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sysezpk.p.k) 1=(0.0.001:1} step(syss end For the secon order system, if we add a poe it changes to third order. To study the effect of additional poles, Tocation of poles | Effect on time response To study the effect of additional eros, Location of zeros | EHfecton time respante 10 16) Fffeet of loop gain of a neyative feedback system on stability The following program is used 10 study the effect of loop gain of # negative stability. The value of gain k i varied and different step responses are obtained, de z=) pal0.5+i 054i systezpk(zpk1) sys2ezpk(z,p.42) sysdezpk( p43) ={0.0.01:20} Iyl.tiestep(sys1,0) Festep(s952.0) [ytiestepisysiys) plotitylty2ty3) 1. What is mea by time response ofa system? 2. What de you mean by damping factor? ‘CONTROLS SYSTEMS LAB visem 0 DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGG. periment No.2 RCLEAD COMPENSATING NETWORK ‘Aim: To design a passive RC lead compensating network forthe gi ‘bain its frequency response a specifications and to Apparatus Required; Resistor, capacitors, wires, n and phases frequency meter. Theory: TF sinusoidal input is applied to the input of a network and steady state output has a phase lead, then network is called lead compensatorinetwork. Lead compensator his a zero ats = 1/T and pole at $= 1/ al’ with zero closer to the origin than pole. This compensator speeds up the transient response and increases the margi of stability of a system. I also helps wo increase the system ertor constant through (0 @ limited extent, These compensators are used when fast dynamic response is required. Ect of Phase Lead Compensation 12 LY sewed enemin ine cont Seta IE RESPONSE OF SECOND ORDER SYSTEM, am ‘To obtain tho time responso of a socond order system, ApeaRaUs iam Tape Range Time Response Ki Paich Cords ‘Cathode Ray Grellessope: muroRY. When @ system i given an excitation (INPUT), there f a response (OUTPUT). ‘his response varies with tine, and is called the time response. Time response is divided into two parts. 1) Transiant Response «tis the part of razpense thal goes to 2ere as the time nereases 2) Steady slate Response - Thal past of the response that remairs fier the tangents have dled ot IME RESPONSE SPECIFICATIONS: Delay Time (td): «1 the value of time tequited forthe respome foreach 5% of final value in rst attempt Rise fime (1) It isthe time requited for the response to rise from 10% 10 90% of the final value for the over damped system and 010 100% value for under amped system. Peak Tine (ip): I the time tequted for the response to reach the peat of the tme tesponce or te peak cvennoot Peak Ovenhoot (MP): + I indicates the nomalzed diference between the time resporse peak & sleady stale output IS ‘efined as pea percent ovehoo! 6M PLP CO) 199) (00) Wnere © (ip) output at = tp & € (00) fe teady state output Setting time (9: tis the time requurac for the response to reach nd slay within 2 speciic tolerance band (usually 2 to 5X) of ie final value, LY, atte nd tom it cots Sep pat lp al yet ‘vo0o| eel vee (Criical damped case 1, sacs eaten nea mae 6. Steady State Eno: + It indicates the cor between the actual Durtput & cesred output as tends 16 infinity Esselimfett)-€@0} toe PROCEDURE Mate connections as shown in ercuat diagram. Connact repented step input to RLE ecu Make power onto the un Connect C.2.0. at tho cutput and adjust CRO. to got stable pattem on C80. Vary 8 by potentiometer and for a given sel of values of L&C, nate down for cntcaly camped response Vary @ to obtain under damped response and mene R value, lime response specifications. Prot the same response cn Graph paper. NOTE: Actualvalue of Ris + resistance of mauctance PRECAUTIONS. 2. Circuit connections should nat be made while power son 3. Readings of meters must be taken wlihout parallax ecr. RESULT: Time Response specifications ae oblaived ASSESMENT QUESTIONS ; 1. Vihatis delay time? 2. Whats tee tne? 3. Whatis peak time? 4 Whats peak overshoot? 5. Whatiesotting time? BY, tte ton it cont Seta THEORETICAL ossenve pra OVERSHOOT OvERsHoor ser sera CALCULATIONS. a MPeetfi=F x 100% aM: To study the characteistics of synchro transmitter and receiver stem, APPARATUS: ‘sno [em [iver [Rance | ouawnry 3 [Sineivos it 1 2 [Palen Cord meow: The term synchro & a generic name for a famly of inductive devices which works on the principle of a rotating tansformer basicaly they are ‘electios mechanical devices or electromagnetic tansctucers whieh produces ‘an o/p voltage depending upon angular position of the rotor a symctro syplem is formed. by inler connection. The basic syncivo is uualy called a synchro wranemitter. te constucton is similar to that of a three phase ‘altemater. he stator stationary member) is of laminated siicon steel and i otted to accommodate a balanced thee phase winding which s usualy of Cconcentic call fype f (thee identical cot ate placed in the stator with their ‘auls 120 degiee apart) and bs ¥ connected. The rotors @ dumb bel shape ‘ype in corstruction and wound with a concentic cal. An ac. voltage applied to the (olor winding through sip rings. The syslem sel up is corsits of “gnchro transmitter and synchro recelver on a sngle rigid panel housed in MS. cabinet plates, Rotor postion of Tk and Rx is matked by graduated angular scale with pointer anangement, AC input excitation supply for rotor of Te and Ris provided intomaly and panel switches are provided to make it On and Off independerity, Test points for Te and Re stator ard Rotor points se provided on panel pRocepue 1. Connect the mains supply tothe unit. 2. Vatying roto" poston of Transmitter in steps of 3 note down Ver, Ves, Vern edings 2) pao toads an eae ae com Syma TA seeeemepetntone Connect 1, $2, $3 of Taansilte to $1, $2, $3 of receiver respectively Move the rotor of synctro Transmitter in stepsof 30 degrees and note down the change in Receiver rotcr Enter the input angular position Transmitter rotor and output angular postion of Receiver roto in tabula form and plot a graph. Pot gaphsettinas A) ise, Vow, Ves) Ve 8 » au The characteristics of ynchos are obiained ftom the graphs ceann. PRECAUTIONS: Loase connections are lo be avoided. Citeut connections shoud not be made whle pawerison, Roading: of meters must be taken without parallax rar Handle the pontersin gentle manner. De not attompt to pull out the pointers De nat short rotor or stator terminals. ASSESMENT QUESTIONS. nats a synenro? What s tho uso of synchro? Wihalis the combuctional diference between synchve tansritter kaynetwo tecener? Whats the relation between a synchro & a tansforne:? Wineredowe get maxmumemf ina synchro? Whon we wil got maximum om in asyncho? Wihatis the phase diferent between thiee vallages induced in the stator of synehvo and why? Hew do you determine zero position of smchro what she enor votage Induced 7 1 sees atone nea mae cua Spm 1, sacs eaten nea mae 4, CHARACTERISTICS OF DC SERVO MOTOR ‘To Study the D.C Sorvomoter charactosistes. Ta Devons it Mulimeter Paich cord moe. DC Servomater are broadly classfied as }) Armature contoled de sevomoter 1) Feld controled de sevomotor In Amature contrallad OC Serva motor the fisldis excited by a constant de supply. Ifthe feld curent 's corsiant then speed bdlectly proportional to amatize voltage and torque ¢ proportional to armature current. Hence torque and speed can be contoled by armature voliage reverstie operation Is paste by revering the aimature voltage. in smal motors the armature voltage is controlled by a vatiable resistance. Infield contoled de servomotor the amature supplied wih a constant curent or voltage. When amature valiage is constant the torque is proportional to fleld fue since the fiekd curent Is proportional 1 ‘uy, he torque of the motor is controlled by controling the field curent Reversible apetation is posible Ly reversing the fled curent the response of field contioled moter however sowed by Feld nductance, VaG) “F269 * @a + Sia) 6) Fa) #0) Tis) = 1) Tee) = US? #5) lee) es) Vacs) Ce, + SLNOS? + FDR ES LY sees tandem ine com Seta lamp 1. Determine Za= la, Take theaverage oft La=Xe/2nt {2 DETERMINATION OF ta 3. Conect the ecu at per the cteult chagram 4. Enaute that armature is connected to a. supply. Switch ON the main power supply Vary armature voltage i steps and note down armature curent meSuL: The tansferfunction of OC sero motaris thus obtained. PRECAUTIONS 2. Circuit connections should nat be made while power son 3. Readings of meters must be taken wlihout parallax ercr ‘ASSESMENT QUEsTONS. 1. Whatis a serverotor? Wiha are the appications of sewvomotor? Hew can we get the feed back characteris of O¢ Servomotor? How do you toad the D.C Servoma%or? nya servomotcr should nct be switched on load? Vinal is a mathematical model ? Wha ists mporiance? Hew do you deline transfer function? What sitssignfcance? What are Ko, Ks LY sewed enemin ine ako responce to the output vatiations that may ee due to noise fa the: sensing, conditioning and feedback network which is unnecessary and bhence these pats must be precson type PROCEDURE. 1 Connact the circuit a: per the block diagram shown Snitch ON the main power supply and solact Input square wave signal of corisin amplitude and fequency. Nate the put ‘naveloin from CRO. PContslier Switch ON Proportional stage keoping integral, detvative tage in OFF pestton Vary the proportional gain ke for 3 to 4 values and nate down the Oulput CG) waveforns foreach value. PDConuelles, Snitch ON derivatve stage keeping intogaral stage OFF and fix Ke at certain value. 5. Vary Derivative gain D for 3 to 4 values and Note down the Oulput CG) waveforms foreach value PLcontiter: 7. Snitch OFF D, stage, Switch ON Integral stage and Fx Kat cortain value 8. Vary Integral gaint for 3 to 4 values and note down the output CG) waveforms for each value. PID Contos: 9. Snitch ON all the three controler fx derivatve, Intogral contoter at certain values. 10. Vary proportional controler gain Ks and note down output C(S) wavetous, 11. Compate the oulpul wavefomns fer diferent contol gains and late remarks on the effects of vou controler Qaine on 2 Orde system tme response specticatons esutr ters are studies BY setae nto Com peta PRECAUTIONS: tose connections are to be avoided. Crcuit connection: should no! be made while poweris on. Readings of meters must be taken without parallax ertor ‘ASSESMENT QUEsONS. What bthe use of a contrllerin controlsystern? What the use of proportionality controle’? Why bintegral contioler used? Why kattterential controller usect? How con you city an exer using controller? What meant by sampling network? How do you sente the errors in a conttol system? What do you mean by tuning of contcler? \Wrich conmeieris most commoniy used?

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