Prim Cyril S. Aranjuez Maed-1 English

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EDUC101: Educational Philosophy
St. Mary’s College of Tagum, Inc.
Graduate Education Program

1. Make a reflection paper of the contributions of the following medieval philosophers:

1.1 St. Augustine
St. Augustine’s educational focus was on the interpretation of Scriptures and
Christian beliefs. Val (2016) added that St. Augustine became a believer in Christian
principles, his writings, “Letters of Saint Augustine”, strongly support that his ultimate
faith was based on the intense study of Scriptures and other authors’ writings on religious
matters. St. Augustine is truly a believer as well of critical thinking skills. With this belief,
this is a great contribution to education for this is very evident to every type of lesson
plan. Whether it may be a 4As lesson plan or 5Es and even the RVM Pedagogy. The
presence of unlocking students’ critical thinking skills is one of the highlights in the said

Augustine was a strong advocate that the written and spoken word were powerful
skills worth learning. We can relate this in the common activity given by every English
teacher – debate. This is a great activity wherein students will be able to unlock and
unleash its inner talents when it comes to speaking and vocabulary. This is in relation to
St. Augustine’s belief.

With the contribution of St. Augustine, a better educational institution will be

realized and a better understanding will be provided for every learner.
1.2 St. Thomas Aquinas

Aquinas' philosophy--known as Thomism was a concept that attempted to

combine the supernatural and natural orders of human existence. The Supernatural
Order encompassed: truth revealed through scripture, God-given free will to man, and
rationality. His contributions to Medieval educational philosophy bridged the gap
between classical learning and Christianity (“Roots of American Educational System”,

Bourke (1960) added as well that the goals of education are to teach man issues
which are worthwhile through knowledge of different subjects. The use of logic will be
used to teach man scientific knowledge, mathematics, natural philosophy, and
metaphysics. Faith will surely be not forgotten as well. Theory of Transmission is under
St. Thomas Aquinas as well. With the given contributions of St. Thomas Aquinas, I can
really say that it is very helpful especially if the academe’s main goal is to produce a
holistic student. Logical as well in a sense that procedural knowledge must be done for a


student to fully understand the said lesson. Same as in teaching, one should not
overwhelm the student with many useless questions, but rather with ones which are
primary and fundamental. Students should be given a clear knowledge of the issues for
them to fully cope with their difficulty in the lesson. This is a great general rule which
should be observed in educational institutions from early childhood to post-graduate
education. This is a great way to fully hone a globally competent student.
1.3 Rene Descartes

Apart from his work in philosophy, Descartes was a leading mathematician and
scientist. He invented the Cartesian coordinate system, developed analytic geometry and
laid the foundation for the development of calculus. With his metaphor in the knowledge
of education as stated, “the whole of philosophy is like a tree whose roots are
metaphysics, whose trunk is physics, and whose branches, emerging from the trunk,
are all the other sciences, which may be reduced to the three principal ones, namely,
medicine, mechanics, and morality.” As teachers, this is a great way to impart knowledge
to the students with a thinking that “I must be the kind of teacher that the students can feel the
WANTS in learning”.

The art of questioning in a classroom is what the main contribution of Descartes is

in education. This values the logical thinking skills and freedom of every student when
it comes to learning. The practice of guided learning is an evidence as well in Descartes
contribution to education. Therefore, each person is ultimately his/her own teacher.
However, in order to oversee the validity of the questioning method being used in
scientific matters, Descartes may appropriate the presence or advice of an individual who
is considered to be an expert in his/her field of study to act as a “mediator.”
1.4 Immanuel Kant
With Kant’s view in education, moral philosophy in line with the education is
apparent. Kant see human being as a unique existence who needs education and think
that human being can be a person only with education. This is being supported by Bayrak
(2014) which he stated that to support Kant's education regarding opinions moral
philosophy, it will be going to take up about education and moral education opinions.

In relation to Kant’s theory of learning, no matter how complete the theory may
be, a middle term that provides a connection and transition is necessary. This means that
authenticity is a great component in every teaching-learning process. The teacher must
know how to relate every lesson in real life situations and real-life problems for the
students to fully understand one’s lesson. That is what connection and transition is. This
can also be related to the spiral education that we have right now. We have the same
disciplines from early childhood up to the higher education but if we will just look
closely, it is just the same but a different level of difficulty.


The main goal of education which is to develop every learner to be an effective
citizen of the country – Kant has a contribution for that. As what he had stated,
“knowledge is no more than a means to an end .... unless knowledge can be put in the
service of appropriate ends, it cannot truly benefit individuals or society”. Rather than a
systematic study of theories, this succinct treatise encompasses Kant's thoughts on the
subject of education.

With his positive outlook in education which includes a conviction that human
nature can be continually improved, this is a great opportunity in teaching-learning
process whenever a teacher will educate the learners with upliftment in every teaching.
Whenever the teacher will remind and show to the learners that education is not a burden
but an opportunity.



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