How To Install Nvidia Driver On RedHat 6.6

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The provided Nvidia driver which comes with the EasyInstall DVD supports only the newer Nvidia

cards. If
you need to install the driver for e.g. the NVS 295 proceed as follows.

The necessary driver can be found on or

on the \\\software\FOXMAN-UN\RHEL+R9CSP2-EasyInstall

Not tested but maybe easier

Select the Kickstart which installs the new Nvidia driver.

Go to runlevel 3 (CTRL ALT F2 and then telinit 3)

uninstall the driver using command sh NVIDIA-Linux-* --uninstall. The driver is on the DVD
under AddONs. You may find it under /root as well.
After the uninstall install the other driver with command

sh /root/ -asXZ --kernel-source-


Now reboot and hope for the best.

Tested on two DELL T5500 from Qatar NMS

Select the Kickstart which installs the no Nvidia driver.

The problem is now that the kernel has the nouveau driver built in which supports NVIDIA cards but not
properly. E.g the UCST RMB commands get unreadable with a mouse over event.

To uninstall the nouveau driver proceed as follows.

open the file /etc/inittab and look for the line


And change it to


Disable nouveau driver:

Open /boot/grub/grub.conf file and at the end of kernel row, add the parameters as shown

kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.32-358.2.1.el6.x86_64 ....quiet rdblacklist=nouveau nouveau.modeset=0

Run the following commands:

sh /root/ -asXZ --kernel-source-


# it may also work with no switches ( ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-<version>.run ) - if you only have one
kernel on your system

change "id:3:initdefault:" back to "id:5:initdefault:"


Note1: make sure you have installed c++ prior to all this - yum groupinstall "development tools" (already
done by Kickstart, also DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support ) is installed)

DKMS may allow to make Kernel upgrades without having to redo above steps. We normally reinstall
instead of updating a Kernel. This driver is not supported through the RedHat update from the Internet or

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