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Chapter 6: Social Responsibility of Business and Government

Social Responsibility issues

•Social Responsibility​ – refers to the duty of a business to contribute to the well-being of a
● A business must weigh the interests and concerns of many groups.
○ Protection of the environment
○ Inclusion of minorities and women in the workplace
○ Employment of physical challenged and older workers
○ Healthy and safe work environments

Environmental Protection
•​Conservation​ – saving scarce natural resources.
● Some natural resources can not be replaced
•Non-renewable Resource​ – a natural resource that cannot be replaced when used up.
● Gas, Oil, Minerals (Copper and Iron)
•Pollution​ occurs when the environment is tainted with the by products of human actions

Work Place Diversity

Businesses are more and more sensitive to the role of:
● Women
● Ethnic Groups
● Physically Challenged (ADA)
● Older Workers
•Members of these groups must have equal access to education, training, jobs, and career

Job Safety
•The work environment should provide full protection from fire and other hazards
● Workers need to know how to manage the unexpected
● Employee Training
•Safety standards are regulated and enforced by agencies
● Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Employee Wellness
•A healthy workforce is a productive workforce
•Business do a number of things to improve the health of a work force
● Stop-smoking seminars
● Counseling for Employees w/ drug problems
● Weight-loss sessions
•Clauses are often included in labor contracts that relate to employees well-being
Social Responsibility Evaluation
● Expanded justice for groups of a society
● Enhanced company image
● Reduced need for government actions
● Improved quality of life in a community and around the world
● Increased awareness of social issues among workers, consumers, and others
● New nonpolluting or safer equipment
● Building repairs to remove risks
● Wellness and rehabilitation programs
● Social projects sponsored by a company

Business Ethics
● Ethics​ – principles of morality or rules of conduct
● Business Ethics​ – rules about how businesses and their employees ought to behave
● A code of ethics can help a business identify proper employee behavior

Code of Ethics
•A set of rules for guiding the actions of employees or members of an organization
● Address topics such as confidentiality of business information
•Even with a code of ethics, the choice of proper behavior cause dilemmas for decision makers
within a business

Ethical Conduct Guidelines

•Ethical conduct of a business is greatly determined by its top management
•Ethical conduct guidelines
● Is the action legal?
● Does the action violate professional or company standards?
● Who is affected by the action and how?


● Determine the purpose of the code.
● Tailor the code to the needs and values of the organization.
● Consider involving employees from all levels of the company in writing the code.
● Determine the rules or principles that all members of the organization will be expected to
adhere to.
● Include information about how the code will be enforced.
● Determine how the code will be implemented and where it will be published or posted.
● Determine how and when the code will be reviewed and revised.

Government Protection and Activities

● Identify the roles and levels of government
● Explain the role of government protection and the legal system in business
● Describe types of intellectual property

Government in Society
● Government plays a role in all economic systems
● Our role as a citizen and voter has an effect on the decisions and actions taken by
● The role of government in the economy often changes as newly elected officials take

Roles of Government
● Providing services for members of society
● Protecting citizens, consumers, businesses, and workers
● Regulating utilities and promoting competition
● Providing information and support to businesses
● Buying goods and services
● Hiring public employees
● Raising revenue

Levels of Government
● Federal Government​ – to oversea the activities that involve two or more states or other
● Interstate Commerce​ – business dealings involving companies in more than one state
● State Government​ – regulate business actions within there own boarders
● Intrastate Commerce​ – business dealings involving companies that do business in only
one state
● Local Government​ – include county boards and city or town councils
Government Protection Activities
•Government protects your rights in a number of ways:
● Citizens are protected through police and fire-fighting services
● The armed forces provide for national defense
● National security is a chief concern of the federal government

Worker Protection
•As a worker, you have a basic right to safe working conditions
● Government inspection and regulation of work areas help reduce the number of
job-related accidents
•More government regulations result from the need to protect the basic human rights for workers

Contract Enforcement
•Contract​ – an agreement to exchange goods or services for something of value, usually money
● Contracts could be written or unwritten
•4 basic elements to be enforceable:
● Agreement
● Competent Parties
● Consideration
● Legality

Legal System
•Enforces laws and government regulations
Two types of cases:
● Criminal Case​ – brought for violations of criminal laws
● Civil Case​ – have a plaintiff who asks the courts to take action against a defendant

Protection of Intellectual Property

•Intellectual Property​ – is purely intangible, with no physical •characteristics – a person can not
touch it.
● Patent​ – gives the inventor the sole right to make, use, or sell the item for 20 years
● Copyright​ – protects the creative work of authors, composers, and artists
● Trademarks​ – a word, letter, or symbol linked with a specific company or product.

Government Regulation and Assistance

● Explain actions by government regulations
● Discuss Efforts of government to assist businesses
● Identify methods used by government to raise money

Regulatory Activities
•Business activity in the United States is structured as a private enterprise or free market
● Private organizations own the factors of productions
•Government does not get involved in some areas of business activities.
● Regulating Utilities
● Preventing Unfair Business Practices

Regulations of Utility
•Most goods and services you use come from private businesses (mostly free of gov’t
•Public Utility​ – an organization that supplies a service or product vital to all people
● Local telephone service, water, and electricity
•Government closely regulates utility companies

Prevent Unfair Business Practices

•Monopoly​ – exists when a business has control of the market for a product or service
● When competition is present, consumers get best values are fairest prices
•Antitrust Laws​ – prevent unfair business practices such as false advertising, deceptive pricing,
and misleading labeling.

Government Assists Business

•Government helps businesses by collecting and reporting valuable information.
● Incomes, prices, worker availability, and business failures.
● Census can help a business decide where a majority of potential customers live.
•Federal Government through the SBA, helps new businesses get started by guaranteeing
private bank loans

Government Buys Goods and Services

•Government spends a great deal of money each day on an array of products and services
● Total federal, state, and local government spending make up about 20% of all goods and
services produced in U.S.
● Government is a key economic force
•Many businesses depend on government contracts for their survival
● Government pays businesses to construct highways and build schools

Government Employs Workers

•Government is the single largest employer in the U.S. Economy
● About 16% of workers are public workers
•Government also employs the same types of workers as private businesses
● Administrative assistants, lawyers, teachers, meat inspectors, and data analysts

Governments Raised Money

•Government income is called Revenue
● Taxes and Borrowing
√Governments can raise revenue by:
● Fines for traffic violations
● Fees and licenses

•Government creates Tax policies to pay for the services it provides
● Earnings, property, sale price of goods and services
•​Income Tax​ – levied on the income of individuals
● Largest source of revenue for government
•Property Tax​ – based on the value of land and buildings
•Sales Tax​ – state or local tax on goods and services that is collected by the seller.

•Government borrows money by selling bonds
● Banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions help finance governments
by purchasing bonds in large numbers
•By borrowing money, the government becomes a debtor and must pay interest on its debt.

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