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1. Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B)?

If there is not enough

information to answer 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B), choose 'Doesn't say' (C).Write your answers on
your exam sheet.

Yale University has signed an agreement to return to Peru some 5,000 Inca artifacts removed from
the famous Machu Picchu citadel nearly a century ago. The relics - stone tools, ceramics and human
and animal bones - will be housed in a new centre in the city of Cuzco. The deal ends a long dispute
over the artifacts, which were taken from Machu Picchu by American explorer Hiram Bingham in

"This agreement ensures the expanded accessibility of these Machu Picchu collections for research
and public appreciation in their natural context," Yale President Richard Levin said. Victor Raul
Aguilar, rector of San Antonio Abad University in Cuzco, said he hoped that "all who visit Machu
Picchu will enrich their experience and understanding of Inca culture with a visit to the centre". The
International Centre for the Study of Machu Picchu and Inca Culture will be jointly run by the US and
Peruvian universities.

Peru had argued during the dispute that the artifacts were lent in 1911 but never returned. It filed
a lawsuit against Yale in 2008. Yale had said that it returned those relics which it borrowed, while it
had full ownership of many others. It also took protest marches and a letter penned by Peruvian
President Alan Garcia to his US counterpart Barack Obama to win the battle over the artifacts.

The relics will be yet another attraction for hundreds of thousands of tourists who visit the 15th
Century Inca site every year. (

1. Yale University agreed to buy 5, 000 Inca artifacts from Peru.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

2. The relics will be exhibited in the capital of Peru.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

3. Hiram Bingham first discovered Machu Pichu in 1912.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

4. The Machu Pichu collections will available for research and' public appreciation.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

5. The Peruvian president visited Barack Obama.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

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