved to be a big success.
Students are

A. Analysis and Comprehension.

*Did you like the content of the text?

* Really? Well, if that so, I will ask some questions.
Go ahead teacher.
*Who designed the first plane?
Alfred: Wilbur and
*If you were Wilbur and Wright would you
do the same?
Carl: Yes, because it is
good to try so many
times than not trying.
* What happened to the first plane?

Erica: It was unable to

Danilo: It was imperfect.

* What Wilbur and Wright did to make their

first plane a successful one?
Bobby: They replaced it
with a new one.
*What is the importance of this first plane
to our situation?
Williams: First plane
inventioned encourage
us to try our best.
Jefferson: First plane
symbolize creativity.
Also, it entails us that we
can achieve our dreams
if we try our best.
What a magnificent answers! Class, let’s clap
our hands for Williams and Jefferson.

6. Discussion

Today, our topic is “Identifying unfamiliar words

through structural analysis using prefixes. But
before we discuss, I would like to remind
you again the L and B.
Yes teacher! We will
listen and behave.

Very good! Let’s define Prefix. Mark, you read

the definition of Prefix.
Mark: A prefix is a word
part added to the
beginning of a root

It is so clear, that a prefix is a syllable or a word

part added to a root word. Class, when a prefix is
added to a root word the meaning of it will be
change. Now, we are going to tackle 4 basic prefixes
such as un-, im-, dis-, re-. Are you now ready to
know each prefix ?
Yes we are.

Good! Let’s start with prefix “un-“. The meaning of

this prefix is “not”. Let’s take 2 examples and let’s
use it in a sentence in order for us to understand.
Here’s an examples, unbelievable and unhappy.
Let’s start with unbelievable. The root word is?

Michael: believable
Correct! Kobe Bryant’s shots were unbelievable.
Meaning to say?

Erica: Kobe’s shots were

not believable.

Yes. What happened to the root word when prefix

‘’ un-‘’ was attached?
Jenephine: The meaning
was changed.

Exactly! Let’s proceed to unhappy. What is the

root word?
Carl: happy

Correct! King lion becomes unhappy. What happened

to king lion?
Danilo: He becomes

If we are going to take out the prefix to the

root word, what would be the message of the
SeinZein: king lion
becomes happy.

Yes! So meaning to say when a prefix is added to

a root word the meaning will be change. Here’s a
couple of words with prefix “un-“ , unfair, uncover,
unlock, unequal, unkind, unpack, unhappy. Who can
give a root word that prefix “un-‘’ can be attach?


Very good! What else?

Erica: un + just = unjust.

Very good! Let’s move to prefix “im-“. The

meaning of this prefix is ‘’no’’. Here’s an
examples, imperfect and impossible. In order
to understand it, let’s use them in a sentence.
Let’s take impossible first. What is the root word?
Shein: possible

Exactly! To defeat king lion is impossible. Meaning

to say?

Bob: To defeat king lion

is not possible.
Yes! Second example is imperfect. What is
the root word?
Rusell: perfect

Exactly! Carl gets imperfect score in mathematics.

What happened to Carl?
Mark: His score was not

Very good! If we take out prefix “im-“what would be

the message?
Jenephine: Carl gets
perfect score.

Yes! Here are some words containing prefix

“im-“, impractical, immortal, improper, impossible,
imperfect, immature, impartial, impatient, immortal.
Who can give a root word that prefix “im-“can be
Very good! What else?


Awesome! Let’s proceed to the next prefix which

is “dis-“ and it’s meaning is the same to prefix ‘’un-‘’
and ‘’im-‘’.
Ian: not

Yes. Let’s take 2 examples and let’s use it in a

sentence. Here’s the 2 examples, dislikes and
disagreed. First, let’s take dislikes. What is the
root word?
Bobby: likes

Very good! Mark dislikes the dress of his sister.

This means that?

Alfred: Mark did not like

the dress of his sister.

Exactly! Second example, Bryan disagreed Mark’s plan.

We used the word disagreed, what is the root word?
Daniel: Agreed.
Very good! So, what is the message of the sentence?

Sherwin: Bryan opposed

Mark’s plan.

Yes! Here are some examples of words containing

prefix ‘’dis-‘’,dishonest, distrust, disloyal, disgrace,
disconnect, disappoint. Who can give a root word
that prefix “dis-‘’ can be attach?

Very good! What else?


Awesome! Now, let’s proceed to the last prefix.

The meaning of this prefix is different from the 3
prefixes that we discussed a while ago. This prefix
means ‘’again’’ and this prefix is no other than “re”.
Here are the examples, rejoins and rebuilds. To
understand it better let’s use them in a sentence.
Let’s take first rejoins. What is the root word?

Carl: join
Very good! Bryan rejoins with the basketball
dunk competition. The sentence emphasize
that Bryan?

Malone: Joins the dunk

compitation again.

Correct! Second example, Bobby the builder

rebuilds his house. We used the word rebuilds,
what is the root word?

Erica: builds

So, what is the sentence all about?

Jenephine: Bobby repairs
his house again.

Exactly! Here are some examples of words containing

prefix ‘’re-“,remarry, rebuild, reappear, reconsider,
rejoin, return, rewrite, rearrange, regroup, retake.
Who can give a root word that prefix “re” can be attach?


Very good! What else?

Eunico: re+told=retold
Very good!

7. Generalization

What is a prefix again?

Sherwin: Is a word part
added to the beginning
of a root word.

Very good! What are the prefixes that we discussed?

Eunico: ‘’un-‘’, ‘’im-‘’,

‘’dis-’’ and ‘’re-’’.

Very good! What will happen to a root word

in the presence of prefix?
Jenephine: The meaning
will be change.

Very good! What are the prefixes which have the

same meaning?
Erica: un-, im-, and dis-

Very good! What is the meaning of prefix ‘’re-‘’?

Maron: again


8. Application / Valuing

Why do we need to study prefixes?

Jenephine: We need to
study prefixes to
understand unfamiliar
Great idea! Who has another idea?
Joshua: It is important to
study prefixes for it
helps us to understand
unfamiliar words.

Very good! We need to study prefixes, because

it helps us to understand unfamiliar words, like
the text that we read a while ago. Also, prefixes
helps us to establish a good communication,
because we can understand unfamiliar words
through structural analysis using basic prefixes.

IV. Evaluation

Pick up the prefix in the box and supply it to the appropriate

root word in every question.
a. re b. dis c. im d. un

1. The old story teller told his story again.

2. Ivan likes dog.
3. Mark helps people in Tacloban to build houses destroyed by the
4. Kobe Bryant made 85,000 possible shots in NBA.
5. Carl is happy, because he cannot find a job.

V. Assignment

Match Column A to Column B.

1. im- a. mature
2. un- b. paid
3. dis- c. solve
4. re- d. loyal
e. proper

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