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Too Greedy

Theme: Acceptance

In life we should know how to accept and contented on what we have right now, because if

you will surpass your limitation it will cause selfishness to others. And too greediness will take

us nowhere, so be grateful on what you have.

When you see a mother you see God

Theme: Respect

We grow up unmindful of all the little ways in which our mothers have molded our lives to

become better. Mothers are emotional human beings and they deserve to be showered with love

that is unconditional and all-embracing. But there are mothers that are irresponsible, but even

though they are irresponsible we should respect them because without them we are not here in

this world and we can’t see how beautiful the world it is.

Heath is Wealth

Theme: Simplicity

I believe that money can change attitude of a person, because if a person has a lot of money

then they will put on their mind that they can buy anything or can get whatever they want. But

those things that you’ve buy are useless when you will die because you can’t bring things to

heaven. So if you have plenty of money you should live simple.

Theme: Future

Nobody knows our future except God. Fortune telling is not the bases of who you are in the

future. So we should put on our mind that we should not easily believe a fortune teller because

no one knows what would be our future or no one holds our future.


Theme: Contentment

If you have money you should be contented because not all things you’ve see is for sale. For

example, you can’t buy a person just to love you or to be with you because they are priceless.

What’s the use of money if you’re not happy or you are alone in you day to day lives.

Why the dead comeback no more

Theme: Decision making

We should always know how or when to decide we should not decide right away if we are not

thinking about the consequences we’ve make, because at last we will blame our self on what we

have done. It is very important to think before doing anything else so that we can do proper


The Legend of the Mermaid

Theme: Promises
When we promise to someone we should do it because we don’t know what they can do to us

if we will not do that promise. And also we should know the choices that we’ve make so that we

are ready for our future.

The King and the Farmers Daughter

Theme: Simple words

We should use simple words so that we can easily understand each other and also it would be

nicer to talk in a simple way. In communicating we should know the person whom we are talking

so that it would not cause communication barrier.

The Reward for kindness

Theme: Good deeds

When we are doing good things to others it would feel fulfilling to us because we will be

proud of our self when we are doing good thing. And also if we will be kind to others we should

not expect something in return.

The Two Cats and the Monkey

Theme: Contentment

A selfish person also ends up losing friends or loved ones because no matter how charming or

interesting a selfish person may be, a relationship with a selfish person is hard to maintain. So if

you are selfish you should change that as soon as you can if you want to start living a life filled

with joy and free of selfishness.

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